#oh and lotor shows up but idk what happens there either is he good at first? i literally don’t remember
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i’ve been watching voltron again and i just finished season two (sob) and i’m realizing i have no idea what happens in seasons 3 and 4 i think i blocked everything out until shiro comes back 🤣😅
#like literally trying to remember what happens#obviously the lion switch#i think maybe they find matt and sam? right?#oh and lotor shows up but idk what happens there either is he good at first? i literally don’t remember#also watching it again i’m realizing that hunk and lance were friends yeah but i think really pidge and hunk were besties#also keith and allura should have ended up together after the whole galra reveal and that growth and stuff#they have a lot of good chemistry i just don’t see lance and allura i don’t#anyway#watching it away from fandom has put a lot of it into a new perspective for me#i still ship shance tho nothing will make me Not ship shance#except that one scene in season 6 you know the one#we don’t talk about it tho#that should’ve been lance LOL#lance should have had a bigger impact on finding shiro too after the whole thing where shiro was talking to lance in the mind space thing#WAIT DOES THAT HAPPEN IN SEASON 4????#fucking i DON’T REMEMBER#guess i gotta keep watching#my partner said he wanted to watch voltron with me too ;-; love that for me#my post
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Review Replies for The Second Law Chapter 15
Thanks to the following awesome people for reviewing chapter 15: LunarMagnolia, RogueSareth, Rosenthorne, KairaB, Lady_Experiment, Star-gazer, AfroditeOhki, EllieDoll, RandomBystander, Sachianna, AGreekDemigod, Wallflwr97, NickyADon, Brynn, Espanholina, Geeeny, dancingmagicmyths, Bieslook, and Justice_not_Revenge! I really appreciate your feedback and read each comment to better understand what people may be looking for in this story and what questions and expectations are. So thank you for helping me to write this story!
You can read individual review replies below! :)
LunarMagnolia: As always, thank you so much for your extensive feedback and thoughts on the last chapter! I’m really excited that you like the inclusion of the generals (I hope to include them more as time goes on), and how Lotor is characterized in this fic. Because I want Lotor to feel familiar? But to also expand his character too, given how much his imprisonment might have altered him. And ahhh I’m so glad you enjoyed the addition of Coran! He just wrote himself in doing that—I didn’t really plan for it, haha. But I’m glad it happened. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
RogueSareth: Thank you so much for continuing to read and review after all of this time. I really appreciate it!
Rosenthorne: Gosh, it does sound nice, haha. I’m making myself hungry with all of this talk about soup. Thank you for returning to read and review!
KairaB: Ahhh thank you for returning to read and review after so long! Sorry that my update schedule for this story has been less than stellar lately, averaging like….one chapter every four months, oof. But it really means a lot that you’ve maintained interest! I really like seeing Allura and Lotor getting closer too. They’re kind of just writing themselves in all of these conversations, so I’m really curious about what they might do next, lol. Thank you again for your reviews!
Lady_Experiment: Yooo! You know Lotor’s secret about the tea is going to come back to haunt him at some point, haha. And yaaas, Coran definitely does take on some Uncle Iroh vibes here. XD Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
Star-gazer: Thank you, and thanks so much for continuing to read and review this story!
AfroditeOhki: Oh gosh, yeah, Allura def deserves a whole village taking care of her after all she’s done to protecc them all, guh. And ahh I hope you enjoy the movie selected for this next round—Lotor definitely had to come back to the family here even just for that, lol. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing this story still, into year two of its life!
EllieDoll: Thank you so much for that high praise, and guh, I hope this story can continue to help make future days fun! The generals are def fun to write, haha—I’m confident we’ll see more of them, as we will Coran Coran the Healer Man, bless that title omg. And ahhh, I know this story started off as mostly Lotor whump and hurt/comfort, lol, but it really has been fun to reverse the roles and have him comforting our sick princess—while also still bantering with her, lol. As always, thanks so much for all of your support!
RandomBystander: Thank you very much for that kind review, and I’m so happy you’re enjoying the story! I really appreciate your feedback.
Sachianna: Yooo belle + beast vibes is the equivalent of the 100 emoji, blessss!! That’s a great movie, yas, as is Mulan. I would love to see the paladins bursting into song over those, and Lotor’s ears flicking back in just total bewilderment, lol. I really appreciate your support on this story and for reading and reviewing!
AGreekDemigod: asd;jfa;sldfj this is basically your lotura bible? Omg, wow, that is a very high compliment, and I hope to continue to do it justice! I think it’s really fun to write battle scenes, lol, but somehow these characters just kinda write themselves too, so I’m just along for the ride! I definitely think we’ll be seeing more of the generals, and I haven’t forgotten about Adam either! Thank you so much for rereading this story and dropping me a review—it means a lot!
Wallflwr97: Ahh fluff and angst (flangst?) is one of my favorite genres, haha! Yaas, I really enjoy writing this version of Lotor because he’s just got so many stress points to explore, LOL. But gosh, he’s definitely struggling with how to feel for Allura—maybe watching another movie could help something! As always, thanks so much for reading and reviewing my work. I really appreciate your support too—because that def keeps me inspired and engaged in this ship! So do know just how much you contribute as well! <3
NickyADon: Bless omg, I can see Lotor saying that too and being a very smug brat about it while Allura just starts sputtering, lol. About Keith and Acxa, I definitely do have them set up as a bit of a foil for each other—I always thought that was interesting Acxa’s VA said they were supposed to be shipped, when I was worried that maybe they might be siblings, LOL. And ahhh omg, yaaas I love a Lotor and Shiro friendship—I would have loved to see them grow to be good friends! Thank you so much for always reading and reviewing this story! (And yoo I do love me a more complex and damaged Lotor too, lol!)
Brynn: Yoooo bless you and your extensive reviews, as always! About Allura’s missing piece in her quintessence field, it’s hinted at within the chapter, but Lotor hasn’t put two-and-two together yet either. So it hasn’t been fully revealed yet, but the topic will definitely come back to explain what the effect is on Allura as well. And gosh, I love writing Allura and Lotor arguing, lol—idk why, but they kinda just write themselves bantering, so I go along with it. I think they almost need to argue over even the petty things, given how much tension has been between them, haha. I think it helps to release some of that built-up tension. And ahh we’ll definitely see more of Lotor’s Generals as the story goes along—and more Lotor and team Voltron shenanigans too. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
Espanholina: Gosh yeah, I feel like canon Allura really undervalues her own life a lot, so I feel like Lotor would be incensed by this. But yaaaas dat mate bond is def growing, and we’ll continue to see it result in some things, even in this upcoming chapter! Allura’s missing piece of quintessence will also reappear as a plot point, muahahaha. And yaaas, they’re getting along again finally—even if they are still a bit jabby at times, XD. “Coran’s Ipurim Trade,” loll omg yas please! That is so cute! Thank you so much as always for reading and reviewing!
Geeeny: LOL I got such a giggle from your reviews, bless and thank you! For as serious as the topics are in this story, I also really like to try having things that lighten the mood, so Lotor liking and using cat memes just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy, haha. I really appreciate your high compliments as to my work, and I hope they can continue to be meaningful for you. Thank you again for your support and reviews!
Dancingmagicmyths: Yoooo bless omg! Okay so when I started this fic, I really did intend it to be focused on just Lotor and Allura. But then the more I got to writing the paladins, the more I realized how much fun it is to have a whole found family interacting together, so I’m really excited that you’ve found meaning in those interactions too! Gosh, I just want to see the disaster royals happy as well, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a sucker for hurt/comfort too, LOL. And I think for me, I really wanted to show that it’s not just a one-way street in terms of caring—that Lotor cares for Allura as much as she does him. (Which gives me more opportunity for more hurt/comfort bwahahaha.) Thank you so much for reading and reviewing this!!
Bieslook: Oh wow, thanks so much for returning to the Voltron fic archives and taking a chance on this story! Yeah, I was disappointed too at how the show turned out and wanted to explore more about this incredibly complex character and all of his potential interactions with a found family. And this story was originally supposed to just be a “what if” thing, lol, but now it’s stretching out into a full s7-s8 rewrite, haha. I really appreciated your note and kind words. Thank you for your review, and for checking out several of my other stories as well!!
Justice_not_Revenge: Thank you so much for reading and reviewing this story; I really appreciate it!
#The Second Law#Review Replies#working to get this story updated for tomorrow!#It's been an eternity and a half a;ldjfsadjf#thank you all for your feedback and thoughtful reviews!#it really means a lot!
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I know this is a bit late, and I don’t usually make original posts, but I want to gather my thoughts on VLD s7, even though I literally never participate in fandom discourse lol. So I guess we’ll see how this goes.
There were great parts of this season. Let’s start with that.
First of all, Hunk was incredible and I’m so glad he finally got an arc where he could shine, even if I feel like it was long overdue. Seriously, I feel like Hunk was the best part of this season and I cannot state enough how much effect he had on my overall impression of the season. He basically carried the season singlehandedly and I don’t understand why searching through the tag rn I can hardly find any appreciation for him this season. (yeah jk I know why ha)
Everything they did with the Paladins’ families (from Hunk’s arc about rescuing his parents to Lance reuniting with his family and his relationship with Veronica to freaking Colleen!!!! just straight up stealing the show for two episodes!!! What an icon I love her so much!) was absolutely perfect. (I will say I’ve seen speculation that Hunk’s sister and her kids died since they weren’t there in his hospital room, which I desperately hope is not the case since that really should have been mentioned.)
I also loved seeing Shiro take charge and become Captain of the Atlas without even seeming to realize that he was the man for the job.
Sendak was a formidable and interesting villain who raised the stakes, which made it more satisfying when they defeated him.
I enjoyed getting to know Romelle more and see her in action.
Coran and the mice’s team up to break out the rest of the gang was very good and funny.
I enjoyed seeing Lotor’s ex-generals again (because I love them), although I do have some issues which I’ll get to later.
The new characters they introduced, mainly Rizavi, Leifsdottir, Kinkade, Veronica, and Griffin were all great and I loved them! They did a great job of making me care about these new people. (And Kinkade is drawn so pretty what the heck y’all sleepin on this beautiful dude)
Seriously Colleen was so great I cannot stress this enough. I’ve been feeling for this poor woman who thought that she’d lost her whole family since season 1 so I’m so glad to finally see her in action, fighting for her family and her planet.
They did a good job of setting up Admiral Sanda’s inevitable betrayal, even if it was a really stupid thing for her to do.
Ep 5 was great; I was super excited to see what the Druids looked like under their masks, Macidus and Keith’s teleporting fight was awesome, and it’s always great to see Allura’s magic develop more, even when I wish it wasn’t so unclear how/what she’s doing.
Lots of the fights were so cool, from the Voltron team taking down the Galra drones in the cave system in Ep 2 to all the MFE fights to Shiro’s rematch against Sendak to even Voltron’s fight against the Robeast. These fights, I’ve noticed, are always especially cool when they unlock a new ability like Hunk’s turrets and Voltron’s double swords. Also I forgot how strong Alteans are until Romelle just straight up ripped apart a drone.
As much as I overall didn’t like The Feud as an episode, it did have some great moments with Pidge taking down Bob, Allura and Hunk being cute in the background, and the team being overall really supportive and loving of each other.
Shay came to visit Hunk!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, as you may have guessed, I also have a lot of problems with this season. Ones that, for me, are too serious to ignore. But let’s start with my more minor grievances, then work our way up to the big ones, shall we?
I don’t like Shiro’s new arm. It reminds me too much of Sendak’s and is too bulky/strange looking for for my taste. And for some reason my eyes have a hard time finding it? Like they’re drawn to the light emanating from his shoulder and not the forearm/hand. Idk, but I’m not a fan.
I wish Griffin had apologized to Keith for being such a jerk about his parents. I kept waiting for it since they had all these long glances with each other. I came to like him despite the bad initial impression only because he proved to be a good leader who valued every member of his team and knew when to step aside because someone else was better at a job. But I still kinda needed resolution for his rudeness, especially since he’s obviously grown since then and should want to make amends.
Admiral Sanda’s just so freaking stupid????? Like, how did she get that high in ranking when she consistently makes such bad decisions???? Clearly the dictator who’s controlling earth who comes from a war-mongering culture that enslaves and destroys planets isn’t just gonna let y’all go once he gets Voltron. He’s either gonna continue using you as slaves because nothing’s stopping him or destroy you because you’re no longer useful. Listen to people who know the Galra better than you!!
I saw somewhere that Matt has a girlfriend now???? When did this happen????
They somehow got the ENTIRE BALMERA to Earth?!!!????!!?!?!?!? How did they build a teleduv big enough to do that!?!
Also, where did they get a teleduv? Did the Atlas have one? Or was that something that they built during the epilogue montage??
How did Keith summon his bayard telepathically?? Was that a Galra thing or a new Paladin ability?
How did Shiro manage to survive falling from space to earth on the outside of a ship while fighting Sendak?? I mean I’m really glad he lived, but??? How??
I don’t think we needed so much time dedicated to Sam Holt updating the Garrison and then the rest of earth on what happened in space. I kinda appreciated it since it’s been a long time since I watched the early seasons, but at the same time he didn’t tell them anything that was new information to us as viewers. The only things we gained from those scenes were how others reacted to this info. (And we still didn’t get to see the reaction of the person I was most interested in, Adam, but I’ll get to that later.)
This is a problem I’ve been having with the show since like season 3 or so, but how much time has passed? They actually explicitly said it at a couple of points this season, what with 3 years having gone by for most people but only a few weeks for the Voltron team, but why did that time difference happen? Also, how much time passed between the team leaving Earth and them fighting Lotor in last season’s finale? Because I could believe any time frame between 6 months to a few years for that, which makes a big difference in how old the paladins are. According to the show, Sam landed on earth 4 years before the team gets back to the Milky Way, so I guess Sam left the team a year before they faught Lotor??
I didn’t get the thing with Allura’s crown gem? Since when is that a power source? And I was really struck by the imagery of her literally throwing her crown away to help her friend, but I feel like it would’ve been more powerful if we had been given some information about what exactly that gem is and what it means for her. Just make this more clear for me. Also, Shiro has already lashed out and hurt people against his will, so I really didn’t need that angsty moment for him.
The B-plot in Ep 1 was tonally dissonant from the A-plot of Shiro’s flashbacks, and it ended up being totally useless anyway. As much as I enjoyed Romelle and Hunk’s banter in those parts, they would’ve been better placed somewhere else. They should’ve just dedicated the whole episode to Shiro’s flashbacks and given us more information about him.
If they were going to mention that Shiro had a progressive disease in his flashbacks, then they need to explicitly mention in the show that he doesn’t have it anymore. As it is, people who don’t know about the SDCC announcements are just gonna assume he still has it. If it doesn’t happen in the show, it’s not canon. Also, if he’s had this disease the whole time, then why is s7 the first time it’s mentioned? The way he held his arm in the flashback reminded me of the way he held it when his Galra arm activated for the first time. Did the arm help fight the progression of the disease like that lil wristband did? If so, that should’ve been explained and made clear a long time ago. It just bothers me that this is the first time we’re hearing about this major part of Shiro’s life that he’s been fighting with, and that in show we’re given absolutely no resolution for it.
I guess the gem powering Shiro’s arm and the Castleship diamond powering the Atlas connected somehow?? Which is how Shiro turned it into a giant robot? ??????????????? I’m genuinely very confused on what was going on there. It needed to be made more clear. I was on board for whatever they were doing at first just because Shiro looked so pretty in that lighting, but they took it in the weirdest direction possible. Why would anyone care about Voltron anymore when you’ve got a bigger, stronger robot now? Voltron’s no longer the most powerful weapon in the universe - the Atlas is. And it only became such by coincidence. Which is just. Irritating.
The Feud episode. Oh boy. First of all, I got some serious emotional whiplash from the change to this episode. It just didn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the season at all. Second, they just really did not have to spend that much time making fun of Lance for being stupid. Especially when he’s not. Also, the first two of the people he had to identify had masks on, and Lance had only met them briefly. ALSO you’re telling me that Lance, the most social and outgoing of the Voltron team, is the one who’s bad with names/faces????? ALSO spending less time teasing Lance would’ve opened up more time for giving Hunk and Allura their own activities. ALSO everyone else on the team gets a little speech about how they’re valuable, but Lance just gets “I don’t want to be stuck with him forever”?????? That’s so freaking messed up. Third, the whole premise of the episode was strange to me. Like why would an all powerful being who tests heroes do it in this way? It seems to me that that premise fits Ep 6, where they were stranded in space, much better. They were genuinely tested then, and the forces that attacked them and propelled them through lightyears of space were never explained, so saying that Bob did it and propelled them towards their goal as a reward for passing the test could’ve been a satisfying answer to those questions. And fourth, can I also ask why Morvok was the fourth player?? Like he’s a nonentity in terms of villains. And they still didn’t have the same number of players as team Voltron. Haggar’s still alive, so they could’ve put Sendak on there too. And for the fifth player they could’ve put on a fan favorite villain character. One who showed up in more episodes than Morvok did. One who died a while back and who the fans have wanted to see again ever since. Like, I don’t know, NARTI!! Ugh.
The Robeast. I just. This season could’ve ended on a pretty high note if they had just cut that out and just went straight to the lil epilogue after defeating Sendak. As cool as that fight was at parts, it caused a pretty low finale, which is pretty disappointing after last season’s incredible finale. I get that they needed to foreshadow Haggar’s return to this fight or whatever they’re doing for next season and that she’s been working on the lost Alteans, apparently, but it was just a strange note to end on. Especially with the weird addition of Atlas to the Giant Robot Squad. And Allura’s line “Seriously? We just defeated Sendak and now we gotta deal with this?!?!” (I’m paraphrasing) was a MOOD.
Okay, so this post has gotten kinda out of control, so I’m gonna have to save the biggest issue I had (betcha can guess what it is) for another post. So. Look out for Part 2 of this nonsense. Feel free to reblog with your own ideas/input!
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2017 Writing Round-Up
Total year-long word count:
only counting what’s posted on AO3
Word count by fandom:
Yowamushi Pedal - 4232 Free! - 5126 Haikyuu!! - 10,750 Kuroko no Basuke - 18,953 Voltron - 71,180 (plus 64k waiting to post) Yuri!!! on Ice - 191,981
The math isn’t adding up...I think I messed up somewhere, lol. But you get the gist.
Fics completed:
65 (plus tumblr-only drabbles)
3 or 4...or 7...?
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
I guess I felt like I hadn’t written very much. But looking at those numbers, I definitely contributed to my fandoms!
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Voltron, for sure. I was definitely avoiding it, since I’d seen/heard such negative things about the fandom. But I’ve met so many wonderful people who enjoy it (as well as other fandoms I’m in) so it was definitely worth it!
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
Uninhibited (OtaYuri - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T) It was so much fun to write and it felt complete when I finished. The scenes I had in mind worked out just as I imagined and that hardly ever happens, heh.
I also really liked Anastasis (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T) because I love Hybrid Child and I will continue writing that AU for my favorite pairings until its creator comes after me, lol.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote in a lot of languages I don’t fully understand. Not full works, but parts of works were written in Italian, Czech, and Russian - like dialogue - and, if not for the wonderful friends I’ve met on tumblr, I think I would have butchered those beautiful languages.
Your best story of this year:
I think Swept Away (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T) was probably my best because it had the most responses and reader interaction. I wrote it as I went (not much planning involved, lol) and the support for the pairing and au was just wonderful!
Your most popular story of this year:
Definitely Back to You (Klance - Voltron - Rated T) It might just be because Klance is very popular, but it also has the kudos and comment to go along with those hits, so I think it’s safe to say that it’s pretty popular (in comparison, of course)
Story of yours most under-appreciated by the universe, in your opinion:
Probably a tie between Red Koi (SouRin - Free! - Rated T) any of my non-Klance Voltron fics. That’s not to say that the vld fics don’t get love and appreciation (They do! And I’m so thankful for it!) but Klance is so popular, it sort of takes the attention away when people peruse my work.
As for Red Koi. Free! as a fandom was pretty dead at that time, so that’s probably part of it. I was so happy with how it turned out and it was my first time writing something based on an artist’s lovely creation. I was kind of bummed people didn’t really check it out. (But it’s all good) :)
Most fun story to write:
Either Return to the Space Mall (Klance - Voltron - Rated T) or Gym Dates (Shklance - Voltron - Rated T) Both were fun for different reasons. RttSM felt like I was writing an episode of the show, tbh. Not one they’d air (because there’s a pairing in it) but one that the writers might get a good laugh out of reading. Gym Dates is my ‘I don’t feel like doing work, so let me write for my fun au’ fic.
Story with the single sexiest moment:
Hmmm...that’s a tough one. I’d have to go with Oral Exam (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated M) It’s more implied, but sometimes that’s sexier. Maybe? Idk. But I liked it, hehe.
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
Okay, so...I went through a thing where I could write nsfw stuff. Like...I wanted to, but it wasn’t coming out right. I’ve been a real “T-Rated” writer for a lot of this year. So, I’d have to say my one and only nsfw voltron fic. Bath Bomb (Lance Solo - Voltron - Rated E) I just felt forced. The sfw parts are great (imo) and I love them. But the actual nsfw bit seems...lack-luster. You could tell I wasn’t comfortable or happy with it.
Story that shifted your own perceptions of the characters:
I’m going to go with Boundaries (KuroKen - Haikyuu!! - Rated M) because it was my first time really delving into sexuality for the two of them together.
Hardest story to write:
Definitely True Heroes (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T) Not only was it a cover for someone who dropped out of the EmiMike Exchange, but, as much as I love Super Hero movies...I know nothing about writing them, lol. This was before I watched BNHA or Tiger & Bunny, so I was mostly going off of what I remembered from X-Men AU, haha. I did have a lot of help, though. Thank goodness!
Biggest disappointment:
More Of You (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated E) This was a continuation of Rhinestone Chucks - which I loved!! - but it just...I dunno. People wanted more and I wrote it, but I didn’t feel like it was my best work. This was the start of my inability to write nsfw this year, lol.
Biggest surprise:
I don’t think I planned on writing an Inch-High Samurai AU - Sanzun-bōshi: Shirogane Takashi (Shance - Voltron - Rated G) - but I’m so glad I did. It doesn’t have a lot of hits, but people seem to like it (and senpai noticed me, so...) Yeah. That one was really fun.
Most unintentionally telling story:
Boundaries (KuroKen - Haikyuu!! - Rated M)
Favorite opening line(s):
Opening and Closing lines are hard, okay? But I really liked the way I started Among the Stars (Klance - Voltron - Rated T) - even though I totally abandoned it to write my bb and I haven’t come back yet... oops. Anyway, here’s the line:
“I really don’t think this is a good idea, Your Highness,” Hunk said nervously, gaze darting from side to side before settling on his prince, who was tugging on the rope of knotted bedsheets tied to the heavy desk by his window.
“First of all,” he began, seeming suitably pleased with the makeshift rope’s strength, “It was my idea, so, of course it’s a good one. Secondly,” he lifted the pile of sheets and threw them out the window, watching as they unfurled, creating the perfect escape route. “You’ve known me for, like, my whole life, Hunk. Just call me Lance.”
Favorite closing line(s):
Gosh, these are even more difficult than Opening lines. Wow, um... How about the ending of Peaceful Negotiations (Klance line, but it’s really Shance/Sheith with future Shklance - Voltron - Rated T):
Seeming to mistake his distress for misunderstanding, Keith continued. “Lance, he’s not bigger th-”
But Lance just held a hand up, silencing him. Then he sunk down into the couch, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring up at the other man. “I fucking hate you.”
So much for peaceful negotiations.
Favorite 5 line(s) from anywhere:
Most of these will be Lance because I love writing him and I’ve written him most often, so...
From Return to the Space Mall (Klance - Voltron - Rated T):
Lance’s brows rose to his hairline. “Uh, if you’re asking why I saved us back there-”
“Why didn’t you correct him?” He frowned. “Now he thinks we’re…” Keith lowered his voice to a whisper, “Dating.”
“No.” Lance held a hand up, gesturing between them. “He thinks Lanzo McCool and Fangs are dating.”
Keith groaned. “Stop calling me that. And Lanzo McCool? Are you serious?”
From Back to You (Klance - Voltron - Rated T):
“...we were chasing Lotor through the wormhole he created while trying to keep it open with what turned out to be a wormhole of our own.”
“So, it’s like…wormception?” Lance offered and Pidge gave him a look.
“If that helps you…”
From Lotor Baby (Lancelot - Voltron - Rated T):
“You thought…”
“You were singing your list,” Lotor finished for him. “Odd, but, then again,” he smirked, “You’ve always been a little different.”
“Oh, Baby, no, I-” Lance cut himself off with a nervous little laugh. “Are you telling me you’ve never heard that song before?” he asked and Lotor – looking rather unimpressed – shook his head. “Eartha Kitt? Madonna?” he questioned and received the same response. “Sweet plantains…”
Lotor pursed his lips. “I’m beginning to think I’ve misinterpreted something,” he mused.
From Uninhibited (OtaYuri - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T):
“Ah, Yuuri,” Victor began, wrapping an arm around his fiancé’s waist. “Remember when I dropped everything and flew out to see you?”
“Yes,” the other man said with a snort. “But at least Otabek gave Yurio a heads up, as opposed to waiting completely naked in the onsen.”
“Good times, good times,” the older man sighed happily.
“Ugh, will you two shut it!” Yuri stamped his foot, chipping the ice. “This isn’t about you.”
“That’s right,” Mila said and before Yuri could thank her, she continued. “This is about Otabek and this extreme gesture of love for our little Yura.”
“I hate this freaking family,” the blond muttered under his breath.
From Swept Away (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T)
“But I don’t want you to die,” he sobbed, his face twisted in agony.
“Emil,” he breathed, reaching up to brush some of his tears away. His gaze fell to Emil’s lips, a little chapped but looking just as soft as ever. Just once, he thought. There was no reason to feel embarrassed now. “I’m sorry,” he whispered and then kissed him softly.
He was surprised when Emil wrapped his arms tightly around him, pressing their lips together more firmly and pulling him close to his chest. The kiss tasted salty, but still oh so sweet. And when they broke apart, Michele’s chest felt lighter. He smiled up at Emil, who returned the sentiment, albeit sadly, and touched his forehead to Michele’s. “Don’t go,” Emil murmured against his lips.
“I-” but Michele gasped, a searing pain weaving its way up his legs. He gripped the front of Emil’s shirt to steady himself and whipped his head to the side.
The sun was setting.
Top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated:
Literally any of them. I would just explode with joy, tbh. I’ve had a few beautiful works of art based on my fics and I’m still screaming internally about them.
Fic-writing goals for next year:
Write more and also less. Don’t stress about it and don’t crank things out like a machine. Also, write what you enjoy. This is for me and everyone reading~
#writing#writing meme#2017#long post#I'm so sorry#should I put his under a cut?#i tagged long post#i'm golden#lol#all the fandoms#all the ships#everything is tagged
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Love/Hate S3, but still want S4
I had a WHOLE two pages set up to rant about each episode but I decided to summarize it. This is still really long though I’m sorry ;A;
There was more Lance and Allura development, a smidge of Keith development and about 0% Pidge and Hunk. VERY little team development too, it’s a whole new team but the whole “coming together” and “working on it” was squashed into one episode. Which to be fair they did with the first season. But even then its more keith, lance, and allura development and oh hey pidge and hunk are here guess we can form Voltron. I do love that Hunk is attentive to Allura being new though. Even the bonding was only between those 3 really.
I don’t get how lions work, does this mean they more they develop as a person, the more options they have? Like will they eventually be able to pilot every lion? Because it feels like that. And just imagine that? Like maybe Lance’s assault rifle changed more to a sniper rifle ONLY when he got was able to use red? So maybe at some point they are all able to pilot each lion and their weapons upgrade? But they will always have the lion that is their strongest.
I think Klance moments are going to be a bait for the viewers. Sorry. I love Klance, I ship it, but like…it just like any other show so far? I am also afraid for my blue boi Lance cuse, come on, just listen to him talk to Keith [which felt forced/awkward to me honestly but I still love it cuse I ship it]. But yeah, you heard him season season and now this season. He’s either going to leave or get hurt or die. Or maybe the VLD team is gonna be like HA GOTCHA BITCHES. But come on, when has that really happened? Or they’ll pull another KorraxAsami on us if they do fool us….IDK. DON’T HURT MY LANCE.
I love and …kind less love Allura. I think the alternate reality really made me go “wow, really girl?” Because you just…like I get you lost your whole civilization and like alternate universe where they became the empire…but you still activate the ship after learning how?? Like seriously??!?!? But her weapon is wicked. But here is a question for you, compare her reaction to black rejecting her vs red. Does this mean she doesn’t want to lead Voltron? Or Is she simply wanting to follow in her father’s footsteps?
And omg don’t get me started on Shiro. He is either a clone, or he is the original Shiro but is like a sleeper agent – or the shiro from S1 + 2 was actually the clone but the original shiro is corrupted [like how Zarkon and Haggar got corrupted]. Because that is shady af. I don’t know how long he was gone from Voltron, but hair does NOT grow that fast. It’s been MONTHS since I’ve cut my hair from super long [like small of my back long] to my shoulders and it has NOT grown that much. The Galra either have a GREAT conditioner for hair or he’s not shiro. Or is the original shiro. OR SOMETHING. I EXPECT TO SEE TWO SHIRO’S OR A CORRUPTED/MIND CONTROLED ONE.
IF not then I expect Shiro to actually support from the ship. It would be nice to have him not die and steps down from leading Voltron?
Lotor is smart and manipulative and I do not believe his goal is the same as his fathers. I don’t think he’s trying to open another dimension.
HIS STRONG LADY SQUAD THO. I LOVE THEM. NO FLAWS. BIG STRONG LADY REMINDS ME OF ZARYA AND JASPER AT THE SAME TIME. THE INVISIBLE LADY REMINDS ME OF SOMEONE FROM ATLA ALONG WITH THE BLUE LADY [less crazy Azula]. The blind woman, she doesn’t particularly remind me of anyone but….she’s interesting and there has to be MORE of her. Because isn’t her cat like the creature Haggar had in the beginning I mean something has to be up and she’s just so awesome.
And you know something weird. I was going to write a story about Zarkon’s decent. Something similar to what the show gave us. And I was like…I knew it. Because how would he had been able to pilot the Black Lion otherwise? So does this mean the REAL enemy of Voltron is that weird monster? Or quintessence? Maybe it is not what it seems? IS what Voltron made of, like what if it WAS like a Balmera – but a creature that kept that…black substance at bay? Or a guardian of sorts? But it was overpowered and broken into fragments. So Alfor making the lions just gave it another way of protecting the planet? What if it has its own objective? THERE HAS TO BE A REASON WHY THIS COMET SPLIT! But like HOW did the rift on Zarkons planet only appear upon impact the but one in the ship....was in the middle fo space? What activated that one? Was it the impact in the other reality? AJGEGHAELKGklegahewkgjel my brain
Like what if it was a hive mind creatures? Kind of just…IDK how to describe it. Kind of like the Geth from mass effect? Except had a single form at some point?
Because it can’t just be a sentinent rock.
I…don’t realy know what to think about the alternate reality episode. It just screamed filler and again…made me love Allura a little less. She’s okay with getting allies that take away people’s free will AND created an empire. How did she not realize that no free will meant slaves btw? Because Keith does say it outloud – like the pink hair lady might have prettied it up but he picked it up or something. So just…blah.
But it was kind of funny to see Sven and that accent. Omg. [also lance why are you in the frontline you dummy, you’re a back line character – YOU HAVE A GUN AND YOUR FRIENDS SHIELDS ARE UP I LOVE YOU BUT OMG. [and yeah I know it’s for the Sven thing. BUT COME ON]
But it does make me wonder if they will keep traveling into alternate realities. There has to be MORE of those comets. But mostly to support my theory on it being a Being like the Balmera. IDK I AM NOT GOOD AT MAKING THEORIES FOR FANDOMS BUT BUT…
Okay its nearly 5AM and sleep is for the weak but I need some sleep or I’ll be up all night thinking. SO YES I LOVE THIS SHOW and FEEL SO-SO ABOUT THIS SEASON BUT I STILL NEED MOAR.
#vld#voltron#voltron legendary defender#vld spoilers#voltron spoilers#voltron legendary defender spoilers
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Voltron Season 5 Thoughts
Look I just wanna know what’s going on on Earth, ok? Just a glimpse. SOMETHING!!!
Episode 1: The Prisoner - Oh boy is this about REAL Shiro? - I’m so suspicious of Shiro now since he came back because i highly doubt that is real Shiro. So for right now I’m calling him Not Shiro. Also, Lance asking if it was a trap just further solidifies to me that Lance is gonna step up this season or call Not Shiro out or find out he isn’t Shiro. - Lance then again says “Oh no, we’re trapped!” < . < - Things are also going suspiciously well and everyone knows it...hmm.. and who is their informant? - Allura follow that gut instinct! - Oh shit...I forgot they had Lotor....and he is their informant. well that makes sense. - Don’t trust Lotor. But damn is he not good at manipulation. - Thank you, Allura! At least you are catching on to this quickly. - The only person I can think of that might be a special inmate would be either real Shiro, who I doubt would be revealed so easily and so early on, and Sam Holt. And now that the scene changes to Matt and Pidge, that’s the only person I can think of who it could be. - WOW I’m actually RIGHT?!?! - hmm...the cloaking device might not work because the barrier might have been made by Sam Holt. - And Matt’s jetpack didn’t work. .....why only him though? - the guards have already been taken out. They probably aren’t gonna get their dad this episode. - My guess is either he was taken away, dead, or works for the galra of his own free will. - Matt isn’t even dejected...he just looks angry or pissed - Ok so he is alive somewhere.... < . < idk Matt looks like he is hiding something - Oh they have Sam Holt probably - Oh hey they do! Dang....Sam Holt....you look a lot different XD Damn that was a good episode and WOW that cliffhanger at the end...
Episode 2: Blood Duel - I understand where Pidge is coming from but if you rush into things it can end badly for you. So I hope team Voltron thought this plan through... - What is Haggar even doing? These are flashbacks....probably before all this darkness consumed her. We get to see baby Lotor! - Wait.......is she just now.....idk...remembering?...that Lotor is her son? - What if Sam is a clone? That would be...disturbing....but it would introduce everyone to the clone idea. - After that look Lotor gave Sam...i definitely don’t trust this moment - ok so HOLOGRAM - Haggar....doesn’t want to retrieve Lotor.... Ok, so either she doesn’t trust Lotor, or she knows something about Lotor that Zarkon does not. OR Zarkon isn’t even around (just his body) and it’s all Lotor’s plan. - Operation Kuron Stage 4, huh? - So team Voltron did have a plan - ZARKON VS. LOTOR!!! LET’S GO!!!! - So Lotor has the black paladin bayard....did we know that already? - So they got Sam back! Yay!!! - Dead. I find it hilarious that the episode ends painting Lotor in this savior light. Also, Lotor calls Haggar witch. Haggar is wary of Lotor at all times. Zarkon was raised from the dead at least twice now? .....I know I’m missing a piece here.
Episode 3: Postmortem - Well that title isn’t the least bit foreboding. - Ahhh there is that Not Shiro personality again. I swear he seems so detached from everyone and everything. - Oh he gave him the bayard....how did (Not) Shiro know it would even work for Lotor? I guess this is the episode everyone starts growing suspicious af against (Not) Shiro. - Damn he totally snapped at Lance. Even real Shiro didn’t do that. - ....Haggar is controlling Not Shiro. Does Lotor know this? I think he knows this. I’m like 95% sure he does. So wtf is happening with this family? - There is a whole lot of switching sides in this series... - LANCE GOT A SWORD THAT’S SO COOL!!! - HOLT FAMILY IS BACK TOGETHER!!! - Wow they FINALLY mention the mom after FIVE seasons! - So they are gonna send their dad home and they’ll stay with Voltron. At least their mom will actually have someone with her again since her whole family LEFT - Interesting how Lance was the one to do the countdown, plus they are focusing on his perspective. Also....is Not Shiro not there? < . < - IT DOESN’T EVEN SHOW HIS FACE - OH BOY. WAS THAT ACTUALLY SHIRO??? I think it was....he was trying to tell Lance something. Probably to warn him. - Damn, Lance - YES FINALLY SOMETHING ABOUT EARTH!!!! Galaxy Garrison covered some shit up and have some explaining to do - So Not Shiro doesn’t remember that hmm?? - Hey it’s the guy that looks like a giant mouse!
Episode 4: Kral Zera - Idk what that title means...maybe a name of someone or a place - I guess we are gonna get to see Keith finally - oh a ceremony - Lotor is literally giving them the biggest fucking hint right now - honestly....watch KEITH be the person to light the Kral Zera. He’s in this episode and this is the episode to initiate someone else to be galra ruler. Keith is part Galra. Lotor is part Galra. - and Haggar refers to herself as ...if she was talking about someone else. So I’m gonna take a guess and say no one knows Haggar is Lotor’s mother... - Also Keith wtf are you doing? You are gonna get yourself killed - Keith just saved Lotor... - this is the moment where Lotor probably betrays you guys lol Voltron for scale
Episode 5: Bloodlines - oh boy...that title - I love this goodbye?! Everyone is starting to have hope! And we might get to see Earth again...someday. - Lance has brothers named Marco and Luis. and a sister named Veronica. and a grandma. that’s at least 4 people we didn’t know about. - gotta love Coran XD - WHAT I DON’T UNDERSTAND IS THAT YOU GUYS CAN LITERALLY GO HOME AND VISIT AND THEN GO BACK. i mean the temptation to stay would be great but COME ON!!! - KROLIA LEGIT LOOKS LIKE A FEMALE KEITH - LIKE HOLY FUCK - IS THAT HIS MOM? It has to be. I can’t see any other reason why they would look so similar. - of course he wants to sync their stuff with galra’s.....of frigging course he does - Pidge is gonna reprogram this robot......i think she is also gonna make sure to program it to be a spy for her. because she doesn’t trust people. and Lotor needs to be under surveillance. Watch this reprogramming thing come back. - *spins and twirls* TEAM PUNK! XD - ok so did ANYONE know that Haggar is Lotor’s mom? She barely knew! Lotor seems like he doesn’t know....sheesh people - SO ALLURA IS CATCHING THE FUCK ON! But.............Lotor seems to know but be in denial? maybe??????? ......although he acts like he just now realized that could be true...ugh - he totally didn’t plant that - welp....that wasn’t a surprise - there he goes!!! goodbye robot. i thought you would be helpful...
Episode 6: White Lion - OH BOY THAT TITLE - Whoa! Take that theoretical physics! - I swear to god if this pulls a Lion King and is all like “remember who you are”.... - those markings are “the mark of the chosen”??? (I might have slightly for a split second thought Lotor was blushing because his markings are pink) - different kinds of alteans...interesting. I guess when the markings glow that also means something about The Mark of the Chosen. - god that place is beautiful - poor Not Shiro doesn’t understand that he’s not Shiro... - lotor and allura are most likely going to solve this problem in very different ways - yep. lotor just embraced that violent galra mindset - Aaaannndd allura was willing to sacrifice her own life
And that’s about it! What a great season! I kinda wish we just got seasons all in one go again but in about another half a year, Voltron will be back!....probably. Lotor is doing great as an ally. I still don’t trust him. at all. But he has been proven useful for us. We got Sam Holt back and he took their messages and what he has learned with him to Earth. SO I WANNA SEE EARTH IN SEASON 6!!!! (Although I’ll take mentioning it at least a little bit for this season). This was very much another transition season. It was great and started to set up a lot of things for next season, and no doubt that season 6 will be amazing. Not Shiro feels conflicted and rightfully so. i feel sorry for him... IS IT JUST ME OR IS THIS SHOW REALLY TRYING TO PUSH THE ALLURA AND LOTOR SHIP? I don’t trust that one bit either. Lance also got a really good hint that Not Shiro is well...not Shiro...and it was from Not Shiro’s own mouth. I can’t wait to get Shiro back. We got to see Keith a bit, and we met his mother. So lot’s of things are coming together. All in all, loved it and am hyped for season 6!
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things i think about season 4 (or 34 points i feel compelled to make, shoved under a readmore):
1) every named blade except keith and kolivan has died so CONGRATS IF YOUR NAME STARTS WITH K UR SAFE
2) literally shiro has a bayard for the first time in FOUR SEASONS and we couldn’t have even three seconds of coran asking him to show off during their showbiz episode? literally what the fuck is wrong with y’all
3) they literally fucking wrote keith out of voltron and it makes sense how it happened and it sets him up for a DOOZY of a char arc
involving him learning his own form of leadership (he was directing those rebel fighters and talking back to kolivan you CAN’T tell me he’s not a good leader after that) (he just wasn’t good at leading voltron) (PROBABLY BECAUSE HE KNOWS HOW MUCH SHIRO NEEDS BLACK) (and also because of how out of place he’s always felt with them RIP)
........my fucking heart hurts
4) people are saying they don’t like the showbiz ep but like... if you look at the way worm!coran distilled their characters, you can tell how self-aware the writers are. like, they’ve written hunk as a joke and in the episode coran wrote him as a joke. they favored keith’s development over allura’s last few seasons (...she has magical powers and can shapeshift and they mentioned it once and then not again until like... now) and coran LITERALLY made allura be keith, like that is pretty obviously some shade at something. maybe the fandom’s complaints? idk, but it seems like they Know what they’re doing.
5) THE REUNION EP goddamn that was so good, that setup with the code books and the flashbacks and then the CEMETERY!!! THAT MONUMENT! god the monument was beautiful...
6) matt is such a fucking meme oh my god. okay who wants to bet that lance is going to get super jealous and insecure over the smart boy who acts like him but that people appreciate more? (this could go on a bingo card: LANGST OVER MATT) the heart eyes over allura thing pisses me off but.... i’m so ticked off about how they handle her like OOOH every boy is obviously fawning over her because EYE CANDY fuckin
7) the alteans trying to get milkshakes by talking to the cow was fuckign wonderful and THAT WAS WHAT I MEANT BY SEASON 3 LACKING ANY FUNNY BITS. like s3 had a few one off jokes but the whole rest of the time was die-hard angst and it... was not good
8) “keith’s tearing apart the team” LIARS. the team is tearing apart keith and i will not STAND FOR THIS SLANDER. also??? ‘we’ll always have your back’ or whatever bull shiro pulled out of his ass i’m. you literally did not? if one single one of y’all had stopped to talk to the boy you would have realized how awful he was feeling about everything. but no, shiro’s brilliant words of advice were ‘suck it up and be the leader even tho i can clearly see that no one likes you as the black paladin, least of all yourself’. god they were just... so cold to keith. blah blah i’m a keith stan but like... dudes. did you see how much he was hurting? and NO ONE wanted to talk to him. he’s still the loner to the team he would DIE FOR, WITHOUT HESITATION. this kid STOOD IN FRONT OF ZARKON, all alone, on the miniscule off chance that he could save the universe and be done with it. i’m
9) still need that hunk/lance development (allura’s is starting to pick up, thank god, but.........)
10) what the fUCK is up with shiro? he has never been this angry before. i can see how hard a blow it was to lose the support of the black lion, but it’s literally never been his MO to angrily order people around.
11) god no one is... talking to each other? no one but the holt sibs. fucking rip communication.
12) WHERE. THE FUCK. IS SLAV. bye bye to literally the smartest person in the universe i guess???
13) ...keith was the first actual paladin to make a paladin vlog, so where does that fit in with the timeline? also RIP MY HEART
15) dudes... voltron still has a sword. WITHOUT keith. in both of the last formations, keith’s bayard, either the black or the red, made the sword. what is up with that??
16) NARTI.
17) i REALLY 100% expected axca to be diehard lotor fangirl but her loyalty is greater than that. i’m love her??? she’s literally lawful good and I WON’T HEAR ANY WORDS AGAINST HER. I WANT HER BACKSTORY.
18) they left the goddamn cat behind. also, for real, i thought he was gonna murder the cat.
19) something’s up with jack haggar. can she consciously turn her face blue? or is it somehow linked to her memory?
20) zarkon is a zombie now wrapped in a tin can and im DYING
21) RIP galra command tbh. lotor is rogue, zarkon is relying on quintessence to stay alive, haggar currently gives NO fucks (we’ll handle it ourselves now lets BLOW UP THIS ENTIRE THIRD OF THE EMPIRE i’m???)
22) what the goddamn fuck is lotor’s backstory??? does he know who haggar even is? is he also 10 thousand years old???? hOW??? I NEED TO KNOW DAMMNIT
23) pidge’s room is so GOOD. plus the gaming system??? heck yeah.
24) pidge and hunk showering each other in compliments gives me life honestly
25) I LITERALLY JUST WANT KEITH TO BE OKAY if someone gets mad at him again and ignores the literal, like, four times he was about to GIVE HIS LIFE for the cause i’ll just.... explode
26) lance and his aerial dancing I’m?????
27) paul blart mall cop has voltron figurines that is all
28) how did that unilu trader become a war vet??
29) how is sam holt going to fit into this???
30) my dudes the galra ships can go underwater that is TERRIFYING
32) how did matt get the scar on his face HOW DID IT GET THERE
33) ....and there were some good hugs in there. keith/shiro hug, pidge/matt hug, matt/shiro hug, group hug with KEEF :”D
34) IF ONLY THEY EVER TALKED TO EACH OTHER LMFAO. aside from lance’s sudden speeches mid-life-or-death-situation i guess??? like wtf dude.
#13th#October#2017#October 13th 2017#liveblogging voltron#voltron season 4#this is basically a sweet and salty post#its like sweet and sour but with salt#x queues me
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s6 liveblog episodes 1-4 (late edit: skipped 3) here we fucking gooooooo
if this seems super lotor/keith/generals focused it’s bc it is, i literally don’t care about anyone besides lotor and keith and the generals and have multiple aus to vanish off into if any of them die this season lel. (late edit: looks like a good choice me!!)
oh hey it’s diyak (idk if that’s how it’s spelt)
lotor are you setting hunk up for pain (late edit: HE WAS) so diyak totally did this to lotor too huh.
that’s what vrepit sah means? kinda lame.
sendak’s fop organization is going well i see
and shireplica has no reaction to sendak at all again
tf was that face lotor
ooooooo haggar what you doing
IS THIS IT IS HAGGAR GONNA FIGHT THE WHITE LION (late edit: doesn’t look like it :////////////)
netflix please include a ‘skip transformation’ button the same as you do for the intro if they don’t have the decency to change it.
mmkay skipping ahead i’m bored ooh allura can bring back the dead, dark vld give me necromancer princess allura.
oh shit it’s honerva. please still be just as evil please PLEASE
episode two:
‘you drop a bomb like this and tell me you’ll explain later?’ - vld fandom.txt
space babble space babble time travel??
random note but has allura always had those purple earrings?
uh allura were you expecting a kiss there lelelel (and she does the same leap she did with the keith catch back in s2)
‘you sure you don’t need a third wheel for help’ ugghgghgghghgh is this what lance gets to do this season beyond fighting? pine after allura who’s gaga for lotor? i don’t ship it but if allurance is getting content this season deserves better then what i think is gonna happen (bc lbr even if lotor doesn’t have the creepy shit from the original there’s way too much bad blood from the original 80s voltron for them to think making lotura canon at ALL is a good idea).
(also related i am v concerned for lotor if this is the plot line allura and lance are getting)
didn’t mention it before but once again the background artists knock it out of the fucking park. massive kudos.
guys they only started getting along like... five days ago like holy shit. why is this show so bad at pacing.
lmao his first thought was that krolia was after glory
aww keithdad ;A;
omg so keith’s hoverbike is made from parts from krolia’s ship i think!!
who is this adorable comet wolf?
ok this doesn’t answer how keithdad died though.
they’ve been timey-wiming for TWO YEARS????????????????????????????????????????? i...
nah that’s pretty fucking dumb lol like it’s great that keith and krolia got to hang out for two years but like that’s a long fucking time to be stuck with one person on a space whale. and it totally feels like they wanted to deal with all keith and krolia’s emotional reconnecting and healing and stuff offscreen too.
uggghghg this is seriously how the allurance arc is gonna go.
first we don’t know keithdad’s name and i bet they won’t tell us the warp wolf’s name either.
is THAT romelle??
episode three:
mmmmmmmmmyeah skip. if i were to rewatch the series from start to finish i’d be more open to watching this much like the coran show but it’s like when a stevenbomb is 80% townie, sure it’s important but i don’t care i’m bored where is the plot.
episode four:
so this is technically the second visit of lotor’s to this place (given it’s confirmed honerva was pregnant af when she entered it) wonder if it feels familiar?
uggggh i have Foreboding Feelings about this.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeppp. time to swing lotor back around to holding the villain ball i guess.
fjsdkgjdksagjadlfhgjfd i’m sure something tragic is going to happen to romelle’s little brother but his fucking voice i literally just choked on my drink when i heard it. it’s fucking newt pippington british hooves from friendship is witchcraft oh my gOD.
(like this is shitty. i won’t argue against that, at all. but i’ve also stanned characters who’ve objectively done even worse. so i’m not unstanning lel. canon lotor moves from the slightly problematic box with wrathion/my skyrim main/zodd to the pretty problematic box with jasper/garrosh/yami bakura/sylvanas. not quite in the what-the-fuck-problematic box with the monster deer from ‘the ritual’/my ‘hello naughty everyone it’s murder time’ skyrim alt/slan but he’s definitely changed stan tiers)
(plus like it’s functionally identical to my warcraft main’s arcane torrent racial ability so like i can’t be too mad at lotor for doing something i do against almost all spellcasting enemy mobs and players)
(like also i’ve had my own mental lotor running around in a dozen aus for months now who’s been ignoring canon for the most part since almost... yeah since like s4. and i also have shipped (and continue to ship) keitor since s301 despite us having literally no content at all. canon has never mattered to me with this ship and it never will.)
hey @scrawlers isn’t this eerily like that horror thing lmao (only it’s not shiros and they’re not dead)
like if this is meant to be part of lotor’s ~grey morality~ did someone take lessons from the warcraft writers lol this is exactly the same shit they’re pulling with sylvanas right now.
DON’T DO THIS TO HER YOU BASTARDS. (late edit: they did.)
i’d like to quote myself from a few episodes ago: “guys they only started getting along like... five days ago like holy shit. why is this show so bad at pacing.”
allura’s super strength makes a long awaited return, lotor you deserved that lol.
BLACK PALADIN KEITH IS BACK BABY (god i wish it were under better circumstances though.
ugh even with black paladin keith back, do i want to keep watching? not right now and definitely not for the reasons the writers probably would want me to. i mean i probably will finish it tomorrow for completionism’s sake but like. i won’t be watching for the story i’ll be watching for aj locascio’s and steve yeun’s vocal performances and the background art and the animation.
which is a damn shame but it is what it is.
just fyi if you (this is a general you) read this and think i shouldn’t think this writing is bad, regardless of your stance on lotor (anti/stan/neutral etc)? i don’t give a shit, keep it to yourself because i’m not interested and you won’t be getting a response lel.
you’re allowed to think it’s good, i’m allowed to think it’s bad.
(also if you’re thinking ‘if you think the writing is bad why do you still stan canon lotor and why are you going to keep watching the series?’ my answer is i do what i want.)
i’m dumping my self-imposed spoiler embargo, i’ve ceased all the fucks i have to give about what potential this show had and have fully shifted into ‘i’m gonna watch this trainwreck pull into the station’ mode.
#sb watches voltron#///#/////#////////#////////////////#/////////////////////////////////////#there#that should be enough so it doesn't go into the main tags i feel like so far this season is massive discourse bait and i want none of it#vld#vld spoilers
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ok so a bt van turned up today somehow (which is genuinely a shock bc usually it takes like. a week. for them to do that normally bc bt is shit tier) and fixed the fault afaik and suddenly my internet speed’s double now? i’m sure that’s going to drop soon like always but for now i’ll take advantage and watch two episodes!!!
apologies to mobile readers if readmores don’t work, it’s p. long.
episode 3:
ok keith stop and think. you have a tracker. you said so yourself. you can track him anywhere, anytime and you’re good until the ship pulls up at the space garage and someone spots the blinky light and says illegal space ship mods void the insurance (and zethrid finds the list of legal space ship mods and that’s how the lotor crew ship ends up with space steer horns and fire decals)
“flying the castle for half my life” so she flew it before the war then? or has there been some SERIOUS offscreen time compression since the start? in which case the paladins should’ve all aged too.
she’s so CONCERNED FOR HER BOSS. like they’re really stressing that this team genuinely cares for him and each other so like i can only assume they’re all going to die horribly and he’s going to be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to prove what a #Bastard he is (or like all but one will bite it and the survivor will ally with the paladins somehow), or like zarkon will come back and say ‘kill them to prove your loyalty to the empire’ or whatever and he genuinely cares about them in return doesn’t and that’s when he sets off a galran civil war between galra traditionalists and the new lotor regime.
if yugioh has taught me anything it’s to never assume that your opponent is being stupid when they play a single card in attack mode and nothing else in their first turn it’s ALWAYS gonna be a trap.
yyyyeah this isn’t going well. i know why (and i also know that keith can do better (see the first episode where he p. much singlehandedly escapes from the science folks who captured shiro) and will do better) but that doesn’t make it any easier to watch.
“doesn’t live up the legend” lotor i swear to god.
hmm so nobody on the galra side of things knows that shiro is gone then? like i figure lotor would be able to access literally any info he wanted at this point on voltron so if they knew shiro was missing so would he. unless the galra literally did no opposition research at all on the paladins of voltron at all (which isn’t a surprise because zarkon is a moron). which another reason i think lotor maybe put himself out there as a target too soon?? like think about how much fucking damage he could do if he knew everything about them.
silent hill planet is eerie. oh god silent hill au would be scary
FINALLY fuck took long enough.
zethrid ♥
i wonder who gets to come up with the fantasy element names and what they do sounds like a fun job
god i am so ready for a hunk season. give me hunk’s backstory!!! give us more hunk!!! where he’s not just a fat joke!!!
oh fuck no allura vs lotor
oh god keith ;A;
i’ll give you this one, lance redeemed, gj getting him back on track and not letting him sink and especially for not deciding to take a potshot.
so i guess there’s no way to hack into the communication lines between the lions and the castle and even failed transmissions are undetectable by the galra ships own radar. good to know.
i cant believe she flirted with the blue lion
oh ffs i think i might be the blue lion. she doesn’t respond to allura until she’s open and honest about her vulnerabilities and that’s exactly how i am with lance.
oooh batbot i wonder if that’s a standard feature or blue exclusive
“oh hunk” - 4
keith an onscreen apology to allura and the others would be Nice
no new animation for voltron either pfff.
so the galra don’t even have voltron’s energy signature on record as a ‘if you pick up this fucking RUN GO GO GO’... zarkon....
(voltron itself still looks so incredibly lame though i don’t think i’ll ever find it as cool as the show wants me to find it)
episode 4:
allura oh no that’s not a happy face.
stay away from that quintessence stuff i think it fucks with your mind
so voltron’s from a different universe?
WHAT DID WE LEARN LAST EPISO-oh thank god they’re going with her
ok they could be alteans. but they could also be xenomorphs, or predators, or deoxys or a hyper-intelligent mechanically augmented raptor and her babies or whatever fucked up the crew in event horizon.
god that’s eerie, same hunk
what in the heckle hackle
oh!! it’s an ‘all AUs are canon’ episode!!! i like those.
“stay back altean” uh oh i feel like this isn’t a nice AU.
those altean bots move an awful lot like galra bots.
so is empress allura dead? she talks like she is and i don’t think she’d sound so much like she’s mourning her death if they’d just never met in person. 10000 years ago is one hell of a legacy to still be remembered with such devotion and i don’t think the alteans are the type to live that long. like they’re probably space elves and long lived but they’re not immortal afaik.
how many pilots did you send lotor?
so voltron’s from this universe or - oh trans-reality. so the base ore technically doesn’t exist in any dimension it just floats around in netherspace until it feels like popping into a universe. cool.
holy fuck they’re mindslaves.
“in allura’s day” so empress allura is definitely dead.
“they’re not slaves because they don’t have will. slaves are always trying to escape or revolt” hooooooooly shit
this episode is so fucking cruel to allura as interesting as the worldbuilding is i hate it.
guns of gamara? i think? neat.
like honestly my one comfort so far is that i don’t think the allura of this universe would’ve signed off on all this. i really don’t. i think her death catalyzed altean extremism performed in her name, but i don’t think she would’ve ever been okay with this. she’s fundamentally a good person.
hahahaha i want her to go head to head with azeroth’s old gods and the void lords bring the whole order vs chaos thing to a head. let’s see how far your desire for order and your slave machines can take you against yogg’saron (oh i can see the curse of flesh messing with those ‘noncog’ machines) or n’zoth.
i love slav have i mentioned that?
oooh a whip has she used that before or is it from her lion idk. i know that’s a traditional girl’s weapon but it’s nice to see her fighting hand to hand again.
this episode is an existential nightmare tho another one of those comets could enter that reality or an even worse reality and they just might make their own voltron and then everything will go to shit and it could happen ANY TIME
it’ll be about as powerful as voltron until y’all learn something new about yourselves and then you’ll kick its ass don’t worry. it will probably always look cooler though.
0 notes