#oh and also if I've made any mistakes in explanations anyone is free to correct me
worstloki · 4 years
Please don't feel the need to reply to this if you don't want to, I honestly don't know why I'm asking because ah, this is a very personal topic, but... I think I'm genderfluid but at the same time I hate myself for it (slightly) because what if I'm not. How do I figure out if I am or if I'm not genderfluid? Thank you for even taking the time to read this. <333
Always remember that being unsure and trying out a label you think could apply doesn’t invalidate anything. If you think you fall under genderfluid for the time being then identifying yourself such is fine, and if you decide you’re not genderfluid later on you’re allowed to change it!! Also, it’s possible for multiple terms to fit you, so don’t be afraid to keep that in mind!!
Ways you can check if you’re not sure if The Gender is changing around:
- pronouns!! check in with yourself every now and then to see if what you like more changes. having someone to refer to you with different pronouns can help with this!! referring to yourself and seeing if the same ones always make you happy can also work if you don’t have anyone to test it with you!! (alternatively, people may refer to you by default with gendered terms on a regular basis anyway, and any uncomfy there but not necessarily always also works!!) 
- clothing!! fashion taste doesn’t have to vary but in many cases wanting to dress more feminine/masculine/neutral can allow you to present differently in as subtle/obvious a way you’d like!! figuring if changing things up with the intention of doing so makes sense can also be an indicator!! (alternatively, not being able to present a way/experiencing dysphoria over this also works as an indicator in the opposite direction though!!)
- no clue!! sometimes!! you can’t tell what The Gender is doing!! sometimes!! you can’t be sure where it is on the girl-boy scale!! is it in the middle? hiding behind a rock? who knows!! sometimes!! you might be fine with all pronouns!! sometimes only some!! all of this comes under genderfluid!! because as long as you don’t always feel one gender The Gender is acting as a fluid and splashing about!! no, not my carpet!! (alternatively you may know exactly where or have an idea of where you’re feeling, which, if it changes, great!!)
If you do feel as if The Gender changes and wish to identify further I recommend looking at variations such as demigender (gender leans towards guy/gal but doesn’t stay right at it) bigender/trigender (can change between a few genders, for example female/male, male/non-binary) genderflux (how strongly you feel gender at all changes)
If you’re finding differentiating between gender difficult or don’t think there is a change and you’re just not at the assigned at birth gender necessarily I suggest looking into agender (gender? no not really.) and pangender (gender? well yes and i’m going to hoard them all actually.)
If you’re unsure for the time being then just going with Non-Binary or Trans or Genderqueer or another umbrella term also works as long as you’re comfortable with it!!! Those also function as their own labels which do not need to be further expanded on if you do not want to or aren’t sure yet!! 
That being said: You do not have to feel guilty for testing out a term. You do not have to feel bad about not knowing where you’re at. You are not a traitor if you find a different orientation that suits you better and change it. Genderfluid is actually often itself used as an inclusive umbrella/transition term for many people still figuring things out, in case you weren’t aware of that! Hope this helps somewhat!!! <3
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