#oh marie kondo we're really in it now
kn-rainbowblood · 2 years
I managed to move away like 80% of what I needed to move from my closet in one sitting and I feel weirdly proud of myself.
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john-carle123 · 2 months
Top 10 JavaScript Libraries You Must Know in 2024
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Hey there, fellow code enthusiasts! 👋 Can you believe we're already halfway through 2024? The JavaScript ecosystem is evolving faster than ever, and keeping up with the latest libraries can feel like trying to catch a greased pig at a county fair. But fear not! I've done the heavy lifting for you and compiled a list of the top 10 JavaScript libraries you absolutely must know this year.
Whether you're a seasoned dev or just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of JavaScript, these libraries will supercharge your productivity and make your code shine brighter than a supernova. So grab your favorite caffeinated beverage, settle into your ergonomic chair, and let's dive in!
1. ReactJS 19.0: The Reigning Champion
Oh, React.Js, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways! 😍 This library needs no introduction, but the latest version is like React on steroids. With improved concurrent rendering and a slick new API, React 19.0 is faster than ever. If you're not using React yet, what rock have you been living under?
Pro tip: Check out the new "Suspense for Data Fetching" feature. It'll change the way you handle asynchronous operations forever!
2. Vue.js 4: The Dark Horse
Vue.js has always been the approachable, easy-to-learn alternative to React. But with version 4, it's no longer playing second fiddle. The composition API is now the default, making your code more organized than Marie Kondo's sock drawer. Plus, the new "reactivity transform" feature is pure magic – it's like your components gained sentience!
3. Svelte 5: The Lightweight Contender
Svelte is the new kid on the block that's been turning heads. Version 5 introduces "runes," a game-changing approach to reactivity. It's so efficient, your bundle sizes will be smaller than my chances of ever completing a Rubik's cube. If you haven't tried Svelte yet, you're missing out on the closest thing to coding nirvana.
4. Three.js r160: Because 3D is the New 2D
Want to add some pizzazz to your web projects? Three.js is your ticket to the third dimension. The latest release includes improved WebGPU support, making your 3D graphics smoother than a freshly waxed Ferrari. Whether you're creating immersive data visualizations or just want to flex your creative muscles, Three.js has got your back.
5. D3.js v8: Data Visualization on Steroids
Speaking of data viz, D3.js is still the undisputed king of the hill. Version 8 brings improved TypeScript support and a more modular architecture. It's like the Swiss Army knife of data visualization – there's nothing it can't do. Fair warning: once you start using D3, you'll find excuses to visualize everything. Your coffee consumption over time? There's a chart for that!
6. Axios 2.0: Because Fetch is So Last Year
RESTful APIs are the backbone of modern web development, and Axios makes working with them a breeze. Version 2.0 introduces automatic request retrying and better browser support. It's like having a personal assistant for all your HTTP requests. Trust me, once you go Axios, you never go back.
7. Lodash 5.0: The Utility Belt You Didn't Know You Needed
Lodash is like that quiet kid in class who always has the right answer. It's a collection of utility functions that make working with arrays, objects, and strings a walk in the park. Version 5.0 is fully modular, letting you cherry-pick only the functions you need. Your bundle size will thank you!
8. Jest 30: Testing Made Fun (Yes, Really!)
I know, I know. Testing isn't exactly the most exciting part of development. But Jest 30 might just change your mind. With improved parallel execution and a new snapshot format, your tests will run faster than Usain Bolt on a coffee binge. Plus, the error messages are so helpful, it's like having a personal coding tutor.
9. Next.js 14: React on Autopilot
If you're using React (and let's face it, who isn't?), Next.js is like strapping a jetpack to your development process. Version 14 introduces "Turbopack," a Rust-based bundler that's faster than a cheetah on roller skates. It's so good at optimizing your app, you'll wonder if it's powered by actual magic.
10. Socket.IO 5: Real-time Has Never Been This Easy
Last but not least, we have Socket.IO. If you're building anything that requires real-time communication (chat apps, live updates, multiplayer games), Socket.IO is your new best friend. Version 5 brings improved performance and better TypeScript support. It's like telepathy for your web apps!
Wrapping Up
There you have it, folks! These 10 JavaScript libraries are your ticket to coding nirvana in 2024. Whether you're building the next big social media platform or just trying to make your portfolio site stand out, these tools will have your back.
Remember, the key to mastering these libraries isn't just knowing how to use them – it's knowing when to use them. Don't be that developer who uses a sledgehammer to crack a nut (we've all been there, no judgment).
So, what are you waiting for? Fire up that code editor, brew a fresh pot of coffee, and start exploring these amazing libraries. Your future self will thank you!
Happy coding, and may your bugs be few and your commits be many! 🚀👨‍💻👩‍💻
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subjectsix · 2 years
me: why does my room always feel so stressful and cluttered
also me: refuses to get rid of the giant cardboard t-rex head made in 2015
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himitsu-luna · 3 years
࣪𑁍˖՚༹⌒ Domestic chores with Nct 127 ⌒ ༹՚˖𑁍 ࣪
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Taeil always feels kinda discouraged to start doing the chores, and he drags you along on procrastinating with him
"Come here, Y/N, stay with me a little bit more! Let's cuddle five more minutes, okay?". You agree, ofc, and you stay on the bed for a little too long, talking about the zillion things you have to do, but not having the guts to leave each other's arms.
When you start cleaning the house though, he really gets into it. No dirty spots and no dusty surfaces escape his strong hands.
He plays the most random songs, from classic music to heavy EDM, and you vibe together while doing the chores, bouncing with your brooms in hands and spinning your stained cloths in the air.
In the kitchen, he always gladly cooks for you. But after a long tiring day doing domestic chores, you both agree on ordering some food, spending the night just chilling, watching a movie in the middle of which Taeil probably will fall asleep.
Johnny is the one who organizes the chores at home. He assigns what each one needs to do, and there you go, his high energy overflowing from his body, encouraging you and providing you the ignition you needed.
"I clean up here, you clean down there" - he says with a suspicious smirk. You don't know if he is making fun of you or if he is being considerate.
He needs his coffee pauses, and he makes you take a break too. You talk about the most random daily things, which always leads to precious bonding moments, the kitchen getting filled with laidback laughs.
Then you continue your activities, in your own pace, jamming to some soft background music.
Johnny likes to offer you rewards. "If we finish this today, I'll buy us some nice ice cream, and then I'll take you to the movies. Deal?"
Taeyong has the most endearing way of convincing you that it's time to do some domestic chores. "Y/N, come hereeee! It's time for a couple activity!! I even got us matching rubber gloves, look!"
He doesn't let you do heavy tough stuff though. But when you see him struggling by himself and run to help him, he gives you the most precious smile, full of admiration and gratitude. A cute "Thank yoou!" (yes, in his cute english <3) leaves his mouth.
But there's one thing about doing chores with him that is a bit trick: he loves to rearrange the furniture and decoration. It's always extra tiring, but you have to give him the credit for your house being so cool and stylish.
Taking care of your pets is something that consumes a lot of time, but Taeyong does everything with happiness and sparkly eyes.
He makes sure you have some breaks, to keep hydrated and to eat something. He will prepare you some sandwiches, while you start to plan a little trip to the grocery shop.
Yuta and you have this synchronicity and telepathy. You think "I guess it's time to sweep the front yard". You get your broom and everything, and when you step out the house, Yuta is already there, cleaning everything.
"Oh, you had the same idea! Well, you can...", he says. "Oh, I guess I will...", you start. "....do the laundry.", you two say at the same time, smiling at each other.
He tries to do things in "Marie Kondo style". He takes a long time folding your clothes, but it's worth the effort. Your wardrobe is a beautiful piece of art.
If he thinks something is dangerous for you, he definetely won't let you do it. Changing the lamp? No no no! It's not that he thinks you're not capable of doing things, he knows you can do anything. He just can't live with the possibility of you getting hurt.
After a day of hard work, you take a warm bath together, and stay in bed for the rest of the night.
Like Johnny, Doyoung assigns the chores. He knows the things each one of you is good at.
But he is the type of person that sees you doing something, and automatically says "Wait baby, let me do it for you", or starts helping you, out of habit.
For example: you're doing the dishes, you wash part of the things in the sink, and then you start to rinse them. Doyoung takes the opportunity to sneakily snatch the dish sponge and, it's too late, he won't give it back to you. "Don't get used to it though", he says with a little grin. You grin back, because you lost count of how many times you've heard this same sentence.
You have a lot of plants at home, and Doyoung treats them like real babies. He even bought one for you, a baby tree of your favorite fruit.
Cooking is his thing, so he makes sure you have a nice, delicious and nutricious meal everyday.
Jaehyun will gladly do anything you ask him to do with the best of intentions, and he does his best to help.
He looks at the weather forecast to see when it's a good day to do the laundry, he sorts the garbage for recycling, he researches the supermarkets with the best prices, and does other little things that seem unimportant, but that are truly essential.
He likes vaccuing very dirty places. The satisfaction he gets from seeing the clean path that the vaccum leaves among the dirty is priceless.
But he is clumsy, so you know you can't let him get near the fragile stuff. So the kitchen is a little bit dangerous for him
If he can't help you with something, he makes sure to support you, like a real cheerleader. "Oh yessss honey! You're doing great, wow!That's my baby!!", he says, already massaging your shoulders.
Winwin sees you getting ready to start cleaning, and he asks you what he can do to help, while wearing your spare cute apron, which makes you smile like a fool.
He follows you and do what you do, ocasionally asking you if the things he is doing are good enough.
He is extra careful when hanging the clothes out on the clothesline, making sure to spread them well to avoid any wrinkles. He knows none of you like ironing, and also you burned yourself once, and he doesn't want this to happen ever again.
He spends a considerable amount of time making your bed, changing the bed linen, tyding up the sheets and smoothing the pillows, so you can feel good in a clean space and relax with him after working hard all day long.
Jungwoo is very good at domestic chores. He is a tidy and organized person, so things go smoothly in your house
He has the ability of turning every boring task into a pleasant and funny experience. Out of sudden you're having a broomstick battle. Out of sudden you're blowing soap bubbles. Out of sudden you're with white flour blots all over your face, after a spontaneous flour smudge battle.
For your surprise, he is excelent on fixing things. His creativity helps him a lot, along with a couple of YouTube videos and a degree on engineering.
Times just flies by his side, and you get surprised when you see the sun going down by your window, as he streches his back and says "we're finally done!", pulling you for a little celebration dance.
Jungwoo doesn't want to cook after doing domestic chores all day long. He orders an amount of food that could feed well ten people, and you eat a lot while watching some nice series.
Mark always tries his best at everything. He knows he is a little bit clumsy, so he does things carefully. Thank God he has spider senses.
A chore that is supposed to be finished in ten minutes takes thirty to be completed, but it's completely fine, because you know it will be perfectly done.
He used to get confused with all the types of cleaning products, but he eventually learned about them all and now he knows anything's purpose just by smeling it. "Mmmm very soft floral smell, must be clothes soap/ Very strong and citric, I guess this is disinfectant" (pls people, don't be like this, it's dangerous for everyone!!!)
At the end of the day, he is so satisfied looking at your team work. You can see it on his little proud smile, while he runs an arm over your shoulders and distractedly kisses your cheek.
Haechan whines for two minutes before starting doing chores, but he is a man of action after all. "The sooner we start it, the sooner we'll finish it", he says to himself.
You play rock paper scissors to decide who will be the one that will do the unpleasant chores, like cleaning the bathroom and taking the garbage out.
But hearing your heavy sigh after losing for him makes him go "ahh ok, I'll do it, don't worry, but it will cost you twenty kisses!"
He doesn't stop singing while doing the chores. He is like a walking karaoke machine,he knows every song you ask him to sing.
When he cooks for you, you often catch him talking to his mom on the phone, asking her about that dish you liked so much the last time you visited her.
•° Thanks anon, for the request!! I hope you like it!
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daniellarinapouter · 6 years
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👏👏👏 he's getting better and better!! Love that 'Zusammenspiel' (interaction is not the best translation. Better: harmonizing teamwork. 💛💛💛
Good comeback! I have my own thoughts on the whole 'g'-word, but another time, if you're ok to discuss it and I have some leisure to put my thoughts into some coherent train.
I'm really letting go of a lot of shit right now. (January cliche, but I like going with the seasons.) In the middle of a great clear-out together with the girls, cause we hope to have an easier life going forward. And a house full of clutter is not what we want to drag along. (Watch any random episode of Marie Kondo on Netflix and pause somewhere in the middle. You get the exact picture of what we're at right now.) Even The Kid. Who still hasn't returned to school. That horrifies me slightly, cause in my own country there would be social sevices knocking at my door right now, together with a police escort. (I'm not kidding. Absolute Schulpflicht it's called.) Here nobody gives a shit. We got a polite letter in December from the mental health services that they're overwhelmed with emergency cases. Now she'll get seen on Friday.😥 Not that I expect much. But honestly I'm now prepared to beg on my knees for Wellbutrin or Ritalin. I'm at my wit's end with her. (I always say: if it wasn't for this particular daughter - I'd be way too smug as a parent. 😕)
Gotta go now! The Eldest made some fresh waffles. I just cobbled together a quick pancake. Hope you get. 👴😊
Oh, yes! I'm off my payed work till the 17th! (And that is just a study day) 😄 Onwards!
Love from Your Librarian XO
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