#oh my god especially friends servers too ive seen it happen in those
arcaneyouth · 1 year
i dont know if this is something that IM wrong about or if its just commonly misunderstood. but i feel like an unstated rule of discord etiquette that some people miss is, if you go to a server that revolves around a specific persons creations (ESPECIALLY small content creators), you should be responding to them and engaging with their work bare minimum like 40% of the time you say things in that server. why are you in that server if you are not going to engage with the person or content the server revolves around ?? its not weird to send your own stuff in that server if there are channels for it, but if that's all you do youre kind of being an asshole? and i wonder if this is just a rule ive picked up on that others may not or if its something i made up for myself that im entirely wrong about. idk i just thinks its weird to show up to a small content creators server and only talk about yourself
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macklives · 4 years
session 92 end (bye 413...)
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this session was so long but so fucking hectic what the fuck
im going to try and slim it down to its bare essentials rather than go on a full rant because im pretty sure i want to make a post later on about vriska’s characterisation (not anything about me liking her/disliking her, just an analyse on her life really, so it wont be too bias because thats not the point of an analysis. i also want to do one on aradia, been meaning to for a while... hmm... damn i havent done much analogies lately, and i THINK the last long post on a character i made was about davesprite??? so its been a fucking while. that being said, ill leave a lot of details out for this end of session notes so i dont just repeat myself later on. rather will keep to plot points here and then make character points in another)
first we had a page or two where aradia confided in nepeta about her being dead which means nepeta is the only one to know this revelation. im pretty sure aradia confided because there was no other way around it, since nepeta was her server player, so it was inevitable. either way, aradia still put her trust in nep, which means, if you think about it, nobody else knows and nobody else ever will. and considering aradia asked nep to keep it a secret, it probably wont get explored by others until MAYBE later on, whenever its plot relevant, so everyone will be in the dark about it for a while which ill have to remember for future dialogue and scenes with aradia in them
then we met vriska
which, yes, is a meme. i may not have been on a lot of fandom platforms, but you cant escape some of the stuff that goes around the internet. even if you dont know undertale, im pretty sure you know of sans. or komaeda if you have/havent seen danganronpa. its just.. the memes, ya know? ive heard from many sources of the “vriska did nothing wrong” quote (even through mbmbam which??? WHAT) but since i didnt even know what it meant, i never explored it so then i never knew it was a homestuck thing. imagine my surprise...... i think even at the time, i wouldnt have known what homestuck was either honestly so it wouldnt even matter. i only recently learned about the fandom.... uhh, maybe half a year ago??? yeah, august, so my knowledge was slim but vriska is a thing ive heard before, which still shocks me
anyways back to her
so her intro was something, we pretty much found out she likes DnD (a FANATIC in fact) and feeds her lusus the flesh of living trolls. which is fucked up. but i wont get too much into detail about that until i make a post about her life on alternia and the consequences of such. or maybe just alternia in general...?? or *both* heheheh but i feel i need more information before i go off on a tangent about that
then we met??? white text dude?? who is a major asshole but an asshole with insults that hURted, to think i felt bad for VRISKA when that happened. woah.
i said before, but... karkat, he cant really hit deep because his insults are just HIM and his way to express himself. like some people find it natural to just go “FUCK YOU” to show emphasis on a point, and thats just karkats way. he may do it so aggressively that it takes you a second to realize what he said, but usually i dont take anything to heart whenever he spurts out some insults. ive progressed to the point where whatever he says, is just “karkat” and not him trying to be actively mean. rather, its now funny whenever he does say anything SOMEWHAT creative, dude has an imagination that goes on for miles
but vriska?? she IS trying to be a bully, you can tell. but i feel theres something much more to that. like shes trying to prove herself and her “blueblooded” demeanours or whatever the hierarchy is. she doesnt want to show emotions so she makes herself a barrier by being mean is what i can gather from her conversation with kanaya. im pretty sure youre not supposed to understand her until its pointed out and rather see her as an “antagonist” at first, but yeah, her insults are more pitiful than anything and i also cant take her too seriously. i may not like her as a person but her character is interesting because you cant always have the goodie two shoes as the protags. it doesnt diversify the characterisation so i like vriska as someone who makes the plot work and it becomes more interesting since you have someone that makes it harder for the main crew to progress. a happy-go-lucky adventure with no trouble and no turnabouts would be boring in a way. so having a character like vriska, or like this new white text guy, it makes you stop for a second and realize oh shit okay, here’s where shit CAN go wrong and WHY. and i do especially like it when these bastards of characters somehow have more depth than being the “bastard characters”. kinda humanizes them in a way. doesnt mean you have to LIKE them continuously, but theyre humans (trolls whatever) in the end and every person has their own story whether its for better or for worse
for example, i like her being placed into the story, along with white text, by how its all leading to this “accident” and is slowly showing us hints on what happened, but in the end, it wont be until later that we know the full story. even if it was in the past, it apparently is very vital to the plot and shapes how the characters act in the future, so important aspects like that are to look out for. and usually they only occur when theres been some trouble within friend dynamics. so without these bastard of characters, plot wouldnt grow AS strong and i often keep that in mind when i explore a story.
anyways, I HAD A POINT TO THIS: so vriska and karkat are characters who are yes, mean, but it seems to be their personality, and the way they either show emotions and convey feelings (karkat) or make a barrier so they DONT show emotions to produce vulnerability (vriska), white text guy seems to mostly be out to be an asshole. he told vriska she was useless to sum it up but im not too sure if this is one of those “first dialogue” to mould out a bias opinion before we even get to the character themselves, but judging by how vriska and karkat played out, he surely means something bad and i dont know how to explain it. but i cannot base anything off from one piece of dialogue. i dont even know what else to call him other than white text guy so...... ill just leave that out for now, until we finally get his introduction
though, i do wish to mention, and will expand on, im not wrong when i say karkat and vriska are similar but in different context. sorry if youre favourite is karkat and you dont like vriska, or vice versa, but uhhhh their introductions are so similar its uncanny and the way they’re portrayed is the same except one is more on crack about the meddling, while the other is angry about the meddling. similar to how it was with karkat, we were introduced to vriska talking with someone we knew (tavros) whom she obviously didnt like, so obviously, from her point of view, she wanted to be menacing. like how karkat was menacing to jade because she wouldnt listen to his point... he got angry, so he lashed out. but us, the readers, didnt know that. we thought “oh god its this asshole” until we made it further in the story and started to warm up to karkat. it may not be the same with vriska, she may be a bully regardless, but you cannot tell me we moulded a bias towards her character as we did when we first read karkat. theyre both truly mean to other people, maybe both for different reasons, but i do want to point out the similarities and not leave that out. im pretty sure andrew basically gave us a conversation that formed our opinion of a character right off the bat rather than go into depth of WHY they did it, and how they are naturally without the conditions of the game. which, you can also see with vriska when she conversed with kanaya. andrew started off with a character who only appears to speak once, and makes you judge them from first appearance alone, without any explanation as to why they said what they said and how they are with other characters, let says. so you assume they were simply a rude character. now look how karkat turned out. so im guessing in homestuck, the first impression should never be the opinion you stick with until MAYBE 5 more conversations with that character (each one different)
OKAY done with the vriska introduction, now to slutquius
yes, hes kinda weird, i have stated that many times. i have no idea what to say about him other than he likes porn, he likes centaur dick which just so happens to be his lusus as well and if that isnt a red flag idk what is
he also likes his lusus milk, right from the udders of his guardian
fun times, fun times
my opinion of equius kinda.. differs. which i should really put in place the “dont judge by first impression” rule, because at first i thought he was rude with, then i thought he was hhh okay, because i understood why he was being so protective over nepeta and her team placement, since the people she was going to play with WERE dangerous. but if you think about it, both sides will probably put you in danger. it just depends on which ones you confide in more to protect your back rather than those which would cause trouble on purpose, in my HONEST opinion. so equius was a little overdramatic on that part, but i got what he meant. he was on the blue team and he didnt want to leave nepeta alone without him on the red. but then this session happened. and he went back to being weird again because of the whole porn thing, especially being so open about it like dude chill youre 13. but the thing is, then i felt bad for him because hes basically touch starved. to say that he could break anything he touches, i doubt people would go up to him for hugs. in fear they would be crushed to death by a simple hug. so im guessing hes rather lonely and doesnt really know how to interact because of this. so i felt sad that he had to live a life where he needs to be careful of everything he touches so it doesnt break randomly. see? poor dude. but then things got weird. and im pretty sure hes a masochist. so my opinion on equius is a fucking cosine graph
which brings us to the final point:
gamzee and equius’ conversation
i dont even know.....like.........gamzee was unaware that equius was using him for his own power play roleplay, right? gamzee knew it was a roleplay but it had had some.. idk.... obvious sexual implications? and i bet gamzee didnt really know that? he thought they were only venting out through a simple roleplay and trying to get closer because he originally thought equius hated him, considering equius flat out said “i hate you” and gamzee went “you tell me everyday and im okay with that” so.. gamzee probably wanted only to get closer to equius so he helped out his little problem which.. thats so sweet but i feel bad he was coerced into something he didnt get, especially since he was innocent enough to go along without knowing equius’ true gain
anyways, equius was getting off with the hierarchy thing. considering he’s “lower” than gamzee, and gamzee is surprisingly ...high on the spectrum??? so equius wanted gamzee to boss him around, because it felt only natural to him since he’s the “inferior one” and gamzee is The Big Man. like i get that, but it was written in a way that was so uncomfortable, that i wish i didnt. equius is just a weird character... hes not BAD per say, but hes... hes something alright
but im really liking gamzee. the two things which struck me in that one conversation, was the “i dont get why we should dictate people by the colour of their blood, i just see people as people” piece of dialogue and “i cant go around pleasing just everything so its alright if you hate me”
thats... so good, idk. i really liked that. i also really liked when kanaya said “youre dangerous but dangerous people are needed and are important because it shapes you” like <33 my fucking heart
god homestuck may be a tad on the weird side with some of its characters but it surely knows how to create great lines of dialogue
and that concludes the long 4 hour session i did, hope you all enjoyed it
with that, i rest
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I LOVE jalexy's taz fics. Raise and get Razed is fuckin hilarious, and Do You Remember Me is so sad and sweet and Im so excited for the next update <3!
Jalexy I don’t really know you that well but from what I’ve seen you are very nice and I love seeing your icon in the chat discussions!!
Galexy is really jazzed about dnd! And she knows her stuff! It's really fun going back and forth when talking about the pros and cons of spells in different situations!
Hey Jalexy! It’s been a lot of fun seeing you around on the writer’s discord! Thanks for giving boom and me ways to customize the server to maximum non-readability – I’m sure we’ll use that information in totally responsible ways and not at all for fun and goofs. Your ideas for the potential Pacific Rim au were great – you mentioned that you like to make connections between the different stories and that’s one of my absolute favorite parts of coming up with aus. We should talk more about aus sometime! I love them so much, come and talk and share this au pit with me. (Then we can trick other people into writing them.)
I read your fic, “Raise and get Razed” and it was wonderful! I really like that you took a look at what necromancers might be beyond very goth and hiding out in caves; those are fun too, but the necromancers in your story are original and interesting! I love the idea of average people getting creative with a dark form of magic for relatively innocent reasons – I never would have considered a person using necromancy to help their farm, but asking a parent for advice using plants as a sacrifice are excellent ideas.
I think my favorite part, though, were the pun names and Lup’s reaction to them! I have no idea how you came up with so many but that entire section where the group is being asked for their names was wonderful. My absolute favorite line is this: “B- Buddy- Buddy Corpse? His name’s Buddy Corpse. It’s- it’s ironic how he- he died really c- cause I can admit that it sounds like bloody corpse but th- that’s his real god given name.” (Poor guy, how did he never notice this trend?) Lup going back to retrieve the bodies just so she could see if their names were also puns was hilarious and absolutely something Lup would do. Poor Kravitz is trying to be professional and Lup and Barry aren’t helping; it’s a mess and a delightful peek into their dynamics together!
Thank you for sharing this work and some wonderful experiences on discord, and I hope we can talk again soon! I hope you feel every bit as appreciated as you deserve to be!
I’ve also read your fic “Do You Remember Me?” that you’re collabing with hyperInactive, and I am so excited to see where you two go with it! I’m incredibly fond of aus, and especially those that explore what might have happened differently in the story with even a slight change. I really love the idea of Lup getting out of the Umbrastaff early, and this is the first time that I’ve seen it explored with Lup leaving the Umbrastaff during the Rockport Limited arc. (While I was reading I hoped that the au aspect was going to be Lup being freed early, but I was not expecting it to happen in that moment! I had to stop and try to remember if that was how the fight went down - and then the crab snapped the staff and I had a great “oh shit” moment.) That’s such a unique opportunity! Lup has the chance to see what’s happening on the moon base and react to it, but is also able to more obviously interact with events of the story in a way that she couldn’t in canon. There are so many possibilities here! I’m not sure what you’re planning with the rest of the fic, but there are several arcs filled with potential and I’m so excited to see where you go with it!
What I especially liked in the fic - something else I haven’t seen before - is Lup refusing to believe that her brother would have forgotten about her. There are a number of fics that explore Lup learning things from inside the umbrella, and in most of them she figures out almost immediately that Taako has forgotten everything, including her. I love the difference of, despite all of the evidence that might hint otherwise, Lup doesn’t believe it. (And the moment on the train when she wonders if Taako stopped looking for her after a couple of years broke my heart - she’s not angry, but she never would have stopped looking for Taako.) That’s such a realistic way to portray that realization; it’s the one thing that Lup refuses to accept until she absolutely has to, and that gives her moment of realization so much more impact. I’m very excited to see what you do with both this and other fics in the future!
"Jalexy, the apprecaition zone has led me to your Ao3 and i have never been more greatful. 'Raise and get Razed' was hilarious and all round a wonderful short read! All their names are puns and it took me a while to get it but once it clicked I died laughing. Also the setting of the barn, and their reason for summoning (pumpkings, the first instinct when pumpins arn't growing is ask a demon. im.)  was great?? I loved it. Im not very far into 'Do You Remember Me' that you have been writing with hyperInactive but bOY is it good. The lup feels are so heavy in this one, and I can assure you I'll be binging the entire fic sometime soon. Theres this wonderful mix of lines straight from the podcast as well as explorations of scenes from Lup's perspective and its just. The feels. Its just all so good."
Cool. Well I would like to say that I read some of her fics and that her strongest skill, one I really envy, is her ability for description! It’s really easy to picture what she’s saying and it’s all so real seeming. Honestly it’s an amazing skill and makes her writing great in a way that keeps my attention and I just assume everyone else’s
Their angst is absolutely A+ and their tumblr has the perfect balance of fandom v memes, and i enjoy following them v much (although I don't understand their homestuck references, which i assume are very funny based on other experiences). They're a warm and funny presence on the discord, which is mainly how I know them, and they're always around to chat or to help generate Horrible Ideas. They are eminently quotable and the discord would be an emptier place without them.
Ive got my addition! Ive read and reread your gift for candlenights sooo many times!! I love your works, but that one in particular was so funny i was dying! Badass dysfunctional reaper squad is the absolute best, and I love how you write them! You’re a ton of fun to have in the chat, from the thousands of cursed jean jokes that get dropped to the fun ideas tossed around (even in the dangerous waters of the homestuck tag). Stay cool!!
Raise and get Razed was one of the funniest TAZ fics I've read!! Barry is a nerd, the characterization was spot-on, and the sheer amount of puns... I kept laughing through the entire thing! Also, I love your blog and blog theme,, it's so soft and nice to look at.
I hope this isn't too late but for galaxies good good feels thing I wanted to say that I knew them in the McElroy party server and they've always been extremely fun to be around and just a joy to be near. they always have soft, fluffy ideas that they execute beautifully, it's good enough to be published as a children's book, and honestly, their ideas are great for when you just want to unwind with a warm and fluffy story.
Sorry this is so late ive been moving house while working full time things been slipping x.x Jalexy! Holy jazz you beautiful human, you are a day-brightener in every possible way! You're so positive and easy to talk to and an actual literal Great Human with a tumblr that is aaaaaall Good Shit (bc I legit scrolled through for a couple hours because all of it was so good?? You know how to pass on that good good content and it's ALWAYS a good day when you're on my dash. Thank you for being one of the sunshine people <3
"Hey!!! I don't get to talk to you nearly enough for how fucking cool you are, but you are super fucking cool. I wish i had so much more substace to put in this than i do, but school is kicking my ass (like always, really, fucking developmental disorders, why are they like this???) and i am a nervous bean who has seen your url and your killer handle (seriously, that nickname and handle are to die for!!! good shit right there) many times and been too weenie to talk to you. I know you are super chill and super cool, and i admire you a lot, and hopefully we talk a lot in the future. <3"
Time To Appreciate the Shit out of Alex!  Like, ok, you are just so good???? im giving up on anonymity here, you're gonna know its me by what I say.  If I tried to be vague and anonymous, I wouldnt be happy with what I said.  (Also this is gonna be super sappy bc i have two modes: Angst and Sap, and this sure as hell isnt gonna be the former).  Anyway, you are so much fun to write fics with.  Like, hands down I would write endless amounts of stories with you bc you have such good ideas, constantly.  Half the time our brainstorming is me sending you an idea that I think is decent but not that great, and then you sending back an idea that is just So Damn Good.  Your story ideas are super original too, and they're stories that if I saw them in a bookstore i would buy them in a heartbeat because I've seen nothing really like them.  And your writing never fails to make me laugh, because you just have this way of adding humor to stories that doesn't seem forced at all and I'm convinced its a whole different art form because I could never be as funny as you when I write.  And then, when the humor is super obvious in the writing it doesnt even feel wrong or clunky in any way it's just hysterical.
Your writing style is just so unique and I could read it forever.  Youve been one of my absolute Best Friends for four years now, and you've motivated me to write so much, I can never repay you for all the ideas youve given me and the beta-ing help and the brainstorming we've done that most of the time turns into us making jokes about Everything.  Do You Remember Me is one of my favorite things to write, and thats largely thanks to you.  You're just so supportive of all my writing, no matter what it is, and I hope that I'm doing a good job in return because honestly?  I think one of the reasons I'm so intent on making that fic perfect is because I want to make you proud?  You're just a huge inspiration to me and I really want you to be happy with the fics we make together.  And you'd better know that when you publish your first novel, I'll be the first one to get a copy because its gonna be amazing! You're gonna be amazing!
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