#oh i wrote two drabbles in a day wrow
korereapers · 2 years
mmmmmm scriddler meeting for the first time?
Jonathan is not exactly known for gossip, but everyone and their mother has been talking about the new... immate? Patient? Does it even make a difference in Arkham? He would be mad about the general malpractice and abuse, and he is, but he has grown used to it. That's the way the world works, after all. People inflicting fear on other people, controlling them, subduing them.
The new patient is indeed controlling the public opinion, and he wonders, his curiosity like a rodent in the back of his mind, its teeth getting deeper and deeper, slowly but surely.
So of course, he has to check out for himself.
He acts nonchalant, and he is damn good at it. There are only a few of patients that know him enough not to fall for his façade, and those are exactly the ones he doesn't ask. Not that Jervis and Victor care too much about stuff like that. Jonathan still doesn't know why he does.
Jonathan asks Harleen about it. His former student smiles, her smile a little absent. She has not been herself lately, and Jonathan doesn't know what's wrong, but he will. For now, he just listens, to a Harleen that's very much oversharing, to a degree it would be dangerous to.
"Okay, but you have to promise you won't use this information to hurt him."
Jonathan's irradiated eyes shine when she speaks, but still, he agrees.
"I can't say no to you, child."
And he is telling the truth. He could never betray his dear student's trust.
"Don't tell him that, but he is indeed smart. He doesn't look like it, but he is dangerous. Kind of a narcissistic profile, possibly has OCD. You know how inconclusive this stuff can be, and he is not exactly collaborating."
Ah, a difficult one. Jonathan expected no less.
"Is he giving you trouble?" Jonathan asks, and Harley misses the danger on his tone. Whoever is making her worry, he will make them pay.
"Nah, not him. He is nice enough when he wants to be. It's just..." she says, frowning slightly, the small pout she makes adorable to Jonathan's eyes. "Let's say he is too fond of riddles. And he is the biggest riddle of them all."
Jonathan's posture relaxes, and he lets the conversation be. For the moment.
It comes a moment when he formally meets him. He is difficult to miss, even among the bunch of creeps and weirdos. Maybe that's why, because he stands out by not being... too remarkable.
The man is attractive, that much is true. Not remarkably attractive, but enough to catch a few glances. His hair is impeccably dyed in a vibrant orange, his blue eyes observant behind big glasses.
Their eyes meet, and Jonathan almost gets taken aback from their intensity. His heart stops, and he doesn't move, almost... nervous at the way the man looks at him.
And then, he smiles at him, he has the gall to smile at the Scarecrow, almost mockingly, as if daring him to get closer. Jonathan sighs, irritated, and breaks eye contact.
What a fucking prick.
He already knows he is not going to like this guy.
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