#oh but this is all irrelvant ramblings anyway
zeawesomebirdie ยท 2 years
You know how in My Hero Academia people have quirks or whatever? Yours is getting attached to the rarest of pairs I think :'))) good luck and godspeed, if I wasn't so artblocked all the time I'd doodle you something
(also I'm working on the Snarry reclist!! We're at about 110 fics I think, I hope it'll all fit. Between not remembering a good third of them at all, not knowing how to politely say 'this isn't very good writing but 13yo me had a blast with it' and wondering where I'm supposed to put the smut it's a wild ride but it's also a trip down memory lane (except for the fics I have no memory of) Also two of them got deleted, and I have epubs but their main interest is that I liked them when I didn't know what I liked, sooo you'll have to tell me if you're interested or not, but I figure with the hundred of works I'm going to drown you under you'll have other things to read. Anyway)
Oh my goodness listen- i really have been in the Hawkeye/Radar camp since episode two of the entire show, and how no one else seems to see it i havent a clue!! And here with Margaret/Trapper, i thought, oh well its a m/f ship they canonically act in a romantic way surely there will be shippers of this, but no! 9 fics on Ao3!! 9!!!! And i thought Hawkeye/Radar was low with 27!!!!!
And you know what, i really am cursed and blessed with this because like, im the one who made the Yunobo/Link tag on Ao3, im actively writing a Beedle/Link fic (last chapter coming soon i swear), a Plagueis/Sidious fic, and a Fred/Oliver/George fic, so i may as well add Margaret/Trapper to my repertoire!! Like, make the content you want to see in the world and i want content of these ships so i am going to write it!!!! When i saw that kylux was a popular ship i was floored i swear, im chronically a rarepair shipper like 95% of the time omg how does this happen to me!!!!
(And and omg omg your rec list im so excited!!!!! Theres still no rush, please take your time!!!!! Im still working through your obikin recs!! But omg ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ listen, we all have some questionable taste at 13 but also, going back and rereading what little 13yo me thought was the peak of fic has been so enlightening and i would love to see these fics!! Theres something so sincere about loving a fic as a young teen and wondering what on earth you were about years later, but i think at the end of the day its very important yknow?)
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