#ofc Sahota and vic have killed -many-
Who out of the t$$ crew has killed someone?
so none of them have a direct, "I 100%, without a doubt, have killed someone" but we have plenty of probablies
Joy's whole weapon-dealing scheme involved a lot of rivalries, which resulted in plenty of firefights. She's got the most likely probably because there's been instances where she was pinned down and had to shoot her way out, and never found out whether the opposition stopped firing due to death, or just injury
Hunter, as he's made note of in-story, has also probably killed someone. Like Joy, he's been involved in shootouts to save his own life, as well as hand-to-hand fights that could've led to a death from injury or complications
Kaius, Benji, and Jericho avoid fighting directly at all costs so the likelihood is significantly lower
However, as their creator I can say that Joy has a bodycount of about ten, Hunter three, and Kaius one. (He drugged a guy who was stalking him and had him cornered, and the guy had an allergic reaction. Kaius isn't aware)
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