ofsunsandfallon · 10 years
Brett Ashley
Fallon gives two thumbs up for Brett's lifestyle of zero fucks given and bitchface game. and tbqh, two thumbs up is about the highest praise most people usually get from Fallon.
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ofsunsandharlow · 10 years
Ashley Sisters
Harlow just wants to be fierce and free and spontaneous like the Ashleys pls teach her your secret ways (she will NEVER get it on her own). I feel like she's actually totally intimidated by them tho tbh but also like WOW MY IDOLSSSSS
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ofsunsandarisa · 10 years
Brett Ashley
Arisa is always on the look out for invites to Brett's parties (if she doesn't get one, she'd show up anyway just to fuck shit up ngl) But until that time, Brett is probs one of the few people she'd be at least passably nice to bc she likes to get those invites. Also bc usually wherever Brett is, so too is there alcohol and Strife loves alcohol ;DDDDD
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ofsunsandlyra · 10 years
(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ brett ashley
lyra's most favorite thing to do is draw vaginas and write feminist tumblr quips on bathroom stalls but then you have all these shame-faced individuals w/ their pics on the wall of shame and then there's just brett and charley [like this] photoshooting it but can you just imagine brett and lyra pulling some gene parmesan shit just walking into bars and pulling off their giant bear heads and just being like 'IT US' and then the crowd screams obv. beautiful friendship is beautiful.
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ofsunsandlyra · 10 years
brett ashley ♥
basically lyra and brett would be excellent at playing each other's wingmen b/c -- bartender: um ma'am i'm gonna have to ask u to stop dancing off the chandeliers lyra: is it b/c she's a womAN?????? ?????????????????? fuck this lets go pee in this man's alley way and go dancing p much the collection of westwood's bars and clubs should kno that they're rlly only there to fuck shit up then leave xo
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