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namelessknight · 1 year ago
I remember when my child was young they would say “Some day father, I will see the world!” I always told them they would if their heart so desired and if they had the drive, they really could.
What I couldn’t bare was my child leaving. I begged them to stay, that it wasn’t their fight. They said to me they were but eighteen-
“Some day father, I will return and when I do I would’ve seen the world…someday father, I will come back to you.”
They got on Buttercup, their favourite mare…and rode off with their solider friend to fight the monster that started this unholy war.
I cried like I have never cried before then..I waited. I hoped each day since then that my child would return, I dressed my best clothes and worked like I haven’t worked before to make the farm spotless for them to come home…
It was three years. Three years since I’ve seen them. No word on from their end but from what I heard it’s very much the same for many others…I hoped my child wasn’t killed…I prayed I wouldn’t loose another. I just wanted something, anything.
I didn’t receive word until a letter came.
The letter said that the war with the king was over…he was proclaimed dead. The war was done and my child would finally return home in three days time.
So I prepared, I made up their room, a room I haven’t stepped in for at least a year. I washed everything down, I prepared everything I can on the farm of animals and apple trees and on the final day…made my child apple pie.
Then…over the horizon of my farm where the sun peaked over each morning…I saw a dark knight ride on a nightmarish horse at the crack of dawn.
The armour the knight wore was dark as night that shimmered purple everytime they moved, the horse they rode was nothing I have never seen, a horse from hell with red bleeding eyes and a mane that was of hell fire.
The knight rode until they stopped in front of me and spoke with a deep voice…
“Branton Noor? Farmer of Evrin Acres?”
“Y-Yes?…That is me.”
The figure jumped off their horse and towered over me, they were as tall or even more tall as my solider child…
Their helmet hid their face. They said no words until they finally spoke with power-
“Branton Noor, I am Cosima, the son of Queen Ofara and Royal Ezlis Noor. I am your grandson here to bring you back to the Netherworld where the rulers await you…at your new home.”
My eyes popped out of my sockets in that moment. All I could muster to say to the tall figure was-
“Apple pie? …You must be tired…come on in, we can talk more inside.”
I waddle to my house and see in the corner of my eye that the knight follows closely behind me…
Oh my goodness…what just happened? Is this real? Am I hallucinating? One moment I was waiting word that they have died or worse…became another person but this? I HAVE A GRANDSON AND DAUGHTER-IN-LAW?!
This…This was definitely not what I expected.
Your son/daughter has been gone for 3 years, fighting the campaign against the demon king as the head of the royal knights. You a humble farmer now have received a letter that the war has ended and now they are coming back to visit you.
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zamknacsieniemoge · 1 year ago
Sandrone Dazieri - Zabić Ojca/Mężczyzna z Silosu
uguhggh to ma sliskie strony. fuj (przenioslem sie na pdfa potem LOOOL)
no coz! zaczynam to dosc szybko bo mam nadzieje na lepsze wrazenia
dziwne tez to, ze tytul zmienilo;; czyzby stal sie kontrowersyjny? ojcowie cancelled the book??
a i jest dluzsza niz do tej pory czytane przezemnie rzeczy......z 500 stron? 580! to dwa razy tyle co bylo. mam!! high hopes!!
po faktycznym przeczytaniu tego czuje sie,,, calkiem satisfied!! ta ksiazka byla na swoj sposob taka przerazajaca, pomimo dziwnie dluugich i nudnych rozdzialow. jedynym elementem ktory poprawial mi nastroj czytania tego to ostatnie zdania niektorych rozdzialo- to byly takie plot twisty i zawsze byly takie dramatyczne it was silly
bohaterowie tej ksiazki to columba i dante - policjantka i ofiara porwania chorujaca na klaustrofobie
dziecko zostaje porwane. jego matka wczesniej znaleziona z odciętą głową w krzakach, ojciec delikatnie oszalał po ich zniknięciu. niemal od razu oskarżają właśnie ojca o morderstwo i trafia on za kratki.
jednakże zbytnio się to nie klei, ponieważ po chłopcu zostały jedynie buty. i te buty tak wiszą na stromym tak
columba jest generalnie na zwolnieniu lekarskim ; kuruje się po ataku terrorystycznym w paryżu, którego była firsthand ofara......... jednakze wlacza sie do sprawy illegally za prosba kolegi z pracy i zostaje wyslana do wlasnie dantego - osoby, co moze wiedziec conieco o tej sprawie.
od poczatku columba i dante sie nie kleja ze soba. sa naturalnie chujowymi ludzmi dla siebie, gdzies padnie komentarz o tym, czy o tamtym, czy o kawie z gowien wiewiorek.... maja taki enemies-friends dynamic, which i really liked going into!! z czasem oboje stali sie bardziej przyjaciolmi buuut still not fully friends. byly proooby jakiegos romansu cos rzucic..??? ale not rlly, osobiscie widzialem to jako totalnie platonic miedzy nimi
dante od razu łączy zaistniałe fakty z jego porywaczem. - ojcem
columba mu nie wieeerzy ....ale nie splasza go.
powooli powolutku z czasem sie zblizaja cpraz to do bardziej oczywistych faktow ze to serio ten porywacz i sie dziwilem czemu columba mu dalej nie wierzy
duzo jest wątków wspólników ojca, ich sytuacji przed jego spotkaniem i ich um....smierci! sad
jest tez rovere, on wlasnie zachecil columbe do udzialu w sledztwie. tez sie domyslal ze to ojciec ale jak mial wlasnie pokazac swoje teorie........he died. rip!
tak czy siak dowiedzieli sie o tym co mial im przekazac yay!
watek ucieczki, columba i dante byli poszukiwaaani - ale kontynuowali ich smieszne sledztwo na wlasna reke. i sie zglebili porzadnie. columba nawet prawie zostala zamordowana. GIRLBOSS Z NIEJ BTW. STRONG WOMAN SHES RLLY SERIOUS I LOVE HERRR
w koncu udalo im sie dotrzec nad jakies jezioro gszie byl ostatni dowod ich racji. jakies kontenery z wody
i sie ojciec ujawnia ake to jednak nie ojciec turns out? i tak ich prowadzi potem do real ojca bo dante potem mial jakis nostalgia trip i go porwali
chcieli go zagrzebac zywcem ale columba i wspolka™ ich powstrzymali
n thats it. ojciec is dead
cieszy mnie bardzo w tej ksiazce ze fabula idaca teraz szla rowno pod raczke z backstory postaci. byl czas na fabulke, po ktorym byl taki mniejszy, a sycacy backstory segment i znow powrot. okazjonalnie tez byly rozdzialy-przerywniki!! tez backstory, ale napisane z takim little shock value?? that was rlly nice, it kept the book kinda nicer to read
a taka neg cecha to wlasnie nuuudnosc rozdzialow :(( duzo bylo zbednych(? imo) opisow, ktore sprawialy ze ksiazka sie bardzo ciagnela.... cale czytanie zajelo mi miesiac......bo bylo nudne
7/10!!!! liked it a lot
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griffonhatchling · 4 years ago
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lionsarchlabs · 6 years ago
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Something I have been working on off and on for weeks now. I borrowed Ofara from @griffonhatchling For this one. The head piece actually may have a familiar motif of the square divided as I have set this up as the elementalist symbol of Diem Ptep. Maybe ceremonial robes or something?
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boofybutdeadly · 7 years ago
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[x] Sharkrats <3
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obsidianreaver · 7 years ago
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I fell victim for the lion.
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weisscoldglare · 7 years ago
Norp? Fara claer-corchinva? Escorga morvet, leeth ofara. Niische... Muvin tarvari! Sha quoret clensari! Moriq!
Whats this about porN? This is a no sinning Zone since ....2 hours ago
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groovydragonpandabanana · 4 years ago
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BROW DADDY YAKKY PIGMENT IN DIFFERENT SHADES 👌🏾 PRICE N8000 ONLY https://www.instagram.com/p/CDmIs-OFARA/?igshid=kfztzov9poq9
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christinamac1 · 5 years ago
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Something is happening at Diablo Canyon Hammy Ofara, 8 July 19 They Have scrubbed many of the internet Story’s, related to the earthquake hazard to The reactors there in the past 6 hours. There has been another large eartquake closer to the coast
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webodisha18 · 5 years ago
Sara Ali Khan's gym video in lockdown went viral, more than 29 lakh views
Sara Ali Khan’s gym video in lockdown went viral, more than 29 lakh views
Sara Ali Khan’s gym video went viral
Special video ofara Ali Khan’s gym video goes viral 29 million views video Sara Ali Khan has been doing pull ups at Nazrni Delhi:
Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan is very active on social media. Be it their photos or watching videos, they become viral on the internet. Actress Sara Ali Khan is also making a lot of headlines during the lockdown. Recently, the…
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jimivaey · 7 years ago
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Arrest Nnamdi Kanu Now, FG Tells Court Nnamdi Kanu with Biafra agitators in his hometown of Isama Ofara, in Anambra State. The Federal Government through the Ministry of Justice has demanded for the re-arrest of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu.
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athenawroughtarchive · 8 years ago
heading to the airport soonish, but i’ll be mobile! feel free to add me on sky/pe: boleynqueenwrites@g/mail.com ; or snap/chat: ofara/gon
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griffonhatchling · 5 years ago
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[x] some asks did for Best @rata-whitz :3 Featuring my ocs Ofara, Norqi and the commander siblings, Sjoti and Inquito.
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griffonhatchling · 6 years ago
OC info meme: Ofara
I was tagged by @rata-whitz to do Ofara for this! :D 
Gonna tag: @lilletam @lionsarchlabs @bergards @echodreamer aaaand @friskypooch (as always you are not forced to do this! 8D) 
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More under ------->
B A S I C S :
Full name: Ofara 
Gender: Female
Sexuality:  ??
Pronouns: She/Her
O T H E R :
Family: Parents are still alive and she has a sister, but she doesn’t really have any contact with them due to family dispute/bad arguements that happened when she was younger. She has a niece named Brealita that she tries to get a better connection with, after knowing that she’s her sister’s daughter.
Birthplace: Rata Sum.
Job(s): Veteran Medic now a respective Establishment owner of two taverns to aid other Veterans/war affected civilians
Phobias: Mites, enclosed places, voids
Guilty pleasures:  Sweets, spending time with Adil while they travel
Hobbies:  Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work shopping work work work work
M O R A L S :
Moral alignment: Chaotic Good
Sins: lust / greed / envy / gluttony / pride / wrath / sloth  
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T :
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S :
OTP: No one for the moment
Acceptable ships: No one for the moment
OT3: None
BROTP: Norqi (even though she hates him, she can’t help herself but to care about him)
NOTP: None yet
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griffonhatchling · 6 years ago
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There’s not that many times Norqi gets easily flustered by his old war comrade who was now his boss.
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griffonhatchling · 6 years ago
I love Ofara's hair and something about it just makes her seem so grown up, responsible, reliable, like the type of person you'd know would listen to you if you ever needed someone to talk to. Weird thing just to get from her appearance but yeah that!
Ofara sends her love to you that you really like her hair Well.. she is very mature (and old don’t let her know that I said that) so it’s nice to know that she looks her age! :D
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