narcasse-blog1 · 7 years
@ofoblivium liked the starter call! 
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“Are you considering venturing into the Draupnir’s canyon?” A fleeting moment of intrusion as his eyes caught the Assassin’s in the sea of Elyos wandering about, scouting for parties as it is quite unusual for any player to solo such a quest,  “Perhaps you wouldn’t mind partnering with a Cleric?” 
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leternelle-blog · 7 years
✞ || ❝ Did you believe what that pitiful girl said? How naive! ❞ humanity is beyond saving, after all. Years passed and none of them walk towards a better path. bigotry and individualism increased per generation and there is no way a man could fix it. ❝  To eliminate a wild grass you need to burn them all to its root. Letting them grow would result in nothing but a constant disappointment to those hanging, clinging, helplessly to an abomination called hope. ❞ 
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『  @ofoblivium 』
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narcasse-archive · 7 years
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“OH, don’t give me that look.”
     His captain’s gaze was infuriating to look at, especially when Uranami wasn’t merciful when it comes to tease. He’d been out on the mission thrice with a solo intend, and had died thrice to find himself re-spawned back into Abolu’s Haven. Though Narsus had not been the sort to repeatedly fail his mission, however it’d been the Balaur’s dastardly abode that renders his magic null. The Indratu beasts were rather sturdy now that he’s come to remember, he’d only been able to slay one but not another.
     “The Indratu Clan were a devious bunch, neither of my intended targets were stood far from one another. And before I draw one one away the other had punctured my cover. Escape unharmed would seem impossible.” | @ofoblivium
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My url? 0A0
My Opinion on;
Character in general: I have never really heard of Aion Online until I met Aoi over here. And while I haven’t really interacted much with Uranami, save for one thread on my Illya, he seems like a charming, quirky character. Very interesting and definitely somebody Kao would probably get along swimmingly with.
How they play them: Aoi portrays that part of Uranami very well. Again, I can’t really say much about this because of lack of interactions, but from what I’ve seen, Aoi does a fantastic job of bringing Uranami to life in RP threads~
The Mun: I’m so glad to be friends with Aoi~ I first met her from one of their older RP blogs, and we became friends over MapleStory. We haven’t been talking much lately, thanks mostly to a lot of IRL things like school, but I’m still very happy to have her as a friend nonetheless. Plus might I say that she has a cute voice? :3c
Do I:
RP with them: Not at the moment
Want to RP with them:  Of course!!!
What is my;
Overall Opinion:Aoi is a super cool person, and her roleplaying is certainly top-notch. I’m glad we got to know each other, and I’m looking forward to more interactions with her on any of our blogs. Please follow her because she’s AMAZING~!!!
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eternxloptimism · 7 years
ofoblivium replied to your post: ❆
Bc fuck yeah mmo muses~
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graceful-cure-swan · 7 years
Tsubasa was a literal kid in a candy store. Her mouth watered as she looked at all of the colorful sweets, walking away from Uranami to get a closer look at them. She’d gone here with him because they were touring the city, but it seemed her attention easily wandered.
It took a few moments of staring at the treats, but she eventually turned back to her friend.
“Isn’t this place so colorful? Do you want anything, Uranami-san?” She asked. It was only polite to pay for things on this trip, despite the fact she was the younger one of the two. Did Uranami even have any yen at this point? He did come from another world, after all, so it would make sense if he usually used other currency.
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eternxloptimism · 7 years
❊ I want to roleplay with you
YESSSS I WANT TO RP WITH YOU TOO!!! Hmu any time, dude, for real! Let’s come up with something!
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graceful-cure-swan · 7 years
Iris, blue hyacinth
Iris — “Your friendship means so much to me”
Blue Hyacinth — “I will give my life to your service.”
Tsubasa couldn’t help but blush a little bit at the meaning of the second flower. Despite knowing things were completely platonic in this case, the blonde had simply read too much romance novels.
“Th-thank you, Uranami-san! These flowers are so pretty!” She said, smiling a tad awkwardly.
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Lots of cheese
A starter for @ofoblivium [thank you for reading the rules btw! I got your ask sweetheart! cx]
A heavy sigh left the redhead’s lips. Why in the bloody hell did she get so many samples of cheese?! And what can she do with it?! Frustration written all over her face as she made her way to a nearby wooden bench of sort and sat down next to a male.
Being polite, she turned to him and offered a small smile with a friendly “Hello.” before returning her gaze to the bag she received that was full of the dairy products. Taking out one small part, she stared at it before deciding to plop it in her mouth. Seems that she’ll have to live on this for a while if she plans for it to disappear soon.
Though…the more she ate, the more it looked like there was no end to it.
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“How…how is this possible?”
Yona questioned, dissatisfaction crossing her face soon before she decided to talk to the stranger next to her once again. “Excuse me sir, are you…interested…in um…some cheese?” If anything she could sell it of, or give at least some amount to this guy even for free.
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"Don't worry about it. I'm used to this kind of thing."
Fate/Stay Night {Sentence Starters}Accepting
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“Is that so? Well that takes a load off my back. So tell me, how often does this sort of thing happen for you to become so used it? I am admittedly curious.”
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thrxnedheart-blog · 8 years
@ofoblivium liked for a starter!
“Listen, I’m telling the truth!”
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A panicked yell came from the teen as she looked around. “I just..woke up here, okay? Stop getting on my case-- if I’m like, on some private property or something, I’ll leave right now..” Confused looks were given here and there..Xion had no idea where the hell she was.
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graceful-cure-swan · 7 years
"Ey Tsubasa~ I found some reeeeeeaaal interestin' cookies for ya~" Cue the daeva giving the girl oreo cookies....except the sweet sugar in between is replaced with mayonaise. The box wrapping, and everything is so well wrapped as well as the fact that Uranami is also perfectly concealing his trollish smile.
“Ah, thank you, Uranami-san!” Tsubasa happily accepted the cookies from the older man. She was falling for the prank, hook, line, and sinker. Sure, it was April Fool’s Day, but that hadn’t crossed the young girl’s mind as she thought about sharing the cookies with her friends. Not to mention the fairies!
Little did she know, she and the other girls were in for a surprise when they ate the cookies...
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ridehiswhip-moved · 8 years
@ofoblivium said: That is true. Even some really unknown heroic spirits from their original legends ended up as high ranks. @sacrosancthero said: A loli in almost no clothing is a 5* and she has pathetic stats. FGO ranking system is BS.
i love the salt
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