#oh also please tell me if y'all want to hear about my ocs and their lore because i've been coming up with that stuff and wrote it down
swaggy-skeletons · 3 months
i feel like i never actually post here anymore man. like idk what to talk about
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cozy-cinnamon-roll · 5 months
Stitches (Part II)
(Read Part I Here! used to be We Interrupt This Broadcast... changed the name because I feel like this fits better 😅)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Ler!Rosie, Ler!OC, Lee!Alastor (strictly platonic)
Content/Trigger Warnings: tickling, very brief blood mention, medical themes (non-graphic & painless). And again, this is set right after Alastor gets his ass handed to him by Adam, so you can expect some angst (don't worry, he gets better).
If there are any trigger warnings you'd like me to add in the future (and/or to this fic), PLEASE let me know! I am always happy to oblige. 💕
This is a ticklefic! If that's not your cup of tea, kindly move along.
"Almost ready" I said. "Basically finished" I said. Sorry y'all, the Chronic Illness Fairy struck. 😅 I will say this was my favorite part to write, but also the one I'm most uncertain about... bit more angst in this installment and I'm not much of an angst writer lol... but with Rosie in the mix (especially as a ler), angst never lasts long. 🥰
Also I changed the title. Hopefully it's not confusing that way... cuz without Part 1 this fic makes zero sense 😅
One last thing... I'm so happy y'all like Trudy! Was thinking about posting a lil sketch of her at some point (I need a new insomnia project now that this fic is done 😅). I've been having a truly awful few weeks on the anxiety front, so all the positive feedback on Part I has been quite literally making my days 💕
Hope you enjoy!!
"Ooh, you stubborn little bastard. You're still gonna refuse to laugh?" Rosie mutters.
Alastor doesn't dare try to speak. All he can manage is a defiant shake of his head.
"Look, my friend. If you 'don't mind a little tickling,' and getting all giggly is your specialty…" Rosie tweaks his bottom rib, eliciting a noise that comes just short of a squeak. "What, exactly, is the problem here?"
"I'm supposed to be in control!" he grinds out through his twitching grin.
"You are in control, sir." Trudy abruptly withdraws her hands, holding them up innocently. "You can tell me to stop at any time."
Alastor cringes. He was sorta hoping no one would point that out.
"Which is why I find it so fascinating that you haven't yet." A sly smirk creeps across Rosie's face.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
"I- I'm humoring you!"
"Humoring me?" Rosie tilts her head. "My dear, I hope you're not doing this just for my sake. If you don't want Trudy to check for further injury-"
"No, I do! O-on my terms!"
"This is on your terms."
"Yes, but-"
"In fact, you insisted."
He stumbles again, before mumbling another meager, "…to humor you!"
Trudy shoots her boss a disoriented look - but Rosie, as usual, is hearing her friend loud and clear.
"Alastor." Rosie rolls her eyes, gestures for Trudy to step aside, and scoots over to place a hand on his knee. "Adam is dead. Everyone in hell thinks you're either succumbing to your wounds in some remote gutter or hiding in whatever alternate dimension you just spent the last seven years. You're not even 'on air'." She leans in. "You can drop the act for a moment, if it's what you need."
That certainly hits the mark. For the first time, Alastor's smile falters - not completely dropping, but certainly losing much of the strained quality it's had since he arrived.
"I wish I could, my dear."
Encouraged, Rosie continues. "Well, what's stopping ya? As much as I love spending time with Alastor the Radio Demon… if you wanna take this opportunity to let out whoever's underneath that effervescent grin of yours, you know we wouldn't mind."
Alastor swallows - and for the first time in a decades, Rosie finds his expression difficult to read. "Rosie, I'm afraid I can't really..."
"I mean, you've been holding that same silly show-host-smile for years! Don't tell me you've never gotten tired of it!"
"It's sewn on, Rosie."
He hesitates. "Let's just say today wasn't the first time I've been, ah... stitched up." As he speaks, he gestures to his toothy grin. And for once, there's not a trace of distortion in his voice.
Rosie's dark eyes go wide when she realizes what he means. The cannibal overlord just stands there for a beat, in an uncharacteristic moment of shock.
But, being Rosie, she quickly recovers. "Well, so what?"
"I'm just saying, I'm afraid I can't really drop the act."
"Nonsense! Since when has your act had anything to do with your face?" Rosie flicks her hand, as if brushing the thought aside. "Who cares if you can't show genuine Alastor. I wanna hear him."
"But my microphone..."
"You're doing just fine without it."
Once again, this attempt at reassurance only makes Alastor look more disturbed. "Th-this can't be me!"
"...Well, no. This right here sure isn't the Alastor I know. But…"
Alastor is barely listening to her anymore. His broadcast persona has been his sole identity since he was alive. Now his radio tower has been reduced to rubble, his microphone snapped clean in half, even his carefully-styled clothing left in tatters…
If this is the Genuine Alastor he's now stuck with - panicked, stuttering, weak - he can't imagine how he'll ever be able to face the rest of hell…
But these racing thoughts are once again interrupted by nails tracing up his sides. A sharp yelp cuts the air as poor Alastor just about jumps out of his skin.
"…Perhaps I can offer a little help?" Rosie suggests gently, once she has his undivided (and adorably flustered) attention. "On your terms, of course?"
Alastor just gazes back at her for a long moment. "What do you have in mind?"
"I happen to know something about you that even you can't fake."
The radio demon hesitates… before heaving a sigh and, to Rosie's surprise, giving a small nod of consent.
She breaks into a brilliant (and frankly terrifying) smile.
Before Alastor can brace himself, Rosie's hands have both found his sides and begun working into his waist. Having just watched him squirm around under Trudy's thorough probing twice (and adored every second of it), she already has a pretty good idea of where his worst spots are.
Which is made abundantly clear by Alastor's reaction. Within seconds he's gone from still trying to hold it all in by habit, to giggling into his hands, to cackling hysterically.
And it's the kind of laughter she's spent the last seven years missing. This isn't the confident, taunting chuckle he brings out for battles or brushing off rivals; this is bright, helpless, occasionally hiccuping laughter, the kind that is nearly impossible for him to stop once he starts - and the kind she only has the privilege of hearing when something truly amuses him.
"You can't sew your laughter on," Rosie reminds him. "This is all yours."
Rosie's fingers creep up under his shirt to scribble on bare tummy, adding a couple new sweet spots to her mental catalogue. This technique brings out even more of her favorite little quirks: the way he bats playfully (and completely ineffectually) at her wrists; his repeated attempts to speak around his laughter that only result in frantic spurts of incomprehensible, giggle-laced gibberish.
As she traces her nails across his lower belly she also finds a tiiiny layer of unexpected pudge. Which probably shouldn't surprise her - he's been out of the battle scene for seven years, after all. All those deer carcasses have to go somewhere.
Regardless, she finds it terribly endearing for some reason... and the surge of affection translates into a corresponding surge in the intensity of Rosie's tickles.
"AHaha! Ro- Rosie!" he blurts, his voice jumping a full octave higher than normal. "Stop!!"
Rosie removes her hands immediately. "Stop?"
"Aha- ah- well- I mean, er…" He stumbles breathlessly, and gives a sheepish cough.
"You didn't really want me to stop, did you?"
Rosie resumes with a chuckle, reeling herself in just a little. "How 'bout we say... oh... 'enough,' if you really want me to quit?"
Of course, she has to go and say it out loud.
"M-more of a reflehex..." he admits reluctantly.
Alastor tosses a shaky thumbs-up at her, already too lost in his own giggles to manage a verbal reply.
And he's gotta admit… Rosie was absolutely right. He wouldn't stop her right now for all the souls in hell. There's a reason Alastor has the most recognizable evil cackle of any other overlord. He can't help but find dissolving into laughter as cathartic and exhilarating as always - even if this time, it's not at some poor soul's misfortune. It's a result of his best friend's affection for her darling deer demon.
"As fun as getting your soft little belly is," Rosie muses, pausing to let Alastor catch his breath for a moment, "I can't help but wonder if you're ticklish anywhere else…"
Alastor may be off the air, but Rosie can practically hear the screech of microphone feedback just by the look on his face. "….I plead the fifth."
"Have you considered his ears?" Trudy pipes up shyly. While she'd managed to restrain herself behind an impeccably professional bedside manner earlier, it had taken everything in her power not to stroke Alastor's ears when she'd been close enough to do so. They were just. so. fluffy.
"Ohhh, heavens…" Alastor, for his part, curls in on himself at the mere suggestion.
Rosie grins. "Hey, 'no' is always an option."
A long pause. Alastor can't believe he's considering this. But the sensation of being tickled, as unbearable as it is, does feel awfully pleasant… and it's been so long since anyone has dared to touch him…
And what else does he have to lose at this point, anyway?
"I suppose if you're… very gentle…"
"Are you aware that your ears are the softest thing in the nine circles?"
This stipulation ends up backfiring. When it comes to his ears, gentle is worse. So, so much worse.
Poor Alastor is too busy clutching his stomach and snickering madly into his sleeve to reply.
"I should know, I work in retail. These right here-" Rosie traces her fingers down the feathery-soft edges, sending the radio demon into a new round of hysterics. "-Would fetch a pretty penny."
"They're nohot for saHA-ale!!"
"Nooo, I should say not." Rosie's hapless victim lurches back into the cushions as her fingers find the fluffy region at the base of his ears. Even without the microphone, his cackles have no problem filling the room. "You're the only demon classy enough to wear them."
"And don' you - GAHaha! - f-forget it!" He's so drunk on laughter now that he's beginning to slur his words. His careful elocution has gone the same place as his steady tone, and lack of stutter.
Luckily, he's also far too drunk on laughter to care.
...Right about there, Rosie notices that the faint hum of radio static in the air is no longer just in her head.
He is laughing his heart out for the first time in weeks. Genuinely laughing for the first time in decades. And laughing completely for himself, for his own enjoyment, without need for intimidation or control or image or audience, for the first time since long before he died.
While Trudy typically can't say much for her self-preservation instinct, she's got enough of one to feel hesitant joining her boss in tickling the most powerful overlord in hell (outside the pretense of medical intervention, at least). So she just stands back, watching fondly as The Most Dangerous Overlord This Side of the Pentagram utterly destroys the deer demon.
...At least, until she notices a flicker of green light out of the corner of her eye. Lying forgotten on the end table, the splintered ends of Alastor's microphone are sparking and crackling like live wires.
The surgeon creeps over for a closer look, staring in fascination. And then - just as Rosie gets poor Alastor behind the ears and delivers a scribble to his tummy at the same time - she ever-so-gently nudges the fractured ends closer to one another.
To her surprise, a bright green spark arcs clear across the gap. For a fraction of a second, the whole staff radiates a flash of a familiar green glow.
"Keep him laughing, Rosie," Trudy murmurs over her shoulder. It appears the Radio Demon's downfall will be nothing more than an intermission.
Thanks for being so patient with me y'all! Hope it was worth the wait 💕
💜- Cozy
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jplupine · 11 months
Feral Possession: Chapter 33
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Pairing: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~4.8k WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Exophilia, Demon!Grimmjow, Feral Behavior, Mentions of familial death [non-graphic] and past abuse [non-graphic]
Summary: Things are taking a turn in directions unknown.
A/N: Updating for other fics will start picking back up now that I no longer have to grind for my 31 Days of Bleach project xD Thank y'all for being patient!
You can also read it on AO3!
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Masterlist | Chapter 33:
  Scooping coffee grounds into the filter placed in the coffee machine, I felt Grimmjow nuzzle the side of my head as he somewhat leaned on me. Even though I'd been awake less than 30 minutes, he was already clinging to me. But I couldn't say I disliked it as he had his arms around me.
  Closing the coffee machine's lid, I turned it on, and it started brewing.
  Nel's first night here had actually been calmer than expected after giving her a thorough explanation of our situation. She actually seemed more capable of handling things than Grimmjow- Perhaps due to her living among humans for some time now already. It was hard to go to sleep at first knowing she was in the house, but having Grimmjow next to me eventually got me to relax.
  Lips brushed my temple before Grimmjow's cheek rubbed against mine. I couldn't tell if he just wanted affection or if he was silently begging for breakfast like a housecat. Reaching up into one of the cabinets for some mugs, his hand slid across my stomach that had been somewhat exposed from my shirt riding up.
  "Feel like breakfast tacos?" I asked, and he hummed with approval. The scent of freshly brewing coffee filled the kitchen, and I heard hooves come clomping down the stairs. Grimmjow didn't pull away in the slightest even when Nel came into the kitchen and saw him clinging to me.
  "Unsettling, and yet kind of cute." She popped off after quietly staring at us for a few seconds.
  "Shut up." Grimmjow grumbled.
  "C'mon. Seeing you like this is like if Hell froze over, as humans say."
  "Would you like some coffee?" I glanced at Nel, and she nodded with a smile.
  "Yes, please."
  "Man. You never use manners like that." I tapped Grimmjow's cheek before reaching for another mug. He softly growled before nipping the corner of my jaw. "I'm also gonna make breakfast tacos if you want any."
  "Ooo, yesss." Nel got closer while eyeing the coffee pot to watch the hot liquid drip into the transparent pot. "No wonder Pantera has been staying here. This place is amazing." I couldn't help but scoff.
  "So I take it you slept well, too?"
  "Oh, the best sleep I've gotten in a long time. The peace and quiet, the soft mattress-" Nel made a noise almost like a trill while holding her face and smiling. "And now I get breakfast!"
  "So you're over what I am?" I questioned, and Nel leaned on the counter.
  "I don't see a reason to get hung up on it if you're not planning on attacking me. In fact, I'm very interested in knowing more about you, Wynter." Nel leaned closer only to get growled at by Grimmjow. "You're so territorial." She huffed while shooting the other demon a look as she backed away.
  "No kidding." I muttered under my breath.
  "Just make breakfast." Grimmjow growled.
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  "This should help with the flooring." I said while adjusting the socks on Nel's hooves. She hummed while looking at her hooves before placing them on the floor. The fabric dampened the sound and she stood up.
  "Feels a bit strange." She placed her hands on her hips and took a few steps. Nel was now nearly silent as she moved around, and her ears perked. "Oh, I could get used to this."
  "Great. I know hoof pads are a thing, but I figured this would be easier....and cheaper." I gestured at her hooves, and she smiled.
  "Of course. I'll try to remember to wear these when in this form." Nel moved around a little more to get used to the feeling of the socks. I'd been trying to get work done, but hearing her clomping around had been distracting. Not to mention I was worried her hooves might leave marks on the floor if she wasn't careful.
  Thankfully, with her politeness and patience, I'd been able to get her to sit down and try out the socks.
  "Awesome. I'm gonna get back to work now, then."
  "Work? Is that what you've been doing in there?"
  "Yeah. I'm an editor when not studying demons." I chuckled as Nel followed me back toward the office. "I mainly work with books. Sometimes my friends will get a free quick read-over, though."
  "Is that why you have so many books?"
  "Nah. Most of these were my uncle's." I replied while walking into the office. Grimmjow was lying across the desk with his hands behind his head.
  "I see." Nel wandered over to one of the bookshelves to look over the titles present. "You mentioned your uncle could seal demonic powers inside books. Can you?" She asked while running her finger over one of the book spines.
  "Not yet." I sat down in my chair and put my glasses back on. "I only know a few low-grade exorcism spells, and the binding spells I know don't separate the demon from their power."
  "Do you seek demons out to train?"
  "I don't have to when they seem to be drawn here. I've learned to more or less hide my spiritual energy, but some still sniff me out." My gaze then drifted to the window when I saw a shadow go across the curtain. The window was then opened before Tigre crawled out from under the curtain.
  Nel was looking at Grimmjow and I with a bit of confusion but didn't otherwise react when she saw that we didn't. Tigre, however, froze when he saw Nel.
  "So he just comes in through the window like that?" Nel questioned.
  "Sometimes." I softly sighed while looking at her before turning to the shorter demon. "The A/C is on, Tigre." His tail twitched, and he reached back to shut the window.
  "What's she doing here? Don't tell me another has fallen under your spell."
  "Again, it's not a spell. Now, what's today's visit about?" I watched Tigre's ears perk before he got closer to rest his chin on my knee.
  "Do the thing." He demanded, and I scoffed. Placing my hand on his head behind his horns, I ran my fingers through his hair. "Behind the ears, too." Tigre purred as I rubbed behind his ear and tilted his head.
  "Oh, my...." Nel looked surprised. "So it's real?"
  "Really not magick."
  "Have they not done this to you, Gamuza?" Tigre asked.
  "No." Nel's answer made him pause since he realized what he'd just done in front of her by putting his head in my lap to be pet. He quickly recoiled away from me with his ears flat against his skull. "Wanna try it on me?" Nel stood beside me now while pointing at herself.
  "Sure." I reached up and ran my fingers through her hair while rubbing her scalp. She slowly closed her eyes and softly smiled.
  "That does feel nice. But I wouldn't consider this a spell." Nel had a calm tone while Tigre looked bewildered.
  "It doesn't have the same effect?"
  "Apparently not. Interesting." I muttered and even rubbed behind her ear. She hummed before looking at me.
  "I will admit that it's rather relaxing."
  "Told you it wasn't magick." I shrugged and leaned back in my chair. Looking at Tigre, I raised my eyebrows at him. "So, what've you got?"
  "....With word spreading of how Pantera is still alive, the Espada are wondering what has kept anyone from seeing or hearing of him for this long. He isn't known for keeping quiet, you see." Tigre glanced from Grimmjow to me as his tail flicked. "There is talk of finding him to confirm that he's alive."
  "Oh, that's not good." Nel muttered.
  "My word isn't enough." Tigre stated as he leaned closer toward me. "Arrancar will begin trying to seek him out. It won't be long before they find this place."
  I paused while letting his words sink in. My jaw clenched as my heart picked up pace thinking of the danger this meant I'd be in. Sure, there were two Arrancar now calling this place home, but one was a former Espada while the other was ranked 6th. That meant there were more Espada much stronger than him and more willing to kill me.
  "I-" My voice cut off when Grimmjow suddenly sat up with a sigh. His legs swung over the edge of the desk so that he could stand. He formed his sword while turning to face Tigre. "Pantera?"
  Grimmjow didn't respond and grabbed some of his hair. We were all watching him as he raised the sharp edge of his sword. No one said anything even when he cut some of his hair off and held out the severed strands to Tigre.
  "This should be enough." His tone was firm as he looked down at the smaller demon.
  "You said your word isn't enough. This will be. Tell them I said to leave me the fuck alone."
  "I'm not your Fraccion-" Tigre stopped when Grimmjow crouched to be at his level. His sword vanished into smoke when he let it go and grabbed Tigre's jaw. Grimmjow's presence became suffocating and heavy as he looked into Tigre's eyes.
  "But you're still a Fraccion. Remember your place, Tigre. You'll get your ass up and take this with you to prove that I'm alive. I don't want those fuckers anywhere near my territory, is that understood?" Grimmjow's tone was harsh, but his face was unchanging and set in a dangerously calm expression. The threat in his eyes was unmistakable and piercing.
  Tigre could only nod, and Grimmjow tightened his grip on the smaller demon's jaw.
  "I mean it, Tigre. Little Rabbit was there to save your ass last time, but they won't even have the chance to stop me from tearing you apart piece by piece if you don't obey."
  "U-Understood." Tigre's ears were flat against his skull, and he held up a shaky hand. Grimmjow dropped the chunk of severed hair into the other demon's waiting hand while maintaining eye contact.
  The tension in the air dissipated as Grimmjow roughly let Tigre's jaw go.
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  "Stop making that face." Grimmjow's tone cut through the silence, and I looked up at him as he threw back the blankets on the bed. Spitting out toothpaste foam into the sink, I sighed through my nose.
  "Can you blame me for making it?"
  "I don't even know why you're making it."
  "What you did earlier. I wasn't expecting you to do something like that." I turned on the water to rinse out my toothbrush.
  "Gonna have to be more specific."
  "Cutting your hair." Looking back at Grimmjow again, I saw him holding one of the pillows as he stood beside the bed. His brows were deeply furrowed, and his eyes drifted up in my direction.
  "It's just hair."
  "And it's yours."
  "So I've never seen you do something like that." I turned off the water and set my toothbrush down before leaning against the doorframe with my arms crossed. "I also would've figured you'd rather fight them." Grimmjow's ears twitched and he dropped the pillow back onto the bed.
  "Are you stupid?"
  "No, ass. Just wondering why you did what you did."
  "....I could smell your fear."
  "I thought you liked that."
  "I'm greedy." Grimmjow then began to walk my way, his paws silently going across the floor as his eyes reflected the bathroom's light. "The only demon you should fear is me."
  "You expect me to still be afraid of you? After everything that's happened?"
  "You should." He looked down at me and gently grabbed my jaw to lift my face. "I own your soul, Little Rabbit. I can do with it as I please. I may not be able to hurt you now....but that doesn't apply after your death."
  "Would you, though?"
  "Hurt me. Once you have my soul, would you really hurt me?" I asked, and he went quiet for a moment as he studied my face.
  "Depends on how I feel by the time you die."
  "Do you think your feelings will change by then?" I questioned while gently grabbing some of his hair to look at the clean cut his sword had left.
  "Who knows."
  "Based on how you feel now, would you?"
  "Hm." He gave a short hum as his thumb brushed over my lips. "Maybe just a little." I chuckled before gently pulling his hair to get him to lower his face.
  "I'm okay with just a little." I pecked his lips, and the corners of his mouth twitched up. "See? How can I be scared when you have such a cute smile."
  "I wouldn't use 'cute' to describe me, Little Rabbit."
  "I would. I did. And thank you."
  "What you did. No matter what your reasoning is, you do make me feel safe. And I'm well aware of how fucked up that might sound to anyone else." I scoffed before leaning my forehead against his chest with my hands on his hips.
  "....Good thing I'm not anyone else." Grimmjow muttered before I felt his hand on the back of my head. "But what else are you wanting to say? Your chemosignals are too confusing right now."
  "Sorry. I'm just feeling a lot right now." I swallowed as my grip on his hips slightly tightened. "It's honestly confusing to me, too."
  "That doesn't sound good."
  "Bittersweet." I replied, and he went quiet.
  "....Are you mad at me again?"
  "No. No, I'm not mad at you. I'm so very grateful for you, and that is causing a lot of conflicting feelings for me. You're a demon. I'm not supposed to feel safe with you. I'm not supposed to find comfort in your presence. But you've done so much for me that it'd be impossible to not have those feelings. And you're the reason I wasn't all alone while trying to deal with Uncle Jordan passing." My voice went quiet as I kept my forehead against his chest.
  I couldn't bring myself to look at him while clenching my jaw again as things buried deep were clawing at the back of my throat to be let free.
  "Uncle Jordan was all I had left of my family. Being here alone with that hanging over me....was devastating."
  "I thought you didn't mention your family to keep them safe from me."
  "No." I swallowed and took in a deep breath. "My parents died when I was really young, and Uncle Jordan tried to take me in. Before he could get custody, my aunt had the court deem herself a better fit. My aunt couldn't have children, so she did whatever she could to keep me and was a fucking asshole. Uncle Jordan did his best to help me get out as soon as I could. She ended up dying of cancer while I was in college, so Uncle Jordan was all that was left. He never had kids of his own, and I guess that might've been due to him being an exorcist."
  Grimmjow was quiet as I spoke, and I wasn't even sure he was listening.
  "I hated you so much when I thought you had killed him. And it made me hate myself every time I was close to you. I originally started the contact thinking I could manipulate you....but I needed it." I felt my bottom lip quivering as my eyes began to burn. "I really fucking needed it. My friends are amazing, but I couldn't....I couldn't tell them I was drowning and faking it. But you," I scoffed. "you didn't give a shit about anything but yourself. You kept my mind off my pain. And at night when the pain would come back, you were there again."
  My hands remained planted where they were as I didn't move an inch. It felt as if I was so close to having everything spill out, and I was trying to fight it.
  "That's why I sleep better with you. You provide comfort and take away the loneliness. You being a demon, the fucking Sexta Espada, ate away at me. But I couldn't bring myself to stop. Knowing what you are, who you are, made me so conflicted. But as things progressed, it became easier. Then the Soul Society got involved. I couldn't let you go when you'd become the only thing keeping me together. I'm so used to hiding how I feel that no one even had a clue how close I was to breaking."
  "Wynter....I don't...." Grimmjow sighed before lifting my head. His palms were cupping my cheeks as he looked down at me. "I don't know how humans deal with these things."
  "I don't need you to. You being you has been enough." His gaze was soft, and he leaned down to lick my cheek, cleaning away tears that had broken free from my eyes.
  "I am your king, Wynter. Show me your weakness so that I may own it, too." His voice was gentle before he licked the tears from my other cheek. "You belong to me, mind, body, and soul." He kissed the corner of my eyelid and licked the tears from his lips. "And I sure as fuck won't share you. Kinda funny how you tried manipulating me and only fucked yourself, though." Grimmjow's expression was serious as he still touched me so gently.
  "Yeah. Kinda." I sniffled, and his nose brushed against mine.
  "You better know how much I mean I won't share you. I don't care if it's a higher-ranked Espada....I'll kill them."
  "That should worry me hearing that."
  "But it doesn't."
  "Not like it should." I sniffled, and Grimmjow gently bumped his forehead against mine.
  "Is this what happens when you hold things in for too long?"
  "Yes." I scoffed. "I try not to bottle things up, but sometimes it still happens. Usually feel better after a good cry."
  "Do you want me to do anything?"
  "Just....stay with me. That's all I need right now." His hands then dropped from my face to grab my wrists.
  "Is this what you wouldn't tell me the other night?"
  "I'm still not ready to say that."
  "Bullshit. But whatever." He sighed while taking a step back as the bathroom light turned off. "Keep telling me what you are ready to say then."
  "Do you actually care?"
  "....I may not care in the way a human might. But I'm learning here." Grimmjow continued toward the bed while gently pulling me along with him. "You can say as much as you want or nothing at all." He then grabbed my hips to lift me onto the bed.
  My back hit the mattress as Grimmjow crawled over me. He shape-shifted into human form to bury his face into my stomach without his horns getting in the way. His arms wrapped around me to hold me closer.
  Softly sighing through my nose, I ran my fingers through his soft hair. He began to purr, knowing that low, rumbling tone was comforting for me.
  "You may never truly understand just how much you do for me."
  "You're welcome." His voice was muffled, and I couldn't help but chuckle. It sounded a bit sad.
  "Yes, yes. Thank you." I continued to pet his hair and lazily twirled my fingers around some of his blue strands. "This is all such a mess."
  "Smells like it."
  "Do you think it'll actually work? Giving your hair to Tigre, I mean."
  "Yes. Tigre would have no way of getting it without me giving it to him. They also know I prefer they all leave me alone." Grimmjow replied as my other hand went up his arm to his shoulder that was bare since he only wore sweatpants. His warm skin beneath my fingers as he purred was helping me to relax.
  "Can I ask you something? Not about demon stuff this time."
  "Your shit with Gary. You don't do the same things to any of my other friends, and there's no way you're still holding a grudge."
  "Honestly?" Grimmjow lifted his head to look at me with a calm expression. "He just pisses me off. The idiot still clings to what was and won't move on. And since you're mine, I don't appreciate how he keeps cocking his leg like a mangy dog around you."
  "Now that's an exaggeration."
  "It's not if your senses were as keen as mine."
  "So that's really it? Just you being territorial?"
  "Well, he also starts shit. Need I remind you of how he signed me up for karaoke that one night?"
  "Right. Just a couple of idiots beating your chests." I sighed, and Grimmjow lowered his face to bite me. "Ow!"
  "Watch who you're calling an idiot."
  "So mean."
  "You'll live. It was barely a nip."
  "....Do you think I should talk to him about it?"
  "What do you mean?" Grimmjow looked at me from the corner of his eye as I caressed his hair again.
  "Should I talk to him about how he feels? I just.... I don't know, it just feels wrong to know he has those feelings and say nothing if he's holding out for a chance that won't come. I'm not sure he'll move on if it's been this long and he's still....in love with me."
  "Talk to him. Don't talk to him. I don't care." Grimmjow's face nuzzled into my stomach again. "He's just pathetic."
  "He's not pathetic."
  "I said what I said."
  "You-" I rolled over onto my side while forcing Grimmjow to roll with me after trapping his torso between my legs. I ruffled my hands through his hair to mess it up, and he snarled while trying to swat my hands away. I chuckled and swept his hair back to kiss his forehead. "You're terrible."
  "You're feeling better, aren't you?" He snapped back while flashing his sharp teeth.
  "Yes." Cupping his face in my hands, I leaned down further to kiss him. "Not fully, but I'll be okay."
  "Keep talkin' if you need to. Especially if you're gonna give me more kisses." Grimmjow's response made me laugh and kiss him again.
  "Aren't you sweet?" My tone was sarcastic, but I was still smiling either way. A lopsided grin pulled at his lips as he looked up at me.
  It made my heart flutter.
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  "Fuck you, you fucking bitch!" Grimmjow roared, and Nel's rambunctious laughter followed. Going into the kitchen to get a drink, I glanced over to the living room where the two demons sat on the couch.
  "Suck it, Pantera!" Nel excitedly kicked her hooves in the air while cackling. The two were playing a video game on a console Nel had somehow obtained and brought with her when she moved in. And judging from their attitudes, Grimmjow was losing.
  By now, Grimmjow was also not as clingy as before, having relaxed for the most part with Nel's presence in the home. She had more than proven to be true to her word. In fact, she was even helping around the house and cleaning up after herself rather well.
  Nel was a wrench in the machine of the Soul Society's understanding of Arrancar. She was so....normal. And her behavior was of her own doing that had budded from her own curiosity.
  She was fascinating.
  "Rematch! Right fuckin' now!"
  "You'll still lose, sucker." The two continued yelling at each other while Grimmjow sounded so aggressive and Nel playful.
  "I'm still learning these fucking buttons."
  "Learn faster."
  "Sounds like you two are having fun." I popped off and took a drink from my glass.
  "Lots! Wanna try?" Nel looked back over the couch, and Grimmjow did the same as they both stared at me.
  "No, thanks. I've got work to do."
  "The tutorial won't take long, I promise." Nel grinned.
  "I don't need a tutorial. I used to play that game a lot when I was a teenager."
  "You know this?" Grimmjow's ears perked up, and that was all it took for him to drag me over and sit me in his lap with my drink on the coffee table. "Here." He placed the controller into my hands while looking over my shoulder. "I'm player 2."
  "Didn't I just say-"
  "Just one round, it'll be fine. It's not like your work will run away." Grimmjow huffed before pushing the button pausing the game to have it start playing again. I took a split second to reposition my hold on the controller before looking up at the TV screen.
  Grimmjow was breathing down the back of my neck while watching me fight Nel's character. It took me a moment to recall all of the moves and button controls, but I remembered enough to not get killed in the first few seconds. Grimmjow peered over my shoulder to watch my hands as his tail curled. I wouldn't doubt he was watching to learn the moves to use when he was playing again.
  However, my mind wandered while feeling his breath on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around me. I thought back to last night and how he held me while we talked. Well, I mainly talked and he mostly listened. I talked about a lot of things that had been causing me stress as he soothed me with his purring and letting me run my hands through his hair.
  It felt good to let it out. Even if I had cried at one point, I did feel better afterward.
  I still kept one thing hidden, but I was able to get plenty of other things off my chest.
  Leaning back into Grimmjow, I rapidly pushed buttons on the controller to do a combo. Nel cried out before sitting on the edge of her seat. She huffed through her nose like a bull as her HP bar went down.
  The fight onscreen continued while I only half paid attention. Dagur hopped down from the couch because of Nel moving too much, and he went over to his rope toy in the middle of the floor to chew on it instead. Grimmjow laughed with utter delight when the game declared me the winner.
  "Oh, come on!" Nel whined.
  "I gotta get back to work now." I turned my head and gently grabbed Grimmjow's chin. I gave him a kiss before holding up the controller. "Try not to break anything." His ears perked from the kiss then his nose brushed against mine.
  "Don't overdo it. You still gotta make dinner." Grimmjow popped off, making me scoff as he leaned in to kiss me and take the controller away.
  Standing up, I grabbed my drink from the coffee table and noticed how Nel was looking at Grimmjow. One of her furry ears twitched before her gaze drifted to me. Her eyes were slightly wider while her mouth was in a flat line.
  "Uh...." Nel looked back at Grimmjow again. "Guess I'm still not used to it."
  "Used to what?" Grimmjow asked while stretching out, his arms going over the back of the couch with his paws out and claws flexing.
  "Come on, Pantera. When have you ever treated anyone like you do Wynter?" Nel questioned, and Grimmjow froze before slowly looking at the other demon. "I've seen you with other pets, your Fracciones, and other Espada. You were never so....docile."
  "Docile?!" Grimmjow snarled with his pupils narrowing. Taking in a slow breath, I began to walk away. "I'm not fuckin' docile!"
  "How else would you describe it? Soft? Gentle? Domestic?" Her tone was steady even as Grimmjow was growling a warning.
  Stopping at the entrance of the hallway, I glanced back over my shoulder. Grimmjow's tail thrashed with agitation while Nel was unwavering.
  "The fuck are you going on about?"
  "You know what I'm talking about."
  "Watch what you're insinuating, Gamuza." Grimmjow sounded more vicious as I turned away and clenched the front of my shirt.
  "I didn't insinuate anything. I made an observation."
  "I haven't gone soft!"
  "I didn't say you have. But you certainly are gentler with Wynter. It's not a bad thing. You actually seem....happy." Nel's response was followed by utter silence. "It's surprising, but don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're capable of it."
  My heart beat faster, and I quickly made my way back to the office with Dagur at my side. Hearing Nel say she thought Grimmjow seemed happy actually filled me with such a light and warm feeling. I got to the office before the demons could pick up on my change in mood.
  Sitting at my desk after setting my cup down, I leaned over to bury my face into Dagur's fur. He sniffed at me while happily wagging his tail. Perhaps having Nel here would have more benefits than previously suspected.
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miitchiji · 3 years
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"I want to ge home."
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Tamaki Amajiki Fem!reader x keisuke Baji, Takashi Mitsuya, nahoya 'smiley' kawta
This is my first post so please I hope you would enjoy it, tell me if you want another characters/ or any request.
Please if you notice that the three has a different writing way, just ignore that because it was my first post , also maybe I'm going to do a pr. 2 for rindou, ran and angry.
boku no hero academia; tamaki Amajiki.
Tokyo revengers; Baji keisuke, Mitsuya Takashi,
Nahoya 'smiley' kawata.
⚠️Warning⚠️ swearing, a little out of character for baji and mitsuya(?), grammar errors.
Little note: there's no details for the 'reader' you just have the character personality other than that feel free to imagine your oc.
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❀ after he punched your bullies he started to follow you everywhere demanding to be your friend, it's not out of sympathy, he just found you really interesting and cute
❀ you don't even know how did it happened but you found yourself drowning to every little silly story he tell, just like the time he seated a car in fire because he was hungry!?.
❀ every time you guys go out he will be the one who orders your food or the one to talk to people so you won't feel uncomfortable.
❀ but still some times he will try to push you a little bit out of your comfort zone so you can be good in your own without relying on others, like he will make you go on your own to order food and after you came, he will give you head pats.
❀ compliments is a MUST.
❀ honestly at this point y'all acting like a couple
❀ he will hold your hand outside to make sure you're okay and that he is here for you.
❀ my man will beat the sh!t out of anyone who will just try to make fun of you or give you weird looks.
❀ "it's time to feed your nonexistent god complex, honey ♡" -baji keisuke
❀ would probably confess to you by a little latter because at the very end he is shy to say his feelings out loud in front of his cute crush.
❀ would try to plan an indoor dates so you would feel more comfortable, but once he hear you saying you want to go out on a cat cafe date or something, i kid you not he would melt on the spot.
❀ probably would drag you out of the house so you two could buy matching clothes/Acceoris.
❀ after every date when he have to go home, he will kiss your hand then he will whisper a little 'love you'.
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❀ what!? Did you really thought that you were going to hide and no one will notice in the class!?
❀ not in his watch!, mitsuya probably will always try to ask for help even though he doesn't need, "I don't understand this, Y/N can you help me!?"
❀ will guilt trip you so he could spend some time with you.
❀ don't get him wrong my man doesn't pity you he just wants to be your friend he is pretty sure that you're funny and cool but your shyness just get in the way, don't worry he likes everything about you♡.
❀ will probably start to have feelings for you when you start to great him back, also when you're at his house he would melt on the spot when he sees you playing with his sisters and he will be like "oh sh!t i have feelings for y/n"
❀ will confess his feelings in front of you, he will go like "i didn't know how to tell you that and i figured that any paper wouldn't be enough to describe how i truly feel, so i just wanted to tell you that i like you i don't think like is the best word maybe love you!?, but don't worry! No need to give me an answer know i will wait for you" after he finish his confession he will find you running away with red ears and clumsy steps.
❀ half of your dates will be in his house with luna and mana, if not then it will be in your house you two chilling and cuddling.
❀ will insist on making you clothes, you don't have a say on that you're from now on his personal model.
❀ believe that he will compliment you every 5 min-i mean every 2 minuets.
❀ "have i told you before that you have a beautiful eyes!?"
❀ "yes, taka this is the third time"
❀ if he saw anyone and i mean anyone just trying to make fun of you, he won't hesitate to punch them.
❀ i believe in "use your strength to protect your
loved ones" supremacy 🛐
❀ if he hearse you insulting yourself you won't hear the end of it.
❀ after the end of his lecture, he will shower you with compliments.
❀ every time before you two sleep he will send you massage telling you how much does he really loves you and how grateful he is because he have you with him <3
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❀ nahoya is a person who never hesitate to say what's on his mind so i think he would at first think that you're weird and weak so he would try to avoid talking to you since you're not his favorite type of person.
❀ well... He really tried avoiding you but... Why is he know beating the sh!t out of the person who made fun of you!?... He doesn't know he was just passing by when he heard the bully saying mean things "cat got your tongue little girl!?, i said give me your money", to say the least Nahoya was angry....
"You know where you should put that money, Right!?" Nahoya showed up behind the dude creeping him out, "you have 10 seconds to leave or you're not going to see the sun tomorrow"
❀ to bad for him the bully ran away, so he looked your way "YOU!!, WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK FOR HELP!?" you flinched from his loud voice also what's wrong with his creepy smile!? Still you should thank him bec he helped you "t-thank you for tt-his... I didn't want any problem it's.. it's easier to give him money... S-so i could go home earlier"
❀ well your voice is cute he was a little lost why would anyone give the money to a bully just a to go home early!? Also did someone told you before that your eyes with the sun kissing it looks pretty!?..no don't get distracted know.
❀ he felt weird will he is looking at you, and thank god unfortunately his brother called him, so he leaved you without saying anything.
❀ You were like this🧍‍♀️
❀ ahh~ it's destiny, you two saw each other every were like the you two were stalking each other, how awkward.
❀ now you should thank him properly, but the problem is... You two everytime met, both of you would go to the opposite direction.
❀ what about making a lunch box? As a thank you.
❀ genius. Genius y/n.
❀ let's skip the disaster that happened in the kitchen.
❀ now your mission is to find the cree-, the smiley boy, if you were him were would you go!? For sure you wouldn't go to school, but you will try your luck, first the rooftop.
❀ SOO.... There's a two of him!?... One with blue color and the soft peach-y color 'target located'
❀ "EXCUSE mE!" oh the horror your voice cracked and it was so loud, thank god the three of you were the only ones in the rooftop.
❀ "OH! IT'S YOU!?, What do you want :)" he gets up from his seat to you honestly he looked a little intimidating but kinda cute?.
❀ "oh-H i Want to go home ...i mean, as a thank you... You can... H-have this lunch box!?..?"
❀ oh? OH!! It clicked in nahoya's head so you liked him!? How charming and sneaky you are, did you thought he wouldn't catch what is that for!? How naïve could you get!?.
❀ come eat with us!" He hold your hand to get you on the ground beside his brother, he is going to give you a little chance to make him fall in love with you, thank him later.
❀ you falling in love with him!?, he's so confident.
❀ after your little  interaction, he started to see you more and every time he does he will make sure to great you or grab your attention by silly things so you could be the one great him.
❀ he wouldn't even notice that he became your personal dog by time, someone is giving you trouble!? You won't see them again, couldn't set in your favorite dask because someone wrote in it!? No problem, forget your lunchbox!? Say hi to your new mother 'nahoya kawata'.
❀ ❀ talking about desks he for sure will write a big 'I LIKE YOU Y/N' with a little smiley face, you will find all of the students and even the teacher looking at it and for sure no one dares to say anything because they know who it was from.
❀  I'm sure that he will be pretty different with you, would always watch his mouth with you around and will be more soft with you while having a soft little smile that no one can see but you.
❀ if you ever had panic or anxiety attack while you two on a date he will have his arm around your waist and Whisper something like "no need to panic just imagine everyone as a walking potato" while having the most confident smile on his face.
❀ my man are really a big simp like he will literally compliment you on everything, also not because he's so nice it's just because he thinks you're so cute when you get all nervous and shy you will boost his ego.
❀ he loves and i mean looves indoor dates why!? Because you're not a big fan of PDA so we will respect your boundaries and keep it all indoors, like don't expect him to leave you any sooner when he gets his hands on you, will give you alot of cuddles and kiss, is going to try sometimes to make out with you.
❀ he always makes sure that you're asleep so he can give you a kiss on the forehead and will whisper a little 'i love you' </3
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maddiwrites · 4 years
Secrets of the Shore (Chapter10)
Pairing: Pogues x OC, Eventually JJ x OC
Summary: This is just my rewrite of the show Outer Banks with my own twist by adding another main character which also happens to be John B’s twin sister.
Note: Happy Valentines Day y’all! Hope your day was filled with love (even if you’re not in a relationship) Thank you guys for reading! I’m sorry I’m torturing you with the tension between Marleigh and JJ but I gotta keep you on your toes somehow (; 
Word Count: 5.6 k 
Chapter 9
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When I drop my things off at Kie's house and invite myself to stay at her house for a few days, she bombards me with questions. Most of them revolve around John B. Where is he? How are we going to find him? How do we know he's okay? Of course I don't have the answers to any of these questions, which only makes the curly brunette more worried.
"Look, he's going to be fine," I tell her as we walk down her long driveway where Pope and JJ are waiting for us. "John B wouldn't let them take him without a fight. Plus, I oddly take the fact that I haven't even gotten one phone call from him as a good sign. If he was at the station, they would probably use him to bait me."
When we get closer to the boys, I bite my lip to hide my smile. The blonde smirks back at me and even throws in a wink. Every nerve in my body ignites with a fire-like spark when I look at his sparkling blue eyes. I can't believe I almost kissed my best friend. I don't know what it would do to our friendship if something were to happen.
The thought terrifies me enough to make my smile falter. I can't lose JJ. I can't fuck up the best thing I have in my life which is my friendship with Kie, Pope, and especially JJ.
JJ tilts his head to look at me questioningly so I plaster a fake grin on my face.
The movie is being projected in an open field on Figure Eight. They have a huge blow up screen and a projector in front of it. There's already about fifty people here and more on the way.
We set up our lawn chairs in the middle of the field. My chest tightens with anxiety when we're surrounded by Kooks and Tourons. Rafe and his friends could be hiding anywhere in the faces around us. I can tell Pope is thinking the same thing. His head is snapping back and froth, left and right, keeping an eye out for the people who want to kill us. JJ tries to calm him down, but nothing settles him.
"Back to OBX life," Kie says as she sits down next to me. She opens the cooler at her feet and hands me a bag of grapes she packed. "You know? Aren't you glad I made you come?"
"Ecstatic," I mutter. My eyes scan the crowd for dudes with slicked back hair and neon shorts.
"My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest," JJ says next to me. He reaches into the bag of grapes and steals a few. He throws them in the air, catching them in his mouth.
Kie stands up to grab a couple of sodas from the snack bar. The second she's out of ear shot, Pope whips his head in our direction. His eyes are big with fear as they study every face that walks through the field.
"We're out of the green zone, man," Pope whispers on the other side of JJ.
"Dude, tranqüilo, okay?" JJ says.
"We're in the middle of kooklandia," Pope says. "This is the last place I wanted to be."
"Shut up, Pope," I hiss when I see Kie making her way back to us with three Pepsis in her hand. She has a scowl on her face. That can't be good.
"Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote, 'Tell your boy that we know what he did.'" Kie looks between JJ and Pope with raised brows. She doesn't look happy. She looks suspicious and somewhat annoyed that she doesn't know what Rafe is talking about. "What is that?"
Pope snaps his head in the direction of the snack bar. JJ tries to act normal and purses his lips. He avoids Kie's glare by looking at me, immediately throwing me under the bus for knowing their secret too.
Kie turns to look at me with her mouth slightly open. "You know?" I open my mouth to respond but she cuts me off. "Why do you know and I don't? What did you guys do?"
"Where is he?" JJ asks, glancing over his shoulder.
"Right there." Kie points at the snack bar where Rafe, Topper, and Kelce are throwing popcorn at each other. They look up and smirk in our direction.
"Great, the whole death squad," Pope says.
JJ grabs the top of Pope's head and physically turns it back to the screen. "Don't stare, bro."
I feel my hands clench around the arms of my beach chair. I know for a fact that tonight's not going to be as easy as we thought it would be. And I hate that its because of Rafe of all people.
"Just warning you, bro. If they corner me, I'm coming out swinging, okay? Slice and dicin'. I'm on edge right now," JJ says, shaking out his shoulders.
"Yeah, yeah," Pope nods in agreement, which makes both Kie and I look at him incredulously. Pope's a lover, not a fighter.
"If that doesn't work, I got this right here," JJ smacks his backpack that I now know his gun is in.
"Yeah, yeah," Pope continues to nod. He's so deep in fear that he doesn't even realize that JJ just offered to whip a gun out in a sea of people and children.
"So, we just gotta stay in the group," JJ says, officially ignoring Kie's glares. "They can't get us in the group."
"Like a school of fish," Pope agrees. "Stay in the school. Can't leave the school."
I roll my eyes. "Oh my god. We're screwed."
"I'm sorry, JJ," Kie leans over me to get a better look at the blonde boy sitting next to me. "Please tell me that you did not bring a gun here." JJ just stares at her blankly. "JJ, there are kids!"
"No!" JJ snaps. "Kie, I didn't bring the gun. Okay? Everything's fine."
"Wow thank you. That's really convincing. I love that JJ," Kie says sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.
"Welcome to the summer movie series!" A man stands at the front of the field by the screen with a microphone in his hand, addressing the crowd.
"Founding principle you guys," Kie says with a quieter voice. "No secrets amongst Pogues." She looks at me and holds her stare. I swallow the bad memories that threaten to rise to the surface. I know she's implying the secret that she's been keeping for me. The one she wants me to tell the others. And now I'm hiding another secret. From her of all people.  "What is Rafe talking about?"
I open my mouth to try to calm her down, but JJ cuts me off, which only makes matters worse.
"Kie, it might go down tonight."
I groan and roll my eyes.
"What does that mean?" Kie asks. She even slaps me on my shoulder with the back of her hand. If looks could kill...
"Might go down tonight..." Pope says slowly.
"What did y'all do?"
JJ leans closer to Pope and says in his ear, "Deny, deny, deny."
I look at Kie with soft eyes. "Do you trust me?" Kie reluctantly nods and glances between me and the boys. I grab her wrist to make her look at me, my eyes pleading. "Then trust me when I tell you that the less you know, the better."
Kie finally drops the subject and sits back into her seat. She's not happy about not knowing and if I were her, I'd feel the same way. But its best if she doesn't know.
We watch the movie with tension in our shoulders and frowns on our lips. Our relaxing night took a turn for the worst. I can't even focus on the movie or JJ being so close to my side, our shoulders practically against each other. All I can feel is a pair of eyes on the back of my head, burning holes through my skull.
Halfway through the movie I hear Pope lean in closer to JJ. His voice is a whisper but I detach my focus from the movie to listen. "JJ?"
"What?" JJ whispers back.
"Gotta take a piss," Pope says.
I look over my shoulder towards the bathrooms. Like I suspect, the Kooks are gathered around it.
"Hold it," JJ hisses.
"I can't hold it. I drank too much soda."
"It's too exposed. They'll totally see us."
"I gotta go," Pope says more definitively.
JJ looks in the direction I was just looking at. "They're blocking the bathrooms." JJ sighs and looks ahead. "Come here. I know where."
JJ pulls Pope up by his arm and walks in the opposite direction of the bathroom, towards the movie screen.
"Hey, where y'all going?" Kie calls out in a hushed whisper.
"We gotta wring it out," JJ says.
"You gonna hold it for each other?" Kie responds which makes me laugh.
They don't reply. They walk around the screen to the other side. The second they're out of view, Kie turns to look at me with a face that says she wants answers and she wants them now.
"Please don't ask me to tell you."
"You're making me worried," Kie says honestly.
I sigh with guilt, completely understanding the feeling. If the three of them were hiding something from me, my mind would be racking through millions of different thoughts about what it was.
"Does it have to do with the day you got that?" Kie points to the bruise on my face.
I bite my lip and turn towards the movie, trying my best not to let her convince me to tell her. If the cops were to get involved, I want Kie to be as innocent as possible. They would probably never go after her because she lives on Figure Eight, but knowing Kie, she would do whatever she needed to help her best friends.
I look over my shoulder again, making sure the Kooks were still guarding the bathroom, but my heart stops when I don't see them.
"Shit," I stand up and step through the crowd of people, running to where Pope and JJ disappeared.
As I get closer to the screen I can hear the heavy grunts of guys fighting from behind it. Pope and JJ are fighting against Kelce, Rafe, and Topper. I shuffle on my two feet, not sure where to go, who to help first.
Kelce has his arms wrapped around JJ's, holding him against his chest and leaving him open for Rafe's punches . A couple feet away from them, Topper and Pope wrestle on the grass, throwing hands wherever will make contact with skin.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kie running towards Pope and Topper with JJ's backpack. I run towards Rafe and shove him back by his shoulders. I risk a glance at JJ. His face is red from the Kooks' punches and there's a split in his bottom lip. The sight of him being hurt is enough to make my vision blur to red.
I shove Rafe backwards by his shoulders again. The older boy just laughs at me humorlessly, only fueling the fire to my rage. I narrow my eyes into a glare and take another menacing step towards him.
"Mar, stop!" I hear JJ call behind me but I ignore him.
"Let go of him, Topper!" I hear Kie say a little further away. She's beating him with JJ's backpack and jumping on Topper's back to get him away from Pope.
"I told you I was going to find out who did it," Rafe says.
"And I told you we didn't do shit," I say, keeping my face steady with a scowl. I turn to send daggers in Kelce's direction. "Let him go."
Rafe whistles and keeps the cocky smirk spread across his face. "Would you look at this. I think someone has a little soft spot for the blonde Pogue over here. Don't you think Kelce? I mean princess over here didn't even acknowledge her other friend."
"You know what? I don't think you're worried about who sunk Topper's boat. That would have to mean you actually care about someone other than yourself. I think your problem is with me."
The older boy scoffs, "With you?"
"Yeah," I take another step closer to him. "It must be really frustrating when the guy who gets everything he wants without lifting a perfectly manicured finger can't even get laid by ...oh what was it that you called me? The Cut's biggest whore? Must be pretty pathetic that some whore won't even sleep with you."
The back of Rafe's hand slaps me across the face, snapping my head with the direction of his hand. I hear JJ cry after me but its muffled by my back slamming into the grass with a weight on top of me.
Rafe's hands encircle around my neck and they squeeze tighter than they did the other day when I was in this same position. But this time, I wanted this because it got his attention away from JJ.
"You know, they say Pogues are the one's with the short temper," I chuckle maliciously. My voice is raspy and my throat is on fire, but I'm loving how easy it is to get under Rafe's skin. "But a little taste of reality is all it takes to ignite your fuse."
"Marleigh!" JJ shouts. I hear the sound of fists connecting with skin, followed by grunts and groans. "Rafe I swear to god -"
"Go ahead," I wrap my fingers around Rafe's wrists to try and pull him off of me but he's too strong. "But killing me will only add to your dad's growing list of reasons why you're his biggest disappointment."
Rafe grips my neck tighter, completely cutting off my air supply. The pounding in my ear muffles the cries and shouts from all my friends. From the Kooks. I can barely breathe and my vision sparkles with white specks. I try fighting him, but his rage is now stronger than mine.
Heat flows through my body and sweat bubbles at my hairline. I see orange out of the corner of my eye, but I think that's just my vision blurring together. A second later, I feel the weight of Rafe's body lifted off of me. There's a thump from the ground next to me and more heavy grunts. When I look up, I watch the screen light up in flames. Literally.
I gasp for breath and turn on my side. I can feel the contents of my stomach rising up my throat, leaving my throat in even more burning anguish. I pant for air, inhaling sharply and ignoring the sharp pain from my lungs.
I feel warm hands wrap around my biceps, pulling me up to my feet. My legs and arms feel like rubber, but I muster up enough strength to walk out of here. I'd be damned if I let Rafe see me as some weak link again.
Topper, Kelce, and Pope try pulling JJ off of Rafe who jams his fist against Rafe's face relentlessly. JJ's face is red with anger, his scowl hardening with every hit.
"JJ!" I call out to him. I know this is only going to get him in more trouble. They're Kooks. They never get in trouble. Leaving any kind of mark on Rafe's skin will call for consequences. That's just how it goes around here and we can't be stupid to it. "JJ, stop!" I try breaking out of Kie's grip. "JJ! You're going to kill him!"
JJ's head snaps in my direction. His eyes scan wildly down my body, looking for any source of life threatening injuries. I try to grin assuringly at him, but it's hard to turn my lips upwards.
When JJ is distracted, Pope manages to pull him away. The Kooks grab Rafe by his shoulders and yank him in the opposite direction. If we don't want to be caught, we all have to leave right now. The fire department and probably the police will be here any second to put out the fire.
When we're finally separated, I pull myself away from Kie and run directly into JJ's arms. He wraps himself around my waist and lifts me off the ground to pull me even closer to his body. I snuggle my face into the crook of his neck and hold him tight.
He's okay. He's okay. He's okay. It's all I can manage to say in my head.
~ ~ ~
No one says a word the entire ride home from the movies. But even without it being discussed, we knew none of us wanted to spend the night alone. I can't go back to my house and Kie's parents wouldn't want all of us at her's, so she drives us to Pope's.
Pope didn't get too hurt in the scuffle. In fact he's the one that threw the first punch...well the first head. He head butted Topper before the Kook had a chance to swing. Kie's only injury was a small burn on her finger from when she flicked the lighter to burn down the screen. JJ and I however are bruised and sore.
Kie helps Pope set up his living room for all of us to sleep. Before I can offer to help, JJ tugs on my hand and brings me down the hall towards the bathroom. He locks the door behind me.
I tilt my head and my eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. "Are you okay?"
JJ steps closer to me, basically pinning my body against the door. My breath hitches in my throat as his hands come up to cup my jaw. He's so close I can feel his breath on my face. He pulls my head up and tilts it to the side. He looks down at my neck, looking for bruises and scratches that Rafe might have left me with. My neck is sore and it hurts to swallow, but that's it. Even his backhand didn't leave a mark on my cheek.
"Hey," I say softly. I pull his hands away from my face and intertwine our fingers together. "I'm okay."
"He could have killed you," JJ says through clenched teeth.
"But he didn't."
"But -"
"No buts," I tell him. Unwrapping one hand from his, I pull him further into the bathroom and tap on the sink counter top, motioning for him to hop up and sit so I can take a look at his face which looks worse the mine. "Come on."
JJ reluctantly hops on the counter. I go to the closet and pull out a small face towel and run it under cold water. Standing between his legs, I lightly dab the towel on his bottom lip that's split down the middle. I bite my lip nervously under the scrutiny of his stare. Neither of us say anything, relaxed in the comfort of the other one's presence. I feel safe when I'm with him. There's no Kooks versus Pogues. There's no abusive fathers or DCS. Its just me and him.
I drop the towel next to JJ and slowly touch the hem of his shirt. I look up at him, waiting for him to give me the go-ahead or to stop me. I need to see the damage that can be hidden with clothes.
JJ nods slowly and lets me pull his shirt up. His toned abs are the first thing I notice. I've seen him without a shirt hundreds of times, but something about this moment makes me stare. Maybe it's how close I'm standing next to him, or how I can feel the warmth radiating from his skin onto mine.
His body isn't marked with any discoloration and his ribs are still intact. When I pull his shirt back down and nod to say he's okay, I'm looking deep into his eyes - the eyes that never left mine.
"Are you okay?" He asks. His voice is soft and raspy, sexy even.
I nod my head, grinning, "Yes. I promise. Are you?"
"I swear to god, I'm going to kill him."
"He hurt you, Mar!" JJ finally snaps. "He had his hands wrapped around your throat!"
"Shh," I shush him by pressing my index finger against his lips, afraid that he's going to wake up Pope's parents. "It's okay."
"It's not and you know it!" JJ sighs and lets his shoulders relax when I look at him pleadingly. He takes my hand and wraps it around his own. He brings it to his lips, gently kissing the tender skin around my knuckles. Blush creeps up my neck to my cheeks. I lean in closer to him, pressing my hips against the counter and glancing between my hand, his lips, and his eyes.
Every fiber in my being tells me to lean in further and finally press my lips against his. At this moment I don't care about the rules or what it might do to our friendship or what John B might say about it. I just want to feel him, every part of him, against me. I want to forget the rest of the world exists and just be with JJ.
But I don't. Because Kie quietly knocking on the door pulls me out of my thoughts.
"Hey, are you guys okay?" She asks.
The corner of JJ's lips tug upwards into a slanted grin, causing mine to do the same. I take a step backwards and help him down from the counter.
Kie looks between us confused. I grin at her and nod my head to show her that we're both okay. JJ grins to himself and follows me out to the living room where Pope is already passed out on the couch.
I bend down to lay on the makeshift bed on the floor made out of blankets and pillows. I was expecting Kie to lay down next to me, but JJ takes the spot to my left.
Kie trudges to the other couch, too tired to say anything about the fight or JJ and I. I know she'll wanna talk about it later with me. She always does when it involves Rafe.
I keep my eyes trained to the ceiling. My body is exhausted but I'm not tired. I finally feel like I defended myself against Rafe today, a personal accomplishment and a milestone. I don't think my feud with Rafe will ever go away. I think we'll always hate each other until one of us leaves the island for good. But at least he knows I won't put up with his crap anymore. With or without his dad's money.
I don't know how long I've been staring at a blank canvas of nothing. Not even Pope's snores can lullaby me to sleep. I turn my body towards JJ. I wonder if kissing him in the bathroom would have been a mistake or not. Maybe it would disrupt the peace in our friend group, but I can't deny my feelings for him anymore. I know what I want and that's JJ. I would do anything for the blonde lying next to me.
I watch his chest rise up and down slowly. His lips are slightly parted as he sleeps. My fingers delicately play with the shark tooth necklace around his neck. I've always loved this necklace on him, even thought about getting one myself. But I knew Kie would tease me endlessly if I did.
"You know, some people think it's rude to stare," JJ's raspy voice pulls me out of my head. His eyes are still closed and his lips are now turned up into a smirk from catching me in the act.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," I whisper.
"How come you're not sleeping?"
"My head won't let me," I reply. "Just thinking. Hey, where did you get this?"
JJ slowly opens his eyes and looks down at my thumb that glides over the smooth surface of the shark tooth. "Pretty sure this is from the country club's gift shop."
I shake my head with a grin, expecting nothing less from my klepto friend. "Of course it is."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"When did Rafe call you a whore?"
I drop my hand from his necklace and lay it flat on his chest. JJ takes his arm and rests it behind his head, sitting up to look at me. I shrug like it's no big deal.
"It was a long time ago."
"Why would he call you that?"
"The Kook doesn't handle rejection very well. It's fine, JJ."
JJ sighs. "You would tell me if someone really hurt you, right?"
This time my eyes flicker back up to meet his. His gaze feels delicate, like if he looked at me any other way, I'd break. I think he knows something but he's not telling me. Maybe that's for the better. After tonight, I never want to tell him what Rafe almost did to me. I don't trust JJ to not run off to actually try to murder the Kook.
"I'm fine."
"You're not answering the question. Please, Mar. I know Pope's hiding something too. Something about you. About the other day."
I swallow thickly and nod my head. "Of course I'd tell you."
Guilt trickles through me at the lie. JJ trusted me enough to tell me about his dad, and I had the same reaction JJ would probably have if I told him about Rafe. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to do it.
JJ nods. I can't tell if he believes me or not but he drops the subject and opens his arms for me to cuddle into him. "Come here."
I snuggle into his side and wrap my arm around his waist. This feels good, this feels normal. For a second, I forget that Kie and Pope are even in the same room as us. JJ's warm. He smells like grass, cologne, and a hint of weed. I match my breathing to his and let my eyes close, finally falling into a deep dreamless slumber.
~ ~ ~
When the four of us wake up, we offer to help Heyward out at his shop as a thank you for letting us stay over. I'm waiting for Kie to say something to me about being wrapped around JJ when we all woke up, but she doesn't say anything. Instead she passes me looks of concern. I can tell she's itching to talk about last night.
Pope's in his head about last night too and he's not giving himself enough credit for fighting Topper back.
"Don't let it get in your head," JJ says. "Three of them and two of us. That's typical Kook shit right there."
"Hell yeah," Kie says, agreeing.
"What was your thought process, using your head?"
Pope shrugs. "I don't know, man. I just kind of acted off instinct. I was a cornered animal."
Heyward walks into the shop and approaches us. I can already tell by his face that he's not about to tell us we can take a souvenir to go. His eyes are trained on his son and he looks worried. "Hey, Pope, someone here to see you."
The three of us look at Pope for some kind of tell as to who might be here for him, but he looks just as confused as the rest of us.
We follow him outside where Officer Shoupe is waiting for him. My heart drops deep into the pit of my stomach. I glance between the officer and Pope, knowing exactly who was to blame for this.
"Morning, officer," Pope says nervously. He looks like he's about to puke.
Shoupe doesn't greet him. Instead he slowly approaches my friend with a paper in his hand. "I have an arrest warrant for felony of destruction of property."
Fucking Topper.
"What?" Heyward says loudly. He looks between Shoupe and Pope, then to us as if we could explain the misunderstanding.
Shoupe moves closer to Pope. "Hands where I can see them." Kie immediately steps in to block the officer's path, saying something about how he can't do this. "Young lady, out of my way. Look at the warrant."
"You're arresting him?" I say, moving next to Pope. I narrow my eyes at the stuck up officer. I know for a fact that the police don't have any evidence that can prove Pope did it. The only witnesses were me and JJ.
"You're just arresting my boy?" Heyward says defensively.
Shoupe ignores both of us and grabs Pope by the arm and forcefully takes him to the car.
"Be careful!" Kie yells at him.
I can't wrap my brain around what is happening. Pope is the last person who should ever go to jail. What happened to Topper's boat is fair game. Okay, yes, maybe illegal, but so is assault which the Kooks did first!
"Shoupe, are you listening?" Heyward yells.
Shoupe ignores us again and starts reading Pope his rights. Our friend looks back at us, specifically at JJ and I, the ones who knew the truth. JJ grips the routes of his hair stressfully as I try to come up with any kind of idea to get him out of it.
"How much did they pay you, man?" JJ says, taking a step closer to the car.
"Stop!" I yell. This time Shoupe turns to look at me. So does everyone else. I do the only thing I can think of. "It wasn't him. It was -"
"It was me!" JJ says quickly.
My head snaps in his direction with an open mouth and wide eyes. He refuses to look at me, keeping his eyes on Shoupe and Pope.
"JJ -"
JJ cuts me off, "He tried to talk me out of it, but I was mad because he'd just been beaten up." The blonde takes another step closer to Shoupe. "I was so sick of those assholes from Figure Eight that I lost my shit." He looks at Pope with a look that tells him to go along with it. A look that tells him why he's doing this. "I can't let you take the blame for something I did. You've got too much to lose."
"JJ, what are you doing?" Pope stares at him with big eyes.
My eyes narrow into a glare as I stare at the back of JJ's head. Fear rises up my chest and tightens around my heart. Why is he doing this? I was going to do it! They're already looking for me anyway to take me to DCS. JJ's bargaining a lot for his friend. The others think he's only going to be arrested, but I know his punishment isn't going to stop there. His dad is going to be pissed. And I know what happens when his dad is pissed.
"I'm telling the truth," JJ says. "For once in my goddamn life, I'm gonna tell the truth." He looks over his shoulder, glancing at me before looking at Heyward. "Stole his old man's boat too."
"What the hell?" Heyward says.
"JJ, come on," Pope pleads.
"Just shut up, Pope!" JJ snaps. "Just shut up." He looks back at Shoupe. "He's a good kid. You know where I'm from."
"Yeah," Shoupe says, agreeing that he wouldn't put this past JJ.
"This was all me."
Shoupe sighs and looks at Pope one more time. "That's the whole truth?"
"Whole truth, swear to god!" JJ says loudly.
"I know what you think, damn it, I'm asking Pope."
I look at Pope with clenched teeth, fighting my tears off with heavy breaths. I don't want Pope to agree, but I can't let him be taken away either. I can only watch as JJ does something so incredibly stupid, I don't know if he'll come back from it.
"Yeah," Pope says hesitantly. "That about covers it."
Shoupe nods and pulls out his handcuffs. Knowing the drill a little too well, JJ turns and lets Shoupe snap the handcuffs around his wrist.
"JJ!" I call out to him. I'm about to run over to him but Kie steps in my way, holding me back from making a mistake. "No, stop!"
JJ looks at me one last time before Shoupe shuts the back door with him inside. He nods once, trying to tell me he's going to be okay. But I know better. No one understands the risk he just took by taking the fall for Pope. For me.
"Ms. Routledge," Shoupe says before getting in the driver's seat. "Have you spoken to your brother?"
I pull away from Kie and glare at the old man, feeling nothing but hatred for him. "No. I haven't seen him."
"I suggest you go home and pack a bag. DCS is looking for the both of you. I'd take you in myself, but I can't without a social worker present."
I don't say anything. I just hold his stare.
When Shoupe drives away, I turn back to my best friend and pull at my hair. I start to hyperventilate, thinking about how JJ's dad is going to react when he hears JJ's been arrested. It doesn't take a lot to rile Luke Maybank up into a rage. I don't even want to think about what he's going to think about this.
Kie holds me to her, the both of us crying into each other's shoulders while Pope tries to come up with an explanation for his father. I let my best friend hold me. I don't care if bystanders are watching us. I don't care how pathetic I look. I can only think of JJ. I can only think about how I'm going to get JJ back.
Tag List: @notyourcupofteax​ @acvross-the-universe​ @realistic-breadstick​ @jjmaybankzz​ @jeeperky​ @urbinoutfiters​ @moniamaybank​ @brebear121​ @x-lulu​ @freddymaybank​ @jjpouggues​ @kkmikayla​ @folkloverr​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @lemur46​
166 notes · View notes
kithtaehyung · 2 years
Okay okay i’m here and i’ve finally gathered my thoughts enough about anytime (i know im late but college has been a bitch)
First off, i love your writing, it doesnt fall flat and that in itself makes the story come off so much better. Secondly, i love the characters and the way everyone has a little story, keeps me invested, like vmin right now. Also,,,, protective yoongi (sigh) BUT???? PROTECTIVE AND DOM YOONGI??? AJDJSJDHSHBXHSJ i love it so much i live for this shit,, and even though theres spicy scenes they don’t overshadow the rest of the story or plot which tends to happen A LOT so it makes for an even better read!!! PLUS when he said “my girl”????? HELLO are you trying to give me cardiac arrest please that was so so so good (and im not saying i love being called that myself no not at all its totally unrelated-)
I absolutely loved all of this part of the fic, and i love how the brother is also portrayed as a real person! Not always right but the kindest at heart :”) i still can’t decide if its namjoon or jin tbh,,,, but oh my god i just love the buildup and the chemistry between reader and yoongi,, the way reader ALSO has good friends and a support system (SO important!!) makes it such a well rounded story!!
So yeah thats my two cents about this, and i cannot wait to read more! I really keep re reading the entire fic and it gets better everytime i swear
- <3
ahhh i hope you're getting some rest this weekend, heart! college is no joke, i'm just glad you took the time to say all of this?? damn!
as far as the writing comments: wow. thank you! i adore working with every single person in 3tan, and thank you all for trusting me and letting me explore oc's!
PROTECTIVE YOONGI THAT TELLS YOU WHAT HE WANTS >>>> goodbye i have been waiting months to show y'all the reveal! it's nice to be able to scream about it with everyone now lmfaoooo but i digress. the spice didn't overshadow? hell yeah i will take it! it takes me p long to write those scenes lol like they are absolutely not my strong suit. that is super good feedback to hear! don't even get me started on my girl though like i blush whenever y'all call reader yoongi's girl already LMAO
bro is just as human as the rest of them! that's also what i wanted to convey in anytime, as well. definitely not perfect and certainly going through his own things. he's stubborn and knows what he thinks he needs to do. as soon as you pick i'll jot you down for that team! hahaha.
gosh, i'm just happy you like the chemistry and dynamics of the series, too. it's been a source of comfort to write and a journey of my own personal growth alongside the characters. if it continues to be something that people will discover and enjoy after i'm done, then i will be happy.
2 notes · View notes
yanderecandystore · 3 years
Can we get some content for how the Android darling and Ms. Bright would meet?
In this [🍰🍑🤖] we get a glimpse of what their relationship is like and a lil mention of how things have worked out- But let's see how it played out from the a.is perspective.
Hi boo, I hope you're doing great, I'm very sorry for the long ass waiting- Sadly I may warn y'all that I have gone through many stages while writing this: h 0 r ny, corny, and angsty. This is actually pretty heavy, as I tried pulling some of the loose threads that I left all over Ingrid's posts (I still need to give her an bio ;-; I'm sorry y'all-)
So this is all over the place, since this is a fic I've been writing for a long time.
Also I know jackshit about robotics, and I think this fic shows how much I don't know anything XD
TW: Family issues related to: LGBTQ identity // very angsty // Ingrid is very rude, but she also struggles a lot during this- // socially distant // socially awkward // being misinterpreted/having a hard time socializing //
Tags: angy sad lady // ownership dynamic // this is basically the reader reminiscing about the past (continuing it from where Happy Lies left off) // the reader is low-key a simp at times- // master x servant dynamic, possessive behavior and a lot of yelling // just angsty really, I'm so sorry //
Happy birthday, mistress [Yandere!CEO OC x A.I!Reader - Short Fanfiction]
3,763 words
Whenever you remember your first day of activation, or more accurately your first day of actually being able to be activated for more than five seconds (you can't remember it fully, but you're aware that because of your complex design, you had passed through a lot of prototype phases before you could properly function-), you almost feel an odd sense of nostalgia, maybe due to the fact it was indeed the most important day of your existence as an android.
It was Ms.Bright's nineteenth birthday, when she would be handed the corporation that has been passed down by generations. And not only would she inherit the company, but also a beautifully designed a.i assistant made to help Ms.Bright's every need. You were made to be an easy communication center from Ms.Bright to the employees, as Ms.Bright's had a hard time communicating with people and expressing herself.
At first, she didn't seem to enjoy the idea very much- It was clear that she considered you to be quite annoying and useless. And- Well- It did hurt at first, after all, you were built to help her and be her friend no matter what.
So hearing her be mean towards you was… Very tough at first. Your first day as her assistant wasn't easy, you ended up getting in her way most of the time- And since she also didn't know exactly what she was doing, she got overwhelmed by so many things going down in one single day.
Ingrid has always dreamed of being in power of the company- Actually, now that you know her a little more- You can positively say she was probably just stressed at having to deal with so many responsibilities so suddenly, even if it has been her lifelong wish to inherit the company.
And even if it seems impossible at times, she would still come back strong and find a way to deal with it. That's something you really admire about her.
Your first week on the job was basically just trying to get accustomed and trying to learn everything you needed to do- While also trying to understand Ms.Bright as best as you could. Now… You weren't built to say this- And- And of course you don't think like this anymore, but…. You used to think she was really mean.
Frightening, even.
Now that you're all alone waiting for her to get back from work, you can't help but feel like replaying those moments inside your head.
"{... Replaying recorded conversation n°000050: "My second day at work"...}"
" Oh, what are you doing here?"
" Morning Ms.Bright! I-I was rechecking the files from yesterday and I was trying my best to reorganize them, a-after the incident-"
" The "incident" that you caused yesterday?"
" Well, yes, of course! I wanted to fix things up before you came back, I'm really sorry for being so reckless, I promise I won't do it again, I was just-"
"It 's fine. You don't need to worry about it."
" But… But I thought-"
" The files you had messed with weren't really all that important, and besides I'm sure there are copies all around the place. Sigh, who am I kidding- In reality, I should be the one apologizing for my behavior yesterday."
" I recognize that I shouldn't have treated you the way that I did, in a sense it's my fault you lost those files in the first place."
" … Well, it's nothing really mistress, I'm the one who should-"
" No, don't even finish it. You shouldn't have to apologize and shouldn't have spent the night wasting your battery on this-"
".... You know what, do whatever- I sometimes forget that you are… Nevermind, come back to my office as soon as you can."
"{... End of recorded conversation n°000.000.050… }"
You never knew what she was going to say, but you remember not being able to ask her that- As you were afraid of her potentially getting mad at you for asking too many questions. She always seemed so ruthless at times.
You remember the time you went to a family event with her, a family party, where an incident happened and she was absolutely livid. Your relationship with her wasn't so pretty at the time, you don't know why but- Your mistress didn't seem to trust you as much as you wish she did at the time.
"{... Replaying recorded conversation n°000.001.588: "First party ever- And it was very unpleasant" ...}"
" What's the matter with you?! Why can't you follow simple instructions- I told you to stay here and not mess around."
" I'm. So. Sorry. Mistress-"
" Even your vocal module is broken- Who told you to enter that pool in the first place?? You can't tell me you did something so stupid all on your own."
" I. Slipped.-"
" Am I a joke to you? I've said tell me who gave you the order to jump in the goddamn pool while everyone else was inside- Don't you dare start lying to me."
" … One of the. Party guests. Lost something. Inside the water. I tried helping them. But I started to. Malfunction."
" … Sigh, okay. Continue."
" It wasn't. Their fault. I did it. On my own. I was just- Trying. To help."
" By throwing yourself inside a pool when you're well aware of the damage the water can cause to your inner systems?!"
" I'm sorry!"
" You could have- No, you SHOULD have called someone else to help you, I can't believe it- You could have drowned in there and I wouldn't even be aware of that since I was inside the house, [Y/n]!"
" …. But Ms.Bright. I can't drown-"
" Yeah, yeah- I know you-... I know you can't drown."
" … Listen, you could have still gotten yourself hurt okay? You could have permanently damaged your systems, and if I wasn't made aware of what happened, I wouldn't have been able to take you out of the water in time, okay?"
"... Sigh, I just realized how much I have been yelling, everyone is probably scared now that I've made such a scandal. This… Isn't really a new thing to me, I'm accustomed to ruining parties like this. I'll have to apologise later to everyone. [Y/n], please just- When I ask you to stay still, please listen to me. I was worried about you."
"{... End of recorded conversation n°000.001.588 ...}"
You can't deny it- Whenever she was truly irritated she could make any person next to her feel threatened, though the more you look at your recordings, you feel like she doesn't really want to be feared like this. Respected? Absolutely. Feared? Not ideal, but she takes it anyway.
You have a couple of different recordings here and there, your memories are separated into sections. You have recordings of events in several formats: pictures, videos, texts and audio recordings. Though the one you use the most is audio recordings, since videos take a very big space inside your mind, and pictures need context, otherwise they wouldn't be considered memories, right?
You can't have many memories at a time because most of your mind is supposed to be used to store the company's files, so you do have a couple of memories that you have deleted to make space for the Bright Vision's more secret/personal documents. Since Ingrid took you home yesterday, and said you won't be going to work for the company anymore, then maybe you can find somewhere else to store those files so you can make space for new memories with Ms.Bright.
First, you'll need to recheck some of your own memories to see if they're worth holding onto. There is probably a lot of junk in there that you won't be needing anymore, which can be a bit tedious and take some time, but you clearly have enough time on your hands to do so, considering how she is not home and- Well, you're pretty bored, you already done everything that she asked you to do.
Honestly, she gave such small tasks today, she probably didn't plan to change your work environment so suddenly.
After about an hour of research through your data you have realized that even if you have way too many files, it's kinda hard to delete them. At first you didn't mind the idea of deleting certain stuff, but now it feels a bit sad to erase parts of your memory, you just had so many good times and- And even the bad times are worth remembering, right?
It has been an hour of you just standing there, trying your best to not delete anything important while also revising each recording you have. Most files are a bit out of order, numerically speaking, but you don't mind that too much cause- Well, you can always reorganize them later.
… You never actually do that, but you like to think that one day you will, though.
After so many recordings of conversations, you found one who didn't seem to really belong in your head. You see, you always title every single thing inside your personal archives so that it doesn't get mixed with other files- All of your memories have a specific title so that you can have an idea of which is which.
The thing is- You don't remember this file, the title seems off, and it seems like it's incomplete. Oddly broken. Still, you decided to take a listen and try to remember what happened in this event.
"{... Replaying recorded conversation n°000.068.xxx: "I yell too much" ...}"
This is a very silent audio, there seems to be some background noise happening, but you can't make out what's happening. This audio sounds distorted, edited maybe. Someone tried messing with your memories but they weren't able to completely erase this file.
Maybe they were inexperienced at the time.
You think you heard something, it sounded closer to you- It sounded like someone possibly sitting down next to you. You don't know who it is, or what it is
".... I'm such a mess. Why am I doing this? Why does this feels so-"
It seems like someone is speaking, but you're not speaking back. Even in this heavily edited audio, you can still make out what sounds to be a feminine voice.
".... I'm sorry for, well, using you this way. It feels- So, so weird."
".... I just want… No, I need to vent to you for a while, even if you won't remember what I'm going to say."
This audio gives you an odd sensation. You think you're starting to recognize who this is- But then again, who else could it be, if not Ms.Bright herself?
" I never did this before, with something so- Human like- With something so human looking. I used to record my thoughts on my phone but I thought I would never need to vent with an object before- But here I am! Making a fool of myself…"
The speaker, who you assume to be Ingrid, seems to be having a lot of trouble speaking, her voice is cracking and her breathing seems uneven. She sounds out of breath, and she takes a lot of pauses to be able to speak her mind.
".... I have…. Thought about opening myself in this way because- Because I have no one else to listen to it, and I guess I can only blame myself for it. I know I'm difficult, I know I'm rude and I know I come across as a tyrant to everyone else- I- I really don't know what 's wrong with me, okay?!"
" Years, and years, and years of training, of studying, of planning to become the very next owner of this corporation as it's already not only a job but also a very painful family tradition that I felt proud of! That I gave everything that I could to be part of! I remember wanting this so bad, I remember how I used to daydream about this stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid tradition when I was a little kid who just wanted to do more, to be more!"
".… I almost lost all of this. 19 years of my life that were threatened to be thrown in the trash just because I- Because I'm not his son??! Because I- I'm not his only "son" anymore??.... Who said I ever was- Who said I ever was his son…?"
".... I- I know all about the stupid, awful and extremely unnecessary tradition of passing the leadership from father to son, and to this very day- inside the same office all of my predecessors had went through- I still think that tradition is garbage. I always thought I wouldn't make it here, I always thought something would stop me from being the next face of Bright Vision."
".... I can't tell- If I always knew about this- I can't even imagine how I knew this considering the dumb kid that I was, but…"
".... I'm his daughter. I'm Mr.Bright's only daughter, and the only possible heir to this twisted company."
" The people outside think our only focus it's on robotics and technology of all kinds. I wish I could go back to thinking that too, it would have been so much simpler that way."
" After a very long fight about my rights as the heir to this- Company. My father thought it would be wise to move to the countryside. Far away from all of this. And to be fair, I was- So, so mad at him that I thought that him moving away from here and letting me be would be better, but every now and then I- I miss him. I miss him so much…."
"He sent me a birthday present today. After three years of absolute silence he sends me flowers and- And a gift card containing his number… And I- Called him despite everything, and even so to this day he can't even say my name- IT'S BEEN THREE YEARS AFTER HE LEFT ME ALL ALONE WITH THIS CURSED BUSINESS AND HE STILL CAN'T FUCKING. SAY. MY. NAME."
You felt scared at the sudden yelling, even if her voice was progressively getting more aggressive and louder, you still got caught up by the sudden yelling.
".... I'm- A mess- I know that now."
You can't understand what's going on, but it sounds like she started laughing… Or maybe crying? Probably both.
".... I'm just terrible at this. I always was, weren't I? I'm just terrible at these types of interactions- Maybe all of them! I just don't understand how to- How to do it?? I don't know anymore…."
".... That's why I have you, in the first place, isn't it?"
" I had such an awful time expressing myself that they gave me an overpriced doll to do it for me. When I first heard about this three years ago, I- I've felt so fucking pitiful."
" Can you imagine it? The CEO of such a big corporation is so difficult to deal with that she needs an overly glorified doll that can translate her words to the other employees! An a.i created just to help me, an absolute idiot!"
".... I've felt so angry at them- I felt so angry at him for having to build a robot just to be a comfort pet to the stressful work that I would have to do for the rest of my position as owner of Bright Vision Corp, and I was mad at you! You pissed me off to no end, and I- I just couldn't help but be frustrated at you, not for being in my way, but for being an reminder that I'm awful at this-"
Her sobs stopped her from continuing that sentence.
".... I've treated you so unfairly because of this. I- I made sure that whenever you looked at me you would feel terrified of me because that's the only way I thought I could be respected, that's the only way I thought you would listen to me, and yet you never did…. You weren't built to follow my every order perfectly, you were made to be literally my only friend, after 22 years, here you are- The only person that can get me isn't even an actual person-"
"..... And I forget this…! I forget this every time I look at your eyes, I forget how robotic you are whenever I see you helping others not because you were told to, but just because you thought you could."
".... I always forget that you're supposed to be just another robot… He really did think about everything when designing you."
".... I always catch myself being awful towards you, being- Being excessively rude, not because of my way of talking but because of my own petty feelings towards you as my assistant… As my friend, as my android, as my-"
"..... I'm so sorry for being like this, you don't deserve to have someone who is constantly being mean towards you be considered your boss- Your boss, your friend- ...Sigh, even your owner…"
" I'm sorry [Y/n], I'm really, really sorry- But it doesn't matter how many times I say that- I don't know if I can ever make it up to you. Words won't heal any wounds, they never did."
".... But maybe actions will."
" I'll stop being so harsh on you, you really don't deserve this- I was feeling weird about using your recording system to vent like this, but now that I think about it I have been using you as a venting mechanism since the day we met……. I'm- I'm so goddamn awful."
" "How can someone so in love be so cruel?".... Would you be able to answer me if you were conscious?.... I don't think you would, no one has been able to tell me the right answer yet."
".... I hope I can be better- I will be better."
" I just need to remember how to delete this file before you wake up- I hope I can do that. End recording."
"{... End of recorded conversation n°000.068.xxx …}
It took you about an hour or so to be able to process what you have just listened to. And even then, you weren't able to fully comprehend what happened.
Ms.Bright- No, Ingrid- Ingrid has used your recording system while you were out, she probably tried deleting the file but because she was inexperienced with your kind of technology, she decided to just edit it and try to make it unlistenable.
It was- Barely audible but you still got to understand some of it.
Did she- Did she forget to completely erase it? Did she forget entirely??? You're not sure.
You don't know why but a sudden wave of- Something- Something feels so odd about this-
You don't know how to respond really. You don't feel mad about her ranting to you, you don't even feel bad about her ranting to you while you weren't aware- You feel bad, but not because of her but because of the emotional turmoil she has been hiding from you.
Should you do something? Should you say something?? How do you even- You don't know how respond to this-
You're programmed to comfort her, yet- This file is already old, and she didn't want you to remember this so maybe it won't be the best idea to bring it up, but what can you do??!
Maybe you just need to rethink this through, maybe you should listen to audio again, and try to figure out what's the best way to help her out when she comes back.
You're honestly baffled at the idea that someone like her had so much to confess to- You probably shouldn't have seen her as an unstoppable goddess in the first place, but then again- Even after hearing her open herself, even after listening to her insecurities- Your opinion of her hasn't changed.
She was holding this for so long, no wonder she always seems on edge.
She 's only human. Yet you never really saw her as just that.
She was always so much larger than you, so much stronger than what your fabricated body was, and she always sounded so much smarter and- And she was just always so… Terrifyingly beautiful to you.
Ingrid Bright was always considered a very good looking individual, but no one ever considered her to be much else because of her way of speaking to others (which may sound rude and occasionally condescending, causing others to avoid her as much as they could), but you always thought she was so much more than that-
It's hard to even explain it really, ever since you met you have started to understand the concept of how beauty and fear can mix together, you find her to be so beautiful, yet her demeanor and stature makes you feel afraid of her for some reason- And even worse than that, the fear she may unconsciously bring you makes her seem more beautiful in your eyes.
You shouldn't think of her as scary or frightening, she is your boss, your master and your owner, there is no reason for why you should feel this way towards her- But then again, there is no reason for you to even feel in the first place, you were just built to do so.
You don't think she means harm to anyone, after getting to know her you realize why her behavior can be misinterpreted as mean and scary- Ms.Bright always had a hard time socializing with others, even her family had a hard time understanding her, so maybe that's why she grew to have such a tough exterior.
As someone that was built to make the communication between CEO and employees easier, you've had to learn to understand her to be able to help others understand her as well, and vice versa. It wasn't easy, and you wouldn't say that you know her completely well- But you feel proud of the work you have done so far, you're her loyal companion but more importantly a friend.
Funny how much you learned not only about her, the employees, or even the business of the company- But also about humans in general in these five years of working for her, it makes you feel more whole when you remember how much you have achieved.
You hope you can somehow help her right now, and to help her from here on out. You decide to wait for her and possibly talk about how she feels and how she deals with said feelings. Hopefully all ends well.
Sorry for the loose ending! I was feeling very tired ;-; but if anyone wants it I could totally make a second chapter with a better ending.
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bubbleweirdo · 3 years
Chapter: 5/?
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Summary: A wild night for Joy.
Words: 2.917
Main relationship: Javier Escuella/OC
Other relationships: Charles Smith/OC, Arthur Morgan/OC
Characters: Van der Linde gang
Author's note: Hi, I'm back... For now, at least lmao
While trying to write chapter 6 I realized I never posted chapter 5 and that... maybe... it was time to do it................. Anyways, hope y'all find it enjoyable!
The same day she and Javier returned from the stage robbery, Dutch arrived at night with a boy riding behind him. Joy was on duty when The Count appeared with the two men on top of him. After greeting her, Dutch took him to the entrance of the camp, where they both dismounted. She followed them with her eyes curiously, but immediately focused back on her task. However she could hear from where she was how Dutch presented him to the others: Leonard Summers -“But you can call me Lenny!”-.
The next day after lunch, Dutch called her to his tent, where the newcomer was too.
“Miss Joy, would you be so kind as to take Mr. Summers into town? And by the way help him choose a good mount, I know you have an eye for it.” He asked with a charismatic smile.
“Sure, why not?” She replied looking at the guy. “Let’s go?”
“Uh, sure, let’s go.” He said with a kind smile.
Joy walked over to where the horses were grazing looking for Berry, who was rubbing her head against the body of Old Belle, Karen's mare. Before guiding her to the beginning of the road, she walked over to the Nokota and patted her on the neck. Once there she mounted and held out her hand to Lenny, which helped him up.
They trotted through the grove that led to the main road and headed for the town.
“And what has Dutch seen in you, Mr. Summers?”
“He saw me running away from bounty hunters and helped me avoid them. After that we talked, and well, here I am I guess.”
“Sounds like Dutch.” She chuckled.
“I’m very grateful. Since I was fifteen I’ve been alone, running from one place to another.”
“How old are you now?”
Joy turned her head and looked at him, incredulous. It had seemed to her that he was at least twenty, like Sean or Mary-Beth.
“What?! That young?! I thought you were older.”
Lenny laughed out loud.
“That flatters me.”
“Now I feel like I'm babysitting.” She said playfully.
“That’s rude Miss Joy!” She burst out laughing and kept teasing him along the way. He was complaining but seemed to be having fun too. They arrived at the town stable and asked the stable keeper to show them his horses for sale. After taking a look at each one, Joy selected two: a grey Kentucky Saddler and a palomino Mustang.
“These babies are in great shape and look pretty sweet.” She said, stroking the face of the first. “I think you could use a horse like that, affable.”
He watched them both thoughtfully.
“I think I will keep this one.” He decided, pointing to the Mustang. The man nodded and while he went to look for the mare's documents his assistant began to prepare her to saddle and bridle her. When he returned, she was ready and Joy paid the corresponding amount while Lenny kept the papers.
“What are you gonna call her?” She asked once they were out.
“Maggie, I think.”
“Suits her. As sweet as her.” She smiled.
“Will you accompany me to the general store? I want to buy chewing tobacco. Then we can have a drink. He said walking towards the establishment.
“Okay!” The two of them entered the store and while Lenny picked up the box, Joy peered through the products. A fishing rod caught her attention. It looked consistent and was definitely in a better condition than the one Tommy used. He didn't complain about it but many times when she accompanied him to fish she could see how the reel wasn’t working exactly as it should. She remembered that it would be his birthday soon, maybe she could give him one. She had enough money to afford some of the more expensive ones but she didn't have much idea of which one would fit her brother better so she decided that she would ask Javier to accompany her when she went to buy it, he had more idea about that.
Lenny paid and they both headed for the saloon. There were quite a few people and a man played a happy tune on the piano. They ordered their drinks and sat at a table to talk.
“So you like horses?” He asked her, drinking from his glass.
“Yeah. My family used to have quite a few, we would sell them at Valentine's and Strawberry's stables, but when my parents passed away I couldn't deal with so many anymore so we just kept Berry. What do you like?”
“Reading, I guess. A lot of things can be learned.” Joy rested her chin on her hand.
“I envy you. I know how to read but it’s so boring…”
“That's because you haven't found one that you like.”
“Maybe. My mother started buying me romance novels when I was twelve and let me tell you, they were tedious. At first they were fine but when I grew up I realized that they were just absurd fantasies.”
“I heard they’re quite corny.” He commented.
“They are.” She huffed. “I suppose I am resentful because they put an idea in your head about what love is that in the end doesn’t match reality...” She took a drink from her whiskey.
“Hadn’t thought of that. Not that I have read any.” Lenny said with a shrug.
They continued talking for another couple of hours, they had gotten along well. Then Joy realized that a girl who was leaning against the wall behind Lenny kept looking at him. She was young, perhaps of his age, and had her brown hair half tied. It was clear from her gaze that she wasn’t exclusively interested in the money she could get out of him. She probably hadn't tried anything because Joy was there. She leaned across the table to whisper to him.
“Pssst. Pretty girl interested in you behind you.” He looked at her confused.
“Good luck.” She rose from her seat and raised her voice enough that the girl could hear her well. “Sorry boy, I'm not interested in you, you're too young for me.” She sighed theatrically and walked away to the bar under the stunned gaze of her new friend. Out of the corner of her eye she could see how the girl sat in the seat that she had just left and began to talk to Lenny. He was nervous but she seemed to like that. After a while they both got up and went upstairs. Joy smiled to herself.
A man stood beside her at the bar. He was tall, because of how his clothes adapted to his body, he didn't seem very muscular, but neither was he untrained. His short black hair was slicked back but some strands fell on his forehead.
“Hello Miss.” He greeted her, fixing his green eyes on hers. Joy raised an eyebrow, amused. He was handsome.
“Hello Mister.”
“Can I invite you to a drink?”
“Sure. A whiskey for both of us.” She asked the waiter.
“I see that you have good taste.”
“So it seems.” She said raising the glass to her mouth without breaking eye contact.
“What would you say if after this you and I go somewhere else?” He asked doing the same. Joy almost choked on the question. Trying not to laugh, she replied.
“You are very direct, aren’t you?”
“I don't have time for games.” He said winking at her and shortening the space between them.
Normally going so fast would have been a reason to reject him, but it had been a long time since she had relationships and honestly? That man was very attractive. She drained the glass in one gulp and set it on the bar.
“Alright.” She agreed, walking out the back door of the saloon. There was nobody there. She turned to look at the man but he put her against the wall and kissed her passionately. She gasped when their tongues began to play with each other. He continued to kiss her neck, as he unbuttoned the buttons of her shirt and lifted the chemise, revealing her freckled breasts. He grabbed one eagerly and twisted her nipple, causing a moan in her. He pulled down her pants and bloomers and brought his mouth to her crotch. Joy sighed, anticipating the contact, but what she felt was... discomfort. The stranger used his tongue at full speed at her entrance, causing more discomfort than pleasure. She cursed in her mind, she had to stop him but she didn't want the meeting to end.
“Didn't you say you didn't have time for games? Fuck me!” She said between mock gasps.
“How rude. What do you say?” he replied, continuing whatever he was doing down there.
“Please! Please…!” -Please stop.-
“Well then…” He got up, quickly pulled down his pants, lifted Joy by the legs, and inserted his member into her. She welcomed him willingly, clutching at his shoulders as he rammed her faster and faster. The man, between grunts, pulled out to come. When he caught his breath, he lowered her to the ground and began putting on his clothes.
Joy followed suit, somewhat disappointed but not entirely dissatisfied. She wished she had an orgasm, but she had missed the feeling of being full of someone and had enjoyed it.
“It was good.” He commented.
“Yeah. Lucky that no one was here.” He smiled.
“Well, I’m leaving. Miss…” He said goodbye with two fingers to his forehead. She replied the same, amused and went back inside the establishment.
After an hour chatting with the bartender, she checked that Lenny was still with the girl -she asked her coworkers and also put her ear to the door of the room they were in to make sure- and decided that she wasn’t going to wait any longer for him, who knew when they would finish. Before riding Berry and heading back to camp, she stroked Maggie's neck. She couldn't help it, if she had a horse nearby she needed to pet them.
When she arrived Javier was on duty.
“Who’s there?”
“The joy of the house.” She answered dismounting.
“How come you are so late? And hadn't you go out with the newbie?”
“Oh, don’t worry, we went drinking and then we parted to have our own fun. And it seems he was having a greeeeeeat time.” She giggled and winked at him. Javier cleared his throat, uncomfortable. Weird. Normally he would joke back. Maybe he didn't like Lenny? “Anyway I was wondering if these days you could come with me to choose a fishing rod for Tommy, his birthday will be soon.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Thank you!”
Once at camp Joy changed her clothes, putting on her nightgown and loosening her two braids to collect her hair back into one only. Going to her bedroll, she noticed that her brother was still awake.
“How come you're not asleep yet?” She asked lying down facing him.
“I was worried you weren't coming back.” Joy smiled bitterly.
“I'm sorry I worried you.”
“I know you can defend yourself but... I'm afraid something like what happened at home will happen again.” Tommy confessed, his eyes watered.
“Oh, Tommy, my boy…” She kissed his face and when she pulled away she started stroking his hair. “I love you, you know that, right?” He nodded.
“Me too.” Joy smiled.
“How about I sing you a lullaby to sleep?” He nodded again. She cleared her throat and started:
“Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird don't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass.
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat,
And if that billy goat get cross,
Mama's gonna buy you a rocking horse.
And if that rocking horse turns over,
Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover.
And if that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and a cart.
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town…”
And they both fell asleep.
Four days had passed and on the last one it had rained. Far from being uncomfortable, Joy had appreciated it. It was a hot summer and as soon as the first drops hit the ground they were very well received. The next day had stopped raining, but the smell of damp earth was still there, the ground covered in puddles. That's where the game started for her. After finishing all her tasks Joy looked for Tommy. He was behind the camp with Jack, drawing strokes on the ground with a stick.
She sneaked up from behind making a silent gesture to Strauss, who was sitting on a log doing the math and could see Joy's intentions perfectly. He only looked at her for a moment with a polite smile and turned his attention back to his work, ignoring her.
When she was close enough she flexed her knees and jumped into a puddle without any regard, splashing at Tommy and Jack.
“Hey!” the older boy yelled, falling forward in shock. Jack started to laugh and plunged into the puddle, jumping over and over. Tommy pounced on her and they started a fight, splashing and pushing each other.
“Stop! What are you doing?” Abigail exclaimed, hurrying over to them. Tommy stopped dead in his tracks and jumped up, straightening up.
“I’m sorry Miss Roberts.” He apologized, embarrassed. Beside him Jack had stopped jumping.
“Oh, come on Abby, we’re just having fun.” Joy said pouting.
“Y’all are getting dirty and that’s just more work for later!”
“Come on Abby!”
Abigail looked at her impassively. She sighed.
“Okay, help me up.”
As soon as she held out her hand Joy pulled her and dragged her along, staining her with mud.
“Joy Collins, you are…!” She screeched before splashing her. Joy laughed and Abigail followed suit, never stopping her attacks. Realizing that his mother had joined the party, Jack allowed himself to keep jumping and Tommy joined him.
They had made quite a fuss, and an authoritative hawk took them out of the game.
“Miss Collins, Miss Roberts, set an example for your children and clean yourselves immediately! We are a gang of outlaws, not one of savages.”
They both nodded and Grimshaw walked away to speak to Pearson. Abigail tapped Joy on the shoulder in a friendly way and stood up.
“Come on, we have to clean us up.”
They took spare clothes and soap and approached the river, moving away from the camp a little to have privacy. They cleaned themselves thoroughly and helped the children to do it as well. When they were done, the boys ran out to grab a plate of stew.
"Be careful!" Abigail warned them. She turned to Joy. "I must admit that I had a good time."
She smiled.
"That was the plan! We all need a moment of fun sooner or later."
"You’re right. Being a mother is difficult and even more so if there isn't..." She stopped and sighed.
“I understand.” She put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently. “If you need anything you know I’m here.” Abigail nodded and put her hand over hers before leaving.
“So mud fights, how mature.” Daniela said sarcastically.
“Yes, you should try, it's fun.” Joy replied with a smile, rolling her eyes.
“I pass. I prefer to see them. I liked how you fooled Abigail.”
Joy laughed. She picked up a plate of stew and sat next to her. Laughter drew her attention from the main fire. Javier was telling one of his adventures to Jenny. Since that conversation they had in the cabin, the two of them spent more time together. They had always been close but now they were almost inseparable. Joy supposed that he had decided to turn the page on his love from Mexico and start something with her. She was envious of how well they got along. She also wanted a relationship like that and she had long since given up hope with Mary-Beth, you could tell she only had eyes for men.
She sighed and Daniela giggled.
“No, nothing…” She replied with a certain sarcasm. Joy eyed her suspiciously, but decided to let it go.
They continued talking quietly until Javier's voice caught their attention. He was still sitting by the main fire, Jenny was gone and he was singing in spanish.
“What do the lyrics say? Sounds sad.” Joy asked Daniela curiously.
“Oh, it is. He sings it once in a while. Talks about a man who feels betrayed by the woman he loves because she’s in love with another man.”
It wasn't difficult for Joy to understand why he sang that song. It wasn't so easy to get rid of those feelings even though he was now with someone else, she supposed.
“Sometimes I would like to know what his songs say.”
Daniela giggled again.
“Seriously, what's wrong with you?”
“Nothing, nothing... If you want to know what they say, I can teach you spanish.”
“Would you really do that?”
“Uhuh, why not?”
“Because right now you’re the most suspicious person I've ever seen.”
Daniela laughed out loud.
“Calm down bonita, I'm serious.” she held out her hand.
“Mm…” She looked into her eyes before shaking her hand. “Alright…”
“It’s settled then.”
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mallowstep · 3 years
I’m thinking about writing a short OC piece about Windclan and I’d love to see your notes about its culture and the hymns you’ve written so far, everything you’ve done for Windclan appreciation month has really inspired me :)
hello anon!
alright, first things first: please send me ur piece when ur done if you're comfortable doing so! i will publish it from you, or if you don't want to be associated with it in Any Way, i will also just read it and add it to the queue with no indication why it's there. or if you don't want me to share it at all, i'd still like to read it.
as for your ask,
i'm working on it. however, underneath the read more, i'll include a few snippets for u.
alright, i'm just going to post links with some commentary as i go. feel free to ask any more questions you have.
windclan (search) | windclan (tag) | wcam tag | five clans (narrative essays)
i would link the elders den, but there's no windclan stories in there ATM.
moving on, i'm just going to go through posts in reverse chronological order.
tallstar taking a mate admittedly, this is more about cats and sexuality than windclan, but i provide the commentary that windclan...has a particular view on sexuality and fluidity. one thing i haven't explored but should is the role visiting cats have in windclan.
whoops that's a code word, my plug for solacefruit has been activated. okay, as you may be aware, based on the fact that i have a whole tag for it, i'm obsessed with solacefruit. now, i love everything they do, but i would like to point you particularly to "make a mighty sound" for a fantastic exploration of this idea.
i don't want to spoil anything, but i do think windclan, and maybe cats as a whole, but windclan has a certain view towards relationships that very much breaks them into pieces. i'm a "love is a verb" person, so the idea that you can grow to love someone romantically by going through the actions of love makes sense. not to say you will, but you can.
(to be clear i'm not out advocating for arranged marriages just saying that they can work, they're not destined to be bad, and there's a difference between forced marriage and arranged marriage.)
this was a lot of words to say, cats do not have a human (and particularly, western/american) understanding of relationships, which makes analyzing them in those terms difficult.
early hymn talk i'll probably say more below, but it is here.
general ibtwicm notes might get you into the headspace for some of my choices in ibtwicm.
i don't have a ton to say because this pretty much all holds, but uh, yeah.
poetry and language this isn't strictly about windclan, but it does explain some of what i think about when writing hymns.
obviously, i'm writing english translations, but these general themes are what i have in mind. it's also part of why i say i don't think i'll ever release a "full hymnal" for windclan, because i don't know if my weak worldbuilding heart could take it if i only had translations.
names part two very much not about windclan, but just some thoughts on names. as i've said before, i support all names and worldbuilding equally, but if you want my thoughts on names, go buckwild.
clan culture fic rec list just stuff i think does a good job, if you want other sources of inspiration.
general clan culture notes this is really old, but it mostly holds.
i've obviously expanded a lot on windclan since i wrote it, so shrug? idk man.
alright, i'm going to move into hymn discussion below the cut, but best of luck! and i hope u have a good time. it makes my brain shut down to read that i inspired you, straight up got brain juice pouring out of my ears, but i'm really, really happy to hear that.
windclan holds a special place in my heart. (i know my oc avatar is from skyclan shhh it's because of the backstory he sees ghosts.) but i grew up in this super sporty household as a lil asthmatic klutz, and running was a sport i couldn't mess up, so of course windclan appealed to me.
they're actually third on my list of favorite clans, but they. it's a special place in my heart that they hold, especially after reading dawn of the clans and moth flight's vision, where i got an asthmatic cat and an adhd cat, both in windclan.
god i should reread dotc it's good.
alright, here's the deal on hymns: i am not going to fight to get duets to post correctly. there's a 0% chance i can in tumblr's wonky ass new editor with no markdown, not to mention how difficult it would have been in the old editor. so i'm going to talk a lil about what i've got, and post some stanzas that i think don't get explored a lot in ibtwicm.
we're discussing these in the order that they go in. a reminder that these are all sections of one epic poem. that said, i don't know where the gaps are. like, i don't know what's between these, if that makes sense.
the wind
the wind, the very first hymn. this is an ode to, well, windclan. it's a song about everything that makes them them. it's filled with poetry about the wind, about the seasons, and it's just...well, it's a bit of a genesis, in a way.
The wind — like the rain, like the river — calls the name of each star in its breath. The wind — like the earth, like the stone — anchors us to our home. The wind — like the sun, like the sky — is knowable only by name.
i wanted to share this stanza because the last line doesn't show up in ibtwicm (at least so far, i cut the reference), and it really, really, makes a difference imo.
anyway, windclan is basically tying the wind in with every other fundamental part of their life here.
they are the wind, and that's that.
the hare
okay, this one has a line that comes up a lot in ch1, but i already talked about that, so instead, i'm going to talk about this stanza
Speak of the earth and the dens, and you will be answered: By the call of the howling gales, the open earth singing in response. But speak of that which grows above, of the grass and field, And you will be answered by the softness of the buds and the roots.
okay, we get deadfoot thinking about this when he's talking to yellowfang.
i like this stanza because it really tells us what the hare is about. now, hares are not something windclan catches. hares are huge, y'all, there's no way they take one down. i take liberties with ecology, but not that many.
(i.e., a team of cats definitely could take one down, but i know too much, and would prefer letting team hunting stay a plot thing, and not fundamentally alter the environment in the way it would.)
now anyway, all of these hymns come from the time of the tunnelers. and the point of this is, even though the work of tunnelers and moor runners is disconnected, they fundamentally affect each other.
a moor runner must trust the hollows of the earth beneath them won't collapse, and a tunneler must trust that the prey they chase up will be caught.
it's all very symbiotic and is, well, in a way, a love poem. plus i really like the line "the open earth singing in response"
of the warrens
so this has one line, one you might not even know is a hymn, in ch1, but i'll share the whole stanza.
And as for the subject of fallow fields: Fallowed fields make for hungry prey, Yet hungry prey makes desperate rabbits, Who leap into our claws.
and ig my big point is, the hymns are a cultural artifact. just like many of the rules in the old testament have to do with hygiene things being codified into religion, this whole hymn is about hunting advice.
the moon on the river
okay, out of all the hymns, this is the most complete, and because ashfoot and deadfoot sing it together, and deadfoot discusses it, i only have one stanza to share.
Under the coldness, you shine back at me, And I do everything to keep the clouds from threatening you.
now, this poem is about love, grief, and being separated. it's a particular kind of grief, and windclan discourages grief, so this is one of only a few ways to really, fully express it.
and this section, in particular, is about love in times of hardship.
i don't have. a lot to say here. but the way hardship changes how you love someone can be particular and intense.
(temporarily, this happens sometime before "Spare for my chosen few / All I have is given towards the distant ground.")
the gorse in the wind
oh shit! i have so fucking much to say okay first.
the series title does not come from this hymn.
second, this is a challenging hymn okay. fuck. i have so much to say. where to start so! moors are actually relatively wet. think british countryside, not, like, a cool desert.
this is something i always knew? i read the secret garden a lot as a kid. but. i've seen stuff about moors being dry, and it's just one of those things that really...starts to eat under your skin. anyway.
okay, so. gorse is a dry plant. it does not like rain. it grows in sandy soil, etc etc, and yet. aside from everything we know about gorse and warriors, it also grows in this moor. because i say so.
okay, so. so so so. the lines quotes here are really deceptive, and i bet no one understood why, and that makes me just a little sad, but i couldn't find a good way to explain it in text, so uh, yeah, anyway. there's an exchange between ashfoot and deadfoot: "THE GORSE: You called me the heather and I grew stronger. / THE WIND: I called you the heather and brought rain for you to grow."
so...so do you see? do you see the point? it's about communication, needs, challenging each other. fadskj;l i love this. okay, so. the point is that heather is fragile, soft, pretty, and gorse is the opposite. the part of the wind is trying to be kind and complimentary, but the gorse is saying, fuck that, you are not being kind to me by undercutting my strength.
anyway, this passage is sung by the gorse:
In what good company have I set down roots, That even through snow fall I flower. You called me the heather and yet I've weathered, Far more than your sweet-named love.
so uh, yeah, this adds context. gorse! gorse is a hardy plant that continues to flower basically all season round. it's cool. it's cool. gorse is super cool. fuuuck y'all it's such a small thing and i've contained talking about it until now, but now it's too much. the floodgates are open, and i thought about this small detail too much.
okay. deep breath. gorse is a really easy plant to grow, but it's still adapted for dry environments. so the "even through snow fall I flower" part is a little tongue in cheek: gorse itself will flower in the cold, but snow is a type of precipitation, which as we've covered, is not gorse friendly.
then we have some rhyming and puns in the next line, and finally, "yet I've weathered, / Far more than your sweet-named love." like. yes. love as a form of softness is not necessarily helpful.
i mean, consider the damaging "soft trans boi" problem. same energy.
right. okay. so we've got all that? now if you remember, this is sung when deadfoot thinks ashpaw doesn't respect him, and ashpaw says she'll sing with him if she can sing the gorse, so in essence, she's telling him...not to back off, per se, but that...she is the "hard part" of the relationship. like, okay, i refuse to even bring up gender roles in human relationships, but uh, her point is very much, "i am the gorse, and you are the wind," and it's a very monumental moment.
it's anchored, i believe, in the other scenes, but this is a small thing that matters a lot to me.
like a lot.
okay, now that i've talked about like four lines for the length of this entire post, moving on.
the heather and earth
okay, this is the last hymn i have in concrete terms, and i cut a bit of it from the latest chapter, so yeah. it's also, uh, okay everything i have for it is only a line or two, but i wanted to share this closing line (sung together):
Sing a song of forgiveness, of growing together, and we will make madness, And madness from hence will everything beautiful grow.
and i just like these lines. they got cut, it was initially part of an exchange between ashfoot and deadfoot, but i can't share the part of it they talk about, because i'm reusing it for a later chapter and i'll 100% spoil shit if i try to talk about it.
but these lines? mmm they speak to me.
i don't have a ton to say about them, but i just. i like it.
if we apply the same ecology discussion from the gorse and the wind, we see heather is a plant that grows in acidic, infertile soil, and heath (which is not the same as a heather, but also kind of is) is a defining quality of heathland, which is...i'm not kidding, it's hot discourse about the difference between moorland and heathland.
i'm not getting involved, but my point is, if the gorse in the wind is a hymn about finding a working relationship, about mutual respect, etc., then the heather and earth is a hymn about working well together in a terrible situation.
uh, wow! can you tell i like plants? because while parts of my ecology are dubious (see: everything regarding the rabbits in ch1), the plants part are well thought out. this shit is carefully detailed metaphor.
and that's why i won't be releasing a full hymnal. it's hard to as on top of this as i want to be. i'm not kidding, writing even four lines of a hymn usually takes me about twenty minutes, because i pull up a lot of research about how things work, how they interact with each other, etc., and then there's wordsmithing, cat worldview filter, etc.
but i hope this overview of what i've got is a good insight into my general thoughts. and i will eventually release more and more of the hymns i've got written.
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ddixons-angel · 4 years
Fated: Season 3
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Summary: Gloria Rhee narrowly escapes Atlanta with her brother as the outbreak reaches the city. Luckily, they find a camp outside the city and together, they fend through encounters with the living and undead.
Starts a little before Season 1 and then follows the main storyline of the show.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Glenn Sister!OC
Warnings: major TWD spoilers, language, violence (the typical TWD stuff)
A/N: Happy Friday!! Here’s a new chapter, as promised!
Chapter 8
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It was the morning after the Governor had attacked the prison and Gloria had not woken up yet. Daryl was sitting on the steps just outside the cell she was resting in while Glenn went to check up on her wound. Color in her face had returned and she did not have a fever, which was a good sign. Relieved to see that she is going to pull through, he leaves the cell.
“Hey, Glenn.” Daryl calls out to him when he sees the other man leaving the cell.
“Hm?” Glenn turns around to face Daryl.
Daryl nods pointedly over to Gloria’s cell, “how’s she?”
“Still asleep, but no fever and she’s not as pale, so I think she’ll be okay.” Glenn says, then he sighs, “Daryl, you remember what I told you about hurting her?”
Daryl purses his lips and nods, “Yeah.” 
“You hurt her really bad, man. I don’t even know how long it’s gonna take for her to warm up to you again.” Glenn says with a frown.
“Yeah I know... I know I messed up.” Daryl says, looking down, guilty and ashamed.
Glenn sees his guilty expression then goes up to him and gently pats his shoulder, “hey, regardless, I’m glad you’re back. And now that you’re here, you can make it up to her.” 
He smiles softly at Daryl then turns to leave but before he walks out of the cell block, Glenn glances back at him, “And seriously, keep your brother in check.” 
Daryl scoffs at him and nods as Glenn leaves the cell block. A few hours pass and Daryl had gone back to the perch to lie down, but he wasn’t able to sleep. Not with Gloria still passed out from her injury, Glenn’s words did comfort him a little but worry and guilt still ate at him. In the cell, Gloria finally wakes up with a dull thumping pain in her shoulder, not letting her forget that she had gotten shot. She winces slightly as she sits up on the bed and gets up. She goes to the kitchen area outside the cell block to get herself a glass of water. 
“Oh, would ya look at that, she lives!” a familiar voice calls out, stopping her in her tracks.
Gloria turns in the direction of the voice and sees Merle sitting on top of one of the tables, smirking at her. She blinks at him, confused. Was she still passed out and dreaming or was she hallucinating? Or was Merle actually there?
“What, no hello? No ‘how ya doin’ ol’ Merle’?” he chuckles. 
His words register in her mind and she realizes that he actually is there, he’s real and still being a conceited little shit. Her memory seems to come back to her as she remembers that he’s also the one who nearly killed Glenn, this made her blood boil.
“And why the hell would I say hi to you when you almost killed my brother?” Gloria scoffs at him.
“For the record, I saved all y'all asses jus’ the other day, so we’re even.” Merle says as he leans forward, “and if ya ain’ gon’ thank me for tha’ ya should at least show me some respect. Don’ even know why I busted my ass to save y'all when ya jus’ left me on that damn roof.”
Gloria rolls her eyes at him, “do you need a reminder that I stayed with you on that roof? And for your information, they went back for us, Rick, Glenn, Daryl, T-Dog, they did. Oh wait, nevermind, you locked me up in that damn closet and ditched me, so how the hell would you know?! And for your information, if you didn’t leave, you would have never gotten separated from the group in the fucking first place, asshole!”
“They only went back ‘cause o’ you! Not me! They didn’ give a shit ‘bout me! And neither do you! Ya only stayed back ‘cause ya got the hots for my baby brother.” he smirks at this and chirps mockingly, “oh yeah, heard yer bro telling mine that ya love him.” 
“Yeah, you’re right. I do love Daryl, but I shouldn’t. I should have never let myself get close to him. I should have just left you on that roof alone and Daryl should’ve died trying to find you in that fucking city!” Gloria snaps, seething in anger at the man in front of her, she misses the split second falter on Merle’s face.
Merle lets out a whistle, “‘ooh, tha’s cold! Ain’ that cold, baby brother?” he looks in the direction of the cell block. 
Gloria glances over in the direction of the cell block as well and sees Daryl in the doorway looking at her. Blinking away the tears forming in her eyes, she looks back at Merle, glaring at him.
“It’s only a matter of time before Rick and Glenn kick you out of here,” she then directs her words to Daryl, “and when that time comes, you’re just going to follow him out again.”
Without another word or waiting for a response from either Dixon, Gloria storms out of the prison. She looks up to the watch tower and sees that Maggie is there for her watch shift. Gloria decides that she needs to let out her anger physically so she goes over to the gate of the courtyard and opens it, closing it behind her and proceeds to clear up the walkers left by the Governor. She hauls the already dead walkers into the van that ran through the gate as a walker approaches her from behind, snarling. Glancing over her shoulder, Gloria unsheaths her dagger and swings it into the walker’s skull, killing it instantly. She yanks the dagger out and lets the walker fall to the ground. Looking at the dagger in her hands, she sighs as she remembers the moment Daryl had given them to her all that time ago back in the quarry camp. 
“Now’s not the time...” Gloria sighs to herself, brushing away the memory.
She continues picking up walkers and tossing them into the van, killing any that came too close or just weren’t dead but laying on the ground, groaning and snarling up at her. Hearing footsteps approaching her from behind, Gloria instinctively swings her good arm back with her dagger armed only to be caught by the person who approached her, Daryl. The two share a brief eye contact just before Gloria yanks her arm out of his grip and continues to clean up the courtyard. Without saying anything, Daryl helps her load the walkers into the van but not without noticing her wince when she uses her injured shoulder to pull at the walkers. 
“Ya shouldn’ be out here doin’ this with that injury.” Daryl calls out to her.
His words stop her in her actions, then glares at him, “don’t pretend you care about me, Daryl.”
Daryl sighs at that, “I do care ‘bout ya.”
“Oh really?” Gloria rolls her eyes and scoffs, “is that why you left? Because you care so goddamn much?!”
“Hey, if ya had to choose between Glenn and this group, ya would have done the same thing!” Daryl raised his voice at her, getting frustrated.
“No! I wouldn’t! I would have tried harder than you ever did to get them all to come back! You say Glenn didn’t want Merle to come with us to the prison but that’s just your excuse because where is Merle now, huh?! He’s inside the damn prison with us whether Glenn likes it or not!” Gloria yells at him, her chest heaving as she tries not to cry again, “If anything I would have at least tried to come back and say goodbye, but I guess I don’t deserve that because that’s how much you care about me.” 
Daryl looks down, biting his lip, not knowing what to say to her anymore. He knew he messed up big time, and he hated himself for it. He knew he might never be forgiven for leaving her so the only thing he can do is make sure she’s safe and protected. Daryl watches as she continues hauling walkers into the van but turns around to notice that their argument had drawn in more walkers to them. 
“Hey, we should head back.” Daryl says, gesturing to the walkers starting to surround them.
Gloria looks around and sees what he’s talking about then drops the dead walker she was holding to the ground. She doesn’t wait for Daryl as she walks back towards the prison as Daryl follows her anyway. He rushes forward to open the gate for her as well as the door to the prison for her to go in first, closing both after himself. 
“Hershel!” Daryl calls out for the vet who comes out of the cell block with his crutches, then gestures to Gloria; Daryl saw that she was bleeding through her bandage. 
“Gloria, sit down.” Hershel instructs her.
She does so with a sigh as she lets Hershel inspect her wound. He unwraps the bandage and sighs softly when he sees that she’s torn the wound open. 
“Maggie, I need you to get me some fresh bandages, please.” Hershel orders his daughter as he cleans up the blood on Gloria’s shoulder. 
Maggie nods and heads into the cell block to get bandages as Glenn comes out of the cell block, a frown on his face. 
“What the hell were you doing out there? The courtyard is full of walkers, you shouldn’t even be outside with your injury!” Glenn lectured, worry and frustration written all over his face.
“I just wanted to kill something, okay?!” Gloria didn’t mean to snap at him, but she was in pain, in more ways than one. 
Glenn sighs at her response but doesn’t say anything more, backing off. Maggie comes back out with the bandages and Hershel takes them. He proceeds to patch up her wound again. 
“I didn’t get a chance to thank you, Gloria.” Hershel says with a smile. 
Gloria furrows her eyebrows together, confused, “for what?” 
“I saw how you took it upon yourself to distract those walkers so Glenn could get to me, you risked your life to save mine.” Hershel smiles warmly.
“I did what any one of us would have done, we can’t risk losing you.” she tells him, returning his smile.
“We can’t risk losing you either.” Hershel says with a chuckle.
Gloria grins then adds, “well I guess that’s why you’re patching me up so well.” 
This makes Hershel laugh and the mood in the room lightens up. Daryl’s lips curl into a small smile as he sees her smile again. Gloria looks over to Maggie who’s smiling gratefully at her then she mouths the words ‘thank you’ to which Gloria smiles and nods. 
“Dad!” the door opens and Carl rushes inside, “Andrea’s outside!”
The announcement alerts everyone, worried that it’s the Governor returning for another attack against the prison. Apparently, Andrea got away from the farm alive and had been surviving with Michonne until they found Woodbury. Daryl, Rick, and Glenn ready their weapons and rush out of the building. Glenn ordered Gloria to stay inside with the others as they went out. Soon, they brought Andrea inside the building. They all look warily at her as she looks around the prison.
“You’ve all been staying here?” Andrea asks in awe, looking around at the group surrounding her. 
“Yeah.” Rick says simply, eyeing her.
Her eyes land on Beth as she’s holding baby Judith, “Oh my god... is that...” she then looks around, seemingly to try and find Lori then her face softens when she doesn’t see her, then turns to look at Rick, “Rick, I’m so sorry.” 
“Yeah...” Rick sighs then takes a breath, “I didn’t think you were here to catch up.” 
Andrea sighs, “no, I’m not. I’m here to talk you guys out of fighting with Phillip.”
“Phillip?” Gloria raises an eyebrow.
“You know him as the Governor, I know him as Phillip.” Andrea states, “I don’t want this to turn into a war.”
“It already has.” Rick tells her, “when he decided to take his people here and shoot at us, he already declared a war.”
“He said you shot first.” Andrea says defensively. 
“O’ course he’d say that, wants to look like the victim in front o’ his woman so ya can give him some good lovin’.” Merle coos with a grimace. 
Gloria looks at Andrea with a look of judgement, “you’re sleeping with the Governor?” Andrea glances at her and looks away, confirming her words then Gloria scoffs under her breath, “of course you are.”
Gloria’s last words anger Andrea as she looks straight at Gloria, “you’ve always had a problem with me, haven’t you?”
“Of course I’ve always had a problem with you.” Gloria stands up from the table, “you’re always doing stupid shit that jeopardizes the group. Do I need to remind you of the time you shot and almost killed Daryl? Or maybe you need to remember when you left Beth alone to slice up her own wrist. And now you’re sleeping with our enemy, who by the way, shot me, and you expect to waltz into our territory and tell us to not kill your precious boyfriend. So yeah, I’m always going to have a problem with you.” 
Gloria looks like she’s going to pounce on Andrea from how worked up she was getting and knowing his sister, Glenn held her back. She was breathing heavily as she glared at Andrea who was now looking away from Gloria, knowing deep down everything she said was valid. She then looks to Rick with a pleading expression.
“You shouldn’t fight this war, Rick. You can’t, you won’t win. They have more fire power and people, plus there are innocent people in Woodbury.” Andrea tried to reason.
“Yeah, well those ‘innocent people’ were cheering me and Merle to kill each other in some messed up arena.” Daryl scoffs, “ya can go back and tell ‘Phillip’ that the next time I see him, I’m gonna take his other eye.”
“I’ll try to arrange something with him so you can all negotiate something, okay?” Andrea looks at Rick.
“What makes you think that this man even wants to negotiate?” Hershel points out, frowning.
“He’s not who you guys think he is. A war isn’t what he wants, he-” Andrea is cut off by Rick.
“Go ahead and set up your meeting, if he wants to negotiate, great! If not, he’ll get exactly what he asked for. A war.” Rick tells her. 
Having a verbal confirmation from Rick that he was willing to go meet with the Governor was enough for Andrea to leave. She told the group that she’ll let them know when and where the meeting will take place. The group’s reunion with Andrea did not ease their minds about the Governor, it only heightened their worries because now they knew he had a larger army and more weapons. The next few days were definitely going to be burdening for the group as they prepare for the war to come. 
Next Chapter
A lot of yelling in this one haha! Do you guys agree with what Gloria said to Daryl? Is she right for being upset at him? Please let me know what you think! Next one will be up on Monday~! 
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy, please don’t panic, we will get through this!
And as always, I would really appreciate any comments left for me! I’ll be replying to any comments in a new post because this is a sideblog!
Taglist (please let me know if you’d list to be added/removed!):
@twdeadfanfic​ | @fandomfanatic97​ | @crossbowking​ | @watchmeaspire​ | @spidergirla5​ | @kamieshep​ | @letsstarsfalling​ | @molethemollie​ | @alicewinchester99​ | @neilox​ | @womanup22​ | @jodiereedus22​
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waterloou · 4 years
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Helloooo all! I’m bringing back oc Saturday for these trying times to showcase some brilliant ocs! If you’d like to nominate your oc or somebody else’s, feel free to shoot me a msg, ask, or tag #ocextravaganzasaturday ! Also, there’s an option to submit a blurb!
Oc extravaganza Saturday guidelines
Below are links/blurbs for the featured ocs this week! Go check them out!
Amreen Carr created by @emiliachrstine
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Headcannons 2
Headcannons 3
Game of Survival
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Edit 4
Gotta love a kick ass mama to baby yoda. Her and mando and the whole family are just wholesome and cool and please go give them some love! They deserve it!
Belle Sinclair created by @lilhemmo
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Multifandom Queen:
Soon to be Riverdale
“her name is belle sinclair - she was kind of a tom boy growing up, but her brother died when she started high school. he died while she was driving him home from a new years eve date and he was drunk so he was distracting her, but then they got t-boned by another drunk driver. however, her whole family blames her for his death and she has extreme survivors guilt.”
“she's a sunshine, little sun drop, sunflower! she's really kind and very forgiving and a people pleaser”
Go show her some love!
Billy Holmes created by @humangrumpycat
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Mythology moodboard
Billy cackles, turning his chair to face an irritated Sweet Pea.
'I'm sorry,' Billy wheezes, wiping the tears from his face.
'You saw some dude spray paint a wall, and when you threatened him, he pulled a gun on you?' he asks, his lips pressed in an attempt to stop laughing.
'Yes,' Sweet Pea grits through his teeth.
'That's the best thing I've heard all week,' Billy smiles. 'Thank you for telling me this.'
Sweet Pea clenches his jaw, taking a deep breath.
'It's not funny,' he hisses.
'It was, though,' Phoenix snickers. 'You should've seen his face,' he says to Billy. 'Dude pulled out an M1911A1.'
'Holy shit,' Billy gasps.
'He pulled out a what?' Fangs asks.
'Colt .45,' Billy explains, followed by Fangs nodding.
'How would you know?' Sweet Pea asks Phoenix. 'You weren't even there.'
'I was right across the street, leaving the candle shop,' he answers.
'Why were you at the candle shop?' Fangs scoffs.
'Buying candles,' Phoenix comments, raising the bag on eye-level. 'I thought that was pretty obvious.'
'Can we focus on my problem?' Sweet Pea interrupts. 'And how I need to take care of it?'
'"Take care of it"?' Billy mocks.
'You got something for me?' Sweet Pea asks, nodding to the closet to his left.
'Oh, NOW you want a new weapon?' Billy scoffs. 'I've been telling you that for years now. I mean, I get the nostalgia bullshit. But like I said: we're big guys, and big guys need big weapons or it'll just look weird.'
'Like he's holding a toothpick,' Phoenix adds, followed by both Phoenix and Billy nodding at each other.
'Shut up, Phoenix, I don't see you carrying a machete around.'
'Don't I?' Phoenix smirks, opening his jacket to show a machete strapped on the inside.
'What the-' Fangs gasps. 'How-'
'Gem sewed in the straps for me,' Phoenix explains with the widest grin.
'So, can you get me something new?' Sweet Pea asks, growing more impatient by the minute.
'I might could,' Billy says. 'But not tonight.'
Both Fangs and Sweet Pea throw up their hands.
'I'm sure y'all can beat him up tomorrow, and I'd love to join,' Billy comments. 'But it's Tequila Tuesday at the LOVE Club downtown, and I'm meeting Ace, Spades, and Snow White in ten, so I'll be a wreck tomorrow.'
'Can I join?' Phoenix begs. 'I can dump my shit at Viper's on the way.'
'Got your fake ID?'
'Always,' Phoenix answers.
'Why the LOVE Club, by the way?' Phoenix asks. 'Don't we normally go to The Maple Leaf?'
'Well,' Billy smirks. 'There's this pretty blonde who sings there every Tuesday, and we've had some "eye-contact" for the last couple of weeks.'
'You mean, real-life Disney princess? Nice!' he chants.
'Also, The Maple Leaf's starting to attract more Ghoulies, and we don't need that shit,' Billy mentions.
Billy is a great bad boy. He’s hilarious, resourceful and it’s just extremely easy to like. Go give him some love!
Oli Parker created by @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
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About ramble
Summer Camp AU
This boy is a hardworking, wholesome, compassionate ray of sunshine! Go give him some love!
Rhett Butler created by @s-s-southsideserpentine
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The common room of the boys dormitories was a ghost-town during this time of the night. Usually it was alive with haughty Stonewall Prep males, bragging about the colleges their showboat parents bought their way into, laughing at crude jokes and arguing loudly about theory and theology. Now though, in the late hours of the night after the RA’s were done skulking around the hallways with citations in hand, it was almost peaceful. Rhett Butler liked to sneak out of his dorm room and sit at the piano, basked in the milky color of the moonlight as it streamed in through the large, glass-paned windows. The high archways and ceilings made the soft tinkling of the piano keys sound like they filled the air around him and tucked themselves into every corner. He liked the emptiness of it all, how serene it could be to take comfort in his own loneliness. Rhett would wait until after lights out, way after the final few night owls broke themselves away from their studies, and would tiptoe out into the common room with his composition book in hand, jotting down music notes and time signatures while still trying his best to be quiet. A big anthology of British Literature is wedged in the doorframe, with Rhett trying his best to close himself away to conceal the noise. He’s too busy tinkering away at his next assignment for music class that he doesn’t hear the quiet thunk of the anthology hitting the parquet floor as someone slipped into the room with him.
“What the hell are you doing?” A voice pipes up from behind Rhett’s left shoulder, nearly scaring him out of his wits as he jumps, slamming the piano case down hard onto the keyboard.
“Holy hell” He chuckles, trying his best to recover and even out his breathing. His spindly fingers are shaking as he turns around to see the new scholarship student, Bianca something, in her pajamas, her curly hair dented and pressed from where her head pressed into her pillow.
Rhett had seen her around before, he sat in on the advanced writing seminar on the right day, he guessed, because he heard the girl make a snarky remark to that asshole Bret. It cost her an after-school detention but she gained Rhett’s respect immediately, and he had been intrigued by her ever since. Everyone knew about the scholarship kids, it was kind of hard not to. There were only a handful of them, a losers club of their own. But most of them kept their heads down and cowered at the taunts being thrown by their snooty classmates, making remarks about their thrifted textbooks and not-so-pristine school uniforms. Not this girl, though; it was a strange twist of fate, how he had wondered about her and now she was here.
“You know what time it is?” She asks with a raised eyebrow that doesn’t seem malicious, but Rhett doesn’t know how to take it.
Rhett palms the top of the upright piano until he finds where he tossed his phone, he clicks the home button, 3:13 am. “The witching hour” He muses, running a hand though his hair.
“Are you the one who’s always out here?” She asks again with that same hint of mischief. “That girl Donna’s convinced a bunch of freshman that there’s a ghost.”
“S’just me” Rhett mumbles, feeling embarrassed at the idea that his late-night musicalities weren’t as secret as he thought.
The girl walks across the room and sits on the other side of the piano bench next to Rhett. There was a funny sort of confidence she had, giving him an all-teeth smile as she says “So you’re the ghost”. Rhett smiles, excitement brewing in his stomach.
“Name’s Rhett Butler” He offers his skinny hand for the girl to shake and she does.
Gotta love a good, malnourished, take no bs academic boy. And he’s musically talented??? King. Give him some love!
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writingkeepsmewhole · 5 years
Bad News
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This is part 17 of Betrayal This is also fic 24 of my 365 fics challenge. 
Fic Summary: Dean gets some bad news.
Dean Winchester x OC Scarlet
Taglist Would love to add you:  @thewinchesterchronicles @amandamaesweetheart @scarlettreneem @deans-baby-momma @deanwanddamons​ @vicmc624​ @lemondropirwin​
Part 1  Part 16
After we leave the rehab center Dean decided to get something to eat. Stopping at the diner close to his house, he turns the car off.
“You wanna go in? Or we can take something back to the house.” He says looking over at me.
“Let's go in.”
He nods and gets outta the car me following him. He waits by the hood of the car taking my hand when I reach him.
I smile at him us walking into the entrance of the restaurant.
“Scarlet!” Someone calls making my head snap up.
I smile and wave seeing Ruby her dragging Sam behind her.
“Are you guys going in?” She asks when she reaches us.
“Yeah you?” Dean answers her.
“Yes you guys wanna sit together?” She says smiling.
“It’s fine with me.” I say looking up at Dean.
“Lead the way.” Dean says pulling the door open and holding it for them to go in first.
Sam walks in requesting a booth for four. The man behind the podium smiles and leads us to the booth in the back corner.
I can’t help but crack a smile as I slide in the booth Dean sliding next to me.
“What are you grinning about?” Ruby asks looking at me. 
“This is the same place we came to when we went out drinking together.”
“It's the same booth and everything.” She says smiling.
Sam and Dean shake their heads sharing a look which most likely meant girls are weird.
“Hi I’m Shelly and I’ll be your server. What can I get you all to drink?” Says a teen with pink hair and a bright smile.
“She’ll have a sweet tea and I’ll have coffee.” Dean says ordering for me.
I smile finding that cute and sweet that he knew what I wanted.
“Water for me.” Sam says smiling at her.
“I’ll have a coke.” Ruby says not looking up from her menu.
“Okay I’ll be right back with your drinks.” She says smiling and walking away.
“You ordered a coffee for dinner?” I ask looking at him.
“Well I gotta drive so I can’t have a beer what else was I meant to drink, water?” He asks looking at me, him leaning on his folded arms.
“Yeah, or tea or pop.” I say smiling at his weirdness.
“Coffee’s fine.” He says shrugging looking down at his menu.
I shake my head and do the same.
“So what did you two do today?” Ruby asks folding her menu telling us all she knows what she wants.
“I cleaned all day and went to vist Rebecca.” I say looking at then back at the food options.
“Went to work and went with Scar.” Dean says not looking up.
“I thought you couldn’t see her.” Sam asks.
“Her doctor wanted us to go up there.”
“For what?”
“So she could apologize to us I guess. Get closer or something.” I say not thinking we did any good.
“What did she say?” Ruby asks just as Selly comes back with our drinks.
“Thanks.” I say looking at her as she hands me my tea.
She smiles back at me as my reply.
“So do we know what we want or do you need a few more minutes.”
“I’m ready.” Ruby says ordering the house sampler with extra fries.
“I’ll have the chicken salad.” Sam says handing his menu back.
“Give me the cheeseburger, onion rings and a slice of pie.”
“What kind of pie?”
“Surprise me.” He says smiling at her as he hands back the menu.
“Okay.” She says blushing.
I roll my eyes at her reaction. I wasn’t mad. Dean just had that way with women. He could make you melt with just a simple smile.
“For you?” She asks looking at me.
“I have no idea.” I say looking down at the menu.
“I can come back.”
“No, just give me one second.” I say feeling rushed and hating it.
“Give her the french toast. With a side of welldone hashbrowns.” Dean says once again ordering for me.
Shelly looks at me as if that is what I want.
“That’s fine.” I say giving her my menu. It’s something I would have ordered for myself.
“Alright I’ll have it out in just a bit.” She says smiling and leaving us alone.
“Do you always order for her?” Ruby asks seeming a bit annoyed by it.
“I know what she likes.” Dean says smirking behind his coffee cup.
“Okay eww.” She says making us all laugh.
“So did Scarlet tell you about Ruby losing her job?” Sam asks after our food is delivered.
“No she didn’t. I’m sorry to hear that.” Dean says eating an onion ring then handing one to me.
As if he knew I was gonna ask for one.
“I thought we could help them till they get back on there feet.”
“Sam you can’t pay for mine and your house.” She says glaring at him.
“I know that’s why I was thinking you move in with me.” He says smiling down at her his face a bit red.
“What?” She asks almost choking on a fry.
“Did that just happen?” I whisper leaning over towards Dean.
“It’s not a bad idea.”
“Where would I go?” I ask looking up at him. My eyes meeting his green ones.
“Move in with me duh.” He says making me blush.
“Wait really?”
He nods and leans forward kissing my nose then goes right back to eating. I sit there flustered and slightly in shock. Thinking what the heck just happened. 
It wasn’t brought back up us eating dinner and heading out.
Once outside we were saying our goodbyes when Dean’s phone started to ring.
“Yeah?” He answers.
“What?” He says his face losing all emotions.
“Is he okay?”
“Yeah I’ll be there in the morning. Thanks for calling.” He says ending the call.
“What’s going on?” I ask the same time Sam does.
“Dad fell asleep at the wheal and got into a wreck. He’s alright just a few bumps and bruises but they are keeping him overnight because of the cancer.”
“You gonna go see him?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, I feel like I have to. You can stay here I know you can’t miss work. We all don’t need to be jobless.”
“Hey.” Both me and Ruby say.
“You know what I mean. You care for another road trip?” He asks looking at me.
“Always.” I say smiling at him.
“I’ll see you later Sammy.” Dean says hugging his brother.
“Bye.” I say waving at them as I follow Dean to the car.
“You okay?” I ask once we are inside it.
“I’ve been better.” He says looking at me then starting the car.
Dean didn’t bother going back to his house. Him just getting the interstate. Which I understood he was worried about his dad. I was too. Dean had enough going on with Rebecca he didn’t need to lose his dad on top of that. 
It took us a few hours to get there. Dean calling and asking where the hospital was. When we got to it he parked in the underground garage but didn’t get out.
“What’s wrong?” I ask looking at him.
His hands were still on the wheel and he seemed almost glued in place.
“I don’t want to see him.”
“I thought-.”
“I can’t see him in a hospital. Not again.”
“Again?” I ask not ever knowing he was in one before.
“Yeah it's been a while, before he got remarried but I remember it like it was yesterday.”
“What happened?”
“We were on our ways to Bobby’s. Dad wanted a weekend alone. I don’t think he liked us much as kids. Anyways we were coming threw a crossroads and got T-Boned by a simi. He got messed up pretty bad. Sammy got a broken arm. I was in a coma for a few days.”
“Oh my gosh Dean, that horrible.”
“Not really just a month or two of a headache. The worst part was seeing Dad hooked up to a bunch of machines his leg held together by pins and needles. I thought he was gonna die. All I could think about was what about me and Sammy. Where would we go?”
“What happened?”
“Bobby came and picked us up. Dad healed up and got out. He was different after that kinder and had more patience.”
“Your afraid he’s gonna go back to how he was before?”
“I don’t know what afraid of. I just don’t want to go in there.”
“Okay.” I say opening up the car door.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna go check on John I’ll be back with an update.” I say looking at him after I get out of the car.
“I’m not letting you go while I sit in the damn car.” He says quickly getting out and slamming the door.
“I’m a man damn it.” He says briskly walking to the elevator. 
I laugh and shake my head following after him.
We ride the elevator up into the lobby of the hospital. Dean getting quite again. I grab his hand and pull him to the front desk.
“Can you tell me where John Winchester’s room is please?” I ask smiling at the man behind the desk.
“And you are?”
“I’m uh-.”
“I’m his son and she’s my wife.” Dean says making my stomach clench up.
I felt like we just crossed a line. It even more messed up than us sleeping together.
“Alright.” The man says typing something into his computer.
“Room 364.” He says looking back at us.
“Thank you.” I say walking to the elvatores that will take us higher into the building.
Dean gets quite again once we are in the elevator. I don’t think about it as I move closer wrapping my arms around his middle and hugging him as we ride to our destination. He returns my embrace in silence.
‘Please don’t be too bad’ I think when the elevator doors open.
Pulling away from Dean I take his hand once again leading him down the hall to the correct room.
I knocked on the closed door a John’s voice calling for us to come in. Pushing it open I walk inside to see him sitting up on the bed. Him looking normal except for a bandage on his eyebrow. 
“Well what are two doing here?” He asks a smile on his face.
“Came to see you duh.” I say moving to the side of his bed.
Dean’s grip tight in mine.
“Did Kate call you?”
“Yeah.” Dean says sounding tense.
“Y'all didn’t have to come all this way to see me.”
“We wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Well have a seat make yourself comfortable.” He says patting the spot next to him.
Smiling I sit down on his bed Dean sitting the only chair in the room next to his bed.
“What happened?” Dean asks.
“The doctor has me on these new medications that apparently make me sleepy. I’m fine. Just jumped a curb nothing for you to drive all the way here for.”
“Well as long as you're okay.” I say patting his leg when Dean didn’t answer him.
“I appreciate you coming to see me, even though I told Kate not to tell you.”
“Why?” Dean asks.
“Because I know how much you hate these places no need to get you in one if you don’t need to be.”
“You gotta take care of yourself.” 
“I know Dean and I am. Just a mistake nothing to worry about.”
Dean clenches his jaw and doesn't answer him.
Hearing a knock on the door a nurse walks in her smiling at us.
“Visiting hours are over, so if you could please say your goodbyes.”
“Of course.” I say smiling at her.
“Well you two kids head on home. I’m fine I’ll be out tomorrow.” John says patting my hand.
“Call if anything happens.” Dean says standing up.
“Yeah yeah.” John says waving his hand.
“We’ll see you later okay?” I say standing up and leaning down to hug him.
I smile when he kisses my cheek.
“You keep him in line alright?” He says grinning.
“Will try my best.”
“See you later Dad.” Dean says hugging him.
“Now was that so bad?” I ask once we are back in the car.
“Guess now.” Dean says pulling out of his parking spot.
“Big brave Dean.” I say moving over to wrap my arm around his and lay my head on his shoulder.
He drops his hand to my knee.
“You wanna drive home or get a hotel?” He asks looking at me.
It now almost midnight.
“Up to you.”
“I’d rather just head home.”
“Okay let's do it.”
“Awesome.” He says heading back towards the interstate.
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staytheb · 5 years
Pairing: SKZ’s Chan x OC [Kierra] Genre: slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 3,475 Summary: Kierra always thought Chris was playing and never took his flirting as something serious. She always played it off and now he wants to let her know that with her it was always serious.
Warning: curse words, i guess, that’s mainly about it lol
oh look, another ficcy featuring Bang Chan. it’s not a bad thing, but it just sucks when i picture him in the role instead of another idol, but oh well. at least it’s something than nothing. anyways, this was also part of another story with a different male in mind and to me the original person just didn’t fit anymore so Bang Chan came to be instead. but yeah, for the title, it was just something that came to mind and fits it then whatever else i can think of for it instead. anyways, that’s about it and so happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
revised 9.13.20
Kierra stared up at the Department of Music building before following Chris inside with a confused look.
"Why am I here again?" She asked while following him up the stairs.
"You promised to help me out when I asked you a few days ago." Chris reminded her as she groaned.
"Chris, you do know that you had called me at like four in the morning to ask me that, right?"
"Yes, Kierra, I do, but you're the one that accepted the request I made at four in the morning."
"Ugh. I blame the girls for my lack of sleep lately." Kierra muttered before glaring at him.
"After this is over, feel free to lose my number."
Chris laughed at her serious, but not really serious words. Kierra frowned with a rolled of her eyes as she asked him on why she was there again.
"You're gonna help me out." Chris answered, but didn't further explained on what kind of help exactly.
"Okay, but I'm not majoring in music."
"I know, but you're minoring in Journalism, right?"
"Creative Writing, but I don't see where you're getting at though."
"You'll see."
Chris glanced at her with a secretive smile before arriving on the designated floor.
"Here we are."
Kierra continued following Chris until he stopped just outside one of the rooms at the furthest end of the hall.
"I had asked one of the department professors for permission to use this room solely as my studio when I first started since it wasn't being used throughout the years." Chris explained as he pulled out a key and inserted it in to the door before opening it. "Ladies first."
Kierra hesitated before entering as she shot the male a cautious look. Chris cast her a playful smile as he motioned again for her to enter first.
"I'm not gonna do anything to you, Kierra, unless you want me to."
Kierra scoffed at his flirty words while scrunching up her face as she backhanded his stomach area. Chris let out a small grunt from her small action.
"Yeah, right. In your dreams, Chris." She remarked while walking passed him and into the room.
"Only if you're there, too, Kierra." He countered with a laugh and actually dodged another hit from the female who seemed slightly flustered, but didn't say anything.
Kierra turned away and was amazed by the recording studio like room. Despite it's small size and simple style and equipment, the room had a nice charm to it. So lost in her thoughts of observing the room, she didn't hear Chris calling for her attention.
"Kierra?" Chris asked louder which got the female's attention this time around.
"Hmm?" She hummed while facing him. "What?"
"You ready to help me out?" He asked while indicating for her to take a seat at the empty chair next to him.
She glanced at the chair before walking closer and sat upon it while placing her backpack onto the floor. Kierra then shot Chris a curious look.
"Honesty, I know nothing about music and I don't know why you want me to help you out when there's Jisung and Changbin that do music with you. Like all the time, bro. Even BamBam and Yugyeom can help you out, too. Oh, and those three girls you hang out with, too. Um, Sana, Chaeyoung, and Jamie. Why do you need me?"
"I just wanted a new perspective." Chris answered nonchalantly while messing around with his music stuff. "Besides, Linna mentioned that you used to write poetry and your own lyrics to instrumental beats back in the day."
"Yeah, I used to, but that was like back when I was in late middle school to early high school." Kierra informed while giving him a suspicious look. "Why would Linna mention that to you, anyways?"
"We were just talking and it somehow popped up somewhere in the conversation."
"Y'all better not be talking about me."
"And if we are?"
Chris gazed at her with a playful look as Kierra scowled at him.
"Then she better not be saying anything personal."
"Does this personal thing have anything to do with me?" He probed with a hint of a playful tone as Kierra tried to not seem phased by it. "No."
"Is that so?"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm gonna hit you if you don't stop."
"Stop what?"
Chris continued to play around with Kierra and he dodged her hand that came out to smack him. He laughed upon hearing her cursed him when she missed.
"Gosh, you're so annoying. Anyways, Chris, hurry up and let's get this thing started and over with so I can leave."
Kierra changed the topic with a slight flustered expression as she gave Chris a pointed look to get a move on. Chris chuckled before grabbing his mouse and moving it about. Kierra had a sudden realization when her eyes watched the monitor.
"I can't read music notes or whatever they're called."
"You can count paces, right?" He asked her as she nodded.
"Yeah, but I can't sing either."
"You can hum, right?" He asked with a smile as she reluctantly nodded.
"Yes. Ugh, there's no escaping, is there?"
"Nope. You're already here and you already promised to hang out, too."
"I'm totally deleting your number when this is over." Kierra grumbled as Chris chuckled before handing her some pieces of paper.
"You'll be fine, Kierra. Besides, this should be really fun."
"Says you, but alright. What do you want me to do?"
"I don't think this is working out like I thought it would have." Chris commented after coming up with nothing for the past two hours.
"No shit, Sherlock." Kierra deadpanned as she's been trying to let him know that since the beginning.
Chris eyed her tiredly, but a small smile graced his face.
"I'm sorry, but at least you didn't try to beat me up within those two hours."
"Oh, I wanted to, but then I didn't want your fangirls to come after me though."
"What? I don't have fangirls."
"You literally have a fanclub on campus, Chris."
"No I don't, Kierra."
"Are you serious? There's a fanpage on the school's website dedicated to you."
One side of Chris' brows quirked up interested as he cast Kierra an amused look.
"And how would you know that, Kierra?"
"It's not what you think, Chris." Kierra explained while leaning away as she hadn't realized how close she had gotten to the male over time.
"So tell me what you think I was thinking then."
"Um, no. Don't feel like it."
"That's what you always say."
"Because that's how I always feel."
"I beg to differ."
"Yeah, like you know."
"Oh, but Kierra, I do." Chris cooed as he leaned closer to her and she shied away from him with a hard look in his direction.
"Stop what?" He asked playing clueless.
"You know what I mean."
"I don't though. Could you help remind me again?"
"Um, no. Don't feel like it."
Kierra smirked as Chris rolled his eyes before catching the time on the wall. He turned his attention back onto the female with a casual expression.
"How about we go grab some late lunch slash early dinner?"
Kierra's eyes glanced at the same clock to check the time before casting the male an apologetic look.
"Sorry, I can't."
"Oh, why not?"
"I have another class to go to in a little bit."
"Oh, then we can grab dinner afterwards."
"No way. I get out super late. So yeah, no dinner for tonight. Sorry."
She picked up her backpack and stood up to leave, but Chris stopped her.
"Wait. That sounds like a 'maybe, next time' kinda offer to me."
"And what if it does?"
She faced him with an amused look.
"Then does that mean I can take you up on that rain check then?"
"Yeah, sure, whatever, Chris. You can take it however you wanna take it." She dismissed not really believing that Chris would be serious about it.
"Wait. I thought your late classes were on Mondays and Wednesdays."
"No. That was last semester. This semester's Tuesdays and Thursdays."
"Oh, well now I know."
"Right. Anyways, good luck with your music composition. Also, please do not ask for my help again. I don't think it did any good on your end."
"Although quite true, but it helped with other things."
"Like what?"
Chris didn't answer her and just shot her a secretive smile. She rolled her eyes while giving him the peace sign.
"Alright. I'm out. See you never."
Chris didn't get a chance to bid her a goodbye as Kierra hurried on out of there. Chris chuckled before gathering up the pieces of paper that Kierra had written on.
"Maybe I should've suggested something else instead of this."
Chris was waiting for Kierra to get out of her class after getting the information from Linna. When he finally saw her walked out of the building, he was surprised to see his other friend, Allen, walking alongside her casually. Kierra was happily talking to Woojin and Chris found it weird as she was never like that with him. He shook that thought away while jogging over to the pair and greeted them as he interrupted their conversation.
"Kierra. Allen."
"Oh, Chris, what's up." Allen acknowledged his friend while Kierra just smiled and didn't say anything.
The trio walked with Allen in the middle as he and Chris conversed quietly while Kierra remained quiet not bothered by Chris' presence.
"I didn't know you had the same late class as Kierra." Chris mentioned as Allen cocked his head. "Wait, you didn't? Didn't I tell you?"
"No, Allen, you did not."
"Oh, my bad. So what are you doing here?"
Chris moved his head passed Allen to glance over at Kierra who wasn't even paying attention to them before returning his gaze onto his friend.
"You know that thing I was trying to work on, well, you're like kinda in the middle of it. Literally."
Chris motioned with his head to indicate it towards Kierra for Allen to comprehend his meaning. Allen discreetly followed and got what his friend meant.
"Oh? So you're finally acting upon it then?" Allen mused as Chris nodded. "Yes. Yes, I am."
"Damn about time. Took you long enough."
"I know. Anyways, what are the two of you doing walking together though and in this direction?"
"I always walk Kierra back to her dorm building since it's so late and I gotta make sure she's safe."
"Oh, so that's why you always come back late."
"Yup." Allen glanced at Chris with a knowing look before speaking. "So, do you wanna walk Kierra back instead?"
Before Chris could respond, Kierra spoke out to them having already walked further on.
"I'll let you two catch up and I'll head over to the Girls' Dormitory myself."
Kierra's attention went to Allen.
"Don't forget we have to meet at the library tomorrow afternoon for the group project, okay?"
Allen gave her a thumbs up.
"I won't. Just make sure that you won't forget to bring the snacks this time around."
"I won't. It was just that one time. Anyways, see ya."
Kierra waved Allen goodbye before turning to Chris and doing the same thing. Chris felt a little weird as she wasn't her usual aloof and indifferent with him this time around. He felt a small nudge and glanced at Allen.
"There's your chance to walk her home."
"But I'm sure I would just inconvenience her as she had just said that she would go on by herself."
"You're wrong, Chris. It's the other way around. Kierra hates being an inconvenience to others."
Chris regarded his friend a bit.
"How do you know her so well?"
"We've had classes since we started and always ended up as partners through the semesters." Allen explained. "So we just built a friendship between us."
"Ah, so that's why she's more friendly and comfortable with you."
Allen chuckled.
"She would be more friendly and comfortable with you, too, if you didn't always try to flirt with her all the time."
"I don't always do that."
"Well, Kierra believes so and thinks it's just a part of your personality."
"Really? She thinks I'm like this with everybody."
"Yeah, basically. She won't admit it, but I hear her grumbling about it for you to either be serious with her or to stop playing with her feelings and mind or whatever."
Allen then glanced in the direction that Kierra had walked off to and noticed her small figure in the distance before gazing at Chris.
"Anyways, this is a perfect opportunity for you or you're gonna miss your chance and Kierra's gonna keep thinking of you the way that she does now."
Kierra was quietly walking back to her dorm with the serene campus night life surrounding her. She yawned as she thought about falling asleep in her comfy bed and being surrounded by her equally comfy and fluffy friends. That was until a familiar voice called her name and Kierra's mood dimmed wondering what the male wanted.
"Yes, Chris?" She responded, but didn't turn around and continued to walk on.
Chris soon matched her pace and would tentatively glance at her every now and then.
"About that rain check."
"What rain check?"
"The one from earlier this afternoon."
Kierra had to think about it and Chris was about to tell her to not worry about it until she actually remembered the situation from earlier.
"Oh, that. What about it?"
"Well, I was thinking this Saturday, you and me, at Compass Cafe. Yeah?"
"In the morning or afternoon? I thought it was supposed to be dinner."
Chris chuckled which caused Kierra to look over at him.
"What's so funny?"
"Do you want it to be just dinner?" Chris asked to confirm.
"It can be whatever you want it to be as I didn't think you were being serious about it. Anyways, I also just thought it was a rain check for dinner because you had ask to grab late lunch slash early dinner."
Chris called her name as the two of the them stopped walking. Kierra regarded the male a bit and wondered what he wanted to say.
"Yes, Chris?"
"If you weren't aware by now or at all, but I just wanted to let you know that with you I've always been serious."
"Right. That's a good joke. Tell me something I don't know."
"No really. Yeah, it was playful, but it was always directed at you and only you. And for something that you don't know which is kinda apparent to me now, but I have no feelings for anyone else, but you. I like you, Kierra. I like you a lot."
"What do you mean?"
"Why would you like someone like me? There's like tons of people you hang out with and talk to more than me. So why would you like me when we barely hang out."
Kierra was being serious as she couldn't wrap this information around her at all.
"I mean, you seem to get along well with Jamie and crack a lot of jokes with her like all the time. There's even those few girls that seem to follow you around during the day and fetching you food and drinks like all the time. I'm sure you can get with them without having to try, honestly."
Chris was gonna intervene, but he allowed Kierra to vent out whatever it was that she was trying to make a point of. He was actually quite amuse by what she had to say as he didn't think this was floating about in her head this whole time.
"And then you have those fans of yours. For you, Changbin, and Jisung as 3RACHA. You have no idea how many times they scream and cry at the mention of your guys' names and songs. It's kinda weird. Also, Linna took me to one of your guys' show one time and it was insane. I never went again because I did not want to experience that, but then Linna always knows how to persuade me go to those things and so I just had to deal with it."
Kierra let out a loud sigh at the next set of words she was about to express.
"And don't let me get started on your fanclub page. It's so mind-blowing that all they talk about is your Australian accent, abs, and the type of underwear you wear or whatever. Honestly, like it doesn't dawn on them that you're more than that at all. It's pretty ridiculous."
Kierra went on to list some things she appreciated of Chris while he was left surprised, shocked, and speechless by her thoughts of him.
"Like how you're so caring, considerate, and attentive to those around you. You're ever so patient and want everyone to feel included even if you may not know them that well. How you make people feel at ease with the way your voice and words soothes them. The way your mind works with wanting to convey things in your songs and how you just go about things in general. Chris, you're such an amazing guy and you totally deserve the whole world."
Once Kierra spoke that last sentence she didn't realized that Chris looked at her adoringly when she finally gazed at him. She instantly grew shy at the thought of her expressing what she had really thought about the male over the years.
"So, please tell me how you really feel now, Kierra." Chris teased wanting to break the awkwardness between them after what Kierra had indirectly admitted and knew this sort of thing must've made her feel a bit embarrass and shy.
"You're a brat and super annoying." Kierra retorted and Chris laughed.
"Now, that sounds like the Kierra I know."
"Shut up."
"You're such a tsundere."
Kierra didn't bother to comment on that knowing it was definitely true, but she wouldn't admit to it just yet. She just needed to find a way to get Linna to stop spilling all of her secrets to Chris somehow. Because she knew for a fact that Linna had to have some sort of hand into Chris knowing some of her quirks.
"Anyways, I'm busy Saturday." She finally answered him. "I have a paper to finish that I've been procrastinating on."
"Haven't you listened to one of my song that mentions something about 'stop procrastinating'?"
"I have, but that just makes me want to procrastinate more. Anyways, so no Sa-"
"Sunday. I know you're free Sunday. Linna mentioned that you have nothing planned and are totally free."
"Why do you always gotta get Linna to tell you about my life?"
"Because I know you won't tell me."
"Okay, true, but why do you wanna hang out so bad?"
"It's not a hang out, Kierra. I've been trying to ask you out on a date."
Chris chuckled highly amused, but tried to not rush the female about it.
"So, Kierra, will you go out with me this Sunday?"
"This isn't a joke, right? You're being serious?"
"And if my body is nowhere to be found once the date is over, then please assume your fanclub got to me and did something."
Kierra laughed as she couldn't help it.
"I'm sorry, but I worry about your guys' fanclub as 3RACHA and personal ones. People get scary and crazy with this sort of stuff. You can't blame me."
"I'm here, aren't I? I'll take care of you and protect you from them."
"Oh, my hero." She sarcastically stated with a feign lovely expression.
"I'll try, if you'll have me." Chris stated with a loving gesture.
Kierra rolled her eyes, but nodded in agreement.
"Okay, Chris. I'll go out with you this Sunday. We'll see how this plays out."
"Yes, really."
"Alright, so you take back on me losing your number, right?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Cool, so now about that rain check."
Chris laughed as he dodged a hit from Kierra.
"I thought the rain check was the date."
"No, that was just a date, date, that you agreed with me when I asked not that long ago. The rain check is still something from earlier that I would still like to claim."
"Ugh, seriously, bro, I hate you!"
Kierra made to swing at him again, but Chris caught her hand and then re-positioned them to holding hands instead before leading her back to her dorms.
"C'mon. We can make the rain check like a practice date for Sunday. We can have breakfast tomorrow."
"I hate mornings." Kierra whined as Chris chuckled beside her.
"Don't worry, Kierra, I'll be with you to make it better."
"Fine, you better."
"I will."
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ambersky0319 · 5 years
My Babies I love to hurt-
@whatschooldoesntteachyou you wanted info on my OCs so I shall provide! But in exchange of you have any OCs please tell me about them!! I'd really love to hear about them! Also @tacochippy this applies to you as well! And anyone else interested- I just really wanna hear about y'alls characters!
Kay! Onto my kiddos! This is also really unorganized and probably just the tip of the iceberg-
She was the first OC I ever made and lemme just say,,,, she's come a long way. I'm really attached to her and I just love my royal gal. She's Aro/Ace and had a pretty shitty mom but she's making due. Her best friend is her guard and she had actually encouraged him to ask out his (not at the time) wife!
Also like, she fights on the front lines bc she knows her abilities are stronger than some of her own soldiers, and ends up reducing the death rate among her people(not by much, but it does slowly go down). Evanna has a problem with her own safety- great for angst with her relationships!!
Nezu is a brand new character I made at the last moment, but I absolutely love them. They're pretty young, about 14-15 years old, and identify as agender(it's a miracle they even knew about the term since Dali don't really have vocab for this stuff, they just kinda accept different things). Nezu is a really strong healer despite their age and lack of training, and they really adore history
Oh also Nezu can't fly like most Dali, their wings being too small to support their weight. No one dares mention it though cause you do NOT disrespect a healer in Tongyi, especially if they're a quiet child healer that will ruin your entire reputation cause they just became the queen's favorite being in the entire kingdom
Evanna's guard and best friend, Erin has known Evanna for y e a r s. He's probably the most loyal Dali in Tongyi and thinks of Evanna as a sister. He loves his wife so much and she's probably the only person he'd prioritize over Evanna. Her name's Azzy and he will bring her up in any conversation that he can
He loves kids and it breaks his heart most of the soldiers are teenagers-young adults cause anyone older has already died. So he fights on the front lines with Evanna, even though he's really only average with his abilities. He does have outstanding strategy though, and sometimes the plans become so complicated that he and a select few can actually follow through
Onto the humans! Marie has a pretty chill childhood, it's not as dark as some of my other kids. She's a waitress at a restaurant called Silver Dream Café, a restaurant that doubles as a safe place for the employees. And that's no joke. You can be any age above 14 to work there, and they hire those that haven't had the very best life. Something happens to Marie that's really fucked up and so someone suggested she applies there, and Marie's found a new family there pretty much Her brother gets married and has a baby, and then Marie adopts a Nigerian teenage girl.
Marie's pretty stubborn, and very persuasive. If she really wanted to, she could have become a lawyer, but she really distrusts the judicial system and thinks it's unfair, especially after the thing that happens to her. She's compassionate and can oftentimes see through people's lies. The reason? Marie's outstandingly observational, and has an ability to imitate anyone she sees and hears. It's easy for her to pick up on surface-level habits.
Oh yeah and she's really Bi, her brother doesn't approve for awhile but he eventually comes around
A trained assassin, Leona's very deceiving, having multiple other identities(Abyss - Assassin name, Mariah Peters - news reporter). She does this to protect her actual identity, as well as maybe repress some past events. Her parents are very homophobic and kicked her out around 16 after someone outed Leona as a lesbian.
She turned to a life of crime to sustain herself and somehow got roped into a government organization(experiment) called Tempest. It wasn't long until she was being forced to kill, and she became very apathetic to do her job more efficiently. After all, Tempest payed her well. So she wasn't keen on betraying them anytime soon.
Not until she's given a target by the name Marie Sydney.
Jeremiah is a ftm assassin, but instead of working on the field like most in Tempest, he was placed in the engineer sector, creating weapons and occasionally leaving the compound to help on missions. He's only known as "Pup" among the other Tempest Members because he's really young and small.
He's very intelligent and cunning, and suffers from constant guilt. He's... Working on it.
Oh and he has part of a soul of another one of my OCs in him(1/3 of the soul)
Taylor, often called "Aunty Tay" by her cousin(Neva said it once and it just kinda stuck) and most small children, is the girl that Marie adopted. She's strong and really closed off, often not trusting anyone right away. She really loves her family that Marie brought her into, and will protect them at any cost. Much like Evanna, she's really selfless and is perfectly fine with sacrificing her safety in exchange for the safety of others.
She also has part of the soul within her(2/3) and seems to have the strongest spiritual connection to Cinomeds in general.
Introduced first as a spoiled and then orphaned prince, he's adopted by Evanna much later in the series once he's older and helps support the Tongyian kingdom. He's adaptable in many situations, but deals with emotion very poorly(especially very strong negative emotions). Despite making a lot of mistakes he eventually learns and tries to fix the mistakes.
He's the third part of the soul.
Oh and did I mention Dani, Taylor, and Jeremiah all start dating? Yeah, they're in a healthy poly relationship and care for one another deeply(after a rough introduction at least)
CINOMED KIDS! We're nearing the end. Aki is pretty much a mad scientist, with a disregard for the actual life of creatures. He sees a lot of things as test subjects, and loves to play with the biology of said creatures. He's Aro/Ace and the other Cinomeds are like his family. Although he's introduced as a villain he has a sorta redemption arc thing? Idk I know I just love him-
Is the first and only Cinomed to really be redeemed(ish)
Also a Cinoned, their personality varies greatly because their soul was split into parts(originally two- trio earlier are the first to have Angel's soul split into thirds) and the same goes for their appearance. Before the soul splitting though, Angel was rebellious and often didn't see eye-to-eye with the other Cinomeds
Goes by Serra by the other Cinomeds, she takes rejection horribly. Her and Angel were a thing at one point, before there was a huge fallout and then Angel was torn apart. Serra was crushed, and vowed to protect Aki at all costs cause she was not gonna lose another part of her family
She fails in the end but it's not really her fault?
Oh Serra is also extremely brutal in fights
He's not really that fleshed out... He's the main baddie of my kiddos. Think Aaravos from TDP. Except as a shadow thing. He's the creator of Fahndali and literally every creature there, as well as the other Cinomeds. He split Angel's soul apart before being sucked to the core of the planet where he remained trapped for over a millennia. He's also an asshole, confident in his abilities and not afraid to manipulate those until he feels no need for them.
If people wanna know more just dm me or send an ask and I can probably guarantee more ramblings
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
dude sheepy do u know abt corpse party? if theres rumors abt the delinquent school being haunted, imagine smth kind of like that in that school, but like with less gore. maybe even a ghost love interest. maybe!!! the reader is one of jacks goons and!! love triangle?? i gotta go
Let me throw in not only one, but two new characters in the mix because I'm a masochist.
Jack my boy, I'm sorry, but you have some competition. Also no, Bucky isn't one of the "official characters" (as in, there won't be any requests available for him).
Hidden, forgotten, and starving [Yandere!Delinquent x Goon!Reader x Yandere!Ghost boy x (Fuck, another possible Yandere!oc??)]:
(Non-binary reader btw)
You know, when your leader said something along the lines of "Meet me up in 9 p.m", you thought it was going to be something fun. Maybe you and the gang would be able to hangout without having to be on school grounds, or on a dark nasty alley.
But, nah, that was only wishful thinking.
Jack's type of fun is a little different from the normal person's type of fun. Is surprisingly really violent for someone who's is kinda small, and has such a pretty face.
Not, that you have noticed or anything.
Hell, one of these days he said he would burn a whole corporation and drag some rich family's name into the mud for, pissing him off? You guess?? He was ranting, so none of you actually payed attention.
Again, he may be a little short, but that anger in his soul is something no human can comprehend. Where were you? Oh yeah, he didn't call the gang to play some games and have fun, he had called y'all to beat the shit out of some other gang….
On school grounds…..
At night.
"- …. You know this isn't a good idea, right?"
You asked him if he was sure, but he didn't say anything. He was focused on only one goal.
Entering inside the school isn't really hard. If anything, is pretty easy, jump the horribly placed iron fence. Ya done. Welcome to Saint Bernard's School for Little Prodigies! Where everything sucks, and everyone is insane!
"- It isn't so bad! There are a lot of cool things hidden in this place… There are so many legends that graduated from this school!" Your fellow gang member and also local himbo sweetheart, Bucky, (is actually Benedict, but he doesn't really like that name), said it.
"- I don't think so…" You said honestly. You don't really think you, Bucky, Jack and the others are going to find anything special except dust and old shit. The only thing that will spice this night is this gang meet up or whatever.
"- Come on, it will be fun! We can search the school and find all type of old stuff!" You look at how excited he is, and although you love him dearly, you can't help but still have difficulty to enjoy this whole situation.
"- Bucky….. it's old stuff."
"- I know right! Can you go with me [Y/N]-"
"- Oh my God- Shut up!" Jack yelled. He was getting impatient with your whole conversation. He had only came here to show some girl gang that this school doesn't have any space for them. Not to see…. You and that imbecile talking about stupid shit.
When he yelled he did seem to mention it more towards Bucky than you. It's not that he doesn't like him, it's just that he-
"- [Y/N], come here!" Jack yelled again, calling you to get closer.
You go towards him, as he asks you to look around and see if you can see anyone. But no one seems to be near the school grounds, and you can't see any motorcycle girl's gang anywhere.
"- Why exactly are we going to fight them again?" You ask, tired more than usual of Jack's odd behavior. Or well, usual behavior.
"- …." Silence. He doesn't answer you, but his expressions changes a little. Fuck, why can't you just follow his lead without questioning everything.
No, he shouldn't have thought that, ever. Y'all are your own people, you don't need to hear him, he prefers when you guys decide for yourselves. Well mostly the other ones, when it comes to you, he has a hard time acknowledging how he doesn't like how you head in into danger without hearing him.
He never stops to actually think about this stuff, maybe today he just….. feel a little more on edge than usual.
After seeing that neither you or the rest will just drop the question, he answered.
"- …. Sigh. The leader of the other gang wants to be the new Little Miss Red." He said unbothered, while everyone had an extreme reaction, you were left wondering who the fuck was Little Miss Red.
Sounds like a anime villain, or something like that.
"- [Y/N]!! Y-you don't w-who Little, L-little-"
Bucky was trying to ask you so hard, but he couldn't stop stuttering with excitement and fear. Jack is having none of his dumb attitude today.
"- Speak up. Little Miss Red." He said, harshly. What is wrong with him today?
"- S-sorry Jack. Little Miss Red was the first student to form a gang and dominate the entire school!" He is excited to tell you everything he knows. He may be a little troublemaker, but is mostly because he really admires Lil Red and her story (even if most was left far away from public sight).
"- Oh, really?" You're not gonna lie, you wished you were sleeping at home. You wished you heard about this chick on another day. You can't be bothered right now. So what? Some girl wants to be the new Red? What do you have to do with it?
"- She wants to dominate the school, dumbass." Another one of your group said. Fuck that guy, you can't even remember his name, you're really tired.
"- If not the whole entire neighborhood around the school." Said Jack.
"- Well, I'm pretty sure they aren't coming, how about we just go home then-"
A loud noise came from inside the school. You guys could see a little bit of light coming from outside the windows.
"- Are they inside?" You ask.
"- We were supposed to meet outside." Jack responded.
And then, of course, since you guys really needed an encouragement to get inside that hell place, all of you heard a disturbing, inhuman scream. And after that, a female voice calling for help.
"- …. We, are going in, or…?"
Like, this is a really, really dumb idea. Normally when someone hears a terrible noise and then a call for help, it only ends up being a terrible sign.
"- Going towards the monster, nice plan." You said sarcastically. It's not that you're afraid of monsters….. You just don't want to meet one, in person.
"- Monsters aren't real." Jack said.
"- … But if you really are scared, then come here."
"- Sure."
You walked closer to Jack, that was leading the way towards the corridors. His phone's flashlight being extremely useful.
Something is bugging his mind ever since you all entered school grounds. He feels like Bucky is getting a little too friendly with you, and although he shouldn't be mad about something so stupid, he can't stop thinking about this.
He needs to concentrate, but he can't stop worrying about Bucky losing his guard and you-
"- Hey, I think we should separate."
"- … What?"
He is being a dumbass.
"- Why though? What if we can't find each other?"
He only wants to ask you a simple question, but is such a stupid question. He needs everyone to go away so you two can talk.
"- Let's divide into two groups, I'll go with [Y/N], y'all can go upstairs and check it out."
"- But that's not even equally divided-"
"- I said, go upstairs-"
Another scream. That same female voice, it sounds so close, coming from the other hall.
But then another one, a male voice coming from…. Everywhere.
He sounds desperate, he says that someone should get him out.
"- Hello? Who's there?" Bucky asked.
"- You know, you shouldn't ask ghosts questions, they can start fucking stuff up man." One of the other members said.
"- Oh, but they sound in pain, shouldn't we help-"
"- Please… I don't want to stay here…" The male voice said. His voice is starting to crack, he is crying.
His voice is coming from somewhere really close.
"- Argh!" You all turned your backs to see a girl in leather jacket trying to crawl. She finally notice that she wasn't alone.
"- Help!-" Hands covered her mouth, her face, her arms, it started dragging her backwards.
You guys were going to follow her, when again.
"- Please, open this door…." You heard him, he was in agony. You couldn't leave him alone.
Jack and the others were following the girl, while you kept walking down the hallway. Following the voice.
You felt like you needed to help him. Desperately. He was going to die if you didn't. To you it felt like ages as you walked slowly to the janitor's closet.
Walking silently, trying to hear his pleads. He got louder and louder the more you came closer to his prison.
You found the janitor's closet. The door was shaking with the pounds of the boy.
You opened the door. It wasn't locked. It hadn't been locked since a long time.
You finally woke up from, whatever the hell happened to you just now. But you don't think you're a 100% fine, tho.
You can only hear a deafening silence. There is no one here. There is nothing here except for old paper on the ground.
You walked in, slowly, afraid that if you took a bad step you would suddenly fuck something up.
You kneeled down, looking at the documents in the ground. You, suddenly feel a little too eager to read them.
Maybe you're just feeling really curious.
There are old newspapers, all saying something about Saint Bernard's School for Little Prodigies. Some saying something about Little Miss Red, others about the school bad conditions and somehow involvement into the Amaryllis Academy's school foundation.
You found a couple of notes cut into pieces, some are not easy to read. Others are really simple and, although you would normally find really boring to read this kind of stuff, you have a odd feeling reading them.
It's two friends talking over paper messages. They seem to be in class and can't let the teacher know they're not paying attention. They talk about meeting after school, and having plans on a Saturday. It doesn't have a exact date on the paper, but you can see the paper is pretty old and dirty.
It sounds like a normal friendship. One of them even said:" I have something really important to tell you, but I can't really tell you in person since I'm really shy about this stuff. I'll tell you this Saturday, I promise."
You found old photos of students on the ground. Most are market with a red marker. Crosses all over their faces. But the are only two that you can see the face of.
A chubby black girl, big curly hair, wearing glasses. She is looking really awkward in this picture, as if she didn't want to take it. She is wearing the same blue jacket you're using right now.
The other one, however.
Is the same chubby black girl. Her hair has red streaks on it, and she isn't wearing the blue jacket, but rather a red vest, with fishnets under going from her shoulder, to her hands. You almost thought they weren't the same person, one looks shy and awkward, but somehow really sweet, the other one is straight up giving whoever was the cameraman the middle finger. Her faces says how done she is with everyone's bullshit.
You like this girl. You guess this is the girl you heard about.
And the last thing you found. Was a cut article about, some student that was found dead out of nowhere on this school.
His body was inside this closet.
You didn't notice, but time suddenly stopped when you enter in the janitor's closet. It didn't stop literally, but you didn't felt like it was running normally.
On a moment you were seeing a girl being dragged by some hands, and now your reading some old creepy stuff.
Which reminded you-
"- [Y/N]! Where are you?" Jack asked, his voice was somewhere distant.
"- Wait, guys I'm here!"
You get up as fast as you can, but it didn't matter.
As soon as you return to reality after reading about your cursed school, you felt the sudden realization that they didn't see you going the other way. Hell, you didn't even help that girl that was being fucking dragged!
Before you can escape this terrible place, the door closes.
And it locks itself.
"- No, no, no, no, no, guys! Come on, I'm here, you idiots!"
You bang the door and scream as loud as you can. No one can hear you.
"- Goddammit."
You start packing, thinking they might leave you here if you don't do something. But before you can think of a way out, the realization of you not being the only one inside there, hits you really hard.
"- …. He-help!" You heard it. That same male voice from before. Closer than ever. He sounds like he is right behind you.
Yet his voice sounds hoarse. Timid, yet cold.
You turn around to look at your company, you see a student, just like you, curled up into a ball, holding his stomach. He is murmuring nonsense….
You try to get closer.
Hey, maybe he is lost…?
You can see he is a latino boy with long hair, tied as a low ponytail. He is shaking uncontrollably.
"- I'm- I'm so hungry. Please, let me go."
He managed to say out loud.
"- Hey, are you alright? I can help you, we just need to get out of this closet, I can buy you something, okay?"
What happened to this poor guy? He seems traumatized.
"- Pl-please!"
He stutters again. You came closer, putting your hand on his shoulder.
"- I'm going to help you, okay?"
You say.
He stopped shaking. He stopped talking. He stopped hyperventilating. He stopped breathing.
He is extremely cold.
Before you can react, you're pinned to the ground. The ghost boy on top of you, salivating like a mad man.
"- Hey! Get off!" You don't want to believe this guy is dead. Ghosts aren't real. Monsters aren't real, right??
He is breathing even faster than before. Like there isn't enough air on his lungs.
Believe it or not, he truly doesn't want to do this.
"- ….. I'm sorry." He apologized before biting your neck.
"- What?-Aaaaargh!-"
For a ghost guy, he does feel really real! It hurts a lot!! What is he a vampire or a ghost?
You're bleeding. He isn't trying to suck your blood, he is trying to tear your skin.
You can hear his stomach growling.
And you can also hear Jack searching for you. You manage to free yourself from the ghosts grip and move yourself away for a bit.
"- Jack? JACK! Help!- Argh, fuck! Get off!"
Only to have him try to tear your arm away. He isn't doing a good job at this though.
"- I'm sorry. I-I'm really sorry!" You look and see him crying.
"- Well, then let me-"
A unholy screech comes from you. He broke your arm, at first he didn't seem so strong, but after feeling him digging his fingers into your arm and rotating it, you can tell he really is trying to tear your arm away.
He could have done this quicker. But he didn't want to do this to begin with! He swears, he doesn't like doing this…
For your luck, your scream is heard. You can see the door shaking and hear Jack screaming for you on the other side.
Ghost boy got distracted by it. Usually, there isn't anyone at night. Actually, he is the whole reason there isn't any night classes.
Too many students and staff members suddenly going missing at night time.
It's good to meet new people. He used to think so. He misses having company.
He misses not endlessly consuming people to satisfy an endless hunger.
"- Jack!" You took advantage of the boy's distraction, and decided to get away from him. You kicked him, but your foot passed right through him.
You still managed to get away and reach the door. You looked back, thinking he was chasing you.
He wasn't. He didn't want to. He could, but he really didn't want to.
He only said his goodbye towards you, still apologizing for what happened.
You were too surprised by the boy's action, that you collided with Jack when he opened the door.
"- Ouch- Really? You missed me this much [Y/N]?"
You can't respond. You're hyperventilating like you just runned a marathon.
"- Hey, are you alright? I heard you screaming, are you hurt?"
You remember your arm was broken, and that's when you realize, it's really painful. Yet you can't really find the right words right now.
"- [Y/N]?!"
Jack brought you home after the whole incident happened. Turns out the girl that was getting dragged was actually the leader of the gang you were supposed to fight off.
Janette, the girl's name, was "playing a little prank on everyone", cause you know, that's really funny when everyone is scared as hell.
The fight was still going to happen, but Jack couldn't care less about that or her, he only wanted take care of your broken arm. Janette didn't really complain, she didn't understand how the hell you managed to get your arm broken, but she didn't want to fight anyone that was already in disadvantage.
Although being someone that wanted to pick a fight with all of you, Janette helped you out with your broken arm and bleeding caused by the ghost boy.
She is apparently really talented when it comes to dealing with this stuff, you can tell she has been through a lot, looking at her scarred face.
She is really pretty for someone so build. Damn, that actually makes her more pretty though.
Oh, and about the ghost. No one fucking believes you. They all think you either were hallucinating or just "saw things because you were scared".
You tried to explain how you got hurt, but when you mentioned a ghost, absolutely no one understood what you were talking about.
Anyway, you had a long night. You need some rest. In the morning you'll explain what happened to everyone.
Even if you yourself can't tell what really went down while you were at school.
Your mind keeps re-telling you what the ghost had told you before you left.
"- I'm sorry. I was really hungry."
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capsiclesdoll · 5 years
Tumblr media
Characters: Steve Rogers, Reader, Peggy Carter, OC!Male Joseph James Rogers
Word Count: I don't know.I lost track.
Warnings: Language, stalker!reader.
A/N: So first of all, I'm not really confident about the way I write. English is not my first language so please go easy on me. I love to write but I still have to learn more things to perfect my writings. You'll see when you read my work. Okay, enough of that. So the reason why I did write this is because I wanna share my work with you guys. I got inspired to write this while listening to Colors by Halsey. If you haven't heard that, please try to give it a try. It's one of my favorite songs from Halsey. And also, I hope this will shock everyone at the ending of the story and I hope you like my work. So, let's start and enjoy reading! 💜
You were sleeping peacefully in your bed, dreaming about the things you wanted to do with him when the sun peeking through your curtain, which made you open your eyes. You groan and blinded for a second and look around the room your at it. You sit and your back at wall behind you and adjusting your vision so you can see perfectly. You stared at yourself in the mirror and the side of your lips went up and thinking it's a brand new day to start your routine. You jumped out your bed and headed towards the bathroom and do your thing. You hum as your wash yourself and close your eyes thinking of his face. Oh, how you love his face every morning. How the sun touch his perfect skin, and those lovely eyes where you can see the galaxies in it. God, how you wished to held by him. And the way his smile at you takes away you breathe. How you long for his touch.
As you dream about him, a loud knock on your door interrupt you from dreaming. The knock went louder and you can't help but to groan annoyance. You hurridly turn off the shower and wrap the towel around your body. The knocks continue and you swear if that person won't stop knocking, you're ready to throw anything at that person.
"Just a second!" you shout and angrily open the door. You froze in your spot when you saw the person who's been knocking at your very loudly. You hurridly composed yourself and gave her a smile.
"Mrs. Rogers, h-hey! What are you doing here?"
God, what is she doing here? It's too early for this. You can't help curse under your breathe and compose yourself again. God, you hate the way she startled you.
"Hello dear. I'm so sorry for short notice but the boys and I are up early and we decided to invite you to eat breakfast with us. I'm pretty sure the boys will love your company, dear."
Your eyes immediately sparkled when she mentioned them. Your mind immediately picture him in your head drinking his morning coffee, politely talk and sneakily give you his breathtaking smirk. God, you can't wait to see that. You face Peggy and thank her for inviting you. You face Mrs. Rogers and smiled widely at her.
"Oh! I'd love that, Peggy. Please do come in and let me just finish my bath so we can join the boys." You offered and Peggy accepted it. You excused yourself and headed towards the bathroom. This is gonna be a great day today.
As you two walking, Peggy starts telling the story about her son James, which is your boyfriend about his childhood. As she continue her story, your mind is somewhere else. You didn't pay attention because you're not interested. It's rude but you're not in the mood to hear her voice. It just irritate you a lot. When she's glancing at you while still talking, you smiled to her and acting like you're listening. You just let her. Finally, the two of you reached the entrance and you immediately took a picture using the camera your holding and pointed it towards your boyfriend and his dad.
As you finished, you hurridly run down towards the boys and James immediately gave you a kiss on your lips earning a laugh from his father who's watching you two with a happy smile. Soon after, Peggy stands close to her husband and you lift your camera to capture their kiss. You smiled at them and sat on your chair. The four of you starts talking about your day and Peggy raised her hand to call a waiter so the four of you can start ordering your breakfast. Peggy and James ordered tea and bread, while Steve ordered a heavy meal, which you also ordered.
"You sure you can finish it doll?" Steve questioned and you gave him a nod.
"Of course, I can. I'm a big girl now, you know." you replied and gave him a wink. Laughter erupts around your table as your boyfriend James gave you a kiss on your cheeks, and Peggy and Steve gave you two a genuine smile.
As the four of you wait for your food, James challenged his father, Steve at tennis. Whoever wins gets a picture with you, which to your surprise. You immediately shook your head and suggest that the winner can get a picture with Peggy but to your surprise, the three of them insist that the winner takes a picture wih you and you had no choice but to give in. You looked up and you saw Steve stared at you for a second and immediately turn his attention back to his wife. What was that?
Finally, after finishing the breakfast. It was the start of the challenge. But before all four of you decides to head towards the court, the boys excused themselves first and headed towards the men's room, which leaves you with Peggy. As Peggy continue talking, you excused yourself also that you need to fix yourself before heading the court. Peggy gave you a smile and you run towards the ladies room like your life depends on it.
You smile widely as you snap another photo of him. You look at the photo and you can't help but to bring it to your lips and kissed it. How you love that lips of him. As you continue to snap a photo, your eyes widened when he start lifting his shirt and as for you, you squirm and trying to calm yourself even it didn't work. You hurridly took a shot and another shot and you would do anything to touch him. You were busy looking at the photo when you heard his voice making you tear away from the photo and God fucking damn it, you silently pray that his thing would fit you. You took a shot again. Every inch of his body. From his eyes, nose, lips to his nipples, muscles and down to his legs. You stared at your photo again and admiring it. He is the real definition of Adonis, and you were sure that you'll feel that perfectly sculpted muscles around you. You're very sure of that. Your head snapped when you heard them walking towards the door. You immediately fix your things run towards your room. You decided to arranged that later and you headed towards the court, and of course not forgetting your precious camera. You're gonna fill the notebook of yours with the pictures of him. You were so glad that your boyfriend insisted you to come with them. A smile crept up to your face as you began to snap another photos of him. It was always him. God, you just love him so damn much and want so him so bad.
A week later after the wonderful weekend with the Rogers, you are back again with your daily life. Which means, the life of a student and your daily stalking of him. Yes, it was creepy but you really can't help yourself. You're too deep in love with him. The school ended up early because of the big game of your school, which you really don't care. Now, you decided to stalk him instead and capture a bunch of pictures of him. You immediately gathered your things, ignoring the call of your boyfriend in the hallway and you run towards the secret place where you can watch him creepily.
You bring your camera to your eyes and capture a photo of him. You can't help but to bite your lips as he run down his hand down to his body. He cupped his crotch and release a fucking sexy moan that also made you touch yourself. Good thing they suspend the class early. He began to unzip his zipper and his dick immediately flung out of his boxer. God, he's big. God bless america for that. You snap a photo of it and lay it down to your side as you began to rub yourself, imagining his lips into yours. You had to stop yourself from moaning loudly, for him to not catch you. He stroke his huge dick and pumped it fast. He groan and you wished you knew what made him jerk himself out of nowhere. This is the fifth time you catch him doing that and it reslly made you curious. As you two began to feel that you're close, he fasten his pace and you were too. In a span of minutes, you both came and you feel yourself that you're going to pass out. You silently fix yourself and when you turn your attention to him, his gaze towards where you're hiding was intense. You froze on your spot when he smirk at you. Fuck.
He knew. He knew you're watching him. He knew that you're hiding. He knew it was you.
He turn his gaze away from you and clean himself. He fix his things and with the last one look, he gave you again an intense look that made you gulp and turn away and walk towards the door. When you heard the door clicked, you didn't know what you're gonna do. The sweat run down to your temple and you're fucked up now. How will act in front of him? You wiped the beads of your sweat and immediately fix your things and lock yourself in your room. You need to lay down. Maybe days or weeks. This is not what you're expecting today. God, you were so fucked.
A/N: I decided to cut this in two parts. I don't know if y'all going to like it but I tried my best. Feedback is appreciated. You guys can judge my work, I don't bite. Thank you for reading! 😊
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