#ofab arawn
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hangedinthebalance · 9 months ago
wait ok so i might be a little bit in a craze rn but like what do you think about acera and arawn ?? like they both like plants and their asthetics seem super close to each other and combining them could be super cool. do you think theres any evidence to support it ? thank you !
I usually try my best to stay neutral in most of the shipping discourse so don't consider this me definitively stating my allegiance one way or another, but, here we go:
I think there is some evidence for it, not nearly as much fodder as fallenxfaith or most of the other big name ships. Mostly because of the way Rex plays Arawn, they tend to more hang on the fringes of the scene while Acera tends to be more front and center so they haven't spent too much time together one on one.
but like back in the season 1 finale in the garden, when Acera brought life back to the island, that was canonically the first time Arawn smiled, and he smiled AT Acera, plus he wove her flowers in his hair. Also he left her a note on the mast of the ship and we don't know what he said in that yet! it could be anything!
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skuzzbucket1 · 7 months ago
“Keeping this bird here could make the difference between all of us getting to where we need to go and all of us dying”
“I think you’re being a little dramatic :/“
(OFAB s2e4: “Rein it in”)
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conditioned-to-be-a-friend · 8 months ago
ACERA WANTED TO TEACH ARAWN DRUID SPELLS ???? Omgomgomg guys i was so right silentgrowth is real !!! 👻🌱👻🌱👻🌱 this episode is gonna be so good i cant wait to see pools home i bet its rly cool okok back to watxhing bye
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fallenxfaith · 9 months ago
literally everyone watching the ofab fandom of literally like 10 people having the most intense week of their lives rn
when something major goes down in a fandom you're not a part of
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thedevillazaruth · 9 months ago
Of Fate and Balance, Season 2 Episode 1
As a recap, the party has just destroyed the orb and is now relaxing outside the cathedral room, Acera having brought life back to portions of the garden.
Eventually, they look up at the sky and realise that they can no longer see the sun or moon or stars, and they begin to panic a little before deciding to take the boat and leave.
On their way out, Allura is encouraged to stay behind, and a voice (suggested to by Nyssa) promises Acera that Allura will be safe, granting her a mirror that Allura can communicate through.
The rest get on the boat and start to sail towards the mainland with Arawn's guidance and Acera's magical House of Aroth homing beacon. After leaving some border of the island, the sun, moon, and stars become visible again.
On the boat, Pool knocked out asleep, everyone else does a little exploring, finding rations in the storage room, maps to Thrallia in the captain's quarters, and shrines to Rua in the sleeping quarters. Everyone takes a break for lunch but Acera asks Ruthie to leave for a second before arguing with Arawn and Carlin over telling her about the brand. Finally, they both leave and Acera is left in the galley with Gorvi and a soon returning Ruthie, Carlin secretly hiding somewhere nearby.
Acera reveals the brand and the nature of the previous conversation and Ruthie does, indeed, freak out about it a bit. She storms into the captain's quarters where she sees Elemin looking for something, and then kicks them out and starts to read the updated copies of the Zenith Scrolls stored there.
Acera and Gorvi decide to sleep on the deck rather than the sleeping quarters around the shrines, and Arawn joins them. Elemin offers to make dinner, and that's that as most people bed down for a rest.
Until Pool wakes up, and Ruthie leaves the captain's quarters, having just trashed it, and attacks him. She punches him multiple times before flying up above the ship, among the clouds.
Everyone has dinner, and after, Ruthie and Acera have a talk until they realise Carlin is and has been missing. Ruthie tracks Carlin's cape with Acera and Pool not far behind, and finds him hiding in the storage room.
Ruthie and Carlin almost get into a fistfight, in part because Carlin references Ruthie's "girlfriend," but Acera stops them before it can happen. Ruthie and Acera leave back to the main deck, and Pool talks to Carlin for a bit ("what's your favorite animal?" "I can't answer that question right now") before heading back up.
Pool and Ruthie talk, and finally, they all rest.
The rest of travel is largely uneventful. Pool and Elemin practice magic stuff together (turns out Elemin was looking for a replacement spell book for theirs that got destroyed in the water), Ruthie is tense but not necessarily aggressive, Acera is tired, Arawn leaves notes for Acera and Ruthie, Gorvi is seasick and nervous, Carlin is nowhere to be found as long as he can help it.
And then, there's land on the horizon, and they must prepare.
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conditioned-to-be-a-friend · 9 months ago
okok so im new to tumblr (looking forward to meeting you! 👋) but its been so fun seeing everyone talk about ofab so i thought that id talk here more ! ive gotten super invested in the show recently and i wanted to talk to more people about it !! ✨✨ umm so i guess you can send me asks if you want if thats how it works?
anyway the first episode of season 2 was so good !! i binged the whole first season as well and oh my gosh its so awesome to see how the cast and set have evolved ! super happy that they got a bigger budget for this season. id have to say that my favorite characters are probably arawn and carlin but everyone is so good !! 👻🔪 i love their vibes so much ahaha
im so excited for the next episode ! bye !
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conditioned-to-be-a-friend · 9 months ago
WAIT DO YOU GUYS SEE IT its so silentgrowthcore !!! 🌱👻
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conditioned-to-be-a-friend · 7 months ago
these quotes sounded like jokes to me when watching the show idk if theyre actually canon or not bc idk if they actually fit with theyre dynamic. its a little weird to me that wiley keeps making these jokes though it looks like it makes the others uncomfortable and acera definitely doesnt like it. idk it just seems a little off to me
"I'm going to mount Acera"
"No, I want to ride Acera"
"I'm rawdogging riding Acera"
"I'm doing it without any protection, I'm going to ride Acera without any protection"
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conditioned-to-be-a-friend · 9 months ago
ok i know that theres probably no proof of this in the show but like what if i shipped acera and arawn. idk why but this image reminds me of them. like acera with the plants but the vibe is so arawn. im actually so obsessed with this does anyone else see it ? 🌱👻
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conditioned-to-be-a-friend · 9 months ago
omgomgomg this is so true !!!! the first time he smiled !!! guys i think i might be on to something here ! their vibes work so good together to pass up though i dont think thats a coincidence. 🌱👻🌱👻🌱👻
hmm ok so i guess i have to come up with a ship name now because i think im the first one to have this theory because i havent seen any othe rpeople talking about it so maybe something like silentgrowth or something idk i think that sounds pretty cool ! let me know what you guys think ! 💖💖
wait ok so i might be a little bit in a craze rn but like what do you think about acera and arawn ?? like they both like plants and their asthetics seem super close to each other and combining them could be super cool. do you think theres any evidence to support it ? thank you !
I usually try my best to stay neutral in most of the shipping discourse so don't consider this me definitively stating my allegiance one way or another, but, here we go:
I think there is some evidence for it, not nearly as much fodder as fallenxfaith or most of the other big name ships. Mostly because of the way Rex plays Arawn, they tend to more hang on the fringes of the scene while Acera tends to be more front and center so they haven't spent too much time together one on one.
but like back in the season 1 finale in the garden, when Acera brought life back to the island, that was canonically the first time Arawn smiled, and he smiled AT Acera, plus he wove her flowers in his hair. Also he left her a note on the mast of the ship and we don't know what he said in that yet! it could be anything!
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fallenxfaith · 9 months ago
Acera is the most friendly person in the party (except maybe Pool, but Pool tends to antagonize people unintentionally). If you ship her with ANYONE she has a handful of positive interactions with, you'll have to ship her with everyone.
I think her relationship with Arawn is platonic, she makes them smile because as the extroverted friendly character, she's supposed to soften all the edgey characters so they can work in a group. Sometimes characters can just be friends
wait ok so i might be a little bit in a craze rn but like what do you think about acera and arawn ?? like they both like plants and their asthetics seem super close to each other and combining them could be super cool. do you think theres any evidence to support it ? thank you !
I usually try my best to stay neutral in most of the shipping discourse so don't consider this me definitively stating my allegiance one way or another, but, here we go:
I think there is some evidence for it, not nearly as much fodder as fallenxfaith or most of the other big name ships. Mostly because of the way Rex plays Arawn, they tend to more hang on the fringes of the scene while Acera tends to be more front and center so they haven't spent too much time together one on one.
but like back in the season 1 finale in the garden, when Acera brought life back to the island, that was canonically the first time Arawn smiled, and he smiled AT Acera, plus he wove her flowers in his hair. Also he left her a note on the mast of the ship and we don't know what he said in that yet! it could be anything!
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