#oh god even alien stage w ivan and till
prettybbychim · 19 hours
u know beigguang is kinda like… what you’d get if u fused neuvillette and zhongli together + fused wriothesley and childe together. and made em lesbians ofc 😌
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pr0cyon-lotor · 11 months
Something reawakened my Alien Stage obsession! Have some modern AU headcanons/brainrot™ :D
(The alien keepers are just their parents or something)
General rambles
Till is a god in the kitchen. Mizi can only bake b/c she has set instructions, but can tweak the recipe if she needs to. Sua can't cook/doesn't know how to. Ivan burned something and isn't allowed in it again. LUKA IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE FUCKING KITCHEN OH MY GOD DON'T LET HIM COOK THEY HAD TO CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT LAST TIME. Hyuna can't cook for shit w/o proper instructions. Her ass cannot improvise in the kitchen.
Sus and Ivan are siblings (twins if you will) and absolutely terrible to each other (like normal siblings). They could be sitting together and suddenly Sua kicks him off the couch and puts her feet up. Or Ivan throw something at the back of her head unprompted. They are literally the most chill people in the group, until they're in each other's arms length. Then, they might as well be wild cats fighting over a piece of fish
Mizi and Till are childhood friends and talk shit together
Till knows how to apply makeup (both on himself and others) b/c Mizi would test out things on him.
Almost everyone is a cat person. Except for Sua, who is neutral, and Mizi, who likes dogs more.
Mizisua rambles
Neither of them are the warm hands to the other's cold hands. They sleep with a lot of blankets and a heater on
Mizi doesn't know how to braid hair. Sua barely knows how to braid hair. They were so used to their parents/servants doing their hair for them that they don't know how to do anything fancy. But Sua did learn how to braid hair for Mizi.
Sua was/is a rich kid. And she's SUPER irresponsible with money when it comes to Mizi. "You want this dress? Sure. Don't look at the price tag, you liked it so you're getting it."
They're both clingy if the other has to leave for an extended period of time.
Mizi likes climbing up places and napping. And Sua got really good at hide and seek.
They don't have separate wardrobes b/c both of them stole each other's clothes so often they lost track what was originally theirs or the other's.
Ivantill rambles
Till is cold constantly. Ivan is a walking heater. My point is they hold hands and cuddle.
Ivan definitely turls a piece of his hair, while kicking his feet and giggling when he's calling Till. At this point Till is unfazed by it
Ivan calls Till "my star" "my universe" or any other space related petname. (l accidentally predicted that in an old post oops) Till refuses to call him any pet name b/c he'd die of embarrassment
They also steal each other's clothes, but they can tell who's is who's b/c they both have very distinct styles
Till fumbled the bag with Mizi so bad he accidentally fell into lvan's arms and I think that's a funny concept
Have we ever considered that Till might be just as cringe with lvan as he is with Mizi once he starts catching feelings. Like it's possible. Till can just be cringe with the people he likes. Probably not as bad with lvan, but even a fraction would make me happy.
Hyuluka rambles
Luka is shockingly needy and clingy. He would prefer to get dragged through the mud than let go of Hyuna. Hyuna finds it endearing and worrying
There's a lot of heels and dresses in their home. None of them are Hyuna's
Luka is the type that NEEDS TO LOOK GOOD AT THE HOSPITAL! What if the doctors thinks he's not hot enough 🥺 Hyuna has to drag him to the hospital b/c he's fixing his eyeliner. And no you can't just put a little bit of blush on, your bone is stabbing through your calf
Hyuna's love language is acts of service and food sharing. Luka's is being a little shit and physical touch
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