#oh and I also used a reference for the pose 😋
fecto-eevee-agitando · 11 months
She's fucken ded 😔
(click on image for better quality plz)
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EDIT: fixed a little mistake
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monojoyy · 1 year
Like a Weed Naturally, As a Matter of Course Analysis
Lyrical Analysis for Testament's strive theme! Just my own interpretation 😋
It's not evil or sacred, it's just life
A turmoil between light and dark- Justice can be seen as something sacred herself, yet also evil. It’s just life reflects Testament’s newly found outlook on the world around them, deciding that it is just that- Life. 
He just doesn't defy the gravity of something
The notion of not defying gravity alludes to something unremarkable. There is no spectacle to be had, and no changes to be made. “Something” is vague, and shows us that there are no specifics in what is being shown in its unremarability. 
Life (sustenance)
Life (respected)
sustenance is needed for survival, and respect is something that we all strive for. These coming after life shows that it is both a necessity, and something we should all try to obtain in whatever way. Could also mean a respect for life; embracing it wholly, the good and bad.  
It's drawn to each other
Respect and sustenance are drawn to each other, ubiquity meaning everywhere at once. Life is full of sustenance and respect to be had- Meaning necessity and want, opposites. 
Life (radiant)
Life (existence)
Radiance and Existence again are not mutually exclusive, yet pose an opposing line of thought. We deem those ‘radiant’ things as unreachable, such as angels and gods, yet we live in our own existence separate from them. This is also just listing the complicated nature of life itself, full of opposing ideas, yet all coming together in ‘life’ itself. Testament is trying to understand what it means to truly live, 
She doesn't need a name to distinguish him
The mismatched pronouns represent Testament themself. A name is something used to represent and address someone- But Testament feels that they don’t need that to distinguish themselves from everyone else. They are different, and they know everyone else can see it. They also feel distinguished in themself, not needing a name or a number to know their place in the world. 
Oh, she flies through the proud darkness
Rather than the breathless vastness of the world
The world is at their fingertips to explore and learn from now, but that darkness of their past and what they are is real. Instead of hiding from it, Testament embraces the darkness, finding pride in it and soaring through it, not wanting to ignore that part of themself and their past. Coming to terms with the world and finding your place in it can coexist with not wanting to hide away the things that set you apart. 
And yet he did not reject the light herself
He believes she is one of a chain
Despite owning their own darkness, Testament does not reject the light of those who have helped them become as free as they are now, and the rest of life. They have left their isolation and depression to explore the world and find themselves, yet they hold onto that introverted core that makes them them. 
Believing that they are one of a chain is in reference to them being another link in a grander scheme- A singular piece in a wider puzzle. 
It's no exception
It's just less
The new things Testament has found are not an exception to their preconceived notions on the world, they’re simply lesser now- The world does not need to be cleansed, but there are acknowledgeable problems. They know this now, and this was something told to them initially by Justice, who is referenced in the next line. 
I guess you can't trust a gentle tiger
People may come to you with violent ideas and powerful ideology, but no matter how kind they seem, their wrongdoings are wrong. This is reference to Jusice, and how she mislead Testament for many years, and used them as a tool for her own gain. 
[Prechorous repeats] 
Rulers are afraid of the wind
For the (for the)
Rustling (rustling)
(Trees) of the trees would take the night
From them
People in power are scared of the natural order of things, and fear that if people knew the truth, they would reject totalitarianism. Night is often used to represent unknowing, so nature taking the ‘night’ would insinuate that the darkness is lifted, and people would see how order is corrupting their view. Another reference to Justice? Maybe the crusades as a whole. 
Oh he flies, to be the wings of the flightless
Testament now strives to be unapologetically free and themselves for all those who cannot, including a younger version of themself. 
Fly high
To be seen from everywhere
Not much to say on this one, links back to the previous line, with the addition of letting the world see their true nature. A note to add that flight is obviously associated with the sky, wind, air- Easily ties back to rulers are afraid of the wind. 
She just tells them he's there
Without whispering
Announcing one's presence to the world and life without any shame, Testament is Testament, and they won’t be shy about being a half gear anymore. 
He believes she's one of a chain
As stated previously. 
[Guitar solo and Chorus repeat] 
He flies 
At night to see the sun of tomorrow
Testament is going through life, come what may. They are comfortable in the dark and at night, but the sunrise of ‘tomorrow’ shows that they are embracing all that is new and exciting about life and themself. 
He never wanted a special day
Testament used to be special, but they never wanted that. They want normality, and to simply exist- Furthered by the next line. 
She just wants to be there
Like a weed, naturally, as a matter of course
Weeds are natural, and insignificant marks on the earth. Testament wants to live naturally and without importance anymore, simply just being themselves in the natural order of life. 
Weeds are also usually something people hate, which could allude to them still feeling detested and unwanted on the planet, yet natural. Hate is normal, and not everybody is going to like you- But that does not mean you don’t have a right and a place on the earth. 
He believes we're one of a chain
We are all links in the chain- equal parts of a grander scheme. This is how Testament views life- Insignificant and with everyone being on the same level- Alive. 
(Matter of course)
She believes we're one
(Matter of course)
We are all one in the world, and live by the natural order, for good or bad. 
Thats it! Testament the nihilist ever 🫡
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