#oh boy...check your POV about relationships because it aint healthy
the-jam-to-the-unicorn ยท 2 years
jam don't you find weird vova's "no one cooks me breakfast" in the interview with olena? like i understand that he phrased it wrong and he kinda meant another thing, but since he said it he probably thought it, i don't understand why people are just joking about it and not making a bigger deal than i think it is, only because he's the president and he is at war doesn't mean that he has to have servants who makes things for him or that he's allowed to say sexist shits like this, i like him a lot and i genuinely support ukraine, but this is such an ick, i hope olena told him how disgusting that is and that he absolutely has to think before he speaks
I don't find it weird at all and I personally don't read that into it. I think, it was not one bit sexist.
People joke about it, because after all, it was a funny slip of tongue and Olena's side eyes made it even funnier. It was a pretty typical comedy moment and lots of people could identify with it. What Ze meant and what he actually wanted to say was clear with the context.
And if one person is aware about the fact that he has no servants, it's probably Ze himself. He's still the President and people work for him, so it's part of their job as assistants, secretaries, whatever to bring him a coffee or his jacket or make him something to eat. Doesn't mean btw that he takes advantage of this and lets people do stuff for him all the time or at all.
Besides all that - we don't know if Olena had a problem with it or not. Considering that she laughed about it after giving him the side eye and didn't appear to be pissed, my bet is - she was fine with it because she knows what he meant. And even if she was not happy with it - that's their private thing to discuss.
And, btw, if Olena is fine with being the one who usually makes breakfast, we have no place to judge her / them or decide how she's suppossed to feel about it.
In my relationship, I also make the breakfast and I bring him things. My relationship / boyfriend is now sexist too, with your logic?!
One last thing: he never said "no one cooks me breakfast". It was "no one brings / makes me breakfast" and he clearly meant that he can't have breakfasts right now with his fam and has no family life with them in general. Something both of them previously have already talked about (even though it was mostly about family life in general and dinners, but the point still stands).
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