#ofc this one has more dialogue aaaa
seaofgoldensand · 2 months
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GRUMPY CROOOOW 🐦‍⬛ what a sophisticated birb
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merakiui · 5 months
how do you manage to write for scaramouche so well?? ❤😭 it may be because i havent played genshin before. but. you srsly have me simping HARDCORE for this man, to the point that i wanna get in on the action too and write something of him for myself!!!- but as someone whose barely wrote before and struggles with dialogue sm, it feels impossibly difficult.. may i ask for some tips or advice abt this, if youre up for it ofc? and this is off topic but i also want to say that i enjoy reading every single writing of yours, and im very very thankful to you for even choosing to post them in the first place. reading something that you write will always make my day sm better and i appreciate you so much. im so sry this became so long rn, but i wish you a day as hardcorely wonderful as youve made me simp so hardcorely for scaramouche!!! (it was sounding better in myhead NOO. in all seriousness tho i wish you the best day ever possible, THANK YOU!!! you should be super duper proud of yourself for making these masterpieces and i srsly hope you are, even tho i know its hard to feel this way abt your own work!!!)
AAAAA this is so sweet... 🥺 thank you for enjoying my writings and the way I portray Scara!!!! (੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭♡ I'm glad you can love and simp for him!!!!!! He deserves many fans!!!! >3< and I'm grateful to know my works can make you happy!!! I wish you the most amazing, hardcorely wonderful day as well!!!!!! 💖💖
As for advice I'm not sure if it's advice for writing dialogue or Scara, but I can share my thoughts for both!!! :D dialogue is fun because, while it's still conversational, it can come in many forms depending on the context and dynamic/relationship between the characters. For example, dialogue between a boss and their secretary will be different from that of dialogue between close friends. Real-life conversations aren't perfect; we stutter, repeat words, trail off in what we're saying, ramble, interrupt, use fillers like "um" or "ah," and so on. Adding these elements into dialogue between characters can help it feel more natural.
With Scara, he has so many layers and can be written in many different ways depending on what era of him you're writing for. What I like most of all, though, is his ability to act so friendly. I feel as if this ability of his is somewhat forgotten, but in the Unreconciled Stars event he approached Traveler and company with such a friendly façade. Even his intonation was bright and kind (as opposed to how he later addresses the Fatui soldiers)!!!!! orz orz I adore this aspect of his character,, how he's able to be both a brilliant actor and an intimidating Harbinger all in one. His sharp, sarcastic tongue... the threatening aura he has despite being so short hehe. <3 there's so much to love!!
I like to imagine him as the stray cat they tell you not to feed often otherwise he'll continue to come around even when there isn't any food to give. Although it also helps that he's portrayed as a cat in Nahida's fairy tale. ;;; I love Scarameow with all of my heart!!!! It's also important to note that, as evil as he was during his era as a villain, there were also facets to him that showed some gap moe. How he cares for the elderly and children. How we know that he has a tendency to get attached to things, to seek a purpose, to know what it's like to be human and feel human, to be accepted and loved.
His misunderstanding with Ei also plays a role in how he views the world (and how he'd probably be wary in falling in love because he fears abandonment). Whereas Ei was hoping he could live his own life by setting him free rather than destroying him as Miko had wanted her to do, Scara mistook the gesture as abandonment and betrayal. And from his perspective it's hard to see the goodwill in what Ei did because she,,,, didn't exactly go about it in the best way. ^^;;;;
Aaaa there are just so many parts to consider from the timeline of his existence. As Wanderer, it's really heartwarming to see him gradually healing and accepting himself as well as letting go of past grievances (but also taking accountability for and acknowledging all that he did as well as all that he is). He still has that same sharp-tongued sarcasm and there are still rough edges, but he's not so harsh or vindictive. 🥺 I just adore him so much...
I rambled a lot and I'm sorry. T^T I hope it's helpful advice and not just my adoration for Scara shining through. ;;;;;
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hapalopus · 3 years
Cross Your Heart Chapter 17 live blog/initial thoughts
@karkalicious769 I've been so excited for this chapter I went out and bought snacks to really make it a special reading experience. I can't believe we're finally gonna figure out what's going on!!!
I'm tired of tumblr's image limit, so instead of screenshots I'll just copy-paste whatever quotes I'm reacting to. And I'm on mobile, so I can't do line-breaks only paragraph breaks RIP
Anyways without further ado...
The image of Rook in Max's old 70s clothes is delightful and I need fanart stat! at least in my mind it's 70s, don't ruin this for me dfghgdd
"a tiny part of Rook was thrilled by his lack of respect today." THAT’S MY BOY!!! He's really grown as a character during this fic and it shines through in little things like this<3
"Even his eyes were the wrong shade of green." Yes yes we get it Blonko, you're madly in love with Ben and have memorized every detail of his face xD
"Rook certainly could think of worse ways to spend eternity. He was glad that he was sharing it with Ben, even if only one of them would get to remember."
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"When Ben made no move to take the origami rose, Rook leaned forward a few inches more to tuck it behind his ear. Without his armor and gloves on, he could feel Ben's hair against his fur and had to resist the urge to stroke his jaw." When I tell you I had to stop myself from squeeing here. Oh man.
"Ben turned pink, eyes widening at the gesture as Rook's intentions sank in. His lips formed a silent "oh" HE HAD AN 'OH' MOMENT AAAAA!!! Good or bad, is there anything more satisfying than Oh Moments? no. no there is not
"Rook took a step back, even though he wanted to be closer." Excuse me miss?? How do you make the simple act of moving out of the way give me feels????
Paradox's dialogue is on point, I am 100% reading it in his voice!! And by that I don't mean the rest of the dialogue is not on point ofc, it's all great, sfjjhfdk
"though Rook doubted that the man actually had a doctorate" get his ass
""At first, I wasn't planning to speak to anyone at all," Paradox admitted. "I was simply going to end this timeline and move on. But you're close to Ben— closer than you should be, even— and I must confess to a certain level of, well… personal curiosity." For all the meta talk about how Rook isn't cosmically significant and how this timeloop has nothing to with him... it's oddly satisfying to know he's the reason the loop hasn't been ended yet. Even if the reason is less "your existence matters" and more "your existence is curious". Also, Paradox being able to just erase entire timelines is terrifying and I love him existing as some kind of eldritch being who views people as ants.
"To demonstrate, Paradox snapped off the end of one branch. Everything that came before still existed, but there was nothing in the future, and there never would be again. Rook tried to imagine time just stopping and couldn't." This makes so much sense!! I feel silly for not catching on earlier, but then again it's been a while since I watched those episodes :3 But god, this is a really good explanation and suddenly the Eternity ending (or what I assume it revolves around) seems disturbingly likely o.o
""No, Ben can't be dead. He isn't supposed to die. Why—?"" THE CONTRACTION, I'M-
"Rook stared into Paradox's eyes and saw the endless march into infinity. He saw nothing at all." For some reason this really drives home how... idk, I keep repeating myself, but I really have no better word for it. Paradox is a terrifying eldritch creature. I imagine his eyes, matte and empty like shark eyes now. Dreadful.
"He was seconds away from launching himself forward and decking Paradox in the face." He should've :/
I always get a little bit of second hand embarassment when a character bares their soul like this, but it is a really good speech. However much I may dunk on Ben, Rook is right, he really is just a good person who does good things. And who can live up to something as simple as that?
And then the ending. If you hadn't been generous enough to share the date for tge next chapter I might drive myself mad with that "we need to talk" xD
Gah, I loved this chapter!!! So satisfying in so many ways :DDD
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carpsurprise · 3 years
Can I request Memory and Teach for Sam and Sebastian, please??
aaaa this is quite long!! also i apologize for it sitting for a while, this was p tough but i do love both of the boys sm :,) !!
what memory are they most fond of? 
-sam: sam remembers one of the first friends he ever made when he was still living in zuzu city! his friend’s parents kinda doubled as his own, and saw his friend’s dad as a father figure when kent was away! his friend’s dad was super big on music and taught his son how to play a few instruments, and sam really loved how close they all were! his friend’s dad bought him his first acoustic guitar :,)
-seb: when him and sam were younger robin allowed sam to come on a camping trip with them!! it was the first time sam and seb really were close for an extended period of time and they were able to do some stuff on their own for the first time!! seb remembers sam being suuuper bad at fishing and struggling to start a fire (despite say he was the best at both)... the whole trip is a fun memory for him!
what memory bothers them? 
-sam: his mom blew up on him and vincent for something super small. sam was old enough to piece together she wasn’t upset with them, but was just stressed about kent. vincent didn’t understand what he had done wrong and took it really bad, and was kinda distant from jodi for a little bit just because he was scared to make her mad again.
-seb: anything that has to do with his father! he tries to repress it as much as possible instead of dealing with it, but sometimes he’ll have a good memory with his father come up and then feels guilty for resenting him! 
what is something from the past they've learned from? 
-sam: always check up on everyone! if someone seems like they’re struggling.. even a little.. he’ll offer some help or at least some encouraging words. he learned esp with sebastian and keeping in tune with him, but it works for when his mom is super stressed too!
-seb: not to waste his breath on those that don’t deserve it! he’ll be the bigger person and not fight with others on trivial stuff that has no real outcome. he’s not one for confrontation anyway, but if someone’s looking for someone to back them up, it’s not gonna be him. 
what is a memory that always makes them laugh?
-sam: these 2 are connected, but def sometime he pranked seb. anytime he’s made seb (lightheartedly, ofc) annoyed he enjoys it. he lives to innocently mess with others and finds the funniest moments are where he’s successfully caught someone off guard. but, there was a time when he was younger kent got stuck on a water slide… he doesn’t let kent live that down, despite knowing the slide was built for kids. 
-seb: i think canonically seb smiles thinking about how sam is leading in community service hours and i thiiink another dialogue is similar to that. it seems like memories with sam make him chuckle if they cross his mind! sam launching snowballs accidentally into lewis’ face, tripping over his own feet in front of penny.. etc
what is one thing they wish to teach the world? 
-sam: not so much the world, but he’d love to teach vincent to be himself as he is!! and to pursue what he wants no matter what jodi or anyone would say against it!!
-seb: he hopes that as he is… people will learn to be more compassionate and not jump to conclusions about a person. he knows he’s a likable guy, just hopes sometimes people will learn to see past his faults.
what is something they think is important that isn't taught at school? 
-sam: mental health!! i think he’d be a big advocate for knowing what’s going on in the head and how to catch certain things early. teach people its ok to breakdown!! there’s nothing wrong with needing a break and taking it easy… teach kids that it’s okay to be upset. 
-seb: honestly? computer sciences. i mean you have keyboarding and such but like? viruses, simple stuff like settings and such? not touched on a lot! he gets so sick doing simple tasks for people sooo often, esp when it’s like basic stuff! gotta teach some computer smarts (so no one bothers him when he’s busy lsdkflkds)
what is something they wish they knew earlier? 
-sam: lifes too short to mope around and be upset about insignificance things!! gotta look at the positives in bad situations and take nothing for granted! his dad being away kinda taught him a lot about mortality, and now makes sure to appreciate the little things!
-seb: people do care about him. he’s more secure with his friends now, but it took him years to warm up and not feel like a burden/annoyance to them. he now knows if he does feel down both abby and sam are ready to jump to his side… even if he doesn’t think he’ll leave a ~lasting impact~ on the world, he takes comfort he at least brings them some joy from time to time.
what was their best and worst school subject?
-sam: he’s v good at science-y stuff! like the plant/animal part of biology (even stuff like enzymes etc!!) and finds a lot of interest in it!! if he can do like hands on labs he learns the best and its easier to apply his knowledge!
-seb: english! def the english teacher’s fave kid. likes classics and the drama of shakespeare… won’t really read aloud unless he’s called on. he’s super good at grammar and english has always come super easy to him! he also really likes history but only specifics of it.
were they a "good student"? why or why not?
-sam: ohh no. definitely a good bit of that is his adhd, but teachers ofc never really took him seriously. i think he’s v bright and intelligent but.. traditional learning is not for him.
-seb: he’s the kid that got “a pleasure to have in class” on his report card simply bc he never spoke! the kid that the loud and rowdy kids get sat next to to be a ‘good influence’... good grades until he hit his teen years and started feeling.. y’know... gloomy.
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Tw abuse, drug addiction, mentions of Shadowhunter racism, sexual abuse and all Camille related shittiness. (1) Right so how do we feel about Camille using yin fen to further manipulate Magnus and make him stay? I mean obviously Camille’s not the only vampire in the world but I’m sure Camille would convince him to stay with her and only get yin fen from her and the ways she could further manipulate and abuse him is....ouch. -
She could just up and leave suddenly and leave Magnus in withdrawal with no idea when she’ll be back, making it seem like it’s his fault she left and furthering Magnus belief that he needs her. When she comes back she calls Magnus pathetic, ‘I mean she was only gone a few days and he’s already like this, this is why no one loves you Magnus your just a pathetic waste of space’ and that goes on for a while, I’m not really sure what the breaking point would be or if cat and ragnor get him out of there, but either way he gets out and there’s lots of ups and downs and relapses and it’s painful, he has his family but he’s barley holding on and then introduce Raphael! Cause I love him and need to include some Raphael Magnus bonding any chance I get. When Raphael moves in and is struggling with his addiction Magnus tries to help the best he can but always keeping his walls up so he won’t seem weak and helpless like he feels he is but things happen insert some dramatic plot and tears and Magnus tells him about his addiction and how he understands how hard it is so Raphael can feel better cause Magnus is always helping other people at the cost of himself, is it healthy? No. But will that stop him? Also no. And cue angsty dialogue where Raphael says it’s not the same cause he hurts people with da fangs and Magnus doesn’t, like the whole aggressor vampire bloodsucking stereotype that I’m sure Shadowhunters love to use to their advantage and you’re a much better writer than me but emotions and bonding and lots and lots of angst. Djkajsjssf yeah you get it -ya boy( yeah that’s the name I’m using so you know it’s me cause I’m extremely creative )
love the name! sorry it took me so long to answer, i've been busy and i wanted to give this all the thought it deserves cuz u know me and camille angst and aaaa
i usually don't tie yin fen in with the abuse, i've seen that hc before but i don't commonly go with it (not for any reason in particular tbh except maybe that i usually use camille's abuse as a way to project my own abusers and since i never had any experience with that i don't include it in my hcs), but i do think the potential is great! (well, in an evil way, but you get it)
the whole thing about withdrawal is great because by that logic when she withdraws affection she is also withdrawing the venom so it's a double withdrawal he's experiencing and it's hard for him to differentiate between the two things, so it just ends up seeming like being without camille is even worse. and like addiction is a result of biopsychosocial factors so the fact that he became addicted in the first place indicates that he had been in a fragile state; and camille leaving plays into that fragile state, making his need for the yin fen greater, and then she isn't there to give it to him, so again it just feels like being without camille is the worst thing in the world and he just doesn't want to upset her so she doesn't leave him alone in this hell again
and then of course when she's back magnus is in a terrible state and she immediately uses it against him, saying that this is exactly why she needed some time, she can't ever be away from him, he is so needy and dependant and needs her all the time and he's smothering her, can't he see that she's exhausted? she can't live to take care of him all the time and he's just so selfish and tiring and this is why everyone but her left him
then you know... kicking him and kissing it better, saying, "look at you, what a terrible shape you are in, i don't know what you'd do without me", playing the good cop and further drilling into him that he needs her you know
and certainly magnus could get the venom from someone else but it puts him in a way too vulnerable position in front of strangers, risks other people finding out (i'm sure magnus wouldn't want people to know about his addiction just like they don't want to know about his abuse; it's ridiculous, it's pathetic and it's all his fault and he should have known better in his head obviously i'm not saying it's true but also just because it's one more thing shadowhunters and other people can use against him), and probably risks getting her mad. which is weird because she bites other people all the time, but then again, what does he want her to do, not feed herself? only drink from him? and he knows it's difficult to stop so why is he judging her for something she can't control?
but if it were the other way around she would lose it, call him a cheater and say that she doesn't deserve this, that she's done everything for him and this is how he repays her, whoring himself out for anyone else. it was supposed to be their thing, something they did for pleasure and for fun, and he had to go and become a fucking junkie, didn't he?
then later she comes back and apologizes, says she was mad but she had the right to with that he had done, and besides, she's really just worried about him, doesn't he know other people would use that to manipulate him, put him in danger? she's just looking out for him. and repeat
i'm also not sure what the breaking point would be but i think it would probably require some interventions from ragnor and cat, plus eventually these things boil. magnus is in a vulnerable position, yes, but he is still smart and he is a free spirit and he doesn't like being held down and treated like a toy and abandoned; he craves people and he craves affection and he can see how he's spiralling out of control, and i think for the longest time what keeps him tied to camille isn't love but guilt. this sense that he owes her because she saved him in the bridge, and it isn't fair of him to just break up with her. but eventually enough is enough, and plus, camille is not just an ass to him. he sees the way she treats other people, turn mundanes and then leave them to rot, and is generally a terrible clan leader. and i don't think magnus would ever want to be with someone who is openly vile and hurting others like that. he just can't live with it, magnus already has enough guilt from associating with terrible people and he cares so fucking much about others he could bleed to death from it. so eventually it's too much
don't get me wrong, he also does it for himself, and honestly i wish it was more for himself, but i do think the fact that camille is a terrible person plays an important part in him leaving her because enough is enough
about rapha!!!! you know i'm a fucking sucker for magnus and rapha angst and bonding so you've come to the right place, love of my life. i do like the idea of magnus being able to talk to raphael about it, say that he understands perfectly what he's going through. it's also interesting because they are on "opposite sides" of the addiction, and with magnus he had been in an abusive relationship that got him hooked to it, but like, it's still the same thing at the end of the day, you know?
and magnus is just like, raphael, this isn't your fault. trust me, i know what a person doing this to someone on purpose looks like. and it's a complicated thing ofc because rapha is a guilt junkie so of course the idea that he could be even remotely similar to camille eats at him, but at the same time he just... could never and magnus points that out to him, that his disgust at the idea is more than enough proof that this is not the kind of person he is
and slowly magnus helps him through his own recovery because magnus understands exactly what this is like, and he knows all the ups and downs. he knows downworlder support groups dedicated to that, he knows other people who have gone through it, he knows the importance of a support network and makes sure to give it to rapha not just in the form of himself (because no one can be a person's single source of support, it's impossible to take this much responsibility) but also by introducing him to other people like cat and ragnor and other cool vampires magnus knows. and encouraging him to eat more from blood bags because i bet rapha is the kind of person who refuses to because he feels disgusting and magnus is the one who tells him that if he adds hunger on top of withdrawal it's just going to make him feel like he needs the blood even more. so eventually raphael relents and starts eating properly
and at the same time raphael helping give magnus some closure because i think part of him still feels a bit like he was ungrateful towards camille and rapha is just adamant that that was Not the case, and camille wasn't addicted to his blood, she was using him and that's different. and just aaa raphael being the first person magnus opens up to about this that didn't already know him by the time camille rolled around, and them both helping each other and getting closure and being a support network without trying to "fix" the other, just giving options, listening, being there. ugh i love their relationship so mUCH
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@radariant asked for yuuya for the ask meme and I accidentally deleted it
1: sexuality headcanon
Bi of course! He realized pretty early on. The Le Bels and co were very bigoted which served to make him determined to feel extra proud about his sexuality, since he opposes their values.
 (I keep on getting aro vibes with my headcanons and worrying that I'm just projecting too much, so maybe not but I have thought of aro headcanons)
2: otp
Yuuouta and Yuuyanghel <3 Yuuouta warms my heart more lol but I've plotted more for Yuuyanghel I think!
3: brotp
I really love both his father son relationship with Leone and post bbl getting a better relationship with Sakuya. And ofc our post bbl au is pretty much found family with yuuya, sakuya and ryouta + okosan and anghel as like. weird but nice cousins lol. So ryouta as well for sure.
4: notp
The thought of shipping Yuuya with either his brother or the serial killer that's blackmailing him is just....... Let Him Be.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He likes always having something to do, he's always joining school clubs or getting part time jobs or extra missions. He can be really passionate about them but also lose this quickly and be unreliable. When he has a lot to do it stops him from thinking too much about that which is too upsetting. But it's hard to uphold committments when his position with the Doves takes priority. He can also get too down.
6: favorite line from this character
aaaa there are a lot. His scene with Ryouta in Holiday Star, everything in bbl, his whole shrine visit bonus scene in holiday star.
"I'm always straight in love, well almost always." Biconic.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
We're very different people but I definitely relate to some of his emotional issues big time. Some of his dialogue really clicked with me like no other character has, even though as a whole we're not super alike.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
All of his dialogue oh my god. It's really tough to write his more flirtatious stuff, it's definitely not my speciality!
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Uhhhhh I think every hatoful pretty much counts as a problematic fave? I'm not a fan of these terms though any good character would be something in between!
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merakiui · 3 years
MERA! Sea glass was so SO good omg I swear u never disappoint w ur fics. I don’t even know where to start w the praise. It may seem like I’m exaggerating but it rly is so good. Ur defo my fave yandere writer on Tumblr! I love the mystery, suspense, and unease in ur fics, especially Sea Glass, it had me on edge the entire time it was so addicting to read I couldn’t put it down! And I hope I’m not pressuring u in any way but I hope that u will continue to write for twst I’d love to see u write more for it! (I mentioned praise and so I will deliver) I love in sea glass that u incorporated the dreams the MC/Yuu faces in the game, the foreshadowing of the angel in the glass box (the way I gasped when I kept reading, at first I thought it was just symbolic of the situation reader is in but then it played into the reveal ltr), and idk if it was ur interion but it felt like reading a more twisted (lol), darker retelling of the little mermaid but in reverse. Like instead of a mermaid becoming human, the human became a mermaid instead. And like i said idk if that was ur intention but I like how it’s a twisted, yandere version of the octo trio since the game is also a twisted version on the Disney films a lot of ur grew up w. In a previous ask by another anon, u said u would make a part 2 that goes deeper into the relationship reader has w the octo boys, and I wanna ask something bc I love theorizing. So it seems like the trio has a rly deep attachment to reader, and the previous ask asked if they acc have a history w reader and if the met when they before. And if that’s the case is it possible that reader isn’t acc a random sacrifice that was picked, but someone that the trio manipulated the man to take under the guise of a sacrifice, in order to finally obtain reader? Ofc don’t reveal anything about part 2 but like am I close w this?
AAAA OMG THANK YOU!!! I hope the story conveys my love of ocean aesthetics and Octavinelle trio!! But I’m really so honored to receive such high praise. >0< it means a lot to me, so thank you once again for the love and support!! ♥️ ✨
I will be writing lots of stories for the twst characters! As of now, I have ideas for Malleus, Lilia, Idia, and Riddle (whose fic is in the works as of now). I want to write something for Ruggie and Leona as well! We’ll see what ideas my brain comes up with for them. ( ˘ω˘ )
I’m happy you enjoyed those aspects! There were so many small details and scenes that I loved writing. I had lots of fun writing Azul’s dialogue hehe!! But I actually didn’t intend to write it like a reverse of The Little Mermaid. I think it was there in the back of my mind since the man has a specific name in the story. It will be officially mentioned in part two, but I’m sure it can be guessed easily!
Sea Glass had a very different ending from the one in the published version. Originally I had planned for the reader to drown when the tweels were dragging them into the sea, which would then ruin everything Azul had carefully planned up until that point. But I felt like it would be more interesting if the reader was turned into a mer like them!
As for your theory, they do have some history together and reader isn’t just a sacrifice as it was originally intended! The trio like to think their relationship with the reader is really deep and you’ll get to see how it blossomed in part two. If I had to explain it, I would say it’s a sequel that focuses on the complex relationships between reader and the trio and between the reader and the man! I’m very excited to write it! I hope you will look forward to it!!
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