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“I beat  you home for a change?” Charles lifted his gaze away from the laptop screen, having done a little after work research. “Dinner’s on the counter.”
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claire-hooley · 8 years
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“Thanks for coming. I just need like fifteen minutes of your time. It’s kind of important.”
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“You wanted to see me?”
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“Sometimes I think I’ve been harsh on you, there was really no reason for me to behave like that and if I was able to apologize without looking weak then I probably would.”
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lynn-sylvestre-blog · 9 years
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“Hey, if you aren’t busy and you probably are but.....could we talk?”
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corrupt-carlos-blog · 9 years
Carlos was more than thrilled to see that the festival included liquor. It was honestly the biggest force keeping him there. Carlos knew that his drinking could become a problem, but at the moment he believed he was under control. He always thought he was in control. After buying wine from the pretty blonde, they were soon devoured. Causing the suited man to cheer up slightly, becoming more friendly to all. It wasn’t look long that he found more liquor. Leading him through the streets. When he saw a familiar, beautiful face, he stopped. “You’re the last person I thought I’d run into” He said slowly, his words meshing together slightly. He walked over to @ofcessationroyalty with a sly smirk on his lips. “Still yelling at strangers? Or was I just that special?” 
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tircrusaders-blog · 9 years
Now you insult me by trying to get your tiny little cyber fingers on my money. Damn, and here I thought we were going to be great friends.
Friends buy friends popcorn. We offered up Criminal Minds; it’s reciprocity. We can always Skype instead.
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hackingmax-blog · 9 years
Kat & Max.
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claire-hooley · 8 years
Claire: while I cant actively help right now, I am around. Claire: i heard Jackie was telling people things so if you want to talk let me know.
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claire-hooley · 9 years
Claire: I’m sorry. Claire: I cant help you anymore. Somethings happened.
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claire-hooley · 9 years
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Claire had chosen the music shop at random at first, but then it turned into a favorite spot and a good spot to feel like they were safe from prying eyes. She stood near the door, leaning against the brick exterior and waiting patiently. Phone in hand she finished off a few random text messages and kept herself busy. All in good time.
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tircrusaders-blog · 9 years
Is there any on Netflix? Suggest some dramas and I'll definitely take a look. How about come join me if you know my location. Your company will be kindly appreciated. xoxo
Ten seasons of Criminal Minds are on Netflix, though we don’t think you have room for all of us. How big is the Cessations’s popcorn budget because we’ll be needing a lot.
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tircrusaders-blog · 9 years
You aint shit.
Location acquired. Many thanks.
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lynn-sylvestre-blog · 9 years
[Kat]: Surprise. [Kat]: Long time no talk.
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