#oh look singling out particular demographics as to blame for everything is bad
nepobabyeurydice · 10 months
something something the horrific display of misogyny, lesbo & bi-phobia and blatantly stealing from poc (especially a trans man too) writers from somerton goes to show why singling out as ‘this part of the spectrum is bad’ or ‘this particular subset is bad’ is BAD
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ohnomybreadsticks · 5 years
Day 5 -   Kamski/Clyde Bakery AU
Today’s entry is a little long, but who can blame me when it’s for @minasnorma who requested his boys Kamski and Clyde (Connor60)! If you haven’t already, check out his amazing fic about these two <3 
Also anon who wanted vegan Eli, I thought of you while I was writing this ;D
“Excuse me, do you serve any vegan options on your menu?” 
The question was so out of the blue that Clyde almost didn’t know how to respond. He was left staring in outright confusion and disbelief at the man across the counter from him. Really, he looked like something out of a parody video for annoying vegans. Man bun? Check. Hipster glasses? Check. Scruffy beard? Check. Incredibly piercing blue eyes…? Okay wait, Clyde was getting distracted, he needed to refocus. The stranger was simply standing there, waiting patiently, not seeming to understand how stupid his question was.
“Sir, this is a French Patisserie. Do you think we have any vegan options?” Clyde asked, one eyebrow rising slowly but surely upwards. Shrugging, the man replied cheerfully “You might. It’s an honest question.” Confusion slowly starting to morph into annoyance at how stupid this customer was, Clyde huffed and straightened his impeccably white apron, insisting “This is an authentic establishment, we make all of our pastries with the finest quality ingredients, including milk, butter, cream, and eggs.” The implied ‘obviously’ hung in the air between them, but seemed to do nothing to deter this particular customer’s enthusiasm. “If you want vegan food, I believe there’s an establishment for that down the road. Nourishing Nibbles or something.” Clyde added primly. He didn’t think very highly of any place with a name like that.
“Can I get a black coffee then?” The man asked, totally ignoring most of what had just been said “No cream, of course.” Clyde’s one eyebrow was now joined by its partner to complete the incredulous look he was giving this customer. Really, it wasn’t very professional, but Clyde mostly relied on the quality of his baking to bring people into the store, not his shining customer service personality. The transaction went smoothly at least, this guy had cash to pay for his single black coffee, which he took to a table in the corner and sipped away at as he did something on his laptop. Clyde, meanwhile, returned to his work, serving normal, intelligent customers who came in to buy his quite nice pastries.
Clyde expected to never see the man again, and yet he seemed intent on making this particular French Patisserie his new favorite spot. Eli, as he eventually introduced himself, returned almost every day, and looked over the menu every time with the optimism of someone (in Clyde’s opinion) who had very little sense. And every time, he ended up ordering a black coffee with no cream. After a few weeks, admittedly, Clyde started selling him the leftover fruit from his tart making as a sort of fruit salad. Just to capitalize on a possible regular, not because he thought the guy looked fucking pathetic sipping at just his black coffee every day. And definitely not because he felt bad. 
The idea of him, a trained French chef, baking something vegan, was quite frankly laughable. It just wasn’t worth his time to figure out. But...it wasn’t something Clyde thought he was incapable of. Oh he could definitely do it if he wanted to, he just didn’t. He definitely didn’t feel tempted to start so he could impress Eli either, with his pretty blue eyes and his kind smile and his unquenchable enthusiasm. Although even for Clyde, the master of denial, it was hard not to feel a little swell of happiness when Eli walked into the shop every day. He wasn’t like the other customers, he smiled like he actually cared that Clyde saw it, and he was always so sweet about noticing things like when Clyde did something new with his hair…
But no, curiosity and potential customer satisfaction was the only reason he was here, Clyde reminded himself, steeling his nerves at the entrance to Nourishing Nibbles. If he was going to try out vegan baking, he was going to need ingredients and maybe a few samples to guide him, and this was the only place in town that catered to that demographic. The bell overhead chimed cheerfully as Clyde entered the store, a host of unfamiliar scents hitting his nose. There was a homey atmosphere to the store, and a bakery case front and center. Also front and center was…
The man broke out into a beaming grin, looking for all the world as if Clyde were the most important person he had seen all day. “You finally came! I wondered if you would!” He exclaimed, gesturing at the case in front of him as he added. “Everything on the menu’s vegan. Care for a sample?” Eli had the nerve to wink as he said it, and Clyde could feel his cheeks flushing pink. Maybe...he was going to have to reconcile himself with vegan baking after all. Or maybe he’d just make Eli manage that part of their future joint bakery shop.
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