#oh and I'm probably super reserved too. one time someone told me: it is hard to be your friend
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purplebass · 8 months ago
As an introvert person who has a hard time making friends anywhere, socials are a blessing because I met a lot of nice people online and I consider them closer friends than the few people I know in person. It sucks that you don't always have the chance to meet your online friends in person. Why can't I have coffee with userxyz and chat about our favorite fictional characters?! I feel gutted when I think about this because I love being around people I like and distance doesn't always make it possible
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lailarain · 4 years ago
Warning: Spoilers for Danganronpa: The End of Hope's Peak High School:Despair Arc
(I'm watching for the first time)
We're back at it again, guys!
Also, yes, I've realized that I porbably should've watched Danganronpa 2.5 first, but I'll do that after Despair Arc
Episode 1:
Oh it's ponytail teacher lady🙂
I'm only a few minutes in and I'm already dying of laughter from the dialogue��
This ponytail teacher lady, istg😂😂😂😂😂
Okay where is Nagito he's the only reason I'm watching this🙄
"oH goD jUrAsSiC pArK"
Isn't that that one pervy chef?
Teruteru, that's pretty gay😀
Soda the simp has arrived
I fear this teacher😀
Wait....Mitirai...and the Ultimate Imposter......what the fuck is going on
Awwwww he's hurt by what people say🥺
Hajime, you DO have a talent. You're the Ultimate Nagito Magnet
Man, I'm probably not gonna get to see Hajime on screen a lot in this anime😔
Hey blonde bitch how ya doin
Okay we've officially seen the gang! Time for episode 2!
Episode 2:
"They're all good eggs" tell that to killing game nagito lol
Why the fuck are those two always fighting😭
"I'll have you know that we are training in real life combat conditions" "Oh in that case, knock yourself out"
This is why you don't take random glowing bottles from pervert chefs, kids.
Hajime looks so uncomfortable that a teacher is trying to have a casual conversation with him😂
Oh are they talking about the Kamakura project?
Gundam playing video games makes me so happy and idk why maybe because I love how dramatic he is lol
You ever like someone so much that when they do something as simple as speak you start freaking out at how awesome they are? Yea that's how I feel about Nagito.
why is the school rumbling GUNDHAM WHAT DID YOU DO
Nagito crying over the food lmaooooo
What did Akane sayyyy😀
Props to Fuyuhiko for being a man and stopping Kazuichi
Istg whatever they pay these voice actors clearly isn't enough
I don't even know what to say about Nagito😳
"I regret nothing"
Nagito's so wholesomely making everyone uncomfortable🥺
Chiaki and Hajime's relationship is soooo wholesome🥰
Episode 3:
Hajime has literally solved the murders of his friends 5 times, and he calls himself average🤨
Why are all the other Reserve Course students blue?
Wait isn't that blondie Fuyuhiko's sister?
Hajime being in the middle of these random girls fighting be like 👁👄👁
Okay I'm kinda scared to ship the green hair girl and Mahiru because they might be siblings
Hard to believe that this girl is my baby boi's sister. At least Fuyuhiko has the dignity to not randomly bully a girl for no reason
Okay I hope the FBI doesn't come to my door if these two are siblings but MAHIRU I SAW YOU BLUSH GIRL I SHIP IT
Thank god fuyuhiko understands that his sister is crazy
Hajime and Chiaki gaming together is so cute🥰
I hope Chiaki didn't just accidentally convince Hajime to do the Kamakura Project😀
The blonde just called her lovesick for Mahiru...I think we got non-related lesbians on our hands
Okay I'm kinda starting to feel bad for the blondie
Wait...if the green-haired girl didn't kill her...then who did?
Woah....why is the green-haired girl acting like that🤨
Is this really how people normally treat Reserve Course Students? The discrimination is so unfair.
Oh so they're on a mission
Omfg Hajime don't you DARE think you're nothing and agree to be a lab rat I swear
I am so close to crying rn😀
How's Chiaki gonna react to this😔
Episode 4:
Chiaki is sad aww🥺
Okay Nagito looking serious is NEVER a good sign
Komaeda is so polite😌
Nagito.....what is Plan B😀
Oh its other blonde boy and peach-haired bitch
WAIT NAGITO SET UP FUCKIN BOMBS?!?! Man, I love my chaotic boi🥰
This is gonna be a huge shit show, isn't it?
What the fawk😀
HOW IS HE SO CALM, JUST LIKE "I don't think that was a laxative😕"
Yay Komaeda won't get expelled😊
Uh yeah he did it all for yall 'cause he's fuckin nagito komaeda🤨
Episode 5:
Poor Mitirai🥺
yeah, see? This is why I relate to Mitirai. ANIMATION IS FUCKIN MAGICAL.
Thank GOD. I thought we were gonna have to watch the teacher lady suffer😅
Okay I know this is pretty off topic, but where the fuck is Hajime
Of course as soon as I ask that question, they start talking about the Kamakura project😅
Expelled? Bullshit.
Awww they're so happy to see her how wholesome🥺
"You perfect cinnamon roll" MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY
Wait Mitirai and......Mitirai? So he IS the ultimate imposter.
"People flake out and let you down, but carbs are always there" - Mitirai. Truer words have never been spoken😢
Right, the killing game hasn't happened yet, so both Mukuro and Junko are alive and well
So, are the ultimate imposter and mitirai sibings?
Mitirai no don't overwork yourself🥺
Did he just....say "I need you"....pick her up.....and give no other context?😀
Poor Mitirai
I'm gonna miss good old Hajime😔
Episode 6:
It's......Izuru Kamakura😔
Hajime no🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Awww Chiaki misses him
Wait why didn't the teacher just lie and say that Hajime was expelled🤨
I am so close to crying rn😀
Ponytail teacher lady is gonna realize the heartbreaking truth about Hajime, isn't she?😔
Awwww buff guy🥺
That is the weirdest tourture I've ever seen
The sad thing is she doesn't even know that it was Hajime who was made the victim to the project.
Wait why is Kamakura there what's going on
Ikuru literally the entire time Junko is talking is basically just: 😑
Okay we're officially halfway through, and I'm super pissed that Nagito is god knows where because he's the ONLY reason I'm watching this
Episode 7:
Junko does realize that she basically just triggered every single fan of Danganronpa, right🤨
"aWw lOoK aT hiM trEmBLe hE'S goNnA bUrsT a blOoD veSsEL bEcAuSe I jUsT diSseD hiS wAifUS"
Wait so is that the crash site of the what killed his parents🥺
Kazuchi, Teruteru, stop being pervs and shut up please🥰
Istg if they lay a hand on Mikan they bouta lose a hand😀
Poor buff guy🥺
Junko's eyes really went ⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️
Wait who tf are these people🤨
Junko what is it with you and killing games😀
Wait she's actually really good at singing😯
Can we get an f in the chat for these poor students
So that was his promise😔
It's the cool moving comic thing from the games😯
The Reserve Course students are NOT happy😀
Poor Chiaki still misses him😔
Imagine if she knew HE was the killer
Episode 8:
(So some of my notes were deleted and when I rewrote them they got deleted twice. So I'm just gonna go where I left off.)
"Who are you" lol
At least CHIAKI is nice to Nagito
Talk about what🤨
Okay Nagito what is it with your luck
"Oh we found a secret passage cool😶"
Okay am I crazy or was that interaction between izuru and nagito just now pretty gay?
Episode 9:
That....is Hinata😔
Teacher lady is gonna be hypnotized, isn't she😖😞
Wait is Mikan pretending?
Poor Guy😢
I mean, I don't wanna abandon the teacher but it's already too late
It's so sad to know that they're just running into destruction😔
You're already too late😞
Poor Mitirai, man🥺
You're in deep shit, Junko
Oh thank god😅
Poor Nagito too
Episode 10:
Something's wrong....
Chiaki, don't be fooled
Wait is he actually gay tho
Okay Junko please SHUT THE FUCK UP🥰
This isn't gonna go well, is it?
Wait why are they in a trial room
(Won't let me type anymore. Continue post here)
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punkscowardschampions · 4 years ago
Jac & Amelia
Jac: Can you believe this girl? Amelia: No, you're right, she's unbelievable! Jac: I can't believe she thinks so much of herself Jac: who told her she was so great and was it April fools when they lied to her face? Amelia: it'll be sir from now on and she'll be loving it Jac: As if she didn't get it just because she's so loud and he couldn't bother with the tantrum Amelia: he had no idea what to do when Ciara started crying, we all saw that Jac: Exactly, she just made him feel uncomfortable Jac: not cool Amelia: it's really not Jac: Not to mention not cool in the literal sense Jac: so lame Amelia: yeah Amelia: did you see how Connor and his friends looked at her? Amelia: I'm 😳 for her Jac: She has no shame Jac: It's no wonder Keeley doesn't want to be her friend any more Jac: I heard she like, ruined her last birthday party Jac: not surprised Amelia: showing off at the ice rink does sound like something she'd do Jac: Probably 😭 she wasn't the next Michelle Kwan Jac: she thinks she's good at EVERYTHING, which is cringe when you can't back that up Amelia: and when you put that much effort in, to impress sir of all people Amelia: he's not someone she should have a crush on Jac: Talk about daddy issues Amelia: my parents know everyone, they probably know hers Jac: OMG, I wonder what they're like Jac: she has a sister too, right? Jac: but she doesn't seem as nightmareish Amelia: I think she's in the year below but I've never heard anything about her Amelia: she must not be so Savannah-ish Jac: Poor thing is probably suffocated Jac: have to be so extra to get any attention with a sister like that Amelia: thank god I've never been to any family dinners at her house Amelia: who is she friends with now? Jac: You'll have to corner your mum, find out what their deal is Jac: I think she goes 'round with that Molly girl and her friends Jac: but I don't think they're like HER friends, you knoq Amelia: come over tonight, I've already sent her a text and it's totally fine Jac: Cool, I can sleep? Jac: anything to get away from my own annoying sister for the night Amelia: absolutely! Amelia: hopefully she'll have less boring gossip than when I asked her about that new girl last year Jac: Yay 😚 Jac: I'm sure she can be relied upon for the tea Jac: if not we'll look up their tragic old people socials Amelia: being on the board of school governors is such a middle aged in Amelia: that'll be where she knows Savannah's parents from if they are anything like her Jac: Why else would you do it? Jac: There's no funding to allocate 😂 Amelia: 😂 Jac: Though, your mum has to tell us in advanced for the next fundraiser, so we can actually get in there before Savannah just takes it all over Amelia: if people would pay her to 🤫🤐 that'd be a charitable act to us Jac: That's SUCH a good idea though actually Jac: watch her flop a sponsored silence 😂 Amelia: her sister would be 💔 Amelia: thinking it's her moment Jac: Awh 😬🤭 Amelia: oh god, I'm too stupid, I did not click her last name Amelia: her dad is a self proclaimed big deal, it all makes sense now Jac: Gross 😫 Jac: links? Amelia: they're like 🤑 Amelia: [links] Jac: She does have such wannabe richgirl vibes Jac: and she looks like him Amelia: she does 😬🤭 Jac: awkward Jac: also that there's barely any sign of her mum on these socials... Amelia: I wonder if he's flirted with my mum Amelia: she won't tell us Jac: but we'll know from what she DOESN'T say 😏 Amelia: this afternoon is going to drag so hard Jac: What even is social skills Jac: such a non-class, so dull 🙄 Jac: we should go to the shops before going to yours though, get snacks Jac: AND if we get dinner your mum will be thrilled with us 😇 Amelia: 💐! Amelia: you're onto something Amelia: do you think I should tint my lashes? Jac: I know 😋 Jac: Are you serious? but your hair is SO dark Amelia: exactly, they should be naturally thicker than this Jac: Okay but make sure you get a good kit Jac: Poppy Masters in the year above us got a cheap one and they all fell out Jac: her eyebrows too 😱 Amelia: oh no Jac: She's too ginger anyway, it would have looked ridiculous if it went right Amelia: is she the one who usually looks orange? Jac: Yeah...it's unfortunate 😬 Jac: she's not allowed to dye her hair because her mam reckons she'll regret spoiling her 'natural beauty' Amelia: her mum gets botox though Jac: Seriously? Jac: I thought she was a young mum too, like you know, had her TOO young young Jac: what a state Amelia: she thought my mum got it too and was asking her where and everything Amelia: because wherever she went cut her off for wanting to keep going like all the time Jac: The cheek of some people Jac: that's like Savannah levels of no shame Jac: your mum must've been SO embarrassed for her Amelia: I was standing right there and then she gave me a talk about our natural beauty, since I owe it to her, sorry dad Jac: Well you are super beautiful 🤷 Amelia: but yours was a model and you look just like her, neither of you are in people's faces about it Amelia: 😳 stop it please mother Amelia: I don't wanna turn into Savannah Jac: You could NEVER Amelia: have you seen her socials? She really loves herself Jac: I'll go look now Jac: I bet it's all selfies though Amelia: EVERYTHING she wears is designer Amelia: we get it 🤑💸 Jac: 🙄 like way to show you have no friends or real hobbies Amelia: does she do anything but shop and study? Amelia: 🥱 Jac: Clearly not Jac: She can't be that rich or she wouldn't go to our school Jac: or live in the catchment area even Amelia: maybe her invisible mum is trying to make her more humble Amelia: she goes on holiday constantly if this feed is anything to go by Jac: we might have to help her with that goal, honestly Amelia: what are you 🤔? Jac: Well, she needs teaching when to be quiet and when to just stop Jac: so we need to find something that she wouldn't wanna overshare Amelia: but now she's sir's favourite, aren't you worried we'd end up in trouble? Jac: it can't come from us, of course Jac: it won't be hard to just get out there Jac: anyway, how long is he actually going to be able to deal with how much she is Amelia: if you tell Is anything she'll spread it around Jac: and she never remembers where she heard it Jac: maybe we can think of something that will stop her being favourite Jac: hmm Amelia: like she's 😍🥰😘 for him Amelia: if he can't handle tears Jac: I mean, it isn't even a stretch Jac: we all saw her so Amelia: and the daddy issues are real Jac: Exactly Jac: like, it's not Sir's fault your dad is the worst Jac: do you wanna facetime her later? Amelia: should we? Jac: Is, I mean, obvs 😅 Jac: she might be a bit jealous she wasn't invited but she'll still be happy we called her Amelia: what if she wants to come over though? Jac: we'll have to pretend we've got somewhere to be after Jac: so she doesn't go on and on Jac: some club, a reservation with your parents 🤷 Jac: it'll be better to tell her, I'm not messaging it, I only trust you like that Jac: she could turn on us and say we were gossiping or whatever, some pettiness Amelia: I do wanna take you somewhere cool since my dad's working late Jac: That sounds fun Jac: do you have somewhere in mind already? is it a surprise? 😋 Amelia: it doesn't have to be a surprise but yeah, my cousin gave me the idea, so I know you'll like it Amelia: the one you met at my parents anniversary party Jac: I like surprises Jac: it sounds intriguing Jac: Isabelle is definitely not coming Amelia: follow my lead with my mum, okay? Amelia: she'd only say no if she knew where we were actually going Jac: Of course Jac: I know how to play it Amelia: I trust you Jac: ❤❤❤ Amelia: if Is feels left out she can come with us when we go to Savannah's 🏠 Amelia: I've worked out where it is Amelia: she seriously does overshare on socials Jac: As if Jac: you're as smart as she is dumb, seriously Jac: probably wants people to show up, so she can show off some more Amelia: yeah Amelia: Is wouldn't spy as subtly as us, maybe I'll uninvite her Amelia: before she like falls into their recycling bins Jac: 😂😂 Jac: Bless her Jac: she had a bit of salad stuck in her teeth ALL afternoon yesterday lunch Jac: it's like she never looks in a mirror sometimes Amelia: I can't believe Declan asked her out! Amelia: nobody's ever asked me Jac: I just hope for her sake she hasn't got a reputation with the boys already or he'll be expecting something Jac: loads of them fancy you though Jac: like Luke H Amelia: he cares more about French verbs than French kissing and he knows I'll let him copy a few of my answers Amelia: which is fine because unlike Isabelle I don't know how to 💋 Jac: It isn't hard Jac: can't be if she can master it, no offence Jac: and boys LOVE a teaching moment don't they 🙄🙄 Jac: don't want a girl who's clearly done it too many times already Amelia: that isn't a rep I want Amelia: so for now, maybe it's a good thing I freeze up around boys Jac: You're so cute Jac: the boys our age are so immature anyway, there is NO point Amelia: yeah, it's no wonder I can't think of any of them that I'd let 💋 me Jac: What about Leo? Jac: everyone fancies him Amelia: and he knows it Amelia: just like Savannah Jac: Yeah Jac: do you think she's even that pretty? Amelia: she is, but I think you're so much prettier Jac: you're just saying that 'cos you're my best friend Jac: but I appreciate it anyway 😚 Amelia: I could be her best friend instead but I'm not Jac: Imagine Jac: glorified bag holder sounds more legit Amelia: she'd hate where I'm taking you tonight Amelia: not enough mirrors and selfie lighting Jac: 😏 Jac: dark corners and 🚫📸 is way more fun Jac: that's why we're friends Amelia: best friends Jac: forever Amelia: and ever Amelia: do you wanna skip social skills? Jac: didn't you like, JUST get out of detention with Hilary? 🤔😆 Amelia: yeah Amelia: the timing's right Jac: to book yourself back in? Jac: I do HATE that lesson Amelia: we can say you're ill if you're worried about joining me in detention Amelia: Savannah's display was sickening Amelia: and you're 😇 enough to get away with it Jac: I hate that I can't escape her Jac: you know she's in EVERY one of my classes, literally Amelia: whenever you want to, we'll just go Jac: I will need to get an outfit Jac: as you're taking me somewhere Jac: I was going to ask to borrow your new top but this way, we can go shopping somewhere more exciting than just tescos for the dinner Amelia: my new top would look better on you but there'll be other dark corners for you to wear it in Jac: Not even, you looked so good in it on Friday Amelia: 😳 Amelia: I did feel good on Friday, we should do that again Jac: Definitely Jac: Where do you think Declan is gonna take Is out? Amelia: his sister works at the bowling alley, doesn't she? He'll use her discount Jac: the shoes are SUCH a look 🤭 Jac: guess she can't get burger and chips stuck in between her teeth though so that's a plus Jac: romantic ❤ Amelia: annoyingly, because I'm quite good at 🎳 Jac: Who's he friends with, you could make it a double date Jac: if you beat her though she'd be so mad 😠 she's the sporty one !!! Amelia: I'm not going unless you do too, who would you want? Amelia: Ross maybe Jac: He's not too annoying Amelia: did he get with that foreign exchange girl? Jac: He SAYS he did Jac: but I don't know if that's actually confirmed Amelia: still, I don't love that for you Jac: Hayden is part of that group too but he takes Classics and he's like, the male equivalent of Savannah Jac: he does not shut up, even though he's usually wrong 😒 Amelia: 🎤 drop Amelia: even if it makes me a bad friend, I'm not invested in Is' love life Amelia: there's a million things more fun than 🎳 we could be doing Jac: Yeah, it's not remotely worth it just to spy on her Jac: she'll tell us EVERY detail anyway 💁 Amelia: 😬 Amelia: I hate hearing about her boy drama Jac: maybe we'd care if there was more to it Jac: or she didn't always make herself look like a total idiot for some boring boy with nothing going for him Amelia: maybe Jac: or maybe not 😉 Amelia: I love her but I can't help feeling I loved her more when she wasn't so boy obsessed Amelia: but don't tell her I said that Jac: Of course I won't Jac: I know exactly what you mean Jac: it's like nothing else matters to her anymore Jac: she'll get over it though 🤞 Amelia: if she doesn't, I'm not going to have anything to ever talk to her about because it's the only thing she wants to Amelia: but that's probably true of most girls in our class anyway Jac: It's so tragic Jac: do you not have any ambitions of your own Jac: like it isn't the 50s Jac: not to mention boys think that's like, deeply unattractive anyway Amelia: at least you don't think I'm weird Amelia: or the tragic one Amelia: do you think the boys are obsessed with what we're doing? Jac: You're the coolest girl I know Jac: I'd be your friend no matter what Jac: like sometimes, I think I'm only friends with Is because I always have been Jac: like, I love her but Jac: what do we have in common now Jac: and no, boys fascination with girls starts and ends in the one place Amelia: I will be your friend no matter what Amelia: and if Savannah Moore or anyone else gets in your face like that again, I will be back in detention Amelia: would I risk it all for Is in the same way, not right now, no Jac: I'm glad I've got you on my side, Meels Jac: even if she's got Sir Jac: not for long, right Amelia: if she keeps this up she won't have anything Jac: 💪😍 Amelia: ❤❤❤ Jac: Okay, where do you wanna meet? Jac: I'm fake en-route to the sickbay now Amelia: [a location that makes sense] Jac: IOU a coffee Amelia: I should be treating you after everything that's happened today Amelia: you put in loads more work than she did Amelia: sir only recognises her big mouth Jac: But you've been so helpful and lovely, a per Jac: he's always been like that Jac: it's not my fault I don't like to shout out all the answers all the time Amelia: he didn't know you when you were younger and so shy Amelia: but I remember Jac: Clearly it'd be better if I was a loudmouth and said everything that came into my head though Amelia: for that lesson, but you don't have to go any more Amelia: we're only going to the ones we can be bothered to Jac: Sounds like a good idea but my grades would disagree Amelia: when Nessa was being bullied she didn't have to go to like any lessons Jac: Well I'm not being bullied though Jac: and I don't want her thinking I'm like, threatened by her Amelia: sir is close to the line, you don't have to mention her Jac: no, let's deal with it how we said first Jac: just her not being as smug will be enough Amelia: okay Jac: Trust me Jac: and you can still ditch as much as you want Jac: not gonna get in trouble with me Amelia: I'll ditch the lessons you're not in Amelia: I don't trust her and I'm not going to just leave you with her Jac: You're like half-girl half-pitbull Jac: not art though, you love art Amelia: maybe your mum and dad will adopt me and we can share a room instead of you having to deal with Jude Amelia: well then can I 🎨🖌 you? I've pushed this deadline extension as far as it'll go Jac: Ugh, don't even, that'd be the best Jac: she actually drives me insane sometimes Jac: you wanna 🎨🖌 me? Amelia: I'm thrilled my parents didn't make any 🧫🧪 siblings for me Amelia: and IVF is 💸💸 Amelia: yeah? if you'll let me Jac: You're so lucky tbh Jac: alright, but if I have to pose you can't make me laugh Amelia: 😏 Jac: You'll be the one that ends up with a dodgy painting if you do 😅 Amelia: if I asked Is to let me paint her with 🥑🥦🥬🥒 in her teeth then maybe Amelia: you're too good of a subject to mess up Jac: be so avant-garde Jac: the teacher would probably like that more Amelia: I don't care what she likes Amelia: not a teacher's pet like Savannah is Jac: you're only 🐶 part time Jac: and for a worthy cause, got it Amelia: for you, exactly yeah Amelia: 🦺🐶 Jac: what would I do without you? Amelia: you'd have less paint in your hair Amelia: 😂 Jac: Not very natural of me Jac: but I think I suit it Amelia: I think you do too Jac: I'm [different location] that nosy secretary was doing the rounds and I had to change direction Amelia: I'll be right there 🏃 Amelia: but let Is think she's the sporty one Jac: 🤐 Jac: be bit rude of you to take artistic and sporty Amelia: no way, you're good at everything Jac: but you don't think I'm unbearable like Savannah? Amelia: NEVER Jac: Good Amelia: she's pretending to know what she's doing anyway Amelia: all mouth and no talent Jac: You reckon? Jac: Probably Jac: if you're that showy, you're making up for something, anyway Amelia: even if I'm being unfair I guarantee she's not on your level Amelia: nobody is Jac: You're too nice to me Amelia: too nice like 🤫😳 or you don't think it's true? Jac: A bit of both, I suppose Jac: I do work hard but I don't need to shove that in everyone's face Amelia: you're the anti-Savannah Jac: getting into the uni I want is reward enough Jac: besides, not as if it's endearing to be a total know-it-all-show-off Jac: you don't have to dumb yourself down to be chill about it, you know Amelia: yeah, I'm chill about it, but still smart enough to follow everything she was saying Jac: Exactly Jac: all mouth no talent is not the lasting impression I wanna leave Amelia: me either Jac: not that I care what anyone here thinks Amelia: I know you don't think that about me so same Jac: I only think the best things about you, of course Amelia: you love me even though I don't have a uni picked out and I love you even though you do Jac: That's a pretty good summary, yeah Amelia: 🤓❤😎 Jac: I don't think I'd go that far 😏 Amelia: 😂 Jac: if I was such a 🤓 I wouldn't be waiting for you right now Amelia: maybe I'm that 😎 and persuasive Jac: really Jac: 👌 Amelia: you don't look like that in your glasses though, if we're being real Jac: Good to know Jac: don't need to have a makeover Amelia: I look like this 👧🏻 Amelia: I can't come for you or at you with a makeover Jac: Listen to your mother Amelia: NEVER Jac: okay, okay 😎 Amelia: [probably should actually show up gal so we can leave this here]
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o-dasaku · 6 years ago
i was wondering if you could explain the descriptions on your fgc posts and how they relate to the characters? i'm v interested
oooo for sure
don’t you (forget about me) > don’t you try and pretend, it’s my feeling we’ll win in the end. 
this one’s kind of obvious, the back half of the lyric is my brot3 tag for blamtina - they’re altogether hopeful kids that go through some (a lot of) shitty times. they’ll come out on top in the end, they’re sure of it.
here comes the sun >  here comes the sun and i say, it’s all right.
it’s a metaphor!!!!!!!! dani’s the sun, you fools!!!!!!!!!!! i don’t want to say that santana spent all of s4 hung up on brittany, but santana spent all of s4 hung up on brittany. i have no doubt she hooked up with her fair share of beautiful ladies, but she definitely didn’t date - i don’t think it’s because she was waiting for brittany to dump sam (okay she was, but not so they could be together again), i think she genuinely just didn’t feel super comfortable with it - she never really dated brittany, they were best friends and then they were girlfriends too and santana doesn’t want to leap into that minefield for the first time with just anybody.
enter: daniella perea, struggling musician who picks up a job at spotlight to help pay the bills and gets along with everybody, which is fucking rare because 90% of that diner’s staff are broadway divas in waiting (and santana) so people take notice and santana doesn’t want to like her, but she does. she really does.
so moving on from britt is hard and it’s scary, but it’s alright. she has dani. they’ll figure it out.
creep > i want a perfect body, i want a perfect soul.
i almost picked like twenty different lyrics here because it’s a Very Them song, but i feel like this speaks very well to their characters: this lyric is rachel in a nutshell, she doesn’t just want to the best, she wants to be perfect. it speaks to brody because it’s the antithesis to him: he doesn’t care to be perfect, he just wants to be himself (who, lucky him, happens to be very talented).
sidenote: i think brochel really work on that level, rachel challenges brody to want to be better while brody can remind rachel that being less than perfect is perfectly okay. i’m still sad about how they treated him.
never can say goodbye > though i try and try to hide my feelings, they always seem to show.
listen, i hate to draw riverdale/glee comparisons, but quinn’s veronica lodge. you want fire, cheryl bombshell? sorry, but my speciality’s ice. quinn wants to be cold, wants to be this untouchable ice queen but-
she just isn’t (just like veronica, funnily enough). quinn fabray feels so much and isn’t that just the worst? i don’t think quinn wears her heart on her sleeve the way so many characters on this show do, but she feels things very strongly, much to her own annoyance. whether or not the world sees isn’t really up to her either, as much as she wishes it was.
(on the riverglee comparisons: santana is cheryl, puck is reggie and sam is archie. i know people cast finn as archie but ehhhh. i don’t have anything super solid on anyone else, but rachel is probably betty and kurt is probably kevin (i’m not saying that because they’re both gay, more “i exist solely to prop up betty/rachel when needed”). jbi is evelyn from the farm and i will hear No Arguments on that.)
being alive > i’ll always be there as frightened as you to help us survive being alive.
i’ll be honest, there is an infinitely more kurt line in this song (someone to crowd you with love/someone to force you to care/someone to make you come through) but um, this is literally one of my top 3 musical theatre songs and that lyric is one of my absolute favorite lyrics ever, musicals or otherwise. 
but this line does relate to kurt (and blaine, i guess- this song is clearly meant to implicate him- for the first time, i really know what it means) well enough. i know there’s a fuckton of kurt and death meta but i don’t claim to know him well enough to make sense of any of it so we’ll look at this very shallowly - i think kurt experiences life quite differently to the normal person, and we can owe that to his mother’s death or the long term bullying or whatever tickles your pickle, but he does seem a little... removed, i think. i don’t think he’s afraid to be alive, but i do think he has a long list of reservations about being alive. i think that’s where blaine generally works for him, because blaine is so alive - even if he’s scared to death about it (see: sadie hawkins, the slushie incident, literal depression), sometimes. 
i’m not here to shit on any ships, but i do wish i shipped klaine more. oh well. i’ll always have s2.
i feel pretty/unpretty > i was told i was beautiful, what does that mean to you?
i know this is a quinn line (and a very good one at that), but i find it interesting when i apply it to both of the girls. quinn and rachel are both very beautiful, though in clearly different ways - and they both have trouble believing that. or more accurately, quinn finds herself beautiful but not her self. 
anyway. i wonder if quinn’s parents ever called her beautiful, before she was quinn. they seem incredibly shallow, even if judy develops away from that - i have a headcanon that lucy was very close with their pastor (not...in a creepy way jdsdlaks) and he was pretty much the only positive interaction she had with any elders until after quinn was a thing but ANYWAY he always told lucy that she was a beautiful person but only tells quinn that she looks lovely. that informs a lot of this performance (especially this line) for me. anyway. whatever.
so to rachel: her brief interactions with her fathers make me think that she grew up being told she was beautiful quite often, but then her peers are always telling her differently - i have no doubt that places more esteem in her father’s opinions, but i’m sure that being told two different things would confuse the fuck out of a kid. quinn was likely spearheading the “crazy berry is ugly” craze in their freshman year, so. i don’t know. the what does that mean to you? is an interesting question for that line of thought.
being good won’t be good enough > i’ll be the best or i’ll be nothing at all.
please, she said emphatically.
everytime > every time i try to fly, i fall; without my wings, i feel so small.
listen. what a marley mood.
it’s all coming back to me now > there were things i’d never do again, but then they’d always seemed right.
rachel Fucks Up A Lot. we been knew. i do think she learns from a lot of her fuck-ups (not all, see: leaving nd for cabaret and then leaving funny girl for that’s so rachel), but she did genuinely think she was doing the right thing a lot of the time (see: telling finn about drizzle’s true paternity and robbing puck and quinn of that opportunity) and i don’t think she’d change much, if she had another chance - she just wouldn’t go repeating the bare majority of fuck ups.
hand in my pocket/i feel the earth move > and what it comes down to, my friends, is that everything’s just fine, fine, fine.
listen, considering this is their proposal song, i would’ve hoped for something a bit more meaningful. but i do think that there is something to the simplicity of this song, - brittany and santana are happy. they have no issues this season (outside of britt’s bridezilla tendencies) and as much as they’ve always been the type to get their feelings out via song (see: landslide, songbird, mine), they’re definitely at a point where they can just. talk about their feelings.
their song is simple because they are too, finally. what it all comes down to? they’re fine, fine, fine. :P
human nature > see that girl? she knows i’m watching, she likes the way i stare.
another song i almost picked like, five different lyrics for lmao. while the others spoke nicely to characters, this lyric is quite indicative of their mid-s3 relationship (mercy is still w shane, sam’s trying to push in on that) and uh, i think this is an unpopular opinion. so. hang tight, kids.
while mercedes and sam were certainly attracted to one another, i think there’s a few more things at play here: sam likes being in a relationship, knows that he and mercedes could be good together and he’s trying to recapture being sixteen again, so dating the girl he’d been embarking on something with is a pretty great way to do that. mercedes? i think she likes the attention, likes actually being noticed. she likes the way he stares, basically. (i’m dropping lyrics into explanations now, sue me.)
crazy/u drive me crazy (you guys are all on notice for letting this flop, btw) > tell me i’m not in the blue, that i’m not wasting my feelings on you.
marley’s spent all episode being warned against jake, but i think it’s interesting that she’s basically seeking him out here and asking are they right? his response leaves something to be desired (tell me i’m the only one you’ll see) but at least it’s a conversation they’re having? it does speak well to marley for the rest of the time she’s on the show - she’s best when talking her issues/concerns out (see: her eating disorder v her wanting to stay abstinent, neither end well for her but she seems more at peace with the latter) while jake is. jake.
(i love jake always!!!!!!!!!!)
and finally, need you now > guess i’d rather hurt than feel nothing at all.
i changed this like, twenty times. the alternative was their ship tag (and i wonder if i ever cross your mind/for me it happens all the time), but i think this speaks a lot more strongly for their characters than that does to their relationship. puck and rachel are both very all-or-nothing characters, but 99% of the time they’re going to pick all. it fucks them over a lot of the time, but i don’t think they regret it much.
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evamohns · 7 years ago
For me the problem is not William's character as such. He's an asshole and shows need these kind of characters. What I'll never support though is the fact that he pressured Noora into a relationship even though she was absolutely not into in from the beginning and this was framed as something "romantic". I'm sorry, but it was not. I don't know what Julie wanted us to take away from that clichee "romance": That girls need to be pressured to realise they maybe could like someone? ... (1/?)
That being a creeperand emotionally maniulative is romantic? That girls who do not give in arestupid? That it’s totally ok for guys to not take no for an answer? Thatblackmail is a legit way of making girls yours? Also William is portrayed assomeone who is always right, just misunderstood. He doesn’t need to own up tohis mistakes because excuses are made for him. This makes it seem like Noorawas wrong in realising he is an asshole. He was, and is (not only to Noora, butto Vilde and all the other girls), but the way their relationship is shownmakes it seem like the man always knows best and has the right to get the girlhe wants – no matter what she thinks. Julie made a choice in making William anasshole. She also made a choice to romanticise it. So for me Noorhelm and allit stands for is super problematic.
OKAY. Buckle up kids, this is gonna take awhile.
First off:
William never pressured her. Not onesingle time. But more on that later.
Vilde and William. Was. A. One. Sided.Relationship. Vilde materialised and narrated a whole scenario in her head thatwas not happening. They were attracted to each other, they slept together, endof story. The audience was never given any indication that William wanted anythingmore, he didn’t lead her on after the fact, I’m guessing that in William’smind, they both got what they wanted and that’s that; but then here’s this girlcrawling at his feet that he has no romantic interest in, and the onlyplausible way he sees to free himself and her, is to stomp out any residualfeelings. Which he does, brutally.
But before we get hyped up aboutthe following scene, I just want to mention something I’ve talked about before:if it was William following around Vilde, obsessing over her, finding any opportunityto be around her when it has been clearly shown that she ahs no interest in himromantically, there would be no misconceptions and calling Vilde manipulative, abitch, or any of the like. People would be crucifying William for stalking orwhatnot, and praising Vilde for her wit and crushing of a pathetic first year.Instead they choose to ignore that fact that William never made any promises toVilde, and didn’t owe her anything afterward, and vice versa.
But getting back on track, William’sfirst advance was after Noora belittled him in front of the group (rightfully so),and he was immediately brushed off, though the edit still chooses to show Nooralingering on William’s retreating figure, implying interest and obviously foreshadowing.After this, he doesn’t speak to Noora or show any other interest in her untilthe staircase scene (‘you’re so fucking beautiful’). And, anon, if you can findanyone, anti- or pro- who honestly, 100% believes that Noora was not positivelyaffected by William in this moment, I’ll be legitimately shocked. That scenewas flirting 101, and no one can say otherwise.
Cut to the xmas party scene, wherewe later find out that William has agreed to a date with Vilde in order toultimately be closer to Noora.  Yes, thiswas a shitty thing to do, but as soon as Noora realises what he was doing, sheasks him to stop and he does on the condition of one date. Not a relationship,not sex, just an hour with her, talking, to which she accepts. He picks her up,brings her a blanket and cocoa and remains polite, recognises she doesn’t necessarilywant to be there and so keeps his distance, tries to impress her, and offers todrive Noora home after cutting the increasingly positive date short.
The party at William’s house isthem getting to know each other, exploring their attraction, having fun,PLAYING w EACH OTHER, and William being relatively reserved (the stripping partdoes make me roll my eyes IF I’M BEING HONEST lmao). And it’s here that we seeNoora take the first real step forward into their relationship – lying andsaying that she has to stay over, and once this info is outed, William has afoot in the door, and he knows it. Anyways, fast forwarding through the cabinep and we get to the Syria party. A party that was designed to raise money solelyfor the Penetrator’s buss,  but afterinviting Noora and getting thoroughly confused by her reasoning for not wantingto go, decides to include the refugee cause to the funds raised, all so Noora MAYshow up.
Okay, this is where I start to getheated, because people always seem to forget about this motherfucking scene.Noora is being extremely difficult and stubborn and, to be honest, rude towardhim, and he asks her point blank if she likes him, and tells her that that willbe it if she doesn’t. He’ll stop and leave her be. He. Will. Stop. And. Leave. Her.Alone. If. She. So. Chooses. And she says what she says, and William leavesimmediately. Noora has to sprint and catch him, and SHE KISSES HIM. She initiateseverything, William was ready to stop and give up. It’s Noora who STARTS THERELATIONSHIP.
What part of all that is emotionallymanipulative? Oh, nothing? You don’t say.
Alright, now to the drama, andwhere I can see some people misconstruing everything. Nico enters andeverything basically goes to hell. William is trying to protect Noora from his brother,but Noora doesn’t understand why until after everything happens many episodeslater. So, we have William adamantly trying to keep Noora away from his brother,but in a textbook case of ‘Why Communication is Important in Relationships’, bothof them omit information that would turn out to be vital and would have stoppedpractically everything in eps 7-11 from happening, they take that break. And it’sin these eps, where they have little to no communication, Noora gets drugged/drunk,and wakes up with Nico, and basically has PTSD from it, that William reallysteps up, even though he doesn’t know what’s happening, why his girlfriend isspacing out and having panic attacks. He soothes her, her calms her down, helets her get the sleep she desperately needed, he writes her goddamn paper for her,he doesn’t invade her privacy and snoop on her computer, he stays with her forfifteen hours straight and meanwhile organises everything about the Norway Daything with Eva, Vilde, Sana, and Chris on Noora’s behalf.
And then, comes the fucking text.William, after being told they were on a break, which he accepted, after makingup, after being shut out again immediately, after Noora breaking down, is senta photo (or was it a text – I can’t remember), of Noora with his brother, thismonster he tried so damn hard to keep Noora way from. And Noora can’t give hima straight answer when he confronts her, because she really doesn’t know atthis point. And, he doesn’t lash out or become aBuSiVe, he walks away. Hejust, walks away. He doesn’t get aggressive, he doesn’t yell, he literally justwalks the fuck away.
Noora finds out Nico is a piece ofshit, gets more insight on William, realises she did fuck up, realises thatWilliam was only trying to protect her from Nico. While he’s still extremely angryat her, when she confronts him in the hallway, he again remains silent anddoesn’t lash out at her. She says what she needed to and he listens, and agreesto meet her for their talk.
The talk happens, they make up, andafter everything, William goes and turns himself in for the bottle smashing becauseof everything Noora has told him and taught him.
I’m sure I’m forgetting something Iwanted to say, but yeah, there’s that. Noora was pretty much in control theentire time they were actually together. She was controlling who they told,where they were seen, the break was her idea, and she was the one to seek outWilliam and make up with him. Noora was head over heels in love with him, andhe for her, and if there is any flaw in their relationship in s2, it’s fuckingcommunication with a capital C, not abuse, not manipulation, but fuckingcommunication. If they had just said everything they needed to say, at anypoint before episode 7, the entire second half of the season would not havehappened, but that’s none of my business.
Okay, so quickly over season 3 and4: Noora after knowing about Nico, William’s sister, his parent’s, and his fearof abandonment, ups and leaves him without telling him about it, without eventalking to him out it, and again, he remains silent – he doesn’t lash out, herdoesn’t hurt her in any way, he thinks that that is what she wanted, truly, andso he lets her go. When Sana sends that email, he drops EVERYTHING and comesback home to her. So emotionally manipulative, I know, wow.
Anyway, just some rounding off someof your points:
William never pressured her into sex. Afterrealising she was very serious about not wanting sex, he is the one stoppingthem from going further (revue room, clumsy scene, bench top kitchen scene, 2x12bed scene), and yeah he probably shouldn’t have said ‘I should probably ask ifyou’re ready, but I don’t care’, but if we are believing that Noora literally textedhim ‘I want to fuck you’, there doesn’t leave much room for misinterpretation.
When he was told no, he stayed away. The Justin Bieberscene: she says no, he leaves. She says she doesn’t like him: he leaves. She saysshe’s not ready for sex: he complies with that request and stops Noora whenevershe got a bit too heavy handed. She asks for a break: he agrees without a realfight, even though he knows it’s not what’s best for the both of them.
Blackmailing is wrong, he shouldn’t have donethat. But I don’t think it was with the exact intent of MAKING Noora HIS!!!!!!,for fucks sake.
The man always knows best: I honestly don’t knowwhere you’re going with this point. Whenever it’s shown that either of themthink they know best, it’s shown that they both are wrong, and/or shouldn’thave thought that way. See, lack of communication, Noora lying about whathappened for so long, William not telling her about the fight, the whole argumentabout the fight and the break, Noora lying and saying she has no feelings forhim in 1x05, etc.
William not owning up to his mistakes: Whatmistakes did he make exactly? The blackmail for a date: solved. Lying aboutNico: had valid reasons to. Being a dick: every other character on this show isan asshole, at one point or consistently, it seems to be a running characterflaw – none of them are just as upfront about it as William. Being abusive: heisn’t. Being emotionally manipulative: he isn’t.
So there, that’s my takeaway of William’s character andtheir relationship, and from now on, anytime I get an ask like the ridiculousone above, even after all this time, and after my opinions on this topic havebeen well an truly been put through the wringer, I am referring everyone tothis post. So one last time: no one is ever going to change my mindset, sendingin messages like these will only fuel me to write more about why William isactually one of the most compelling characters on the show, why his and Noora’srelationship is an incredible journey of self-discovery, and why William shouldnot be singled out for being A KID, just like the rest of the them, for beingunreserved about who he is, and for loving the fuck out of Noora Amalie Saetre.
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ofcloudsandstars · 8 years ago
Hello, dear! A little fae told me that you live in NJ. I do as well! I wanted to ask for your recommendations on magical places to go/see in the NJ/NY area! I have a day of next Monday and my friend who i'm chilling with said she'll go anywhere I want and I'm so overwhelmed at the possibility! I normally work, so this is a rare opportunity that I cannot pass up! I'd really appreciate the suggestions! ~May good energies surround you!~
I have mentioned a number of times on this blog that I live in NJ! That’s cool you live here too, NJ is pretty special in it’s own way!
For NJ there are tons of cool abandoned places that feel like a strange liminal space. NJ is notorious for legends of strange creatures living in these spaces so like whether or not you believe in that be careful cause that tends to attract a sketchy type of crowd. In a natural reservation by my house for example it’s advised people don’t go alone cause weird people do strange rituals there and malicious energy shit cause they thrive off those type of sinister legends. It’s also like Fort Tyron in NYC which is my favorite park ever, it’s INTENSE with magical energy, ghosts and entities but there’s some parts of the park that has a very dense and somewhat negative vibe and you don’t want to linger there for too long. It’s still an incredible place though!
So NJ has A lot of abandoned places as you may know. These abandoned places have tons of energy and history to them and are pretty magical in their own way. I will link some sites to them too.
Abandoned Railroad station-Like there are a million abandoned NJ railroad graveyards and stations but this one might be easier for you to access. It’s by Jersey City. Be careful that some abandoned places are not protected by some law cause sometimes you can end up trespassing and you don’t want police to be all up in your grill
Ashbury Park-Honestly my favorite beach in the north east. It’s beautiful, clean and very classy NJ Americana with all the wonderful boardwalk treats like saltwater taffy and orange creamsicle soft serve, but it has a lot of fascinating energy too, the nicest waves and sea shells and sand. They also have a Paranormal museum and shop that holds tours there and a lot of abandoned shit like shipwrecks a haunted paramount theatre and Asbury Lanes. Great to go for a summer day trip!
Clifton’s Gates of Hell-I’m not far from Clifton but this place is incredibly dangerous. I’m just letting you know about it since you asked but its like.. dangerous.. lol. A lot of kids from my high school would come here for the thrill but would leave kind of disturbed. Like if the NJ devil is real he would be chillin here. It’s like a series of storm drains and there has been cults doing weird magic inside. I would suggest you go with someone and be armed or something but also this is totally a bad idea and like how horror films start. A lot of kids in my school knew about weird haunted abandoned places in NJ like there is an abandoned asylum that still has electric chairs intact and an abandoned mansion but the stories they told always sounded really creepy and really dangerous. Like aside from being very empathetic and probably feeling the trauma the ghosts went through their waking lives there, I am moreso always concerned about living people and what they’re capable of. I think it’s cool to know about The Gates of Hell but I am giving you a long ass disclaimer about going there haha. (btw the asylum was called Greystone Psychiatric Hospital in case you are interested lol. My friends said that they still have medical records and everything in tact. Its like they had to evacuate one day and never cleaned up anything). Also like mentioned above if you do go- I think at least for Greystone it’s a halfass protected historical site. Halfass meaning it has a cheap metal chain fence around it but police might be snooping around so you want to be careful because I am assuming that for the hospital you could be trespassing if you enter anyway. (Clifton Gates I don’t think it’s protected at all)
Pine Barrens-Also for more creepy places I would suggest you should avoid but should know about are Pine Barrens. I feel like everyone that needs to know anything witch-history related and paranormal and weird about NJ should know about Pine Barrens. Like Pine Barrens is the heart of the bizarre of this state lol. Supposedly witches used to live there on some long ago colony and they summoned or gave birth to The Jersey Devil that still lingers in this land. That’s basically where the beast was born. The Pine Barrens is very ‘The Blair Witch Project’ in vibe. People go there and leave weird shit on purpose. Witches probably go there and do some dank magic. It’s a giant swamp so the energy is kind of dank anyway.
Even though Weird NJ might seem like a super corny and kitschy magazine, in it’s very childishness presentation it kind of does hold a guide to the paranormal and bizarre of the state. It’s cute in a goosebumps-ish way where most people wouldn’t take the magazine seriously but if you really go on the adventures it suggests you will probably end up on a hell ride haha.
There are also a lot of waterfalls in NJ. Like NJ is known for waterfalls. Check out this link. Also just google NJ waterfalls or top 10 waterfalls in NJ or whatever it will give you some great advice since the best are often listed everywhere but tend to be far and out of the way. 
For towns there are a few that are nice. Montclair is a beautiful artistic town. There are a lot of magical shops there too like Blu Lotus that sells a lot of magical tools and items and is beautiful. I posted a few pictures of it before. There are more magical stores up and down bloomfield ave which is where the downtown stores are centered around. There is also Parcel further up bloomfield ave that sells really nice stationary and has an Amelie, whimsical faerie-like feel. There is an incredible crystal shop also on Bloomfield Ave called Rocky’s Crystals & Minerals. There’s a new magic tool and spiritual shop further down bloomfield ave called Mystic Spirit Metaphysical Shoppe. I’ve never been there yet. If you want to hang around Bloomfield Ave in downtown Montclair I’d suggest for lunch go to Raymonds which is a super cute classic Americana restaurant that sells great Egg Creams and Burgers. That’s like their specialty don’t get anything else haha. If you are vegetarian/vegan there is a great vegan restaurant on that same street (Church ave where Blu Lotus is) and there is a smoothie acai bowl shop on that street too for dessert. Other than downtown Montclair has a lot of beautiful parks and a really nice reservation called Eagle Rock. Eagle Rock can be a little sketchy so check it out with a friend but overall its a cool place. Oh yeah and there is the Van Vleck house which is a mansion with beautiful gardens open to the public. It is MAJESTIC in the summertime. Sooo fucking gorgeous. Its worth checking out. There are wild bunnies that run across the garden too. It has a very french style to it (montclair has a large french community).
Verona also has a magical shop called Goddess in Eden. The owner used to work in Blu Lotus in Montclair but branched off into her own shop. She is wiccan and works with the fae and is often in her own head so she’s hard to kind of have a conversation with haha. The store is facing Verona park which is beautiful and has always been one of my favorite parks.
Edgewater NJ is pretty special. In that area of NJ there are a lot of Japanese Americans and there is a huge supermarket and restaurant that the area is known for that caters to Japanese culture but aside from that Edgewater has these incredible trails I discovered with an intimate partner there. There are raspberry bushes growing all over the trail and the most TRETCHEROUS FUCKING STONE STAIRS leading AS STEEP AS POSSIBLE down to the river. Its beautiful and at one point you will feel like you are in a fort or castle at some time but its kind of intense tbh.
Also Nj has the most CUTEST industrial towns along the delaware river. I have yet to explore there but I’ve been wanting to go.
Anyway for NYC there is:Manhattan- 9th street between ave 1 and A is like the most magical street in Manhattan. You have Flower Power which is a great apothecary/herb shop and the people in there are amazing. It looks like a store out of harry potter with cute green library shelves filled with herbs. Then there is Enchantments which is NYC’s oldest witchcraft shop. The staff might be kind of unwelcoming but the cats are worth it. There is also Good Beer which is a craft beer place that sells seasonal ciders and beers and is partially a bar. I think if you like beer, cider and drinking its worth checking out. There is also a vegan confectionery on that same street. There is also a crystal shop and a psychic place but I haven’t been to the psychic there. There is also a cat shelter on that block that lets you come in for free to hug and pet the cats.
Fort Tyron Park- basically 181 off the A and above. The park is a long park on the north west side of Manhattan’s island and is gorgeous. It faces the river and has a lot of rocky mountainous cliffs and hills and old stone bridges, walls and structures. It’s well known for the Cloisters which is a kind of castle built from old pieces of old monasteries from Europe. It’s a medieval museum apart of the MET that does wine tastings in the summer and hosts a renaissance fair. There are parts of the park that are super mysterious and can get creepy. You would have old stone stairs leading down into an overgrown growth of vines that grows into a forest by the foot of the stairs. You have a lot of walkways that descend into stone tunnels that are super dark in the middle. There are a lot of strange liminal spaces there. It’s relatively safe so you can be fine alone but you should be able to pick up weird vibes if something too strange is afoot. Also if you are around 181 there’s a fantastic Irish bar called Le Cheile that has this very whimsical feel and a great cider and beer selection. It would be cool to drink there after checking out the park!
North Woods Central Park-Some forest that is easier to get to and not too out of the way is the north woods on the upper left side of Central Park. It’s beautiful and intense and drowns out the whole city. You can get very much lost in it and some of the path has been devoured by the earth and overtaken by weeds and dirt. I love walking through this forest in winter. There are old brown stone troll-like bridges in there and a lot of beautiful streams everywhere. You might want to be with a partner while going through because for central manhattan it can be a bit troubling to be alone in the woods and some sketchy types threaten you. I’ve never been bothered but I try not to chance myself too much. I find the ramble safer but wayy more populated but ok to be alone in. (The ramble is a smaller woods in the more central area of central park).
Lillies by Union Square-Its not really magical, but it’s super charming and I love it, especially around christmas when they decorate the fuck out of it. It’s super whimsical and has a very old classic NYC vibe
Abracadabra-On west 19th street. It’s not that magical as it is kind of creepy, paranormal and a spooky goosebumps adventure. If you’re ever in NYC it’s worth going in and laughing at.
BrooklynOff Morgan on the L line is Catland which is Brooklyn’s witchcraft store and community. They CONSTANTLY have witchy events there, from parties to rituals to symposiums. I’m going to a discussion with a witchy friend there this Saturday to talk about Death, the afterlife, channeling spirits, ouija boards and contacting ancestors. They have parties like queer witch prom and its a very queer witch friendly space as it’s run by queer witches
I know there are definitely places in the Bronx but I honestly do not know the Bronx well enough to write a lot on it.
Governor’s Island-OHBOY HOW DID I FORGET THIS ONE, everyone knows this place cause they hold music festivals there but governor’s island is the most liminal space ass place I’ve ever been to. It’s beautiful but littered with haunted feeling houses that some artists have taken to making into even more haunted vibe art studios. Check out the HoloCenter which is an art center for laser art and holographs. Its literally like an old creepy decaying house filled with black portrait spaces that when you walk too close a fucking holograph face pops out at you. It’s super beautiful, cool and creepy tech art that for some reason never was popular enough to take off so it feels really alternative.
I hope some of these places are interesting to you! Stay safe! Especially in NJ’s more paranormal spaces they feel very Blair Witchy meaning that it’s not always so friendly so it’s good not to be alone, but of course there are a lot of wonderful places too! I hope you guys have fun!!! 
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exofluffstuff · 8 years ago
U know imma just ask all of them, cuz honestly I feel extra af and I'm super hyper rn! U probs don't care but oh well 🤷‍♀️
Nah..I do care about my followers..especially people like you!💕 so this is going to be long af! So be prepared, you asked for it😂💕..Btw since I’ve already answered some..I am not going to include them here..Okay let’s start!:
1.Who was the last person you held hands with? ~Does my father count?...
2. Are you outgoing or shy? ~Shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? ~ My best friends..I miss them so much
4. Are you easy to get along with? ~Yes…but you have to approach to me first, though.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? ~Um..I have never been drunk! But I think I would like my father to take care of me.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? ~People who have their mind set, who see a future in them, people who is not depending on others…basically in terms of friendship someone like me? 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? ~Like in a romantic one?…NO! right now is not on my options. I first want to study and become myself a professional and then date but I sometimes wonder…who the heck would want to date me?. 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?~ A friend who is crushing on me and me trying to tell him in other words that I don’t like him but still want to be friends. 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? (ANSWERED)10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?  ~With my cousin (guy)11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? ~ It said “At what time and which movie are we going to see?” 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? ~ ‘A’ from GOT7, ‘Not Today’ BTS, ‘Hold me tight’ BTS, ‘As if it’s your last’ Blackpink and ‘Sometines’ Ariana Grande.13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? ~No! in fact, I don’t like people touching me..unless I known you for a while. 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? ~ I believe in miracles more than luck.15. What good thing happened this summer? ~Vacation!, that I could watch TV until I fall asleep16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? ~Um…I have never kissed someone before. 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? ~YES!18. Do you still talk to your first crush? ~NO! I never got the chance to actually talk to him.19. Do you like bubble baths? ~YES!20. Do you like your neighbors? ~ Right now…no because they are kind of noisy and I can hear the granddaughter scream from my room and they are my back neighbors.21. What are you bad habits? ~YES! Sometimes, I overthink and judge to fast.22. Where would you like to travel? ~Of course!, I would like to go to South Korea, duh!23. Do you have trust issues? ~yes24. Favorite part of your daily routine? ~Waking up to a cup of coffee25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? ~My teeth, they are crocked.26. What do you do when you wake up? ~ Watch my face and teeth.27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? ~ I have fair skin but I wish to be a bit lighter. 28. Who are you most comfortable around? ~My mom29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? ~ Never had a bf so..I can’t answer this30. Do you ever want to get married? ~Maybe but I don’t picture myself like that until at least 15 years31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? (ANSWERED)32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? ~  Rap Monster, V and Baek.33. Spell your name with your chin. ~ tgggkizxdc (at least I tried but I am nowhere near my real name) 34. Do you play sports? What sports? ~ I used to do taekwondo.35. Would you rather live without TV or music? ~Music a 100%
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? ~ Like all of the time37. What do you say during awkward silences? ~ “Um…so.. what happened today anything new?” 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? ~ I want a guy who is taller than me, smart, loyal, would treat me like a princess, respect me, have fair skin, be kind of fit, don’t care about hair color, don’t care about eye color, don’t care about nationality, be a sweetheart, would make me laugh, be a gentle men, be kind of jealous of me but not to the point of exhausting. 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? ~Starbucks, Marshall's and TJ MAX40. What do you want to do after high school? ~Enjoy my summer.41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? ~It all depends on how bad was the situation!42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? ~That I am either overthinking, figuring things out or secretly judging. 43. Do you smile at strangers? ~If they smile at me…yes!44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ~Bottom of the ocean45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? ~Right now College46. What are you paranoid about? ~ Not achieving my goals.47. Have you ever been high? ~NO48. Have you ever been drunk? ~NO49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? ~NO50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? (ANSWERED)51. Ever wished you were someone else? ~Sometimes, I wish I have a bit more space to breath but I am completely fine with who I am.52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? ~My smile and be a little bit more open than reserved and shy.53. Favourite makeup brand? ~Etude House54. Favourite store? ~Starbucks55. Favourite blog? ~ @bangtanreacts56. Favourite colour? ~Black and red57. Favourite food?  ~Fetuccini Alfredo with Shrimp58. Last thing you ate? ~Lasagna59. First thing you ate this morning? (ANSWERED)60. Ever won a competition? For what? ~Yes, from English poster competition in which the teacher gave you an expression and you had to transform that into art.61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? ~No62. Been arrested? For what? ~NO63. Ever been in love? ~No…I had crushes but not a love, love thing.64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? ~ I haven’t kissed anyone yet65. Are you hungry right now? ~No66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? ~Yes..I think friends over here they don’t judge on what you or like to do..so yes!67. Facebook or Twitter? ~Facebook68. Twitter or Tumblr? ~Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? ~YES! 70. Names of your bestfriends? ~Nahir, Yadi and Mary71. Craving something? What? ~Yes Chocolate and cold stones ‘Cheesecake fantasy’ ice cream. 
72. What colour are your towels?
~Baby yellow
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
~A large pillow
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
~No because I have none
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
~Chocolate 100% of the time!
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? ~Chocolate, Cold Stones Cheesecake Fantasy, Cookies and Cream, Rocky Road and Reese's Ice Cream.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
~Rose red
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
~ Shadow-hunters and Stichers
82. Favourite movie? Divergent and The Hunger Games
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
~Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
~Again, Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
~Also, Mom
89. Name a person you hate?
~ I don’t hate anyone but I don’t like too much people who think that they are better than you..I just can’t deal with that.
90. Name a person you love?
~Mom, little brother and Dad
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
~No…well I don’t think so…
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
~One and is for PJ’s
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
~The Haunted Mansion
96. Favourite actress?
~ I don’t have preference, I just focus on the movie
97. Favourite actor?
^ same
98. Do you tan a lot?
^ Nope, I don’t actually like it because I burn like a crab
99. Have any pets?
~Yes, a dog named Lady
100. How are you feeling?
~Good because I finished the college obligated class today
101. Do you type fast?
~I think so
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
~Depends on the words
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
~Yes my grandma
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
~No, where I live we don’t do those kind of stuff
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
~Yes…multiple times
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
~Yes and I didn’t liked it
108. What should you be doing?
~Nothing..relaxing I guess
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
~Yes..and he is still in my heart.
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? ~Mom
113. What was your childhood nickname?
~Tia or Dora (because when I was small I used to be really tan and my hair was short and black like Dora’s)
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
~ Yes
115. Do you play the Wii?
~Yes..I still do
116. Are you listening to music right now?
~No..but I wish
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
~Like Americanized? Yes..it is good but authentic one, I have never tried it.
119. Favourite book?
~Hush Hush by Beca Fitzpatrick 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
~Sometimes…It all depends on the mood I am and if I like you or not…but most of the time I am nice.
122. Is cheating ever okay?
~For me it is not..because I believe that the person who studied had a hard time learning everything, while the person cheating was probably doing nothing and benefiting from that person.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
~Yes…I always try
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
~Maybe but  I believe look are not always everything
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored? ~No
127. What makes you happy? ~Listening to music
128. Would you change your name? ~No
129. What your zodiac sign? (ANSWERED)
130. Do you like subway? ~Kind of
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? ~Make things clear, unless if I like him too.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? ~ Cousin
133. Favourite lyrics right now? ~This is hard but I’ll choose… “Butterfly” BTS
134. Can you count to one million? ~NOPE
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? ~That I didn’t do it when I had the evidence on my hands
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? ~CLOSED
137. How tall are you? ~5′6
138. Curly or Straight hair? ~Straight Hair
139. Brunette or Blonde? ~Brunette
140. Summer or Winter? ~Winter
141. Night or Day? ~Day
142. Favourite month? ~January plus is my B-day Month
143. Are you a vegetarian? ~No
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? (ANSWERED)
145. Tea or Coffee? ~ 100% Coffee
146. Was today a good day? ~Yes
147. Mars or Snickers? ~Mars
148. What’s your favourite quote? “Just because my path is different doesn’t mean I am lost” ~Anonymous.
149. Do you believe in ghosts? ~I don’t know
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line ~”My face breaks into a huge smile and I start walking in Peeta’s Direction.” I guess you guys know which book it is.
Well I am done with this challenge. Original post (X) credit to her for these questions.
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