#oh boxcar games how i miss you LMAO
piplupod · 3 months
if i had a VR headset i would spend hours upon hours just doing 3D art to create the entirety of Deadwood Lodge and some of the fae kingdoms and some other worldbuild locations.... OUGHGHHH it kills me that I cannot do this,, I wish I was closer with my brother so I could borrow his headset because I know he doesn't use it very often 😭😭😭
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11/7/19 3:27am - Three Dates, Three Girls, Three Days
So after me and Jill had a nice night out and fucked again I had to go home to play poker with Velli and get ready for my date with Maria that day.
We had a score to settle, after the night we spent watching kakegurui he was obsessed and wanted to get her as a waifu from me in the stupid discord waifu game if I’ve mentioned that. So I told him I’d give him the main character for all of undertale and he said I was on some shit. I told him we could gamble for it, since that’s what yumeko would do. So we made these plans to play texas hold’em until someone lost. 
Of course he did. It kind of came down to the first hand, tbh. He hit a pair off the flop but I hit a three of a kind and he didn’t want to believe I’d have a 4 in my opening hand and bet on it, so he started raising ME and gave me almost all his chips right off the bat. So I won waifus. And we watched more kakegurui until it was time for Maria to come pick me up for a date that we’d arranged.
We went out to raleigh times and got tacos, and went to boxcar and played some games. She’s pretty competitive, but I kicked her ass at galaga :3 turns out she likes the same arcade games as me. We played some air hockey, and she fucking railed me at skee ball. We played some space invaders and then bounced out to karaoke. Skylar finally sang for the first time! but I missed it and he said he was pumped to do another though, so I ended up singing She Bangs by Ricky Martin with him lol. Also sang Maria by green day because I wanted to embarrass her a bit. Or make her heart flutter. Same difference, right? we’d already kissed a few times before we made it over to Neptune’s, so things were going swimmingly. We had already discussed going back to my place to drink after bars before she picked me up for the date, but it was locked in after she met all my friends.
This cutey was saying this stuff on the walk back. She proclaimed that I was the male version of her, and I loved that because we’re both narcissistic as fuck. She was also telling me how she loved seeing me interact with everyone and that I was so cute and that if I had gone home with someone else instead of her she wouldn’t have even minded just as a friend. And I was like wow. Man. Perfect! Wow. That’s a lot but I dig it. And then we talked about having a threesome with her guy friend that doesn’t wanna do anything more than kiss a dude. She said she loves how open I am and how willing I am to experiment with things. We made it back to my place and she loved my room and my house and we fucked. Real. Hard. It was great. Started nice and slow, warmed up everything, ate her out for a while, fucked for a bit, came, explained how I could go for a round two without refractory period and she was like “wow. You’re woman’s best friend.” Then she wanted me to actually pound on her for a while which felt exxxxcellent, but eventually we needed to take a food break lol. I damn near set my house on fire trying to bake these sammies in the oven and pick them up with a paper towel. I was drunk enough that I touched the heating elements or some shit and just lit the shit on fire and was like flapping trying to put it out until I threw it in the sink lmfao. Luckily no harm no foul but I’ve gotta use spatulas more hahaha. Why the fuck don’t I have a pair of tongs in my house. She actually wanted me to fuck her in the kitchen while I cooked the sandwiches. Perfect. Checked that one off, but had to cut it off pretty quick since they were done fast. Watched some parks and rec naked on the couch. Went back to my room when the sandwiches were done and fucked more until I could finally get off again and then we collapsed in a hot sweaty puddle and curled up to sleep for the night. 
Woke up in the morning at like 11, was maybe supposed to meet Elyse at 11 or 4, so I was like oh shit, but it turned out she didn’t want to hang until 2. So me and Maria fucked again, “2 for 2″ she said. Not sure if it was sexing or her cumming, but seemed approving lmao, and she left me to enjoy her day off and let me get some sleep before work. 
Instead I took a shower, tried to get a new CRT from my buddy, it wouldn’t fit in my car. 
Then I met up with Elyse at Umstead Park and we went on a run together. I haven’t exercised with someone in fucking years, but I’d do it for her. We kept pace together pretty well, had a nice little 3 mile run, then hung out by these cabins touching each others’ arms and backs and hair and chit chatting about each other. I kissed her a little, but she seemed very tentative. Though she did kiss me back a second time. We rode off and got a beer down the road from the park, talked about some ideas for fetish stuff and our interests and how things have developed a little bit. I really wanna see what her take on primal play is; that’s where she says she gets her kitty nature. Its pretty sexciting.
We went off to target to try and get me some pore cleanser (pork rinds? Pork lenser? lol) but couldn’t find it, and I had to run off to a JKCF scholarship meetup dinner, so she kissed me goodbye and we parted ways.
Not quite as exciting as my date with Mariah, and a lot less moaning involved. Though I did hear a lot of the same panting noises during the run. Jogging with someone definitely is kinda sexy lmfao. I’m just glad she got me off my ass and exercised this week, because I’ve been slacking. I’m stuck at 165 because I keep eating and drinking too much. Apparently it’s not hurting me much though ;)
But yeah still a good date though. Excited to see what’s to come!
Also it was a pleasure seeing all the cute JKCF people. I almost wish I could tell them the weird shit I’m into now. Some of the ladies who work for them have known me since I was in like 8th grade. Pretty fucking wild. 
How things change. 
So BOOM! here I am, all caught up. Eventually I’ll post some goofy stories from Hawaii, but that’s not gonna be too hard or long. hehehe Seems like things are just gonna keep being crazy for me though, so maybe I’ll blog more frequently so I don’t really fall behind as much.
Though Weilin’s really vested in me trying to work for Google, so that’s a project I have to actually do some work on. And there’s a handful of work assignments that I’ve been putting off for the last month and a half to finish this project lolol.
So maybe I take another month break and catch back up? We’ll see. Just know that things have never been better.
I am slightly in debt from drinking too much and fixing my car and getting a brand new phone and buying too many clothes and sex toys. But it’s hella manageable. Really the only reason I’m a Little behind is because I’ve been pressured to take some days off work to use up my PTO so I haven’t been seeing as many patients. Which also means spending a little more. And I’ve had a lot of no shows. So it’s no big deal. I’m making so much more money now I don’t even need to worry about it, it’ll sort itself out over time. Feels so fucking good man. 
We’ll see about my goal weight. I would like to crush this last 10-15 pounds and get rid of the tummy and maybe even get a six pack on. That’d be dope. Kind of a goal by next lake week.
Last I wanted to talk about how I talked to my dad before slosh on monday. He asked about my facebook post so I talked about how I came out as bi and he wanted to tell me that he supported me and wanted me to be happy no matter what. I love him so fucking much lol he had this little anecdote about how he had a trans mtf mechanic and he was just like “well you’re still gonna work on my motorcycle, right? Then you’re all good by me.” He also told me the BDSM polyamory stuff I’m getting into is wild and that I’ve officially one upped him on that. SO BOOYAAAAAAAAAAA WE’RE IN THERE, FAM. <3 love ya daddy-o
So I’m. Fucking. Goooood.
Love you guys <3
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