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angerbuilt · 3 years ago
@ofcoldguns & starter call
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“I could really go for a milkshake, come with me?”
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dcmnedtohell · 3 years ago
@ofcoldguns​ said: “I’ve done nothing but get my ass kicked this whole trip.“
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“You’ve done more than get your ass kicked, love.” Though they had definitely both taken a beating that he wasn’t anticipating when he’d started this job. His leg nudged Len’s gently as he held out a wrapped ice pack, offering the biggest smile he could manage without breaking up the cut on his lip again. “I’d offer to make you more durable but knowing my luck, I’d have another Chas situation on my hands.”
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protectxthem · 3 years ago
@ofcoldguns​ liked John’s starter call
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“Hello, handsome.”
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birdonawiresara · 3 years ago
Closed starter for @ofcoldguns
Caitlin had officially released Snart, giving him the medical all clear, and now Sara was in the process of trying to convince him to come back with her - at least for the night. “Look, you have somewhere else you want to take off to tomorrow, fine; I won’t argue with you. But right now it’s late, and you have to be exhausted, and... It’s just a safehouse. Not much, but it’s warm, and it’s dry, and it’s got a cot. Protein bars and bottles of water. And it’s rigged to the teeth with traps so...” She offered him a small smirk, “What more could you possibly need? C’mon. Just come with me and get some sleep. Deal with tomorrow tomorrow.”
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mcrdon · 3 years ago
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     “ Yeah, yeah-- I don’t really care about the specifics. Just tell me what you want me to hit and how hard you want me to hit it. ”
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unitcd-a · 3 years ago
@ofcoldguns​​ x
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“How long did it take you to actually feel like you were included in the whole hero world?”
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wildthiiing · 3 years ago
i cannot understate how much legends!Hunter absolutely adores the legends, esp Mick and Len. They weren't that big a part of his childhood (because time travel is not great for small children) but they were a huge factor in his teenage years and lbh, teenage!Hunter would be drawn to criminals on the time bcos ofc so he spends a lot of time with them and they're as much his uncles as Laurel is his aunt and he will die on that hill, tyvm.
And yes, he is always amused when his uncles annoy his dad because he is a little shit and that just runs in the family
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heldstarsmoved · 4 years ago
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@ofcoldguns​ said: “ please don’t look at me like that. ” (Lisa)
“like what, lenny?” lisa looks up through thick lashes, one hand holding chopsticks while the other is settled underneath her bowl of noodles. “i’m just saying, you’re not being the most subtle about... well... any of it. have you considered talking about it? i know feelings aren’t exactly our forte but i think it might serve you well in this case.” 
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heckcduparchived · 3 years ago
PAIN (Felicity)
my muse died and visits yours in a dream. [ @ofcoldguns ] accepting
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Icicles clung to her hair, her ears, even her clothes. Her lips were blue, and the tips of her fingers blackened, but the cold wasn't bothering her anymore. This wasn't real. Though in some way she still was. Just because this was happening in his dream didn't mean she wasn't really there.
"Did you miss me?" She thought about opening with how her death wasn't his fault, and that was her intention being here, but based on how she was appearing she got the feeling that it was going to be harder than she anticipated. "You know, when Cisco and I threatened you with a gun it was actually a vacuum?"
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theassxt · 4 years ago
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“you know...” the laugh he let out was somehow both bitter and sad at the same time, “there’s some shit i wish i didn’t remember.” like how long he’d been holding out hope that maybe this thing he felt wasn’t just him. he took a long pull from his beer, suddenly wishing it was something stronger, something that would actually let him not think about this for a little while. maybe if he drank enough, he would forget this again. 
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flashborn · 4 years ago
@ofcoldguns from here .
“That’s one thing that’s obvious considering the way that you’re continuing to run yourself into the ground.” The only reason he was so frustrated with him was because he cared about him and he was concerned about his wellbeing. “Barry. You need a break and I am not dropping this until you agree.” They could both be stubborn when they wanted, the only question was which one was more stubborn.
Vacations had never really been his kind of thing, mostly because he never felt confident in leaving the city. He never wanted to leave the city, leave his people, his friends. He sighed quietly, meeting Len’s eyes properly. Hands rubbed together and he stretched out, lids closing for a moment, then opening. “So you’re going to keep harping on at me about this until I agree?” Len might be underestimating just how stubborn Barry can be when he wants to be. 
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theoreticxlguxrdianxngel · 4 years ago
‘ what happened? ’
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               “It’s, uh— It’s a long story.” Despite the fact that his friends and family had gone out of their way to try and convince Barry that he should not blame himself for the problem he was facing regarding the source of his speed, the Flash had never been one to forgive himself too quickly, hence the fact that his head hung in shame. From his perspective, if nobody else was going to give him a hard time about it, the least he could do was do so himself. “Point is I can’t—— I shouldn’t use my powers too much for now.” | @ofcoldguns​
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kingtiiide · 4 years ago
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     Arthur wasn’t usually one for small talk but there was something about the man that he couldn’t quite put his finger on, making him glance over for a moment before he spoke. “You don’t like you’re here for the fishing.” Which was what most of the strangers in town came for.
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luthcrbornarchive · 4 years ago
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@ofcoldguns​​ liked for a starter.
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❝ I know I gave you access to L-corp, but don’t touch anything. ❞ Lena’s eyes focused only on inside the scopes not needing to turn her attention off her work in the lab to know exactly what he was up to. No good. He was never up to any good. 
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rayandshine · 4 years ago
It’s still strange, sometimes. The idea that he’s on a different Earth. With superpowers. Fighting Nazis. Future Nazis. With Aliens and superpowered people helping them.
Yeah, that’s really a weird thing to think about.
The thing is, he can’t really find it in him to regret what he’s doing. There is the bone-deep conviction that this is the right thing to do.
And then there’s a pair of ice blue eyes over a warm smile that makes his heart do funny things whenever he’s on the receiving end of them. Leo Snart. One of the Resistance’s greatest heroes, with his sharp wit and delicate gestures, A brilliant strategist, an incredible fighter and marksman with that Cold Gun of his just as much as he’s a kind and trusted leader to his people. 
Yeah, Ray’s smitten with him. Not that he’s said anything about it so far (Hell, it’s been less than two months since he’s come out to his parents) . He’s got an idea that maybe ... maybe there’s something there, that he’s not misinterpreting the easy remarks sent his way. That Leo really is flirting with him.
That maybe is what keeps drawing him into main room of the bunker, after almost everyone else has gone to bed. Same for this night. And again, he finds Leo sitting with stacks of papers and maps and plans.
“You know you need sleep like the rest of us, right?” Ray says, leaning against a pillar with his arms folded over his chest. His tone is soft, but teasing and his smile soft. “I keep finding you here while everyone else is already off for the night.”
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heldstarsmoved · 4 years ago
@ofcoldguns requested barry.
“do you want some breakfast?” barry calls out from the kitchen, leaning his hip against the counter. he’s already waiting for the coffee pot, he’s got the cups ready but he’s eyeing up the fridge, wondering if making breakfast is the right move here. he’s not really sure. this has been happening a lot, where they end up back at his place and things happen and then he’s there in the kitchen, in the mornings, wondering what to do next.
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