#oh and i also want xiyao to hold hands and die internally about it
leatherbookmarking · 4 years
(woke up, had a thought, bon appetit)
A CONCEPT: meng yao is acknowledged as jgs’ son post-sunshot, but he stands one cm to the left/jgs is feeling funky today/someone performs a Rumor/jgs looks at jiggy and thinks “oh he is up to do Things and Stuff. unacceptable”
and it soon goes from “look at my shiny new son committing war crimes for me!” to “look at my shiny sonDOES ANYONE (a man) WANT TO MARRY HIM SO HE’S OUT OF MY HOUSE (and into your house, reader, who is Male, because my son likes Men)”
it doesn’t matter that in any other circumstances jin guangshan would rather eat his shoes than let his children marry Down (well, there’s no cutsleeves amongst the four great, so u gotta do what u gotta do right) and that jiggy is, in fact, humbly not limiting himself to just men; the point is it has to be humiliating, and fast
and humiliating it is, because the clans that tentatively r...raise their hands? are really small, unknown clans with little power and just as little money. in addition, the rumors that start circulating are also rather interesting, in the worst sense (have you HEARD about that jin-er-gongzi? after jin-zongzhu showed him kindness and appreciation, he started to plot something to gain more power, could you believe that? the audacity! he should be thankful they’re willing to marry him off, in jin-zongzhu’s place, oh, i’d kick him down the jinlintai stairs!), so jiggy is pretty much just spending his days going what the fuck! what the fuck! in his head
when nmj and lxc hear about it they’re like ...can they do that?, except lxc says it exactly like that, and nmj follows it with what did he do (lxc sends him a gently pained look). when nmj is still wondering about that, lxc has already jumped on the do something! boat, figuring out which clan, from the better ones, would be willing... but no, that sounds like a-yao was something to get rid of, he deserves the best... there’s wei wuxian from the jiang clan, but they’d probably rather... not to mention... oh, but there’s huaisang, he--oh, no, but you told a-yao to go away and never come back... well, considering the circumstances... but that way huaisang would be happy, and you could personally oversee what a-yao’s doing...
lxc mutters on a little bit more before nmj blinks out of the stupor (meng YAO? in MY house? married to MY brother?), but when he does, he simply scoffs and interrupts him mid-word, saying well if the l a n  s e c t thinks so kindly of him, why not marry him yourselves? for a second, lxc looks very much like a deer in the headlights, had the headlights been a thing, but then he quickly snaps out of it. oh, wangji... i think they’re not total opposites, personality and humor-wise, but he... mingjue? why are you looking at-- oh. oh, i can do that? oh. i can do that.
he, then, proceeds to do that, in which that means personally arriving at jinlintai to ask for jiggy’s hand in marriage, to which jiggy reacts with internal what the fuck!!! what the fuck!!! (with a lot of feeling) and jgs, with internal kill bill sirens; he then performs a complicated political gymnastic routine to peeeeerhaps ? discourage lxc from pursuing his son, well, lan-zongzhu, aren’t you expected to have heirs? from what i know--
to which lan xichen responds with unending kindness that please don’t worry about this matter, jin-zongzhu. jin guangyao makes an audible noise.
and after that i guess they marry? and then, because i’m a cliche bastard, PINING. oh i see, he only married me out of mercy, i am going to act accordingly about that even though it’s going to hurt me personally because i think i would die for him vs oh, he thinks i married him out of mercy, i should show him somehow that i didn’t! etc, etc, ft. how do i show my lawfully wedded husband that i’m in love with him?, nie mingjue experiencing 50 shades of exasperation, lan wangji squinting in the general direction of jin guangyao a lot, ROMANCE! POETRY! ROMANTIC USES OF GUQIN! PINES and PINING, and PLUM BLOSSOMS in the SPRING! and so on
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