#oh also I was the only one to not die to the baradium bomb when our stealther was getting the speeder up for z&t
vespertine-legacy · 1 year
Things I’m learning to do really well on Firebrand and Stormcaller:
Kiting the lightning spikes while everyone else is on the tanks. I am golden at positioning the spikes so that if we’ve got a Juggernaut dps, they can reflect that shit
Cleansing the missile off of myself in a timely manner and a good spot (the only time I died to the missile tonight, I’m honestly not sure if that’s what killed me, because both tanks were dead and I took Double Destruction to the face and a missile strike, so)
Helping the dps find the Trandoshan with the bomb (debuff hunting!) and helping kill Trandoshans while also panic-healing the tank that’s not under a shield as he flies by
Things I will apparently never learn to do on Firebrand and Stormcaller:
Not goddamn res anybody while I’m kiting lightning spikes, only to have them immediately get obliterated by the lightning spike I just res’d them into (and since I’m almost always muted, me screaming “NO DONT TAKE IT DONT TAKE IT DONT TAKE IT WAAAAAAAAAAAAIT” is useless)
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