#oh how i wish to pet a bears fluffy wittle ears
the-ultimate-muses · 5 months
🐺 (for Gundham! Is Sonia helping him look after his beasts? Did they find a rabbit or chipmunk near the sidewalk? Or a colony of stray cats? Or something more dangerous? Who knows!)
Bad Situation Starters (X)
It was a near daily ritual for Gundham to take a walk through the woods surrounding the school, it being one of the few places where he could just be. While part of the walks was to assess local wildlife and locate any problems that might need addressing, such problems were thankfully far and few between. The woods were as much a sanctuary to him as his actual animal shed sanctuary on campus, and while there was a time or two he had stubbled upon other students wandering about the thicket for one reason or another, his treks were mostly made in solitude.
To invite Sonia along, to show her all his favorite hiding spots, it...was something he had never done before.
Of course, as always when in deep stretches of nature, there was danger to be found. Poisonous plants, hidden hunter's traps, uneven ground to trip you, sudden dropoffs to send you tumbling down a hill --Gundham couldn't even count the amount of hills he'd accidentally tumbled down, not that he'd say as much outloud-- and, of course wildlife. Gundham wasn't a fool, he knew at their very core, a beast was beast. Some could be swayed, if only for a moment (often times when someone was trying to help them, something he always found interesting, that they simply seemed to know that) and others were far too powerful for even him to sway. When all else failed, he knew how to deter the animal most effectively, either through fright, incapacitaion, or through means of escape.
Luckily, this was not one of those times.
While the heavy cracking of underbrush had him halting wirh a hand raised for Sonia to do the same, his eyes trained on a large mass of brown weaving between the trees until drawing closer, the encounter ultimetly ended with pure excitment once he realized it was-
"Grizner!" Like a child seeing their friend after a long length of time apart, he lit up like a beacon as the bear gave a roar in greeting. "I had been hoping to cross your path once again, thougth I grew despondent as the days ticked onwards. Where have you-" Another crunch from behind the large bear drew his attention, it quickly relighting that excited ferver as a fluffy little cub toddled into view. "You've aquired spawn! That does explain your absence, indeed!" Scooping the cub up, he holds it like one might a toddler as he turned to Sonia with a grin that could melt the ice he so boasts dwells within his veins. "Sonia!" Not She-Cat, The Dark Lady, Queen of Darkness or anything of the sort, just plain old Sonia with that beaming grin. "Is this not the most wonderful turn of events!?"
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