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simmsmovements · 3 months
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elite-clearance · 6 months
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Office / business unit - Clearance & Removal available
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
5 minute read
TW: descriptions of sexual violence from the start
“For two hours he tortured me, his hands were everywhere. I thought rape was inevitable, I wondered whether I’d get out alive. We were in an empty property on a quiet cul-de-sac and he’d completely overpowered me.” These are the words of a female estate agent who was attacked by the seller of a property she had gone to value in Essex.
Hers is not a lone voice. Women in the property industry, who frequently visit empty homes alone — either to value them for sellers or to show prospective buyers around — are speaking out about the dangers.
Now, 30 years after the estate agent Suzy Lamplugh was declared dead (seven years after going missing on a viewing in Fulham, west London, with a man who called himself “Mr Kipper”) and 31 years after the Birmingham estate agent Stephanie Slater was kidnapped during a house viewing, women are saying it still isn’t safe to do their job.
Only 22 per cent of estate agents and letting agents, male and female, feel safe when on viewings, while 82 per cent say estate agent safety isn’t taken seriously enough — according to a survey of 150 agents across the country Allan Fuller an estate agent in Putney, southwest London.
The case of the estate agent in Essex, who spoke anonymously to The Times, was dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service last year, two days before coming to court. “I am furious, he had the money to hire a big shot lawyer. I feel let down,” she says. “It has been absolutely horrendous. It had a massive effect on my whole life: my relationship of 15 years broke down and I ended up on antidepressants and having panic attacks every time I went on a valuation.”
Although she has now moved agencies, she continues to work as an estate agent. “I thought, if I give up my job, he has won again — and I love my job.” However, she insists her female colleagues carry rape alarms, check in before and after house visits, and follow strict protocols about leaving doors open in properties and never getting into cars with sellers or potential buyers.
Fuller says: “There is a common misperception in the industry that ‘it won’t happen to me’.”
The responses to Fuller’s survey show that it does happen. One female respondent who works in the West Midlands wrote: “I recently valued a property and met with a man accused of domestic violence and I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life. He proceeded to show me an over-stair cupboard and said that there was ‘enough space for three dead bodies’. I left quickly after that.”
Other comments included:
“During a repossession the owner climbed into the loft and was threatening with a knife. Police had to taser him twice to safely remove him.”
“Carrying out a market appraisal with a gentleman who revealed he was due in court the next day to be charged with rape.”
“I believed a viewer was carrying a knife on a viewing, they were trying to get me into a certain room. The vibe wasn’t good, so I managed to email my office an SOS. Two members of staff came and pretended to be the next viewers.”
And: “I was covering a valuation and the person locked me in without me knowing and as I went to leave he went to hug me. I had to duck under his arm and unlatch the door quickly to get out.”
It’s not just on visits that workers are vulnerable, though. One estate agent told The Times how she was assaulted by a prospective buyer while working alone in an office in Oxford on a dark December evening. After being cornered, by the photocopier, she says she managed to “thump him in the windpipe” and run for help. He was arrested and charged. She now insists all her staff carry rape alarms and follow strict safety rules in and out of the office.
Fuller says he makes staff safety a priority too, sending his staff on self-defence courses — “one tip I picked up was if a man is making an unwanted move on a woman she should look as if she’s about to be sick, they soon back off” — issuing rape alarms, fitting CCTV and insisting that prospective buyers and sellers visit the office, verify their name and address, and are captured on camera before going on viewings.
Claire Lewis, 65, was an estate agent in Putney at the time Lamplugh went missing. She says: “Everyone was so shocked, we’d been getting into cars with prospective clients and going on viewings with men. It never occurred to us that anything could happen. That all changed and we suddenly became much more aware.”
However, she now worries for her daughter, Charlotte Dale, 34, a part-time estate agent in southwest London. “Generally things seem more dangerous for women even though they have mobile phones. Whereas in the past men acted in isolation — now they receive validation and encouragement on the internet,” Lewis says.
The estate agent from Essex, who was tortured for two hours, says she wants to see a national campaign to draw attention to the dangers: “Some estate agents seem to care more about protecting assets, with money laundering checks etc, than they do about protecting their staff. This has to change.”
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Mary Anne Talbot - a female Soldier and Sailor
Mary Anne Talbot is one of the women who have the adventure of serving at sea disguised as a male sailor. She was born in London on 2 February 1778, the illegitimate daughter of William Talbot, 1st Earl Talbot. Her mother died at birth, her presumed father when she was four years old. She was brought up by a wet nurse at Worthen in Shropshire until she was five, after which she attended a private boarding school in Chester, run by a Mrs Tapperly, until she was 14. The only relative she knew was an elder sister, an Hon. Miss Dyer, who also died quite young in the birth of her child in 1791. She enlightened Mary Anne about her presumed parentage before her death and left her a handsome fortune of £30,000 sterling. From this fortune Mary Anne could have had an annual income of 1500 pounds, but her sister's chosen guardian, a Mr. Sucker, did not provide for her further education, but gave her to Essex Bowen, a captain in the 82nd Regiment of Foot.
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Mary Anne Talbot, by G. Scott, after James Green, published 1804 (x)
The latter took her to London, where he made her his not-so-voluntary mistress in 1792. But already in the autumn of 1792 he was to go to Flanders and simply took her with him. To this end, he passed her off as an errand boy, who took her to St. Domingo as John Taylor. From there she went to Flanders, where she was now listed as Drummer Boy. As such she took part in the capture of Valenciennes on 28 July 1793, where Captain Essex was killed. She now deserted the regiment and made her way through Luxembourg to the Rhine, until in September 1793, out of necessity, she signed on as a cabin boy to the captain of a French lugger called Le Sage. The lugger, according to her account, had been captured by Lord Howe in the Queen Charlotte, and "Taylor" (as she still called herself) was assigned to HMS Brunswick 74 guns under Captain John Harvey (1740-1794) as a powder monkey, in which capacity she took part in the great victory of 1 June 1794, but was severely wounded by a grape shot that shattered her left ankle.
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Captain Essex with his footboy John Talbot (x)
She spent four months at Haslar Royal Naval Hospital in Gosport. She then became a midshipman on the Bomb Vessel Vesuvius. However, this was captured off Normandy by two French privateers. As a prisoner, Taylor remained in Dunkirk for 18th months. After her release, she signed on with the American ship Ariel under Captain John Field, sailing to New York in August 1796. In November she returned to London on the Ariel. There she was picked up by a press gang in Wapping. In order not to have to re-enter the Royal Navy, she revealed her true gender, whereupon she was discharged. She then haunted the Navy's pay office for some time, and various donations were collected for her. But she was intemperate and spent her money frivolously. The Duke and Duchess of York and the Duchess of Devonshire, it is said, interceded for her.
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Mary Anne Talbot resisting a Press Gang, by John Chapman (x)
After a series of employments including a gig as a jeweller's assistant or a performance in a small theatre in Tottenham Court Road in the Babes in the Wood, and a stay in Newgate from which she was rescued by the Society for the Relief of Persons confined for small Debts, her misfortunes forced her to take refuge as a domestic servant in the house of the publisher Robert S. Kirby in St. Paul's Churchyard, who recorded her adventures in the second volume of his Wonderful Museum, 1804 and continued her story in  The Life and Surprising Adventures of Mary Anne Talbot, 1809. After three years' service, a general deterioration, caused in part by the wounds and privations she had suffered, rendered her unable to work regularly, and she was removed to the house of an acquaintance in Shropshire at the end of 1807. There she remained for some weeks, and died on 4 February 1808, aged 30.
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Mary Anne Talbot, by G. Scott, after James Green, published 1804 (x)
Perhaps some of you have noticed that there are certain similarities to Hannah Snell. And in fact, her story is very much in doubt. Because there are great inconsistencies with the times and the ships that she had given in her biography. Because there is no Talbot on the ships listed and there was no Talbot on the Vesuvius at the time it was captured, and the capture itself is also questionable because the ship was not off Normandy at that time but in the West Indies. Whether she just mixed things up here or whether they were chosen to spice up her story is questionable, and it cannot be ruled out that this story was a product of fantasy.
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By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Feb 26, 2024
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[ Credit: Miriam Elia ]
Far away in the land of Sylvania, some woodland creatures have gathered to celebrate Pride. There’s a cross-dressing fox, a PVC-clad boar, a rabbit in full drag on a float. Rainbow flags and bunting abound. But just out of sight, perched above an ice-cream kiosk, are three sinister little figures in black face masks. They could be hedgehogs. They could be squirrels. One of them has a machine gun.
Isis in Sylvania was the work of the satirist Miriam Elia, a set of tableaux which was meant to be shown at the Passion for Freedom art exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London in 2015. The pieces were withdrawn after police said they might cause offence. That the gallery capitulated so easily would suggest that its self-declared “passion for freedom” was limited.
Elia’s display brilliantly lampooned our infantile response to the growing threat of Islamic terrorism, and it seems more relevant today than ever. After the police had sent emails to the gallery declaring that Isis in Sylvania was “not art” and that “all mentions of it should be removed from the promotional materials, social media etc”, Elia responded:
“The decision to censor shows that our establishment is more threatened by satire, clarity and truth than by young men willing to kill, rape and pillage in the name of Islam. Apparently my images were ‘potentially inflammatory’ to terrorists. This is the equivalent of saying an anti-Nazi cartoon in the late 1930s was offensive… to Nazis. Those who justify and protect barbaric totalitarianism, in whichever form, are on the fast track to becoming totalitarian themselves.”
The reaction of the police, of course, exemplified the very problem that Elia had been satirising in the first place.
It should be clear to everyone by now that kowtowing to the wishes of terrorists only encourages them. Last week Lindsay Hoyle, speaker of the House of Commons, was pressurised into overriding parliamentary convention because of an apparent risk to security. He spoke of “absolutely frightening” threats directed at MPs because of their reluctance to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. He also alluded to the murder of MP David Amess by an ISIS sympathiser. “I never want to go through a situation where I find a friend from any side has been murdered,” he said, “I also don’t want another attack on this House.” The word “Islamist” was not mentioned, as though not talking about the problem might make it disappear.
Hoyle is correct that the threat of violence is very real. Nobody would seek to downplay the murder of David Amess at his constituency surgery in Essex in 2021, or the beheading of schoolteacher Samuel Paty in Paris in 2020, or the massacre at the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in 2015. But our tendency to forget these atrocities, and move on as if nothing has happened, is chilling. Many of our politicians are too afraid to address the issues out of fear of being branded “islamophobic”, an absurd neologism often deployed to conflate anti-Muslim hatred with legitimate criticism of Islam.
How much reflection was there after the Manchester Arena bombing in May 2017 in which children and teenagers were slain? After the killing of Amess there was endless discussion in parliament about how we needed to crack down on social media, as though the radical Islamist responsible was motivated by online trolling rather than the creed of a medieval death-cult. We are like the woodland animals in another of Elia’s scenes, blissfully enjoying a picnic while armed and masked assailants appear on the horizon.
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[ Credit: Miriam Elia ]
So while I have sympathy for Hoyle’s very human reaction to the spectre of violence, it is clear that the failure of politicians to accurately diagnose the problem is only making matters worse. Those few brave individuals who are prepared to speak out are putting themselves in danger. But with a collective effort the risk could be spread and at least become tolerable. After the Charlie Hebdo atrocity, media outlets refused to show the offending cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, but if all of them had done so simultaneously, the threat could have been diluted.
If the speaker of the House of Commons is prepared to modify parliamentary procedures due to threats from far-left cranks and radical islamists, where does this leave our democracy? It is hardly surprising that increasingly we are seeing commentators claiming that the values of liberalism cannot be sustained against this particular brand of authoritarianism. They suggest that liberals are too weak to tackle those who do not share their commitment to individual freedom.
It is true that too often exemptions have been made out of fear of causing offence to religious minorities. Police in the north of England failed to enforce the law against predominately Pakistani grooming gangs for fear of being branded “racist”. The inquiry into the Manchester Arena bombing found that security guards held back from intercepting the killer for similar reasons. Sharia courts have been operating in the United Kingdom for decades and, although their rulings have no legal standing, they do hold authority within Muslim communities. And we have seen how police have overlooked some of the worst behaviour at the now regular pro-Palestine marches in London.
But this is not a weakness at the heart of liberalism; it is the failure to properly follow its principles. All branches of liberal thought – from the conservative liberalism of Friedrich Hayek to the social liberalism of John Rawls – share an understanding that the rule of law is paramount. Individual autonomy cannot be preserved if the state is unable to maintain the peace and impartially resolve the natural conflicts of human existence.
A well-intentioned commitment to multiculturalism has enabled parallel societies to flourish within the United Kingdom. In turn, this has granted authority to the most reactionary elements within religious communities. Sharia law may be an ambition for ultra-conservative theocrats, but many female and gay Muslims will not find it such an appealing prospect. We need to stop appeasing these minorities within minorities, small groups of extremists that by no means represent the average British Muslim. And this means that our parliamentarians must retain their courage, even in the face of violent threats.
More than anything, we need to be able to talk about this crisis with honesty and candour. However comforting it might be in the short term, our political class cannot go on living in their Sylvanian fantasy, wilfully oblivious to the masked elephant in the room. This denialism is a form of procrastination, putting off the inevitable for another day. The values of our liberal democracy and our hard-won rights are under threat. It’s time to grow up. 
A limited edition book of all the images in Miriam Elia’s “Isis in Sylvania” series is available to buy here. A signed limited edition print of the picnic scene is available here.
We have to stop being panicked when people claim to be offended.
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queenmarytudor · 3 months
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Mary I's Fight For The Throne
8th July - Mary announces the King's death to her household
Mary takes counsel with her advisors, and following that has her whole household summoned to her presence. She then tells them "of the death of her brother Edward VI; the right to the Crown of England had therefore descended to her by divine and by human law after her brother's death, through God's high providence, and she was most anxious to inaugurate her reign with the aid of her most faithful servants, as partners in her fortunes. Roused by their mistress's words, everyone, both the gently-born and the humbler servants, cheered her to the rafters and hailed and proclaimed their dearest princess Mary as queen of England." 1.
She starts the first of many letters to rouse her supporters, writing to knights Sir George Somerset, Sir William Drury, Sir William Waldegrave and Justice of the Peace Clement Higham "signifying unto them the king’s death, and thereby her right to the crown, requiring them to obey no commandment to be issued out upon any pretence or gloss of the deceased king’s authority, being bound now to be true liegeman to her own, and lastly charging them, in all haste possible, to prepare and put themselves in order to repair to her at Kenninghall, where at their coming, they should know further of her pleasure." 2
Mary's actions have not gone unnoticed.
The Privy Council, after finding out of her departure, "despatched to the officers in all parts of the kingdom" 3 the following letter:
"So it is that the lady Mary, not many days past, removed from [Beaulieu] in Essex to her house of Hunsdon in Hertfordshire, the cause whereof, although we knew not, we rather think it likely that her grace would have seen his majesty; but now upon Tuesday last she hath suddenly, without knowledge given given either to us here or to the country there and without any cause in the world by us to her given, taken her journey from Hunsdon towards Norfolk, making her first day's journey to one Mr Huddlestone's house in Cambridgeshire, being the same too far for her any of her accustomed journeys [...] before this her sudden departure, she had caused great provisions to be made in the country about Hunsdon, for keeping of her household there a long time [...] and although some of hers note her removing to be for the sickness of her servants, yet we see no likelihood of truth therein." 4
In fear and anger at her having slipped away, they reveal they knew Mary had secretly been sending her comptroller Robert Rochester to the Imperial ambassador, stating "it is not unknown to us but some near about the Lady Mary have very lately in the night seasons had privy conferences with the Emperor's ambassador here." 5
They urge them to "use the best means you may in those parts under your charge to keep the people of the country in quiet and obedience, and to repress all manner of slanderous brutes of the King’s majestys death (from the which we doubt not, but God will long preserve His Majesty)." 6
The Privy Council send a secretary to the Imperial ambassadors, letting them know King Edward is unable to grant them an audience "as his indisposition [keeps] him most of the time in bed." 7
The Lord Mayor of London is summoned to court with aldermen and merchant adventurers, where the Council "secretly declared the death of king Edward, and also how he did ordain for the succession of the Crown by his letters patents, to the which they were sworn, and charged to keep it secret." 8
1. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
2. Ecclesiastical Memorials, John Strype
3. Spanish State Papers, 10th July 1553
4. Collection of State Papers relating to Affairs In the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth From the year 1542 to 1570
5. Collection of State Papers relating to Affairs In the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth From the year 1542 to 1570
6. Collection of State Papers relating to Affairs In the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth From the year 1542 to 1570
7. Spanish State Papers, 10th July 1553
8. Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
The most misspelled word in English is separate.
The average speed of ejaculation is 28 miles per hour.
The favourite food of Adélie penguins is Jellyfish genitals.
The United States is the world's largest exporter of sperm.
Around 20% of AirPod owners wear them while having sex.
Tom Cruise divorced all 3 of his wives when they were aged 33.
Mariah Carey employs a man to walk backwards in front of her.
Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.
In the UK you can join the army at 16 but have to be 18 to play Call Of Duty.
Human pollution has caused the average length of polar bear penises to shrink.
One in five doner kebabs in the UK poses a “significant” threat to public health.
You aren’t allowed to warm your balls during a round of golf but you can before you start.
The average four-year-old laughs 300 times a day. The average 40-year-old laughs four times a day.
In the late 1980s, officials in India released 25,000 turtles into the Ganges to eat dead bodies.
There are as many Russian agents in London today as there were at the height of the cold war.
Research by MIT suggests that humans can only cope with a maximum of five close friends.
The city of Regina in Canada was forced to apologise after adopting the slogan, “Show us your Regina”.
Collectively, humans have watched Adam Sandler movies on Netflix for longer than civilisation has existed.
Swearing on the Bible is theologically problematic as the New Testament forbids the taking of oaths.
In 2017, six Chinese officials were punished for falling asleep in a meeting about how to motivate lazy bureaucrats.
According to the Vatican, you can reduce the time you spend in purgatory by following the Pope on Twitter.
The average office employee who works an eight-hour day is productive for just two hours and 23 minutes, according to a UK study.
Studies have found patients spend fewer days recovering in hospital if they have a window looking out into natural scenes.
Private jets fly higher than commercial ones, partly so they can avoid bad weather and give their passengers a smoother ride.
King Zhou of Shang (1075-1046 BC) built a wine lake in China and made naked men and women chase each other round in it.
45% of Americans admit to having worn the same pair of underwear for two or more days in a row, with men more likely to do so.
Karl Marx is a very famous historical figure, however hardly ever mentioned is his wife, Onya, who invented the starting pistol.
In a UK poll of things that people most associate with Easter, Jesus came in fourth place after chocolate eggs, bank holidays and hot cross buns.
Last year in Ireland, a woman was hospitalised with ‘extreme stomach pain’ caused by years of holding in farts around her boyfriend.
Key In Lock Syndrome is the name for the phenomenon when you start needing a pee as soon as you get home and put your key in the front door.
Until 1961, the New York Times had a full stop in its logo. It was dropped partly because they realised that removing it would save $600 a year in ink.
The founder of IKEA reused teabags and was known to steal salt and pepper packets from restaurants. He was worth approx. £50 billion at the time of death in 2018.
Researchers from Essex and Berlin’s Humboldt Universities have discovered that drugs and alcohol do not make you more creative, they just make you think you are.
Gibraltar was besieged 14 times between 1309 and 1779. As a result, “toasting the siege of Gibraltar” is an old naval expression for having a drink without reason, as there’s a decent chance it’s an anniversary.
To reduce cleaning costs, Amsterdam Airport printed pictures of flies inside urinals, thinking men would aim at the flies while using the bathroom, reducing the amount of urine landing outside the urinals. Their plan worked.
The British Airforce invented the myth that eating carrots can help you see in the dark during WWII. They were trying to explain how British air raids were so successful without telling the Germans about the existence of radar.
DMX avoided a maximum jail sentence for tax fraud when his lawyer played his song ‘Slippin'’ for the judge to demonstrate X's struggles and how bad his upbringing was. The judge considered it and gave a one-year sentence instead of max five years.
Phoebe Waller-Bridge has, since 2019, earned nearly $60M under her deal with Amazon Studios, despite not producing any content for the platform. The plan was for Phoebe Waller-Bridge to collaborate with Donald Glover on a ‘Mr And Mrs Smith’ series, based on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's 2005 film but, within a few months, she departed. Amazon recently renewed her three-year deal, at $20 million a year.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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mirandamosley · 16 days
Miranda Mosley CV
Professional Resume 
2018 - PRESENT Piano teaching/accompanying. Demo CD Handel & Bach. Local concerts; folk music research.
2018 – COMMUNITY ACTION, London. Campaign to removal two Telegraph Masts from Local Community. One successful. [collecting signatures, letters to power – and meetings aiding Constituents in lawsuit against telecoms company].
2015-16 SHADOW CABINET GOVERNMENT - Assistant to Welsh Labour MP; incl. Organised music concerts, events & meetings.
2014 - ART FOR SCHOOLS - Designed all posters and leaflets for two years; Created two theatre sets for drama productions.
2010-15 MUSICAL ACCOMPANIST; Accompanist, privately for instrumentalists and singers, mostly classical and musical theatre, and also for a time at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music, London. Accompanist, for female student a’capella group, choirs incl. at Dance Works; incl. musical theatre auditions and working with actors. Organist & choir rehearsal organiser/director - St Edmunds Church, Loughton, Essex;
Rehearsal pianist/recording for theatre piece - Frieda and Diego the musical (Ivo Mosley) Recording of Yiddish folk songs at RADA for Jacob Gordin Project with singer, and working with players for Mozart operas, chorus singing and choir rehearsals for the Dorset Opera and The University of Bristol (*Bristol Music Club, Victoria Rooms*; soprano and piano concerts at Selwyn College Cambridge and Southwark Cathedral. Piano concerts in Loughton, raising money for Children in Need. Accompanist for comedy group at comedy club in North London, Little Venice. At St Paul’s Covent Garden – Keyboard for singer for Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
Piano meeting – Italy - San Danielle Del Fruili – Solo piano lessons and concert; solo concerts in Orkney, on Orkey radio and St Andrews; Repetiteur/accompanist - Italian Opera Summer School in Puglia.
MUSIC TEACHING Piano teaching to children – privately and at Cameron House School in London. Basic singing & music theory teaching.
ADMINISTRATIVE; Apprentice; The House of Commons Library, and administrative assistant for Art Curator’s Office. Accompanist for Library Choir including fundraisers and at Speaker’s House.
Student pub worker; Bristol. 
2007 University of Cardiff MA in Keyboard Studies (incl. develop’t of keyboard instruments)
2006 University of Bristol BA Music (2.1) [organised, publicity and performed in concerts]. Russian literature (Dostoevsky) and French language open unit.
Awards and bursaries
Winner of Concerto Competition 2003 – piano soloist with orchestra in Krakow Polish Academy of Music.
Recipient of Ladyman Bequest 2006
Recipient of Draper’s Company bursary 2006
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essexlocksmithmd · 1 month
Essex Locksmith MD
Whether you’ve lost your key, broken it or had it stolen from you, the last thing you want is to be sitting outside your home with no way in. Luckily you can call your local locksmith at 443-267-8117 for the full service of our 24 hour lock smiths including lock rekey, lock repair or replacement. If your kids keep misplacing their keys, you can trust our professional locksmiths to make new and extra keys or suggest smart lock options. Services We Offer : Transponder Car Keys- Car Lock Repair- Car Door Opening- Lost Car Keys- Ignition Car Keys- Broken Car Key Removal- Trunk Opening- Change Residential Locks- Lost House Keys- Home Lock Rekey- Deadbolt Installation- Residential Lock Repair- Patio Door Locks- Master Key Systems- Access Control Systems- Broken Office Key Removal- Lost Office Keys- Safe Opening- Keyless Entry- Commercial Lock Repair- Emergency Lockouts our offer $20 OFF On Rekey Lock with New Lock Change $15 OFF On Change Lock 10% OFF On Car Keys 15% OFF SENIOR CITIZEN Must Present ID to Verify 30% OFF 2nd Key Ignition 50% OFF 2nd Key We are available in "Baltimore MD , Columbia MD , Germantown MD , Silver Spring MD , Waldorf MD , Ellicott City MD , Frederick MD , Glen Burnie MD, Gaithersburg MD, Rockville MD, Bethesda MD, Dundalk MD, Bowie MD, Towson MD ,Aspen Hill MD , Severn MD , Wheaton MD , North Bethesda MD 21201, 21202, 21205, 21206, 21207, 21208, 21209, 21210, 21211, 21212, 21213, 21214, 21215, 21216, 21217, 21218, 21222, 21223, 21224, 21225, 21226, 21227, 21228, 21229, 21230, 21231, 21234, 21236, 21237, 21239, 21251. our address : 423 Eastern Blvd #123, Essex MD 21221 Call Now : 443-267-8117 We are available : all days : 5 AM - 12 AM our website : essexlocksmithmd.com
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mtcremovalsposts · 3 months
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perfectsmilespa20100 · 3 months
Transform Your Smile: The Ultimate Guide to Teeth Whitening in Essex
Introduction to Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure aimed at brightening and enhancing the appearance of teeth by removing stains and discoloration. This comprehensive guide explores various teeth whitening methods, benefits, considerations, and where to find quality teeth whitening services in Essex.
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Understanding Teeth Discoloration
Causes of Tooth Staining
Extrinsic Stains: Surface stains caused by consuming coffee, tea, red wine, tobacco, or certain foods that can darken tooth enamel over time.
Intrinsic Stains: Stains that occur within the tooth structure due to factors such as aging, genetics, trauma, or certain medications like tetracycline antibiotics.
Combined Stains: Some individuals may experience both extrinsic and intrinsic stains, leading to more pronounced discoloration.
Types of Teeth Whitening Methods
Popular Teeth Whitening Techniques
In-Office Professional Whitening
Procedure: Conducted by a dentist, involves applying a strong bleaching agent directly to the teeth, often activated by a special light or laser.
Benefits: Provides quick and noticeable results in a single session, supervised by dental professionals for safety and effectiveness.
At-Home Whitening Kits
Kits: Over-the-counter whitening products like strips, gels, or trays that contain lower concentrations of bleaching agents compared to professional treatments.
Usage: Typically used daily for a specified period, ranging from a few days to several weeks, to achieve gradual whitening results.
Whitening Toothpaste and Mouthwash
Products: Toothpaste and mouthwash containing mild abrasives or polishing agents that help remove surface stains and maintain teeth brightness.
Maintenance: Suitable for maintaining teeth whitening results after professional treatments or as a standalone method for mild staining.
Benefits of Teeth Whitening
Advantages of Brightening Your Smile
Enhanced Appearance: Teeth whitening improves smile aesthetics, boosting self-confidence and making a positive impression in social and professional settings.
Non-Invasive Treatment: Compared to other cosmetic dental procedures like veneers or crowns, teeth whitening is non-invasive and minimally disruptive to natural teeth structure.
Customizable Options: Patients can choose between professional in-office treatments for immediate results or convenient at-home kits for gradual whitening at their pace.
Considerations Before Teeth Whitening
Factors to Evaluate Before Whitening
Dental Health: Ensure teeth and gums are in good health before whitening to minimize potential sensitivity or complications.
Sensitivity Concerns: Individuals with sensitive teeth or gums may benefit from discussing options with a dentist to manage potential discomfort during whitening.
Expectations: Understand realistic expectations regarding teeth whitening results based on the severity of stains and chosen whitening method.
Finding Quality Teeth Whitening Services in Essex
Choosing the Right Dental Provider
Dental Clinics and Practices: Research reputable dental clinics in Essex known for offering professional teeth whitening services.
Dentist Expertise: Verify the qualifications and experience of dentists in performing teeth whitening procedures, ensuring expertise in cosmetic dentistry.
Patient Testimonials: Seek recommendations from local residents or online reviews to gauge patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes.
Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening Services
Advantages of Seeking Professional Care
Customized Treatment Plans: Dentists tailor whitening treatments to individual needs, considering factors like existing dental work, sensitivity concerns, and desired results.
Safe and Effective Results: Professional supervision ensures proper application of bleaching agents, minimizing risks of overuse or improper technique.
Long-Term Support: Dental professionals provide guidance on maintaining whitening results through proper oral hygiene practices and occasional touch-up treatments.
Teeth whitening essex offers a transformative solution to enhance smile aesthetics and boost self-confidence by removing stains and discoloration from teeth. Understanding the various whitening methods, benefits, considerations, and where to find quality services in Essex empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their dental care. Whether opting for professional in-office treatments or convenient at-home kits, consulting with a reputable dental provider ensures safe and effective teeth whitening results tailored to individual needs and preferences.
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zooterchet · 4 months
Carnage's Murder Rap Sheet
Anatole Marcinault: Snitch to Catholic monks; collusion with East Germany, the Berlin Wall.
Rory Ahlquist: The placement of a gemetria zero sequence, on crime of homosexuality in claim of priesthood, actually a Rabbi.
Marv Albert: The public Ted Kennedy joke as to the trade of cashiers as moneyed slaves, removed from ethic of logic; through Real Ghostbusters and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Joey Angiulo: Execution at hands of James "Whitey" Bulger, proven to be the service of father, Generro "Jerry" Angiulo, the Rabbinical vending trade.
Alice Charlebois: Found as a lesbian through the sales of chicken pot pie to the community, to mark as Tehran Shah
Mary Kay Bergman: The violation of Disney contract, having discovered that such a contract guarantees worker's wages at having no work; execution of self by handgun.
Carlin Sarkesian: The demanded fight with Iron Man, Matthew Lennox, and having met War Machine, David Charlebois; over the walk through Hopkinton Highschool, with a loaded Armalite, to avenge Jenna L. Williamson, for Matthew Lennox.
Ryan Gregson: Brain death, at having aligned with Mossad, out of German soccer and rugby clubs, to merge with varsity wrestling.
Nicholas Maynard: The placement in a fugue state, at having conducted External Security pimping to American servicemen, however being a woman herself.
Phil Enfield: Investigating sandwiches put in a dumpster by Bridgewater Security Services, the VFW; placed in jail, as "Master Herbert", screaming "Spider-Man is a pedophile"; beaten to death.
Andrew Donson: The psychic kin of Dr. Joshua Golden, having been found in prisoner's convenience to the hire of prostitutes and priests, of the Episcopalian orders, through flawed cashier's software and engineered slips, at gas stations.
James Holmes: Theft of Nolan Trilogy writing software, on behalf of Ellen Page; psychotic break of a grand mals epilepsy, at discovering writer's candidate was not Scarecrow, Joker, or Bane, and had in fact used laws and rules outside of Alabama literature society. Still incarcerated, to this day, having turned on fellow LARPers, at Aurora, Colorado.
Keith Velasquez: Found in treason of marijuana laws held in Masonic Lodge, at poisoning of marijuana and placing prostitutes under draft of complicit work per Russian Slavics out of secret courts through parents held in default union; female police officers. Executed in State Forest of Essex County, Massachusetts; found in possession of Oxycontin, blood test negative, however positive for Raid, and MI-6 papers; papers otherwise recovered, given to interpreter's forces, Boston Police Department, "arson and wards", Matthew Lennox, translation of papers as to the "High Times Magazine" poisoning of police officers and federal candidates, to sell straight jackets, a TJX limited investment out of Germany. For City Hall accountants, those economists serving as History Pre-Law.
Jovenel Moise: President of Haiti, having found African civil service workers as serial killers, if former police officer found in heritage, therefore demanded to work as police Catholic exorcists of poisons to avoid attorneys at law as having sought "reform"; liberalization of law, to suspects and patients and "pedophiles" (soldiers and spies and police). Murdered by soccer squad, for Michael Charlebois, his only act as a spy in his entire history, since the incident with the poison sumac. Michael Charlebois, now able to produce semen, and wife, Maureen Charlebois, has an orgasm, the same never produced for Alice. David, barely cares, Alice was a serial killer, "Reverse Edith".
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
Not all of them said they are going to get there the investment money to our son here to my husband that is. Some of them said it's been too long and give me a break.
-I have one of them say we don't have enough time in the day to do that and he's wondering who because it he didn't have that many employers and it's not bud he said he is going to get it there eventually and he means because of difficulty in doing it. And Blake agrees. Bechtel has it in the pipe to do and the current owner is Trump and he said not to so he's going to get pushed out. And the others say it even his people and he's getting pushed out now actually and they're saying it he won't even be there when the weekends over and they're going to remove him from his position I believe it because I heard them talking down here yesterday this guy has spent and are following some guy with no brain and it's true that's what it's done that's what is happening. So those two companies will eventually try and it's not like it's their money or is there money or their firm holding it they have to do only a few things. We heard Thomas O'Connor and say whoa but he is going to try to send it eventually and he doesn't know how he's going to get it done and they're taking over so that's how it's probably going to happen. He didn't have any investments in at Essex no you just brought it up and it's because of John remillard. Jaynes corporation is run by the winner he took over New Mexico and they're kicking him out now it's too small and they can't come out and it's mostly his people but of course she said no and it's Trump and yeah he's holding him there prisoner and he should be arrested for it and that's Trump and his son I'm going to put in for someone doing that and someone assume him for it wrongful imprisonment and then the mental hospitals too and start suing him today at the mental hospital stuff and because of this here and other places he was doing it In Brockton. .... I'm picking up the cases right now and I'm going to go to Olympus we have this ready to go and talked about when it is for unlawful imprisonment surprisingly I have the cases ready and we do have a time table and so she says I realize it and that's good and we're going to see if we can't get something going with group lawsuits against this evil piece of s*** Trump from and pull him out of everything is doing especially running for office this is ridiculous and I'm going to sue that piece of crap for what he did at Castle and that's Dave AKA Dan it was around saying it all the time and he's trying to lift the weights to get ready to try and do it again now I'm going to arrest him and I'm going to have put in jail for in prison hopefully we're going to keep pressuring that a****** till he pops and pops all the time and we're going to kill his people to get rid of him and I got to start doing it I don't like these people that too mean and that's ridiculous what he's doing we're going to get that lawsuit both of them and additional out there this week early this week. says Bitol and Goddess Wife
Good. This guy's pointed out as being the biggest problem. And he really needs to go everyone else doesn't want to be that mean why is this piece of s*** doing it he's doing it because he doesn't to everybody cuz he's a piece of s***.
We heard from Churchland Banks too this is going to try and do it and my husband says did you check to see why he was doing he said no we know why is it have anything because of this idiot I hired Robert shaker and Robert Shaker does not work there anymore it was so quite a while ago he was fired and Daniel has been having a very hard time this is oh well I shouldn't be to the spastic thing maybe fourth grade about it eventually right now they're probably getting surrounded and that's what we say and it's true even the two fellas felt it and they're not even there anymore they said they know what it is and are going to after them it's not as hard it's kind of obscure that would be bud Blake Ben Thomas O'Connor bja and several people from James corporation even though they don't work there they can't get to it and it was sent to New Mexico and the guy is a huge a******and Daniel of course are all under a massive amount of pressure and it would be invisible to some people unless they do but Timmy Doyle knows about it he's in trouble he's at fidelity and about 7 out of 10 companies has fidelity and there's a few other individuals who don't understand it Jason he doesn't get it and Lily you had an investment firm I still have it and he is attacking you and he wants the investment for him he's using this as an excuse and seriously attack for the investments and now for the banking three Banks and he is attacking the other ones as a result and is attacking the people who are in charge of accounts that are old or lost accounts and it's because of other reasons and these people are holding on to their people's stuff in case they're around and a lot of people move all of these people are being attacked because they plan on dispersing the funds and so it's not really half the places won't it's only the ones that this idiot next door is running and he's dying doing it he's getting killed and ironically we are getting ready for that period and it's giving us time to I hope you understand that we need the money now and stuff but that you're trying to run it on all of civilization and that's not welcome but what are you doing Trump and your people are dying and soon you will be dead you know you don't care too much anymore because you're a weekly so we want you to know anyways and we're willing to torture you to get rid of you that's what we're doing a couple minutes we have a couple other things to discuss and we're going to do that when we come back
My husband had some input not fun though no he did not have a ton he had the imbecile is trying to mess with the words
We're going to get that creature we're going to get them out of there you ever seen so many orders go against someone in my life and we spend too much time we have to spend more and get more people together right now to get rid of them I want volunteers to the studio so we don't have to deal with it later we need them out now. Our plan is rolling ahead we'll have the celestial out shortly I'm between the venom and then finding out about spice and they will figure out that it is global with all the females have spice and venom and male have venom mostly.
Thor Freya
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acleanhousewashing · 6 months
How High Pressure Cleaning Can Improve Your Home's Curb Appeal
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The quality of your home is constantly up against a legion of issues: dirt, grime, airborne pollutants, mildew and mould. These compromise curb appeal and harm the condition of your house.
Bacteria counts in Greenwood Creek are above EPA standards at Route 133/Old Essex Road and decrease further downstream. This indicates that an upstream source is contaminating CNR. To know more about High Pressure Cleaning, visit the A Clean House Washing website or call 0419778863.
Whether you’re preparing your home for sale or just looking to improve your curb appeal, residential high pressure cleaning is an effective way to get the job done. The process uses water sprays to remove dirt, grime, mildew and loose paint from exterior and interior surfaces. It can also help protect your family’s health by removing allergy triggers like pollen, dust mites, and mould spores.
Hiring bond cleaners in Ipswich to pressure wash your home’s exterior is an excellent idea if you want to improve your home’s value. Dirty and stained walls will look unappealing to potential buyers, and can cause them to lose interest in your property. Regular washing will keep your home’s surface in good condition, prolonging its lifespan and enhancing its curb appeal.
In addition to making your property look cleaner, high pressure washing can also eliminate oil stains from driveways and carparks. It can also be used to remove slippery moss and algae from pathways and patios.
When you have a shopfront, office building, restaurant or warehouse that gets covered in dirt, grime and pollutants, high pressure cleaning can help. It’s particularly useful for removing stubborn stains like paint, oil, grease and chewing gum from concrete surfaces.
Using chemicals in conjunction with high-pressure water can also be very effective for some surfaces. This can kill moss, mildew and algae down to the roots, so they don’t return as quickly.
A dirty roof can be unattractive, but it can also reduce energy efficiency and increase your cooling costs. A regular high-pressure clean by a licensed Ipswich professional can keep your roof looking good, improve its longevity and reduce the need for replacement.
However, using too much pressure can cause damage, so it’s important to hire a qualified and experienced Ipswich high pressure cleaner who uses contractor grade cleaners and the right amount of pressure. They’ll know which areas need gentle cleaning and which require more power.
For industrial properties, a high pressure cleaning service is an effective way to remove moss, mildew and other organic growth. This not only looks bad, but it can also damage the surfaces and leave them vulnerable to water damage. Regular cleaning with a professional high pressure cleaning company will prevent this and protect your building, save you money and improve health & safety standards.
Using a jet or pressure washer without the correct knowledge and skill can lead to disastrous results. Not only can it be difficult to find the right pressure to use, but there are a number of different types of surfaces that require different techniques and nozzles. Some surfaces, such as brick or stucco, are delicate and can be damaged by excessive water pressure. Others, such as painted fences and concrete surfaces require lower PSI levels to avoid damaging the surface. The key to success with these surfaces is the use of chemicals, which kill bacteria at their source and keep them from returning.
The tanks at your commercial property or industrial site can quickly start to look scruffy if moss, grime and dirt build up. A professional cleaning service can clean your tanks on a schedule to keep them looking good and shielded from the elements and potential damage.
For businesses linked to hospitality a regular high pressure washing service can help eliminate harmful bacteria and keep the area odour free and safe for employees and customers. The experts can also apply animal friendly chemicals that do not leave odours or residue. To know more about High Pressure Cleaning, visit the A Clean House Washing website or call 0419778863.
It is very easy to rent or buy DIY pressure washing gadgets but a knowledgeable expert knows how to adjust the water PSI level and the type of chemical cleaner required for different surfaces. Using the wrong chemicals or the wrong water pressure can blast off exterior rendering and plaster, strip weather proofing sealant and etch brickwork and concrete. The experts will also have the proper safety equipment and experience to work safely up high.
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hilogisticz12 · 8 months
Hilogisticz Removals
Hi Everyone I'm HENRY IK owner of Hilogisticz Removals based in, London, United Kingdom. Hilogisticz is a reliable removal service, we provide House Removal, Office Removal, and House Removal services at an affordable rate in London, Essex, Kent, and Canterbury Areas. 
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cleaningworldfordsnj · 9 months
Cleaning World, Inc. operates as a cleaning company based in Fords, NJ, serving commercial, industrial, and residential clients.
Cleaning World, Inc. operates as a cleaning company based in Fords, NJ, serving commercial, industrial, and residential clients. Our primary office is located in Hackensack, NJ, and our service coverage extends to Bergen County, Essex County, Union County, Passaic County, Hudson County, Somerset County, Middlesex County, Morris County, and Rockland County. If you're seeking comprehensive cleaning services in New Jersey, Cleaning World is the ideal choice. Our diverse range of services includes floor cleaning, office maintenance, junk removal, thorough house cleaning, and commercial cleaning, catering to both residential and business needs.
Name: Cleaning World, Inc Address: 433 New Brunswick Ave, Fords, NJ 08863 Phone: (201) 487-1313 Website: https://www.cleaningworldinc.com/location/fords/
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