islandiis · 6 months
1873; United States | @offreedom
It had been a long journey — understatement of the century, really. It was only merciful he already resided in Denmark at the time, or he would have been forced to add a leg out from Iceland, also. He had boarded the ship in Copenhagen just over a month prior, despite the extensive fussing of his brother and the attempts to convince him otherwise. This trip would likely have been exhausting for just about anyone, let alone someone of Eirik's fragile constitution. Their relationship was close, if not a little on the codependent side, and he had great qualms about his frail little brother making the month long journey to the New World. But Eirik was stubborn as a mule, as he always had been, and he insisted that the trip might be good for him. There was no way to change his mind, ultimately.
It had, indeed, been exhausting. Eirik realised fairly quickly after leaving the port in Leith that this was not going to be an easy trip. There were simply too many people in cramped quarters, although it was made slightly easier upon learning that a fair few of these passengers were fellow Icelanders, emigrating. There was also the issue of the coal-burning ship, which Eirik hadn't accounted for, and nerves growing by the second as he wondered what awaited him on the other side of the Atlantic. He had spent the voyage mostly reading and writing, or socialising with his countrymen. On the days where his body buckled under the exhaustion or illness snuck up on him - which, he'd never admit to his brother, happened more ofren than he'd like - he always found his people sitting by his bed to keep him company. The trip was long, but a nice little community was formed, and he even gave several his address in Copenhagen so they could write one another once they had settled. Something in him ached, knowing they were leaving their home under these circumstances, but Eirik couldn't blame them. Laki had affected them all.
The trip from New York to West Virginia was much quieter, and Eirik found himself yearning for the companionship of his fellow Icelanders, or his brother across the Atlantic. But it was a short ride, in comparison - only about 7 hours - and although he tried to sleep, he simply couldn't. The views outside the windows were dim, but unlike anything he'd seen in Iceland. Everything here was so incredibly huge, as well - especially what little he saw of New York. It was rather overwhelming, but nothing moreso than the uncertainty of what awaited him on his arrival into West Virginia. The entirety of the train ride was spent fidgeting, staring out windows, drumming his heel, waiting.
When the train docks, he feels like he can't move. But here he is: West Virginia, United States of America. How grand.
He can feel himself shaking as he steps off the train, and his breathing is audibly rasping. People push past him off the train and he looks rather unnerved by the hustle-and-bustle, but then the crowd parts and he's the only one left on the platform. Not that he was hard to spot in the first place: a young man, probably bordering on eighteen, as white as snow and looking completely bewildered. And he is easily spotted; his eyes land on a woman he believes might be Abigail, and she looks back at him. Timidly, he gives her a little half-smile and waves, but he's hesitant to close the distance himself in case he might be wrong. This is all so... New, after all.
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dansk-dame · 1 year
"Good girl.~"
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scntlisi · 1 year
Relationship Meme // @offreedom
⛅️  friends of circumstance
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I love friendships of circumstance because they're the kind that make others wonder how they're friends to begin with? And obviously, there's like formal diplomatic relations but they're not super close that way, so they may be closer on a personal level? I think their personalities would mesh pretty well and Selipha is definitely the kind who'd find Keira's stubbornness a bit endearing as opposed to annoying, especially when Sel's a bit snarky on occasion. And it's kind of on brand to find something that people would find annoying kind of cute.
I highkey see Sel thinking Keira's cool (I mean she thinks most people are cool but Keira's a cool af person) and if they ever mutually have free time, she's going to invite her to her country because adrenaline junkie + nature lover = adventures to be had!
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ehrendame · 6 months
Flops on the Queen's lap.
Resi was engrossed with her music and was unaware that Keira was in her house. It wasn't until she flopped onto her lap that Resi realised. A gasp followed as she looked down at the American on her lap. "Hey, you..." Resi stated as she turned off her music and placed her phone on the side table. Looking at the blonde, with a small yet slightly surprised smile before saying, "I wasn't aware you were coming around today?" She comments still looking at Keira.
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ourfairdominion · 1 year
i came as fast as i could.
"Good! Hudson won't get off me" Matthew yelled laying in the middle of the floor, with a bear sized dog laying on him. "Help please"
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the--emerald--isle · 1 year
@offreedom continued from here
Proclaim to be, hm? Without saying a word, lightning crackled about Aaron's pale, bony fingers; arcs of blue-white electricity mirroring the equally blue glow the older Nation's single visible eye had taken on. (His blind eye glowed nearly white, but it was almost completely hidden by his bangs.) The day had been bright and clear, but within the same heartbeat, storm clouds gathered on swift winds; it wasn't a "true" storm, and didn't last, but the point had been made. Everything but the lightning wreathing the Irishman's fingers and hand receded after a few moments, and when he spoke, it was -- perhaps unexpectedly -- soft. "Don' need t' proclaim anythin', lass."
Magic was in his blood -- in his bones, after all.
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xx-poetry-witch-xx · 6 months
A few blocks and five years
Are all that separate us now
The feeling offreedom in the wind
Is still the same
I want to tell you
All the things we've done
Scream it
Let the breeze carry it to you
But five years is a lot of time
For a few words to cross
But I think you hear them anyway
Staring out across the sky
The thunder rumbles my reassurances
It is okay
We are okay
Healing is a long road
That even five years cannot complete
But we are so much better
So much better
You on your empire
Me on my rock
We have found solid ground
A refuge
A home
A new love
And old love
And happiness
We are not afraid anymore
We have made ourselves a home
And we are safe again
A few blocks away and five years from you
I stand in a place
You never thought we'd be
You survived for me
And I live for you
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jasonleo · 10 months
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Product Features:
1.Unique rotary structure design
2.Motion with super high degree offreedom
3.Maximizing productivity in limited space
4.Lifting structure and rotary arm
5.Workpiece can be grabbed from any direction
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anglo-saxons · 3 years
@offreedom cont. x
[SMS]: If you don’t answer me via text messaging, I’ll call you. And if you don’t answer my call, I’ll come to you. It’s your choice.
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forunityandfreedom · 4 years
With concern in her face she stared at the food in front of her and carefully took the fork, not really sure if she wanted to eat any of the food. "Thank you again cooking. It looks...nice"
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islandiis · 8 months
continued / @offreedom
Admittedly, it's hardly Keira's fault it's been a while — life had been anything but kind lately and, in typical Fannar fashion, he had gone completely AWOL for some time. He's starting to vaguely find his feet again, although things aren't likely to change much for a while yet. Still, he knows Keira won't blame him, and that's comforting. He's safe with her, and he loves her. Seeking her out just comes naturally.
"How are you? I'm sorry I didn't see you over the holidays. I don't even have anything for you. Did you have a nice time? Did it snow?"
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truculentmoose · 4 years
@offreedom requested a hug
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He stared at his sister with his arms crossed, not knowing what she was planning now. As long as he existed, she had never wanted a hug from him. was it another one of her pranks. but after a sigh, he threw the thoughts aside and finally pulled her into a gentle embrace, lightly patting her back. Awkward sibling hug at its best.
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scntlisi · 1 year
where do you think they get all this stuff?
"Somewhere that's not half as exciting as the thing itself, I'm sure."
Selipha can't help but chuckle at the thought, the mystery is always the most exciting thing, always has been and always will be, she supposes. Especially for people like them. After a few hundred years the thought of something unknown suddenly becomes exciting. It might be romantic in a way, if one was the type to think of such existential things as 'romantic'.
And Sel was certainly the type.
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"But doesn't knowing almost ruin the whole mystique of it all?"
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ehrendame · 1 year
Responding to this by @offreedom
[SMS: Keira 🇺🇲👩🏼] Me crying over a boy? That's rididicious. I have better things to do than pine over a boy who is too much of a wimp to call or text me.
[SMS: Keira 🇺🇲👩🏼] I am just angry that someone I am meant to love is ghosting me.
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briteain · 3 years
❛  there is a certain amount of truth behind everything that people do.  everything they do tell you a little something about them.   ❜
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            “   did  you  get  that  off  the  side  of  a  bag  of  crisps?   ”  it  is  just  a  tad  more  philosophical  than  what  he's  grown  used  to  in  this  particular  company.    legs  crossed,  he  shifts  back  against  the  couch  with  a   –   still  very  much  dismissive   –   scoff.  “   tell,  should  i  make  something  out  of  this?   ”
@offreedom  /  feeling things.
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the--emerald--isle · 1 year
🍺 🍔 🤸‍♀️
🍺 - How does your muse feel about the consumption of alcohol? Do they drink? Are they a heavy drinker, or are they on the lighter side? What's your muse's favorite alcoholic drink?
As perhaps expected, Aaron doesn't mind alcohol, and is a drinker himself; Holy Week being the only exception. He's learned his limits over the years, and knows very well what's too much or just enough; too much locks him in nightmares/memories, while just enough lets him sleep without dreams of any sort. Unsurprisingly, he's partial to whiskey or beer, though he also appreciates absinth, mulled wine, or mead now and again.
🍔 - What kind of food does your muse usually eat? Do they have a favorite food, or favorite style of food? Do they have allergies? Are they vegan, vegetarian, etc.?
Cliche is it is, Aaron does enjoy pub food, when he can make himself eat doesn't feel like making something himself. Hearty foods are his staple, with a preference for stews, breads, dairy, and things of the like. (Just no meat on Wednesday or Friday, regardless of whether it's Lent or not.) He'll also readily admit to having a weakness for fish -- salmon in particular -- and most fruits. And yes, he does appreciate potatoes a fair bit... though eating them has the tendency to remind him of the blighted ones from the Famine.
🤸‍♀️ - How active is your muse? Do they exercise regularly? Do they do things like yoga? What else do they do to keep fit and active? Are they flexible? Can they do parkour?
He very rarely exercises intentionally, as he tends to be kept busy most of the time, and tends to walk most places. When he has time to himself, he can be found wandering about forests, cliffs, and beaches. Aaron used to be a lot more flexible than he is now, but that was almost a thousand years ago, back when he had the run of the place before England decided to conquer. Parkour is a strange concept to him, and while it's interesting, he has no desire to do it.
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