#ofc this doesnt apply if u have truama or things like that
stealchain ยท 1 year
i truly believe if u have a fear of an animal or something the best way to get over that fear is educating urself on them. 4 years ago i was terrified of snakes and turtles and frogs but now im in aw of those animals. i LOVE snakes so much they are so so facinating to me.... i can usually id a snake by looking at it in just a few moments now and i have a favorite snake. i wven would love to own a rosy boa in the future. i LOVE frogs now too esp tree frogs.... love love love me a small green tree frog and WHITES TREE FROGSSS BIG CHUNKIESS ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• i also used to be terrified of crickets specifically and tbh by the time i stopped working at the pet store i was grabbing crickets with my bare hands and bagging them up...
anyway moral of the story if ur irrationally scared of an animal i suggest to learn abt them !! watch videos and learn from ppl that respect the animals
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