#oh my god!!! i just remembered!!!!! we literally had a conversation about Saw when you were still here!!!!!!!
sylveriasarcana · 1 month
#hey dude. words are going better today#i'm trying to be more sincere about how i feel and not cover everything up with jokes#idk if you remember how often i do that. i hope you don't. i like to think you mostly remember me for my horror movie thing#there are things i wanted to tell you but i was too busy hiding all my emotions. anyway. you know now. i tell you all the time#like that friend I really like? the one you met last week?#i always get so sad when she talks badly about herself#and i never tell her that. i just fake laugh at her self deprecating jokes#i stopped doing that#it felt... really intense. more than it should have#i'm just so not used to doing that#she said “you can be a dick to me anytime man lmao i can take it”#and i just said “I could never be horrible to you.” and i wasn't covering it with a laugh or anything like i usually do#i don't know how she reacted because i wasn't looking at her#but i said something that i really meant. no bullshit#the rush was fucking incredible#and i did it again today#she was saying how she was shit at something and i just said. i didn't agree that she was shit at things#i don't think she sees me as anything other than a friend but#i'd still like her to see the real me. not the bullshitter that turns everything into a big joke#i don't know many people i want to be real with. it never feels safe#i want to hold onto this one#i like being myself with her#anyway sorry if tonight's movie wasn't up your street. especially since it was an audio commentary#or maybe it was? you loved behind the scenes stuff. just not sure how much you're into behind the scenes stuff for Saw#oh my god!!! i just remembered!!!!! we literally had a conversation about Saw when you were still here!!!!!!!#holy shit dude i continue to annoy you with my Saw agenda from beyond the grave#this is fucking hilarious#tw death#own post#big stupid crush
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theemporium · 7 months
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[4.1k] as it would turn out, you were serious about your offer. and luke was serious about accepting. it was just going to take a while for his body to remember that this was a glorified business deal between friends and nothing more. and he was definitely okay with that. (smut)
series masterlist
Stupidly, Luke didn’t think you were actually serious. 
In his head, the whole thing felt like a fever dream, starting from the moment he spilled his drink all over you leading to the moment you blatantly asked him if he wanted you to take his virginity. It felt like one of those weird dreams that made you wake up confused and bleary and unsure what year it even was, one of those dreams that linger in the back of your head for a few days before you eventually forgot about it.
Luke would have bet money on the whole thing being a weird dream that was haunting him if it weren’t for the fact he woke up one morning, a few days  after the party, with a message from you on his screen. 
cherry🍒: on a scale from one to ten, how likely are you to spill your drink on me again?
cherry🍒: also my place or yours? 
He stared at the messages for an embarrassingly long time, like he was staring at the proof the whole thing wasn’t some messed up dream in his head. Luke had spent the better part of the summer wondering what would have happened if he had asked for your number that night like Jack always teased him about, and now he wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself with it being a reality. 
hockey boy: i cannot promise anything 
hockey boy: you are welcome to come to my place but jack will probably be here so…
hockey boy: he’s nosy 
hockey boy: and annoying 
Luke frowned at himself, finger hovering over the messages like he would have a chance to delete them before you saw them, all one after the other like he was twelve and didn’t care about double texting. Or quadruple texting. But before he could even try to hide his own embarrassment, you were typing again.
cherry🍒: my place it is then
cherry🍒: see you at seven ;)
He also didn’t care to admit how long he stared at that message before he dragged himself out of bed, trying to ignore the odd buzz itching under his skin. It wasn’t even nine in the morning and his head was already spinning.
Luke was thankful enough that it was still preseason, that there wasn’t a game he had to prepare for because he wasn’t even sure he could concentrate on anything but your messages. He had noted Jack giving him odd looks whilst they both got ready for training, giving him more space than usual as they moved around the flat (which was odd considering Jack was usually glued to his side and pissing him off whenever he got the chance). 
However, the overbearing older brother role didn’t completely disappear. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
“Yes, Jack.”
“You’re not sick or anything?”
“I’m literally fine.” 
“Because we can tell the trainers—”
“Oh my god, dude,” Luke groaned, sinking further into the passenger seat as he shot his brother a look. “I’m fine. Calm down. You sound like Quinn.” 
“Sorry for caring,” Jack retorted, his fingers tightening on the wheel before his shoulders sagged. “I’m your older brother and it’s your first year in the NHL. I just wanna make sure you’re doing alright, okay? The last thing I want is you having a shit rookie year.”
But the rest went unsaid. I don’t want you having a shit rookie year like I did.
Luke softened a little. “M’fine, promise. I’ll let you know when I need my big brother, okay?” 
Jack sighed, a small smile on his face. “Okay.”
“Now, can you please shut up so I can sleep until we reach the rink?” 
Jack snorted in response. 
Though the conversation seemed to settle the worries his older brother had, Luke knew the other boys on the team were giving him the same looks of concern. It wasn’t as though he was playing badly, it was just very clear to everyone on the team—players, coaches and trainers alike—that Luke was distracted. 
He had half the decency to be a little embarrassed when he overheard Jack reassure a few trainers that it was just rookie nerves. 
But he felt restless, like he couldn’t quite keep still or focus on one thing. He felt like there was a buzz resonating through his bones, making him painfully aware of his plans later tonight. It was like an anxiety settled at the pit of his stomach, constant and foreboding and eating away at him as the minutes slowly dragged on through the day. 
It was horrible and exhilirating in the weirdest possible way.
Luke had managed to make it through the rest of training, managed to avoid any stern talkings from the coach but unable to avoid the one from Nico in the locker room. It was sweet and awkward all at once, especially when the rest of the team were clearly listening in to make sure one of the new rookies were doing fine. The Devils were like a family and usually he would appreciate it. 
However, he wasn’t exactly going to dive into the fact he was unfocused because a pretty girl offered to take his virginity to his captain or the rest of the team. He didn’t even want to imagine how that would have played out. 
But it was sweet to know the team had his back, that they saw him as his own person rather than just Jack’s little brother who was tagging along.
Luke was relieved when you had mentioned him coming over to your place for your meeting later that day. Yet, what he failed to take into consideration was the fact his brother would still be a nosy shit on his whereabouts. 
“Where the fuck are you going?” 
Luke froze, keys gripped in his one hand and his phone in the other with your address already typed into Google Maps. He cleared his throat, trying to ignore his pounding heart as he turned to Jack with a (hopefully) nonchalant look on his face.
“Just going to hang out with some friends,” he replied vaguely with a shrug of his shoulders.
Jack paused, the spoonful of rice hovering just above his plate as he narrowed his eyes at Luke. “Is Nico hosting some rookie thing or something?”
“Uh no,” Luke cleared his throat.
Jack frowned. “Is there a team thing happening tonight that I forgot?” 
“No, uh,” Luke shuffled awkwardly, feeling like an interrogation spotlight was shining on him. “It’s nothing with the team.”
Jack raised his brows. “But you don’t have other friends outside the team.” 
Luke frowned. “Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t,” Jack retorted. “Unless you’re a part of a book club or something.” 
He shot his brother a confused look. “Why would that be the only reason I have friends outside of the team?”
“I don’t know, college and shit,” Jack answered like that explained something.
“You’re such a weirdo,” Luke grumbled before he turned on his heel, making his way towards the door again. 
“Are you at least gonna tell me when you’ll be back?” Jack called out to him, a hint of older brother overbearingness in his voice. 
“Not sure.” 
“I—” He heard Jack shuffle to stand up, his dinner now abandoned on the coffee table as he made his way over to Luke. The look of concern from earlier that morning was back on his face. “What dodgy shit are you up to that you can’t just tell me?” 
“Jack,” Luke groaned, his voice tilting towards whiny as he let out a huff of annoyance. “I’m just going out to see a friend. Nothing dodgy, I promise.”
Jack didn’t say anything at first, just letting a slow smile spread across his face.
He frowned. “What?” 
“Friend, singular,” Jack pointed out before he let out a bark of laughter, playfully punching his little brother’s arm. “Aw, little Lukey is sneaking out to hook up with a girl!”
His cheeks burned. “Shut up.”
“Fucking finally, I thought you were going celibate for your rookie year or something!” Jack continued to tease him. “Who is it? Do I know her? Oh my god, is it the girl from the party? Do you have a secret girlfriend?”
“I am leaving now!” Luke shoved him away, making a beeline for the door as Jack continued to cackle behind him. 
“Do I need to give you a curfew?” 
“Fuck off!” 
He could still hear Jack laughing when he slammed the door shut behind him.
His body felt like it was on autopilot once he got behind the wheel. He followed the instructions spoken through his GPS, kept his concentration on the road—on the journey—rather than the destination. He tried to pretend like he was just going to hang out at a friend’s, that he was back in Michigan going to one of his teammate’s houses he didn’t live with. 
It was fine. 
Everything was fine.
Except for the fact that once he reached your door, closed fist hovering over the wood, he felt like his body was buzzing too fast to keep up with and all the pent up anxiety over the day was about to make him explode. 
He didn’t even realise he had knocked until the door swung open and you stood on the other side, grinning at him like it was a normal Sunday evening. You were dressed cosy, casual even. Just a pair of leggings, a baggy shirt and some fluffy socks that had—ironically enough—cherries printed on them.
“You’re early,” you noted. 
Luke’s stomach dropped a little. “Oh shit, I’m sorry—”
“I like my men eager, you’re fine,” you said as you waved him off, unaware of the fact your words just made his body feel like it was on fire for a whole other reason as you grabbed his hand and dragged him inside. 
His eyes wandered over your apartment, taking in the small knick knacks that decorated the place. It was smaller than his and Jack’s apartment, but it felt more homely. His place had a habit of looking a little clinical, like a showroom they had moved into rather than an actual home. But between training and travelling and not really caring, neither he nor Jack had bothered to change it. 
But, looking around at the small details of your apartment as you led him towards your living room couch, Luke found it endearing that he could see small insights into your personality.
“You still like Coke, right?” 
His eyes snapped back to you, a light blush on his cheeks when he found you staring at him with intent. “Uh yeah, Coke is good.” 
He settled down on the seat, awkwardly perched on the edge whilst you curled up in the sport next to him with your feet tucked underneath him. He tried to swallow the ball in the back of his throat, eyes wandering over the room once again before they landed back on you. 
“Your place is really nice—”
“Tell me about hockey.” 
Luke blinked. And then blinked one more time before he remembered to speak.
“Tell me about hockey,” you repeated. 
“You want to know about hockey?” He questioned, his brows furrowed together and suddenly the panic he felt moments ago was overwhelmed by his confusion. 
“Well, no, I don’t really know anything about it,” you admitted with a shrug. “But you’re so tense over there like you’re about to enter the Hunger Games or something, I thought talking about something you enjoy would help you relax.” 
Something in his chest stirred at your confession. “Oh.” 
“Just relax,” you said as you lightly pushed him back until he was no longer sat on the edge of the couch. However, Luke’s body didn’t seem to catch the hint, something that was very clear with how tense he still looked sitting next to you. “We aren’t going to do anything tonight,” you assured him, your hand dropping to his forearm to give it a small squeeze. 
He didn’t know if he was relieved or disappointed. “We aren’t?”
You shook your head, a soft but cheeky smile on your lips. “You need to build up your confidence a little, to really feel comfortable with everything. There’s more to sex than just sleeping with someone.”
He blinked. “There is?”
“Yes,” you laughed, but it wasn’t directed at him. He didn’t feel dumb for asking you questions. “So just take a breath and relax. Now, hockey—what’s the big deal?” 
Luke couldn’t help but snort. “The big deal?”
“Yeah, why do you like it?” You asked. “I mean, you love it enough to make it your job.” 
Luke smiled and there was something less heavy in his laugh—but hockey always tended to have that power over him. He knew hockey. He lived for hockey. It was as calming as it was exhilarating. It was what his whole world revolved around since the day he was born. 
“I come from a big hockey family,” Luke told you. “I could skate before I could properly walk, to be honest. It’s just something that’s always…been there. I couldn’t imagine my life without it.” 
“Do you enjoy it?” 
Luke raised his brows in surprise. “No, I just do it to torture myself.”
“Okay, smart-ass,” you rolled your eyes at the boy, and he tried not to think about how endearing the action was. “I mean, you said it’s been in your life forever. Do you enjoy it or is it just familiar?”
There wasn’t even a moment of hesitation before he answered.
“I love it,” he replied honestly, sinking a little further into the couch as he turned his head to look at you. “It was always there but I also always sought it out, you know? I wanted hockey as much as hockey wanted me.” 
“Lucky thing you were good enough to go pro, huh?” You remarked, a teasing glint in your words. 
Luke’s lips twitched upwards. “Yeah, lucky me.”
“So, do you, like, fight people and shit?” 
He snorted, the noise a little surprising but welcomed nonetheless. “Yeah, sometimes.” 
“Damn, the two hockey videos I watched before you came weren’t lying then,” you mused. 
And, fuck, his chest was doing that funny-tightening thing again. 
“You watched some videos before I came?”
“Colour me curious,” you answered with a casual shrug of your shoulders.
He swallowed. “Did you like what you saw?” 
Your lips pulled upwards into a smirk. “Flirting with me now, Hughes?” 
In an instant, Luke’s cheeks instantly burned a red shade with a mix of embarrassment and self-consciousness washing over him. “I’m sorry about that—”
“I never said I didn’t like it,” you interrupted, watching as his eyes widened a little in surprise. But the colour remained on his cheeks. It was cute, if you were being honest with yourself.
“You’re not a shy guy, Luke, I’ve seen the way you are on the ice. You just need to bring that confidence off the ice too,” you told him, shuffling a little closer to him until your knee was almost brushing his thigh. “Think of this…what we are doing…as your training.” 
“My training?” 
“Mhm,” you nodded as your palm landed on his thigh, right above his knee. He was so painfully aware of your hand, of the way your touch felt like it was burning through the fabric of his sweatpants to touch his skin. “Gonna help you go pro.” 
His eyes darted down to your hand before it snapped back to your face. “Cherry—” 
“Can I kiss you?” 
He blinked. “You’re asking me?” 
“It’s sexy to ask,” you told him, your thumb lightly rubbing a small line just above his knee. You shifted a bit closer, watching the way his eyelids fluttered slightly. “Consent is really, really sexy.” 
“Really sexy,” he repeated, eyes locked in on your lips. 
“Can I kiss you?” You asked again, squeezing his leg a little to emphasise your need for him to verbally answer. 
“Yeah,” he managed to mutter out, a slight crack in his voice but you didn’t seem to care as you closed the distance between you.
Your palm was soft and warm against his cheek, guiding his head until you pressed your lips against his. It was a soft kiss, almost sweet in a way. And maybe something about the tenderness of it all washed away the unease in his chest, that lingering anxiety that he had been smothered in since he woke up. It was like the kiss washed away the lingering concerns in his head, the ones that told him this was some twisted dream or malicious ploy.
You just wanted to help, you wanted him relaxed when he was with you. 
And Luke had half the mind to trust you would do just that after the initial kiss. 
Your thumb slightly swept along the high of his cheekbone, soft and reassuring as he sunk further into the kiss. He seemed happy to let you take control, to let you decide how fast or passionate it was. He seemed happy to just follow. 
“Better than hockey training?” You murmured against his lips between kisses, the light smacking noises a vague echo in his ear but he didn’t even have it in him to be embarrassed.
“Mhm,” he hummed as he ducked his head back down, eager to press his lips against yours again. 
“Impatient,” you teased but didn’t hesitate to kiss him back. “Feeling confident already, Hughes?” 
Luke could feel your smile against his lips. “Maybe.” 
“Good,” you stated simply and before he got the chance to realise what you were doing, before his brain had even fully processed you had asked him a question, your leg was thrown over his body and you were straddling his lap.
Luke pulled back a little, looking up at you with his cheeks flushed. “Oh.” 
“Remember, this is just your training,” you reassured the boy, though it was hard for him to focus on the words coming out of your mouth when your lips were red and kiss-swollen and probably a mirror image of his own. “Just practise, yeah?”
“Just practise,” he confirmed with a nod. 
“So practise,” you told him as you reached for his hands where they awkwardly hung at his side. You gripped his wrists, giving them a small squeeze before you rested them on your waist.
He swallowed. “Oh.” 
You raised your brows. “This good?” 
“Mhm,” he nodded.
“Luke,” you prompted until his glossy eyes found yours. “We can stop any time you want. Just say the word, okay?” 
“I don’t wanna stop,” he reassured you, his hands giving a testing squeeze on your waist. “Not right now, at least. Promise.” 
And when you smiled at him, he could have sworn his heart was about to beat right out of his chest. 
His chest was thudding with each racing beat, blood roaring in his ears and butterflies exploding in his fucking chest when you leaned down to kiss him again. It’s like his brain was locked in on you at this very moment, not a care or concept for the world beyond this apartment. It was just about you, you, you.
And then your hands were pushing through his hair, fingers tangled in his curls as you tugged his head back until the column of his neck was exposed to you. 
Luke was almost embarrassed of the whimpering noise that left his lips when you tugged on his curls, a dull but desirable pain coursing through his whole body before your lips explored his neck. His breathing was heavy, borderline panting as your teeth scraped along the sensitive spot just below his ear. And, fuck, he felt like his whole body was on fire. 
“Hmmm, pretty noises,” you murmured against his neck, wet and sloppy open-mouthed kisses pressed against his skin as his body squirmed beneath you. “You gonna keep making them for me, baby?”
He nodded.
“Yeah?” You nipped his skin lightly, almost teasingly, as his hips bucked up on instinct. “Keep moaning f’me, baby, let’s see what you like.”
His grip on your waist only tightened as you continued to explore his body, as you tried to find the spots that had him whining and panting beneath you. And just when Luke thought he had a hold on himself, when he could handle the way your hands felt in his hair and your lips on his neck, your hips slowly rolled down against his and he could feel a rush of pleasure race down his spine.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he choked out between broken moans, head thrown back against the back of the couch and eyes clenched shut. “Please. More.”
“You want more?” Your warm breath fanned against his cheek as you lifted your head, hooded eyes watching the way his face scrunched up in pleasure as you continued to rock against him. “Keep making those pretty noises, baby.” 
The whimper he let out made his cheeks and neck burn bright red. 
“Look at you,” you mused, the bulge in his sweatpants pressed against you as you continued to grind down on his lap. “Doing so well for me, telling me what you want.”
And it was too much. 
The constant stream of praise leaving your lips, the way your face was inches away from him—even if his eyes were shut—with your breath hot against his cheek. The way your hips rocked against his hard cock, the way it was straining beneath the boxers he was wearing. The way your fingers gave another experimental tug on his curls and he saw white. 
His grip on your waist was almost bruising with how tight it was, the way he held onto you as his hips bucked to meet your thrusts, the way your name left his lips on a loop as a hot flush of pleasure washed over his body, as you guided him through it. 
And once his brain had caught up—once he was sure his heart wasn’t going to jump out of his chest—he was painfully aware of the sticky mess in his sweatpants. 
“Oh my god,” he muttered, his whole body burning with embarrassment as he looked up at you. “I am so sorry—” 
“For what?” 
“I—” His eyes fell shut, his body wanting nothing more than to curl in on himself. “I’m sorry, that was embarrassing.” 
You frowned. “What was? The fact you came?” 
His stomach twisted a little.
“Luke,” you murmured, and he could feel your hands cupping his warm cheeks but he didn’t have the courage to open his eyes just yet. “If I didn’t want you to come, I wouldn’t have been grinding on your dick like that.” 
He finally looked at you, but the hot shame remained. “You didn’t even…” 
“Get off?” You supplied and he looked sheepish as he nodded. “I can still enjoy something and find it hot without getting off, Hughes.”
His brows furrowed together. “I thought the whole point was that you were teaching me how to make you feel good. For womankind.” 
You snorted, grinning down at the boy. “That doesn’t mean you can’t get off too.”
Luke’s lips parted with a silent ‘oh’.
“I’ll grab you some sweatpants to change into,” you told him as you shifted off his lap, looking down at his flushed cheeks and dazed eyes. “You’re a good student, Hughes.”
He raised his brows. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you grinned back at him, and his chest did that funny thing again. “And I wasn’t lying. You make pretty noises. I like my boys vocal.” 
And Luke was thankful you disappeared down the corridor after that, saving him from even attempting to come up with a response. 
And he was shocked that once he cleaned up as best he could in your bathroom, you patted the spot next to you on the couch and told him to choose a movie whilst you ordered in some food. 
It was almost laughable to think about how anxious he had been all day, only to lead up to him sharing a pizza with you with some old Jim Carey comedy playing in the background like you two really were just friends. Like you were just hanging out and enjoying each other’s company. Like you hadn’t just made him come in his pants like he was some wound up teenage boy. 
It made his head spin, in a good way. 
And when he was dragging his feet through the front door of his apartment a little after midnight, there was a voice in the back of his head that was telling him this was risky, that he shouldn’t have felt so giddy or jovial after he had seen you. 
You were just training him, helping him. You were just his friend. 
But, for right now, Luke was happy to ignore the logical voice in the back of his head and instead focus on the fact that maybe—just fucking maybe—you were right and this whole virginity thing was far more bigged up in his head than he realised. 
You were his friend. And he knew you were just his friend. 
Who cares if his body took a little longer to remember than his brain did?
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alotofpockets · 7 months
The unexpected gift | Alessia Russo
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Pairing: Alessia Russo x Reader
Summary: Meeting Alessia at a bar while she's out celebrating her birthday.
A/n: In honour of Lessi's birthday :)
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 1.5k
You were looking around the busy bar, trying to find the friends you had arrived with. Only one of them was still sharing the table with you. “Have you seen the rest?” Emma shakes her head, “I saw Lexi leaving with some guy like fifteen minutes ago, and the last time I saw Mandy, she was making out with a girl on the dance floor.” You laugh, “Maybe we should go and find some people too.” You see your friend looking over your shoulder, “I think I found just the right person.” Her face lights up, so you look over your shoulder to see who she’s looking at. You immediately knew who she was talking about, “Em she's totally your type. You should go for it!” You encourage her. “You'll be alright on your own?” You've probably never nodded faster in your life, “Go shoot your shot!” 
Now it was just you. First, another drink, you thought as you got up and headed to the bar. You had never been one to just step up to a girl and shoot your shot, so you were going to need some more liquid courage. What you hadn’t expected was for a girl to literally fall into your arms.
You quickly react and catch her before she falls down completely. “Oh my god, I am so sorry.” The girl starts apologising profusely, her words barely registering as you’re immediately lost in her piercing blue eyes. “It's okay, but you could've just said hi, you know?” The girl visibly relaxes at your joke. “Hi.” She says with a big smile on your face. You went from being mesmerised by her eyes to being mesmerised by her smile. The girl was absolutely stunning, and you thanked the universe that you were the one she fell into. “Hey,” you send her a smile back, “what brings you out tonight?” 
“I’m actually here celebrating my birthday with some of my friends. What about you?” At that the girl in front of you seemed to remember that it wasn’t just the two of you in the room. “That’s so fun, happy birthday! I’m here with a couple of friends too, except they all left to go make out with strangers.” You joke.
Before the blonde could respond, a hand fell onto her shoulder, “Oi Lessi, what’s taking so long?” Lessi, you smile now knowing her name. She nudges her head your way, hoping that her friend would leave her alone. “Oh, I see.” She says with a smirk, as she sees her friend's cheeks flush. The girl looks your way. “What are you drinking?” You give her your drink of choice and thank her before continuing your conversation, “So, Lessi is it?” She holds out her hand, “Alessia actually.” You shake her hand, “Y/n.” You realise you hadn’t let go of her hand yet, so you slowly retract it. “You should join me and my friends.” She said with a smile you couldn’t say no to even if you wanted to. So, when Alessia’s friend presses a drink into your hands, you find yourself following the two to the other side of the bar. 
“Sorry for the wait, but don’t fear Katie is here with the drinks! Also, this is y/n, she’ll be joining us.” You wave to the group as a bunch of hello’s are thrown your way. Since the group was large enough to entertain themselves, Alessia guided you over to a free spot at the table, so you could continue your conversation. “You’ve got quite the group of people here with you.” You comment, looking out over the twenty something girls surrounding you. “Oh yes, I play football, and these are all my teammates. Since we’re such a big group when we all go somewhere, I like to just invite them out instead of having to host this many people at home.” 
She tells you all about football, and her experience playing in the euro’s after you asked for it. You found it adorable that she was so passionate about her sport. You hadn’t even realised an hour had gone by since you had sat down, until one of her friends stood in front of you. “Less, come on, we want to go to the next bar.” The girl was looking at her expectantly, and looked to be very excited for their next step of the night. “You promised us karaoke, now let’s go.” Alessia looks between the two of you, “Okay Beth, calm down. We’ll go to the karaoke bar, tell the girls to get ready, and I’ll be right there.” 
Once Beth turns around you hear her loudly announce to the group that you’re going to the next bar, you smile at her enthusiasm showing so clearly. “She’s really into karaoke, huh?” Alessia laughs, “I think she just enjoys watching everyone embarrass themselves, honestly. Would you want to come with us? I don’t want our time to end yet.” You loved the idea of spending more time with Alessia, so you agreed. “I’m not singing though.” 
You quickly text your friends where you’re going as you were grabbing your coat, before you join Alessia’s friends outside. Alessia wasn’t there yet, so you make small talk with Lia, Vic, and Leah. A few minutes later you saw Alessia approaching, but before she reached you, she tripped over her own feet. Luckily Leah was quick to catch her this time. “That twice now, seems like you really needed some fresh air.” You laugh. “Trust me it’s not just the alcohol, she’s naturally clumsy.” Vic says, earning herself a playful shove from Alessia. 
The karaoke bar was busy, so it took a while before any of the girls got to sing, but the atmosphere in the bar was great. You were dancing and singing along to the music along with the rest of the girls.
Beth, Jen, and Steph, were the first ones up on the stage, performing their rendition of ABBA’s Dancing Queen, they fully let go and belted the lyrics to the audience, and they sang it back just as loud.
As the night went on, you found yourself getting closer and closer to Alessia. Until eventually, her arms were around your waist, while you were swinging to the music together.
You didn’t want the night to end, but the bar was slowly emptying out, and you knew it was going to close soon. “Alright, last song everybody. This is Sweet Caroline performed by the Arsenal Women's team.” The DJ announced. The girls made their way to the stage, and before you had time to resist, you got dragged along with them. 
Blending into the group, you let go and sing along with the words to the song.
Hands, touching hands
Reaching out, touching me, touching you
Sweet Caroline pam pam pam
Good times never seemed so good
You had to admit that that was a lot of fun. 
Once everyone was out of the bar, Alessia took you aside, trying to get away from the loudness of her friends. “I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you for inviting me to join your birthday celebration.” Her smile grows, “Of course, I am so glad that I did. Thank you for a great night. Actually I was wondering if I could see you again sometime, like take you out on a date." She started fiddling with the rings on her fingers, suddenly becoming nervous. So, you take her hand in yours, “I would love to." Her nerves faded away just as quickly as they had appeared. “Yeah? That’s great. Let me get your number.” You put your numbers in each other’s phones. 
“Thanks again for a great night.” Alessia said, taking your hand in hers again. “Likewise, birthday girl.” You’re about to move back to the rest of the group when you get an idea, and turn to Alessia again. “I haven’t given you a birthday gift yet.” Alessia laughs, “I mean I didn’t really give you any notice.” You smile at her quick joke. “That’s okay, I’m great at improvising.” You take a step closer to her, and lean in to kiss her. 
Her lips are soft on yours, and you taste the sweetness of the cocktails she’s been drinking on them. You break the kiss with flushed cheeks from the wolf whistles and cheers coming from the group behind you. So, you lean in to whisper into her ear, “Happy birthday.” 
Your house was only a couple blocks away, but Alessia insisted on you joining her in her Uber, making the driver take an extra stop. “Text me when you get home?” You ask as you get out, and she nods, “I will.” 
When she was alone in the Uber, Alessia starts reminiscing on her birthday. She had a great time with her teammates, and got a lot of great presents. Thought, the unexpected gift of meeting you, was her favourite gift of all.
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borathae · 8 months
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“You and your friends celebrate girl’s night at the penthouse. This however, isn’t an excuse for Jungkook not to receive his welcome home kisses. You won’t complain, he’s your cutie after all.”
Pairing: CEO!Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, casual BDSM
Warnings: just girlies being best friends <3, they talk very freely about kink, she shows off her playroom, mentions of sex work & BDSM events, mommy kink, Kookie being her cute Bunnybaby <3
Wordcount: 2.5k
a/n: i reread the caravan chapter of aaol and in it, Koo mentions that she can bring her girl friends over for girl's night whenever she wants to. so i wrote something about that feat. Koo being a cutie. have fun besties 🤎
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You had your girls over tonight. It has been ages since you last saw them and it couldn’t be any more exciting to have them stay at your place. You call it your Paradis Girls’ Sleepover. Hyejin brings the snacks, Byulyi the drinks, Yongsun is responsible for the face masks and Wheein brings candles. You offer them your guestrooms to sleep in, comfy pajamas to wear and fluffy socks to show off. 
The sleepover started at four. Hyejin and Wheein were the first to arrive. Like always. Yongsun was next and Byulyi came last. You all greeted each other with happy squeals and tight hugs, falling into excited conversation instantly. Your voices overlapped, everyone had something to tell and unsurprisingly, nobody was heard. You giggled about it and then agreed on taking turns telling your stories. 
Yongsun and her now-fiancé are currently trying for a baby and are moving apartments. She stopped working at Paradis four months ago. You knew of the last fact of course because you and the others were her emotional support cheerleader in the group chat during the process. She doesn’t miss the work and says that sex with her partner feels so much better all of a sudden. 
“That’s what I’m always saying. Sex hits so good when you’re only doing it with your love”, you say, snacking on some salted pretzels.
“Yeah I agree, it hits hard. You’re especially lucky though. Kook’s kinky as fuck”, Yongsun says as she sips on her makgeolli.
“Is Shiwon vanilla?” Wheein asks, “that’s news to me.”
“Oh hell no, not vanilla. Just not as kinky as Kook. You guys have a playroom. That’s so hot.”
“Oh, yes right!” you exclaim, clapping into your hands, “Yongsun, do you still wanna tell us more? Because I just remembered that we redid the toy shelves and you didn’t even see them yet.”
“Okay slay. Please show us”, Hyejin says, “unless you still want to talk, Yongsun. We don’t wanna cut your time short.”
“No, I can still talk during the house tour. I need to see the new shelves.” 
“Slay. Let’s do that”, Hyejin says and gets up from the couch.
You and the other girls follow. 
“Did you realise that you’ve started saying slay all the time?” Byulyi asks.
“Yes god so annoying”, Hyejin groans, “I’m watching this streamer and she keeps saying slay all the time. I can’t stop doing it because of her. Last night, I literally told one of my customers slay after we finished”, she whines, making your little group chuckle. 
“Did he say something?”
“Yeah, he asked me what it meant and I had to explain to him. He said that he didn’t get it and then left. Weirdo, it’s not like he wanted to lick cheese sauce outta my belly button before that.”
Wheein cracks up, you and the others laugh as well. You can clearly imagine how weird that customer was. You had so many of those during your time at Paradis.
You chat about the streamer on the way to the playroom. Hyejin tells you that she really likes her streams and that she always watches them in the evening during dinner and her night routine. She then proceeded to gush about this new rice water moisturiser she is trying, which in return made Byulyi think of how she got a new favourite brand of rice. Conversation shifted to Byulyi and her favourite brand of rice and how she thought of so many recipes already. Wheein asked for them and Byulyi gladly shared them. 
You keep the door to the playroom open, turning on the lights.
Your girls gasp and coo in unison, looking around the playroom with sparkling eyes.
“This won’t ever lose its spark”, Yongsun gushes, “it’s so hot. Seriously I’m getting all wet just being here.”
“Totally understand you”, Wheein agrees. 
“Wait till you see the upgraded toy drawers. That’ll make your clits throb”, you tell them, leading them to the drawers with a happy skip in your steps. 
The ladies follow you happily, looking left and right to really take in everything.
“Is that swing new?”Hyejin asks.
“Mhm? That?” you look at the black leather sex swing, “I think you girls haven’t seen it yet, but we’ve had it for like seven months.”
“Slay. Did you use it already?”
“What do you think?” you say and grin mischievously.
“Huge slay.”
Byulyi laughs because of Hyejin, patting her back sisterly. 
“It’s sturdy. Also it gives me a good grip on Kook. I can really go to town on him when he’s in there”, you say.
“I can imagine”, Yongsun says, “pegging in a swing just hits so much harder”
“Yeah definitely”, Wheein agrees.
You nod your head and turn to the drawers, “now look at those drawers.”
You and your girls gather in front of them as you open them and reveal your vibrator collection to them. 
“Woow so cool”, they gasp. 
“Right? Right? Check out the lighting in there. Helloo? We have drawer lights”, you gush, waving your hands around in the drawer.
“That’s genuinely so fucking cool. And the pillowing too. It makes the toys look so expensive”, Byulyi gushes, poking her finger into the velvety pillowing.
“And now check this out”, you say, pushing the drawer closed. It slides closed carefully, slowing down on the last few inches before closing silently, “they have a fucking automatic break in them. Remember the stupid ass drawers in Room 14?”
“They are still getting stuck each time you close them. Trust me, I’m still struggling”, Wheein says.
“I know right. God”, you groan and open the drawer again just to show off its closing mechanism to them, “look at how smooth that is.”
“This is so cool, seriously. Now stop closing the damn drawers I wanna see the collection”, Byulyi says, making you laugh.
“Okay, okay fine. A girl can’t do anything here”, you joke.
Byulyi chuckles deeply, looking into the drawer with a lopsided smirk on her lips.
And so you show them your new toys and give them a few details about how it is to play with them. You show them your pegging dildo collection and Wheein asks about Jungkook’s progress, which you proudly show them. They react in coos and honest praise and you felt so proud of your husband. There is no better feeling in the world than being able to show off with him.
And there are also no better people to do it to than your friends. You share everything about your sex lives. No topic, kink or fetish is taboo. Conversations about them are normal to you and them and part of the bond you share. You honestly think that if you suddenly stopped being so open with each other, the friendship would feel weird. Sex was what brought you five together, it is what you first bonded over as you had to talk shit about weird customers and even now, when two of your little group stopped working at the club, sex will still be a topic keeping you together. After all, there are many kink events where the five of you and your partners go to together. The shared love for kink and fetish is just part of your identities and a big reason why you loved to be friends.
It is obvious how normal kink conversations are in your friendship, when in the middle of you showing off the sturdiness of your flogging post, Byulyi begins talking about her rice again and you all exchange recipes. 
By the time the clock showed eight, Jungkook comes home from work. You and your girls were back in the living room again, but still haven’t started the movie you actually wanted to watch. Conversation was just too good to interrupt it with movies.
Jungkook is a welcome interruption however. You look at the elevator until its doors open and reveal Jungkook in his business attire.
“Hey there!”
“Welcome home, Kook!” 
Your girls greet your husband happily, giving him enthusiastic waves.
His eyes light up instantly.
“Hey there, girls”, he greets them, stepping out of the elevator, “hey, my love”. he tells you.
“Hey, Bunny. How was work?”
“Okay. I’ll just quickly take off my outside clothes and then I’ll be with you, okay?”
Jungkook disappears in the dressing room for a moment. 
“He worked later today, didn’t he?”
“No, he went for dinner with a friend. I told him to take his time. I’m surprised he’s home already.”
Jungkook reappears again, making his way to you. He looks so handsome in his grey suit that you can’t stop making heart eyes at him.
“___ says that you went for dinner with a friend?” Wheein asks him.
“Yeah, Tae. We had pork ribs. It was so yummy and I ate way too much. My pants are uncomfy now”, he says, tugging on the hem of them to give his tummy a well-deserved break, “I had to drive home with my pants undone”, he says and makes you laugh.
“I understand you so well”, Wheein says, “it’s kinda nice too though. I like being so full with food ‘cause it means that the food was yummy.”
“Yeah definitely.”
“So why are you home already?” Hyejin asks. 
“Actually, funny story. Tae had to hurry home because his daughter suddenly got explosive diarrhea and his wife begged him to help her with it.”
“Eew really?”
“Yeah”, Jungkook laughs, “apparently it went all over the walls?”
“Eeew that’s so nasty eeww”, Hyejin says jokingly, “you sure you wanna get knocked up, unnie?” she teases Yongsun. 
“Haha, very funny.”
“You and Shiwon are trying for a baby?” Jungkook asks.
“Yup, at least we’re trying for one. I can’t say that I’m hating the process.” 
Jungkook laughs, “I can imagine.”
He finally reaches the couch, scanning his eyes over the snacks and drinks.
“Don’t look at the drinks”, Byulyi says, covering the glasses of makgeolli with her hands. 
Jungkook chuckles, “it’s fine. I don’t mind looking at alcohol. You girls enjoy”, he says and closes in on you.
He gets on your lap and hugs you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You hug him back instantly, smiling dreamily.
“Hey, Mommy”, he says. 
“Hey there, Bunny.”
“How was your day?” 
“Good. And yours?”
“Okay. I had too many meetings”, he huffs out air, “so annoying.”
“Gosh, I’m sorry Bunnybaby. But you did it, I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you, Mommy”, he giggles happily, “I thought of you during the meetings.”
“You did?”
He nods his head and lifts it so he gazes into your eyes.
“I also have to fly to Shanghai for two nights. I gotta meet with a few business partners”, he says and pouts.
“When are you leaving?”
“Wednesday. I should be home by Friday night again”, he sacks his shoulders, “I’m sorry. I know this is really last-minute, but I only learned about it today.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know”, you assure him and squeeze his dainty waist, “gosh Bunny, I’ll miss you so much. Like damn.”
“I know. Me too, Mommy”, he whines and hugs you tightly, “we gotta call each night.”
“Of course we gotta”, you say, making him giggle and lift his head so he could look at you again.
He caresses the sides of your neck, scrunching his nose cutely.
“You’re so pretty, Mommy."
“Mhm, Bunny you’re so cute. Come closer and let Mommy have her kisses.”
Jungkook leans in gladly, kissing you deeply and with his hips squirming on your lap unapologetically. You and he only act this way in front of your girls. No one else in your lives, not even family, knows this side of you. There would simply be too many awkward follow up questions and quite frankly, it was more comfortable to keep this part of your relationship private. But not in front of your girls. They know you for who you truly are. Jungkook was shy about it at first, because he never experienced sharing his kinks with people before. But once he realised that he won’t find judgment with your friends – and he visited enough kink events with you and your friends to know they are just as kinky as you – he began opening up more and more. These days, he is not ashamed of acting like Mommy’s best Bunny in front of them and he is most definitely not ashamed to show how much he likes your kisses. Everyone should know that he is Mommy’s happy Bunny when he gets your kisses.
You break the kiss because you didn’t want it to deepen too much. Jungkook will get horny again and you can’t be with him for at least a few more hours. 
He smiles at you, licking his lips afterwards. You retort the smile, squeezing his hips.
“That was nice”, he says.
“Yeah, it was so nice.”
“I think I’ll go to my room then. I bet you girls have so much to talk about”, he says, looking at the others.
“It’s okay. We don’t mind the distraction”, Byulyi assures him.
“We saw the size you can take these days. That’s impressive”, Wheein adds.
Jungkook’s face is beet red in an instant. He gawks at you with big eyes.
“You showed them?”
“Of course I did. I gotta show off with my Bunny.”
Jungkook blushes even harder, hiding his face in his own hands as cute giggles leave him.
“Mommy, you’re so mean. Don’t show off with that”, he whines, making you and your girls chuckle fondly.
“Mhm no. I’ll keep showing off with my Bunny.”
“God”, he falls against you, hugging you tightly as he giggles, “this is so embarrassing. You’re so mean, Mommy.”
“Sorry Bunny. You know that I’m proud of you, yeah?” you say, patting his butt gently.
“Yeah, I guess. Hmpf so mean”, he says and straightens up. You give him a little smooch on his cheek and then it is already time for Jungkook to get up from your lap. 
He looks at the snacks.
“Mhm snackies. Don’t mind me stealing some”, he says and grabs a handful of salted pretzels. He snacks on them as he leaves the living room, chewing happily, “will you girls stay the night?”
“Yup, we wanna watch a movie later.”
“Uuh movie. Which one?”
“Isn’t that the movie with the car scene?”
Jungkook cringes, “well good luck to you girls. ___ showed me the scene and I’m still traumatized”, he says, making your little group laugh.
“Thanks Kook.” 
“I’ll be in the gym if you need me. I gotta work off the calories I ate. Mhm those are good pretzels. Damn”, he says and officially disappears out of sight. 
You release a dreamy sigh.
“He’s so perfect, you guys. I’m so lucky”, you gush. 
“Wah she’s so in love”, Hyejin teases lovingly, making you chuckle.
“I am. It’s getting stronger each day”, you say proudly, sighing adoringly.
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p0rnd3aler · 1 year
Sanemi x reader
CW: smut, penetrative sex, reader has a pussy and tits, handjob, Sanemi an asshole, drunk sex, enemies to lovers kind of?, there’s a slap somewhere in there but not during the sex
Word Count: 5,609
Yeah I wish I had a reason for doing this one.
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You met Sanemi for the first time after becoming Mitsuri’s Tsuguko. Since you were always literally living with her, you saw Obanai coming over a lot. You didn’t mind the boy, and he didn’t mind you either, actually reacting rather warmly to your presence due to the sheer fact you were Mitsuri’s Tsuguko. He liked to think of you as his and Mitsuri’s sort of love child, as weird as that may seem.
However, since Obanai and Sanemi were so close, you would sometimes see the rather brutish boy while living in the Love Mansion while Obanai was visiting Mitsuri.
These sightings, however, were typically awkward, and you chalk that up to your first meeting.
You were at the hot springs enjoying yourself, when a sudden gust of wind had decided your clothes deserved a dip in the water as well. You looked at the pitiful clothing as it sunk to the bottom, a subtle “well fuck,” leaving your mouth as you dipped below the water to grab it. Shortly after, you head back to the Love Mansion, in nothing but your towel, to ask Mitsuri if she has an extra kimono you can borrow. Once you get there, you ask one of the hinoto in the mansion where Mitsuri is, and they inform you she had left to go eat with Obanai.
Well fuck x2.
You decide Mitsuri wouldn’t mind if you just borrowed one of her kimonos for the evening, in fact she always loves when you borrow her things, so she would probably be ecstatic about it. You head into her room, still wrapped in your towel mind you, and start looking for something to borrow. However, while shuffling through her clothes, you hear her door open behind you, and a low sound. Almost like a gulp? That definitely wasn’t Mitsuri.
Well fuck x3.
You turn your head and see a man, with wild white hair. He’s covered in scars. Jesus, he’s ripped. Somehow his chest is more exposed than yours AND Mitsuri’s. Wow his lashes are so long. Is he blushing?
“Hello, can I help you?” You utter, suddenly conscious of your lack of clothing as you try to be as normal as possible about the petrifying situation.
The man is absolutely red, eyes stuck on your face and not daring to go any lower out of sheer humiliation in his part.
“Is this,” he clears his throat so loudly it sounds like it must’ve hurt “Isn’t this Mitsuri’s room?”
You’re starting to blush, embarrassment finally overtaking the initial shock, still trying to make the situation seem less weird as you respond “Oh yeah it is, but she’s out eating with Obanai. Did you need something specific?” You turn completely towards him and take a step forward “I could pass a message to her if you wa-“
He puts his hands up and interrupts you, averting his gaze to the ground, the wall, anywhere but you
“No no, it’s fine, I was just looking for Obanai anyway. Thanks.”
Sanemi quickly excuses himself and leaves the mansion shortly after. Heading to town, face red and petrified. All he wanted was to ask his friend when they were supposed to go eat, instead he got an eye full of some random girl’s ass AND he got stood up by his friend. He’s so pissed. And embarrassed. And kind of turned on. But mostly pissed. And embarrassed. When he finally finds Obanai and Mitsuri they look shocked. Then they remember they were supposed to be eating WITH him. Mitsuri immediately gasps at the realization and starts apologizing “Oh my God! I’m so sorry! We were so caught up in our conversation we completely forgot!” Obanai pipes in “Yeah, we’re sorry man- wait why are you so red”
Sanemi is so pissed.
He is so pissed but the mortification of what he just experienced is overshadowing his anger so he just gruffs out “It’s fuckin fine I’m fine,” and the three continue their meal like they normally would.
Ever since that fated day you two are EXTREMELY awkward around each other. Though you don’t see each other every day, it’s still often enough for you both to be consistently reminded of your first encounter. Even after learning each others’ names, and engaging in “small talk” (AKA you talking while he wishes he could teleport to anywhere but here) while Mitsuri and Obanai are off canoodling in the background, you are still stiff with the haunting memories of your first meeting together. It stresses Sanemi the fuck out, and his outlet for stress? Taking it out on you. Which wasn’t odd, but he was usually tamer around girls. Not nice, but tamer. With you? He was worse than usual. He was very snappy, and always completely cold and indifferent, and nobody knew why. Obanai and Mitsuri picked up on it, which led to Obanai asking him what was up one day, as the two boys were hanging out alone. After agonizing about it for a couple of minutes Sanemi came clean with Obanai, who laughed his ass off at how stupid the two of you were. Seriously. He also IMMEDIATELY told Mitsuri, who giggled and said “awe, oh nooo, no wonder they turn so red around each other, I thought they were in love.”
You weren’t.
After your first meeting with him, and him being rude to you every time after that, you could care less about his weird ass. You didn’t even care about how you could see his tight abs contract whenever he was training, or how his long lashes shaded his eyes when he looked down in thought. Nope. Not even when his chest heaved after a hard days work, sweat dripping and glistening on every detail of his scarred skin. None of that mattered.
The same way how he NEVER thought about the curve of your ass, or how your damp hair stuck to your breasts, or how your glossy lips pouted whenever he would snap at you. He NEVER considered what it would be like to touch that warm space between your legs and make you tremble for him.
Yeah you were both down bad.
It was driving Obanai crazy. Mitsuri loved it, she thought your guys’ little awkward courtship was adorable. Obanai hated it. He just wanted you two to fuck and get it over with already. “Maybe it’ll get Sanemi to wind the fuck down a bit.” He said.
So they decided to give y’all a little push. It was a team effort for them.
Obanai invited you and Sanemi to go out drinking with him and Mitsuri. Sanemi took some coaxing, but you were excited to see your two best friends and the guy you wanted to fuck, so you eagerly said yes. While you were getting ready you noticed Mitsuri doting on you extra hard, even going as far as doing your makeup and hair for you.
“What’s the point in me wearing makeup? We’re just going drinking” you ask, looking at the ground as she put eyeliner on you
“I’m wearing makeup too, I don’t wanna be the only girl all dressed up! Plus you’re so pretty! It’d be such a shame to not emphasize your features” she gushed over you a bit more, making sure to fluff your breasts a bit before grabbing your hand and skipping out of her room together. She made SURE your tits were out just as much as hers and although you were a bit confused by her sudden attention to detail, you felt pretty damn cute. Sanemi felt the same way, feeling his dick twitch at the sight of your pretty face and your tits nearly spilling out of your kimono.
The walk to the bar felt sooooo long, each time you would try to talk to him he couldn’t help but see your tits bounce with each step in his peripheral vision, so he opted to not look at you at all. Answering everything with short “yeah”s and “mhm”s. You couldn’t help but feel suddenly self conscious. You started getting down on yourself, ‘is he so unattracted to me that even makeup doesn’t help?’ And you suddenly felt like a clown for putting in so much effort just to be ignored. Meanwhile he was trying his best to coax his brain to think of traumatic events just so he doesn’t bust in his pants in front of you, God, and his best friend.
A couple feet in front of you two Obanai and Mitsuri are gossiping about you both.
“Why aren’t they talking?” The Love Hashira was frantic
“Babe, they’re idiots” he got his cheek pinched for that, quickly uttering “it’s trueee! But things will work themselves out! They just need this one little push.”
Mitsuri anxiously glances back, trying not to be obvious. When she sees the look on sanemi’s face, and the way you’re anxiously fiddling with the belt of your kimono, both of you blushing like virgins? She starts smirking. Turning forward and lacing her arm with Obanai before leaning over and whispering “You were righhhtttttt!”
“I knowwwwww!” He whispered back.
They were so in love it made you guys wanna puke. In an endearing way. It was like watching your parents kiss as a child, and it gave both you and Sanemi a slightly less awkward feeling.
“God, those two were made for each other.”
You think out loud
Sanemi nods and almost smiles, wearing a lopsided grin “They’re so in love it makes me sick.”
You laugh at his joke, making the couple in front of you look at each other with wide eyes, and making the poor man next to you almost buckle at the knees.
“Awww no way…maybe just a little” you reply with just a little bit of snark, which makes Sanemi warm up to you a little bit more. Not that you, or anybody else would ever know that, because he’s hell bent on staying emotionally constipated for the rest of his days. But deep down, underneath the constipated surface, he genuinely likes you. He was just VERY sexually frustrated. And an asshole. Plus his last crush died. He’s a little traumatized be patient.
You guys finally got to the bar, and immediately ordered some sake. They forced you and Sanemi to sit next to each other, making you both blush and fidget awkwardly. Once the drinking started, you and Sanemi started to loosen up a bit. Not with each other, though, you both just started talking to mitsuri and Obanai. Suddenly you got too excited, talking to the Love Hashira about something funny you remembered, and lost your balance slightly, bumping into Sanemi. With a little liquid courage in him, he was brave enough to steady you with both of his hands uttering a gentle but gruff
“Are you alright?”
“Mhm,” you look up at him with your flushed face, your glossy eyes gazing up at him through your pretty lashes and reply with a small “Thank you.” He feels his dick throb in his pants and panics. He quickly pushes you off of his body and steadies you back on your seat before ripping his hands from your body as if you were scalding hot. He’s stressed as hell with both of his hands on his knees mumbling “Don’t fucking mention it,” albeit, a little more aggressively than he meant it, he’s just so fucking frustrated, and he doesn’t know what to do. He wants you so bad but he doesn’t know how to initiate anything romantic, so he just suffers in his own little sexually frustrated hell. And you DO NOT make it easy on him. However, you slump a little at his attitude, wondering why he always has to treat you this way. Mitsuri notices how sad you look and before your drunk girl tears can start she ushers you to the bathroom. She grabs your hand and forces you to skip all the way there with her, making your mood brighten just a bit.
Whilst in your own little girl bubble together, she looks at you and says
You raise an eyebrow at her “Sooo…what?”
She suddenly stopped walking and grabbed both of your hands, swinging you in front of her gently before whispering to you
“What’s up with you and Sanemi?”
You start to pout “is it that obvious?”
“YES!” She says a little too loudly, earning looks from a couple drinkers who are still close enough to hear you “you both turn so red and get so awkward around each other!”
“I wish!” You admit, the alcohol erasing all caution about your crush on him “He totally hates me…”
“Not from what Obanai tells me!” She says in a bright little whisper, “Cheer up. He’s got a rough personality, but he does like you. We can both tell.” You try not to roll your eyes at your sweet, sweet friend, but you can’t help but feel like she’s just trying to spare your feelings. You give her a little smile and say “Okay, okay. Thank you.” She nods, hands you her hair comb, and says “Go cool off a bit in the bathroom, fix your hair a little, and come back out when you feel as pretty as you look tonight.”
You can’t help but hug her sweet ass. You both have a little drunk girl hug moment, giggling and doting on each other, before you both finally let go. Mitsuri skipping back to the table, and you entering the bathroom to fix yourself up again. You splash a little cool water on your face, which helps you sober up just the tiniest bit, smooth down your hair a bit, and after a couple of minutes of deep breathing, you head back out there, getting back to the table, just to see Mitsuri and Obanai getting ready to leave.
“Hey, where are you guys going?”
Obanai looks at you and looks back at Mitsuri, her being mostly carried by him and barely conscious.
“She’s had a little too much to drink, so I’m just gonna take her back to my place so I can keep an eye on her,” he hoists her up in his grip a bit, “…make sure she doesn’t choke on her own puke.”
You nod hesitantly, not because you doubt Iguro, you know he would never do anything bad to Mitsuri, you just didn’t know where this left you and Sanemi.
“Sanemi, d’you mind walking her home?” Obanai speaks, gesturing to you with a slight jerk of his head. Sanemi sputters “Wha? No way, she’s a Tsuguko she can walk herse-“
“Don’t. Be. An ass. Just walk the poor girl home.” Obanai snips at him, before hoisting Mitsuri up on his back, and piggybacking her out of there.
Sanemi grumbles and drags his hands dramatically down his face in exasperation. You can’t help but feel awkward and kind of hesitant about walking home with him. You both sit there in silence for a couple of minutes.
“Hey, don’t worry about walking me home, I’ll just tell them that you did. Don’t worry about it.”
He sighs dramatically in response “Shut the fuck up. Let’s go.” He stands up straight, tosses some money on the table, and grabs your hand roughly before walking towards the exit. As rough as his grip is, you can’t help but blush because this is the most physical contact you guys have had with each other. Most of the walk back was spent with you both silently blushing, and holding hands, painfully wishing that the other wouldn’t bring it up.
“Sanemi, you’re going kind of fast, I can’t keep up.”
“Shut up. You’re fucking fine.”
His grip on your hand tightens. You frown softly to yourself the rest of the way back. The speed of his pace evidence enough that he would rather be anywhere but here, anywhere except next to you. It sucks wanting to be with him. You start to think bitterly to yourself.
Once you both get back, he walks you towards the door to the mansion, stops slightly right of it, and roughly tugs you from behind him to shove you towards the door.
“There. You’re home for fucks sake.”
He turns to leave, but you’re fed the fuck up at this point. Even when he’s drunk he’s still an asshole.
“Why do you always have to be such a dick?”
He immediately stops, pivoting around and stomping towards you, making you back up until your back hits the wall. He slams both of his hands on the wall behind you, trapping you between them.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?”
You glare up at him “Why the FUCK are you such a DICK all the time?”
He scoffs with his brows raised, and starts to mock you “Oh, what, somebody doesn’t blow smoke up your ass about how hot you are for once and suddenly your whole night’s ruined?” The way his speech is slightly slurred is the only telltale sign he’s just as drunk as you.
You make a bewildered face at him.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Is-is this about that one time?”
He also makes a bewildered face at you.
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m talkin about that time when you walked in on me!”
His whole face turns red and he finally moves his arms off the wall in favor of covering his face with his hands and screaming into them.
You watch on with indifference, if not slight confusion. Eyebrow raised at him as he’s doubled over screaming by himself.
“I think you’re the worst thing that’s happened to me since I became a demon slayer”
You interrupt his meltdown with your own little outburst, honestly you just wanted to hurt his feelings too for once. However, this causes him to straighten up slowly, and inhale before removing his hands from his face.
“Oh yeah? What a privileged life you live, to have some guy who doesn’t want you be the worst thing that’s happened to you. Do you know what everyone else here has BEEN through?” He starts slowly stalking towards you, making you back up to the wall again. “Seems like we’ve all earned our places here except you, doesn’t it?” He stops about half of a foot in front of you “You think I’m the worst thing that’s happened to YOU? You dumb fucking bitch. You’re fucking delusional. Just you wait. Being here will-“
It all happened so fast.
Your palm stung from smacking him, he suddenly went silent, then he looked at you. Cheek bright red and stinging.
Then, he was grabbing your ass and kissing you. It was so, so desperate, too. As soon as his lips came into contact with yours, his palms grabbing handfuls of your ass, he groaned. You kissed back immediately, of course, your hands taking purchase in his hair and grabbing at the roots gently. He parted from you, panting for a second as he moved to suck on your bottom lip. His hands pulled you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you into the Love mansion. He stumbled drunkenly down the hall towards the rooms, you parting from him and quickly whispering a
Once he gets to your bedroom door. Then he slides it open, steps inside, and immediately slams it it shut. He lowers both of you to the ground, himself on top of you. He removes his right hand from your ass and places it on your cheek, stroking it with his thumb gently. He stops kissing you just to speak with your lips still touching
“Fuck…wanted you for so long,”
He’s rutting his rock hard dick against your pussy, your kimono exposing you panties and leaving very little separating you from him. He starts feverishly kissing you again. He bites your bottom lip then runs his tongue across it, pulling away to give little kisses to it as his horny little apology for being rough with it. Runs his tongue along the roof of your mouth, just to lick the inside of your teeth and make you shiver. His left thumb sneaks under your panties, and starts rubbing at your pussy. He rubs at your slit, and accidentally touches your clit making you jump. He stops moving and pulls his tongue out of your mouth to look down at you, going back and rubbing the same spot, making you whine soooo sweetly for him. He leans down and sucks at your neck, rubbing your clit again, this time a little rougher, making you moan and your hips do a little jerk against his touch. You feel him smirking as he switches to suck on the other side of your neck
“Right there?” He huffs out, his voice is so low and raspy in your ear, as he rubs another little circle in your clit, making you moan once again as your panties start to dampen his hard cock. He groans at your reaction
“Ohhhh yeah…it’s right there isn’t it baby…your pussy’s slobbering all over my dick, it must feel so good” at this point he’s rubbing it mercilessly, and you’re panting and grinding against his touch letting out a breathy
“Yes baby, right there baby,” and god if your breathy little voice doesn’t send him over the edge. He leans back on his heels and hooks both hands into your panties before roughly tugging them down your legs, looking down with his face bright red and his eyes glossy and desperate for you. His eyes watch as your pussy drips down your ass and onto the floor, and he whimpers at the sight.
He whimpered.
You can’t help but spread your legs for him, and the sight of you doing that before him makes him wonder what he ever did that made the Universe think he deserved this. He groans as he looms over you, the sight of him like this makes all your blood rush to your pussy.
His hairs disheveled, his shirt baggy and showing his buff, heaving chest. His mouth open and panting, his eyes pitiful and screaming “I’m sorry I just wanna put it in you so bad” the sight of him reduced to this alone is enough to make you cum. He kisses you again, leaning on one hand and using the other to thumb at your nipple. You both moan into each others mouths once he touches it, and he stops kissing you so he can start sucking hickies onto your chest. The feeling of his rough lips against your tender skin making you moan. You place your hands on the back of his head, a silent plea to not stop, as you start rubbing your wet pussy against his clothed dick. He groans pitifully against his mouthful of your tit and you feel his dick throb against you. You can’t help but let your jaw slack at everything going on right now. You continue grinding against him and his pops off of your tit, leaving a huge mark on it, and he starts licking at your nipple, tweaking the other with his hand. You moan and jump at the sensation, and he looks up at you with those pitiful eyes again, half lidded as he takes your nipple into his mouth and starts sucking on it, groaning into your skin when he feels how wet you get on his dick after he does that. You grip his hair at the root and pull him off your nipple with a loud and wet pop, and he lets out a guttural groan at the sensation. Your tits covered in his spit and hickies, and his toned body heaving against yours as he pants.
“Sanemi…” you reach your hand under the waistband of his pants and grab his painfully hard dick, forcing a broken moan out of him
“I need you so bad.” You whine back at him. He nods breathlessly, and you start pushing his shirt off his shoulders. Watching his large pecs and the harsh lines of his abs twitch with excitement as he pulls his dick out, making you raise your brows in aroused shock.
He’s so thick, his cock so heavy that even though he’s the hardest he’s ever been in his life, it’s still weighed down by his sheer girth. His dick starts weeping precum and it drips down to your clit perfectly. Before he can do anything you lean up and grab it, drooling down onto his dick and jerking it as you look up at him, rest your chin against his abs as he looks down at you. God the face he’s making is so fucking hot, his lips are slightly colored from your lipstick rubbing off on him, and he just looks so utterly pitiful as he lets out a string of broken moans and sobs, the sight of your pretty face looking up at him as you jerk off his dick reduces him to a little puddle of desperation, and he quickly cums at the sight in front of him, shooting ropes onto your chest and grunting out a loud
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck-k yes please,” he wheezes in desperation as you start jerking him faster, overstimulating him “pleaseeee, yes pleeeassee fu-uck fuck yes, ohhhhh, oh God” his eyes start rolling back as he puts one hand on the back of your head, and the other on your cheek
“Let me put it in. Please, need to be inside you”
He starts leaning you back down, positioning himself over you, resting on one elbow with his hand behind your head, and placing his other hand over the one you have still holding his cock before he starts pushing the tip inside of you. He tightens his grip on your hand as he teases his head in and out of your hole, forcing some high pitched moans out of you, and getting a couple of throaty groans out of him as well. Your pussy sucks his whole tip inside, and you both whimper pitifully. He takes his hand off of yours and rests it next to your head, stroking your hair lightly as he starts slowly humping his dick into you. He buries his face into the crook of your neck, letting out a little desperate “mhm” for every inch that he sinks deeper into you. When he finally gets balls deep, you feel his entire length twitch, as he whimpers a little choked-out-high-pitched “fuck” and takes in shaky breath. You’ve been panting and moaning, desperate since he started fucking himself into you, and the feeling of his fat balls resting and twitching against your ass has your head spinning and your pussy squeezing him even tighter.
He starts with a slow drag out of your pussy, his whole body trembling with need but he’s trying so, so hard to be gentle with you because he knows once he loses himself in this he’s not gonna stop. And he slowly slides himself back to the very hilt. He doesn’t wanna hurt you, but he’s been waiting for you for so long and you feel “fuck you’re so tight and fucking wet oh my god.” He tilts his head up and his eyes flutter open and look down at you, he swallows hard. The thumb on the hand he still has on the back of your head starts stroking your hair, the hand that was next to you now stroking your cheek as he looks down at you so deep and vulnerable, his cheeks still flushed as he starts grinding with his dick still buried inside you, rubbing against your g spot and cervix as his base rubbed your clit so sweetly
“Fuuuuuuuck Sanemi, oh god” you keen underneath him, you bring one hand up to his face as you start stroking his cheek gently too, your other hand gripping harshly at his pants. You’re both moaning and panting while maintaining eye contact, and you can’t help but feel your heart flutter at the intimacy and vulnerability of it all.
“Is…is this okay?” He asks you, all breathy and raspy. His voice goes straight to your pussy and you whine a shaky
You wrap your legs around his waist and try to pull him impossibly deeper
“I’ve wanted you for a long time too”
You say, and god your voice is oh so sweet and light with arousal.
“Really?” His cheeks get redder, he starts grinding harder against you as his thumb that was stroking your cheek goes lower to start rubbing your clit
“Ah! Yes! Wanted you so bad!”
He smiles down at you and god he looks so soft, so beautiful, fuck. The way he’s rubbing your clit makes it burn with pleasure and you start bubbling little praises for him
“So good”, “so big”, “you’re so pretty, nemi”
He’s blushing and he stops grinding into you just to start pulling out and and thrusting into you, slow and soft, his abs flexing as his chest rubs against yours. He shifts and and accidentally changes the angle of his hips, so when he starts thrusting directly into your g-spot and your pussy clamps down as you squeal with pleasure, he stops, worried that he’s hurt you
“Oh fuck, ‘r you okay?”
“Yes please, please, please don’t stop. Fuck. Right there keep going please baby”
He just looks at you, eyes half lidded and pussy drunk as he nods and starts thrusting harder into you, right into that little soft spot inside you. Your pussy drooling around his cock so much it drips down to his balls and makes a disgusting squelching sound everytime he buries himself into you.
He groans, deep and raspy at the sound
He starts rubbing your clit faster, looking down at you with his sweet, red, and fucked out face
“Cum on it…” he’s panting, his voice raspy from being so loud “…wanna see the look in your eyes as you fall apart. For me.” He starts picking up his pace, your tits bouncing with each thrust and your drawn out moans punctuated by his rhythm. You feel the heat flooding in your pussy and your cheeks, placing both hands on his shoulders to ground yourself,
“Nemi, Nemi,” you let out a wet sob “gonna cummmm” he lets out a depraved moan that pushes you over the edge he feels your pussy squeezing and squirting all over him. You scream as your toes curl and your legs tighten around his waist. He gasps and whimpers out
“Yesss…please, fuck, oh god…” he’s still humping himself into you, getting more and more desperate for his own release, the after shocks of your orgasm making your pussy squeeze the life out of him and he whimpers
“I’m ‘bout to cum…please…please…let me do it inside” he starts rubbing your clit faster, overstimulating you in hopes you’ll let him claim you like this. Your legs shake around him, hands still on his face as you nod “do it, baby, empty it as deep as you can. Want it so bad” he lets out the saddest, hottest broken sob as he empties himself balls deep in side of you. His whole body’s shaking and he’s moaning and whimpering as he grinds himself as deep as possible and fucks his cum deeper into you while he comes down from his high. He finally collapses, and you both are panting, sticky, and completely spent after you first time together. He brings his arms around your waist and rolls off of you, subsequently pulling your body on top of his instead, and moving one of his hands to your head to rub it gently. You’re both still catching your breath, as he finally speaks
“I…I’m bad with words.”
You lift your head off his chest to look at him, he’s looking at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact for now.
He continues “But…I’ve liked you. A long time. ’m sorry I didn’t say anything before,” he takes a hand off you momentarily to vaguely gesture to you, “,this. But I hope that you still…i don’t know…” he trails off, starting to feel embarrassed by the vulnerability and not comfortable enough with the feelings to express the properly.
“I like you too.”
He finally looks at you following your response, and he sits up a little, with him leaning back on one elbow to look at you and you leaning forward on your elbows to look at him.
“I know we both have our…rough spots but,” you continue and place one hand over his
“maybe we could work on them? Together?”
In a rare, soft moment with him he laces his fingers with yours and nods. You both smile sweetly at each other, in the beginnings of a puppy love together, and sit in silence for a bit
“Sorry I slapped you, by the way.”
He snorts and ruffles your hair, you giggle and try to swat his hand away.
“It’s whatever, you’re lucky it was hot.”
The next day, as Obanai is bringing Mitsuri back, they’re walking down the hall to her room when your door opens up, and out emerges the two of you. Covered in fucking hickies with your hair a mess smiling like fools. Obanai immediately has to slap a hand over Mitsuri’s mouth as she starts to guffaw at the state of you two, Obanai at a loss words.
“I…can’t deal with this right now,” and he continues dragging a chortling Mitsuri back to her room so they can gossip about what the hell they just saw.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 3 months
ok so like i get where ppl are coming from with the “the crew loves izzy” takes but also like. ok. i think that take involves a certain amount of reading very deeply into the text to a degree that is almost reading against the text at some points. it’s like when ppl pour all this energy into an underdeveloped and unportant side character—none of those layers ppl add to the character are strictly contradicted by the text, but it clearly wasn’t what the writer intended for anyone to really focus on. and yeah, death of the author, just bc the writers didn’t intend for ppl to think abt something that hard or care about it that much doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to do whatever the fuck we want. but bc i love analyzing the shit out of this show i do want to talk about WHY i think the textual support for this headcanon isn’t rlly there.
first of all. when archie is like “why are we trying so hard to save this guy, he’s kinda a dick” and jim’s like “yeah but he’s our dick.” rather than elaborate on what makes izzy special to them they’re like “it used to be that the crew all had each other’s backs no matter what and things were better back then” while reminiscing fondly about 1. olu and 2. that shot from season 1 where the whole crew is hanging out except for izzy who’s sulking in the background hating everyone. if this was supposed to be an “izzy’s a dick but we love him anyway” moment i would expect jim to talk about. yknow. izzy. instead to me ot comes across more like an “izzy’s a dick but crew is crew, we stick up for each other even if we don’t particularly like each other bc it’s us against the world” which isn’t as impactful from an izzy stanning perspective but i think makes for, like, an interesting allegory abt the queer community. we all gotta defend the rights of ppl in our community even if those specific ppl are dicks and we don’t get along with them.
second of all. after they save izzy’s life and get caught by ed they all leave the room and then a few minutes later a gun goes off. maybe someone saw ed leave the room before the shot was fired, but either way they think either ed just killed izzy or izzy just killed himself. and then they DO NOTHING ABOUT THIS. nobody checks on the body. they put all this effort into saving izzy’s life and then when their efforts are foiled they do not seem that bummed out about it. the next scene with any crew member in it is frenchie talking to ed on deck, and ed is like “go take the day off” and frenchie is like “oh nice!” and he’s like, confused and a little concerned about ed suddenly steering the ship rlly erratically, but he also seems pretty excited about getting some time off (after so many raids in a row i would be too lol). and THEN!!! in the next scene where we get the whole crew, they’re crowded in the hallway that leads out to the deck and the conversation they have isn’t “oh my god i can’t believe ed killed izzy after we cut off izzy’s leg” it’s “maybe ed’s better now? maybe killing izzy was all it took? he seems pretty cheerful for the first time in ages, maybe ed’s okay?” like literally they think ed just killed izzy and they are more worried about ed’s emotional state than they are grieving a beloved shipmate
then in 2.04 the crew B plot is so blatantly “the crew struggles to trust each other again but after seeing izzy be incredibly sad and pathetic they remember that a good crew has each other’s backs no matter what and so they extend izzy some unearned kindness and make him a new leg” that i’m amazed that other interpretations even exist. like literally they’re all drawn away from screaming at each other with weapons drawn by izzy making some dramatic announcement and then falling and then drunkenly crawling away and refusing their help rambling “youre born alone you die alone” over and over again or whatever melodramatic bullshit he said. like he’s muttering abt being miserable and alone and there’s a WHOLE ROOM OF PEOPLE!!! standing RIGHT THERE!!!! like “oh hey man do you need help standing up? no? no ur just gonna crawl away? um. ok.” and then they all go “well at least we’re not as fucked up as that guy. maybe we should do something nice for him?” like they are literally almost explicitly motivated by pity, not fondness. which yeah, it’s probably fucked up the way they use izzy’s new disability to sort of emphasize how pathetic he’s being, but i think the intention there is not that izzy’s pathetic bc he’s disabled, he’s pathetic bc he’s refusing to accept help. like the crew doesn’t go “yikes 😬 at least we don’t have his issues” abt izzy falling down when his makeshift prosthetic breaks, they go “yikes 😬” when he bats away their hands and goes on a weird mumbling tirade. definitely not the most sensitive way to depict izzy in this mental state, but that’s a different post probably. for the sake of THIS post tho: the takeaway i got from this scene is that the crew is remembering how to be there for each other again. it’s easier for them to let go of their paranoia and stop being so defensive and distrustful when izzy is there as an example of what happens when you’re TOO defensive and distrustful. “the crew makes a leg for izzy bc they care about him on a personal level” did not seem to be the focus of that story arc. to me.
in 2.05 we get our first ever instance of a character expressing appreciation for something izzy said or did or some trait he expressed (except for stede that time in 1.06 when izzy backed stede up on wanting to do a fuckery, which he only did specifically bc he wanted stede to fucking die and ed was taking too long), and it’s lucius saying he loves the shark izzy whittled. but during the entire episode leading up to that scene izzy is either in syede’s storyline where he’s not engaging with the crew or he’s getting snarked at by lucius, and not in a fun teasing way. like during that whole bit where izzy steals his cigarettes and calls him “twatty” lucius just looks so fucking annoyed and then uncomfortable. and then at the end of the episode izzy is sort of offering him advice and lucius is just sarcastically like “that sounds healthy.” and within this storyline, the point of these scenes isn’t rlly abt the developing and deepening relationship btwn izzy and lucius, it’s abt lucius individually coping w his trauma. izzy in this episode kinda exists in a weird place in the narrative, where he plays a supporting role in two different characters’ (lucius’s and stede’s) storylines without getting a central arc for himself. and both of those two storylines are only really about lucius and stede respectively, izzy is just there as this a static character who imparts wise advice. which is a very weird role for him to take, imo, but on top of that it doesn’t rlly contribute any sense of like, actual bonding btwn izzy and the other two.
and in 2.06 they just enjoy the show izzy puts on. they like listening to him sing. it’s all very cute! but also. i would not say that it shows the crew really cares about izzy?? i was in pit orchestra in high school and all the lead theater kids were always fucking assholes but they were also rlly good singers and it was fun to listen to them. i would mouth along to the words being sung by bitches who seemed to be trying to be sharpay evans irl for some bizarre fucking reason. like, cartoonishly mean girls. so like, the crew listening and dancing to izzy’s song doesn’t rlly sell “the crew loves izzy” to me. if anything, i would say that actually a stronger indicator of the crew loving izzy would be wee john sharing his makeup, and it’s a shame that we don’t get to see this happen. i mean that genuinely, i think that would’ve been a great moment to rlly strengthen izzy’s arc and it just. doesn’t exist on screen. and this isn’t like the finale where we know for a fact that they had to force a 40-minute episode into 30 minutes, Calypso’s Birthday has a runtime WELL under 30 minutes. it would’ve been SO easy to add another like 45 seconds of izzy and wee john getting ready together, but the only moment they show us is izzy walking in and discovering drag for the first time. it feels like the focus of this scene is less about a moment of connection between two characters and more about izzy individually having a gender breakthrough—and that carries on with the rest of the performance, too. bc it’s a performance, it’s everyone looking at izzy, it’s izzy a half step away from the crew as he puts on a show. the narrative framing of all this puts the focus entirely on izzy as a solo act, not on izzy as part of the crew. they like his performance, but we aren’t rlly shown evidence of the crew liking him as a person.
and that’s kinda it for izzy and the crew! up until he’s actively dying in ed’s arms and they’re all in the background silently weeping, at least (and btw, speaking from experience but uhhhh it’s pretty normal to cry when u watch someone die even if u have literally no connection to the person dying). even when they’re helping him back to the ship, ed is the one who notices he’s injured, nobody notices until he’s already giving izzy support. and i fully believe roach flips off izzy’s grave marker with fondness, but that’s also like. the only little personal moment any of them aside from ed has during the funeral. they do all laugh at his pinocchio joke earlier in the ep but idk if that one line can carry the entire weight of “the crew loves izzy” on its own. apparently there’s some shots during the zheng v stede fight where izzy can be seen in the background close to jim and archie??? but like, you can’t tell me a background shot of izzy standing near some crew members is strong textual support for the crew loving him. and i don’t think i need to argue abt any scenes in s1 bc literally every single crew member who was on that boat, ivan and fang included, was about to fucking drown him in the fucking ocean.
there is one single scene that gives actual strong evidence that anyone other than ed likes or cares about izzy. it’s the part at the end of impossible birds when fang is crying after ed shot izzy. so maybe fang specifically loves izzy, even tho izzy used to pull fang’s beard a lot and fang didn’t like it bc it hurt. idk.
here’s the thing tho. in 2.01 the writers use dialogue very effectively to tell us about the kraken era. the crew doesn’t say much, but what the do say tells us a lot: we know that archie thinks the kraken era is all normal pirating stuff, jim felt like the wedding raid (which seems like their only raid on a civilian ship and not a military one) was a step too far, frenchie is Not Okay but he’s doing a fantastic job repressing everything, izzy looks tired but the specific thing echoing in his head right before he starts crying in front of the crew is ed telling him “if you can’t do the job, someone else will.”
and we know fang, who’s known ed for decades, has never seen ed like this. and the specific thing he mentions as something he’s never seen from ed before is not batting an eye when ivan died. meaning that even before meeting stede, fang would’ve expected ed to have some sort of reaction to ivan dying.
and the thing about ivan is that we know next to nothing about him. he has very little dialogue in season one. we don’t even know how long he’s been working with ed—long enough to have at least heard about fang having to put his dog down bc “the love of a pet makes a man weak” when fang joined ed’s ship years ago, even if ivan wasn’t actually there yet at the time—but we do know that watching ed tell ghost stories was apparently the most open and available he’d ever seen ed get. so it doesn’t sound like ivan and ed were especially close. ivan was almost certainly less close to ed than izzy was.
if fang expected to see ed have some sort of reaction to the death of an ordinary crew member (who mightve been working for ed for decades, might’ve been working for him for months, we really can’t say) who wasn’t even that close to ed, seeing ed casually and unflinchingly inflict a life-threatening gunshot to his first mate must’ve been fucking earth-shattering. and interpretation is also supported by what fang actually says while he’s crying at the end of 2.01—it’s not “i can’t stop crying, izzy’s hurt” or “i can’t stop crying, izzy’s going to die.” its “i can’t stop crying, ed shot izzy.” more than the imminent demise of a crew member, fang is shaking and sobbing and traumatized because he can’t believe ed would do that.
and if that feels like a reach, just remember what happens after the leg is cut off, after the crew most likely believes ed shot izzy again, this time 100% fatally: the whole crew is crowded in the hallway, and fang asks “do we think he’s… better?”
fang is not sad about izzy. or if he is, it’s dwarfed by how much more sad fang is about ed.
in conclusion: have fun with ur headcanons i am not the boss of you but also there is less canonical textual evidence of the crew loving izzy than some of y’all seem to think k byeeeee
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mwebber · 1 year
what are your favourite martian moments? 😺
thank u for asking eve i'm so glad i get to talk about two of my favourite people on god's green earth <3 in no particular order just off the top of my head...
#1: ABU DHABI 2022 i cannot state just how much brain damage this moment did to me. like i vividly remember freaking the fuck out about the martian interview on sky and talking to the besties and barbi @brawn-gp was like omg another moment do u want me to clip. and i was like YEAH YES. PLEASE. I LOVE YOU (i love you <3) and then i saw it and blacked out and when i awoke it was to this. unparalleled brainrot Truly there will never ever be another
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#2. MARRIAGE QUOTE do i need to say anything else. when i saw this for the first time i think i nearly had an aneurysm
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#3. SINGAPORE 2008 their first real red bull date.......... i think about them sitting on that couples rickshaw every monday giggling with each other generally being blushy messes sharing secretive smiles like they're the only ones in on a joke. also mark pretending to push seb off a building only to catch him STOP my heart is melting
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(tumblr is being dumb and won't credit the gifs properly but they're from thnx-mate-blog)
#4. VLAD RYS GEORGIA K MOMENT this is unironically my favourite pic of seb to ever seb. and of course he's looking at mark. no further comments
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#4.5 THE OTHER VLAD RYS GEORGIA K MOMENT. this photo is still so mind-boggling like why the fuck are you looking at each other like that. hi. hello?
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#5. MONACO 2010 HUG.
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#6. MAKE LOVE TO EACH OTHER / ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR FIRST TIME. it's literally so fucking funny to me that red bull saw everybody's martian brainrot and was like. wouldn't it be so fucked up if we dropped that mark buttered seb's muffin after china 2009. twirls hair. haha wouldn't it be soooo random. if we did that
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#7. WHATEVER THE FUCK THIS IMAGE IS. i can't even look at it for too long i start feeling funny in my tummy
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#8. SEB'S LONGING STARE. i ccant believe i forgot this one it should be higher up perhaps
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#9. AUSTRALIA 2016/2017. their podiums are SSOOOOOOO.
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#10. MATCHING PORSCHES. is it hot in here? do you feel feverish? i feel feverish
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#11. RIGHT ONE'S HEAVIER. monaco 2021 when mark casually revealed how much he knows seb still after all this time that seb was like ".. yeah!" like he himself was pleasantly surprised that mark still cares and oh god. somebody hold me
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#12. NEARLY SKINNY DIPPING AU CANADA. caliss de tabarnak attache ta tuque mark nhabille pas des sous vetements criss de tabarnak de caliss d'esti de sacrament de
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(from thnx-mate-blog)
13. VERY GOOD. i just know they had a Conversation after mark retired that was soo insightful and healing that they still reference to this day. they're very good with each other. btw. if u didn't know.
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14. LOVER'S TIFFS. i can't. i can't think about them anymore i think i need to be put in a straightjacket and locked up
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#15. 2013 PRIZE GIVING. the way they look at each other...... i'd write 5 million words of rpf too
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there's literally so many more moments i want to include on here like mark's "i hope when i'm 70 they're not still asking if i love sebastian" or top gear when mark was like "my dad always said you shouldn't hit boys mate" or when seb and mark were at hangar 7 post 2010 and he went for the wettest limpest high five hand hold known to man or when mark massaged seb's shoulder in australia 2009 or their 1-2 podiums in 2009 or in 2020 when mark was like i've moved on from ferrari for u or "seb didnt expect sex in monaco" or china 2010 when they were bitching with each other or when seb was like i don't understand what he's saying half the time or when seb was on mark's shoulders for a red bull stunt or when they played cricket in australia 2012 or when mark was like we're very well-suited to each other both very handsome in that one magazine or when mark addressed their relationship in like 2014 and said we wished each other well in austria as you do or after multi 21 when seb was like i was racing i was faster i passed him i won and mark was like a cheetah never changes its spots we'll be fine or early on when mark was like we'll get hot chocolate together and i'll be going on about smth that happened before seb was born and he'll roll his eyes or when seb was like i learned a lot from mark or when seb said he'd give mark free hotel toiletries for his bday or when they copied each other trying to put stickers on their car or when someone changed seb's wikipedia page to say he's dating mark or when they did their pepe jeans butt ad or turkey 2011 when they all but caressed each other in 4k or the brazil 2011 cheek cradle or their websites i haven't even talked about their websites yet [I AM FORCIBLY DRAGGED AWAY]
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deltaromeo3 · 1 year
ɴᴏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ — Daniel Ricciardo
pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x childhood bestfriend!Reader
summary: Finally returning home after a few years, she reunites with her long time bestfriend; the all too famous Formula 1 driver, Daniel Ricciardo. Will things rehash between them or will it take a turn for the worst?
previous chapters here: #2 | #3
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Perth, Australia. It’s where you called home ever since you were 7. It’s been years since you’ve been back home but today you had a reason for your arrival; it was your mother’s birthday and she was turning fifty.
Usually, you would skip coming home at all costs. But this time, your mother begged you to come because apparently turning the big five and having you around to celebrate was a huge deal for her. Which was weird because all these while she was usually fine with not having you around and wine with a birthday card seemed to do the trick.
But somehow with enough convincing, you eventually gave in because she said that your sister would be there too, and you used that as a good enough reason to come back.
You avoided home like the plague, always telling your mother you were extremely busy, getting caught up in work and other stuff so you couldn’t afford to take a break and fly home.
But was that really the reason for your absence?
And now, here you were, a day early, standing outside the house you grew up in. Memories came flooding back but you were quickly snapped back to reality when your dad came out to help you with your luggage.
“You alright there darling?” He asked, a look of concern obvious on his face.
You smile and nod, “Yeah, I'm good.”
He just smiled in response and the both of you walked towards the door. As soon as you entered the house you were greeted by your sister hugging you so tightly you thought you were gonna pass out.
You laughed and hugged her back with as much force. Once you let go, you walked over to the kitchen.
“Ugh I feel like it’s been years since I last saw you.” She says, leaning on the entrance of the kitchen.
“That’s because it has been years.” You say as you poured yourself a cup of water.
“What? It can’t be that long ago, right?” Denial present in her voice.
You closed the fridge door. “Yeah it has,” You sipped on your drink. “I was here when Ella got married, remember? Her kid is three now. Three.” You held three fingers up close to your sister's face, annoying her as a result.
“Three huh? Just like his-’’
Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by your mother coming down the stairs.
“What’s all the noise about? Has the prodigal daughter returned home?”
You quickly glanced over to your sister, giving her the “oh god i’m not ready for this” look but all she does is flash you a tight-lipped smile.
Your mother walks over to you with open arms, hugging you. She lets go of the hug, holding your sides to take a good look at you but it felt like she was examining you instead…
“Are you sleeping well? You’ve got bags under your eyes.”
There it is.
She points at them but you just smile through it.
You glanced over to your sister as if you knew what was gonna happen.
“It’s nice to see you too Ma,” You reply, unamused.
“I’m just saying you look tired is all.”
You sighed, opening your mouth to respond but was interrupted by your sister chiming in. “It’s probably the jet lag, you know how it is.”
She understood that it was too soon for you to receive criticism from your own mother. You literally just arrived.
Your sister leaves the kitchen, making pointless conversation with your mother to distract her as they walked towards the living room.
You turned to the sink, washing the cup trying to distract yourself.
“Don’t think so much about it, you know how she is.” Your dad reassures you.
“I know I know…” You sigh.
“I’m just glad you’re home, we missed you tons. Especially your mother.”
“It’s kinda hard to believe that. All she ever does when we meet is criticize me or my looks.”
Your dad chuckles. He ruffles your hair and leaves. Before he walks away he says, “I now know why you were so eager to leave.”
You chuckled at the statement.
After having dinner, everyone was seated in the living room, watching TV together. You stared blankly at the sixty inch screen, some movie on Netflix playing.
You groan out of boredom.
You stood up, deciding that taking a walk was better than sitting around watching some lame movie.
You grab your jacket along the way out.
“Where ya off to?” Your mom asks.
“Gonna take a walk, haven’t been home in a while.”
She hums in response and you exit the house, closing the door behind you.
You decided that the corner shop was the place you wanted to go. You immediately walked towards the all too familiar path, leading you past a few houses before eventually arriving to the store. Once you arrive, it brought you back to the times where you, Ella and a few other of your friends used to hang out together after school… One person in particular you could not forget.
You smiled to yourself when you reminisced about the good old times but was quickly returned back to the present when you heard someone call out your name.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed that :)) This is my first time writing so do leave me feedback (good OR bad) so I know how I can improve for the next upcoming parts!!
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chloe-spade · 1 month
A New Love Story Prologue
Idia was the son of Hades and Persephone, a couple known for the unfortunate start of their love story. You know, Hades kidnapping Persephone, taking her to the underworld, and causing fall and winter respectfully until Hades allowed her to go back, only to eat six pomegranate seeds so she could stay for six months of the year. That's why fall and winter exist, and that's when the marriage conversation falls into Idia's ears.
Idia, the son of Hades and Persephone, was born during the winter season, which explains his pale complexion and similarities to Hades. He was a surprise but very welcoming, which is why his grandmother, Demeter, who is also the mother of Persephone, welcomes him during the spring and summer seasons.
It was that spring day when Demeter was curious about Idia's love life, which was none, nothing, nada, zilch.
He saw how, if unlucky, love destroys the love of humans and gods. Idia did not want to do that to a human, whether he fell in love with them or not. It was understandable that many were curious about his love life; as the prince of the literal underworld, it would be a miracle if he fell in love, yet Idia had moments where he vowed never to fall in love.
Oh, but he had to answer to his grandmother.
"No, Γιαγιά, I have not courted anyone yet," Idia answered, "It's not something I have in mind at the moment."
"Oh, my Εγγονός," Demeter sighed, "you must have someone you might have a connection with?"
Idia shakes his head. "I don't, and I doubt I ever will, γιαγιά."
Persephone sighed, "Μητέρα, Idia only turned 18 last winter. Let him take his time. Romance is not for everyone, Μητέρα, you have to understand that. Idia is still merely a boy and I surely do not want to rush him all because he is of marrying age."
'Thank Γαία,' Idia thought to himself. 'As if I would want to actually want to kidnap someone to be my bride like Πατέρας did. I could not forgive myself if I did and what if that person doesn't even fall for me? That would be acceptable. Why do I have to fall in love? If I would, it would be on my own terms…though I do believe that love in first sight seems stupid.'
"Oh, enough about his love life," Demeter laughed, "How are things back in the underworld? I do hope Hades adored my new gift."
"Oh, he did," Persephone grinned, "I'm glad you remembered that he adores your flowers."
Idia rolled his eyes and started to look around the spring around him. He was drifting off, just staring at the many flowers that surrounded them at the moment. Roses, Peonies, Marigolds, whatever you called it, and he can remember them by memory and name. He looked at the spring water that helped the flowers grow with the help of the nymphs that Demeter had. His eyes drifted onto a particular one, his blue eyes that matched the spring itself and hair that was a mixture of purple and silver mixed well together, leaving Idia speechless.
Idia was truly impressed, watching the Nymph diligently tending to his work.
"Amazing…" Idia muttered to himself.
The Nymph looked back at Idia, which made Idia turn back with a slight blush, embarrassed. But he saw the Nymph laugh a little and continued to water the plants but with a new smile on his face.
"Idia," Persephone whispered, "I'm sorry, dear. You just looked so distracted. Did we bore you with our conversation?"
"Uh, no." Idia coughed, "I just watched the flowers, you know, the usual."
"Yes, I do know," Persephone laughed, "You are allowed to walk around, Idia. Go,"
Idia got up and began to look around. He only wandered so far into his grandmother's garden to disturb the nymphs helping the plants grow.
But the same Nymph he was staring at walked over with a smile. Idia blushed and looked away, still embarrassed from earlier.
"Hello," He greeted.
"H-Hello," Idia gulped, still looking down.
"Oh, you don't have to be shy with me. I know you were staring but I have no complaints." The Nymph spoke with a laugh, "You look adorable while looking."
"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable," Idia stuttered. "I hope I didn't."
"You have not made me uncomfortable, dear prince of the Underworld," Azul reassured with a comforting tone.
"Uh…what's your name?"
"Oh, It's Azul." The Nymph smiled. "Αζούλ Εκ μελιάς σπήλαιο."
"That's an oddly beautiful name for such a beautiful nymph," Idia complimented, but his face turned red after realizing his words. "Uh, I'm sorry…I mean, you do a beautiful name b-but…uh.."
Azul grinned. "Aw, such a sweet prince you are."
Idia looked down, now embarrassed.
"And I do know who you are, Ίδια σάβανο," Azul teased, tending the waters. "And my, I never knew that your hair looked so beautiful when it's around the flowers."
"I-I'm simply lucky that it never burned the lovely flowers here," Idia gulped.
"Ah, I can see that," Azul smiles. "You know, you look beautiful. Maybe almost…"
"Don't!" Idia gasped. "I don't ever want to be compared to Αφροδίτη!"
Azul smirks and laughs. "My, oh my, seems like the sweet prince of the underworld is such a shy person. It's actually a refreshing to hear a greek prince that is actually nice to be around."
"O-oh," Idia blushed again.
Azul managed to chuckle and invited Idia to sit down by him. Idia watched as Azul tended the water, perfect enough for the flowers to grow almost immediately. Idia continued to watch, absolutely mesmerized by Azul's magic.
"So..how does one become a nymph?" Idia asked, genuinely curious about Azul's existence.
"Hmm, just to be born a nymph," Azul answered, still unsure.
"Yeah, but I mean in a sense of.." Idia paused for a moment. "Were you reborn as nymph?"
Azul doesn't answer as he continues his job, making Idia feel awkward and guilty for asking such an invasive question.
"Do not worry about offending me," Azul spoke up. "The truth is that I was born deep in the sea, and one of the few nymphs of water that tends to be outside an ocean,lake,sea, you name it. But…I also had friends to, but it's a long story about that too."
"What do you mean?"
"It still pains me to speak about it years later," Azul admitted. "But those two were my closest friends, despite our moments of arguments and anger."
"…You mean they…" Idia slowly spoke.
"You are the prince, you should know." Azul vaguely answered, picking up a vase of water. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. But please, do visit again. I like talking with you."
Idia watched Azul leave, walking away towards the other nymphs, still caring for the flowers.
"A water nymph outside the water," Idia muttered. "Amazing. But what does he mean about his friends? Are they dead?"
Idia guessed so, with Azul's hesitancy to talk more about his friends and reminding him that he was the prince of the literal underworld, so he must've seen them before. With his lack of interest in the dead, Idia should have paid more attention to who died and who was punished by his father once they died. His younger brother, Ortho, did, however. But how could he ask him when he was still in the underworld, staying with his father?
One of the many conditions for Idia's visit was that he might never make contact with the underworld during the spring and summer and wait until fall arrives to make the contact. But he also needs to keep in contact with Azul in case he finds his friends, but he needs to learn how to do that.
That night, still underneath Demeter's hunt and lovely home, he was silent the entire time. That doesn't surprise Persephone and Demeter, but as a mother, Persephone noticed that this wasn't his typical silence.
"ο γιος μου," Persephone hummed softly. "What happened?"
"Oh, I met with one of γιαγιά's nymphs," Idia explained. "But he seems upset about losing his friends years ago. And I want to know how to…"
"Bring his friends back?"
"Ugh, I know that's bad, but Azul was actually nice to me despite my title and I want him to be happy and at least be with his friends once again, but I know that doesn't go well."
"Oh, you seemed so worried," Demeter said. "But you know your father, Idia, he might not want to help."
"μητέρα," Persephone hissed. "Idia, who may have the ability to, but you have to be in the underwold for that to happen. Are you sure you want that?"
Idia blushed and nodded. "If that were to make Azul happy, but I don't even know if it does."
"Why haven't you asked him?" Persephone pondered. "You two seem to talk for hours earlier."
"Cause I don't want to seem odd to him." Idia explained. "I want to seem…less like πατέρας."
Persephone sighed but nodded in understanding. "Alright, once fall comes in, I'll ask your father about this. He might help, but I worry about his response."
Idia smiles. "Thank you, μητέρα."
Idia only had to wait until fall in a few weeks, but he found someone to love. He wants to make the Nymph happy and knows how wrong it is, but can he help someone in need? Can he?
Once fall arrived.
Idia, oddly, cannot wait for it.
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laurensturniolo · 8 months
Class reunion - sub!Chris Sturniolo X Y/n (fem)
‼️ SMUT ‼️
my first post !!
leave recommendations in the comments or send me things anonymously!
I’ve always liked Chris. Always, but especially since one day in 6th grade. 
“Give me that back!!” he yelled at me.
“No, beg for it!” I start giggling at him.
Something changes in his eyes, almost like he just seemed in my control.
“Please. I’m sorry. Just please”. 
My expression drops. He sounded so weak, like he needed something from me. He was quite literally begging. I immediately gave it back to him and he smirked at me, almost an evil smirk. 
I still think about that day often. Especially when he has a certain look on his face. The look just screams pure submissiveness. His puppy eyes, his red pouty lips… oh my god. He makes me feel weak. I think it would be wrong to say I’m obsessed with him but I'm definitely obsessed with him. He’s just perfect and I just can’t deal with it.
~ ~ ~
It’s our 4 year class reunion. It’s only been 4 years but when I show up, I feel like I don’t remember some people. I’m 21 now, and I guess everyone else is my age or older too. I came in a tight silky black dress and some brand new tennis shoes, nothing fancy. I do some fancier makeup though, just so I look nice for people. Though I never cared how I looked during high school. 
“Hey y/n!” A familiar voice calls out from behind me. I turn around and it’s my high school friend, Tessa.
“Oh my god, hey Tess! I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“Ugh, I know! You look amazing, how’ve you been?” she asks, smiling at me.
“So do you! I’ve been good, everything’s going good.”
We talk for 10 minutes and then I go around to look at food and decorations. I run into a few familiar faces and give a short conversation. I decide to get some fruit punch just to carry around and drink while I’m here. I finish filling up my class when I turn around and bump into someone, spilling some of my drink on them.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry”.
I look up at this person's face and realize it’s Chris. Chris Sturniolo. My school crush. I slightly blush at him due to embarrassment but also the fact that I’m right in front of him. He seems slightly pissed but he calms down.
“You’re fine, I know it was an accident. You’re y/n, right?” he says in a fun tone.
“Yea, and you’re Chris, right?” I already know who he is.
“Yup, surprised you didn’t call me Matt”. He jokes. God, I missed him.
“Couldn’t mistake you for Matt, trust me”.
He smirks and tilts his head slightly. “Oh really? Why not?” I suddenly freeze. I can’t just tell him I had and still have a crush on him, that’s so awkward. I realize I’m blushing so I disguise it with me being “nervous”. “Oh uh, you were just in a lot of my classes, especially in senior year.”
“Ohhh, right right. So, how’ve you been? You’ve changed… a lot”
I look a little confused. Have I really? I mean I was still going through puberty until senior year. My boobs got a little bigger and my face got skinnier along with the rest of my body and just a minor color difference to my hair. But god, Chris is realizing this? Does this mean he noticed me in high school too? 
“Really? Thanks I guess”
“Of course… you look good” He says ‘good’ almost seductively. I want to ignore it but I just can’t. 
“Thank you… you do too” I smile sweetly.
We talk for a little while longer and I play everything off well, almost no hints I like him. I’m still talking to him when I look down just to avoid eye contact.
He’s hard.
My eyes widen at the sight. I avoid eye contact at all costs to make sure he doesn’t know I know.
“Hey. Whatcha lookin at?”
Shit, he knows. 
“O-oh nothing. Sorry” I laugh it off to avoid embarrassment. He walks closer to me. The 3 feet in front of me turns into a foot or less.
“I know what you’re looking at, sweetheart.” He whispers seductively. “I’m not fooling you, you saw what you saw. Neither of us can hide it now”.
I can’t believe this is really happening. I’m silent for a few seconds when his hand reaches up to bring my chin to look at him.
“I’m talking to you.”
“I-I.. I’m sorry.”
“No need to be sorry sweetheart. Wanna help me with this?” He tilts his head down to look at his erection. I know what I want to say. But do I say it? I just nod dumbly. He chuckles and says, “Let’s go find a room then, pretty girl.”
We walk upstairs and Chris waves at a few people on the way. God I forgot he’s popular. We finally find a bedroom and Chris opens the door. The second we’re inside, He pushes me against the door and kisses me roughly. He pushes me back a little more so he can lock the door while still in the kiss. His tongue slides on my bottom lip, asking for an entrance to which I immediately obey. I whimper into the kiss only making him get rougher with me. His hands make their way up to my lower hips and he grabs them, making me whimper again. I can feel him smiling.
He pulls away suddenly. I look at him and his eyes are blown out, almost no blue is seen anymore. He looks needy, so needy. 
“Awww you look desperate”. I say in a joking tone.
“Please” is all he can blurt out. I smile and kiss him, I’m taking all control. I kiss him rougher and he starts whimpering. God, it’s so attractive. After a minute, I pull away from the kiss.
“How about we lay on the bed? That okay baby?”
He blushes and his eyes get wider at the nickname. He nods eagerly. I grab his hand and he sits on the edge of the bed. I sit on his thighs to straddle him. I look down to look at his eyes and he looks desperate. I grab his face and kiss him again but this time, I tilt my head a little to really get into the kiss and I can tell he likes this way more. My hand makes its way down his neck, to his chest, then right down to his bulge in his pants. I lightly palm over it and he inhales sharply at the touch. I start palming a little harder and little whines and moans come out of his mouth. 
“Tell me what you want baby,” I tell him, looking in his eyes.
Something in his eyes changes in that moment.
“P-please suck me off. Please y/n.” He says in a whiny voice. I smirk and get on my knees in front of him. I motion for him to take his pants off and he immediately obeys. He takes his boxers off and he’s rock hard. I look at him to make sure he’s fully okay with this and he nods, looking down at me. Finally, I lightly stroke his dick with my middle finger and he squirms slightly. 
I hold his thigh down with my open hand, “Stop squirming or i’ll stop.” He nods and immediately replies, “I-i’m sorry.” I stroke harder and a little faster with just my middle finger still and everything in his body is trying to stop him from squirming. I use my whole hand now and he moans quietly.
“Be loud, baby. It’s okay” I reassure him.
I start stroking him faster and he moans louder. “Y/n, pleaseeee.. o-oh please”
I look at him right in the eyes. “What Chris? What do you want?” He looks down right at my eyes and says, “suck me off.. please y/n/n” 
Everything in me changes after he says my nickname while he’s begging for me. I immediately open my mouth and go for it. I start with the tip and he gasps. He’s trying so hard not to move at all and it makes me smile slightly. Then, I finally lower my mouth and bob my head up and down at a decent pace. He’s a whimpering mess at this point. He keeps saying shit like,
“Pleaseeeee… oh my god”
“So good baby, so good for me”
I start bobbing my head faster and I suck a little harder as he’s moaning louder by the second. 
“Y/n god… HOLY-“ I cover his mouth. 
“Shut the fuck up, Chris. Do you want everyone at our goddamn class reunion to hear you moaning for me?” He shakes his head aggressively. “Yea, I didn’t think so.”
I move faster and he’s a mess. His eyes are watering, he’s sweating, whimpering non stop.
I keep doing this until finally I let go. He whines at the loss of contact, I finally take off my dress and reveal that I’m not wearing a bra. His eyes almost immediately look at my tits and he’s in awe. I stand up to take off my black lace panties and he whimpers at the sight.
“God please y/n.. I need you, all of you. You’re so fucking gorgeous” I blush.
“Thank you chris..” I straddle his thighs, right below his dick. He looks directly in my eyes with desire and I lift myself up, right above his dick. 
“How badly do you want this, Chris? Tell me baby.”
“So… so fucking bad y/n. God, please baby. Please ride my cock…” His little whiny voice is so sweet, I can’t say no.
I finally lower myself on his cock and he throws his head back. “You're such a good boy… right? My good boy?” Doe eyes. He gives me straight doe eyes. “Y-yes y/n. I’m your good boy, only yours”.
I finally bottom out and kiss him while I wait  a minute to get used to this feeling. Once I finally get used to it, I start bouncing slowly. 
“H-holy shit.” He exhales. I whimper slightly at the good feeling.
I start bouncing faster and harder and Chris is a fucking mess, this guy doesn’t shut up. He’s whining or whimpering every second, begging me to keep going. “Please, baby. Don’t stop now, please…” “I’m not gonna stop Chris. Calm down, sweetheart…”
I bounce harder and kiss his collarbones while doing so. His legs start shaking and I know what’s about to come out of his mouth. “Y/n… f-fuck I’m.. I’m so close…”
“Yea? Be a good boy and hold it for a little while longer”. I don’t want to sound rude, I just really want us to enjoy our orgasm together. “P-please… please let me cum”
“Almost baby.. it’s okay, almost.”
Tears fall from his eyes as he grabs my hips hard. “P-please!! God y/n/n. PLEASE” His legs shake, indicating he’s so close. “Y/N I NEED TO CU-“ He cuts himself off with a moan while releasing inside of me. I follow with my orgasm a few seconds later, moaning his name quietly.
I slow my actions down, letting him finish. “F-fuck y/n. I’m so sorry… I-I couldn’t hold it…”
I grab his jaw to force him to look at him. “It’s okay baby. I know… I know it was hard.” I grab his face and kiss him sweetly, reassuring him. “You did sooo good for me, Chris. So fucking good” He blushes at my compliment.
“Let’s get us cleaned up” I say, walking to the bathroom to get a wet towel. I cleaned us up for 5 minutes and we lay in bed for a few minutes. We both get our clothes back on and walk out. Yes, my dream with my goddamn crush came true. When we got out, no one looked like they knew what happened. 
“You dirty little whores.” Nick looks at us both, disgusted.
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Bucky x Reader imagine
This could prolly work with Logan too now that I think of it
Imagine you work in a DIY store (I'm from the UK so it would be B&Q for me but I think the equivalent would be home depot?) and you meet this awkward hulk of a man who's staring off into space vaguely in your direction.
"you alright?" He snaps out of it and nods quickly reassuring you he was just thinking. "Well come find me if you need anything."
He doesn't come back for a full month (he's embarrassed to have been caught spacing out and he also wants to know he's ready to be in public but his project isn't moving forward and he wants to finish it so he braves another trip to your store).
"screws are in aisle 21" you speak from behind him, having seen the one he brought for comparison in his hand.
Bucky quickly thanks you and heads off to the aisle. He hates that there's a loud radio and that there's constant chatter and even children running about without a care. It's a little much but his beloved family owned store had closed once Lester retired.
Bucky is back looking for new sanding sheets the next time he comes across you. A man is yelling at you about a refund you cannot provide but you keep your cool and tell him politely to leave the store. He had no receipt, no packaging and had paid cash there was no way to track when he purchased it or if it was even from your shop so of course you couldnt give him money. The man was escorted out by the security guard and you asked the young boy at the returns desk if he was okay, he nodded and thanked you before you walked off.
Bucky quickly fell into step with you, you gave him a curious side eye. "you alright?"
"yeah, just watched the commotion. You handled yourself well."
"thanks, at least I get paid to be shouted at, poor Ryan doesn't." You gave him a quick wink and walked away.
It was a while before you two saw eachother again, he had returned to the store (definitely not to see you) but you weren't in or were merely unavailable.
"hey." Bucky spoke as you handed a customer a tin of mixed paint.
"hey, there. Long time no see."
"yeah, been a while."
The conversation came to an abrupt stand still as you waited for him to elaborate. He never did and you quickly asked, "so why ya here now? What ya getting?"
"just some undercoat today."
"5." You provided him the opportunity to exit the conversation. He didn't take it and you continued with, "I can show you if you want."
Bucky nodded and let you lead him through to the undercoats. You showed him the difference between the brands and the sizing. He knew the one he wanted but liked you talking so let you.
"thank you (y/n)." He spoke as you left, your eyes flashed with confusion before remembering you were wearing a name badge
"hey, (y/n)." Your name woke you up.
"oh hey." You rubbed your eye. "Sorry, I closed last night and opened today so I am dead."
The security guard he had previously seen was walking past and heard your words. "They work you too hard." He spoke with a slight accent.
"yes they do Dave." You agreed with a chuckle
Bucky liked your smile and your laugh, it was a sweet, almost delicate, thing.
"you were just-" he motioned towards the computer you stood at. "Standing."
"yeah. I have to print the sales reports and do a team brief, then I can go home." You quickly logged back into the computer. "God I'm actually scarily tired." You made a face but we're still smiling.
"why did you close and then open?"
"Ahh, Carlota is sick." You shrugged. "I'm the next nearest so they call little ol' me. That's what I get for being a team leader."
"team leader?" He hadn't heard of that job role
"essentially I'm a manager but I get paid less and do more work." You pressed print. "Right, I'll see you soon I assume? Oh that rhymes!"
"paint is my thing." You agreed. "Let's get you paint. We want Dulux? Crown? We mix in Valspar."
Bucky gave you a shrug. "What's a good paint for a bedroom?"
"literally any emulsion." You waved a hand towards your colour charts. "What colour you feeling?"
"I don- black?"
"for your whole room?"
"I'd only ever say yes to that if your house had one full window wall. Black is a lot. Its the absence of colour, to put it dramatically... it'll depress you. We can do a deep colour like a green or a maroon or even a beige but I think black is too hardcore even for you."
Bucky listened and nodded. You seemed to know what you were talking about.
"maybe have a look online at some inspo pics?"
"I don't really do online." He confessed. "I barely have a phone, I don't even think it's on me." He patted his pockets.
"oh wow. I mean good for you. I wish I could get off mine more but I read a lot on my phone so it's a bit difficult."
"what are you reading?"
"I am currently rereading the lord of the rings." You thrust your forearm towards him displaying a tattoo he had noticed before. "Kinda a fan."
"I liked the hobbit." Bucky nodded. "I haven't read the lord of the rings, yet."
"oh you must! And the silmarillian(however you spell that, sue me)!" You gave him a big smile and looked to his left, Bucky followed and saw an elderly lady waiting patiently with a colour chip.
"I'll be back for a colour."
"So you've chosen your colour?"
"what's your favourite colour?"
"I dunno it changes a lot to be fair." He had noticed you decorated yourself in brightly coloured things, sometimes it was your nails, sometimes it was hair clips or bangles. Either way you always had some form of colour. "Been feeling blue recently. The colour, not sadness."
"then I'd like a blue."
"for your room?"
"pffftt. No! You strike me as a brown guy." You folded your arms. "You have a lot of mahogany and oak in your house, you probably built a lot of your furniture, so I think a nice deep warm feature wall and the rest can be white or cream."
Bucky was able to picture what you said and did agree it would look nice. "okay that."
"right now I have like 200 shades of brown, let's have a look."
It took less than five minutes for you to say "what about thi-" and him immediately say yes, you walked him to the tills and when he was at the exit you stopped him.
"you know you don't wear a name badge."
"no," he agreed "I don't."
"you know my name, that's a little unfair, right?"
"oh, B- call me James." He held out a hand
"call you James?" You raised a brow but shook the offered hand.
"it's my name."
"right." You laughed. "Well that does it. It's a shame. I've sworn off James'"
"my ex was a James, so I've sworn you lot off."
"oh I didn't know."
"well how could you." You playfully shrugged.
"no I didn't know that was on the cards."
The playful flirting continues a while before he eventually asks you on a date, it's beautiful and you had a wonderful time. Bucky even took up actually taking his phone out with him incase you sent a text, he was bad at responding but liked that you thought of him. He just liked you, you werent a hero or a mutant or someone with supreme intelligence. You were an average person making the most of their life, you weren't a massive fan of the job you were in a fact he knew when he asked if you'd get in trouble for talking to him so much "if they wanna be rid of me that's actually in my favour". You were normal. He loved it. The idea of normality was daunting when he thought of all he had done but when he pictured you he felt warm. It felt peaceful.
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cookinguptales · 4 months
God, so. This is a story I haven't told in a while, so it'll probably be new to a lot of my followers.
This morning I got my kudos email and saw one for a fic I didn't recognize. I puzzled over this for a few minutes, then clicked on it and immediately remembered everything I'm about to tell you.
"Oh right," I said. "This is what happened the last time I fell down a research rabbit hole while writing original fiction."
The long and short of it is this: I used to do a Halloween fic exchange every year, and one year someone requested "dinosaur ghost." I was immediately like "that sounds fun!" and then, approximately three seconds later, remembered an article I'd read recently.
(This is me, unfortunately.)
A long time ago, there was this kind of mad rush for dinosaur skeletons to put in museums. (The Bone Wars, if you're familiar.) The Carnegie Museum ended up finding an Apatosaurus skeleton, but at that time, no one knew what that skeleton was supposed to look like. The researchers argued quite a bit about it and, despite the fact that they'd actually found the correct skull during the dig, attached the cast of a skull of a Camarasaurus to it instead. This skeleton had the wrong skull for decades until the mistake was realized and eventually switched out for the right skull in the 1970s.
This left me with an appealing, sort of whimsically romantic idea: what would it be like, if dinosaur bones are haunted? And what would it be like if two ghosts were being forced to inhabit the same dinosaur skeleton?
So I decided that I wanted to write this story about this mismatched skeleton and the ghosts that haunted it, but in order to do that properly, I had to find out what happened to that Camarasaurus skull after the Apatosaurus was properly reassembled.
Friends, I fell down the fucking rabbit hole. I looked at the museum's website. I was looking in journals. I was on Google looking at families' vacation photos so I could get a better look at the exhibits in the museum.
I was down bad.
In the end, I gave in and emailed the museum. Like... this is a weird question, but is there anyone who could tell me what happened to the Camarasaurus skull that used to be on display with the Apatosaurus?
I wasn't expecting a reply, really. Maybe an intern would email me back with an apology. If I got really lucky, a docent might actually know what I was talking about.
Imagine my surprise when I get back an email from an actual fucking paleontologist. He is not just happy to tell me what happened -- he is thrilled. He was excited that someone was even asking these questions, and I didn't even almost have the heart to tell him why I'd asked.
Now... I'll take a moment here to say that I am actually interested in museum studies. I'm super interested in the way we teach science, the way we teach science history, and the history of how we've taught that history. I took classes on it in college, in fact. I tried to take paleontology, too. I even took all the preqs and everything. I just couldn't get it into my schedule in the end.
So when a literal fucking paleontologist emails me to talk to me about these things, I sit up in my seat. I want to seem like I am On The Level. I reply to this man with my academic email address.
Oh no. Oh no. I am in too deep. I am in way too deep. This kind, charmingly enthusiastic paleontologist cannot know that I am writing a quasi-homoerotic dinosaur ghost love story. He can't.
So I talk to him about my own field of study because I desperately want to sound like a real scholar and not like this is research for my AO3 account. (Even though it is.) We have a very nice conversation. He tells me everything I need to know and then some.
Apparently, I was right when I'd suspected that I'd seen a Camarasaurus skull in some of the photos of the exhibit. He was pleased I'd noticed. But it wasn't the same one that was on display with the Apatosaurus skeleton.
The real Apatosaurus skull was too fragile to be put on display, so they made a cast of it instead and mounted that on the skeleton in the exhibit. The real skull is being kept in the Big Bone Room, which is what they call their fossil storage. The cast of the Camarasaurus skull? Even though it was just a cast, it was still kept for posterity. It is also being stored in the BBR along with the skull of the Apatosaurus. And the real Camarasaurus skull that the cast was based on is now displayed near the Apatosaurus skeleton in the exhibit.
So both parts of the skeleton are now with a new version of their old friend, and they'll never be alone again. I don't think I could have designed a more romantic, bittersweet ending if I'd tried.
I write my fic. It's lovely, in my opinion, and exactly what I wanted it to be. It's about love and friendship and the sort of wistful affection you feel for friends who have gone and those you have just met.
I do not speak to the paleontologist again.
To this day, I am deeply relieved that he never found out what I was up to, but also sort of curious to know if he would've liked it if he'd read it. I took some extreme scientific liberties while writing my quasi-f/f dinosaur ghost fic (shocking, I know) so probably not. lmao
You never know, though! Some academics are into some super weird shit! Like me!
So I guess I always feel kind of wistful about the fic, too.
Anyway... Here's the Carnegie Museum's page about the Apatosaurus/Camarasaurus skeleton.
And here's the story I wrote about them:
Something Borrowed 💜🦕
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barcaluvv · 7 months
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GAVI X READER ★ˢᵘᵐᵐᵃʳʸ: ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ ᵃᶜʳᵒˢˢ ᵒᶠ ᵇᵉⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ˢⁱˢᵗᵉʳ ᵒᶠ ᶠᵃᵐᵒᵘˢ ᶠᵒᵒᵗᵇᵃˡˡ ʸᵒᵘⁿᵍˢᵗᵉʳ,ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵐᵃᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵃ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵉˡˢᵉ ᶜᵃⁿ ʰᵃᵖᵖᵉⁿ. ᵇᵃˢⁱᶜᵃˡˡʸ ᵍᵃᵛⁱ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ.★ ~ ★ CHAPTER 1! NEXT PART COMING SOON A loud bang woke me up from a deep sleep as I hurried to the bathroom where I usually start my day, as the last two dreams I had this night were running through my mind trying to get ready quickly because this morning I have to take my younger brother Hector to his training. Hector trained for a slightly bigger club, known all over the world, FC Barcelona. He was recently signed to the club and previously participated in a small Spanish club with the other few youngsters. When I got to the stadium, I didn't have any fear because I already knew a couple of his friends who also trained with him. Descending down the stairs, which were covered with all the colors of this club, I heard two very deep voices, without any manners, I eavesdropped on the conversation. I tried to understand their aggressive talking mostly because they sounded pretty serious. Every other word they said was in Spanish, but I managed to understand. "pero ¿por qué jefe? ?" said the boy sitting on the crooked bench by the door, I had the opportunity to peek through the cracked entrance, but I was wondering how come Hector never introduced me to him. The only thing I could see was his broad shoulders that sunk into his muscles from fatigue. When they were about to rush out of that door I quickly looked away, and this was the moment I saw his face, oh my God I said to myself. I started running back to the nearest bathroom in panic, I stood pressed against the iron door, feeling my heartbeat begin to accelerate,trying to gather all my thoughts suddenly I could only gather one and that one was the boy with brown hair, besides the beauty shining in his eyes, I remembered the number 6, the number six is his jersey number. . After a while I ran out of the stadium and quickly waved at Hector, while everyone looked at each other in confusion. When Hector came home i asked him why everyone was looking at me like that, and then he told me something that will change my life forever as the sister of a famous football player who couldn't bear with this. "You know that we have cameras all around our place riight?" Said the curly head who lowered his gaze and made an anxious pout. "Tell me more!" I said to him with a slightly boiling expression on my face. "Paparazzi who followed the team saw you dashing next to the locker room & the only ones around were you two so they immediately thought that you and Gavi have something going on for a while since he was acting pretty strangely according to fans". My eyes widened, my world became quiet and I couldn't believe what I heard, the beats that were coming from all sides of my body were expressed back to my face which showed what it wanted to hear. I can't believe that the guy who I saw for the first time until a while ago is now in a scandal with me. Later that night I missed dinner, after what I experienced I didn't focus on anything other than his sparkling smile that I can only dream of smiling at me. I closed both of my eyes on the thought, which from that moment I couldn't and didn't want to get out of my head. I basically just layed there in a literal zoo running around in my stomach, I couldn't resist, I smiled to myself, and this is what I call a real smile that represents not only love acceptance but also many things that I felt from now on.
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gyll-yee-haw · 9 months
ok but imagine jake has been away filming for so long and one time when you talk through the phone late at night you tell him you miss him sm and along the lines you say sth like „i can’t even come without you anymore” and he goes insane on dirty talk just to be at your doorstep the next day i-
I edited a bit and decided to give y'all an early Christmas presents, love you <3
Warnings: masturbation, phone sex, mentions of a reader who struggles to cum, very desperate reader, tiny mentions of being tied up and a lil dom!Jake.
You and Jake had been together long enough for you to get used to all his travels and how busy he got at work. But you still didn't.
He was now away for almost three months. You were losing your mind.
It was another one of those nights when you walked into your bedroom and sighed sadly before going to bed. Jake wasn't there to hold you. To talk to you with his sweet and relaxing voice while you rested your head on his chest and fell asleep.
That must be why sleeping was so hard. Why you kept tossing and turning and sighing frustratedly. You were angry. Sad. Exhausted. You gave up and decided to call him. You hated to bother him and you didn't want him to feel guilty for working so hard. But taking to him was usually the only thing that made you feel better on nights like that.
"Hi, love." He greeted you happily.
"Hey… oh god, it's so good to hear your voice." You told him, feeling a little better already.
"It's great to hear yours too." He chuckled. "So, how was your day?"
The two of you spent a few minutes telling each other stories that happened since the last time you talked. It was amazing, he warmed your heart and made you laugh a lot.
But at some point, the atmosphere got a little sad again.
"I just wish you were here with me." He told you. "Everytime I go out I see something and think 'I bet y/n would love this'… would be a lot more fun if you were here."
"Yeah, I think about you all day too." You said. "And then I curse you for being so fucking hot."
"What do you mean, honey?" He laughed.
"I'm desperate." You admited. "I'm so used to you fucking me so good. And now I can't even cum without you anymore."
There was a little moment of silence on the phone.
"Wait…" He finally said. "Are you telling me you didn't cum at all these last months?"
When Jake traveled for only a few days, you always made a deal to not masturbate, cause when you saw each other again, it would be awesome. But since he would be away for months, you agreed it would be okay, in case you needed to.
"No, all I do is disappoint myself." You shrugged.
"We need to fix that, baby…" He suggested. "Come on, do you want my help? I'm here now... listen to my voice and do what I say, okay, princess?"
Something about that drastic change on the tone of the conversation gave your stomach butterflies.
"Okay... what... what should I do?" You asked.
"Okay, listen to me." He instructed you. "You're gonna lay on your back. Take your panties off. Flex your knees like I was on top of you and you were wrapping them around my waist... like you could feel me deep inside you, remember that feeling?"
Your heart was racing. You really hoped that would work, cause he was getting you worked up now.
You followed every step of his plan, and told him: "Done".
"Good girl. Now spit on your fingers and start touching your pussy until you're wet enough."
You brought your fingers to your mouth, then guided them to your folds, trying to recreate the path Jake's tongue usually follwed. But it still felt like you were touching any other part of your skin. It wasn't like that with Jake. Whenever he just LOOKED at your pussy he already had you bucking your hips.
"Baby?" He called after you were silent for too long.
"It's boring." You told him.
"Use your imagination, honey." He chuckled. "If I was there, what would you like me to do to you?"
"Anything you wanted. Absolutely anything at all."
"Oh yeah?" You could hear the smirk on his voice. "I think I would like to tie your hands above your head and rub the tip of my cock on your clit until you were crying. Then I would shove it inside you at once, and fuck you mercilessly, make you look like a dumb little slut, absolutely speechless, but so fucking beautiful with her eyes rolled back, screaming my name…"
"Fuck." Now you were wet. And even more desperate than before. There wasn't a single cell on your body that didn't crave his touch. "You're making it worse…"
"Oh my God, baby…" He ignored your negativity. "You can't imagine how fucking hard I am for you now."
"Let me see!!!" You begged. "Let's FaceTime instead."
"No, keep touching yourself." He said firmly.
"Please, I can't do it…" You insisted.
"I am helping you, angel. You have to learn how to take care of yourself when I'm not home." He explained.
"What about a video? Or just a photo?"
"Don't be a little brat just because I'm not there to slap you. I can simply turn my phone off and go to sleep, leave you on your own. Is that what you want?"
"No, sorry, sir…"
"Good. Now touch your clit, baby… just I do, you know how you like it."
You closed your eyes and tried to picture the things he said before. You lead two fingers to your clit and started rubbing it slowly. At first, it still felt like nothing. But when you hit just the right spot, your back arched and you moaned.
"Yes, good girl… feel good, huh?" He reacted to your moans.
"Yes, Jakey… fuck…"
You kept rubbing that very specific spot and moaning just to let Jake know you were feeling good. Still wasn't as good as it was when he did it with his big fingers, but at least you were feeling something.
"You sound so beautiful right now, angel. Wish I was there to taste you. That's why I don't wanna FaceTime you, honey. Do you think I'm not dying to see that pretty pussy? Of course I am, but it hurts that I can't put my mouth on it. Lick it real good until your legs are shaking around my head. I miss it so much, fuck…"
His words alone were driving you crazy, but it was the sound of him stroking his cock that made your pussy clench around nothing.
"Talk to me, pretty girl. I'm stroking my cock, thinking of you too." He asked sweetly.
"Fuck... need you… what if I can't do it?"
"You can do it, baby. Don't you feel good right now? Rub it harder, baby."
"Hhmm... I need to cum so bad…" You grew more desperate as time passed and you couldn't even imagine how terrible it would be to not be able to do it that night.
"You will, angel. Looks like I'm gonna have to give you a lesson about patience when I come back." He threatened you, and you would do anything to have those lessons now.
The waves kept coming and going. Just when you thought were going to cum, you got all excited but it went away. You were so fucking wet that your fingers slipped through your folds and you missed the spot several times, making you sigh frustratedly. Jake knew it usually didn't take you that long, and he was getting close himself, just picturing you laying there desperate, soaked, legs in the air, rubbing your pussy so hard while you thought about him.
"I can't do it, I can't." You cried out.
"Please, babygirl." He was the one begging now. "Please cum for me, be a good girl for me, I can't hold it much longer…"
You closed your eyes and imagined he was sitting right beside you, ready to shoot his load on your belly and your breasts. It was a pretty realistic fantasy, cause you could hear his moans through the phone, indicating he was really close.
That was it. Suddenly, another one of those waved came. This one was so strong, and just wasn't going away like the others did.
"OH FUCK!" You moaned loud and excitedly. "I'm coming right now, oh my God, right… now... fuuuuck…"
"Yes, babygirl, do it…" He said, feeling his own orgasm building. "Don't stop, oh fuck…"
Fucking finally. It had been so long. Your back arched and all your muscles flexed and you moaned during every second of it. When your body relaxed, you weren't capable of doing anything, not even thinking.
"Baby, talk to me, fuck." Jake called for the third time, but you didn't even hear the first ones.
"I did it." You told him, all smiley. "I'm in heaven, I swear. Fuck... I needed this, so bad..."
"Proud of you, babygirl." He chuckled. "But you should have told me this so much earlier."
"I definitely should." You agreed. "Do you think we can do this again someday?"
"Not a chance." He sighed frustratedly. "I swear I'm getting on the first plane tomorrow. My baby needs me and it breaks my heart to not be there for her..."
After all, you knew that both of you could touch yourselves all you wanted, even together like you just did, but nothing would compare to the real thing.
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boyinafandom · 6 months
Hitting The Curve
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Modern day au
Y/n is gender neutral
Spencer, knew he liked you. It was only friendly of course. Your his coworker.
Why would he ever want to date you? Sure, you’re just as smart as him, listen to him rant on and on without getting bored. And-Oh- another thing, out of every one in and outside of the office he seems to be the only person you’re ever actually nice to.
So he didn’t really understand why he got this tingling all over his body and why his mind went blank and his face got hot when you simply leaned on his arm..ok maybe let me be more specific..
You, him and Derek, had been talking about how much you liked cd’s, he doesn’t really remember how you guys got here, because he was reading and only inserted himself into the conversation when you asked what kind of music he liked.
He stated simply
(This is important for later)
After a few seconds to long of silence, he spoke up again
“Or opera”
He watched you nod, Not really caring what Derek had to say in this moment, that’s what was odd about how he felt about you. He craved you’re attention. He yearned for it.
But anyway. Back to the story.
“Uh huh..”
You nodded
“I don’t really listen to music though, I prefer vinyl’s in all honesty”
He did.
“Oh yes! That was the subject at hand.”
You lightened
“I prefer cd’s, I do use my phone for music, of course,it’s only natural this day In age. But I just like the feel of having a physical copy of things.”
“I should know, I’ve seen the atrocious amount of cd racks you have in your living room”
Derek chimed. Chuckling. But all Spencer could think about was that Derek Morgan. The womanizer, got himself into your house, and did what?
“Well duh. Everyone saw it.when I said “don’t mind the racks” I wasn’t talking about money. I literally meant racks. Like of CD’s.”
You rolled you’re eyes playfully, like it was some big inside joke he wasn’t apart of…
“Uh- if I may ask- what kind of music do you listen to?”
He felt like a kid, asking out the hottest girl in his freshmen class (who. For him, was like 4 years older then him. Not the point but also…kind of the point)
“You may”-you Plato-“I listen to a lot of stuff, it’s kind of hard to explain it, it really depends on my mood in the moment. But if I had to pinpoint a specific genre it would probably be /insert your favorite/ most listened to genre here/ but over all I listen to just about anything.”
You shrug, pleased with you’re explanation.like a content cat.
“I actually have a few on me right now”
You only really seemed happy when you talked about things you liked…you were happy when you talked to him…so by proxy,you liked him..
“Oh god..here we go…”
Derek practically groaned
He heard Rosie chuckle on the other side of the jet
You smile, and pull out a CD holder
“Oh that looks like a lot more then a few..”
Spencer says, kind of just staring at it, like he’s trying to find something interesting to say, but he just can’t, like, the words won’t come to him.
And then it’s like your brain sparks a wire
“What if I got you a CD? Any one you want, I’ll find one and get it for you? How does that sound?”
You say, leaning on his shoulder and smiling
“You don’t have to answer, I’m gonna get you one anyway…trust.”
And like that his heart was on fire.
That was the moment he realized he was in love with you, or, that it was leading to love, that It would get that far. That he liked you as much as he did, the way you smiled, and leaned against his arm in the jet seat, how you, looked at him. The boy genius. The man who’s only good trait was his brain.
Time froze. Thank god for his memory. Because he’s never gonna forget this moment. ever.
This is also on wattpad! So if you want to keep up with it easer the tag is “boyinafandomtumblr”
Part 2
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hairstevington · 2 years
Steve is NOT straight
Platonic Codependent Besties Steve x Robin (Steve is bi and Robin had no idea somehow, also a hint of Steddie 😉)
1K word one shot based on this text post by my buddy @steviesbicrisis because a lot of people liked it and wanted more of it lol (link to Ao3)
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“Ha ha, very funny Harrington.” Robin said as she lay across her friend’s lap. Steve had asked her to paint his nails black, because he saw some rockstar do it and decided that he could too, even though, as Robin often pointed out, Steve was a pretty boy. I don’t HAVE to be a pretty boy. Steve would always respond. Steve…. Robin would say, ending the conversation. 
“What’s funny about it?” Steve asked, confused. When he’d asked her to do this, he didn’t realize that the best method would be for her to lay on top of him, her stomach on his thighs, weighing him down. He was in the corner of the couch, his hand resting on the arm of it, and Robin insisted that she needed to be eye level with his fingers to do it properly. Three down, seven to go.
“You know, sometimes your humor is just kind of annoying.” Robin said, frowning. She loved Steve, but he drove her crazy sometimes.
“I’m not joking?” Steve responded. Robin finished the fourth nail on his left hand and shifted to face him. 
“I just don’t appreciate you making all these jokes that you’re gay when you know I’m actually gay. It’s a little insensitive.” She turned back to his nails with a huff, focusing on his thumb so she could complete the first hand. 
“Usually, yeah, I would agree, except once again, I’m not joking. Wait, did you seriously not know…?” Steve’s confusion turned to shock. She has to know. We spend every waking moment together. I tell her everything. 
“Steve Harrington, you are not gay. Need I remind you of your blind love for Miss Nancy Whee-”
“I’m not gay, I’m bisexual. Where the hell have you been?” Steve asked, his shock now turned to anger. Robin sprang up from his lap, nearly dropping the bottle of nail polish in the process. “Careful, the carpet!”
“WHAT.” Robin exclaimed, taken completely by surprise. “No, no. We would have definitely talked about this before.”
“I thought we HAD talked about it.” He responded. “Like the time I drunkenly kissed Tommy at that party and then drank more to cover up the fact I liked it?” 
“Oh my God.” 
“And then last summer when I dated that guy Mark?”
“No shit, you were DATING him?” Robin asked, aghast.
“Uh, yeah. Are you being for real right now?” Steve asked. “I literally would tell you when we were going on dates.” 
“I thought you were saying that because I was going on dates with Vicki! I thought you were being cute!”
“Robin, when have you ever thought I was cute?” Steve asked, wanting to run his hand through his hair and stopping himself once he remembered his nails were still wet.
“OH MY GOD!” Robin screamed, jumping up and pacing the floor. “Oh my god. You’re right. It’s been there this whole time.” 
“Me swearing by using Farrah Fawcett hairspray and having a lesbian for a best friend didn’t tip you off?” 
“Okay, okay, don’t be too hard on me. You didn’t know I was gay at first either.” Robin said, crossing her arms.
“How the hell was I supposed to know that?” 
“Um, EVERYTHING about me??” Robin replied. 
“Not the same. We weren’t that close yet.” Steve insisted.
“Bullshit, we’ve been buds from the very first scoop, Harrington.” 
“Okay! Well, now you know I guess! Because for some reason I wasn’t CLEAR enough before?” Steve yelled incredulously. He’d moved from anger into being amused by the whole situation. “Jesus, does nobody know? Nancy? Dustin?” 
“I don’t think so. Oh my god I have to call everybody.” Robin said, her mind going a thousand places at once. 
“Slow down, Buckley.” Steve said, holding his right hand up. “Paint me first, out me later.” Robin couldn’t help but bark out a laugh, then resigned herself to lay across him the other way. She thought to herself in silence for a few moments, finishing two nails with ease.
“Bisexual. Holy shit.” She muttered.
“I gotta say, it’s pretty embarrassing that you never realized.” 
“I’m sorry.” Robin said sheepishly. She painted another two nails. Just the pinky left.
“No, I mean, it’s embarrassing for YOU.” He clarified. Robin elbowed him in the stomach.
“Screw you.” She finished the last nail and put the top back on the bottle. “You’re all set. Wait like ten minutes and you’re golden.” 
“Perfect. I have a metalhead I need to impress.” Steve smirked. Robin rolled off him so he could stand up, then blew on his nails to speed up the process. 
“You’re kidding.” Robin said, the realization hitting her.
“Robin, we’ve been over this…” His hands flew to his hips, but he was careful of his nails. He didn’t need them to be perfect - chipped nails were hotter anyway, everyone knew that - but he didn’t want black paint on his new sweater. Robin looked him up and down.
“Fine, whatever. Pretty boy.” She smirked. He glared at her, then down at himself. 
“Shit, you think I should change?” 
“Aw, come on. Munson’s had heart eyes for you since you met.”
“Well, I’d hope so. We’ve been dating for a while now.” 
“Shut up, no you haven’t. Am I an idiot? Is my gay card about to be revoked? How have I been so dense??” She ranted, theatrically. Steve laughed.
“Okay, that was a joke. I mean, we’ve made out a few times but we’re not official or anything.” 
“OH MY GOD!” Robin yelled again, unable to control her excitement. “So EDDIE knows you’re bisexual?”
“Uh, yeah. He taught me the word and everything like a week after we met. Seriously, Robin, I think you might actually be blind.” 
“Nancy will back me up on this.” Robin insisted.
“Whatever you say, babe. You go do that and I’ll go do some very non-straight things with Eddie.” 
“Okay, then. Hey Harrington?” Steve paused at the doorway, turning back to look at Robin. “When you tell this story to people, could you…not? I mean, could you leave out the part where I didn’t know?” Steve rolls his eyes.
“No can do, Robin. It’s the only surprising part of the story, and it’s hilarious. See ya later!”  
The door shut, leaving Robin alone in the empty room. She sat on the couch, replaying every conversation her and Steve ever had, going over every fact of him that she could recall.
Jesus. She really was dense, wasn’t she?
TAGLIST: @paintballkid711 @abraca-fxckyou @allbimyself26 @jellybabiesforall
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