#oh man they have a secret base and a secret handshake i'm���
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beif0ngs · 4 months ago
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I had a different name back then, you know. Powder. You kind of remind me of her.
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smilocity · 9 months ago
His Goddess - Rodolfo Parra x VargasFemReader
Note: This is from my old account! (I will be reuploading them all to this account!) WARNING! This is my first time writing about military action, and war with battlegrounds/warfare. So bear with me...
Parring= Rodolfo Parra x VargasFem!reader
Genre= Fluff! Romance♡
Additional stuff to warn about= Guns, wounds, swears(mostly in Spanish), warfare, military action, etc.
And to add, I am not Mexican so I'm gonna have to use some poor translator for some sentences i'll be writing in the fic. (Apologies to all the Spanish speakers out there....)
You are Alejandro Vargas' younger sister by 4 years, and by what Las Almas sees, you're like his little princess he doesn't want to see sad nor hurt. Hell, even his men are scared of your brother. Once, a new recruit for the Los Vaqueros thought you were a good choice to flirt with...Let's just say he was bedridden for about 4 days...
You met Rudy at the same time you joined the Los Vaqueros so you both clicked and just sailed away happily. Alejandro was relieved of you being quite attached to someone like Rudy as he is the only man he completely trusts aside from you and even called him his brother in all but blood.
Your occupation is being a combat medic and head of the medical department of the Los Vaqueros.
"Hermana. (Sister.) Rudy and I with some of our men are meeting up with Sergeant Mactavish and their Lieutenant of TF 141 to help for the El Si Nombre and Hassan problema." Your brother arrived in your office as you just finished taking care of 10 patients and their paperwork.
"¿Ah, de verdad? (Oh, really?) Interesante(interesting), Alejandro. But you do know the problem in Las Almas is bigger for only four soldiers, hm?" You reclined in your chair.
The leader of the Los Vaqueros only smirked, "You underestimate my allies, flor(flower). Rudy will be driving if you want to come along." Your brother left before you could even get a say in making you huff.
Rudy was already in the black van ready to go as he saw his superior and his sister.
Seeing you just made Rudy's day or even week, "No me digas. (Don't tell me.) ¿Te animó a unirte?" (He egged you on to join?)
"Mhm. Used you to bribe me. Puta. (Bitch)" you mumbled making both males chuckle.
"Ah, Rudy? ¿Estás bien para moverte? (Are you okay to move?) You took quite a beating when chasing Hassan a few days earlier. Estoy preocupada. (I'm worried.)" You gave the second in command a soft look making him smile delicately towards you.
"I'm fine, Angel. (That's your codename btw!) I've been through worse."
"Ahora, ahora tortolitos. Tendrás tiempo para coquetear más tarde." (Now, now lovebirds. You'll have time to flirt later.)
Both you and Rudy only slightly eye rolled at Alejandro's teasing and started to head to the meet up spot for the new allies.
When arriving, you were cut short with some problems since some new recruits caught themselves in strife, "Doc, dos cadetes se lesionaron durante una sesión De entrenamiento." (two cadets were injured during a training session.) Spoke up a Los Vaqueros when you arrived to the base making you sigh sharply, "Oh Dios mío...(Oh my god...) Looks like I'm held back again."
Alejandro and Rudy nodded, "We'll meet the Sergeant and Lieutenant for you, hermana. (sister)
Before leaving, you and Rudy did a secret handshake (It was basically you both giving each other a high-five from side to side then you guys doing a cross over your chests before doing a fist bump.)
"See you soon!" You bid goodbye to Rodolfo as you gave a nod to Alejandro.
"Nos vemos Ángel. (See you Angel.)" Smiled Rudy before getting a pat on the shoulder by his colonel as they left.
To cut it short, the Vaqueros(as) with the addition of Srg Mactavish and Lt Ghost haven't found El Sin Nombre making you get ticked off but radio to your brother that you will find him yourself if you have to.
"(Y/N) is it?"
You heard your radio working making you pause but answer, "Yes. Who is this?"
"Kate Laswell at your service ma'am. I heard you're the 3rd in command of the Vaqueros with Alejandro. I'm here to help you find El Sin Nombre. I'm with TF 141 consisting of Sergeant-" You cut her off,
"Mactavish and Lieutenant Ghost. I have heard quite a lot beforehand." You heard a hum for an answer.
"I have now understood that. I just sent you some information I have gathered from the boys on their recent search of El Sin Nombre. If you can, I'd love to see if you can find this person with my help."
You smirked, "Of course. Let's get to work Laswell."
After doing some digging with Kate, you both found out the Cartel had a house for a base in the far part of Las Almas.
"Thanks for the help Vargas."
"No problem Kate. I'll tell the boys and we'll be off with your orders." You said to her as you got the papers you used for information while talking with your radio.
"See you soon." That was the last message you've heard of her before the mission.
While getting out all the Vaqueros bowed to you in respect as you walked towards the part of the base where your brother is. (It was made mandatory they had to since Alejandro wants everyone to respect you like they respect him.)
Of course they were outside so they could be quickly briefed for the mission.
"Didn't know the Mexican Special Forces had a beautiful lady like you walking around." Said an unfamiliar person as you turned to see a soldier with short blonde locs and a smirk on his face.
'He's American...Must be with the Sergeant and Lieutenant.' You thought.
"There are many things you don't know about Las Almas." You replied ignoring the whole him hitting on you bit.
"Well then, let me at least get to know you better." Urged the man as he walked closer to you.
"¡Esa es mi hermana idiota!" (That's my sister dipshit!)
You both turned to see Alejandro speed power walking to get to you and the soldier.
"Detente ahora, Vargas. No lo sabía, eso es todo." (Basta ahora, Vargas. Él no lo sabía, eso es todo.) You held a hand to the colonel's chest to stop him from hurting the oblivious guy.
"What now?" As you said before, the blonde male was confused as hell since you both spoke Spanish and not English.
"Please excuse the Colonel. He gets...protective of me. Ale. Move." You apologized on behalf of your brother before ordering him to get a move on so you can be introduced to the rest of the men, the said Colonel moved on your order.
"Whoa! I didn't know there was someone who can order Alejandro around like that." Said a surprisingly Scottish voice near Rodolfo and Lieutenant Ghost.
"She's the only one who can." Added Rudy as he smiled when you approached them.
"Men, meet the head of the medical department in the Mexican Special Forces. (Y/N). Codename: Angel." Introduced Alejandro as you smiled and nodded to the men.
"It is nice to meet you all. I was supposed to meet you beforehand when you landed but some idiotas(idiots) decided to hurt themselves while training." You joked as you shook the Scottish male's hand.
"Sergeant John Mactavish. Nice to meet you. Call me Soap." Smiled the man, as you nodded.
"Ghost." Simply replied the Lieutenant making you nod.
"Philip Graves. Head of the Shadow Company. At your service ma'am." The man that talked to you before smiled at you. Alejandro gives a short glare, making you do the same to him, making him stop.
"Alejandro." You warned.
"Sí, sí flor. (Yes, yes flower.) Got information for us?" Asked the Colonel as you nodded.
"Yes. I have acquainted myself with Laswell and talked about your next move. Y deja de burlarte del coronel, sé profesional.” (And stop teasing Colonel, be professional.) You nodded.
"By all means, please do tell." Urged Graves.
"There's a small selected house in the outskirts of Las Almas. We figured they(Cartel) could be there. And I think possibly, El Sin Nombre." You told the males as you showed them a picture of the house and the address.
"So we just go there and tackle the guy or whoever El Sin Nombre is?" Summed up Soap as you nodded.
"Bingo. All the vehicles and weapons are at your disposal. The only thing we need for this mission is you and El Sin Nombre back. And as head of the medical department, I want you all to be unharmed during this mission if you can." You finished.
"We'll do our best. Let's move! Volveré.” (I'll be back.) Alejandro kissed the side of your head as you smiled, "Vuelve pronto.” (Be back soon.)
"Rudy. Permanezca en (S/N) y en espera.” (Stay with (Y/N) and standby.) Alejandro ordered his second in command.
Rudy gave his leader a nod, " Si Colonel." (Sí, coronel.)
You scoffed, "I don't need protection."
As soon as the men left Rudy started to silently cackle, "Say that again when you were cornered by three big men ready to tackle you down if Alejandro wasn't there to save you."
"Rudy! ¡Cállate! (Shush!)" You hit the man on his back as he only laughed more.
"Eres tan lindo cuando estás loco, Ángel.” (You are so cute when you’re mad, Angel.) The man before you held your hand as you had to register what he had said, making you turn away.
"Estúpido... decir cosas así sin darme una advertencia adecuada…" (Stupid...saying stuff like that without giving me a proper warning...)
"I'm glad to be called stupid by you. Come on, why don't we hang out for a bit, hm? That is...if you'd like to spend time with all your papers instead of me." Suggested Rodoflo making you laugh at how dramatic he is.
"Don't worry, Para. I'm all yours for the rest of the day."
You didn't know that the man was flustered by your statement before he started jogging to catch up to you.
"WHERE IS HE?" You yelled as some masked men decided it was a good idea to invade your base.
"Angel! We gotta go! They're here to arrest us!" Rudy grabbed your hand and led you to a secret pathway out of the base before you'd be detained/arrested by the mysterious masked men.
"Rudy! ¿¡Qué está pasando!? ¿Quiénes eran esos tipos y dónde está mi hermano?!” (What's going on!? Who were those guys and where is my brother?!) The moment you enter a small black SUV is when you bomb the second in command with questions.
"Graves se volvió y acogió a Alejandro. Lo recuperaremos.” (Graves turned and took Alejandro in. We're getting him back.) Responded Rudy as he drove to the safe house.
"That pendejo(dumbass)! I'll sever him up when I find his body if he did something to my brother! Let's go and break him out." You said as you got a few guns and put on some tactical gear.
But before you can continue on suiting up Rudy held your shoulders, "I can't let you go, Angel. Not when Alejandro told me to keep you safe."
"Rudy. I joined at the same time with you and Ale. I've been a soldier before being a doctor. I know how to use a gun." You reminded me.
"Sé que no eres débil, amor. Pero no puedo soportar que te lastimen ahí fuera. Déjame traerlo de vuelta.” (I know you're not weak, love. But I can't bear you to get hurt out there. Let me bring him back.)
You knew Rudy wasn't going to let you go but you still want to protest, "But Rudy...Alejandro is–"
You were cut off by some soft warm lips on your own for a few moments before they were pulled away.
"Por favor(Please), Angel." He looked in your eyes with a pleading look making you sigh and nod.
"One injury and I'm going to find that American myself if he hurts you." You warned making him smile.
"I'll keep that in mind. See you." He nodded as you both did your handshake.
"See you, Rudes."
While Rodolfo went to check the perimeter you went to the small medical area of the safe house before you heard a noise outside. You radioed to your ally immediately.
"Rudy? Alguien está afuera." (Someone 's outside.)
"Quédate quieto. Estoy atrás dirigiéndome al área principal de la casa. Quédate en las sombras."  (Stay put. I'm in the back heading to the main area of the house. Stay in the shadows.)
It was quiet for a few moments making you grab a pistol and a few throwing knives before using the shadows as an advantage.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard someone get in from the window making you hide behind a large wooden pole.
A red laser appeared on the man's shoulder, "Don't move." A deep voice was heard throughout the house before a knife was heard hitting the wooden pole.
"¿Quién es?" (Who is it?)
You didn't wait for Rudy to get a reply as you threw a warning knife back at the men as it hit the window near them, "Cac naomh...!" (Holy shit...!) Lowly exclaimed a Scottish voice making you remember on the men you've met before at the base.
"Soap! Ghost!"
Rudy got out of his hiding spot as you stayed put in the shadows.
"Nice throw." Rodolfo gave back the knife to the Lieutenant.
"What about the other one? Who threw it?" Asked the masked soldier.
"Ángel. Está bien. Si estás cerca, puedes salir ahora." (Angel. It 's okay. If you're near, you can come out now.)
"Podrías haberme dicho que tendríamos invitados, Rudy." (You could've told me we'd have guests, Rudy.) You appeared from the shadows making the Scottish soldier curse under his breath.
"That was you wasn't it?" Asked the masked soldier as you nodded.
"Forgive me about that. I didn't know it was you." You apologized before thanking Soap for giving your knife back.
"That was a good one. Almost had me there." Praised the Scottish man as you smiled, "Ale always wanted me to be prepared for every situation. I was a soldier before being a doctor."
"Speaking of that. You two were on the run?" Asked Rudy.
"But I was on the run. Ghost waited for me." Clarified Soap.
"Of course no?" You asked.
"Yes. This happened on my watch. And I need help to fix it. We're a team. No one fights alone." Cut off Ghost as Soap nodded.
"Why did Graves turn?" Rudy asked the bombing question.
"We don't know. But no can be trusted out there. Price, Shepherd, Laswell, and all others are considered hostiles." Answered Ghost.
"Except for–" you cut off the Scottish soldier, "Alejandro. He was taken, no?"
"Yes. And we're getting him back." Responded Ghost.
Rudy then led the group to a table and explained where your brother was being held.
They quickly got into gear to get the Colonel back.
"I'll stand by and head towards our other base. It isn't completely safe here." You told the men making them agree.
"Be safe, Doc." Nodded Soap as you gave a nod as well.
"Nice throw back there." The Lieutenant praised you, making you smile, "You as well."
Rudy held your head before giving you a silent message with his eyes, "Volveré contigo." (I will come back to you.)
"You better, Tonto.” (Dumbass) You whispered back before doing your handshake.
(While heading to the prison.)
Soap was a bit curious about the relationship you and Rudy had, "Rodolfo. What kind of relationship are you in with the doc?"
"Àngel's been with me and Alejandro since we've joined. 20 years to be exact. Toughest woman I've met in my life. Same goes to Alejandro. We swore to protect her as she's saved our lives so many times. That's why the Colonel always tells me to keep close to her, to keep her safe." Answered the second in command.
"Hm. Seems like you've done a good job."
"Feels like you two are closer than friends." Jumped in Ghost.
"We are. It's a bit classified." Responded Rudy.
"Classified, eh? Don't think Alejandro would like that." Joked Soap.
"Hm. He didn't at the beginning." Lowly chuckled the Mexican before he changed the subject and went to their task.
(After getting Alejandro out.)
"What about my sister Rudy? Is she..." started the Colonel as he was handed a rifle.
"She's fine, Colonel. She went to a more secure base. That's where we're going too." Nodded Rudy.
"Good. Let's get my men out." Stated Alejandro.
"Wait a second...You have a sister Alejandro?!" Said a bit too loudly Soap as they continued to move forward in the prison.
"Be more quiet Soap. We're in bloody enemy territory." Scolded Ghost.
"Sí (Yes). I kept it a secret to protect her. She wanted to join me and Rudy to look after us. I trust you and Ghost so I'm telling you this now."
"Thank you for trusting us. Won't tell a soul." Thanked John.
"Of course."
You were ordering around some Vaqueros to prepare for the fight that Alejandro would like to have ASAP since Graves turned.
"¡Escucha ahora! (Listen now!)" Whistled the Colonel to his men as you ran up to him.
"¡Gracias a Dios...! (Thank goodness...!) Are you okay?" You asked as you examined your brother's face as he only smiled.
"I'm fine hermana. (Sister.) Glad you're safe too." Alejandro kissed your forehead making you smile before you two held each other's hands as a greeting.
"No way I'm leaving you and Rudy alone." You joked as you saw Rudy making you hug him.
"Estoy de vuelta como le prometí a mi amor." (I'm back as promised my love.)
"Me alegro de que hayas vuelto." (Glad you're back.)
"I'm confused here right now." Said Soap as you smiled at him and Ghost.
"Captain, Sergeant Garrick. This is my sister, (Y/N) Vargas. The head of the medical department of Los Vaqueros." Introduced your brother as you nodded to the new sergeant and the captain who was beside him.
"Delighted to meet you Miss Vargas. Captain Price of TF 141." Captain Price nodded towards you and even took off his hat in much more proper greeting.
The new sergeant beside him nodded as well, "Same here."
"Nice to meet you Captain, Sergeant." You greeted back.
"Wait! You're the sister!? This whole time?!" Yelled Soap making you grin.
"You just caught on to that Johnny?" Asked the masked soldier.
"I thought it was obvious by how affectionate he is. But yes, he is my blood brother." You responded.
"So then, what's your relationship with Rodolfo?" Asked Soap.
"Ella es mi ángel. (She's my angel.) My wife of 6 years." Answered the second in command as he held your left hand.
"What?! I only thought you two were close friends!" To TOTALLY clarify, Soap did NOT see that coming. He honestly thought you were dating Alejandro by how close you two are. And thought you were the sister of Rudy. While trying to figure out who could be the Colonel’s sister.
"We get that a lot. Some actually thought I was my own brother's wife a few times before Rudy made it public to the person who asked. Al menos podrías haber aclarado lo de la hermana, idiota. (You could've at least clarified the sister thing idiot.)" You laughed a bit as you explained the misinformation before scolding your husband.
"Alejandro told me to keep it secret, querida." (darling)
"Oi! Lovebirds! Let's move. We got an American to finish." Said your brother as you gave him a small playful glare before following him and the team to the table.
Captain Price was the one to talk about the plan as they all grabbed skeleton masks naming themselves to be the "Ghost Team."
You almost did a double take when Ghost took off his own mask to the team as Price welcomed him back, "Good to see you, Simon."
Since you and Rudy were near Gaz and Soap you whispered to the Scottish soldier, "Better engrave that in your head before you forget Sergeant."
He huffed meaning he found it funny making you do a small grin before the men went to all put masks on.
"Okay, the first team is Alejandro, Sergeant Garrick with some Vaqueros to secure Valeria and possibly our base again. Alejandro will be leading since he knows the base well. The next team consists of Rudy, Ghost, Soap with Vaqueros. Ghost will be leading the team. The third team will be Price in a helicopter to assist in the air with a pilot. Laswell had already got the coordinates to where you will be dropped off at the base. Any objections?" You explained as you showed your tablet and the teams.
None of the men said anything making you learn they understood and have no complaints.
"Nice one, Doc. Let's move." Praised the captain making you smile, "Delighted to be of help captain."
Soap and you did a small high five as you gave a nod to Ghost and Gaz.
"Be safe." You said as you hugged your brother.
"Always. You too!" He said as he joined Gaz and the Vaqueros on his team.
Rudy gave you a loving look, "Te amo.” (I love you.)
You smiled before putting his forehead on yours, "Yo también te amo a ti, mi marido. (I love you as well my husband.) Esté a salvo y regrese conmigo.” (Be safe and come back to me.)
"haría cualquier cosa que estuviera en mi poder para volver con mi esposa. Nos vemos pronto, Ángel." (I'd do anything in my power to come back to my wife. See you soon, angel.)
"You're so romantic. Go." You chuckled as he squeezed your hand before leaving, "You know it!" You heard him say, making you laugh.
It was a few hours and there were already so many Vaqueros that got injured while giving Graves some payback as you already had to operate on 12 men and women.
It was a rush but none had suffered any severe injuries, just some deep gashes, big cuts and strained limbs. With a few who got a hit on the side of some bullets but at least no surgery this time!
While you started on the paperwork one of your nurses appeared to tell you some news, "Doc. El Coronel y el segundo al mando están de regreso con sus equipos. Te están esperando afuera." (The Colonel and second in command are back with their teams. They're waiting for you outside.)
"Finalmente. (Finally.) Gracias. (Thank you.) Estás a cargo hasta que yo regrese.” (You're in charge till I get back.)
"Sí, Doc.” (Yes, Doc.)
You walked outside making the men turn to you as Alejandro was first to greet you, "Hope you weren't busy, flor (flower)."
"Not really. Except for the numerous patients I had to stabilize with a small needle and be covered in blood while patching up wounds. Graves is gone...?"
Soap nodded, "Blew him up to smitherins." You nodded as you did a fist bump to the Scottish man.
"Valeria will stay in our custody until further notice. My sister will interrogate her more if  she hides more information from us." Alejandro spoke up.
"Valeria, huh? Seems like she was trying to keep the war and terrorism intact for her business with the Cartel. Not surprised at her being El Sin Nombre." You hummed as the said woman was seen getting into the black SUV.
"So the golden child appears at last. ¿Cómo estás? Espero que Alejandro no te haya ocultado mucho sobre nosotros.” (How are you? Hope Alejandro hasn't hid that much from you about us.) Smirked the ex female soldier towards you.
"I got this." You stopped your brother from roasting the bitch in front of you, "¡Será mejor que mires lo que dices, perra! Los usaré contra ti.” (You better watch what you say, bitch! I'll be using them against you.) You swore to her in Spanish before signaling the men to take her away already.
"Steamin' fuckin' Jesus...You're wife is something Rodolfo." Said Soap to your husband as the man smiled, "She is. Now you know why I married her."
"She's still my Angel Rudy. She's my sister. Well it looks like this is it, eh?" Retorted playfully to the Colonel before smiling towards Ghost and Soap.
"Guess it is. Keep fighting the good fight, hermano.” (Brother) Soap and Alejandro shook each other's hands while patting each other's shoulders.
"To the bitter end my brother."
"Good luck amigos.” (Friends) Rudy then shook Soap's hand right after.
"It was nice meeting you, (Y/N). Hope to see you soon." Smiled the sergeant to you as you both did a small fist bump, "Of course. Same here Soap. Esté seguro ahí fuera." (Be safe out there.)
"Si hermana." (Yes sister.) You smiled when he talked in Spanish with his accent as he then patted Ghost on the shoulder so they could head out in the chopper waiting for them.
"Keep your throws well." Simply said Ghost towards you as you nodded, "You too."
"Oi Ghost!" Your brother stopped the Lieutenant, "No te pierdas, hermano.” (Don't get lost, brother.)
"A huevo!"(Of course!) He yelled with a fist in the air before turning back to the chopper.
Alejandro chuckled at that as you saw them leave.
"You made them learn Spanish, didn't you?" You asked.
"Hey, the more the merrier, no?" Laughed your brother, "Vamos. (Come on.) We get the afternoon for ourselves if we get the puta (bitch) locked away in time."
"Rudy? I almost forgot. Glad you're back, mi corazón.” (My heart.) You kissed his lips briefly before patting his chest a few times.
"Hey. I told you I'd do anything in my power to come back to you. Come on, let's go before your brother teases us again." Chuckled your husband as he opened the door of the van for you.
"Too late! Move, you two! Or else I'll make you!" Yelled the Colonel making you and Rudy laugh as you both entered the van.
"Wanna go on a date later on? It's been a while." Asked Rudy.
"I'd love that." You smiled.
"Oi. What did I say about being cariñoso(lovey dovey/loving) while on duty?" Teased Alejandro.
"Nothing, Ale. This is the first time you've spoken of that ever since me and Rudy got married, pendejo. (Stupid/dumbass, etc)" You retorted as you all laughed and headed to the place where Valeria will be locked up.
(Bonus! Here's you taking care of Rudy after he met Hassan. Note: he was shot with adrenaline during the process of the bullet extraction.)
You shot Rudy with adrenaline so the process of extracting the bullet will be less painful.
"Eres tan bueno conmigo.” He murmured to you, eyes blown from the adrenaline. (You're so good to me.) 
“Te amo mucho.” (I love you so much.) Your husband told you as you did your work on his injury. “Eres un verdadero Ángel que los dioses me han regalado. (You're a true Angel that the gods have gifted me.) Eres una doctora y una esposa increíbles." (You are an amazing doctor and wife.) Rudy babbled on and on. It lasted at least 5 five minutes.
You had to force yourself from not smiling from ear to ear at the compliments your husband has given you but also found it funny since it was due to the effects of the syringe mostly but he's still behind those words.
"Cállate ahora, amor. Déjame ayudarte. Ahorra el aliento." (Hush now, love. Let me help you. Save your breath.) You whispered to the man you're operating before giving a small face rub to assure him you're still there beside him.
But your hand that held his cheek was trapped by the arm that wasn't shot, You could see the love and adoration in his eyes.
"¿Cómo tuve tanta suerte?" (How did I get so lucky?)
That made your heart jump at how adorable he looked. (He'd kill you if you said it out loud.)
"I should be saying that. Now lie back down and rest up, the syringe won't last long and I'm only almost done." You gently put him down so his bruised rib and other injuries you've treated wouldn't get irritated.
"Please say yes if I ask you to have a family with me in the future. I want to spend eternity with you, amor. Eres una diosa para mí. (You're a goddess to me.) Let me worship you."
You were so glad that your medical room was slightly dim lighted so your husband wouldn't see your taken aback face. But you were regardless, happy he had life goals set already.
"Rudy...I'd love that. All of it, but please. Save your strength. And I'm no goddess, just a doctor, Mr. Parra." You finally got the bullet out of his arm and now it was time to stitch him up. You had to use another syringe since the last one was getting weaker.
"Tonterías. (Nonsense) You are one."
"Rudy..." You warned him, but you just wanted him to rest instead of forcing himself to assure you he'd be fine or him spouting his praise towards his wife.
"Sólo que decir mi nombre me hace feliz. Esa es una verdadera diosa para mí."(Just you saying my name makes me happy. That's a true goddess to me.)
"You are such a hopeless romantic."
"Only for you, armor. Only for you."
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phantom-of-the-501st · 11 months ago
Thoughts on TBB 3x13: Into the Breach
Oh you know how excited I got during this one
Tantiss in the sun??? That's unusual
The kids are all so sad. This is heartbreaking 😭
This moment seems like a prime time to contact Echo just saying
Hunter and Echo's little handshake always makes me soft 🥰
"That hydro snake" glad to have you and your snark back, Echo
THE QUIRKED EYEBROW 😭 I missed him so much 🫶
Hahahahahaha Wrecker and Crosshair's joint "YES"
"Well you've been demoted" Echo is not putting up with Rampart's bs and I love him for that
I really miss Hunter's scarf this season. I wish he kept it 🥲
Also petition for Echo to get a Kama again!
Oooooh she sneaky
Not sure what she's going to do with one small stick but I trust her
I mean it kinda looks like how it used to tbf but I got used to the paint 🥺
Hahahahaha I love that they didn't change the clothing underneath. They stripped the colour off their armour to be stealthy and yet are still walking around with brightly-coloured underclothing
Ugh the fact that Crosshair looks the closest to an Imperial like this makes me upset 😭
"I've missed this" Of course you have you smug bastard
"I don't think so" Echo really does not give a shit about Rampart and I don't blame him
Real subtle Hunter
Thinking back to how Echo used to be the rule follower and would try and stop his batchmates from stepping out of line and now he's pushing around an ex-Vice Admiral while breaking into an imperial base to go and break Omega out of a highly-secure imperial lab. He's grown so much 🥺🫶
Noooooo I don't like that. Echo having to sneak onto a heavily guarded ship by himself stresses me out
"Wonderful. We're all going to die" Look, I may hate this man, but some of his line deliveries crack me up
You'd think the wall tiles in a top secret imperial lab would be more secure than that but okay
I'm not sure how Echo managed that slide roll thing off the top of the container but damn it was smooth af 🤩
Like that would be such a Fives plan and Echo has just embraced that chaos
Wrecker casually strolling off the ship with an imperial slung over his shoulder (while wearing his hat) 🤣
New episode and I fucking loved this one! Still feel like we have a lot to wrap up in the last two episodes but there was a good balance of humour, action and tension
ALSO ECHO FINALLY CAME BACK!!! I missed him so much 🥺
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qua-king-with-power · 6 months ago
> Connection maintained. > Maintaining previous "Secret Handshake" and "Read More" protocols. > Forget Something, Handsome?
[log: 370] [subject: Plasma] [date: 10/09/XX] [time: 10:16 PM] Suspect has moved to... stakeout Plasma. I wish I were making this up. He's actively even blogging his experience with it, considering the three different notifications I just got on Rotomblr... it only now occurs to me just how weird that is. Whatever. He seems to be anti-Plasma, which is kind of ironic considering his previous areas of expertise and work. I'm curious, though. What's got him so excitable about this? He's letting both of the Gym Leaders and the Trainer they've recruited handle this... oh. Oh, okay. That's what he was after. He's tailing more Plasma grunts. I have my theories, but I'm tailing further to watch. ------- [log: 371] [subject: Liberty Garden] [date: 10/09/XX] [time: 10:34 PM] Suspect has left Castellia proper and very coyly slipped onto the ferry to Liberty Garden. I don't recall him getting a ticket for that. It's bad enough that, in disguise as I am right now, I wouldn't be able to just get on the island. But I should be able to ask home base for a connection to its surveillance systems. I'll upload any relevant video files in the next log. Here's hoping I get that connection settled like Zeraora -- quick and cleanly cut in. ------- [log: 371 A] [Addendum subject: Surveillance Footage - Camera 3]
The video feed plays out as normal for a few moments. The tour guide for Liberty Garden comes out to quietly attempt to round up the slightly rowdier crowd filing out through the ferry dock's entrance. The reason they were rowdy? Three Plasma grunts promptly start pushing their way through, subduing the guards and pulling out their Pokeballs as a threat to any of the ongoers to stay back. Plasma was here to secure this location and liberate the trapped Pokemon within. Just in the corner, stepping out from the ferry while tickets were no longer being checked… a man in a black trilby and a long, black trenchcoat steps out, wearing gloves, pants and shoes to match. The only colored portion of his silhouette was his face… which curled into a notably devious grin the moment the Plasma Grunts stated there was a Pokemon here.
Handsome Notes: Oh no. Oh that doesn't bode well.
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akalimbratic · 2 months ago
Ok ngl the absurdity of 2025 already is genuinely comical if you look at it through a TV show lense.
My explanation below the cut
We opened up in 2016 where the generic villain (and I'm not even making this up, Donald was so hated and mocked that movies DID base their evil ceos off of him) rules over the country before the people prevailed in 2020 at the start of a plague plot. (🎶I sent the pestilence and plague into your house into your bed🎶), and it became a show about surviving that.
About 3/4ths into the 2024 season we get the a beacon of hope to step in and start rallying the people together, things look absolutely fantastic as we get closer and closer to election day.
And then, ✨️ plot twist ✨️, the big bad wins! We don't know why or how, but he wins!
Aaand immediately starts breaking promises btw. Like things started going downhill FAST. People get violent, the world's on fire (literally, my heart goes out to those affected by the fires /gen), it's like hell itself opened up.
TikTok goes down, the one media the united states didn't regulate, indicating that by this point the government is already silencing the people because the big bad evil guy signed the order for it to happen before his first defeat. Then it's back up in 12 HOURS thanking the man who took it down in the first place before he's even president. Like??? Okay so Tiktok's ban was politically motivated, plot twist 2. I mean big whoop really, roses are red the sky is blue and I sincerely hope people remain Xiaohongshu cause the memes are funny and it's great seeing two cultures create community with each other.
DONALD DORK STARTS MONOLOGING IN HIS VICTORY RALLY JANUARY 19TH. I watched Luke Beasley's video on it and 5 minutes in, this dude admits the evil plan and says (I'm paraphrasing), "..2026 2028 I'm not gonna be your president anymore, and then they rigged it. And we won." LIKE??? DUDE??? He also went on to comment how good with the evil tech bro (who we were ALL clowning on) is with computers and how due to that fact, they won Pennsylvania by a landslide.
•Trump alluding to a secret with Mike johnson
•billionaires dumping so much money into his campaign (they don't just do that unless they know the winning horse)
•"I don't need your votes"
•Elon Musks starlinks were attached to the voting booths
•People reporting their votes never got counted
•Ballots being tossed in the woods
•How the count came in so quickly
•calls from Russia that they tried sweeping under the rug
•Russian bomb threats in major polling locations
I am just.
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I am that. I am that guy. I was that guy after the election results came in the next morning, I was that guy as people also got started getting suspicious and I began to rub my braincells together in hopes a thought would occur.
So we fast forward to inauguration day, and my god did the directors do ARCANE levels of symbolism. Flags half-staffed at his crowning because we lost a great man (and of course he bitched about it online), it's the coldest day of the year, his wife wearing a god damn funeral outfit, things are still on fire and NOBODY is happy. He didn't even put his hand on the Bible, like you couldn't even do that? If this was in a show, I'd be analyzing every frame, every line of dialog, every episode because this would be a MASTERPIECE if it was just fiction.
But oh, my friends, does this recent episode get delicious.
Because the god damn tech bro boyfriend henchman, threw up the Nazi salute. THE WRITERS ARE BRINGING BACK THAT OLD PLOTLINE. ONE OF THE MOST INFAMOUS MEN IN HISTORY IS COMING BACK IN CULT FORM, BABY! I feel like we're living through castlevania's season 2 here!
But, craziness aside, you know what I will give the writers a good handshake for?
Throughout this entire mess, there's always been community. When Donvict got elected governors rallied against him and began putting protections in place, they're not afraid to stand up to him. When the fires were raging, while he was making fun of it, Mexico sent firefighters for us, and I cannot thank them enough.
Leaders around the world rallied against us and continued standing up to him, when Donald toyed with the idea of buying Greenland the Prime Minister declined, but said something along the lines of; "we'll happily take some states off your hands and give your people what they need though.", and so much more. World Leaders have our backs, and even the people within. I've seen countless comments from other countries talking about how they weep with us, but are by our side. There's love, community, and we aren't left completely alone.
Even within the United States, there is love and community. The people are not afraid of this man, going as far as to protest outside at the Lincoln Memorial.
Not to mention, when we thought TikTok would be banned people moved to Xiaohongshu. You know what happened? Community. From what I heard, Chinese and American folks are striving to learn each other's languages to talk to each other easier, they ask questions about culture, make jokes, etc. Community.
Jokes, memes, we're all making those aren't we? "If I don't laugh I will cry" you know. Songs and other forms of art just to put a smile on someone's face in this harrowing time. We hadn't stopped creating, stopped sharing, stopped loving. We're afraid, very afraid. But we're together.
We can't forget that, and if this tale goes as I hope it does, that togetherness will ultimately be what saves us all.
So, yeah. The absurdity of 2024 and 2025, looking at it through a writer's lense, it's already one hell of a ride.
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epitheterasedgen · 3 years ago
Do you have any tips for writing Percy? I have such a hard time writing her.
oh man I could write a whole ESSAY but I'll try to condense this into bulletpoints
keep in mind a lot of this is based on my subjective views/headcanons for her (but also I'm objectively correct all of the time <3 //j)
Percy doesn't pick up on a lot of social cues. If someone is sarcastic to her ("well THANKS A LOT"), there's a high chance of her simply replying in a genuine manner ("you're welcome! :)") This being said, you don't need to POINT OUT in the narration that she isn't picking up on the social cues. Show, don't tell.
That being said, the social cues Percy DOES know are learned and rehearsed. They don't come instinctively to her. She realizes past the fact, "ah! whoops! I forgot to introduce myself to Ramsey. I shall give a formal introduction despite the fact we've already been chatting." When Zora spits on her palm expecting Percy to also spit on her own palm and give a handshake, Percy has not yet LEARNED that social cue, so she mistakenly spits on Zora's palm as well.
She also trusts those around her to know more about social cues than she does. When she offers a handshake to Ramsey and he does a weird slappy-secret-handshake thing, she doesn't bat an eye. When Molly pours her steaming hot tea from a toy teapot, she comments briefly that she'd expected the tea to be make-believe (implied, from what she's been told in the past), but then quickly readjusts her expectations and moves on. Her behavior towards the situation isn't, "this little girl must be strange and an outlier," it's "MY expectations must have been incorrect. this is normal for a child."
Although Percy seems to treat much of the world as though it's black and white, she IS aware that shades of gray exist. She teams up with Ramsey (a criminal) to catch more criminals. She thanks him for his help and offers him a comfortable cell if he cooperates with the police.
She's trusting to a fault. She believes Zora will follow the instructions of her no-epithet challenge because she takes her at her word. She believes Ramsey's lie of being a Mundie instantly. HOWEVER:
She will acknowledge when she's made a mistake in trusting someone. After Zora breaks the rules, she doesn't say "I won't unlock the cuffs because it's against the rules," she says "I don't have enough TIME." When she recognizes Ramsey's name, she looks him up and realizes he was lying about his lack of an epithet.
She's aware that society has flaws. She can't pinpoint them, maybe— she does trust the police. But she outright states that the number of criminals in the bar is "a sobering reminder of how many have been failed by our society." Therefore, she DOES think criminals are born out of the failings of society— not that people are born evil.
She firmly believes all people can change. The evidence for this is mostly in snippets of upcoming Epithet stuff, but she very much believes in second chances and helping criminals reform rather than just getting rid of them. That being said,
She will kill to protect. She flat-out tries to STRANGLE Zora during their fight in Redwood Run. We know her sword is one of the only existing weapons capable of lethal damage. Obviously she doesn't resort to this— she asks criminals to "line up in a straight line and march right off to jail," she captures Arnold for info and then leaves him in the Bartender's care, etc. But she is, under the most drastic circumstances, WILLING to. I think a lot of people think of her kind nature and second chances, and so they shove this part of her under the rug, but Percy would kill if absolutely necessary.
She will die to protect. When Zora asks Percy if she's going to stand in her way knowing she doesn't stand a chance, Percy replies, "a true officer of the law stands by her principles, no matter the circumstances." Percy knows her own limits and weaknesses, but will disregard them to do what's right anyway.
Percy doesn't swear. I think I've seen ONE person write her swearing and that is one person too many. There is swearing in Epithet: Erased and she never once uses it. She is openly shocked and dismayed when Molly swears. The ONLY time Percy says a "swear" is when she describes (in the narration) her "Real-Ass Goddamn" sword, which we learn from the TTRPG book is LITERALLY the enchantment title of her weapon. It's the same as a veterinarian saying he needs to give treatment to a bitch (a female dog). That's not the same thing as swearing.
Her vocabulary in general is very colorful. Not in a swearing way, but in a "this isn't the normal words someone would use" way. It's very difficult to explain how to use this properly, but she wouldn't say, "ugh, I'm so mad that criminal ruined my sword," she'd say, "Argh. That pink-haired scally-wag left a dent in my sword."
I could do a whole section on EXACTLY how to write Percy's voice but I don't want to <3
Percy isn't stoic! Look at her portraits— she has some of the most expressive sets of the entire cast. While it's common for smart autistic characters to have trouble showing emotion, Percy has almost the OPPOSITE problem: she wears her heart on her sleeve. She doesn't know how to control her expression; she doesn't even think about it. She cries over the loss of a plastic gun.
That being said: look at her portraits again. The least-used expressions are her "happy" ones, and her teeth-showing smile is PARTICULARLY rare. And the ONLY time her "smug" portrait is used is when she's bantering with Ramsey at the well (aw). Conclusion? Percy doesn't think much about happiness, or at least doesn't express it very much. She's not SAD all the time; her sprite is just neutral. She's thinking. She's in Work Mode.
(Her happy sprites are mostly when she's taking Molly home at the end of E4, or thanking Ramsey for his pinecone juice gift.)
Although she's openly emotional, Percy doesn't much think about emotions as they pertain to HER. The pinecone gift is about the only time she seems happy about something for her own benefit, specifically. Otherwise, she is entirely preoccupied with the wellbeing of others: Molly's safety, Howie's safety, the safety of the general public (which is in danger by Zora's presence). In other words, she's selfless. She doesn't HATE herself or even DISLIKE herself— she simply doesn't even THINK about herself, because she's busy thinking about others.
Percy's ace. This is canon and confirmed by the creator.
Furthermore, she isn't a sex-positive or sex-negative ace— she's an oblivious ace. Yeah, she knows sex exists, but it's so foreign to her she doesn't even pick up on innuendos. When Ramsey says "better caught with your shirt up than your pants down, eh?" she replies, "yes, it's much harder to run that way" and doesn't bat an eye at his gross rat body. She doesn't THINK about sex. Why would she. She's got criminals to catch.
Percy is uncomfortable being perceived as a male. Ignoring Rhea's art style, Jello confirmed Percy was supposed to look as androgynous as possible. He also wanted to make her gender and orientation up to debate, but got annoyed when fans ignored her in favor of Giovanni debates. So that being said, I won't force my Percy gender headcanons on anyone else— you can HC her as a trans woman, nonbinary, agender, or something else— BUT SHE CANONICALLY DOESN'T LIKE BEING PERCEIVED AS A MALE. She corrects a Banzai Blaster's use of "mister" and specifically corrects him to "miss." If you make Percy male, that's an AU. Not a headcanon.
Percy is aro.
"wait where's the evidence for this one"
because I said so <3
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c0s-lettuce · 4 years ago
please be careful - danny rand x reader
gender not mentioned, romantic or platonic
a/n: there aren't enough danny rand fics. pretty boy deserves better. this fic was based on the first few episodes of season 1. i hope you enjoy :)
word count: 925
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You knew about the Hand. Only a little bit from your time in Hell's Kitchen. You moved back home to Brooklyn to get away from that. Yes, it meant saying goodbye to friends, but it was all in the hopes to regain a tiny ounce of normality.
You had landed yourself a good job and a pretty nice apartment. And you were living life day by day. That was until a homeless man showed up at your work and claimed to be your dead childhood best friend.
Yeah, so much for normality.
"It's me," he had said, "it's Danny."
You didn't reply. You just stared.
"We would hang out all the time after you got back from school." he continued, "Remember that one time we went a street over to the ice cream truck? You got a chocolate-covered ice cream. I got one with sprinkles. We asked for an extra cone and tried to mix our ice creams together to see what it would taste like."
He paused for a second to catch his breath. You remained silent.
Then he went on, "But it didn't work. My ice cream ended up on the floor, so you just gave me yours. Remember?"
Danny looked at you with hopeful eyes. You must've looked ridiculous. Frozen in shock, speechless, eyes threatening to spill with tears.
But then you had an idea. You walked towards 'Danny' and held your hand up. He looked confused but only a second later raised his own hand to yours.
And there the two of you stood, performing your secret handshake as if the fifteen years had never passed.
You didn't wait another millisecond to pull him into a hug. As he returned the sentiment, you managed to whisper, "I thought you were dead."
"I know, I'm sorry." he replied, "I've been away."
Your ringtone woke you late at night. Peering at your phone, you saw the name 'Danny' in bright, white letters.
You let out an unceremonious groan and picked up, "Hey Danny. What's up?"
"I'm so sorry, did I wake you?" he was quick to reply.
"No, no," you lied, "you didn't, I was... reading."
"I'm sorry for calling so late. I'm just,” he took a breath, “having trouble settling back in, I guess?"
You sat up, "Hey, that's completely understandable."
"I was wondering if you could come over."
"Oh yeah, of course, just message me your address." you scrambled out of bed.
"Thank you."
The trip was short. Danny was staying in a very fancy suite that Jeri Hogarth organised for him. As soon as he answered the door, he pulled you into a hug and thanked you for coming.
The two of you let go of each other. As Danny led you to the lounge, you noticed blankets on the floor by one of the massive windows.
"Have you been sleeping on the floor?" you asked.
"Uh yeah, I'm just not used to the mattress. Felt like I was going to sink into it," he told you.
You nodded. Danny had briefly told you about living in K'un-Lun. After the New York incident and what you had seen in Hell's Kitchen, you didn't doubt him. Not completely.
The two of you sat down. Danny began to tell you what was troubling him, all the while you were doing your best to comfort him. He told you about how much everything had changed. And how he felt like he was a complete stranger in a city he once called home.
"My whole life in K'un-Lun was spent training to becoming a living weapon. To eventually destroy the Hand and-"
"Wait, wait, wait, the Hand?" you interrupted.
"Yes," Danny said, "I'm the Iron Fist, sworn enemy of the Hand? Do you know about them?"
"A bit... a while ago, I was at Metro-General Hospital visiting a friend. Then these ninjas came out of nowhere. It was a mess. I was lucky to get out of there-"
"The Hand is here? In New York?"
"I guess, yeah? I don't really know about them..."
Danny paused for a second and turned to face the window, "So I am supposed to be here."
And that brings you to now, in the Chikara Dojo. There's a dying man in the owner, Colleen's, bed. Claire, whom you met before in Hell's Kitchen, is trying to keep him alive. And Danny is talking about going to challenge the Hand.
You watch from the door as Danny performs Tai Chi in the dojo. You take a moment to think. How this ten-year-old boy you once knew has grown into a man. How this grown man is now a master at Kung Fu. How he wants to challenge the Hand.
"You're worried," Danny states, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You exhale and lean against the door frame, Danny still facing away from you. "Of course I am."
"I'm not going to get hurt, I promise," he replies.
You scoff and mutter, "That's one hell of a promise..."
"I have a vision of total victory and nothing else. It's the reason I've gotten this far. Defeat has no place in my mind."
"Danny, seriously," you walk up to face him, "I've seen what the Hand can do. I mean, what if they kill you?"
"That's not going to happen." Danny places his hands on your shoulders and looks at you with a sincerity you've never seen before.
Silence falls between the two of you. You take this opportunity to embrace him again.
"Please, be careful," you say.
"I will, I promise."
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greenv · 5 years ago
We're the same PT.ll | Peter Parker x Stark!Fem!Reader
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Summary: You are used to having Peter in your world all the time, he was in the base with you more than at his own home, it was time for you to spend time in his world.
Warnings: None? A small sexual reference or joke? Idk...
Word count: 3,5 k
Notes: (Y/R/L/N) \ Your real last name.
A/N: I just want to thank you guys for all the love "We're the same" received! For real! Thank you! Here's part two, I hope you guys like it as well!
[Part 1]
You and Peter were getting back from one of your night patrols, it was something that the two of you always did and it was part of your routine now, you loved fighting crime beside him, and he loved being able to fight by your side as well, the both of you made such a perfect team that even your dad, Tony Stark was proud.
"So… I was thinking" Peter takes off his mask giving you a look, you look at him waiting for him to keep talking "You know, how I always spend time on the avengers place? I was thinking that maybe you would like to… I don't know… Spend some time at my place? Maybe?" Peter smiles awkwardly, you remove your marks looking at him with a smile.
"You got all shy all of a sudden" You put your arms around his neck, giving him a little kiss on the lips.
"Not with you, I mean, no, I just… Do you think that it's time to introduce you to my friends?" Peter sighs.
"Wow…" You look at him with surprise "You have friends?!" Peter looks at you offended, you start laughing and he can't help but laugh as well with you "I'd love to meet them, if that's what you want Pete… I'll do it" Peter looks at your face trying to memorize your features, but to be honest, he already knows your entire face and body by memory, he just loves admiring your beauty.
"That will mean a lot to me, thank you" Peter closes his eyes giving you a sweet kiss.
"Well… in that case, just tell me when and I'll be there" You smile.
"How about tomorrow? You can go to my school and you can spend a day in my world" Peter suggested, you frown, that wasn't what you had in mind when he told you he wanted you to meet his friends.
"At your school?!" You ask, surprised.
"Yeah, is that… a bad idea?".
"Well, why not after school? We can go eat something or maybe… Why?" You put your hands on your hips, you can't help but laugh. "Don't you nerds go out?".
"Ouch…" Peter smiles "Well, remember I told you I'm going to the academy decathlon? I need to start staying after school to study and between classes as well from time to time, and besides… I could really use your company" Peter grabs your hands swinging both your bodies, you only shake your head. 
"Alright fine, I'll go to school with you tomorrow, but I'm not taking the bus, I'll go swinging" You wink at him.
"Uh, no, you need to take the bus with me, so you can pass as one of the students" Peter winks back.
"Ugh! Is it really that necessary?!" Peter hugs you, hiding his face in the crack  of your neck.
"For me… pleeeeeease?" Peter whispers against your skin.
"Okay… See you tomorrow then" You put on your mask getting ready to go back to the chaotic place you call home.
"Love you!" Peter screams, smiling and feeling the luckiest man alive, once he lost the sight of you, he climbs the wall and opens his window to get into his room, tomorrow was the big day, he'd  been waiting for so long to introduce you to Ned and MJ, he was sure you were gonna love them.
"Wake up Parker!" You open his window, getting inside his room, Peter was getting changed after his usual morning shower, he looked back at you smiling.
"Good morning baby" He blows a kiss at you from afar, you sit on his bed taking a good look at his room, you've been there plenty of times, but today felt different, you felt a bit nervous and you didn't know why.
"When are we leaving?" You ask, impatiently.
"Well, you're a bit early baby girl, the bus will be here in thirty minutes" Peter puts on his shirt and sits beside you on his bed.
"You're not taking the suit?" You lift his shirt a bit, looking at his bare skin, Peter smiles and shakes his head.
"I want this to be a normal day for the both of us, just you, me, school, friends, a normal teenagers romance… No super heroes, no super powers, no fighting the bad guys, just for today" Peter grabs your hand.
"Pete… Baby… I am the daughter of Tony Stark, even before I got my powers, the words 'have a normal day weren’t part of my vocabulary" You fake a smile and Peter chuckles, biting his lip.
"Are you wearing your suit?".
"No, it's in my backpack, just in case you know…" Peter grabs your backpack, he opens it taking out the suit, throwing it into his closet. "Pete…" you look at your boyfriend with sadness "I'm already going to school with you let me take the suit, you never know!".
"Y/N, nothing will happen today, and I promise that after school we'll come back here and we'll go back to being Mr and Mrs Spider-Man" Peter jokes, you smile with sadness nodding, after all you promised him a normal day.
"Peter I seriously can't believe I'm the one who's asking to keep the suit and not the other way around".
"Honey we'll be okay!". "Fine… But if something does happen, I'm calling dad". "That won't be necessary". "We'll see". "We won't".
After a quick breakfast with Aunt May, you and Peter went down to the bus stop and waited for your ride to his school, you were used to Happy driving you to your private school where your dad had you at, you always wondered what it would be like to go on a bus like Peter did all the time, not wear a uniform, this could be a good day, maybe you can convince Tony to let you change school.
"So, we met at the Stark Internship… right?" You look at Peter trying to memorize the fake story on how you two met.
"Exactly, let's not mention that we both have super powers" Peter smiles.
"I thought your friend Ned knew?".
"Well, yeah, he's the only one, but the story is for the rest of them" Peter takes your hand.
"Okay… my last name is… (Y/R/L/N)?" You sigh "I'm ready!".
As the bus arrives, Peter manages to sneak you in without the bus driver noticing, but you didn't feel worried, it was an old man and he could barely see.
"There's Ned, my best friend" Peter points at a guy in the middle of the bus, you nod, just following Peter.
"Hey bro!" Ned smiles at Peter, you see them make a kind of secret handshake, you smile at the sight of such a cute act.
"Ned, this is Y/N… The Y/N" Peter says nervously, Ned looks at you and he opens his mouth with surprise.
"You're Peter's girlfriend?!" Ned asks.
"Yup… Nice to finally meet you, Peter talks a lot about you" You shake Ned's hand.
"He talks about me?! Ha! He talks about you a lot as well, you're like the main topic of our conversations" Ned chuckles, Peter hits Ned's arm giving him a warning.
"I'm flattered, I hope he only says good things" You look at Peter, taking a seat next to Ned.
"You're not sitting with me?" Peter chuckles.
"Nah, Ned's better company" You wink an eye at Peter, he takes a seat in front of the both of you.
"So… Are you really Tony Stark's daughter?" Ned asks.
"I don't know what you're talking about, we met at Stark industries… I have an internship as well" you smile.
"Baby, remember he knows" Peter chuckles.
"Oh… yeah, sorry" You smile shyly at Ned "So you know about Spidey?" You whisper at Ned.
"About Spidey one and two" Ned smiles and you smile at him.
"Well I'm glad I don't have to pretend in front of someone".
The bus makes another stop and a bunch of students get inside of the bus, you see Peter shake his hand in the air with a smile, you look over to see a pretty girl, messy hair and a 'kill me' kind of face, you knew that was MJ, Peter always says that she has a funeral face.
"Sup losers" MJ sits beside Peter. She looks at you and you give her a small smile.
"Hey" you say, MJ looks at Ned and then at you.
"Who is she?".
"She's my girlfriend" Peter spoke, MJ looks at Peter with an extremely surprised look, but her face goes back to her neutral expression right away.
"So, you're that Y/N?" MJ looks at you.
"Yes, you must be MJ" You offer her your hand to shake, but instead she gives an awkward high-five.
"Are you sure you're dating this ass? He's not paying you to fake a relationship?" MJ looks at you trying to study your expressions, you only chuckle shaking your head.
"Hey! I can get a girlfriend!" Peter says offended.
"Yeah boy… but not like her, she's waaaaay out of your league" MJ huff taking out her book, Peter looks at you and you give him a little wink.
Once the four of you arrived at school, no one was paying attention to you, which you liked, normally, at your other school you were treating with a bit of privilege just because of your last name, and here, it was all different, maybe because no one really knew your real last name, or maybe because you were with the nerds, but you liked it, being invisible for once.
"Let's go to class then" Peter grabs your hand.
"What class do we have first?" You smile.
"Wait… you're attending this school now!?" Ned exclaims.
"Yes, for today" You smile shyly.
"Cool… Are we going to say that she's an exchange student from another country or...?" Ned looks at Peter.
"No, she just transferred schools that's it" Peter smiles.
"I can make an accent" you look at both boys.
"I wanna hear" Ned smiles.
"Please no" Peter puts his hands over his ears, as you start speaking with a heavy (very bad) french accent, making Ned laugh, even MJ gave you a small chuckle.
"Can she please keep the accent?!" Ned looks at Peter.
"No! Please no!" Peter grabs your hand pulling you to class.
The teacher was already there so you had to go through the entire 'hi I'm blablablaba the new kid' kind of thing.
"Y/N, tell us a bit about you" the teacher looks at you. You felt everyone's eyes over you, you looked at Peter who was sitting in his place, saving a chair beside him for you.
"I'm dating Spider-Man" you said seriously, you could hear Peter choke in the back of the class, everyone was quiet, but then everyone started laughing and Peter felt his soul go back to his body.
"Yeah, I'm dating Spider-Man as well" another girl jokes.
"Okay Y/N go take a seat" the teacher smiles. You nod walking towards Peter, you look at the girl who made a joke as well, you lean close and whisper.
"You're not his type sweetie" You wink and eye to her and she rolls her eyes at you. 
You sit beside Peter taking out a notebook and a pen out of your backpack.
"Hey sweetie… Don't sit with Parker, come sit with us" you look up from your notebook to see a boy wearing a Polo shirt, you knew, by fact that he was Flash, the annoying son of a… Who made Peter's life a living hell in school.
"No thanks, I'm good here" You fake a smile.
"Come on, I don't bite, unless you want me to" Flash winks at you and his friends start laughing.
"Just ignore him," Peter whispers, taking your hand.
"Permission to break his jaw" you whisper with anger.
"As much as I'd love to see that, permission not granted… It's okay, he's like that, you'll get used to him" Peter chuckles.
"Okay, but if he says something offensive to you, I won't hesitate".
"I love when you get all overprotective of me" Peter whispers in your ear leaving a small kiss on your cheek.
"Well, you know that someone has your back Parker" You bite your lip, trying not to kiss him so you both don't get detention.
As class goes by, you actually pay a lot of attention to it, making a bet with Peter on who could answer more questions than the other, the loser will go patrolling alone, but the both of you know that's an impossible thing. 
You and Peter go to the next class, woodshop. 
As you and Peter arrive, Ned is already there, working on something, Peter grabs your hand and you look at him with a smile.
"Remember when you first got your powers? I made your web shooters here" Peter smiles, you could see how proud he was of his work.
"I can remember that day as if it was yesterday… And I can also remember your face when you showed me the web shooters for the first time" You caress his cheek with love, Peter feels electricity in his body, he shakes a bit and smiles, you really had an effect on him.
The two of you made your way to Ned, you see him working on some type of mechanic arm, he seemed to be having a bit of a problem there, you look at Peter wondering if he's going to help his friend, but no, Peter only sits beside him, working on his own project.
"Need a hand Ned?" You smile, sitting in front of him. Ned and Peter look at you.
"Uh… I don't really want to bother, I can't seem to make this work, I don't know why" Ned shows you the mechanic hand, you grab it taking a good look. 
Grabbing a bunch of tools on the table, you quickly manage to fix it and the mechanic like hand starts moving.
"Wow… where did you learn that?" Peter looks at you with a bright smile.
"Yeah, that took you like five seconds!" Ned grabs the hand admiring your work.
"Well, I'm Tony Stark's daughter, I know how to repair his suits as well" Your chest sticks out and you look at Peter feeling proud, you were glad that there was something Peter Parker didn't know about you.
"You keep surprising me babe" Peter smiles and winks at you.
"Not in front of me guys, please…" Ned rolls his eyes and goes back to working on his hand, you and Peter chuckle.
"So… You really are spending your day with the nerds huh?" Someone speaks behind you, you take your eyes off of Peter's project to look behind you. 
Flash was there, he was holding his phone typing something, he looked at you smiling.
"I knew I've seen that pretty face before…" Flash has a cocky smile in his face, he then turns his phone to you "Tony Stark donates one million dollars to charity, and beside him, the women that inspire him to do good day by day… His wife, Pepper Potts, and his daughter, Y/N Stark…" Flash finishes reading the news, you really started to hate that guy. 
Peter looks at Flash with anger, all he wanted to do was have a normal day with you in school, show you that you could be happy in a normal kind of way, but of course Flash was so obsessed with him that he had to ruin everything. 
Peter stands up from his chair ready to fight Flash, but your words stop him.
"So…? Should I give you a golden star?" You ask Flash, with the same cocky smile now "Should I clap for you? Let me do it…" You start clapping in his face "You're so intelligent, you found out who I am!".
Peter looks at you and then at Flash, feeling proud as hell, Flash looked intimidated by you, and Peter was enjoying the show.
"I-" Flash opens his mouth but you interrupt him.
"So what's your point… Flash, right?" You cross your arms.
"Just tell us all the truth! You're not dating Penis Parker! You're here to donate money to school or something!" Flash smiles back at you.
The smile on your face is replaced with pure anger, your eyes darkening as you look at Flash, you could hear him swallow saliva.
"You did not just  say that" Peter whispers with a smile, he goes back to his  seat he was tired of letting Flash get away with all the shit he does, and of course he couldn't punch him cause it was obvious who would win, he was trying to be fair. But today, today it was different, and he was glad his queen was here.
Flash looks at Peter and then back at you, knowing that he made a huge mistake on calling Peter that in front of you.
"What's your point?" You speak with anger.
"Just tell us you're not dating Parker, he has nothing to offer! Instead go out with me! I have money, cars… I can take you wherever you want" You put your arm around  Flash's shoulders squishing hard, he starts to feel pain but he holds it in, trying to look tough you made him face Peter, your boyfriend looking at the both of you delighted.
"You looking at that man right there?" You point at Peter "He gon' get it when we get home, he will keep me up all night… He is much more than you'll ever be!" You squish  Flash's shoulders even more, but not enough to leave  bruises the next day. "You say you have money? Cool, he has an immense heart, amazing jokes... you have a car? Cool… He has something better I prefer to ride" You wink at Peter and you see him blush, he was red at this point "Flash, you wish you could be like Peter Benjamin Parker, now, do me a favor and leave me and my boyfriend alone" you push Flash away from you, sitting back with Peter and Ned, you turn around one last time look at him "Leave your obsession with Peter behind, we all know you're not his type" You wink and eye to Flash.
Flash basically leaves running, when he does, Ned and Peter explode in laughter, you look at the both of them with a smile.
"Damn! That was amazing! About damn time someone said something to Flash" Ned cleans his fake tears.
"You didn't  have to  say anything to him Y/N" Peter smiles.
"You're right, we don't need to prove anything to that loser, but I got angry! He's an asshole and the thought of you having to deal with this dumbass all the time makes my blood boil!" You take a deep breath trying to calm down "Also, I wanted him to know how good you are at what you do" you wink and eye to Peter, your boyfriend opens his eyes wide and looks at Ned, who is pretending to mind his own business with his mechanic arm.
"Y/N… Don't speak like that" Peter whispers, he was a blushy mess, he looked adorable. 
"Oh Peter, you should feel proud of yourself…" You stand up looking around "I'm bored, I'm gonna build something" You smile and you start walking around the classroom looking for pieces for a project.
Back at the table, Ned turns his head to look at you and then he looks at Peter.
"Man… I don't know what you did to get a girl like her, but you're one lucky moth-" Peter covers his mouth, blushing.
"Okay Ned, she's too hot for me I get it…" Peter looks at you smiling "When she's with me all boys hate me". 
And he was right, and he just proved that with Flash trying to steal you from him, the way you talked to Flash, the way you defend Peter, it made him feel some kind of way, he wasn't used to having you do that, but he was proud of it.
The bell rings letting all the students know that the day is over, you stand up from your chair looking at Peter, waiting for instructions.
"Okay, let's go home" Peter smiles taking your hand.
"Home?" You look at him confused "don't you need to study with your decathlon team?".
"Yeah I do but…" He leans closer to you and whispers in your ear. "You said I was gonna get it when we get home so… Let's keep you up all night" He gives you a soft kiss on the lips.
"Peter Parker… I-" you try to make a joke but you just can't, he caught you off guard "Oh boy… Let's go! You have work to do!" You smile and clap happily making Peter laugh out loud, catching everyone's attention, but he didn't care. 
He was planning on having a nice evening with you and his friends, but that could wait, you can see his friends any other day.
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okeymakeydude · 5 years ago
Headcanon: Ways to trust [Defense classes]
Link to the last one; Headcanon: Ways to trust [Support classes]
We all trust, a lot or a little, always do. We´re sociable and even the most antisocial person does the same, and our beloved mercenaries are no exception. Here, I´ll try to make some headcanons of the ways I think they´d do to show that they trust someone, at the end a snippet. 
Today, defense classes: Engineer, Heavy and Demoman.
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This man has "two faces", a saying and a HCs explained better ->here<- and, in a short way; he shows a false personality from the real one.
"Wanna go for a ride, son?". This Texan likes going about his business and alone, if he needs things, without telling the rest of the team, he'd go to the nearest town. However, he'd invite his partner to go with him, especially if it's someone he gets along with and knows he won't be bored. Be prepared to hear bad jokes all the way through!
You're welcome to his workshop. Like Medic, he doesn't mind if someone gets into but not for long. Silence and concentration, he gets annoyed by the slightest noise while doing his job. Although he'd like to talk to someone like Pyro from time to time, they can stay as long as they doesn't light a match... again.
He smiles more. Look, he's smiling most of the day, but that's part of his "fake face". You'll know that you're accessing his true personality when he's praised for his inventions, tries to stay serious and kind of doesn't care, but his pride will show if those words come from someone he trusts. There's nothing that makes this man happy than talking about his creations and knowing that others are interested.
There's a small hidden box where he keeps the few memories he has of his childhood. He has never felt comfortable enough to talk about it and more about his father, but if he does speak about it with someone, It's 'cause he trusts that person very much and he's giving an attempt to open up, this's a very important moment. There, he's showing much of his "true face".
“Wait, is that you? How cute!” His partner was looking at the few photos that were in the box, had a brown color of how old they were, there was a  little boy in his father's arms. “ I wish I had pictures of my childhood too.”
Engie was beside them, watching silently until he noticed something, and pointed it out. It was a picture of him hugging a puppy, he couldn't help but smile.
“Her name was Tess.”
“She´s beautiful.”
“Was... she was beautiful.”
A nostalgic atmosphere dominates the whole workshop. It had been a long time since the Texan had returned to his past and even more so if he talked about it with someone, but it was okay because he knew he could trust his mate. Suddenly they raised their arms and began to put the photographs in the box, They had a serious face.
“We're getting sad and i don´t accept it, the past is past. Although I would have liked to see that dog... but we're here for something else!” They turned to see him and smiled. “You were going to show me something you planned to do.”
That's why he liked ´em so much.
“Heh, yeah, y'are right. “Happiness was shown at once in the engineer bringing up that subject again, he took out a blueprint and put it on the table. “Well, as ya can see here...”
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He'll spend time with you. Why waste the time with someone you don't like?Heavy'd let know if he doesn't trust you, he wouldn't talk much and his expressions would say it all. However, if he does, even if he's busy, he'd use some of his time to talk to his mate, ask 'em how they are doing, or just hang out. HCs inspired by this one.
He'll try to speak more. We all know that our dear Russian has a poor English but that doesn't mean he isn't trying to improve it. May ask his friend for help or advice when he doesn't know how to express himself with something and would feel more confident if they respected him and don't laugh at the way he speaks.
His past. He doesn't mind talking about it but will always try to avoid the gulag and what happened to his father. The past is past, yeah, but even a man like Heavy is not so easy to "forget". If one day he confesses what happened to his family that time, it's because he trusts that person a lot. It's a very important step in his confidence and no one should make fun of him.
"You can touch her". Well, what are you waiting for? He's letting you touch HIS weapon, Sasha! It's something very important to him somehow, and it'd look like a dream if he didn't get angry that someone aproached her. You would have to be a great buddy to have such a "privilege".
"Push! Come on! Push!"
"I'm trying but she's toooo heavyyy...! Got it? Cuz -- Nevermind "His partner sat on the floor, taking a breath, looking at him. "Can we get some rest? I think my back is broken."
Heavy laughed as he did the same thing. A few days ago he started training for the next match and his friend decided to join him. Although the exercises seemed very hard for them.
"Sandwich? This will help little."
"You're really strong, man! can pick Sasha up like that and i can't even move her an inch." They raised their eyebrows while they was grabbing it, with a 'thanks' by the way. "How?"
"In gulag, you have time."
"Oh..." their voice got softer when they heard that, was taking the last bites at the sandwich. " Y'know, you're not only physically tough, also psychologically, that was hell and you managed to escape from there with your family."
"And now, Heavy is happy and around with friends, like you. You are good friend."
"Really? Sweet!" They stood up and smiled, seemed to be full of energy and wanting to spend it. "Okay, ready for round two, bear guy?"
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He becomes more touchable. Well, he is already even with a stranger but our dear merc likes to express himself physically, he doesn't just say a "heeey", he'd hug 'em and give 'em a gentle pat on the back. And both have a secret handshake? Then you're best friends. Demo is usually one of those who are quick to trust someone.
Get ready for the party because he´ll drag you to every one! is a night person, and any place is perfect to have fun. Is the weather good? Party in town! Bad weather? Party at the base! Can't it be possible? Party in his room! Demoman likes to be among friends and won't hesitate to invite them, fun is guaranteed with him and laughter too. Just make sure he doesn't drink too much, he tends to get a little sad...
“Sorry if mah mom's a lil´ annoying”. Well, looks like someone's been bought to their house, their cause his mother lives there! He´ll be nervous about taking his partner, apart from his frienemy Soldier, although he´d calm down if he sees that everything is going well. His past is not that bad as Heavy's but if he tells things like what happened in his eye, about his childhood or about his father, that mate must be someone very trustworthy.
His eye-patch. Being called a “cyclops” only makes him remember the stupid mistake he made as a child and it bothers him, only he doesn't show it, he's always afraid that one day he'll forget to put the eyepatch on and his whole team will be scared of him. But if you show him that he's okay as he is, enough to give him the confidence to be around without it, you're already someone important to him.
“ And then... kaboooom! ten dead enemies, ma'am! ten!”
“Did dat really happen?”
“Yeah! your son with only a few explosives eliminated most of the opposing team.”The guest nodded with a smile, they was very happy to tell what happened at the match recently, crossed their arms. “I´d be proud of him, actually, i´m proud of him”.
“Me too.” Said his mother in a soft voice, she seemed to avoid smiling but you could tell she was grateful. "As long as he does a good job, it's okay."
“Okay, lad. I´m done.” Demoman entered the room before putting some things aside, looked at his friend and asked. “Well, yer ready?”
“For the party? Hell yeah dude!”
They stood up and as they approached they did not hesitate to make their secret greeting, it might seem childish, but they did not care. At the end they gave each other a hug and said goodbye to the old lady, they were getting closer to the door, before opening it, his friend spoke.
“You okay without the eye patch?”
“Then, what are we wainting for? let´s go!”
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fixandpix · 8 years ago
I'm gonna ask 4 for syndisparklez set in mianite if that's okay (pls and thank you)
Syndisparklez Fic set in the Mianite universePrompt: the one where you and your soulmate have matching marks and the marks glow when you’re near your soulmateYou can send me a number and a ship here, and I’ll write a drabble(at least) based on it :D
Jordan’s eyes opened, and he was immediately greeted withthe sight of the starry night sky. He tried to sit up, and felt the sand crunchunderneath his weight. He stood up and began to make sense of his surroundings.To his left was a vast expanse of sea, and to his right was a hill thatobscured the rest of the island he was on.
He stood up and brushed the sand off of his clothes, hishead swimming with thoughts. He breathed deeply, focusing on the scent of theocean breeze. He searched his memories to start. He could remember his name anda few small things about him, like his oddly simple wardrobe and funny choiceof swear words. He couldn’t remember anything about the life he’d led beforethis, except for the memory of a giant tree house, which only confused him evenmore. He resigned himself to postponing his existential crisis for later, andhe began to climb the hill.
It didn’t take too long for Jordan to climb over the hill,which granted him a good vantage point of the area. To his right he spotted acolossal mountain that basically commanded his attention, and to its left was asavannah. He was about to make his way to the mountain when he suddenly spottedzombies and skeletons littering the plains at the foot of the hills, and hecursed silently.
Jordan decided he’d wait until sunrise. It was the safestcourse of action, and there was no way he was going to make it through themobs-
A zombie turned its head and stopped as it saw Jordan. Hisstomach dropped as it began limping towards him, it’s low growl attracting therest of the mobs around it.
“God dang it.” He cursed, taking a step back. Three zombiesstarted climbing the hill, and he heard bones chattering to his left. He turnedaround just in time to see a skeleton fire an arrow in his direction, and heraised his arms instinctively to defend himself. The arrow missed him by aninch, and Jordan took another step back, and he knew another would mean fallingback to where he woke up.
A sudden glow blinded him, and it took him a second torealize that his a pattern was glowing on his right arm. It was three linesthat started out on his forearm, and it began to intertwine until itdisappeared under his sleeve. He could still make out the glow shining throughthe fabric, and he noticed that it created a flame-like pattern. It continuedto glow brighter, and he was sure that he shone like a beacon in the darkness.
As he tried to make heads and tails of the tattoo, a memoryresurfaced. He was looking into the mirror, his arm exposed, putting his tattooin plain sight. It was three lines stretching from his right forearm until itintertwined at his bicep, forming a flame-like pattern. The only cleardifference he could notice was that this tattoo wasn’t glowing, it was just…atattoo. He felt dread and sorrow as he saw the plain tattoo, almost as if itwas a sign of something bad to come.
The sharp THUNK ofan arrow landing at his feet brought him back to his current reality: his armlooked as if it had just gone swimming at a radioactive waterpark and mobs wereabout to kill him. Jordan was considering just barreling through the mobs, buta faint purple glow appeared from behind the zombies, followed by a swordappearing in and out through their chests. They burned until nothing remained,and a man with blue hair and glowing diamond armor stood behind them. Theireyes met, and the blue haired man wore a cocky expression, as if saying, I just saved your life, until heregistered Jordan’s glowing arm. Shock flashed across the blue haired man’sface before he looked back at Jordan. He was about to say something to Jordanuntil an arrow glanced off of his chestplate, shifting the blue haired man’sfocus to the offending skeleton.
Jordan watched the skeleton burn away with one hit from theman’s sword, and only the two of them remained on the hill.
“Uh…” Jordan said, unsure of what to make of the blue hairedman. “…Hi?”
The man blinked, as if he was looking at Jordan for thefirst time. Tension melted from his expression until he almost looked aloof,and he lowered his sword before approaching Jordan. “Hey!” he said, extendingan arm for a handshake. Jordan shook it with his glowing arm. “Your arm glows.”
Jordan noticed the tone in his voice almost immediately, asif he was trying – and failing – to act casual about it all; as if he knew whyhis arm was glowing. “So it does.” He replied, unsure of how to proceed.
They went silent for a second too long, and the blue-hairedman seemed to notice that he was still holding onto Jordan’s hand. Heimmediately let go and acted like it was nothing, before he continued, “Anyways,I’m Tom, and welcome your face to the world of Mianite!”
“-and that’s about it!” It was morning by the time Tom hadfinished showing him around the island. He had shown him the temple, theirhouses, and right now, they were stopped by the plot of land Jordan wasintending to build his home in. The whole time his arm kept glowing, but theglow had dimmed until it was just bright enough to use as a light forbook-reading or something. That, however, was pushed to the back of histhoughts as Tom gave him the tour. The whole time Tom was glancing at his armas if it might explode, but other than that, he was a very entertaining guide. “Ifthat’s all, I should get going-“
“Actually,” Jordan said, and Tom tensed as he gestured tohis arm. “I was going to ask about my arm? It didn’t glow before today.”
“Oh.” Tom said, looking slightly disappointed, but at thesame time, relieved. “You don’t know?”
“Yeah, I saw Tucker had a tattoo on him, but it wasn’tglowing like mine.”
“Well,” Tom said, pausing before he continued, “Everyone’sgot a tattoo when they’re born, right?”
“Uh, I didn’t know that, actually.”
“Well now you do,” Tom said, waving his hand dismissively. “Anyway,the tattoo’s like, a tracking beacon for your soulmate.”
Jordan’s heart quickened, and he acknowledged his glowingarm for the first time in a while. “Wait so…”
“It could mean your soulmate’s on this island.” Tom saidabruptly. His expression began to give away more and more with each word. Tomwas hiding something. “Anyway, I should get going. I promised I’d meet Tuckerto go mining later. See ya later?”
Jordan wasn’t given time to respond, seeing as Tom boltedimmediately. He watched Tom leave, his heart thumping wildly against his chestas he brought himself to look down at his tattoo.
It wasn’t glowing.
Jordan had quickly adjusted to his new life in the island,and it had only taken a month. His house was complete, and he had a statue ofhis head nearby. He’d fallen into a routine with the rest of the inhabitants onthe island, although Tom stood out.
Tom, his soulmate and the horrible liar. A few days afterarriving on the island, Jordan made sure about the whole soulmate tattoobusiness. Declan, their priest, gave him a whole lecture on it when Jordanfirst approached him. Then, he tried asking Sonja and Tucker if they knew whereTom’s mark was, but Sonja didn’t know and Tucker wouldn’t tell. “Why don’t youjust ask him?” Tucker asked, his smile giving away the fact that he knew. Itwasn’t exactly a secret anyways, since Jordan’s arm would go off whenever he waswith Tom. That didn’t stop Tom from hiding it, however.
Jordan resorted to trying to get Tom to strip, something hewasn’t too proud of, after they built their own strip club, the Diamond Hoe.Tom posed as a stripper for Jordan, and he was a mix of extremely flustered, embarrassed,and amused. Nothing came of it though, and Jordan wasn’t sure if he was happyor disappointed about that.
After that attempt, Jordan gave up, as much as it sucked. Hejust went through the daily motions, the constant adventures with the island’sinhabitants, and the occasional shenanigans with Tom. He looked forward tospending time with Tom the most, aside from the fact that Tom was probably hissoulmate.
He loved sharing jokes with Tom, and he loved the casualattempts at flirting Tom made whenever he joked. It grew to the point that theysomehow convinced Captain Capsize that they were dating, which Jordan didn’t doexactly discourage. Then there was their ‘date’ at Tom’s Dine-at-Nite, whichwent well enough that Tom and Jordan just defaulted to hanging out there everySaturday night.
On one such night, they were sitting at the only table,their laughter piercing through the silence of the night. Tom had stoppedbothering lighting a torch as their candle on account of Jordan’s arm, whichstill remained an undiscussed subject between the two.
Jordan was laughing until his vision swam with tears, and hecould feel his face flush. He wiped away a tear and saw Tom just smiling warmlyat him, which suddenly sobered Jordan. Tom noticed what he was doing too late,trying to pass it off with a laugh, but the tension in the air was there.
A few minutes later, Tom stood up to say goodbye, but Jordan’ssudden intense look silenced him. This talk was long overdue, and it wasbecoming clear to Tom that there would be no avoiding it.
“I never really asked but…” Jordan said, gesturing to hisarm. “Where’s your mark?”
Tom looked flustered, but he replied, “I…”
Jordan rose from his seat and walked to Tom, leaving only afew inches in between them. Both of them was surprised with Jordan’s suddenbold action, something they both thought out of character for him. But Jordanhad waited long enough, and if he didn’t do this now, he knew nothing wouldever happen between them.
Tom gestured to his chest, which was covered by the tux healways insisted on wearing.
Jordan’s mark was glowing as bright as it was when theyfirst met, and accompanying that was the rapid heartbeat threatening to betrayhis somewhat stoic expression.
“Can I…” Jordan said, trailing off.
Tom chuckled weakly, saying, “I don’t usually strip for justabout anyone…”
Jordan glared at him in the same way he would whenever oneof Tom’s jokes would fall flat, but Tom didn’t say anything else, which Jordantook as a yes.
He slowly began to unbutton his tux, the extreme intimacy ofthe situation not lost on either of them. He’d finally gotten it open and forthe first time, he could see Tom’s undershirt, and a pattern glowed faintlyagainst it. Lines started from his abdomen until it spread over Tom’s heart,making something that looked like a wing.
“Why’d you try to lie?” was the only thing that Jordan couldsay. “Which you were horrible at, by the way.”
Tom offered a small laugh before answering, “I…It soundsstupid but I was afraid you’d…I dunno, reject me?”
Jordan’s was about to say something but Tom hurriedly added,“Which is why I spent all this time with you first. I wanted you to get to knowme first, before all this soulmate stuff.”
Jordan felt lighter at Tom’s confession, and his heart feltrelieved that the tension as a result of his mark was finally gone. Jordanlooked at Tom and all he could feel was love, and he was glad t-
“Not that, I’m saying that you’re not going to reject menow!” Tom said, cutting Jordan out of his thoughts. “It’s just that-“
Tom took one good look at Jordan and stopped. “I’m going tokiss you now.”
“Good.” Jordan said, smiling widely and their lips met,their joined light shining through the night.
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