#oh how ill miss them but they will probably forget i ever existed thats the insane part about working with this age group
foefire-flame · 23 days
Nightly lore thought is thinking about the ways Rytlock and Leo both approached falling in love. These experiences differ greatly as Rytlock isn't necessarily a stranger to it but is always still haunted by the memory of what he had with Crecia, vs Leo who is so aversed to approaching any kind of romantic relationship bc of not eanting to get hurt bc he would want somwthing long term but it isnt necessarily common on top of already existing as a black sheep by legion charr standards.
For Rytlock although he fell for Leo first it was still something he had to kinda both shove himself through and also. Bury. When he first starts feeling the prickle of love, the feeling where you start catching yourself craving the specific attention or time, or the allure of wanting to know more, he kinda dismissed it as something that was probably physical and remnants of missing any kind of relationship where he can both rely on someone else and confide in them. At the time Leo meets him again theyre both respectively in a pretty lonely place. This is the excuse he uses until after Leo (having caught on to Rytlock's subconscious lingering gaze) propositions something casual and they sleep together for the first time. Well maybe not directly after, I think it takes this going on for a bit until he realizes that no this isn't something that can be satisfied by a casual situationship, its deeper. One night as Leo is getting ready to leave and return back to his warband's barracks Rytlock kinda blurts out for him to stay, and Thats when he has to come to the realization that just as their friendship was growing, his feelings for Leo as something beyond what they had did have real substance. Leo doesn't stay, of course, and Rytlock kinda has a round or two with his own psyche of how this is all kind of stupid, theres no time for it, he always fucks up these things somehow, ect ect. But the very funny thing about love is that wants that train starts there Aint No Stopping It.
I mean like he's a grown ass man with a 9-5 officd job, so this isn't like love-sick puppy behavior, its something more refined and subtle, even if more subconsciously. He's more gentle with Leo, more patient. He prods him just to listen to see him get passionate about something because he likes seeing Leo get worked up about things he believes in. He starts inviting him out with him to get drinks which becomes routine. The more he can let his own mask slip the deeper his affection for Leo grows. The most embarassing thing is that he starts making jokes he would otherwise consider dumb because he learns that despite Leo's seemingly stoic, cool exterior he has a soft spot for puns that causes him to laugh and Rytlock likes to hear him laugh. He knows how leo likes his alcohol, he learns his tells, Leo chuckles when he's nervous, his left ears pin when he's about to sneeze. Then he wonders when the last time he knew someone this closely was, then he remembers the scar on his leg, the inticing warmth of Sohothin, he remembers Leo always refuses to stay. It's not that his feeling for Leo ever goes away but he has to bury them when the years go by and Leo still leaves every night. It becomes white noise, always there and easy to ignore or even forget. But then Leo does something and it resurfaces as a pointed reminder that they exist before it has to be shoved back down again...
Oh its 2am Ill have to do the leo half of this later but MAN
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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Tia and Tamera... and Nicole
fratboy and best friend!namjoon x reader, university!au, comedy, fluff, angst (and making out, if that counts as something idk lol) ft. twice nayeon, got7 jackson & skz hyunjin
For btswriterscollective’s 1 year anniversary contest!
Summary: y/n decides to make a big fashion change and, all of a sudden, is the object of attraction of every male within a hundred metre radius of her. Namjoon, her best friend, isn’t too impressed about it.
Rating: 15 (mature themes, explicit discussion of sex, strong language)
Word Count: 9.9k+
Warnings: lots of sexism/misogyny, the typical she-has-a-makeover-and-suddenly-every-boy-wants-to-date-her-trope, lots of gross frat boys, strong language, explicit discussion of sex, alcohol and drug consumption, making out, Namjoon is trash and doesn’t know how to text. I think that’s it but lmk if you noticed that I missed something!
a/n: hey guys ! it’s silverlightqueen back with another university au lmao i’m sorry :( thank you to the loml @silverlightprincess​ for proofreading, you’re the best and I love youuu !! I hope you guys enjoy this bc it was really fun to write !!
silverlightqueen masterlist
I got the divider off google (it has no relevance to the story but it kinda matches the colour scheme so we move lmao) so credit to whoever made it lol
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joon: u up
y/n: don’t fuckboy text me
joon: so thats a yes
y/n: what do you want ?
joon: u free tmrw
y/n: it’s Monday tomorrow
joon: what about it
y/n: I got a lecture in the morning, but I’m free after 11
joon: ill pick u up nd take u 4 food
y/n: look at you, any excuse to drop in that you can drive now
joon: do u want food yes or no
y/n: what food ?
joon: mexican indian chinese whateva u want
y/n: yeah, sounds good
joon: rnt u gonna tell me what food u want
y/n: I’ll sleep on it
y/n: anyway go to bed, idiot, why are you even awake at 2.30 on a Sunday night ?
joon: y r u
y/n: questioning my existence
y/n: duh
y/n: now tell me why you are
joon: i just left jens lol
y/n: nvm forget I asked
joon: sure u dont want the deets
y/n: positive
y/n: goodnight you demon
joon: gn angel
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‘Took you long enough,’ Namjoon exclaims as I open the front door of his car and climb into the passenger seat. ‘Wait, whoa. Hold on. What is this?’ Namjoon demands as I shut the door behind me, and I quickly turn to look at him. ‘What?’ I ask worriedly, and he shakes his hand in my general direction. ‘This. Your outfit. I’m confused,’ he says, and I relax, rolling my eyes, trying to ignore the way my cheeks are heating up and hoping he doesn’t notice it. ‘Why are you confused, Namjoon?’ I ask as though I’m speaking to a child, and he laughs, starting up the car.
‘I’m confused because I’ve never seen you wear anything other than clothes that are way too big for you,’ he says, and I make an indignant noise as he speeds down the road like the devil driver he is. ‘Don’t even deny it, you know it’s true. I started to wonder if you had something you were trying to hide. A growth on your stomach. A hunchback. A pregnancy. Or worse; no boobs!’ he says, gasping dramatically, and I hit his shoulder, holding back a laugh. ‘I wasn’t hiding anything,’ I say, and he glances over at me, eyeing my chest, before his tongue darts out to wet his lip. ‘You were. I always assumed you had small tits – a B cup, max – but obviously not. I can’t believe you hid them so well. They’ve gotta be at least a D,’ he says, and I roll my eyes, not bothering to disclose that I’m actually an E. He’d probably pop a boner. ‘And your legs,’ he says, and I look down at them self-consciously. ‘What about them?’ I ask, and he blinks before looking down at my freshly shaved limbs. ‘I’ve never seen them before. They’re nice. Smooth. And curved, with some fat on them. I’m glad you don’t have stick legs,’ he jokes, and I sigh. ‘Stop body-shaming,’ I say, and he lets out a little chuckle. ‘Am I not allowed to have preferences?’ he smirks, eyes on the road as he overtakes cars left, right and centre. ‘No,’ I reply, and he bursts out laughing.
‘So what’s with the new look? What prompted this reinvention? Because, I’m either still tripping from last night, or you’re actually wearing makeup too,’ he says, and I shift embarrassedly in the seat. ‘I just felt like it was time for a change. I wanted to experiment, try something new,’ I say, and he nods, face blank. ‘Okay. Now, do you wanna tell me the real reason?’ he asks, and I laugh, annoyed that he knows me so well. ‘I was getting changed in my room-’ ‘Okay, hang on, let me picture it,’ Namjoon says, and I hit him again, ignoring his chuckles. ‘So, I was getting changed, and Nayeon barged in and had a meltdown over… my body. She said that she was really annoyed with me for hiding my body so much, because if she had my body, she’d walk around naked. Or whatever. Something like that. I’d never really… looked at my body like that, but once she said it, I realised that maybe I could start branching out, fashion-wise. So she took me shopping, and this is the trial of new outfit number one,’ I say, and he listens intently, nodding in all the right places.
‘So how have people reacted today?’ he asks, and I get a little embarrassed thinking about it. ‘Some of the girls in my class started screaming when they saw me, and Taehyung asked if I was new here, and if he could get my number. Oh, and our lecturer asked me to stay behind to ask if I was okay, because I didn’t seem to be myself today,’ I explain, and Namjoon bursts out laughing. ‘You’re kidding.’ ‘Not at all.’ ‘Wow. All I’ll say is to ignore Taehyung. I think all that weed has caused permanent damage to his brain,’ he says, and I can’t help but agree, wondering how that boy can even breathe right anymore. ‘Well, anyway. Why did you used to cover up so much?’ he asks, and I laugh. ‘Are you just gonna keep quizzing me?’ I ask, and he nods instantly, grinning. ‘I’m intrigued, y/n. You have to understand that this is a lot for me to process. My best friend has transformed into someone else since I last saw her. My mind’s going into meltdown mode,’ he says dramatically, and I roll my eyes at him. ‘Drama queen.’ ‘I learn from the best. You. Now, anyway. Can you answer my question?’
‘I don’t know.’ ‘You don’t know if you can answer my question?’ ‘No, moron, I don’t know why I used to cover up so much,’ I say exasperatedly, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘I find that slightly hard to believe.’ ‘Fine. I wasn’t the most confident in my body. It’s hard, seeing all these super slim tiktok girls, petite and slight, and seeing them dress the way I wanted to. It’s like… I felt stupid wearing the same clothes they wear because they look so different to me. The way the media glorifies slim women… it’s hard for not-so-slim women like me. So I just hid my body in loose clothes for so long that it was what I was comfortable in,’ I explain, Namjoon still listening attentively. That’s one of the best things about him; he may be an idiot, but he always listens to what I have to say.
‘That’s… kinda sad, actually. Because – don’t get me wrong, your old look did suit you – but this new look? It’s great. You look really good, y/n, regardless of the fact that you’re not a super slim tiktok girl,’ he says matter-of-factly, and I smile shyly. ‘Thanks. So it’s a yes to the black and white check mini skirt and blazer set?’ I ask, and he nods instantly with a grin. ‘I can’t wait to see the rest of your outfits,’ he says, turning into the car park at the shopping centre. ‘There’s… quite a few to come. I’m a bit nervous about a couple of them,’ I say as he pulls into a parking space, and he gives me a greasy smirk. ‘I’m even more excited now,’ he says, and I swat at him, the boy chuckling as he ducks away from my hand. ‘I’ve just driven you to buy you food, and this is what I get in return?’ ‘Yes. You’re lucky I’m not beating the shit out of you.’ He sighs, checking his blond hair in the mirror before climbing out of the car, and I reach into the back and grab my bag before getting out too.
‘Oh, my God,’ he says, sounding shocked, and I instantly panic. ‘What?’ ‘What are those?’ he shouts, throwing his hands down to point at my feet, and everyone within a hundred metre radius turns to look at us. ‘Joon!’ I exclaim, embarrassed at him grabbing so much attention. ‘Sorry. But seriously? What are those?’ he asks, and I look down at my shoes. ‘They’re sock boots. What’s wrong with them?’ I ask, and he stares at them before taking a step back and looking me up and down. ‘Nothing. They look great. I’m just shocked to see you in shoes other than trainers. And is that a handbag I see instead of the usual backpacks?’ he teases, and I roll my eyes. We walk towards the entrance, and I struggle to keep up with him (I always struggle when walking next to him, but even more so in these boots). ‘Wait,’ I say, hooking my arm through his so I can slow him down, and he laughs. ‘Aww, struggling in your boots?’ he teases, and I huff. ‘Shut up,’ I pout, and he laughs again, looking at me with an affectionate gaze and an amused smile.
But the affection and amusement soon disappears. ‘y/n. You’re literally killing me here. Hurry up,’ he says impatiently. ‘Sorry, Joon. It’s my first time wearing heels though, cut me some slack. At least I haven’t fallen over,’ I say brightly, trying to put a positive spin on it, and he scowls. He’s been trying his best to walk slow but he’s now struggling not to walk at his normal pace – his legs are so much longer than mine. ‘Yet,’ he says venomously, and I gasp. ‘Was that a threat?’ I demand, feigning indignance, and he side-eyes me. ‘Maybe it was. I could stick my foot out right now and no one would ever know,’ he says in a wistful tone, and I shoot him a dirty look. ‘I’ll step on your foot if you try it. Then who’ll be laughing when my boots ruin your Balenciagas?’ ‘Me, because you’ll be buying me new ones.’ ‘With what money? I ain’t got money like that.’ ‘Oh, but you got money for clothes?’ ‘I always got money for clothes.’ ‘Get a sugar daddy.’ ‘You are my sugar daddy.’ ‘Huh?’ ‘Who takes me out for food at least twice a week? And buys me things out of the blue?’ ‘Damn. I really am your sugar daddy. This isn’t a good deal for me at all. You’re getting the daddy, but I’m not getting any sugar.’ ‘I’m not sure that that means exactly what you intended it to mean.’ ‘You know what I meant. I want my sugar, bitch.’ ‘Jen can give you sugar instead.’ ‘Okay, but Jen isn’t getting the daddy. You are.’ ‘She was getting the daddy last night.’ ‘Did you really just refer to my dick as ‘the daddy’?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Never do that again.’
‘Where are we eating?’ I ask, and he grins. ‘Wang and Nayeon are waiting for us at Red Velvet,’ he says, and I gasp. ‘Yes! It’s been so long since we’ve been to Red Velvet!’ I exclaim, and he laughs amusedly. ‘I know. I was worried you might start getting withdrawal symptoms.’ ‘I thought we’d never go back. Does Seulgi still work there?’ I ask, raising an eyebrow, and he pulls a face. ‘Yep,’ he says, and I feel my eyes widen. ‘And we’re still gonna go?’ ‘Yes, because I’m a great person and make sacrifices for you even though all you do is abuse me and threaten to ruin my Balenciagas,’ he says, and I pout. ‘Sorry, Joonie,’ I say, putting on a baby voice as I give him puppy dog eyes, and he refuses to look at me, fighting a smile off his face. ‘Apology accepted. Now stop being the real-life version of that emoji.’ ‘Which one?’ ‘Don’t play dumb, you know exactly which one I mean.’
We round the corner to where Red Velvet is, tucked away from the rest of the shopping centre, and Nayeon and Jackson are sat in the window booth, watching a video on Nayeon’s phone together. When Namjoon and I enter, the little bell above the door rings, and both of them look up at us. Nayeon grins so wide I’m worried her face is going to split, and Jackson does a double take, eyes wider than an anime girl’s. ‘y/n?’ he exclaims, loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in the restaurant, and I shoot him a look, shushing him. ‘Oh, my God. What’s happened to you? Who’s this sexy thing?’ Jackson says as I slide into the booth opposite him and Nayeon, shuddering at the thought of my bare legs on the worn (and most likely, germ-carrying) leather of the seat as Namjoon slides in beside me. ‘Don’t refer to me as a ‘thing’, I’m not an object,’ I mutter, but my comment is ignored when Namjoon says, ‘literally my exact reaction.’ ‘No, it wasn’t. You did not call me sexy,’ I frown, and he blinks at me, looking surprised. ‘Did I not?’ he asks, and I shake my head. ‘Well, I thought you would’ve gathered that I thought that anyway. Based on the way I had to pick my tongue up from the floor when I saw you,’ he says, Jackson and Nayeon laughing as I roll my eyes.
‘You look good. Really good, y/n. I didn’t know you had boobs,’ Jackson says, inspecting me, and I try not to squirm under his scrutinising gaze. ‘Neither did I! Until I walked in on her naked!’ Nayeon says, Jackson’s eyes nearly falling out of his head. ‘I was in my underwear,’ I say defensively, and Nayeon rolls her eyes. ‘Details. But, yeah, after I saw her hot bod, I told her to stop wearing Billie Eilish’s hand-me-downs.’ ‘And gave her your hand-me-downs instead?’ ‘Excuse me, these are brand new,’ I point out, and Nayeon nods. ‘Yeah. You should know me better. I could never pull off an outfit like that.’ ‘I could pull it off you,’ Jackson jokes, Namjoon fist-bumping him as they laugh, Nayeon and I exchanging an exasperated glance. ‘I could pull it off you too, y/n,’ Jackson says with a little quirk of his eyebrow, and I roll my eyes, willing myself not to blush. ‘Jackson! y/n’s our baby, and we’ve gotta protect her from fuckboys, so stop being one,’ Nayeon says with a slap to his shoulder. ‘There won’t be any… fuckboys,’ I say, and all three of them raise their eyebrows at me. ‘You’re delusional if you think that. Just wait ‘til a frat boy sees you,’ Jackson says, and I frown. ‘Okay. That sounds fake, but, okay,’ I say, just as Seulgi appears to take our order.
‘Hi, and welcome to Red Velvet. What can I get for you?’ she says in the most bored tone I’ve ever heard. She must really hate her job. Even more with this moron sat beside me in here. ‘Can I get the Ice Cream Cake freakshake please?’ Nayeon asks, Seulgi gracing her with a rare smile as she writes down her order. ‘Can I get the Power Up brownie with Red Flavour ice cream please? And just water?’ Jackson asks, also getting a smile. ‘Can I get the Cookie Jar freakshake? And she’ll have Mojito cheesecake with Blue Lemonade. Thanks,’ Namjoon says, ordering for me too, but, unsurprisingly, he doesn’t get a smile. ‘Will you all be paying together?’ ‘I’m paying for mine and his,’ Nayeon says, pointing at herself and Jackson (she lost a bet with him a couple weeks ago, and owes him a meal). ‘And I’m paying for mine and hers,’ Namjoon says, Seulgi fixing him with a dirty look. ‘So this is who you’ve moved on to now?’ she demands, Nayeon and Jackson wincing. ‘Sis, you can have him,’ I say, unable to resist, and Namjoon shoots me evils as Seulgi looks bewildered. ‘Pardon?’ ‘I’m good, luv. Enjoy,’ I say, but she’s still staring at me, her mouth suddenly falling open. ‘y/n?’ she asks, and I nod, slightly confused. ‘OMG, I didn’t even recognise you. Girl, you look so good! I didn’t know you had boobs!’ she exclaims, and I have to stop myself from facepalming. ‘Thanks, Seulgi,’ I force out between gritted teeth, embarrassed as hell, but she doesn’t seem to notice, grinning away obliviously. ‘No problem. I’ll just get your orders put through and then I’ll come back for payments,’ she says, visibly perkier (nothing like seeing one of your friends unrecognisable after a makeover to cure a bad mood – apparently), before disappearing.
‘That was awkward,’ Namjoon says nonchalantly, all three of us fixing him with hard stares. ‘It wouldn’t have been so awkward if you weren’t such a dick,’ I say blithely, and he gasps dramatically. ‘Excuse me?’ ‘Don’t play innocent, dumbass. If you hadn’t had slept with Joy and Seulgi on the same day, we wouldn’t be in this situation. We’d actually have avoided a lot of situations if you weren’t such a dog,’ Nayeon says, brutally honest as ever. ‘Hey, I never made any kind of commitment to either of them!’ Namjoon defends himself, both Nayeon and I shaking our heads at him. ‘It’s common courtesy, douchebag,’ I reply, Namjoon sticking his tongue out at me. ‘I’d like to know what situations you’re referring to. I don’t get us into awkward situations,’ he says, all three of us giving him a ‘really?’ look.
‘Remember when we went out to that bar – what was it called again? Oh, yeah, Playing With Fire – and Jisoo threw that drink at you for blocking her on socials after you slept together?’ Jackson reminds us, Namjoon nodding slightly embarrassedly. ‘Oh, and when we went to Breakthrough, that club, and Sana got us kicked out by pretending we smuggled drugs in because you ghosted her after telling her you felt ‘something real’ for her?’ Nayeon brings up, all of us looking pointedly at Namjoon who nods sheepishly. ‘And that fight you got into with Daniel after you went ‘round telling people that Jihyo’s your sloppy seconds?’ I say, and he gasps indignantly. ‘I didn’t say that once!’ ‘Still. If you hadn’t had slept with her, that fake rumour wouldn’t have gone around,’ I say, and he pouts. ‘We could name several girls you’ve gotten us into awkward situations with. Chaeyoung, Hyejin, Wendy, Dahyun-’ ‘Okay, okay, damn. I get the picture,’ he says, the three of us exchanging looks.
‘Anyway, I need to go toilet. Come with me, y/n?’ Nayeon asks, and I nod. Namjoon sighs, reluctantly getting out of the booth to let me out. ‘Whoa, hold on,’ Jackson says, and I turn around to face him. ‘y/n… what you doing out here with all this ass?’ he asks, voice far too loud for my liking, and the few people in the restaurant turn to look at us disapprovingly. ‘Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon!’ Namjoon exclaims, before they chorus, ‘Hella ass!’ They burst into laughter, and my face is on fire, everybody in the restaurant staring at us (or, more specifically, my ass). ‘y/n, you dumb thicc, sis,’ Jackson says, and I take a deep breath before saying, ‘I’m going to go to the toilet now.’ ‘Take some ass pics while you’re there!’
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joon: hey sexc
y/n: hey, what’s up ?
joon: wang wants 2 know if u nd nayeon r up 4 wing wednesday @ KPN
y/n: what time ?
joon: weneva imma get there 6.30
y/n: are there gonna be any other girls there?
joon: idk prolly the boys gfs
joon: y u asking so many qs u dnt have 2 come if u dnt wanna
y/n: I just don’t wanna be one of the only girls at a frat house with loads of stupid frat boys
joon: ill protect u bby
joon: me nd wang got u
y/n: much appreciated
y/n: we’ll come, but I’ll text you when we get there and you need to meet us at the door
y/n: I’ll feel awkward just walking in
joon: ok but call dnt text
y/n: you never answer your phone
joon: ill take it off silent 4 u angel ;)
y/n: thank youuu
joon: ofc see u tmrw
y/n: see youuu, goodnight joonie
joon: gn stupid
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‘Wrong number,’ he says when he answers the phone, and I roll my eyes. ‘We’re at the door, come get us,’ I say, and he lets out a loud sigh. ‘I’m gonna lose my seat,’ he complains, and I huff. ‘Joon, please come get us. Do you know what it’s like being a girl around dozens of frat boys? You need to look after us,’ I plead, and he sighs again. ‘Give me a minute,’ he replies before the line clicks off. ‘Is he coming?’ Nayeon asks, and I nod. ‘Good, because it’s freezing,’ she says, clutching at her bare arms. ‘That’s what you get for wearing a t-shirt,’ I say, and she rolls her eyes. ‘It’s not like you’re dressed warmly either,’ she says pointedly, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘I’m not complaining about the cold.’ ‘Yeah, which I’m surprised about, because that top is thin as hell.’ ‘It’s not that thin.’ ‘Sis, I borrowed that top yesterday – it’s thin.’
I’m dressed in a black long-sleeve top tucked into a pair of greyish-whiteish joggers, with white trainers on my feet, a simple gold necklace around my neck with an initial pendant, a couple gold bracelets on my wrist and gold rings on my fingers. Nayeon’s in a pair of blue mom jeans and a black t-shirt, a cross body bag with both of our things inside it on her shoulder. Neither of us have bothered with full faces or pretty hairstyles – we’ve both got on basic makeup with our hair out and natural. It isn’t really that cold; it’s 8, and the air is starting to get crisp and cool, but the sun’s only just beginning to set, so there’s still a little warmth. Nayeon’s just a drama queen.
The door opens after a few seconds, Namjoon glowering at us, before he looks me up and down, his frown being replaced with a smirk. ‘Have I told you I love this new y/n? Like… this is a look,’ he says, and I grin at him, feeling a little more confident now. ‘I’m stood right here,’ Nayeon says with a half-hearted scowl, and Namjoon grins, grabbing her hand and pulling her into a side hug. ‘Nayeon, me complimenting you is like complimenting Mona Lisa. She already knew she was sexy as hell so what’s the point?’ he says easily, Nayeon preening as I roll my eyes. ‘You think Mona Lisa’s sexy?’ ‘Not as sexy as you.’ ‘Can we go inside? I’m cold,’ Nayeon says, not waiting for either of us to reply before she slips past Namjoon into the house. ‘Come on,’ Namjoon says, grabbing my hand and pulling me along behind him.
The second we step into the living room, the smell of strong cologne, alcohol and weed hits me and all eyes flit from Nayeon – who’s hugging Jinyoung and squealing – to me and Joon. Well, more me than Joon. ‘Woah. Who’s this? Surely not y/n,’ I hear Hoseok say, and I shoot him a dirty look, the boy grinning in return. ‘Shut it, stupid,’ I say, Namjoon continuing to walk towards the kitchen, dragging me along behind him. When we step into the kitchen, the smell of spicy wings hits me, and my eyes are instantly drawn to the takeout bags covering the countertop. But when I realise none of the bags are unopened, meaning frat boys have already been at them, it puts me off a little – I’d rather not eat food that might have been tampered with.
‘Look. My seat’s taken,’ Namjoon says pointedly, motioning to where Kai sits on a stool, beside Taemin and Seokwoo, the three of them laughing at whatever story Jaehyun’s telling them. ‘You’ll survive. What’s the point of having such long legs if you don’t stand on them?’ ‘There’s no logic in that. Go get my seat back,’ he says, and I side-eye him, wondering if he’s being serious or not. ‘How am I supposed to get your seat back?’ ‘Go flirt with him.’ ‘No! Him and Krystal have got a thing,’ I say, and Namjoon rolls his eyes. ‘That won’t stop him from flirting back,’ he says, and I glare at him. ‘I cannot stress this enough. Men are trash,’ I say before turning away from him, heading towards where there’s a couple dozen drink bottles and cups covering the countertop. I carefully pour myself a lemonade, making sure the cup’s clean and the bottle hasn’t been tampered with (I know Wing Wednesday is ‘for the boys’ so it’s unlikely it’s spiked, but it never hurts to take precautions).
‘y/n!’ I hear Mina exclaim, and I turn to see her stood there, smiling widely. ‘Mina!’ I squeal, pulling the girl into a hug. Mina’s one of Nayeon’s friends (they’re on the same course) but because Nayeon and I are inseparable, Nayeon’s friends are my friends too. Mina’s here because she’s dating Bambam, a KPN frat boy, and it makes me realise my privilege; Nayeon and I are only here because of our connections. If we weren’t best friends with Jackson and Namjoon, we’d have missed out on so many amazing memories. ‘How have you been? I haven’t seen you for ages!’ she says as we break apart, and I grin widely. ‘I’ve been good. Really good.’ ‘You look it. This style is, like, amazing! Is this new style permanent?’ she asks, and I smile shyly. ‘I think so. I actually… really like my new style,’ I say, and before Mina can speak, I hear Baekhyun say, ‘I like it too.’ Mina and I both turn to look at him, his stupid grin making me roll my eyes amusedly. ‘Hey, Baek,’ I say, the boy opening his arms for a hug, which I give (reluctantly). Baekhyun is Nayeon’s ex. They’re still friends – they’re actually on really good terms – but I’m still… cautious around him. He’s funny, and we get along, but I can never see him the same after hearing all the drama from Nayeon.
I clear myself a space on the countertop and boost myself up, sitting on the hard wood surface and Mina joins me, Baekhyun standing in front of us. ‘Have you had any wings?’ Baekhyun asks, and Mina and I exchange a glance, obviously thinking the same thing. ‘No, I’m… not really feeling wings,’ I say, Mina nodding in agreement, letting out little giggles behind her hand. ‘Aren’t you hungry?’ he asks, and, to be honest, I’m starving. But I am not about to eat those… frat boy wings, and neither is Mina. ‘Yeah, I could eat.’ ‘Let’s order some pizza then,’ he grins, and I gasp. ‘Pizza? On Wings Wednesday? Isn’t that against frat laws?’ I tease, and he rolls his eyes, pulling out his phone. ‘What toppings do you have?’ ‘Just get margherita.’ ‘Shall I get two larges?’ ‘Yeah, Nayeon will want some too,’ I say, and he rolls his eyes again, an amused smile on his face. ‘I’m not ordering pizza for Nayeon – I’m ordering it for us.’ ‘I’ll transfer you the money.’ ‘y/n… it’s pizza. You don’t need to transfer me money for it.’ ‘Why not? I don’t mind paying.’ ‘Yeah, but what kind of gentleman would I be if I made you pay’ ‘You’re not a gentleman,’ I reply amusedly, and he clutches his heart, pretending to be hurt. ‘I am.’ ‘You’re not. And you’ve made me pay for food before. Remember the Chinese we ordered after the LSG party, and you made me answer the door, so I had to pay?’ I say, and he winces. ‘Well… the pizza makes up for it,’ he says, and I just raise an eyebrow, amused.
It’s so… wrong that he’s only willing to pay for food for me now that he finds me attractive, but I won’t complain aloud; it’s free food after all. And then it gets me thinking. Maybe I should… take advantage of the effect my new look’s having. I mean, frat boys aren’t the… smartest, are they? Namjoon may be an exception when it comes to his education, but his common sense? He has next to none, demonstrated by the stupid situations his whore behaviour has gotten us into. And the rest of them are even stupider than him. I’ve always been a master of manipulation, and it’ll be even easier now they think I’m hot.
It isn’t long until the pizzas arrive and the second Baekhyun leaves to collect them at the door, Mina turns to me with a grin. ‘Girl, if you don’t take advantage of all these boys thirsting over you, I swear, I’ll be so disappointed,’ she says, making me burst into laughter. ‘I was literally just thinking about doing it!’ I exclaim, both of us laughing. ‘No, but for real. You should, like, make the most of it while it lasts. Not to sound nasty, but you know it won’t be long until there’s another girl they’re all into. You should exploit this opportunity whilst you’re still the… object of the affections,’ she says, making me laugh. ‘Exploit this opportunity?’ I repeat, and she nods with a grin. ‘Their generosity will only go to a certain extent,’ I say, and she raises an eyebrow. ‘Wanna test that?’ she asks, a challenging glint in her eye, and I grin, nodding. ‘Go look in the fridge, and when you’re asked what you’re looking for, say… Vanilla Coke.’ ‘Vanilla Coke?’ ‘Mmhmm.’ ‘Okay.’
I head over to the drinks fridge (they keep their food in the mini fridge and their drinks in the big fridge – their priorities are so fucked up) and open the door. I scan the bottles, seeing mainly lemonade and coke with a couple alcoholic bottles, but no Vanilla Coke. ‘y/n!’ I hear from behind me, and I turn to see Donghyuck stood there, a big grin on his face. ‘Hyuck! Hey!’ I exclaim, throwing my arms around him. Donghyuck and I did extra credit classes together last year, and I’ve barely seen him since. ‘You look so different!’ he says, holding me away to inspect me, hands light on my shoulders, and I grin, bending one leg at the knee and striking a pose, making him laugh. ‘It’s weird to see you in clothes that fit,’ he teases, and I roll my eyes. ‘Don’t even. Everyone’s making such a big deal of it.’ ‘Yeah, because you look hot.’ ‘Whatever.’
I turn back to the fridge, and he comes to stand beside me. ‘Whatcha looking for?’ ‘Vanilla Coke. I’m, like craving it,’ I lie, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘You’re lucky we’ve got lemonade and coke. KPN stick to basics,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘Well, maybe you shouldn’t. Vanilla Coke is amazing.’ ‘Well, the corner shop down the road might have some. Shall we go get some?’ he suggests, and I’m shocked. Mina was right. He’s willing the leave Wings Wednesday with his frat brothers to go get Vanilla Coke from the shop with me. ‘You sure?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘It’s only a two-minute walk.’ ‘Okay. Let’s g-’ ‘y/n!’ I hear Mina call before materialising next to me. ‘Hey, Mina,’ I say, Donghyuck greeting the girl too. ‘Hey, Hyuck. I’m need to steal y/n. Emergency,’ she says, and my eyes widen. I’ve literally left her alone for a minute. What emergency does she have? ‘You okay?’ ‘Yeah, it’s just… I started. Do you have a pad?’ she whispers, loud enough for Donghyuck to hear, the boy wrinkling his nose in disgust, making me roll my eyes. Why boys are so grossed out about periods, I don’t know. It took two entire years of friendship with Namjoon to get him to buy me some pads. ‘Yeah, I do.’ ‘Will you come to the toilet with me?’ she asks, and I nod, apologising to Donghyuck before Mina drags me out of the kitchen, through the living room and upstairs.
‘Oh, shit! My pads are in Nayeon’s bag,’ I say when we reach the top of the stairs, and Mina lets out an annoyed noise. ‘I don’t actually need a pad, stupid! I was just getting you away from him,’ she whispers before pulling me into the bathroom. ‘What? Why?’ ‘Because now he’ll go get your Vanilla Coke from the shop and you won’t have to go with him,’ she says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Are you kidding? He’s not gonna go.’ ‘Yes, he will,’ she says, before letting out an exasperated sigh. ‘Remember when I stayed home for a few months, because I wasn’t well?’ she asks, and I nod – Nayeon was heartbroken that she didn’t have Mina to gossip with in her lectures. ‘When I came back, all the boys were fussing over me. Trust me; he will go and get that coke.’
We spend a couple minutes in the bathroom, reapplying our lipgloss and fixing our hair, before we head back downstairs, quickly grabbing two of the empty stools in the kitchen, Bambam sat next to Mina and Namjoon sat next to me, chatting with Minho about football strategy for their next match. ‘y/n!’ I hear Donghyuck’s voice after a few minutes, making me stop mid-conversation with Yugyeom about dessert on Monday at Red Velvet (it was so good, I can’t stop thinking about it – I might have to drag Namjoon back there this weekend). I turn to see him stood at the door, holding up a bottle of Vanilla Coke, and I have to stifle a laugh, pushing down guilt. ‘Oh, my God, thank you, Hyuck! You’re the best!’ I exclaim, giving the boy a hug before he disappears to find me a clean cup. ‘I was right,’ Mina says with a grin. ‘I feel bad.’ ‘Don’t. You didn’t make him get it.’ ‘Yeah, but I’m not even gonna drink it. I don’t like Vanilla Coke.’ ‘Well, it’s a good thing I do.’
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joon: u got a lecture tmrw
y/n: it’s Friday tomorrow right ?
joon: um ye how do u not know
joon: r u still drunk from last night
y/n: I wasn’t drunk! I didn’t even touch any alcohol !
joon; then y were u letting johnny touch u up
y/n: I wasn’t! there was fluff on my boob and he took it off for me !
joon: ur so naive
joon: n e ways, do u have a lecture tmrw
y/n: yeah, 1-3
joon: wanna go 4 coffee after ill pick u up
y/n: sounds good
y/n: I’ll pay
joon: no
y/n: you paid for dessert !
joon: idc, ill pay 4 coffee
joon: u save ur money 4 clothes ;)
y/n: ew
joon: bitch do u want coffee or no
y/n: yes :)))
joon: ill b there @ 3, dnt b late like monday
y/n: okayyy see you at three joonie
joon: yep, night sexc
y/n: ew
joon: fine u can walk 2 starbucks
y/n: joon pls answer
y/n: stop leaving me on read !
y/n: fine, you can go to starbucks by yourself
joon: sorry
joon: y/n
joon: r u there
joon: bitch answer me
joon: ignore me if u wanna fuck
y/n: you’re such an idiot
joon: gn y/nie
y/n: night stupid, ilyyyy
joon: luv u 2 dummy
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‘Hi, welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you?’ the barista asks, smiling widely. He’s handsome, with dirty blond hair pulled back into a ponytail and sparkling brown eyes, and I can’t help but smile back. ‘Hi, can I get two large iced vanilla lattes please?’ I ask, the boy nodding as he clicks away at the register. My eyes flit to his little name tag. His name is Hyunjin. Cute. ‘What name shall I put on the cups?’ he asks, eyes sparkling when he looks back up at me, and I smile shyly when I say, ‘y/n.’ ‘Pretty name for a pretty girl,’ he replies, not giving me a moment to process the compliment before he says, ‘that’ll be £7.40. Cash or card?’ ‘Card,’ a voice behind me says, and I turn to see Jaemin stood there, smiling. ‘Can I add a large iced americano to that too?’ he says, holding up his card, and Hyunjin nods, tapping at the register. ‘Jaemin, don’t. I’ll pay,’ I say, though it’s Namjoon’s money in my hand, not my own. ‘It’s fine, y/n. I don’t mind,’ he says with a grin, and I smile back, touched.
Jaemin moves around me to pay for the three drinks, and I feel a little awkward, stood behind him, waiting. ‘How have you been, y/n?’ he asks once he’s paid, and I smile. ‘I’ve been really good, thanks. How about you?’ ‘Yeah, great. You look… different since the last time I saw you,’ he says with a little smirk, and I roll my eyes, an amused smile playing at my lips. ‘I’m assuming that was a compliment.’ ‘Of course. How could it be anything other than a compliment when the ‘different’ I’m talking about is this?’ he says with a flirty grin, motioning to my outfit (a pair of tight black cargo trousers and a long-sleeved black top, big black stomper boots on my feet and silver jewellery).
Jaemin flirts with me for a little while, but his americano is ready before mine and Joon’s lattes and he has a lecture at 3.30, so he leaves with the promise of continuing our conversation at the ASP party tomorrow, which I had no idea about. ‘y/n!’ Hyunjin calls and I go over to grab the lattes. I notice a caramel shortbread on a plate beside the cups, and I look up at him questioningly, the boy grinning back. ‘It’s on the house,’ he says, and I can’t help but let out a giggle, flattered. ‘Thank you.’ ‘No problem… y/n. I’m a student, at the university, and I heard your… friend talking about the party tomorrow. I’ll be there, and it’d be nice to see you,’ he says, smiling as he leans against the counter casually, my heart jumping. He’s hot, he’s confident and he’s sweet – I could definitely see myself getting to know him. ‘Yeah, it’d be nice to see you too,’ I reply shyly, breaking off our eye contact after a few seconds. ‘See you tomorrow then,’ he grins before turning to deal with the next customer.
I carefully take the lattes and the shortbread over to mine and Joon’s table in the corner, the boy instantly biting into the shortbread. ‘That is mine.’ ‘I paid for your coffee, so I can have a bite of your shortbread,’ he says, mouth full of food, and I scrunch my nose up in disgust, sitting down opposite him. ‘No, actually, you didn’t.  Jaemin did,’ I say, dropping Joon’s money on the table in front of him, and he frowns. ‘Who’s Jaemin? The cute barista you were just flirting with?’ he asks drily as he picks up one of the coffees, taking a sip. ‘No, his name’s Hyunjin. And I wasn’t flirting with him,’ I say, embarrassed, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘Then what’s this?’ he asks, holding his cup out to me. I can’t hold back my smile when I see that Hyunjin’s written his number on the label with a smiley face beside it. ‘Exactly what I thought. Anyway… who’s Jaemin?’ ‘KPN Jaemin. He was behind me in the queue and he paid for our drinks. And then Hyunjin gave me the shortbread for free,’ I say, and Joon narrows his eyes at me.
‘I can’t believe you’re making these boys do all these things for you.’ ‘They’re doing it voluntarily – I’m not making them do anything!’ ‘So you didn’t make Donghyuck get your Vanilla Coke on Wednesday?’ ‘No, he choose to go get it!’ ‘Well, you’re putting Tia and Tamera to good use.’ ‘Tia and Tamera?’ I ask, confused, and he points at my chest. ‘Tia… and Tamera,’ he says, naming each boob, ‘don’t you listen to Doja Cat?’ ‘Not religiously – Say So’s the only song of hers on my Spotify.’ ‘Tasteless.’ ‘You’re tasteless for accusing me of using my boobs to manipulate boys,’ I hiss, and he rolls his eyes. ‘Did I lie?’ ‘Yes!’ ‘Okay, maybe I did. It’s not just Tia and Tamera. It’s Tia and Tamera and… Nicole!’ he says, and I blink in confusion. ‘Nicole?’ ‘Use your brain.’ ‘Did you just name my ass Nicole?’ I ask incredulously, and he nods, seemingly proud of himself. ‘People look at it more than they look at your face, so I think it deserves naming,’ he says bitterly, and I gasp. ‘That was low. People look at my face. I’m not just my body. My face is pretty too,’ I say coldly, a little hurt, and he looks guilty. ‘Well, of course your face is pretty, I just-’ ‘You just what? Judged me, even though you’ve slept with more girls than I’ve ever been friends with? Just remember that there’s a lot you’ve done that I could judge you on, but I don’t, because we’re best friends.’
The air is tense after I finish speaking, and I feel sick. Joon and I have never argued. Our friendship has always been so laidback, so chill, so easy. I’ve never had any downs in my friendship with him because we get along so well. But I’m surprised at him being so judgmental, and so… douchey about me getting some male attention for the first time in… well, forever. ‘Sorry, y/n. I’m being a dick,’ he says softly, and I can see that he feels guilty. I decide it’s best to end our argument here, because this isn’t a nice feeling. ‘Whatever, it’s fine, Joon. Anyway… you didn’t tell me ASP are having a party tomorrow! Am I not invited?’ I tease, and he grins, the tension between us gone. ‘No, you’re not. I’m tired of you being so dependent on me.’ ‘Shut it. You’d be lost without me.’ ‘Whatever. I was supposed to tell you about it at KPN, but I barely got to speak to you. You were… popular that night,’ he says quietly, not meeting my eyes, and suddenly, I can feel the awkwardness making a reappearance. ‘Ah, well, I guess there’s no point asking you to take me to Red Velvet then,’ I say wistfully, trying to change the subject, and he rolls his eyes. ‘Ask Wang, he’ll take you.’ ‘No, it’s fine. I don’t wanna be bloated at the party. We can reschedule to Sunday – order some for a hangover cure. Can I sleep over?’ I ask, and he nods, smiling to himself. ‘You and Nayeon are always welcome. There’s enough bed space for the three of us.’ ‘You say that, and yet, you end up on the floor with us two in your bed every time.’ ‘I’ll climb in with you while you’re asleep.’ ‘Isn’t that illegal?’ ‘Shut up and eat your shortbread. Or do you not wanna be bloated?’ ‘Matter of fact, you’re right. These cargo trousers are already tight.’ ‘That’s because you’ve got a fat ass.’
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y/n: hey, is this hyunjin ? from Starbucks ?
hyunjin: yeah, and is this y/n ? the pretty cargo trousers girl ?
y/n: the one and only ☺️
hyunjin: I was worried you wouldn’t reach out to me after I saw you go and sit with that boy
hyunjin: I felt terrible bc I didn’t even ask if you had a boyfriend
y/n: oh no, he isn’t my boyfriend
y/n: he’s my best friend, namjoon
hyunjin: as in kim namjoon ?
y/n: yep, you’ve probably heard of him lol
hyunjin: I have lmao he has quite a reputation
hyunjin: I didn’t recognise him
hyunjin: I just saw you go and sit with a handsome boy and I felt awful
y/n: well, you don’t have to feel bad
y/n: and he’s not that handsome lmao
y/n: he’s just… namjoon
hyunjin: well, I’ll have to thank him when I see him
hyunjin: if he hadn’t given you my number from his cup, I’d have felt like an idiot
y/n: it’s a good thing he pointed it out to me lol
hyunjin: yeah, I’m relieved
hyunjin: I know it’s forward of me and I hope you don’t think I’m out of line
hyunjin; but I just thought you were really cute and I didn’t want to waste the opportunity
hyunjin: especially after jaemin paid for your drinks and flirted with you
hyunjin: I know it sounds silly but I was debating whether or not it was worth competing with him
y/n: jaemin’s not really interested, he flirts with anything that has a pulse
y/n: but I’m glad you didn’t waste the opportunity
y/n: I thought you were cute too, and I love your hair
hyunjin: ah thank you! I was a little nervous about growing it out
y/n: it’s unique, and it really suits you
hyunjin: thanks y/n :)
hyunjin: it’s late so I’m gonna head to bed but I’m glad you texted me, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow !
y/n: okay, hyunjin, goodnight ! see you tomorrow :)
hyunjin: goodnight ! :)
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joon: do u need a lift tmrw
y/n: no, jackson said he’s gonna pick us up
y/n: but thank you for offering anywayyy
joon: ok
joon: why did it take you 30 mins 2 reply its lit rally 2am, what else r u busy with
y/n: I was texting
joon: who
y/n: oh, just the, um, the girls groupchat, to talk about what we’re gonna wear tomorrow
joon: ok
y/n: I’m gonna go to bed, I’ll speak to you tomorrow
joon: aight gn dum dum
y/n: night joonie, sweet dreamsss
joon: ill dream of u in ur crop tops
y/n: pervert
joon: luv u ;)
y/n: love you more dumbass
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‘y/n! y/n! y/n!’ ‘Oh, my God, Nayeon, you’re like a child! I’m mid-conversation!’ ‘I know, but this is important!’ she says, tugging on the strap of my top, her force nearly making me spill my drink down my outfit. I thought I’d dress simple, in just a black strappy lowcut crop top and a pair of ripped blue jeans, fluffy black slides on my feet and simple gold jewellery to accessorise. ‘Sorry, Dahyun,’ I sigh with a roll of my eyes, the girl grinning back. ‘It’s fine – go deal with your important business,’ she laughs, and Nayeon takes this as a signal to drag me into the kitchen, leaving Dahyun alone in the back garden. ‘What is it?’ I ask, and she grins. ‘I found your cute barista boy! Well, I think so, anyway. Not many boys have dirty blond ponytails.’ ‘Oh… okay.’ ‘Aren’t you excited?’ ‘I think you’re excited enough for both of us.’ ‘I’m serious, y/n! I saw him, and he’s really hot! You’ve been texting all day, and you said he’s really sweet. He could be your first boyfriend!’ ‘Nayeon, you’re getting ahead of yourself – I’ve literally known him for… 32 hours. And I don’t even know him, really. All I know is his name and that he works at Starbucks.’ ‘Well… this is your chance to get to know him. He’s with his friends in the living room – go,’ she says, not giving me a chance to reply before she pushes me through the open door.
He spots me instantly, calling my name, and I scan the room until my eyes meet his, smiles breaking across our faces as he waves me over. I head around the edges of the room, not wanting to get caught in the group of people dancing, until I reach him and his friends in the corner. ‘Hey, y/n! You look nice!’ he exclaims, smiling widely, and I feel butterflies; he really is so handsome. ‘Thanks, Hyunjin. You do, too,’ I say honestly, looking him up and down; his black jeans, loose blue and white striped shirt only buttoned halfway with a black t-shirt beneath are a chic and stylish contrast to the Starbucks apron he was wearing yesterday. Half of his hair is up in a ponytail with a few loose strands framing his face and his ears are adorned with earrings, sparkling in the low light. He introduces me to his friends, who all seem nice (I think I’ve seen a few of them before – I’m sure a couple of them are KPN frat brothers). As soon as the introductions are done, he asks if I’ll go with him to get a drink. He takes my hand gently – a shock running up my arm at the contact – and leads me into the kitchen, getting himself a bottle of Soju from the fridge. ‘Do you want one?’ he asks, and I scrunch up my nose – I find Soju absolutely disgusting. ‘Thanks, but I’ll stick to my vodka coke for now,’ I say, holding up my cup, the boy laughing as he nods, shutting the fridge after him.
We stand in one corner of the kitchen, chatting, and our conversation flows so easily. He’s an architecture and design major, but he does dance on the side too, with some of his friends. I ask him to tell me the basic things about him and I find out that he has a dog called Kkami, he loves autumn, he’s allergic to cat fur, his favourite food is sushi and his least favourite foods are onion, carrot and eggplant. Even though he’s so handsome (like intimidatingly handsome), he’s so modest, down-to-earth, and just so sweet. He’s like a breath of fresh air in comparison to the boys I spend time with on a daily basis (no shade to Jackson and Joon, but they’re nowhere near as gentlemanly as Hyunjin – he gets me two refills before I even realise that my cup is empty, and he gets me two slices of pizza as soon as it arrives because I mentioned I hadn’t eaten). I can already feel myself crushing on him; every time he compliments me, I get so flustered and all I can do is giggle – two weeks ago me would have hated now me.
After what could be hours (I’m having the time of my life chatting away to him), he asks me to dance with him, and I’m filled with an inexplicable fear. Actually, no. It’s explicable; I have never danced at a party before. Ever. ‘It’s okay… I won’t bite,’ he teases, and I take a deep breath, smiling as I nod. He takes my hand again, his touch so light and gentle, and instead of pulling me along behind him, he lets me go first, standing just a few inches behind me as we head into the living room. We mould into the group of our peers dancing, and I feel a little awkward at first, but I soon loosen up into the rhythm of the Rihanna and Bryson Tiller song pulsing out into the room. He’s really the perfect gentleman; he doesn’t lay a hand on me other than to move me out of the way when someone drunk stumbles past. It’s a nice change from the boys that don’t hesitate to just come up behind a girl and grab onto her waist, forcing himself onto her.
But after a while, I can feel the several vodka cokes starting to take effect, my mind a little hazy, and a tipsy y/n mixed with the RnB baselines floating out from the speakers isn’t a good combination. Hyunjin’s tan skin glows in the low light, his eyes sparkling, and he looks so fucking handsome, his plump lips stretching up into a flawless grin when I hook my arms around his neck loosely, moving closer. We dance a little more… intimately, our bodies pressed together after a few minutes, and his hands rest on my lower back, not venturing any lower, and his eyes stay on my face, even though my cleavage is right there. His gentlemanliness just makes him even sexier to me.
I look up at him, and notice that some of his hair in his face, and so I reach to brush it back behind his ear. His hair is so soft, the locks just gliding between my fingers, and I can’t help but run my fingers through the loose hair that he hasn’t pulled up into a ponytail, my nails gently scraping against the back of his neck. He shivers a little, his neck obviously sensitive, and it makes me look him in the eyes, practically getting lost in them. And before my brain can even register it, he leans towards me and my eyes flutter shut, his lips softly brushing against mine a few moments later. My first kiss.
He moves away, almost to check if I’m okay with it, and I just lean towards him, pressing our lips together again, making him let out a chuckle against my mouth. My mind numbs a little when he parts my lips with his, his tongue sliding into my mouth, and I really didn’t know that kissing was this good. His hands press into my back, holding me against him, and I grip onto his strong shoulders, his scent of lemony shampoo and expensive aftershave flooding my senses as our lips move against each other. ‘y/n, get a room!’ I hear Jin, one of Joon’s stupid friends, shout, followed by laughter, making me break away from Hyunjin, blinking as though I’ve just woken up, Hyunjin just smiling back at me. I turn to Jin, shooting him a dirty look and telling him to fuck off before turning back to Hyunjin. I feel braver than usual due to the alcohol and the fact that I’ve just kissed a boy I met yesterday in the middle of a frat party, and so I ask, ‘do you… want to get a room?’ ‘Um… what?’ he asks, blinking, and I feel the humiliation setting in already. ‘I mean, we don’t have to… but I thought you might want t-’ ‘Yes. I do want to.’
We’re both laughing drunkenly as we head up the stairs (it seems the several bottles of Soju he’s had have made him a little tipsy), our hands clasped together. ‘Whose room are we using?’ ‘Um, we can use Namjoon’s. I’m sure he won’t mind – he’ll be proud I’ve finally kissed a boy,’ I say, leading him into Joon’s room. The second we enter, he shuts the door, pushing me up against it and pressing our lips together again, his body against mine and our hands still intertwined against the door. I tangle my free hand into his soft locks, his free hand gently roaming up and down my side, and it’s bliss, the way he touches me. He’s such a good kisser – though it’s not like I have much experience anyway. ‘Did you say I’m your first kiss?’ he asks, lips moving against mine, and I let out a little noise of affirmation, the boy grinning. ‘Good,’ he murmurs, the word making my stomach turn with butterflies.
But it’s like I’m not allowed good things. There’s a loud hammering against the other side of the door, making both of us jump, and I manage to move out of the way just before it flies open, Namjoon storming in, anger all over his face. ‘y/n,’ he says, voice shaking, and I look at him in concern, wondering what’s happened. ‘Joon, are you okay?’ ‘No, I’m not,’ he says, teeth gritted, and it’s then that I realise; he’s angry at me. ‘Oh, did you… should I have asked you if I could use your room? I didn’t think you’d mind, I’m so-’ ‘God, you’re so fucking dense!’ he shouts, making me flinch, and Hyunjin looks between us before saying, ‘y/n, I’m gonna go, you guys speak in private. I’ll… be downstairs.’ I nod, too shocked to speak, and even more shocked at the way Namjoon stares daggers at Hyunjin as he slips past him.
‘What’s your problem? There’s no need to be such a dick to me, or to Hyunjin.’ ‘Oh, so you do know his name? I’m surprised, since you only met him yesterday.’ ‘Stop being so fucking judgy! You’re allowed to fuck anything with a vagina, but I kiss a boy I met yesterday and the world’s ending!’ ‘I’m not judgy, y/n, I’m jealous! Can’t you fucking tell?’ he practically screams, and the words don’t register with me for a moment. ‘Jealous?’ I echo, and he lets out a humourless laugh, sinking down onto his bed. ‘Yes, y/n, jealous. I’ve only been in love with you for two fucking years,’ he mutters, the words hitting me like a ton of bricks. He’s in love with me. My best friend is in love with me. ‘Joon, I-’ ‘You what, y/n?’ he asks angrily, and I’m filled with such rage, I want to slap him.
‘I didn’t know! If you’d told me, I’d understand why you’re so angry! But you didn’t, so stop fucking shouting at me, and being such a dick, and making me feel guilty when I shouldn’t!’ ‘There was no point telling you, because you don’t love me back!’ he shouts, and now I feel even more guilty. ‘I love you, Joon, but as my best frie-’ ‘And that’s why I didn’t tell you! I could deal before, when I was still getting to spend time with you every day, but now that you’re getting all this attention from all these boys, it’s so… difficult.’ ‘You still should have told me,’ I say quietly, and he scoffs. ‘There was no point! It doesn’t change anything! You still don’t like me!’ ‘No, I don’t, but you shouldn’t be angry at me about it.’ ‘I think I have a right to be angry!’ he shouts, and my eyes fill with tears. ‘Well, you don’t! Forgive me, Namjoon, but you’re not exactly a gentleman. Why would I fall for a boy that has a different girl in his bed every day, who plays girls like it’s his job, who’s misogynistic and vulgar and a dog? You don’t get to be such a dick to women and have your best friend fall in love with you, because it doesn’t work that way!’
‘Oh, and Hyunjin isn’t a dick?’ ‘No! He’s sweet, and he’s kind, an-’ ‘You’ve known him for one day, and you’re already rushing upstairs to lose your fucking virginity to him! I thought you’d care more about your first time!’ he shouts, still so judgmental, and I feel myself practically shaking with rage. How dare he behave the way he does and judge me, even though he’s supposedly in love with me? ‘Why do you care who I lose my virginity to?’ ‘Because I’m in love with you! Aren’t you fucking keeping up?’ ‘No, Namjoon, you’re not in love with me. If you were, you’d be happy that I’m happy. Instead you’re possessive and judgemental and douchey!’ We’re shouting at each other now, and anyone outside will be able to hear, but I don’t care. Let them hear how much of a dick he is. ‘I loved who you were, when-’ ‘When what? When boys didn’t talk to me? When you and Jackson were the only boys I spoke to at parties? When I was pure, untouched, innocent? Now, you’re annoyed, because I’m not who you thought I was. I don’t owe you anything, Namjoon, because you can’t expect me to have just known.’
‘Just go, y/n,’ he says, all of the anger in him disappearing, and he sounds so tired, looks so tired. And, as always, I feel guilty. ‘Joon-’ ‘No. Please, just go,’ he says, and when he looks up at me, my heart breaks. His eyes are full of tears, sadness, hurt, but the second they land on mine, they’re filled with love, too. Love that I can’t reciprocate because, he might be my best friend, but he is disgusting to girls. And I can’t love that. I can’t love him. ‘Okay. I’ll go,’ I whisper, turning away and leaving his room before I burst into tears.
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kikiyakno · 3 years
TEXTS: Kian & Jaesang
Date → Sunday July 10, 2021 ( 1 AM )
Mentioned  →  Jae’s crush, Kang Nova, Seong Sunwoo, Brandon Kelly
Synopsis  → After a big question, the boys have late night heart-to-heart sesh between best friends.
Feat. → @yijaesang
Kian — 12:49 AM
can I ask you a question?
you don't have to answer if it makes you sad
Jae — 12:57 AM
you can ask me anything u know that
are you sure? 👀
(unsent) I'm already sad what's the difference
duh now hit me with it
What does it feel like?
to be n love...and stuff...
momo said you were in love...
I'm in the worst kind of love
and I still wouldn't trade it
love isn't what they always told us
we're kind of led to believe we're supposed to feel like we can't live without that person
but the truth is, we can feel like we can live without them if we have to but that it's not like it would kill us, it would just...our life would feel half
think about it like this
we're surviving without woo and we're existing still sure but, there's a piece that isn't connected into place, isn't there? That's a real love
I'm probably not the best to ask since I'm in love with someone who doesn't even want to speak to me or know me. But I guess I still know a bit from how I feel
I really like someone...
but I'm afraid to call it love...since I've never felt it before
yes you have and you'd know it when you felt it, trust me
compare it in part to how you feel about woo and me. The three of us are all each other's person before anyone else
but since it's the first time you really have to look at it
it's easy to think it's something it's not or that it's deeper than it'll end up being
and you have to ask why you're afraid to say it
because I don't want to be wrong...
I wasn't wrong about you guys.
and you KNEW you weren't wrong about us right?
well you used to talk about me a lot...
but susu kept me around.
and i wanted to be your friend
I was a foreign kid trying to survive around people who didn't speak my language, i disliked anyone who spoke English
I disliked anyone regardless let's be real
but you still knew didn't you
I hoped you give me a chance.
So all those other kids would stop picking on me...
So maybe yes.
damn you just wanted my mean mug to be used to your advantage 😂
there's no way to really be sure sometimes but I think you feeling afraid that you might be wrong is something to heavily take into consideration
if you felt it truly, you wouldn't think you're wrong
oh...okay...i see....
well what if I think it's everything I wanted!
And i'm just paranoid over nothing.
that could very well be the case
momo said I'M in love
she asked about you cos she’s been worried
no I mean
if momo hasnt said you are, are you
has momo asked who you're in love with?
😥 no...
she hasn’t said anything about who I’ve been going out with
i just figured she's busy
that woman knows things that happen in her SLEEP, she's never too busy
so I'm guessing you're talking about Brandon?
is it all the gossip that made you guess?
nova told me she saw you two even before GG
if anything, there's clues on GG that point to some reasons that maybe you do really need to make sure
you know I dont put much stock in GG but also going off my own experience with Brandon...
you really gotta be sure because as someone who knows you, I don't see it. I know the kind of person you are and I know how he is
he’s not what everyone thinks.
but I know...I know what he did wasn’t cool.
if people think of you as something, you have had the capability to be that person that's the thing. People will say I'm a mean cold asshole and you'd punch them but you know i can be
I feel like you don't know the half of stuff he's done to be honest but it's not my place to tell you after you've started feeling this way because it'll look bad on me
I still appreciate the honesty...I understand.
He makes me laugh a lot...and happy!
He calls me beautiful. And intelligent. I feel like it after he says it sometimes.
And we talk about going on adventures! All around the world...he said he wants to see all his favorite places with me...so we can make new memories together.
it feels like a dream whenever he speaks to me…
let me ask you something
has he ever asked where YOU want to go or is it just HIS favorite places?
has he mentioned any of your stuff from la playa or pride? have you mentioned his?
you don't find it a bit funny that you start hanging out with him and someone starts shading taking care of someone better than their so called best friends?
you are all those things, kian. you're all those words of validation but what actions has he done?
does Momo have a brandon special?
talk is talk, but it's the actions you need to fall for. or you'll just be left with words
we had a picnic... he cooked for us and it was kind of awful, but it was the thought!
we had a sleepover one day. That was nice...
he hasn’t talked about la Playa or pride... I haven’t brought it up much either.
I’m listening to you I promise.
It’s just...making me think is all.
did you congratulate him for either of his "sets*?
positive about that?
did you forget or are you trying to lie
yes you did say stuff?
yes I did say things!
and did he say anything to you?
did you know it wasn't me who had ft brandon kelly on all the advertisement
and it wasn't me who made him take a photo backstage and never uploaded it
I had to agree to the whole thing just so he'd stop tagging me in cat things and sending his weird ass "fans" after me with edits after i kept telling him I hate it and that it pisses me off
you mentioned his "victories" and he couldn't say a word about yours? nothing at all?
we are on the RADIO kian
we shocked the entire COMMUNITY and nothing from the guy whos trying to woo you or whatever? that's a huge red flag kian. I bet he talked all about minjoons though didn't he?
he hasn’t...or Didnt.
i bet you total strangers have
talked about minjoon’s?
said something to you about yours
Oh! Well!
Does my follower influx count?
I guess. And I'm sure people around SM have mentioned it
that's not even a friend, kian. thats someone who just wants your attention on them
Maybe...maybe I’m just someone who’s giving him a chance. And it’s okay if that’s what it is.
I understand why you would think that. I do. I promise.
And I’m not mad at you, don’t worry. I’m glad that you’re so honest with me. I always want you to be.
[unsent] even if I disagree
it's not okay if your potential first time loving someone is wasted on you though
at least one person in my life isn't, what a relief
I just want you to be happy and I just want to be around to be there for you and make sure you don't get blinded by flashy offers and pretty words because you deserve more than anyone in the world ya kno?
take it from me...you don't want to be where I am right now
I’m sorry, Jaesang...
I mean that you are where you are now.
At least going to Seoul was still fun right?!
And flying in a private plane!
if it weren't for the good memories with you, I think a huge part of me would wish we hadn't gone
ended up costing me another person close to me but that's nothing new lately is it?
but you and I had fun and that matters more
Lets go out!
I hate you talking like this.
on the holy night of Sunday??? What would momo say 😱😱😱🤯 
I'm down to go out though
we can do whatever you want
we’re gonna go food truck hoppin 😤
I'm starving so that's perfect
want me to come pick you up or are we taking the scooter?
careful you'll make my heart flutter
I can drop u off at the hospital if u need that
I hope you drop your taco
and what do you do when I die
take ur Jean jackets 😗
would you miss me when you wear them?
do cars have tires Jaesang
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astrologista · 4 years
jason stop dying
ooooook i just watched ditf. it was PRETTY GOOD.... i only wish there was MOOORE! watching this REALLY brought me back to 2011 times to see it and i think they did a good job with most of the character design and animations insofar as matching it to the original. (maybe i’m totally wrong but i thought it looked good for the most part... also i just really love these character designs in particular). obviously the budget is not what it would be on a feature, so there are a LOT of places where animation gets recycled and many still frames. some parts are basically a slideshow lol. but i only sort of came to that realization awhile after watching, so i think they did a fairly good job of masking this... ymmv
so let’s get into it!!! 
SPOILERS a-head! do not read until you’ve watched it because i’ll spoil everything
now obviously the thing to be aware of if you are not is the fact that this adaptation is not a panel-by-panel adaptation of the original death in the family comic. all references to jason’s mother (save one mention of her dying of illness) are completely removed, they go to bosnia instead of africa, and the circumstances around jason leaving are also heavily altered to fit the new narrative. this adaptation does slot perfectly into the universe established by the under the red hood animated movie from 2011 though, without which one would be pretty confused when watching this. it’s kind of a mystery as to why they didn’t just package this with utrh and release the entire thing as a collectors edition. instead they package it with like 4 or 5 unrelated dc showcase shorts which makes absolutely 0 sense but go off i guess. anyway
i liked that they took the time to adapt the scene from the original ditf where bruce is talking to alfred about jason! (i do not like that alfred didn’t get any lines. bad choice). tbh i can’t understand why they bothered showing us alfred, barbara and dick if they weren’t gonna give them any lines..... like come on........??
HOW INTENSE BRUCE LOOKS WHEN HE FINDS JASON IN SARAJEVO and just. grabs him lol. hes smad :)
ok so one two skip a few and we get to the first branch. instead of calling 1-900 we now get to choose whether jason lives or dies. there are 7 possible endings i think i got em all so let’s see what we got here.
“Hush” Route - Robin cheats death
hgrgdggr. i definitely think this is one of the more interesting endings, if not the most interesting one. this is also the only ending in which both bruce and jason survive the bombing. bruce is still too late, but this time jason barely clings to life and survives. as a hurt/comfort fan i was 100% on this shit from the word go but then jason? runs away from home lmao lmao i thought that was SO funny because 1) hes super messed up, how is he able to just literally run out the house that is SO funny to me and 2) implying that bruce would ever not be keeping an eye on him after that is just, lmao. it’s so zany. i call this the “hush” route because of the bandages but there are no other references to hush so ok. that’s fair. so anyway jason is now angsty for loosely explained reasons but the most fun part is yet to come.
when talia showed up, i really thought / was terrified for a second that they were gonna bring up certain “events” regarding damian’s parentage / who damian’s father is but then she mentioned bruce and i was like OH THANK GOD WE CAN STILL GO TO HEAVEN. i am so so grateful to the writers for NOT going there. cuz it was damn close ok. im not sure what the implication of this route is in terms of talia, jason and damian being a family unit but i want to believe talia sees jason as a son and damian’s brother (which is how she refers to him, damian’s brother) and not... yknow. i mean. jason raising a baby is kind of like a baby raising a baby...
no actually the reality of this scene is really dfuckin interesting like. they actually go with the “birth of the demon” (forget if it was birth of the demon or bride of the demon. one of those.) explanation for damian and that is something i’ve NEVER seen adapted so whoever wrote this can have a cookie and i kNOW this is something a certain someone will appreciate :)
not only that but the implications? are interesting? so talia’s claim is she miscarried so bruce won’t have to “choose” between damian and jason and idk if she’s supposed to be all on the-up-and-up in this universe but. i’m sitting here like GIRL YOU DON’T GOTTA DO THIS HE HAS A PRIVATE JET HAVEN’T YOU HEARD OF SHARED CUSTODY and BETTER YET HE HAS A MANSION JUST GO ON MAURY AND GET THIS SORTED OUT RIGHT NOWwwww
i’m also LAUGHING at the implications of jason thinking theres anywhere on earth that he’s going to go and hide damian’s existence from bruce. because you already know he’s just going to be tearing the planet apart looking for jason so this is actually hilarious. imagine he finds jason in one piece and also a baby. his baby. he’d be like (@ talia) “OMG WHY WOULD YOU THINK I WOULDN’T WANT THEM BOTH u are tearing me apart talia......” BUT THEN HE WOULD BE SO FREAKING HAPPY BECAUSE HE HAS TWO ALIVE SONS AND HE THOUGHT THEY WERE BOTH DEAD / (lost to crime)!!!
please lord imagine all of jason’s angst probably just originating from the fact that he has a brain injury that hasn’t fully healed and the trauma of going through all those surgeries probably gave him a lot of fear / paranoia about bruce and associating him with the joker because his neural pathways are all messed up but after he leaves he starts slowly healing back and regaining some of his lost sanity and thats when he realizes he misses bruce so much... but hes also raising his child... and every day it gets more difficult for him not to just take damian and bring him home and i ;v;
anyway i thought this route, while it had a few inconsistencies in it, was really freaking interesting and it gave me feels and plot bunnies and is probably the one i want to write about the MOST despite the fact that baby damian looks like a character from one of those web flash games in this lol
“True” End - Jason Dies
now if you select that jason dies the route basically defaults to the canon of under the red hood and the fact that utrh does not come packaged with this movie is a rather mystifying choice to me as i don’t think this adaptation would stand on its own very well. like you need quite a bit of background to really get anything out of watching this on its own, which is probably why it’s classified as a “short” and not as its own movie.
instead of showing all of utrh, it seems they took the opportunity to give a ~30 minute recap of utrh with basically entirely reused animation but they allow bruce to sort of. give his dvd commentary over it.
the biggest feeling i have on this is that it’s sad that they had to waste 30 minutes like this that could’ve been used to do something new and much more interesting, but honestly i’m not mad. it seems kind of obvious that this choice was probably made for budget and/or runtime reasons because a short does not get the same budget set aside as a full length feature film does. so they basically took the option of recycling 30 minutes of animation from the movie and dubbing new audio over it.
in evangelion they ran out of budget and that’s why the last two episodes consist of nothing more than still pencil drawings and frames while the characters engage in philosophical debates concerning the nature of reality and human connection. and i really enjoyed that. and for the same reasons, i also really enjoyed this.
i enjoyed seeing the clark kent of this universe. i enjoyed that he was basically out on a date with bruce. i enjoyed that bruce was willing to open up for once and tell clark all of what happened with jason. but what really makes this segment shine bright are bruce greenwood’s line reads. there are SO MANY good line reads in here. and i LOVED how many times he said the word “son”. very wholesome. the way he describes how he felt during the final fight with jason? probs my favorite FUCKING part.
and then him and clark joking together about contingency plans and then they’re going to work together to find jason and i ;_; this is probably the closest thing to a “good” ending but as a continuation of utrh i thought it worked really well. i really want to believe that bruce and clark did find jason in this route and that there was some closure in the end even though we didn’t get to see it.
including clark in this was DEFINITELY the right move as well, considering that he played a rather large role in the original ditf so it’s a welcome nod.
The rest of the branches exist under a separate option where Bruce makes it in time to save Jason from the warehouse... but Bruce dies......... :O
let me tell you bout it... bruce’s fucking DEATH SCENE i don’t know WHAT my man bruce greenwood is on, but the freaking LINE READS in this dialogue had me making INHUMAN NOISES. LIKE NOT ONLY WAS THE DIALOGUE GOOD, NOT ONLY DID HE SAY “I LOVE YOU, SON”, but this man is just an amazing actor. not just voice actor, but actor. he really really really really gave it the most i don’t know how else to say it....... it was very very well done and punched me sideways in the heart and i haven’t recovered and i’m not going to recover. and
ok so once we get past that.... scene.... u have to choose whether you’re going to catch the joker or kill the joker. bruce asks jason to promise not to kill the joker but technically jason doesn’t promise so........
Let’s start by choosing to kill the Joker. Jason attends Bruce’s funeral and various members of the Justice League show up to talk with him and just generally hang out. He has Alfred, Dick and Barbara as his support system, but Jason has some other plans.
This leads to a scene in a cafe where Jason meets with a man who... something something Killing Joke, flashlight, more Barbara being used as a plot device when she deserves better, Jason kills the Joker with a butter knife.
Once you do this you can choose to surrender to the police, or retaliate and escape.
Jailbird Ending
basically if you surrender to the police jason ends up in prison where he can actually attack even more criminals so.... ya
If you retaliate and escape instead you go to the Red Robin route where Jason becomes a vigilante who kills people much like the Red Hood and you get a further choice in a fight with Two Face where you can control how Harvey’s coin lands. 
Tim Ending!
If you choose the coin to land clean face up, the thing rewards you by having Tim show up and I forgot what happened (wasn’t really paying attention lol) because i was so focused on TIM!
Prolly they felt sorry for him what with Jason stealing what is essentially his outfit (ok I know it was Jason’s first, but Tim made it cool) so they let a little baby tim have an appearance :) he’s very smol
I guess in this ending Jason gets reintegrated with the family somehow and Tim becomes “Bat-kid” which is hilarious to me but you know what it’s cute. CUTE.
The one ending where the coin lands scarred side up
i honestly forget what happens if you choose to have the coin land scarred side up but let me just say this is a FUCKED route to take, not only have you had jason survive and bruce die, you’ve now chosen to kill the joker against bruce’s dying wish, you’ve chosen to attack the police, and at the end of that you really are gonna choose harvey’s coin to be scarred face up???? choosing this made me feel like a DICK because here i am supporting jason’s whole fall to madness and villainy thing the way it wants me to and now he’s gonna die HERE? i hate it here.
interestingly enough he doesn’t actually die in this route. he ends up at home with barbara and dick while dealing with the fact that he killed the joker but the route ends with jason saying “i promise” so i guess this is supposed to be kinda sad. im so confused lol ok
So that is all the options if you choose to kill the joker, I believe. You can also make the choice to just catch him instead of killing him but amazingly enough, those routes are even more FUCKED up. 
If you do this option Jason goes home, mourns Bruce with Dick, Barbara and Alfred, and becomes Red Hood BUT with a twist, he’s entirely on a bloodless operation in line with Bruce’s wishes. OR.... IS HE?
Things then follow the events of UTRH until the scene on the bridge with the van and the guys. Jason finally confronts Joker, who reveals the truth. 
Apparently in this route Jason has actually been killing and decapitating his victims just like in the original movie, but he’s repressed it so as to not even realize to himself that he’s doing it.
that is FUCKED. also. i wanna cry because jason doing all of that stuff but not even realizing it ;------; jason blocking it out, because he wanted to honor bruce’s wishes for him not to kill anyone ;______; but he’s doing it anyway ;_____; he’s actually hearing voices telling him to kill ;____; like it’s a very cheap twist in a sense and also really quite cruel but.... damn, son.
There is a branch here where you can choose to spare or kill the Joker at this point (UNDERTALE???) but from what I can tell it seems to be totally meaningless what choice you pick because you end up at the exact same point either way, I think there’s a small variation in what happens after you make the choice but after that they just coalesce back together into the following two endings. Which seems incredibly cheap to me, I mean making a choice like that should alter Jason’s path completely but, it doesn’t! So... ooook....
Either way Jason ends up on the Wayne building and Talia shows up with a re-animated Bruce from the pit. Here’s another fun blast from the 2011 past with more gratuitous Grant Morrison dreck, remember that shit? Well, they’re gonna jam it down your throat here, too.
The reanimated Bruce is the Zur En Arrh Bruce and he’s already dead so this is all meaningless but basically Jason fights him and you get to choose whether everybody lives or dies.
Zur En Arrh - Everyone Lives!
if you pick this, jason actually gets the re-animated bruce back to the batcave and they lock him up down there because he’s still pit-mad and the prognosis is not great. but i’m not sure what they expected, he is the zur-en-arrh guy so I don’t think he’s getting better. 
Zur En Arrh - Everyone Dies!
pretty much there’s an explosion and all three of them die and that’s it
I think that should be all the possible endings there are.
By the way the different ways in which black mask dies in this was actually a fairly clever running gag lollll. let that mf burn we don’t need no water.
overall there are a couple of things i would have done to SIGNIFICANTLY improve this adaptation beyond some of the obvious ones.
- the fact that all of the branching options are branched exclusively under the “jason lives and bruce dies” branch is a huge wasted opportunity. imo this is the most egregious problem with this, i was really looking for a more balanced tree / explanation of different things. i am probably super biased though being a fic writer and used to fic, we’re the ones making huge ass trees every day lol.
- the fact that there is no “good” ending here is something i kind of expected but given the context of this is lackluster. i sort of get it though because granted, the original ditf ends in an unresolved manner but it’s distinctly unsatisfying here. i secretly wanted an ending where bruce, like, figures out about the different endings and hacks reality to try to find a good ending where jason lives and everything is fine lmao. like a bat mite ending.
- i was disappointed in a sense that the narrative given in here is so basically simplistic? maybe i’ve been spoiled by games like 999 and undertale where shit gets messy and that’s not what this is supposed to be but when i play something with multiple endings in this day and age, at least play with the concept a little bit and connect some of the branches together narratively. use different devices. i was also hoping some of the choices would be a little bit meatier like you could choose to “forgive bruce” or something cool like that lol. but it looks like the majority of choices have to do with who lives or dies. and i felt like they couldve been a bit more creative with that ya know? being able to control harvey’s coin was a GREAT example of having some more fun with this.
- it is a huge missed opportunity not to have a “secret ending” on something like this. like where. the fuck. is my secret ending for completing everything. come on. and in a similar vein there should’ve been at least something in terms of bruce and jason interacting in a “true ending”. even if very brief. the closest thing to an ending this has is the “jason died” route and then the ending where he’s talking to clark which i feel like was a REALLY nice good optimistic ending as far as this goes, but it comes off as kind of disappointing i guess
there were SO many interesting nuggets locked into this thing though. i can’t deny it bugs me how many wasted opportunities there were with how they chose to structure things but i guess it’s the best you can do with limited runtime. i thought it was really well done though, makes an interesting companion piece to the original utrh, and is definitely something that i will be re-watching again soon!! overall i give it a 7/10 and some parts an 8/10+!
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hhuta · 3 years
Oh my god you watched Dirk gently???? Yes!!! I rarely see people posts about it anymore and it was my favourite show for so long I'm so excited youve watched it!! Please share your thoughts 👀👀👀 I'm a starving man 😔 idk what to ask do I ask about your favourite character?? Your thoughts on the stuff that was gonna happen in s3??? Should I ask if you prefer s1 or s2??? Idk please thoughts
cooonnooorrrrrr u know the showwwww!!!!! aaaa!!
mY THOUGHTS ARE: dirk is my child and i will protect him forever.
literally all i can think about. i got so attached to him, i cant believe theres literally nOTHING ELSE OF HIM FOR ME TO WATCH. LIKE. ITS OVER??????? IM GONNA HAVE TO READ THE BOOKS THAT ARE VERY DIFFERENT FROM THE SHOW TO FILL THE VOID????????????????????? THIS IS WHY I STOPPED WATCHING TV SHOWS I HATE IT HERE
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anyways. as u can see hes my fave character by far. i fell in love with him so fast :( hes so funny and dumb but also very smart 😔😔😔 and he suffered so much!!!!!!!!!! oh my god i wanted to fight everyone who was mean to him!!!!!!!!!! i only respect hobbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love him too! i also love estevez and zimmerfield andnnnddd dodontnttt eveeennnn!!! getttt meee stARARTETDDDDD ON THEIIRRRRRR ENEDNDNINGGGSSSSS Because it doesnt exist. i dont acknowledge it. pure bullshit. i was truly close to te a r s during zimmerfield [redacted] scene???? did u??? did u see that shit????? THE TENDERNESS? WHAT THE F U CK WAS THAT ABOUT IM. im ok.
ah i love bart too so i fucking hATED HOW S2 ENDED FOR HER. WHY DIDNT SHE STAY WITH PANTO IN THE FAIRYTALE LAANNDDDDD OH MYGOODDDDDDD their dynamic was so good... and speaking of him, of course i love a gay icon, love his boyfriend too, another dumb gay!!! so many dumb gays. so much representation. im sad we didnt get to see a lot of them. i was so fuckign afraid they were also going to fucking die no i would riot!! i was ready to say "sO GLAD THIS GOT CANCELELDLDLD!!! OF COURSE THE GAYS GOT KILLED !!! NOT EVEN FICTIONAL FICTIONAL GAYS ARE SAFE!!" KJljdslklk i really was prepared for the worse after what happened to my other kings...... ill never get over that
and to be honest i was not vibing with the second season at first (probably, for sure..ly bc of what happened to my kings in s1. all these new characters were being introduced, i felt like pure shit just wanted them back. i couldnt properly enjoy it) also the whole.. fantasy thing.... is not my thing... idk... from the start, when i saw the fucking wand i wanted to scream dlkjas i knew it wasnt going to be for me. but i think it got better as it went on, it just didnt captivate me like the plot from s1. i didnt follow it as well? i enjoyed how i could easily pick up the little clues in s1 but tbh i think that just reflects dirk's state cuz we sorta follow his pov... he was v e r y lost during s2 and that rubbed on me!!! i didnt enJOYYYY ONE BITTT SEEING HIMMM SO FUCKING SAD... he was just sad and freaking out and he just needed a friend >:( and todd ugh he pissed me off a lot of the time dlkajskl........... ill never forget him saying dirk deserved to be alone 🚶‍♂️being a dirkette isnt easy.
but anyways its not like s2 was bad and dumb (im editing this and i just remember them trying to make todd/farah a thing. absolutely loathed that. that was bad and dumb. faratina for the win), the weird stuff did make sense in the end. of course thats what a child would imagine, even the scissors as weapons made sense. aND AMBOOLENTS. IDK IF U REMEMBER THAT BUT GOD IT MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH. also suzie was a good villain and tina and hobbs were amazing 🥰aGAIN I WAS SO READY FOR ONE OR BOTH OF THEM TO DIE.... no this fear really ruined things for me lkdjalsk.... oh mona !!! lOVE HER TOO! shes so pretty, first of all. when i saw her glowing eyes in the first ep i was like heyyyy 💕ANyways her character???? like?? so interesting??? not knowing who shes supposed to be?!?!?! i got hooked right awayyyy when she said that
oh my god i wish s3 existed and it was about heeerrrr. mona and dirk would be great besties 😔 and he would finally have his actual detective agency :(((((( but do u mean what i want to happen or this that might have happened? cuz im only looking at dirk/assistent romance lkdjakls mister sir lieutenant assistent was funny and so brave for putting up with friedkin so hes prepared for dirks intelligent dumbness and i want to see dirk happy its a win win. TODD BEING A ROCKSTAR AGAIN YES! all the other stuff yes too except bart teaming up with ken idek why she would do that after he 1. became a dick and 2. betrayed her (PLUS he shot dirk, im resentful, therefore i hate him forever and i dont want bart near him ever again)
sooooooo unfair that the show only has 2 seasons..... its such a rich universe with good characters.... all of them.. amanda and farah got great character development.. i already miss it im so sad..... im strongly considering making a sideblog to reblog stuff..
but what are your thoughtssss? tell me anything !!! do u have a fave episode? since i just finished s2, i remember loving S2xE6. the concert aftermath was really funny also dirk in pink <3
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fashion icon <33
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bbparker · 5 years
The Divide Between Us (Peter Parker)
Summary: Soulmates exist and receive tally marks overtime they pass their soulmates. Peter has only ever had one tally mark but discovers at the worst moment, just who his soulmate is. 
Warning: Mentions of blood and a lot of angst
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Peter had never been as excited as he was while waiting in his hotel room for a call to action. Ever since tony Stark turned up to his apartment with the offer to help get Captain America under control, Peter couldn’t sit still he was too excited.
However, a sense of dread spread through him knowing that he’d have to leave the area, meaning leaving behind the possibility of meeting his soulmate.  Sitting on his large king sized bed, Peters thoughts drifted to him or her. Glancing down, he traced his fingers over the slim line, about a centimetre long, on his wrist. 
There was only one tally so far, a mark of how many times you’ve been passed your soulmate. What worried Peter is the fact that there was only one whereas other his age had on average 10+. His eyes did not move from the mark until a knock at the door caught him by surprise. Falling off the bed, Happy Hogan walked in and saw the state of the boy one the floor. 
“What are you doing? Get your suit on we’re going.”
“R-right, yeah…Wait where…are we going?”
Peter stood at the top of the airports carpark, overlooking the scene while Mr Stark and Captain America were talking. To say he was nervous was an understatement, this was his essential introduction to the superhero world and others. They would know about him and there was no taking it back. He had to stick his landing too, the very thought of missing or tripping in front of such big heroes nearly had Peter passing out. 
His sipdey-senses went off as he felt another presence on the roof. Turning swiftly, Peter came face to face with possibly the most gorgeous person he’d ever get the pleasure of seeing. 
Sporting a black and green suit, similar to Captain America, thick toned thighs, strong shoulders and a defined waist was (y/n) Rogers. With her hands on hips she stared him down with an indifferent look. 
“I knew Tony would go find another hero to help out but I was expecting  someone like Johnny Storm, or at least someone with a similar ego to himself, not another kid.” Peter was still star struck as he felt a slight itching on the inside of his wrist. 
Her expression then changed into curiosity the more she looked at the red and blue suited boy. Walking cautiously forward, she studied him, also having felt the itching in her wrist and choosing to play it cool. (Y/N) knew what it meant but refused to change sides or go easy on him for it. 
“Are you just quiet or are you scared?” A smirk crawled up onto her lips as she continued forward slightly. The smirk caused Peters heart to pound as he watched the soft lips slowly raise cheekily. Finally he shook his head and looked at (y/n) in the eyes.
“N-no. I-uh-I just didn’t realise I would be meeting another hero so early.” Peter fidgeted, scratching behind his head and quickly looking down onto the tarmac to see Tony and Steve still talking. It was definitely taking longer than he thought it would. 
“Oh, so nothing to do with the fact that your soulmate tally is rising?” He finally noticed the itching and if possible his eyes widened further. 
“N-no way. You? Y-you’re my s-soulmate?” Peter, as if by a magnet, began drifting towards her. A soft smile graced her lips as he finally neared her, almost chest to chest. Slowly her hands drifted up to his neck. Even if she was on the opposite side in this war, doesn’t mean she wasn’t curious about her own soulmate. 
“That-thats so cool! I mean the daughter of Captain Ameri- what are you doing?” Peter noticed her slightly calloused fingers from years of training, slipping under his mask. (Y/N) let another soft smile on her face at his nervous behaviour, atypical trait of the hero world in her experience. 
“Just because we’re on opposite sides it doesn’t mean I’m not curious about my own soulmate. But because time is running out for us and ill probably be a fugitive soon, slash already am, I just want to give you something real quick.” The mask was now sitting just under Pete’s eyes, leaving his cheeks and lips exposed. 
He had expected (y/n) to take it completely off but instead, she left it exactly where it was. Peter couldn’t move, his curiosity and awkwardness getting the best of him as he watched her face come closer to his. Unconsciously as she came closer, Peters hands grazed upwards to lightly hold her waist, causing (y/n)s body to sing in joy at the simple touch. 
“I’m sorry we couldn’t meet under better circumstances.” She whispered before kissing him lightly on the cheek. Sparks shot all over Peter’s body as it recognised his soulmates interacting and suddenly his mood shot through the roof. Giddy and happier than he’d ever been in his life. 
Slowly it faded, however, when (y/n) lowered his mask back down to his neck, her fingers grazing his neck, causing tingles to follow in their wake. His body now calling to her and her touch. Her eyes glanced at Peters through the mask, and he thought he could see a slight watery look overtaking it. 
“One day, but not today.” His hands dropped from her hips as she smiled sadly up at him. 
“And I’m also really sorry about this, but I cant hold back- even for you.” Peter was confused for a second before he was dealt a hard kick to his chest, sending him flying over the edge of the building. His small yell was short as he managed to catch himself on the edge of the building. 
Looking around, nobody seemed to have noticed the small yelp and so Peter stayed stuck to the building thinking over what just happened. He felt so comfortable but nervous. The moment he’d been waiting for and now it was ruined by this conflict. If only they could of met at a different moment in time.
Although now he knows why he never really ran into her. She’s a year older than his sixteen-year-old-self and was always helping her dad out in the field. Not short after his last thought about (y/n), his call to action came.
“Underoos!” Glancing up, Peter could see (y/n) was gone and he finally understood that they were on opposite sides; now was not the time. 
Webbing Steve’s hands and stealing his shield, Peter landed perfectly with the shield and glanced around. 
“Nice job, kid” Tony said, looking between his friend and the kid. 
“Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit… Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's-It's perfect. Thank you.” He stuttered out, jittery hand movements being thrown everywhere. (Y/N) heard from her position and couldn’t help but let out a slight giggle. 
“Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.” Tony deadpanned as Steve looked at him disbelievingly. Spider-man seemed to suddenly notice Captain America staring at him.
“Okay. Cap… Captain. (Y/n)’s dad oh my gosh. Big fan of you and your daughter, I’m mean not that (y/n) and I are anything but like, we-we haven’t even met heh—uh” He seemed to pause noticing his mistake as Steve’s gaze seemed to harden at the mention of his daughter. 
“I’m, I’m Spider-Man.” He decided to finish, noticing the ‘what the hell’ look from everybody, even the Black Widow. Tony shook his head.
“Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just…”
“Hey, everyone.” Peter tried to salvage but (y/n) was positively holding her nose trying not to laugh and give herself away. He was ridiculously soft hearted, in a cute way. 
“… good job.” Tony finished for him going back to talking to Steve. 
“You’ve been busy.” Steve deadpanned.
“And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda and (y/n) from a place they don't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep… I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart. And dragging in (y/n)? Thats low even for you. You do realise any future she could have had is being thrown out the window?”
“I think I’m old enough to make up my own mind thank you, Stark. You seem to forget age doesn’t always determine wisdom. You’re a child prodigy, you should know that more than anyone.” (Y/n) stepped out next to her father, standing proudly. 
Peter simply couldn’t keep his eyes off her, she was gorgeous. More than he believed he deserved in any case. She was beautiful, powerful even and he didn’t know who he could possibly thank for pairing them together. 
“(Y/N).” Tony said almost weakly, their dad-like-bond being severed by the incident.  
“You tore us all apart by choosing your guilt over reason. Them over us. We aren’t breaking, we’re broken.” Steve looked down at his daughter, somewhat guilty for dragging her into this but he knew shed give him no choice anyways. 
“She’s right. You did that when you signed.” Tony’s anger and frustration returned.
“Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys… with no compunction about being impolite.” Steve simply looked away from Tony as the other man lost hope fast. 
“Come on.” He muttered. Steve raised his paired hands, an arrow going through and cutting the webbing. Tony’s helmet closed as he looked around for Clint. 
“Alright, Lang” Steve said into comms as Peter suddenly questioned. 
“Hey, guys, something…” As Lang expanded into a fully grown man with Cap’s shield and the civil war began. 
(Y/N)’s energy levels were struggling. She trained all the time but fighting fully trained superheroes was different to the average trained man. It wasn’t until she stood opposite to people she once and maybe still considered friends did she recognise the full severity of their actions. 
She also knew that some may get left behind in order to stop the Zemo man; but it had to happen. She’d sacrifice her freedom anyway for everyones safety. Looking up at her dad, (y/n) felt proud to be by his side and fighting for their legacy. 
“I meant to ask but it doesn’t seem like we’ll get the time- the spider-kid?” (Y/n) actually groaned in the moment, the serious air broken. 
“Pa, no. Don’t go there right now.” Steve looked down slightly to his daughter, the one thing he feels he did right in the world. 
“Okay but when this is over, we’re going to have a long talk.” (Y/N) just rolled her eyes but smiled anyways. Spider-man and her had yet to be fully introduced or even fight against one another. There wasn’t enough time and in all honestly, (y/n) was avoiding it. 
She didn’t want to hurt her soulmate but it seemed as if fate wasn’t giving her a choice. Then the time came. Either side began in a strut before speeding up into a sprint. Choosing her target, (y/n) decided she’d have to go for her soulmate as he’d been right in front of her.
(Y/N) repeated the mantra that this was for the good of all people. She needed to get to Siberia and stop Zemo. She couldn’t put peoples lives on the line for a boy, soulmate or no. 
I can do this. Was the last thing (Y/N) said to herself before the teams clashed. Steve blocked a punch as Iron Man lands. Clint fires an arrow at Vision, causing it to explode but it does little damage. 
War Machine flies after Falcon, both weaving in and around each other in a deadly dance. Bucky  is tackled immediately by T’Challa as they trade punches. (Y/N) is the first to throw a punch at Peter, he barely moves out of the way in time to avoid the blow.
Peter just looks at her with wide eyes and was unable to predict her next attack as she threw herself at him. (Y/N) delivered three harsh blows to his stomach, causing him to groan, before slipping under his arm and twisting herself to flip him over her and onto his back. One thing was for sure; (y/n) had inherited Steve’s strength and flexibility.
Peter was still shocked but quickly snapped out of it as she was tackled by Iron Man, sending her flying a couple feet away. (Y/N) groaned as she rolled over to get up and just as Peter was ready to run and check on her, he was quickly distracted by vehicles being thrown at him by Wanda. 
At some point, Steve saw the Spider-kid once again and decided to finally confront him; after all it was inevitable. Cutting the web with his shield mid-swing, Spider-Man fell and landed on top of a passengers entrance to a plane. Seeing as who confronted him was his soulmates father, Peter really wanted to make a good impression; that he was strong enough to be a good match for (y/n). Though he wasn’t sure if Steve picked up the ordeal between them. 
“That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all.” Peter laughed with confidence for once. 
“Look kid. There's a lot going on here that you don't understand, especially about (y/n).” Steve said strongly, looking at Peter head on. 
“(Y/N), sir, I just wanna say that I’ll take good care of her. Also, Mr. Stark said you'd say that.” Peter fires his webs quickly, sticking to Steve’s shield and ankle. Pulling, Steve flies towards Peter before being kicked hard enough to be sent into a small compartment near by. 
“He also said to go for your legs.” Peter laughs but notices Steve going for his shield. Weebing his hands and attempting to pull but fails ad Steve grits his teeth, spins and somersaults, kicking and propelling Peter through the air.
“You should really stay away from my daughter, for your own benefit-”
“You’re really going to give me the dad speech right now?” Peter interrupts attempting to swing away but Steve catches the  web and tugs Peter towards him, knocking him down with the shield. Peter recovers quickly and pulls himself up on top of a gangway.
“Maybe not all of it but a brief summary. Its for your own benefit, believe me. She follows after me in putting duty before emotions.” Steve sighs knowing that might be a lie in some cases.
“No offence sir but I think (y/n) can definitely make up her own mind about that. She’s strong enough.” Peter swings down and Steve leaps to kick him backwards onto the gangway's leg. In that moment (y/n) looks over to see Spiderman go falling into it and her father throw the shield, forcing Peter to hold it up.
“Guess you’re right about that one.” Steve sighed and as he went to walk away he stopped, turning back quickly. 
"You got heart, kid. You’ll make a good match for (y/n) as her soulmate, one day. Where're you from?” 
“Thanks, I-i think?…Queens” Peter gasped for breath, still trying to hold it up. Steve smirked, seeing behind Peter that (y/n) was looking over curiously and knowing her, she would come to help her soulmate out of the predicament. 
“Brooklyn.” Was all he said, giving a knowing look to (y/n) before taking off to help Sam. 
Over with (Y/N), she could see he was still struggling with the gangway and she knew she would have to help, despite her being on the opposite team. 
Throwing the last punch at Rhodey, denting his armour and moving him backwards (y/n) ran towards Peter. Wanda was luckily enough to be nearby to take over for her. Running as fast as she could (y/n) dodged almost everything, a bullet nicking her shoulder from one of Iron Man’s weapons but she ignored it. 
Peter was her focus as she saw his legs giving way slowly. As she neared him, Peter seemed to sense it and turned his head slightly to see her running for him.
“(Y/N)? What are you…?” But his question dropped from his mind when he saw her kneel under the gangway next to him. The itch in his wrist began again, almost surprising him enough to drop it.
“Whoa.” (y/n) said ducking further at the shift. 
“(Y/N), you…you n-need to move, I can’t hold it, hold it much lon-longer. You’re gonna get hurt.” He was struggling to talk with the weight the gangway and his wrist slowly burning at the same time but his concern for her safety had given him a little more strength. 
“Thats why i’m here. Now shut up and let me help.” 
“Wha-” His eyes widened as he watched (y/n) place her shoulders against the bottom of the gangway and hands placed flat either side of her. She grit her teeth and began pushing upwards and to some surprise of Peter, she began lifting some weight off of his shoulders.
Watching her strength was mesmerising.
“Peter, are you helping or not?!” (y/n) gasped out noticing his lack of effort. Both managed to lift it above their heads and throw it forwards and away from them. Turning to her he held up a hand for a high five and as she touched his hand he interlaced their fingers.
“Staring’s becoming your habit, Spider-Boy.” (y/n) laughed but still not pulling her hand away. 
“I think I’m always going to stare at you.” It took a moment for Peter to realise what he said. 
“Not-not in a creepy way but like-like a … you’re pretty.” The young hero began staring again. Slowly (y/n) gravitated towards him as his breath caught. 
“Spider-man, love…” She said sweetly, coming chest to chest with him as she finally released his hand. Slowly (y/n) moved it up his shoulder before coming around to rest on his chest. Peter’s face was bright red under the mask but he was captivated by her eyes and the way her voice curled around his superhero name. He’d never be able to hear the name the same ever again. 
“Y-yeah?” He finally responded, his gloved hands automatically landing lightly on her waist as she moved just a tiny bit closer, now pressed against him. Slowly (y/n) leaned upwards and grazed her lips over his clothed cheek before whispering.
“Do remember to stop getting into trouble, watch your back and stay out of my way; or I’ll make you stay, permanently, out of my way.” (y/n) said ever so sweetly that he was swept away by the sound of the honey’d voice. 
“Yeah, i’ll-i’ll stay away… permanent-wait what?” Peter realised his mistake within his distracted state, as her hand on his chest suddenly forced him to the ground, making it crack under him from the force of the push. 
From above (y/n) smiled down at him.
“I’m a bit busy, if you don’t mind.” Was all (y/n) said before running off to engage in another fight. Peter groaned from the ground and then let out a sigh.
Steve was right about one thing- (y/n) was not going to suddenly join his side. It was her duty as a hero before him.
Throughout what felt like a long fight, (y/n) delivered a lot of blows and even had to result to finally pulling out her Bo staff from her back. Her face was bruised and everything hurt but she refused to give up. The fate of peoples lives relied on her winning this. 
When she saw T’Challa tackling Bucky once again, she couldn’t stand by and watch her fathers best friend, someone she admired, be hurt for something he didn’t do. Kicking Natasha’s knee making her fall down onto one knee, (y/n) delivered a blow to her face, yelling a quick sorry before running towards Bucky and T’Challa. 
Nat lay on the ground for a moment, still in a little shock from the hard half-super strength punch. 
“Yeah, thats alright, run away. My old ass will just lay here.” Nat muttered sarcastically towards a now running (y/n).
As she saw T’Challa about to put claws through Bucky’s neck, she tackled him and due to the unplanned and graceless charge, (y/n) made the mistake of leaving her front open for attack. T’Challa’s reflexes automatically went for it, and it seemed as everything around her froze for a moment while others continued to battle, oblivious to the moment. 
(Y/N)’s head turned to the side slightly, as if confused. Her breath became short. 
“(Y-Y/N)?” Her soulmate landed next to her and stared at her in horror but she couldn’t understand why as if her brain was trying to process something. She followed his eyes and looked to find T’Challa’s claws slowly retracting from her chest and stomach. 
“No, no, no.” T’Challa muttered, realising his mistake.
“Oh.” (y/n) said as she coughed. A dribble of blood cam from her mouth as her slowly burring vision looked past Peter to her dad, still fighting as always. A small smile came to her face, she loved her dad. Before she looked to her soulmate, she hadn’t even gotten to see his face or know his name. 
Finally, (y/n) dropped to the ground, the shout of Peter alerted everyone to the situation as everyone suddenly stopped. Shocked by the horrific cry released from Peter’s mouth.
“NO!” His cry echoed over everything as he watched Bucky catch her in his arms. Eyes wide, Peter approached so slowly as if his mere presence would damage her further. Bucky called for Steve desperately, as if he could fix her; but it was all white noise to Peter. Nobody could move as they watched the girl struggle to breathe. 
Peter finally was close enough and grabbed (y/n) quickly and gently from Bucky’s arms, all the while pushing him away from her. 
“Stay back!” He yelled, as Nat tried to help, fearing someone else would hurt her. Bucky simply sat where he handed, blood staining his hands.
“(Y/N), (Y/N), c’mon. Stay with us, stay with me. Don’t leave me.”  Peter pleaded as T’Challa stood back slowly, mortified by his own actions. Steve was yelling as he sprinted the distance across to his daughter. Tony stood frozen in the air, trying to compute whats going on. 
Peter squatted beside (y/n) as she looked up at Bucky Barnes with pleading eyes. 
“Run, Bucky.” He shook his head.
“N-no, we have to get you-” He tried to crawl towards her but she let out one final yell. 
“Get dad and get out of here! Now! You have to s-stop him! GO!” And Bucky listened, running towards Steve. They fought verbally before Bucky managed, with the last of his strength, to drag Steve towards the Quin Jet.
With one look at his daughter, she nodded and he understood. He hated himself for it, but he understood. 
Looking from her fleeing father and up to her soulmate, she smiled softly.
“M-mask.” Peter frowned for a moment.
“What? Oh, r-right.” Pulling his mask off, slightly tearing the edge of it- he threw it away from him. It seemed as if it were only them two as some continued the fight, despite her condition.
(Y/N) managed to cough and laugh, causing more blood to flow as she looked up a the wildly tossed curled that had been stuffed in the suit. She observed his brown eyes and slightly crooked nose. He was definitely handsome.  
“(Y/N)! Stop laughing, you’re hurting yourself!” Peter cried, putting pressure  where he could on her stomach but there were so many punctures, he couldn’t possibly cover them all. 
“I-i’m just glad to see you; really see yo-you. Tell me, tell me.” She groaned and Peter felt through their connection that she was fading faster than she was letting on. 
“Someone get the medic! A-anyone!” Natasha had never sounded more panicked in the moment as she moved Peters hands away in her own attempt to save the girl. All her training with injures kicking in. She had to save (y/n), she just had to. 
Peter simply looked at her with his own eyes, not through the mask of Spider-Man and began fulfilling her request. Brown met (y/c/e) and he watched them look at him with happiness; a strange emotion for the moment.Peter began rambling, having understood what she had tried to request. 
“My name is Peter Benjamin Parker. I live in Queens and I was raised by my aunt since my parents death a long time ago. My favourite subject is science and I have a best friend called Ned. We talk about Star Wars and superheroes a lot and until today I had only one tally.” He began letting the water building in his eyes to fall as the panicked voices drifted away around him and his soulmate. 
His voice cracked. He glanced down her wrist quickly as her palm shakily reached for his face, grazing his cheek. She had five tally’s in total after today and he knew his would match. 
“P-peter, huh?” He only nodded and didn’t notice the team having switched their focus towards another catastrophe in the making. They all watched as visions beam aimed for Falcon but hit Rhodey instead. 
“Please make this stop.” Natasha pleaded lowly as she watched in horror. Peter ignored them and brought (y/n) closer, touching his forehead to hers as he whispered to her and she continuously grazed her thumb over his cheek.
“I met my soulmate today and she more than I could have ever possibly deserved. We didn’t get enough time but I’m here now and I’m asking her not to leave me just yet-” (y/n) groaned in pain. 
“- I’m asking her to stay with me and figure this thing out because I never knew I needed someone as much as I selfishly needed her.” (y/n) smiled a broken smile as she said her final words.
“Close your eyes Peter, close them and don’t open them.” He shut them as (y/n) had asked before she drew a breath and let go. Hand falling to her side as Peter kept his eyes closed, not wanting to see another lifeless body in his arms. 
Hands removed her from his arms but still he didn’t open his eyes. Peter went limp, he didn’t care and he didn’t want to know.
Hands pulled him up and into their arms, carrying him. He still didn’t open his eyes. 
Eventually it all went away. The noise, the light and the scents of war.
“I’m so sorry Peter.” They whispered. 
He was sorry too.
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misssophiachase · 6 years
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Set It Up – A kinda but not really Klaroline Fusion (like all my different fusions)
Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaeslon are working as assistants to the most demanding, rival NBA bosses in New York. From Macy’s to Madison Square Garden to the MGM Grand in Las Vegas can they stop bickering long enough to come together to make their lives easier?
All I do is Win
151 W 34th Street, New York, NY 
"Before you say anything,” he offered, holding his hand up to silence her. “He actually tried to fire a mailman today.” 
He being Mason Lockwood, the Brooklyn Nets owner. He was also notorious for being an arrogant, demanding bastard and then some. 
“Mailmen work for the U.S. government!"
“Oh boo hoo, I don’t care, Mikaelson,” she replied gruffly, equally not caring but also knowing it was true and his boss was an ass. 
“Says the girl whose boss could give Cruella De Ville a run for her money.” He wasn’t wrong. New York Knicks boss Katherine Pierce was fierce, feisty and a real bitch at the best and worst of times.
“Exactly why I’m here to claim my blender that you have your grubby paws all over. I called earlier and put it on hold,” Caroline demanded, exhausted from the trek to Macy’s Department Store noticing he was already clutching it possessively.   
She took a few seconds to admire that his thieving ass was sort of attractive in that fitted, grey suit even if he didn’t know his proper place.
Five days ago she didn’t even know him but Klaus Mikaelson had made both an immediate and lasting impression on her, and it wasn’t a good one. She had always welcomed competition but his good looks were kind of messing with her resolve. 
She had no intention of letting him win.
“But your name isn’t on it,” he shot back, refusing to relinquish her property. 
“Now, that’s extremely mature,” she scowled. “If I don’t get this exact gift for the Warner wedding my boss is going to kill me.” 
Yes, to some it was just your run-of-the-mill gadget that mixed ingredients together. But this wasn’t just any blender. This was the newest, state of the art Vitamix Blender that retailed at a jaw dropping $1198.
It also happened to be the last one left in Manhattan, Caroline knew given just how many stores she’d called in vain. She just hoped the Warners were grateful, if she managed to steal it from his greedy clutches of course.
“My boss will too given it’s a gift for his only sister’s birthday,” he shot back. “If you think I’m going to give up this blender without a fight you’re sorely mistaken.” 
Okay, maybe she had forgotten in her haste to put it on hold, oops, but Klaus didn’t have to know that.
“Only because you got caught out breaking the rules because I already put this on hold,” she bluffed, refusing to let him win.
“Okay fine, what do you want?” 
“I thought I made myself pretty clear, Mikaelson,” she growled, gesturing towards the blender.  
“What else do you want besides this blender?” 
They both held each other’s gaze for a full thirty seconds before each finally responded their resolve unflinching. 
“Disney on Ice tickets. I hear that the Under the Sea Christmas Spectacular is a huge hit in your borough.”  Brooklyn was most definitely a bad word she could never utter.  
“Seriously? That’s really what you want?”
“Deathly,” she hit back, rolling her eyes as she did it. “Surely you would have some contacts, you know if you’re actually a good assistant.” 
“Because I’m sure Katherine Pierce would love to watch a singing crab and one memory-less fish,” he scoffed. 
“She may be the Ice Queen but she also has thirteen impossible and incessant nieces and nephews. And last time I checked all fish were memory-less.”
“Well, then you’ve never met my Marvin.” Caroline was trying to ignore just how adorable he looked defending his goldfish one dimple at a time.  “Even so those tickets will cost me more than this blender.”
“Okay, so how about I sweeten the deal with some boxing tickets?”
“Not sure the local boxing round robin is his speed, love, so that’s a definite no.”
“Well, I suppose it’s your loss,” she drawled. “Hand over my blender then, Mikaelson.”
“You’re going to have to make me,” he replied jokingly. 
“Real mature,” Caroline reiterated, surprising him and plucking it from his grasp. She couldn’t miss the way his hand felt brushing against hers as she did. “I hope I never have to see your smug ass again.” She stalked away, hips swaying in her wake.
“Until I have to explain the missing blender,” he called out in frustration by way of response. 
“Because I’m sure a missing blender is going to be your biggest problem given you turned down Pacquiao vs Broner ringside seats in Vegas.”  
She made a mental note in her head. Caroline Forbes 1 - Klaus Mikaelson 0. Suddenly her hellish life as an assistant wasn't so bad if he was suffering too.
4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY 
Klaus Mikaelson was the type to hold grudges. It started when he was six years-old and his younger brother Kol stole his favourite toy and it had only grown stronger and more spiteful in the years afterward. 
Caroline Forbes was going to pay. Mainly because his boss hadn’t let him forget how pathetic he was to lose the blender he wanted to ‘a girl’ as he emphasised in air quotes. Klaus was far from chauvinistic and his boss was obviously still living in the dark ages. 
Caroline wasn’t just ‘a girl’ she was a pain in his ass and Klaus planned to bring her down and it didn’t hurt that it was her home game either. 
Rivals the Knicks and Nets were squaring off at Madison Square Garden and he’d been plotting his revenge ever since their last meeting. Sure, she was kind of gorgeous with those blonde waves and crystal, blue eyes but she was also his devious competition. And she was unrelenting. He had to beat her at her own game and he’d found the perfect way to do it.
“Glutton for punishment hey?” 
“Excuse me?” He shot back from their neighbouring, courtside seats. The pre-game arrangements were well underway. “Last time I checked the Nets and their staff have every right to be here, even if it is on enemy territory.”
“Unfortunately, yes,” she growled. “But it’s nice to know you are going down tonight.”
“Have you seen the ladder, Forbes?”
“You are one game ahead, after tonight that won’t be the case,” she scoffed. Klaus took a moment to peruse her outfit before arguing back. Even in her hideous blue and orange jersey she couldn’t help but look stunning. He decided to put it down to the fact her floral perfume was infiltrating his nostrils and messing with his composure. 
“Wanna make a bet?”
“I’m pretty good at those but if you’re game.”
“Oh I’m game,” he smirked. “The Nets win you get me those ringside seats in Vegas. And by seats, I’m going to need eight.”
“Wow, someone is wishful thinking, but yeah sure, not that you’re going to win,” she scoffed. “I cannot wait to witness the annihilation, Mikaelson.” 
Klaus didn’t even respond, just sent her a teasing glance and made his way to the changerooms to finalise everything. He had a good feeling that his team were going to take the win and Klaus would be on the way to Vegas for the big fight at the MGM Grand. His boss would forget that bloody blender ever existed. 
“In your face, Forbes,” Klaus celebrated hours later as the Nets crowd at Madison Square Garden continued to chant well after the final buzzer. She was shocked to say the least, still cute in defeat but he’d never admit it aloud.  
“This is all your fault,” she snarled. “You cheated.”
“Last time I checked I wasn’t on the court.”
“Yeah probably a good thing, you’d never actually keep up, lazy bones,” she snorted. “How about that whole surprise pre-game show where number one Nets fans Beyonce and Jay-Z just decided to belt out the Star Spangled Banner from their seats?”
“I had nothing to do with that,” he lied.
“You are the worst liar,” she huffed. “You know just how well it would be received and in turn boost team morale.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he bluffed. “The best team on the day won.”
“You are unbelievable,” she scowled. “Must really be desperate given just how much your job depends on it.”
“Is that what you say to make your situation better?” He shot back. “Didn’t think you’d stoop that low, oh hang on that whole blender situation was exactly that.”
“I guess I’m desperate,” she murmured, Klaus couldn’t miss the way her expression seemed so defeated all of a sudden. “My college loans are looming and I may have been a little dishonest under pressure because my boss wants to fire me all the time.”
“Story of my life too believe it or not,” he offered. “If only they could get on with their lives and not focus on every little thing that we do.”
“Hang on,” she murmured. “That might not be the worst idea you ever had, Mikaelson. How about we set them up together?”
“Mason and Katherine? That’s just a recipe for disaster. That much combined combustible energy cannot be safe.”
“Exactly why we have to do it,” she murmured, raising her eyebrows.
“So, I suppose I’ll see you in Vegas then?”
“If you’re lucky,” she chuckled, but given her tone Klaus knew she’d be there no matter what.  
MGM Grand, 3799 S Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas, NV
“Okay, I sent the fruit basket to her room.”
“Aren’t you a romantic,” she drawled teasingly, barely looking up from her magazine on the bed as he entered. Klaus Mikaelson was the last person she expected to organise that. As much as she was attracted to him, Caroline was seeing no similar interests besides setting up their bosses. 
“Please don’t ever call me that. But, last time I checked you’d done absolutely nothing,” Klaus shot back. “And I won the last bet and everything. Time to show you care, Forbes.”
“Like sending an identical one hour massage voucher to both his and her rooms for the same time in the hotel spa?”
“I suppose that’s okay,” he mumbled.
“Why do I get the impression that you don’t like ideas coming from anyone but yourself?”
“It must be all that ego,” she groaned. 
“You really do hate me,” he asked incredulously, it was unusual for any female to think badly of him let alone abuse him incessantly. 
“For the most part.”
“Wow, aren’t you sweet,” he drawled. “So what are we supposed to do to pass the time?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” Caroline shot back. “How about something more intellectual?”
“Wow. Finally something we have in common,” he smirked triumphantly, as she produced a chess board. 
“I happened to be chess champion five years running in High School.”
“Well, don’t want all those potential but ignorant suitors knowing that fact,” he chuckled, sending a stray dimple her way. Caroline tried to pretend that it didn’t affect her but everything inside was telling her that it did. 
And she was scared of the foreign feelings it had caused.
But in true Caroline fashion she decided to push it aside so she could beat him at chess then deal with the consequences that were threatening to derail her feelings later. She didn’t get that chance though. In fact she was in a more vulnerable position than expected. 
“Check Mate,” he murmured, sweeping his queen across the board to take her king. 
She was stunned at first mainly because she never lost. Ever. But he seemed to know her and rather than unsettling her it was weirdly okay.
“We have a boxing match to get to,” she responded mechanically. His hand grabbed hers immediately, the warmth spreading through her body. “Need to keep an eye on our bosses after all.”
“Or we could do something else?” He offered, squeezing her hand affectionately. “My siblings are in town tonight but I’m going to warn you they are...”
“Nick’s Fans?” She asked. “I’ve certainly experienced them and worse.”
“You have no idea, in fact I think they’d be perfect company for Katherine and Mason.”
“Why do I get the feeling you don’t care if you lose your job right now?”
“Well, if you knew my brother Kol and his big mouth,” he teased. “But if you’d rather...”
“No, I’m starting to really like your brother Kol.”
“Well. then you’re really going to like my sister Rebekah,” he chuckled. “How about we explore Vegas some more? See what fun we can get up to?”
“I suppose it can’t hurt, right?” Caroline replied.
Famous last words.
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tumblunni · 5 years
I had a really weird dream involving Dr Maddiman. Its a shame i can barely remember any of it and also it seems i woke up before it ended? Like i just had this overwhelming sense that allll the plot threads were gonna be wrapped up any second now and then BOOM awake. So just a whole bunch of random stuff happened with no real explanation at all.
It was some sort of post apocolyptic setting i think? Humanity was in these small isolated cities fighting against some sort of invading army but we never actually saw the aliens themselves. And some part of my brain was like "it makes sense its the same rules as a hairdresser and the design takes cues from a pack of AAA batteries". I have NO idea what that means! So basically everythibg was super vague and undescribed and dream-me just had a sense of already being a long time fan of this series and knowing enough to fill in the gaps. Apparantoy this was some sort of adaptation of a thing id already seen, but id been told the ending was different and more accurate to the manga? Also i wasnt actually a person watching this show i was still the protagonist of the show yet i acted like i'd been reincarnated and relived this week a million times or something
ANYWAY the way dr maddiman comes in is that he was some sort of 'brilliant but dangerous' expert the government had hired to help our fight against the aliens. It wasnt really explained why he was.. yknow.. maddiman. Like is this meant to be that ghosts also exist in this sci fi universe? Was he a half alien hybrid instead of a yokai? Was it just human maddiman with the personality of yokai maddiman due to ptsd...? In any case he didnt seem entirely tethered to the laws of reality and nobody knew exactly how he pulled off all his scientific miracles. He was treated as the only guy who could understand the mindset of the aliens, but that also made him dangerous because he trapped in the delusion of everything being okay and fun and happy and he often did evil things by accident while having good intentions. But they didnt have anyone else who'd cracked the code of the alien weaponry so they had to put up with him. He was just sorta assigned a crack team of secret agents whose job was Be The Old Man's Friend So We Dont All Die. Dont let him realise how the world is all destroyed and such, just play along with his goofyness and try and remind him to do his important work while dancing around why its important. it was super creepy how he was locked up and gaslighted like this!! And he was all 'oh im sure when im done with my ultimate experiment i can go home to my wife and kids' and yeah it was implied here that the same backstory applied :( 'distract the old man and validate his false opinion that his family is still alive and waiting for him' :( poor sci fi madds :(
Oh also for some reason he seemed to be wearing elements of Adventure era Dr Eggman's outfit? But just the general style of the coat and the wearing goggles that he never actually uses. And he had a very warm and cuddly autumnal colourscheme
Anyway i was part of the Super Secret Grampa Cherishing Division whose job was to act as his assistant but also secretly be packing a bazillion weapons to neutralize him if he poses a danger to humanity. But i started to genuinely care for the guy and question the 'any atrocity is permitted for the sake of saving the world' philosophy of my bosses. Also it was just very weird how it was this post apocolypse alien fighting action thing yet i didnt see ANY OF IT cos this story was confined to this one laboratory. It was surreal hearing about all this stuff happening offscreen!
I think Maddiman's main project was some sort of dimensional transport thing using salvaged alien tech? It was just a door in his lab that usually led to a closet but if he got it working itd teleport us straight to the alien base and save the world. And a lot of it wasnt explained but i got this great sense that itd all come together with a great twist ending evebtually but then i woke up before i got that far. Same for the reveal of this maddiman's new sci fi backstory and soooo many other dropped plot threads. Alas!
So anyway: closet. Closet with one of those bead curtain things cos i was thinking about them when i fell asleep. It was supposed to be a teleport but when it malfunctioned it had really scary negative effects warping people's biology and stuff. I remember one of the test subjects was sent in for a five day trip to a specific alternate dimension but then when they came back itd been several years and theyd had to survive in a deadly wasteland and been mutated into a hellbeast. And maddiman had a huge breakdown because he felt like his recklessness and optimism towards this experiment had caused this mistake to happen, and he'd never realized just how awful the consequences could be. He was babbling motor mouth discussing theories for where it went wrong and there was something like 'we'd only tested it for one day trips and assumed that just programming two of them would equal two days but actually with each additional number on the screen it multiplies the days by 3" And there was something about like...the bead curtain was the machine rather than the door itself? Like trying it on a bunch of different doors around the lab to try and find a way to cure this person.
And there was some sort of artificial intelligence computer with the personality of an adorable lil girl, who helped maddiman do calculations and stuff. She missed the mistake in this calculation cos her concept of linear time and the limits of human organs was kinda undeveloped. She only existed within the realm of numbers after all, and didbt even have functionality to record footage of her human friends's faces. No idea wtf a human looks like! So maddiman was lost in his desperate grief of potentially accidebtally killing or at least mentally scarring a person and the government would probably kill them now if they saw they were a super mutant. And he was sobbing and begging this AI to help, his last resort was her maybe being able to see a brainwave that he'd missed. But she was freaking out cos she didnt even fully understand why maddiman was crying let alone what to do to fix it. Eventually she did manage to find a solution theough some simple different logic thing that she had from her perspective as a computer. And that person was saved but still traumatized and maddiman had a moment of realizing just how high stakes everything was and freaking out. He was like 'whats wrong with my head, why didnt i notice that, why was i so reckless, why cant i seem to grasp basic human logic that i need right now" Having a big existential crisis of 'wait how did i even get in this lab, where's my family and why do i seem to have superpowers'. Protagonist mission: hide all the goddamn mirrors to avoid this weird ghostgramp (...aliengramp??) from realizing he's dead (..or an alien??) and losing control of himself. And everyone was running around talking about 'containment procedures' and poor maddiman didnt know that if his panic attack continued he might just straight up be killed for outliving his usefulness. So the protagonist was desperate to help him calm down and it sucked SO MUCH cos they had to lie about his past and weave the web of deception around him again for his own safety. In the end they just hugged him close until he calmed down, and all the other employees were like GASP THEY ACTUALLY TOUCHED THE EVIL DANGEROUS SUPER EVIL MAN and protag was like 'i am 1% away from slapping the next bitch who insults this grandpa'. And it was super depressing cos once he'd calmed down he seemed to start forgetting that anything bad had ever happened?? And he was really panicking and scared cos he didnt understand why he was forgetting, and he knew he had to cling onto something important but he didnt know what. And then five minutes later he was back to haha cheerful nothing is wrong and i love doing my fun science in this room im never allowed to leave. And protagonist was crying the tears that this poor gramp wasnt allowed to cry :(
Also actually i think maybe he was a ghost AND an alien? Like he was a scientist who died in some sort of tragedy back when the aliens first invaded, but along the way he'd been infected so his body got back up as a twisted combination of human and inhuman. And this was something unique to him, like he just happened to have a genetic mutation in his blood that was totally undetectable in life but happened to mix unpredictably with this alien virus to turn him into a hybrid instead of just killing him. So the government was very interested in finding a way to replicate this and create new supersoldiers, as well as just taking advantage of this dude's confused mental state that granted him a unique understanding of alien tech that made him more effective than other scientists. And, of course, also made him easy to manipulate :(
And i also had a feeling that maybe his backstory was mixed up with Adventure dr eggman? Like here it seemed he had a daughter instead of a son, and she had a similar death to Maria Robotnik where she was assasinated by the government he worked for, and it tipped him over the edge. I think Maddiman-alien-scifi-dude originally died trying to save her from being used in some sort of experiment? Like she was already dying of a disease and thats why maddiman took this job to have access to powerful government technology to try and look for a cure. But when the whole alien apocolypse happened, the evil government decided to use her for experiments cos she was 'basically dead anyway'. Theyd just lie and tell maddiman she died of her illness. So this was how they found out that this particular family's bloodline had a mutation that let them form a viable hybrid with alien dna. They were turning this poor kid into a monster in the basement while lying to her dad about her being dead! And maddiman was about to commit suicide from having no reason to live anymore, with the hell of this apocolypse world and the false impression that his kid was already dead. But somehow monster-daughter sensed this or something and broke out of containment to try and save him, and when he saw her he was able to recognise her even in her twisted state. So when the soldiers gunned her down in front of him and fed him some lies about this not being his daughter, he just completely snapped. He tried in vain to fight back and take down as many of them as possible in revenge, but well he was just a simple round dad with no ability to fight a government. So he was unceremoniously executed along with his kid and they shoved the bodies back in the lab to continue testing. "Damn that overemotional science dad, he made us execute our most valable test subject! But at least this way we can analyze his corpse to see if the mutation is passed down on the patrilineal side." But at some point during the fight, monster-daughter's blood had splashed on her dad and gotten into his bloodstream. So the seemingly dead body suddenly got up out of the morgue and started sucking people's blood or something. And this led to the current situation where they have him locked up cos he's a valuable test subject but also hey he has 100% reason to kill all of us and we're screwed if he remembers his past. Also i think the computer AI thing was his subconcious attempt to recreate the personality of his daughter even if he couldnt remember she'd ever existed :(
Anyway at some point things escalated and there was this final showdown versus both the invading aliens and the evil governmebt guys. I think there was some corrupt greedy politician dude who stole maddiman's teleporter tech and sold us out to the aliens cos he wanted money and power or something. And probably predictably the aliens just threw him off a bridge after he gave them the thing, because seriously even this evil army thinks these government dudes are too evil!
So this big actiony event was happening and Maddiman was freaking out like 'no no no i cant leave the lab everyone wpuld be mad at me, i dont even know what its like outside this room' even when he was in the middle of being attacked by aliens. He was forced to face his repressed memories to survive, and he naturally had a massive fuckin freakout! And i think maybe when protagonist character was trying to protect him he accidentally lashed out with his powers and hurt them, and he was so horrified thinking another person he cared about was gonna die because of him. Protagonist was like 'dont worry gramps its just a scratch' but he'd already freaked out and run away into the battlefield to his heavily implied death.
BUT THEN at some sort of moment of dire need, he came back all powered up and re-memoried and was like 'i have every reason to despise humanity but im not gonna let more children die because of these damn corporate monsters (and also literal monsters which are infinately less scary)" And he did some sort of great sacrifice to save the protagonist at the cost of his own life, and it was super dramatic falling from a building into a lake of fire or something. While sobbing and smiling peacefully thinkibg "did i atone for my sins? Will i be able to see my family again?" As his smiling face sunk beneath the flames and the protagonist cried out into the abyss...
Aaaaand then i dont really know what happened in the big battle and i also never found out wtf the solution was to fixing the transporter thing or how the aliens invaded or any of the million plot points that were non gramp related.
I just remember that when we all saved the day and defeated the baddies we found that maddiman had actually survived and it was a big hugs reunion. He was like "OH YEAH i totally forgot i literally already died once and regenerated from it, and this was the entire start to my story. My bad!" *shrugs inexplicably not dead arms*
So yeah in summary im glad my brain summoned up a universe where my favourite sad granddad is literally immortal now, but also why did it torment him with an even sadder plot than his original one
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creamfessions · 5 years
unfiltered rant to a girl i fell in love with a year ago today. 9:26 pm,1-19-20
I miss you. God, I miss you so much. A year ago, I knew. A whole year has passed since the day I knew I wanted to be with you. And here we are, hundreds of miles apart and you thinking I hate you, and vice versa.
I have so fucking much to say and I know you don’t give a damn about any of it. So I’m saying it here.
I don’t know why I’m like this. Im selfish, Im arrogant, Im impulsive, Im immature, Im rude, i never think before i speak, im stupid, im alone, and im sorry. I am so, so, so sorry, A. I’m so fucking sorry. It sounds sarcastic and ingenuine but oh my god, I have no way to express the guilt I feel about everything. You should never have had to deal with me and I could have done so much more to treat you better and I wish upon all the fucking stars in the stupid fucking sky that I could go back in time and fix everything. But i can’t, and it’s killing me. It hurts so fucking much, every day that oasses and yet here you are still on my mind like in may of last year, before your trip to europe. I still have your gifts. The music box, the bracelets, etc. I still have the paintings you gave me for my birthday. The paintings I kept on my wall for months because they made me happy just to look at them. To know I was loved enough for you to take so much time and work on them even through your busy schedule. You have no idea how much those paintings mean to me, even now.
I never saw how much you loved me until it was far too late. the card you gave me on my birthday, the times you would come to my shows, the times you would visit me even though i was a 45 minute one way trip from your house. i didnt deserve you then, and i sure as hell dont now. you were so fucking good to me and i never appreciated it enough. funny though, i always found it odd how often you would do things for me and i didnt even notice. you put so much more effort into us than i ever saw, and im sure theres more to your side of the story than i will ever possibly know. you were never very open and i wish that wouldnt have been the case. but then you wouldnt have been you, and i love you.
yeah, i love you. immensely, more than anything else in this world. i wanted to marry you. crazy i know, given my stance on marriage. i just... you were really special to me. you made me feel things i never thought i could feel or would ever feel again. you taught me to be more myself and to enjoy life. you made me actually get excited for the days to come, because i had you. i was ready to take on whatever obstacles came my way because i figured no matter what, i would still have you by my side. and i fucking ruined everything.
i remembered why i got mad at you in the first place, A. it was when you told me you were gonna be someone else’s sugar baby when we were going to be talking about our relationship just weeks later. so i cut you off, thinking you had been entirely over me and i was extremely hurt. it felt like a blade in my heart, not to sound cheesy but it literally felt like i had been stabbed. so i was trying to forget you.
i want to go away from the previous points and explain some things. after i left my dad’s, i think we both know i wasnt myself. something changed. i was living this fantasy of “im an adult and i have everything under control”. and to be quite honest, that was absolutely the opposite. i was getting high or drunk every day to try and cope with the existential dread and the reality of things that i refused to face. thats not what an adult is. because i wasnt an adult. i was 17 and in love and had this horrible dream that i was hopelessly following. there was no logic for my actions. there was no excuse. i was acting like a child. and you didnt deserve to go through all of that. i really fucked everything up and i feel... awful. there are no words to express the guilt, the sorrow, the regret, the yearning-- i can hardly comprehend it to try and indirectly tell you through this dead forum site that no one even fucking uses anymore. im fucking stupid and you deserved so much better than a small town, pop punk stoner who never amounted to anything in life to begin with, let alone when he thought he did after he lived with D and V. i have a lot of growing up to do. and i have a lot of mistakes to learn from.
you dont even want to talk to me anymore. youre seeing someone else. youre already forgetting about me and pretending i didnt exist. and i really cant say that i blame you. no one can, youre doing the smart thing. as much as i love you and i miss you and want to be with you again more than anything else i have ever felt any of those things towards in my 18 years, you should probably stay away for your own good. im not even washed up or has been. i never even was. im pointless to even exist, let alone try to get you back. youre actually smart, so theres no way youd be dumb enough to even consider giving someone like me a second chance. i cry every goddamn day hoping youll text me or that ill wake up and this was all one giant nightmare but i know that what happened is real and i can never take it back or make up for it. im a fraud. im a fucking failure. the only way i can ever amount to something is if i take myself out and use my body to fertilize plants. you were a genius to move on. you really were. and im sorry i ever put you through being involved in my life. im so sorry, A. i hope one day you can forgive me, but i dont even deserve the consideration of forgiveness. 
i hope your new cheesepuff treats you as well as i should have. you deserve it, princess.
0 notes
um of course you should do bodhi/cassian :D
(after that initial mishap, here goes attempt 2)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i lov
proposes: bodhi! even with his anxiety, if he wants something desperately enough, he wont let the nerves get in his way of at least trying. meanwhile cassian has grown up learning that everyone and everything is temporary and no one ever stays, so he would never expect for any one to pledge to stay with him for the rest of their lives, and he especially doesnt think he deserves for someone to, either, not after everything hes done, even after he and bodhi have been together for years, he always fears, but expects, it to end. (bodhi talks some sense into him. “That may be what you think, but what do you want, Cassian?” And he does. He wants this so desperately. He says yes)
shops for groceries: together because its a novelty neither of them have had the opportunity to indulge in for so many years, if ever. theyre that one disgustingly cute couple who fight over which cereal to buy, then kiss over the cart
kills the spiders: cassian, but he doesnt kill them, he puts them outside. (“but what if it comes back inside?!” “it’s just a spider bodhi” “spiders existing is homophobia, cassian!”)
comes home drunk at 3am: bodhi doesnt drink, but cassian usually wont stay out that late or get that smashed either, especially without bodhi. on the rare occasion kes keeps him out so long, he always gets home and is super snuggly and just octopus’ himself around bodhi
remembers to feed the fish: technically it’s bodhis responsibility since cassian is away often and it should just be part of bodhis routine except it isnt and he forgets a lot, then overfeeds it the next day. when cassian gets home, hes no better. eventually they install an automatic food dispenser
initiates duets: cassian! theyre in the mess and a song comes over the sound system, one that cassian has been playing in the ship for weeks. cassian smirks at him and starts singing the words, encouraging bodhi to join in. he buries his head in his arms for the first minute but eventually its gets to That Point in the song and he gives in and fully belts it out and cassian is grinning and singing and bodhi keeps singing and k2so stares at them like theyre mad and at the end the half empty mess cheers. bodhi tries to melt into the floor. cassian kisses his cheek and distracts him entirely.
falls asleep first: it varies day to day. sometimes cassian is so exhausted from a mission that he knocks right out the moment he lies down. sometimes its a different kind of exhaustion, the kind that keeps him awake all night, unable to stop thinking about everything, the kind that whenever he closes his eyes he has to force them open again because he cant see the faces of all the people he’s killed, all the names hes forgotten. he cant spend 6 hours watching them on repeat on the back of his eyelids. so he stays awake. bodhi on the other hand, sometime just works till he falls asleep in the hangar, working on his ship. hes also the type to fall into a food coma nap. but sometimes late at night, cassian already snoring beside him, the tentacles creep back. these nights, he lights a candle and crawls close to cassian and watches the soft dancing shadows on the wall, like how he would watch the dust and sand over the desert outside NiJedha, and lets the memories of childhood soothe him.
plans spontaneous trips: bodhi, i feel. cassian has his regimented routine because it gives some order to the chaos of war, but bodhi, finally away from the oppressive restrictions of the Empire, makes the most of his new freedom
wakes the other up at 3am demanding pancakes: bodhi cant cook. he spent most of his adulthood on a cargo ship with no kitchen, or on a base with a mess. he wakes up in his ship in the hangar after dozing off in the middle of fixing something and goes to wake up cassian because hes starving and the cooks are asleep, “please cassian i missed dinner and you make the best pancakes in the galaxy” “1. that was your fault. 2. sucking up will get you no where. 3….. you know what, yes it does, lets go. but only cos i love you” cassian doesnt even notice its the first time hes said it until later, but thats because bodhi is happy groaning while shovelling pancakes at lightspeed and professing his own love for cassian (and his pancakes), so really, theyre even
sends the other unsolicited nudes: not sure if either of them are the type, maaaaaaybe bodhi, but their holos are resistance-issued and probably connected to a common server which could potentially lead to some extremely embarassing situations with certain senior officers
brags about knowing karate even though they never made it past yellow belt: cassian! baze and chirrut start teaching bodhi how to fight and cassian comes over like “oh i know this!” and theyre like mmhmmmmm, so bodhi and cassian have a go sparring, or trying to. theres a reason cassian is an intelligence officer and carries a blaster because bodhi flattens him in 0.02s. “i thought you were a novice!” “i thought you were an expert!” (theyre not together at this point and then they realise bodhi is fully lying on top of cassian and theyre really very close and they scramble away smiling awkwardly. baze snorts and chirrut sniggers from the background. they know)
comes to a halt outside bakeries/candy shops: bodhi!! cassian didnt really have that kind of thing as a kid, and he was barely a kid for long enough anyway, but bodhi remembers the rare trips, the treats his mother would get them maybe twice or three times a year, and the excitement he always felt, the wonder. he always slows, wistfully looking in. after a few times, cassian notices. bodhi tries to insist its not necessary but cassian insists that it is and drags him inside and spends all the spare credits they have on sweets and pastries
blows sarcastic kisses after doing ridiculous shit: cassian. he just pulled some stupid and partially unnecesary stunt to save bodhis skin in a battle. bodhi rolls his eyes
killed the guy (also, which hid the body): if its part of the mission, cassian will kill the person and bodhi will help hide the body, but cassian will only kill someone if it is absolutely necessary and avoids it if at all possible. he has already seen and dealt out so much death, he doesnt if he can at all avoid it.
wears the least clothing around the house: bodhi! after the war when they settle down on yavin iv (not far from the damerons), well. yavin iv is a fairly warm planet and jedha was very much not, so bodhi is very used to the cold. in the middle of winter and its -10 degrees and cassian has wool socks, 3+ fluffy jackets and at least 5 blankets, and still feels cold, bodhi is walking around barefoot in a tshirt and pants. (“youre making me cold just looking at you!”) (cassian gets his vindication when summer rolls around and bodhi feels like the entire planet is just a sauna 24/7)
has icky sentimental moments for no apparent reason: cassian!!!!! my first thought was bodhi but, i feel like he would have at least vaguely apparent reasoning to be sappy. cassian, on the other hand, internalises pretty much everything, its so hard for most people to know what hes thinking that when he suddenly throws his arms around bodhi and whispers how much he loves him, most people are completely thrown, moments earlier thinking he’d just found a cool pattern in the bottom of his mug or something. at first bodhi is even thrown a little by it, but he soon learns cassians tells. there may be no reason apparent to anyone else, but bodhi always knows.
send me a pairing and ill tell you who does what!
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missbbjean · 7 years
Dear You
You said you liked me, you would constantly say it at the most random of times or that you missed me a girl you have never meant before and how could you possible miss me? but then you explained that you missed hearing my voice, it was relaxing to hear and being able to talk to someone tell them about your day and what bothered you and having that someone not reinsure you of anything but just be there to listen with no judgment. I felt so happy like an idiot for being able to hear that and for being that person for you to talk to but you were also that person for me. For 2 years we talked one year over the comment section of each others pictures on IG and here and there over the DMs of IG then in early 2016 we talked almost everyday over the DMs on IG  and then in late February you gave me your number we talked from then on texting and calling. Somewhere around March you already said you wanted to meet but i told you how impossible that was giving the distance between us but in December last year you brought up buying my plane ticket i told you how bad id feel about that because i know it wouldnt be cheap, you didnt bring it up again after that till sometime of this year in February and i wanted to meet you so bad that i agreed to it. So we planed for March but as time got closer for me to go to where you are there was still no message about a plane ticket i grew worried and upset and you never answered my calls or texts. It was the day i was supposed to go down there and nothing nothing from you i cried to my mom for hours so upset, 23 day pass its april now and i get a DM from you over IG like you couldnt really text or call you had to DM over IG like wtf but we talked about it and i shouldve brought up my concerns and what bothered me but i didnt because i didn want to fight i didnt want to argue and like you said "its not like we're together so who am i to say whats you can and cant do" you said you liked me and that you wouldnt mind pursuing more but not with out some sort of proof that i was interested in just you and not multiple people, my proof was facing my biggest fear just for you but i guess that wasn’t proof enough and everything before or after wasn’t either. you then said "again were not together but i dont think youre that interested in me if youre openly giving everyone the same attention " but we talked some more and we had things figures out but i shouldve brought up the fact that you were doing the same giving the same open attention to many other girls, i on the other was not giving that attention like you said i was it was just some 19yr old that left comments on my pictures and my only responses back were ever " thank you, lol, okay or hahah" but yours on girls pictures were stupid kissy heart eye emojis and comments like "damn girl look at you, so beautiful, so pretty, hot" and the list goes on but i bit my tongue because like you said we weren't together and i didnt want to seem i dont know possessive, i know now i shouldve spoke up. but you called the next day asking if we could start where we left off of and i asked with us talking or me coming down there and you said with me coming down there and that same night you bought the plane ticket and everything, there really was no going back and i was so excited that i couldnt sleep at all. I thought finally im going to meet this guy whos been nothing but nice and sweet to me, who ive had nothing but great conversations with where i could just be 100% me. but throughout all of april you still continued with commenting things on other girls pictures again i didnt want to start a fight before i came down there and i had planed to say something well i was there but i didnt want to start something because well id have no wheres to go and lord knows i have anger issues. We spend 4 days together i became sure that yeah i really like this person and maybe even love a little. but when i came home everything fell apart. 2 days go bye and i dont hear from you not even a single text but yet you're on social media multiple times throughout the day and commenting dumb shit AGAIN on girls pictures. we talk on saturday and i bring it up finally and you ask why it was an issue with the 19 yr old commenting what he did on my pictures and you said well its obvious and i said no tell me and you asked why and i said tell me why it was an issue and you said well because I LIKE YOU. so i said if you like me so much why are you commenting dumb shit on girls pictures over IG and you asked "who like you really dont know and i dont remember usernames and your excuse was "well the reason i was asking who is because its probably a client"and i asked "really come on now" and you continue with "well its my job their my client its my job to make them feel pretty or beautiful"like yeah thats youre job when their in you chair not for you to do over social media and like really is it normal for you to comment on your clients half naked pictures?? come on now get real. we end the conversation that night with you saying that wed talk about it more but we never did. sunday goes bye and monday comes around i didnt hear from you  but sometime during the day you unfollow me and i get confused more than ever. here you are or were telling me you like me and everything fly me down there to meet you spend that time together and for what what reason, what was the point! days go by i dont hear from you Thursday I tell you we need to talk something serious and you tried to make me feel stupid for it but you never called and you ignored my call we dont talk till Friday when i see you liking a whole bunch of these girls pictures on IG and i mean pictures from early 2016 and late 2015 like duuuude really and then i see theres a recent post from her and just so happened that in the video shes spinning around in a chair and i notice the background, its your room and then you walked in. I call you that night pissed off and you start off with a "hey!" like every things fine and dandy and continue to say "yeah sorry i havent talked to you in a while theres been a lot going on with work i ve been really busy and i could even lose my job" and i was like "oh so busy that yet you had time to be home during the day with a girl in your room" and again you go "well who" like as if you dont know just how many girls have you had over in your room since damn man. so i tell you the usuername because well this time i remembered it and you go "well let me look that up right now" like ohhhhhh COME ON! you know exactly who stop playing dumb and then you say "well we have mutual friends in common" i told you ones that havent ment her in person dont count and so you say "well my parents were home nothing happened" i told you i was there and your parents were home and shit happened so dont give me that and then its :well if it bothers you so much ill stop talking to her" i told you im not the kind of person who tells you who you can and can not talk to but it should be common sense of what your doing is going to bother me or piss me off because here you are or were telling me you like me and everything had me come down there and you sleep with me and all that and yet here you are doing this like really?!?! you say we'll talk about it but again we dont and im just left with more questions and im more upset and you clearly knew that you just didnt and dont care. Sunday i call and call and call because we have something to discuss we talk about it as much as we can and theres nothing that can be done about it that was clearly established. So again i bring up the other issues hoping to get those cleared up more and i ask what was the point of all this and where do i stand now but all you have to say is "well i just got home and i need to go inside ill talk to you more about this" an all i can say is "and then this happens, do you really get everything i just said do you understand" you said yes and i asked really because it seems like it just went right over your head and you said it didnt that we would talk about it. but guess what we never did and i never heard from you again. its been 2 months now since you ruined me and turned my world upside down. and im now wondering just how many other girls have you done this to, how sincere were you with all you said tome, did you even really like me or was i nothing more than a 4 day fuck?..you used me. and yet i cant forget any of it, i wish i could be like you and just forget it all and forget a person like they dont exist as if it never happened. but i cant and it hurts so much to know that i cant erase you from me or my memory and i just want to go back and never agree to it to meeting you not if i knew id end up hurt again after so many years of keeping myself shut up from the world of dating or feelings and i thought i could let down my guard and allow myself to fall again and to think that a guy i told all that to that knew of how i was treated before and everything to a guy who treated me like no other who took me on my first date and i know i shouldve listened to my family i shouldve seen the signs but i thought it would all be okay but i didnt just get a life lesson or burned in the "world of love" i got something far worse. and you continue on like every things fine...im upset with me and im most of all upset with how you handled this. you thought by ignoring or avoiding me that it will go away but it wont and youve only made it worse. I just dont understand why you couldnt be the adult that you so claim to be or to be a man and just fucking be vocal about things like i told you from the very start, why couldnt you just say something like "hey you know it was great meeting you but i dont like you like i thought i did" or something, you think by ignoring or avoiding someone and playing victim that people will get the hint or that it will solve everything but it wont and it doesnt it just makes you a coward and childish. and i cant believe that after everything youve done and put me through with how youve treated me that theres a part of me that still likes you when i should hate you with everything i am but unfortunately it takes more effort to hate then it does to like and you cant just go to hating someone with the snap of your finger it unfortunately doesnt work like that...trust me ive tried.
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sorcieresque · 7 years
naisy gossip from the past couple of days on: ai’s shapeshifting and the legitimacy thereof, the shape of daisy’s head, trans troubles, daisy being offended by her implied sluttiness, a detour to dick jokes,  a detour from dick jokes to feelings jamming, a detour about ines’s annoyingness factor, lesbian island and clea
nickatnightwalker brief interjection: you doing okay with tweedle drunk and tweedle drunker over there?
sorcieresque Are you.
nickatnightwalker well, ive been completely cured of the siren charm probably forever
sorcieresque Good. He's not that cute either way. Tyler's a mess. It's embarrassing.
nickatnightwalker it's amazing how fast my interest in either of them dropped.  like watching a rock plummet off the empire state building and then kill some passers by
nickatnightwalker anyway me and damian are going for a walk until their blood alcohol levels drop below .6. wanna come
sorcieresque I take a low res picture, fry it, and caption the rock in comic sans: My interest, the passers-by Tyler's chances of getting laid, the empire state building is captioned God. I'm not going to third wheel you. I’ll have you know I have better social skills than that.
nickatnightwalker this is an escape run daise take it or leave it
sorcieresque Fine. This doppelganger fiasco is getting boring either way.
nickatnightwalker shes not real good is she
sorcieresque No. Having a 3D mirror was fun for all about twenty minutes, which makes for better bragging rights than most people have ever had. She should be proud.
nickatnightwalker now do you get what i mean about your head being weird shaped
sorcieresque Fuck you. My head is perfectly round.
nickatnightwalker round ish
sorcieresque Your face is round-ish.
nickatnightwalker no it's not my jawline is the only good thing my dad ever gave me and you cant erase that fact
sorcieresque I could if I wanted to. Take back that my head is weird-shaped.
nickatnightwalker you cant change my face
sorcieresque I can and I shall.
nickatnightwalker cant and shant
sorcieresque Take it back.
nickatnightwalker you must have seen it though
sorcieresque I was too busy being mesmerized by the acute angles of my cheekbones.
nickatnightwalker huh you really missed an opportunity there then
sorcieresque Let a shapeshifter pour themselves into an unholy you-shaped mold and then you shall throw stones.
nickatnightwalker absolutely not hey do you think ai could even turn into me she doesnt really know what i look like
sorcieresque What do you mean.
nickatnightwalker i mean it's not like ive stripped and tap danced through the quad shes gonna get shit wrong
sorcieresque Right. I assumed that was left to her vague interpretation. It's not like she knows what the hot goods look like beneath my skirts.
nickatnightwalker kind of unsettling maybe everythings just barbie and ken under there when she turns into us
sorcieresque On a scale of one to very, how rude would it be to ask her to take her clothes off.
nickatnightwalker for you i think she would happily
sorcieresque I know. It's charming. My intentions are only pure and scientific.
nickatnightwalker that part she might not love
sorcieresque That sounds like a her-problem.
nickatnightwalker itll be a you problem if she says no
sorcieresque What if she knows how to mold us to a T.
nickatnightwalker how could she possibly
sorcieresque Magic? (Finger waving, etc.)
nickatnightwalker no, she has to know what somethign looks like to be it theres no way shes gotta just be vague nothing underneath
sorcieresque Then what's the big deal. Don't be a pussy.
nickatnightwalker well excuse me for being reluctant if the odds arent 100% against her finding out ive GOT one
sorcieresque What, did you forget you're not the only one in the world? She didn't seem to know about me.
nickatnightwalker theres a lot less to guess on with you daise
nickatnightwalker no offense but im pretty sure everyone heres seen you shirtless or close enough to to make a good approximately of nearly everything going on up there
nickatnightwalker and most of us have seen your ass too
sorcieresque That's an exaggeration, but you're welcome. There is not "less" going on with me, just different issues in the downstairs department.
nickatnightwalker no, not less, just less that people dont know about it's the public semi-nudity daise
sorcieresque You make it sound a lot worse than it is.
sorcieresque You'd think after all these years you wouldn't be so scandalized of my alleged indecency.
nickatnightwalker oh no im not but everyone else isnt hardened to it yet
sorcieresque Haha. Hardened.
nickatnightwalker i dont get it can you explain?
sorcieresque Penis Havers + Sight of Skin = Profit.
nickatnightwalker hm. yknow ive always managed it without the sight of skin part?
sorcieresque Ooh, Mr. Nick, ooh.
sorcieresque The mere sight of your melaninless face sends every phallus in a two mile radius from solid to mega solid.
nickatnightwalker you joke and yet
sorcieresque Deepthroating a banana is cheating.
nickatnightwalker no it is NOT besides thats just how i eat them
sorcieresque Perhaps you and Ines are much more similar than you'd like to believe.
nickatnightwalker please, as if she could eat a banana like i can
sorcieresque She can unhinge her jaw, Nick.
nickatnightwalker you got me there but that really seems like a sacrifice in terms of pressure and suction
sorcieresque I suddenly don't care about this.
nickatnightwalker some principles are universal daisy
sorcieresque I hardly see how unhinging your jaw would aid one outside of pleasing the mighty sword of Venus, oh Great Kahuna of Oral Sex.
nickatnightwalker itd kinda be win some lose some just because youd get greater range of motion but lose a lot of use of your lips
sorcieresque Not that this conversation isn't dripping mystery and pulsing with excitement, but are you okay.
nickatnightwalker what oh yeah he just asked if i like being human
nickatnightwalker like...idk man do i like that ive been consigned to a particularly fragile and ill-fitting meat suit? sure i guess, since the alternative was not existing at all shout out to my dads poor planning aaaaaaaay
sorcieresque Aaaay! Asking you that must count as a micro-aggression around here.
nickatnightwalker oh fuck if i know everything is a micro-aggression around here asking somebody their favorite food is a micro-aggression around here "hey whats your favorite color" "do you not know how PERSONAL colors are to me once a color murdered my entire family and now im forced to brood silently yet threateningly whenever i see it"
sorcieresque Does he like *not* being human? Respond in 2000-5000 words MLA format on your desk by tomorrow.
nickatnightwalker as a matter of fact thats exactly what i just told him
sorcieresque Twinsies.
nickatnightwalker i bet we could start telling people that tomorrow and theyd swallow it hook line and sinker
sorcieresque On that note, has Damian grown out of his sisterwife kink yet?
nickatnightwalker while i dont know what his personal feelings are on it knocking that joke out of the repertoire was part of the motherfucking bargain in exchange for letting him talk to me after hurricane daniel
sorcieresque You've always been good at haggling.
nickatnightwalker thank you you know i really, really debated putting an allowance in there for a while?
sorcieresque Ha! Perhaps not quite so good, then.
nickatnightwalker that was a trade off for my own self respect daisy
sorcieresque I suppose some of you /humans/ have that.
nickatnightwalker oh god dont even go there or i'll vanish your hair too
sorcieresque Someone's touchy.
nickatnightwalker shes just about as annoying as an asscrack full of sand
sorcieresque An asscrack full of sand and sticky hands from a rapidly melting Popsicle?
nickatnightwalker with sand glued onto your arms and legs with too-thick sunscreen scratching gently but persistently at your sunburn
sorcieresque And your sunglasses are smudged.
nickatnightwalker and your towel is too sandy to clean them on
sorcieresque And there's Sandflies.
nickatnightwalker when you shower youre gonna find dried seaweed down your bathing suit thats been there for hours
sorcieresque Like lovingly cradling Satan against your crotch. Anyway.
nickatnightwalker anyway shes real fuckin annoying
sorcieresque She's not so bad. I would have stopped around the sunglasses.
nickatnightwalker you havent seen her raging superiority complex up close and personal
sorcieresque I've seen her raging Mine Song complex.
nickatnightwalker that is one can of lesbian worms i am not gonna go anywhere the fuck near
nickatnightwalker im gonna just stay over here in my lane and not get in anywhere near anything the amazon warriors have claimed, up to and including the entire proteus dorm
sorcieresque What about /my/ problems, Nick.
nickatnightwalker cleas gotta come out, im not goin in
nickatnightwalker i dunno if you wanna take on the sapphic equivalent of the mongol horde  that's your bad choice not mine
sorcieresque Well mark my death as "mysterious" on my Wikipedia page and call me sexy Genghis Khan, I'm ready.
nickatnightwalker is there anything really worth conquering over there anyway
sorcieresque Yes.
nickatnightwalker name names bitch!
sorcieresque What is this, a middle school sleepover?
nickatnightwalker yep
nickatnightwalker ive got the popcorn in the microwave now spill
sorcieresque You're subscribed to the Daily Daisy, I was under the impression that you would have an idea. Unless it's tagged Nick don't look, in which case you do not, because we respect each other's privacy.
nickatnightwalker of course i dont but i have YET to see a name drop
sorcieresque Are you asking me if there is a lucky military strategist I would particularly like to conquer?
nickatnightwalker yes imagine some clapping emojisfor me
sorcieresque You're very insistent.
nickatnightwalker well yeah
nickatnightwalker course i wanna hear whats up
sorcieresque Oh.
sorcieresque Well, no single tactician has caught my eye just yet, but I find some of the army members, how do you say, cute. Ines among them.
sorcieresque You love to joke about it, but I don't actually find Tyler's game plans all that exciting. Val's too annoying and Gabriela too dumb to strive beyond eye candy. I've caught glimpses of Clea, you know.
nickatnightwalker thats vague and intriguing keep going
sorcieresque That's all there is to say.
sorcieresque Sometimes they are there, and then they are back to being a walking kaleidoscope on steroids. I think they're cute.
nickatnightwalker they sent me a picture of them before yknow, before why can you see them?
sorcieresque I don't know. And oh. How very juicy of them.
nickatnightwalker dyou want it
sorcieresque Absolutely I do.
nickatnightwalker [it's an incredibly middle-school mirror selfie]
sorcieresque I see. Thank you for your candor.
nickatnightwalker youre welcome you and clea all straightened out? after what they said and everything i know they apologized but still
sorcieresque I made them clamber up the vine and hang from my window. It was very romantic.
nickatnightwalker oh thats so smooth im impressed of you i mean since you told them what to do
sorcieresque And isn't that a most excellent quality in a person.
nickatnightwalker obedience? generally speaking a better quality in a housepet than a person but cleas got other perks
sorcieresque Yes? And what would those be.
nickatnightwalker a fourth dimension australian accent
sorcieresque The compulsive chivalry grew on me.
nickatnightwalker it really is compulsive i swear they keep trying to stop
sorcieresque Interesting.
sorcieresque I could've sworn that was supposed to be their shtick.
nickatnightwalker i thought their shtick was quirky 90s friend
sorcieresque They contain multitudes. That's why they look like that.
nickatnightwalker well shit youre not wrong there i feel threatened by their only-sane-man and rational-human motifs though that's really kinda my thing
sorcieresque Your shtick is far more interesting than being a "rational" person.
nickatnightwalker thank you i do try to work that in though at least sometimes
sorcieresque Do you think it brings an eclectic factor to the jittery je ne sais quoi of your attractiveness?
nickatnightwalker absolutely i do i think it emphasizes that my jitteriness is not unfounded
sorcieresque Wow, you're even internally consistent.
nickatnightwalker oh yeah definitely what you see is what you get with me
sorcieresque Whatever happened to the mystery!
nickatnightwalker new school new me
sorcieresque Your transparency of character disgusts me.
nickatnightwalker oh man daise it disgusts me too
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rosekun25 · 7 years
Fourteen Reasons why.
 April 9th, 2017
Dear Tumblr Diary, 
I’m watching “Thirteen Reasons Why.” 
I haven’t read the books since middle school. But my cousin from my Dad’s side of the family sent me the book I think a year ago.  Life always has a way of foreshadowing. I swear it does.
Anyway I’m reading the book too, putting off getting my food handler’s card because fuck that shit. 
Anyway Im watching this and its kind of triggering. I havent watched the part where she kills herself but I imagine I’ve seen worse. 
There’s a video I’ve seen Here’s a link.
Anyway so far that part has hit me the most. 
I mean, It has. After I got out of the hospital nobody asked me if I was okay. I had to lie. I lied about everything so I wouldnt get sent away longer than they needed me to be away. 
I lied and said It was because I missed my great grandma instead of telling them it was because my world had shattered and nobody could hurt me anymore. 
I lied about the pills. I took 96. Well thats now many were in the bottle. I told them I didnt know how many I’d taken. I just lied lied lied lied lied. I didnt tell anybody why I did it. 
aTLEAST Until they couldnt send me away anymore. 
So here are fourteen reasons why I wanted to kill myself 
14. I felt like I’d do it sooner or later. 
I mean it was really weird. I’ve had depression for most of my earlier childhood. I remember not thinking I’d make it to 20. But here I am. I remember wanting to get married and have children but I didn’t actually think I would live long enough to actually do it. I mean I didn’t think I’d finish High School. 
13. I wasn’t beautiful. 
At least I didn’t think I was. I thought pretty girls were 100 pounds, blonde and didn’t have to worry about anything except which husband they wanted.  I guess I was sort of insecure. But not in the sense that I thought I was ugly. Just in the sense that I wasnt  beautiful. 
12. I was starving myself.
Well I don’t really remember this part. I just remember I was really really hungry. The doctors there said I hadn’t eaten for a month. But Im not sure that’s accurate. I mean I must have eaten at some point. I remember I drank tea.  But anyway. I guess i was displaying “Anorexic tenancies” or whatever I was half asleep I didn’t listen.
11. I wanted to die. (duh)
But it wasn’t in the sense of me actually wanting to die.  I mean when you’re young you learn about the circle of life, you watch ‘Lion King.’ Mufasa dies and you learn you wont be around for ever. I guess I just ’ wanted to hurry up and do what I was supposed to. 
10. At the time, my life sucked dick. 
I remember it. I was horribly depressed and doing my best to hide it. I remember I wanted nothing more than to just be held like a baby and told everything was going to be alright. But it wasn’t. There was a point in my life where I kept everything to myself. Everything. Even stupid shit like “Where do you want to eat?” or “Are you hungry?”. I just felt like I had to. Keep everyone safe, dont let anybody know you’re suffering sort of thing. 
Anyway my life sucked dick, because I was always hungry never sleeping and I was overworked. I also was verbally abused at my job. To the point where I would want to cry whenever I walked in the store. But more on that some other time. 
I also hated T or  C. If Im going back there. Im going back in a body bag. 
My Home life also sucked dick. I remember not having hotwater in the bathroom. I remember being cold every night because they refused to pay more money to turn up the thermostat. If I wasnt cold. I was so Hot. There were ants everywhere. On my clothes. In the kitchen. EVERYWHERE. I wasnt allowed to leave my house either. I couldnt just get up and go I wasnt allowed to leave except for school and work. I couldnt leave and it drove me fucking mad.  I didnt have much food to eat, If there was food it was all gobbled up by my fat ass Grandfather who liked to steal my things. I still dont know what he did with most of it. The dryer didnt work either so I’d have to go to school in wet clothes that were freezing. I hated it. Oh and not to mention every morning I’d wake up to screaming. Always screaming. Nobody could ever say “Good Morning Rose, you’ve to wake up now.” No. They were too busy screaming and screaming and screaming and screaming and screaming and screaming and screaming, 
9. I was so tired of everything. 
I was. Really. I still kind of am. Im tired of having to work all the time and having no money. I was tired of waking up every day and going to a school. I feel like I would have liked school better if I didnt have to wake up early and put up with all of that bullshit. 
The bullshit I am tired of here has literally went from 95% to maybe about 15%  Professors are honest with me, My coworkers all do their jobs and I dont get in trouble if they don’t. Really Imagine, getting in trouble because one of your coworkers didnt do their job right. 
The only bullshit I have to deal with is making sure I have enough hours. Which if you ask me isnt a biggie, also I make enough to take care of myself. Which is a lot better than where I was before. 
8. I was going insane. 
Now I know what you’re thinking “Omg, yeah sure whatever Rose. Everybody on Facebook likes to pretend they’re crazy for attention, Change your picture to Joker and Harley just to add edginess. 
But no. It was stuff I dont want to dicuss with you. I had horrible dreams and I wanted to do some horrible things. In a way, I honestly thought if I killed myself I would save everyone.  I still dont remember what I wanted to save them from. 
7. I didnt have any friends. 
Now again I know what you’re thinking, “This bitch is tripping. She won Homecoming Duchess and Princess at the last dance!” (  Side Note: I also went on to win Prom Queen. But Everybody voted for me because I wasn’t allowed to run for homecoming queen because I tried to kill myself in the Bathroom.) 
I didnt have a Best friend. I didnt have somebody who hung out with me or came to my house specifically to play with me. I worked too much or somebody who ate lunch with me because they wanted to and not because I’d integrated into their little group because one of the members felt sorry for me and wanted to be my friend again. 
I knew a lot of people. But I was fiery, Passionate and emotional. People were afraid of that. Either that, or they didnt care enough to try and understand it. 
6. I was suffering from an unDiagnosed Mental illness 
It was Borderline Personality Disorder.  It was making me crazy. 
I still dont understand what it means. 
I know it means. 
But I dont understand it. 
5. I missed my Daddy. 
There. I said it. I FUCKING SAID IT. 
In my family, I was supposed to pretend he didnt exist. We all were. We didnt have Dads. We were just born. You know i didnt accept my Step Dad until My Dad stopped coming to see me. But what does that matter? I mean I wasNT  A BOY. HE DIDNT FUCKING WANT A GIRL. HE PROBABLY HAS 80 BILLION FUCKING DAUGHTERS! HE DOESNT NEED ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!!!
But how am I going to forget the man who hated it when I cried? The man who bought me all of these presents because he knew he was never going to see me ever again. The man who bought me my first Barbie Car, my Hamtaro doll and my pretty Amethyst Birth Stone Barbie. All because he fucking knew he was never going to see me again. 
I havent seen him since I was two.  But I remember waking up in my hospital bed with Leslie telling him he had to talk to me because the doctors said they didnt know if I’d make it. I heard my auntie tell him in spanish and then he said “I dont talk to anyone who isnt blood.” and I wished I would have died again and again and again. 
4. I wasnt afraid to die. 
I mean honestly who is? Im Catholic now. I understand its the circle of life. Ive seen Lion King. But I honestly wasnt afraid to die. 
Here’s my philosphy on Religion and Death and everything 
If you’re a buddist and you die. You go do Buddist stuff. Buddist heaven, Buddist Hell. 
If you’re Jewish and you die. You go to Jewish Heaven because there isnt a hell. 
I know in church they tell you not to believe in other gods. But God mentions in the Holy Bible several times. So Meh. 
But I wasnt afraid to die. Im pretty sure my life had been clean and the only sins I really had were Hating my parents and Premarital sex. God wouldnt send me to hell for that. So I thought I’d go to heaven and party with Kurt Cobain
Because when a kid with Cancer dies, God doesnt send them to hell for dying of Cancer. So why would he send me to hell for succumbing to my depression? 
I mean atleast even if He was the God I think he is. 
3. By this point I was honestly sure nobody cared. 
The English teacher who carried me to the ambulance cared. I’m sure of that. 
But I mean nobody cared. I remember coming home to no food in the refrigerator and thinking “Oh well they’re making it easier for me now.” I remember nobody ever asking how I was.  I remember feeling numb I remember waking up that morning and deciding I was going to give life one last Chance. I’d missed the bus that morning and I had to call my  Grandmère to give me a ride to school because My Mother wouldnt teach me how to drive because she didnt want me to run off with my boyfriend and be happy. 
Because I guess bragging rights about your kids going to college are more important than your kids actually being happy. I’ll remember that when I have kids. If I live to have kids at least. 
Anyway I remember forgetting to take the pills out of my backpack. Im sure there’s an alternate universe somewhere where I did take them out of my backpack and I just went home early that day instead of killing myself in the bathroom. But hey what about the alternate universe where Hitler cured Cancer?
Nobody cared. Thats the point. Obviously if nobody noticed I was starving myself. If nobody noticed any of the signs that I displayed. 
But of course they all showed up to the hospital and cried crocodile tears. Then they yelled at me again as soon as I woke up. 
2. My life was over. 
“But you were accepted into NMSU! You were graduating Highschool! You had your whole life ahead of you!!!”
Did anybody ever think for just a second that I didnt want any of that? Honestly! Everybody was so proud. Nobody stopped and asked me if thats what I wanted to do. Because it sure as hell wasnt. I didnt want to go to college. Twelve fucking years of a system that made me kill myself in the Bathroom and you wanted me to do  eight more years?!  I wanted to get married and have babies. But I had to. You understand. I had to. I couldnt be like my sister. I couldnt stay in Highschool forever. I had to go to school because Men are useless now and I couldnt just get married out of highschool because as soon as they leave you’re going to need to take care of yourself! But I didnt want that. I wanted to get married. I wanted to have kids. 
1. Chance left.
Honestly this was it. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I could see it coming though. Yeah, I made fake accounts to try and talk to him. Yeah I was a thirsty hoe (Symptom of BPD btw). Yeah I kind of texted him until right before I did it. I mean I was 18 of course I was obsessed. He cared. He would kiss me goodnight, He would try to get me to eat but I never would. I wanted to be pretty for him. I wanted him to love me. He did for a moment. You know love is like a drug, A drug that makes you happy every day of your life. Even if all you do is fight. Maybe its because I’d never loved anybody before him. Not even my Mother.  When I lost that happy bubbly warmth. I wanted it back. I was so desperate to get it back. I didnt notice. I didnt notice all the terrible things that happened. I looked over all of the mean words, and abusive flags. None of those mattered, as long as I got that feeling of being warm, loved, safe, and protected. Because it made me want to live. If I couldnt live. I wanted to die. I wanted to die and be with that feeling forever. 
Maybe things would have changed if I had realize what a fucking scum bag he was earlier. 
Am I still Suicidal? Yes.
You cant turn it on/off contrary to the belief of everyone around me. I’ve been suicidal since I was a little girl. But will I do it again? I cant promise I wont.  
 Fourteen Reasons why  I want to live. 
14. I’m happy now. 
I dont know if I could consider this as happy as I want to be, I mean Im still single. I have no children. But I’m happy. I dont have all the money in the world but I can go get Starbucks. I can go out and eat If I want to and that makes me so happy. It makes me so happy to have access to food. 
13. I love my apartment. 
I love my apartment. I love everything about it. I do. Except the rent payment lol. I love that I can literally do whatever I want in this little one bedroom place. I love it. I love keeping it clean, I love putting up whatever I want on the walls and I love love love it so much. Im so warm and happy and there is always food here. 
12. I love where I live. 
I love my town. Its big, its bright and i can get whatever I need to. I can go to walmart again whenever I want and I dont have to beg anybody to take me through the drive through or pay anybody to take me to the mall. I can go see movies and see the world. I love the world. I love the grass and the trees and the warmth of the sun. I can sit on my porch for hours, I can watch the rain, I can go outside. I CAN GO OUTSIDE!!!! 
11. I love being free. My freedom is my most precious possession, I don't want to die if I can be free. 
 10. I don't want to die until I find that person. My whole life I've been told There's a soul mate for everyone. When I think about suicide. I think about being dead, in a way, Death was freedom for me. But part of me doesn't want to leave that person alone. I can't. If He was made for me . Then he's like ME and if he is then I don't want to leave him alone. 
9. I have food. 
I know what you’re thinking “Whatever, I have a frozen Dinner in the fridge. Does that make me not suicidal?”
I have food to eat. Like I do. I dont have to scrounge around my house for a packet of Ramen or hiding a can of soup under my bed and praying it would be there when I woke up. I can wake up and eat whatever I want. I can make dinner and sometimes I just stare at all of the food in my refrigerator and smile. 
Side note, It’s now May 12th, school is over. Im trying really hard to finish this. It’s triggering. Like, Hannah Baker, Everything she does. I can see myself in her.  I could deal with the books. I could deal with the books because I had borrowed my friend’s book and typed the alternate ending and stuck it in my book. I visualized it in my own way. Now seeing it. It’s triggering. Did anybody notice? Did anybody try to? 
What about when I did it? Did anybody think? Did anybody try and look after me. I mean nobody noticed me stop eating so I doubt anybody noticed me writing wills in my psychology class, or me writing my suicide note over and over again. 
The final draft only had a few words by the way and nobody read it. 
They didnt even read the instructions I left for them incase I survived and had to go to the hospital which is why I had to wear the same clothes I wore when i did it. Which absolutely sucked. But i was glad I was getting out of the mental hospital, so there’s that. 
I still dont understand why shit like this cant happen in real life. I dont understand how people can make people suffer so much emotionally that they think suicide is the only answer.
This is really hard to write. I have to think of reasons I want to live instead of reasons I want to die. That’s hard. I want to die. Im so sick of this. But I dont want to die. I want to live.  
In a sense, I really feel like Hannah Baker. Because She wanted to live, she wanted life and happiness but she just dies at the end. I wonder if that will happen to me? 
I’ve had people ask me if Im sure I should even be watching a show like this. But I have to. I have to finish it. 
I read the book I know what happens. But I have to finish it for myself. 
8. Kingdom Hearts III will come out (Eventually) 
I have found joy in video games once again. I mean. Ive always loved video games. But I was playing South Park Stick of Truth again and I liked it. I liked it a lot and I wanted to... I wanted to play it so much. 
I’m sure they have video games in heaven but i wonder do they have midnight release parties? Do they have endings that arent perfect?  
Im sure they do. But being alive for them is different. 
Eventually though. Kingdom Hearts III will come out. Eventually.  Ill get to play it. Maybe Ill get to play it with my grandchildren and teach them about Sora, and Kairi, and Riku. 
7. I want to be a Mother. 
Thats all I’ve ever wanted in life. Really. I just want to hold my baby and raise her/him. I dont want them to have to come home and wonder if there’s food to eat, or if the house is going to be warm or when Mom is going to come home.
I want to have children and teach them and give them love and warmth and make them safe and give them everything I never had in life.  Like love, and chances. Chances to make something of themselves in a way I never could. 
6. I want to live to be an annual passholder at Disney 
I mean I’ve been to Disneyland Nineteen times and this summer it will be 20.  But I want to be able to wake up one day, have the day off from work and ask my kids if they want to go to Disneyland instead of school. I want to go there and have a great time and not have to worry about school or work or depression or anything.
5. I really want to do my bucket list. 
I mean there’s lots of cool stuff on it. But I’m sure they have most of that in heaven. But  I want to do it before I die. Like I want to visit Euro Disney in person and hang out in France. I want to walk up and realize I’m going to see the Little Mermaid on Broadway tonight. I want to be able to tell everybody about what I’ve done and inspire them to do the same thing.
(Update: It’s June now. I have to finish it. I had to stop. It was getting bad again. Really bad. I’m ready now. I really am.)
4. I want to get married.
Honestly thats been my life goal since I was a baby. That and being a ballerina but appertanly my dreams dont matter enough for us to stay in a place I could actually achieve them. I want to have a big fancy wedding which will probably dumb down to me getting married at the court house which I am totally fine with. As long as I am officially married and we honeymoon at Disney. 
Jesus Chirst I cant do this. I really cant. I fucking cant. . .  Why? WHY am I here? Why did I live? It’s fucking impossible did you know that? Am I still alive? Am I dead? I wont fucking know! I’m so much happier now! I really am. But I cant do this. I fucking cant. Why? Why am I alive? Why did I live? SO I could pay bills for the rest of my life? I hate being broke. I hate not having any money. I spent 20 dollars today to go out to lunch and that was a luxury. I couldnt afford that. Especially with all these bills. Why? Why is it so expensive to live in a 3rd world country with Iphones? Why? I dont have a car I have to ride the bus everywhere and spend a billion dollars on fucking everything. WHY? Why? I hate this. I hate this so much. I hate having to be mad at myself for going to the mall and spening 11 dollars. ELEVEN FUCKING DOLLARS! I bought a keychain today. I bought a keychain today and I wasnt supposed to do that!  I love my apartment, I love it, I wont leave it unless I’m in a body bag or leaving with my husband, But i dont understand WHY?! Why? Why do they want everything I have? Everybody just wants money. Everything is just money money money money, do I Have enough? WIll it last? Will I be able to do something with it? Why do you want all of my money? I can barley afford to live and everybody wants to make it fucking harder than it already is!!!!!!!!!! I cant do this. I really want to die. But i really want to live. I really want to live. But i cant live. 
3. I want friends. . .
I want best friends. I want the kind of friends where you all can just hang out together and do stupid shit. I want inside joke kind of friends, I want the sort of friends that make fun of you but you know they dont mean it. I want a specific place for us to hang out and laugh and live. 
2. I want to be infinite. 
I dont mean immortal. I mean I want to do things. I want freedom. People have freedom given to them while others have to fight for it. I want to take a roadtrip. I want to eat at gas stations with somebody and travel and see the world. I’ve always wanted to see the world but i’ve been locked up in this FUCKING TOWER for so long and now i’m afraid to get out of it. I am afraid to live because I’ve never been able to live before! Why are people born free when I could not leave my house to get the mail? 
1. I want to experience love. 
I have never loved anybody. For a moment, I thought I loved Chance. But I realized, you cant love somebody who has never loved you. So i didnt love my Mother, or My sisters and brothers or my grandparents. That wasnt love. It was forced affection. Because when you love somebody you make sure they’re in the car before driving away and asking if they are. If you love someone you dont kick them out of your car. If you love somebody you offer to take them home instead of letting them sit in 32 degrees watching their spit freeze, while you let your family treat them like shit just like you did. 
But I want to experience love. All kinds of love. I want to know why people like it so much and why the feeling is so euphoric. I want to be held and treated like I am a treasure. Like I am worth something. 
Is that love? I will find out one day. I want this. Even if its the only thing I will have. I want it. 
I’m on the second to last episode now, 
I wonder if the author wanted us to feel bad for people we’ve slut shamed.  I wonder if we’re supposed to think about it that way. 
I dont know about you but I hate fake people who pretend they’ve killed themselves.  I mean I know its a cry for help. But I wish they would go and talk to somebody instead of insisting they sliced their wrists 80 times and got sent to the ER even though their wrists are scarless and havent look liked they were cut ever. 
My therapist once sent me to the ER because I told her I was feeling suicidial. 
I thought that was utter bullshit. 
Because all I had learned to do was lie. 
Why are you suicidal honey? *Sniff* My greAT Gran died and I miss her so much and I wish I could talk to her and hug her. Oh baby it’s gonna be okay, Derek she’s not suicidal get her out of here. 
See? Then at my next therapy session I had to lie to her and tell her I wasnt suicidal. Which was another lie. 
Anybody who has ever asked me about my Great Grandma Elisa knows I hated going to her house and I didnt like her. I’ve never liked her. She was so mean to me. She really was. 
But i cant say I cried crocodile tears at her funeral. Or when They woke me up and told me she wasnt breathing and I knew she was dead, and I cried in my sleep. Something I didnt do, and didnt start doing until it was getting really bad again. 
Isnt that funny though? How i learned to just lie to everybody instead of telling the truth? 
I’m on the last episode now. 
I cant make you believe how many times I had to stop this and step away for a moment. 
It was honestly too realistic. 
Like just the things she said 
“I decided to give life one more chance.” 
I remember thinking the exact same thing. 
and watching it blow it. 
Thats always how my emotions have been. 
Hannah is stealing razors now.
I remember the day I bought the sleeping pills specifically to kill myself.
I didnt tell my Mom that. I told her I was having trouble sleeping which was true. 
I remember telling kids I thought I was taking too much.
I remember pouring handfuls into my own hand and just staring at them. I thought they were really pretty.  
I remember sleeping in class because I’d take too many on purpose. 
I remember hanging up on 911 
I remember calling my ex boyfriend. 
I wondered what would happen if he would have answered. I really do. 
Probably nothing, 
I still would have done it. 
I remember swallowing handful after handful. 
I remember being carried to the office and hearing your voice in my head. 
I remember dying and being at peace.
I remember waking up and screaming and crying.
Because honestly. Suicide doesnt hurt. No. aside from me not being able to eat for a couple weeks without throwing up, or choking up tablets everytime I tried to take a pill. 
What hurt was waiting. I waited for life to get better. 
It didn’t.  
Hannah baker is going to slit her wrists,
I’m mad. This isnt the way it happened in the books. She swallowed pills.
This is triggering. 
I reserve the right to skip this part.
I cant breathe. 
Okay, Okay. 
I dont fucking get why people say this show glorifies suicide. We are literally watching a girl die. The worst part is this is how actual people have done it. Oh my god. Oh my god there’s so much blood. 
Her parents, Oh my god. Okay that was so fake.
American Horror story did a better job. 
Which is probably why it kept me from killing myself. I watched Violet do it and it scared me. It scared me so I didnt do it. 
You know when I first read the books I guess I was really confused because I thought Mr Porter raped Hannah. I was like in 8th grade. 
Okay so Hannah Baker is still dead. The episode is over. 
How are they going to do season 2? 
I mean Tyler is Obviously going to shoot up the school and Alex tried to off himself. It’s Obvious Alex isnt going to die.  It’s Obvious Tyler isnt going to kill him. 
I liked watching this. 
I mean aside from it taking me two months to finish because,  well it kind of was triggering.
Side note:
I am not contemplating suicide please do not message me or call the cops. 
Also for anybody who is. 
National Suicide Prevention LifelineCall 
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