#of tiny baby!Jean tied to the stake
gerec · 4 years
Fantasy AU - Charles/Jean
So I started a number of fics that I never finished in time for Rare Pairs Fest, which I’m sort of bummed about because I liked the prompts a lot and the ideas that were starting to form; I just couldn’t quite find the motivation to get them to completion ugh. But I’ve decided to post what I have written of these stories so far, in the hopes that sending it out into wide world might get the Muse excited about picking them up again lol.
Pairing: Jean/Charles, implied Erik/Charles, implied Erik/Raven Warning: Non graphic (non sexual) violence towards an underage character 
@lachatblanche‘s Prompt: Charles and Jean have always had a very special relationship, ever since she was young. No matter what happened or who passed in and out of their lives, that bond has always remained strong and unbroken.
Nothing has ever come between them. And, if Jean has her way, nothing ever will ...
Note: The tenses are a little wonky here but it would all get cleaned up in a final edit if I wrote more. :D
Green, they say, is a fitting choice for a bride, representing harmony, and renewal, and the freshness of Spring.
Blue, they say, is an apt pick for the soon-to-be-Queen, to rule at the King’s side bathed in his colors. 
Instead it’s the color red that Jean chooses for this long awaited day, the hue of blood, and of fire, and the sacrifices made along the way.
Jean understood that she had a different life once, with a mother and father who loved her, and who did their best to dote on their only daughter. Theirs was a poor but relatively happy existence, in a mud-caked village with a long forgotten name. She could still recall vague snippets of their life together on that farm; her father tending the sheep while her mother worked the loom, and days spent growing herbs and tomatoes in their tiny garden.
And then one day, her powers came, and everything she’d ever known changed in an instant.
“Those are good memories, Jean,” Charles had told her once, after she woke up in tears, crying desperately for parents who were long gone and buried. “It’s alright to hold on to them, and leave the other ones behind.”
But she would never let herself forget, even if she could; the weird angle of her mother’s broken neck, her limp body thrown clear of their overturned cart. Her father’s tear stained face as he cried out to the heavens, calling Jean ‘a wretched witch’ for killing his beloved wife. The villagers’ mocking words as they dragged her eight year old self, kicking and screaming to the pyre, tying her to the stake.
Her father turning away without a word, as they set the wood beneath her ablaze.  
She had called out for him then, and also for God; for someone, please anyone, to save her from a horrific fate. Instead they all stood by and did nothing, too afraid to show a little girl either mercy or restraint. It was their hatred, and their terror that stoked the sleeping fire at her core, unleashing the devastation that would engulf everything in its wake.  
They found her alone and unharmed on top of the pyre, and the entire village around her reduced to nothing but ashes.
It was his face that she saw when she first opened her eyes, and his brilliant mind that reached out to welcome her in. He looked upon Jean with tender kindness and care, without the judgement of those who had known her all her young life. The relief she felt brought fresh tears to her eyes, for no one – not even her own parents – ever understood what she was, or loved her as he did without fear or reservation.
Don’t be afraid, Jean, he said in her head, as strong arms cradled her gently against his breastplate. I’ve got you now, darling girl, and I promise you’ll be safe. No one will ever hurt you again, I swear it.  
Please, she answered, and it was so easy talking this way, without the wasteful inaccuracy of the spoken word. Can I go with you, wherever you live? They don’t want me here…and my father…
Can’t hurt you anymore, he said, his inner voice rough with feeling, brimming with such hurt and anger for the evils of men. She knew that his name was Charles, and he was searching for more people like them, with special gifts that were unappreciated, and often misunderstood. I would have you stay with me as long as you wish, he whispered in her head. Be my family, Jean, and I’ll be there for you, always.
I’ll stay with you forever, Jean vowed, with every fiber of her being. I’ll always be by your side.
She finds him awake in his room late into the night, bottles tipped over on the table and strewn carelessly on the floor. He’s been crying, his eyes rimmed red and shot through with blood, body huddled in a ball on his four poster bed. Jean wants to weep too, seeing him suffer like this, watching him crumble under the weight of such utter betrayal.
It’s a relief that he doesn’t realize the truth of it; that it was three people and not two, that has hurt and deceived him.
“How could this have happened?” Charles asks, eyeing the bottle in his hand, speaking not to Jean but to the quiet of his half empty quarters. “Why didn’t I see it when it was right in front of me?”
Once, he would have seen clearly through Jean’s calm exterior, plucking the gnawing guilt from her thoughts as easily as ripe fruit from a tree. He would see both the conflict and the shame, and catch the barest hint of remorse, hidden behind a wall of steadfast determination. He would see the motive behind all of Jean’s lies and machinations, and know that she did it for him; to protect him from those who would do him the most harm.
“Shh,” Jean says instead, folding him tenderly into her arms, a reversal of roles to the many nights he held her close and chased away the bad dreams. “It wasn’t your fault, Charles. Never yours.”
“I just can’t believe—” He shudders as Jean rubs his back soothingly, resting his head in the crook of her neck. “My sister…and Erik…how could they, Jean? Why?”
His mind is a maelstrom of confusion and pain, his shields non-existent – safe in the presence of the only one left he can trust. There are others of course, like Hank and Ororo, and even the Summers brothers Alex and Scott; but none he loves as he’s always loved Jean, who shares both his vision for peace and his formidable power.      
“I have no answer for you,” she says, because she knows he doesn’t truly want one, no matter his words. “And certainly none that will make things right.” She strokes his hair from his forehead and kisses him gently, and lays them both carefully onto the bed. “But you still have me, Charles, and I swear to you – I’ll never leave you, not now. Not ever.”
He smiles, and brushes her cheek with his fingers, and does not stop when she takes his hand and presses it against her breast.
“You’re so very beautiful, my darling girl,” he murmurs, stroking her long auburn hair, eyes filled with an ocean of unearned grief and pain. “We mustn’t. It’s not right,” he adds, after Jean kisses him, slowly, gently, coaxing his mouth open as he lies helpless in her embrace.
But Charles is drunk, and Jean is a girl no longer, and everything that happens next is as inevitable as the sunrise.  
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huffle-dork · 4 years
Casting Call (Swapboys AU)
(Hey guys! I realized recently that I haven’t done the best job of setting up the beginning of swap boys- so here we go! This takes place right after A Nice Alternative, and you’ll see more of Mag’s pull on not only Alt but his other puppets~ and alt’s new friends will get to see first hand just what they’ve gotten themselves into. Sadly, I had to break this up into two parts cuz this was already really long but! Hopefully I get the next chapter out soon cuz it’s a fighting chapter and I loveee those! Enjoy my friends! Please comment or reblog and lemme know what you think!)
SwapBoys Masterpost
The next morning, Alt woke up feeling better than he had in a long time. He was well fed- and Glitches was in a great mood with her new bed and toys! Alt almost didn’t want to leave her. He hadn't seen her so energetic in weeks. She mewled and pawed at him, nudging her new light up mouse for him to throw. Alt laughed and indulged her for a bit. But, he also had things to do today. Like- stake out the venue for tomorrow night. Figure out his escape route, and set up his equipment. Backups- all that shit.
He got to his feet and stuffed on his shoes, all while Glitches mewled in protest. She tried to tug on his jeans to get him to stop. But, she was a tiny kitten, and Alt had to pick her up before she ran into something that could hurt her.
“Sorry girl, I gotta work!” Alt said in a baby voice to the kitten. She bapped his face and gave a long meow. Alt laughed and petted behind her ears. “I promise I’ll be back in a few hours okay? Then we can play! Okay?” She looked sad again but mewled low and licked his cheek. Alt chuckled and set her down on her new bed, bouncing her new mouse on the soft cushion next to her. Her pupils got so big as she went to pounce on the creature, it’s fur lighting up underneath as she bapped at it with her feet and chewed on its head. God, she was so cute- it made it so hard for Alt to go. He turned around quickly and sucked in a deep breath as he glitched downstairs.
However, when he appeared on the asphalt outside his flat- he was greeted by something he wasn’t expecting.
Not too far from him, head dipped low so his teal bangs hung in his face, was a well dressed gentleman. Clothed in a gray vest and slacks, with a long blue overcoat. His face- Alt recognized it. Even though he had only met the guy yesterday.
“...Schneeplestein…?” Alt asked as he cautiously approached, gripping his backpack closer to him. He was immediately on high alert. No one just visits this shitty part of town- much less someone who only met Alt yesterday. He was scanning for any funny business. Was the actor in trouble? Or… was he the trouble itself?
As Alt stalked closer, it suddenly occurred to him that Schneeplestein couldn't hear him. He was deaf. That dog of his wasn’t around either… And with his head hung like that (creepily… Alt had shivers going down his spine) there was no way the teal haired man could read his lips. Alt gulped nervously, realizing he’d have to touch him or get in his line of sight to get the actor to listen to him. If his gut was right- that could spell trouble.
He slips closer and tries to catch Henrik’s eye, “Schneep…?”
The second Alt’s feet come into view, Henrik’s head snaps up and he locks eyes with Alt. They’re bright neon green. Alt quickly stumbles away, almost tripping over his feet to give distance between them. He- He knows those eyes!
“S-Schneep??” Alt squeaks, wondering if he’s hallucinating. This can’t be real right?
But, he can see them- the shine of the near invisible green strings tied around Henrik’s wrists.
Henrik’s voice is hoarse as he addresses the glitch, “Antisepticeye.” He drones, almost robotically, starting to walk towards Alt. Alt hastens to get away, his heart starting to beat wildly.
“The Master demands your presence.”
“y-Yeah well! Tell him he can fuck off!” Alt spits back, clutching his backpack tighter, He desperately looks to see if he can glitch past the actor. If he’s a puppet- he’s gonna be faster and stronger than he looks. And If he glitches upstairs- he’s gonna expose Glitches to that bastard again. He doesn’t want that, ever. “I’m done working for that creep! He can’t control me anymore!”
The teal haired actor seems indifferent as he continues to walk towards Alt. In his hand, he’s clutching a phone- whose screen is bright and glowing with green and blue spirals. When Alt’s gaze wanders over to it, he gets momentarily distracted but he quickly shakes his head and snaps out of it. He’s being cornered by Schneep- his back almost up against the building. He can’t let himself get caught!
“Antisepticeye will comply.” Henrik growls, his other hand reaching into his pocket. He flips out a knife. But, then twirls it in his hand and brings it up to rest against his neck. Alt freezes, heart in his throat.
“If you don't cooperate,” Henrik starts slow- then his eyes flicker more purple than green, a mad light entering his eyes as he grins wolfishly. “Then, I’ll start picking off your new friends one by one.” The knife slips over Henrik’s skin, red blooming on his neck in a thin stripe. “It’d be a shame to lose such a good puppet- but i’ve always wanted to see if i can control a corps-!”
“STOP!” Alt screams, rushing to grab Henrik’s arm before he can hurt himself further. The actor wastes no time, his eyes flashing back to a puppeted state as he shoves his phone in Alt’s face once the glitch is close enough. Alt chokes, his eyes catching the spirals and his mind quickly going foggy. What… was he just doing? No- Henrik-! He needs to-!
Alt hardly feels as Henrik pulls his arm from Alt’s grip and drops the knife, instead going to drive his fingers to press hard against Alt’s temple. His trigger point.
The glitch stiffens and then just as quickly relaxes, all the fight drained out of him as his eyes fall to half mast. Green and blue swirls wildly in his eyes. His knees wobble and as soon as Henrik lets him go he crumbles to the ground, eyes unfocused and staring ahead.
Henrik watches Alt coldly, going to gather his knife before looking back at his phone. Slowly, the spiral fades to display colored static. From the static, words slowly emerge.
“Is he under?”
“Yes, Magnificent.” Henrik answers.
“Excellent work, pet. Bring him home for me, won’t you?”
Henrik nods before mumbling again faithfully. “Yes, Magnificent.” He turns to look back at the downed glitch before coming over and kicking his side.
“Up.” He commands, watching dully as Alt struggles to his feet. “Magnificent wants us back. Now.” Alt breathes heavily for a second before lifting glazed green eyes to the actor. He nods slightly, but then reaches out to grab Henrik’s arm. The air starts to feel electric, tasting of metal as it grows thick with pixels.
“I got it. Hold on.” Alt replies to the other puppet. Then, in a flurry of green and blue glitches, the two dissappear.
Alt goes flying across the warehouse floor, skipping like a thrown stone on the surface of a lake. He skids to a stop on his face, his cheek bloody and raw. He groans, the green light in his eyes flickering.
Mad laughter echoes off the walls, making the glitch stiffen. Before he could even register it, green strings materialize on his wrists and jerked him off the ground. He was on his feet momentarily before he’s dragged to kneel before the one pulling his strings.
“Oh dear sweet Alt,” Magnificent purrs, going to cup the boy’s jaw in a gentle grip. Alt almost relaxes into it, sighing as his gaze glazes over. Then, Magnificent dug his claws into Alt’s skin and he jerks, a choked exhale leaving his lips. Veins of purple spark from the wounds and Alt shakes with fear. His skin around that area starts to turn gray-
“Not only did you fail to get me that spell book, pet,” The puppetmaster sighed, looking at the boy with a distant distaste, “But, you also got captured.... By a superhero no less. And, not just any superhero… but that idiotic...what was his name again..?”
“B-Bro.. F-Fantastic…” Alt slurs, eyes flickering again.
The sharp grip on Alt increased and he screamed while Magnificent only tutted like he was scolding a child. “Did I permit you to speak, mistake?”
Alt’s eyelids flutter, the pain making it hard for him to think. The corruption from Mag’s claws was close to reaching his eyes, having branched up to his cheeks. He felt weak and his limbs felt numb. Magnificent, however, loosens his grip on Alt and lets him fall heavily to the floor. Alt wheezes harshly, pixels sparking off of him like he was attempting to glitch but had no energy to. The dark magician kicked Alt over before he prowled away.
“You are quite fortunate, Alt,” Magnificent laughed as he slunk like a jungle cat around the other presence in the room, Henrik. He ran a finger down the stoic puppet’s face fondly. “That my little toy here was there… to tell me of your treachery.”
Alt struggled to push himself up, blue flickering in his eyes as he looked back towards Henrik, his new friend. “H-How… how did you…?” Alt whispered, wondering how the hell Henrik got caught in Magnificent's web so quickly. All his time working for the madman, he had never seen the teal haired gentleman.
Magnificent chuckled, then made a ‘come hither’ motion with his finger, the digit lighting up with green purple magic. Alt got swept up in the energy and was brought in front of Mag, where the magician had him stay, caught like a fly in a web.
“Ah yes… you must have assumed you were my only puppet, didn’t you?” Magnificent giggled, petting Alt’s hair like a dog’s. The glitch weakly bared his teeth at him. Mag paid him no heed though and started to walk around Henrik while he talked.
“Henrik here is a very special case, actually! Quite the interesting puppet…” He took the time to push back Henrik’s hair from his ear. “He’s not actually from this time at all.”
Magnificent grinned, leaning on Henrik. “He’s from 1933.”
Alt’s eyes widened, a gasp leaving his lips. Henrik didn’t move or make a reaction, and Magnificent almost beamed at him.
“Oh yes… my little deaf mouse here was an… unexpected mishap from a spell of mine. See, there’s… so much power and magic in the universe, my apprentice. And not only in our universe… but many many others.” Magnfiicent’s eyes glowed with madness and bright energy as he spoke. “One of my goals… is to harness the power of the multiverse. To tap into realms similar to ours but not the same. To find myself in these worlds… and crush them. Drain them for every ounce of magic they are worth.” The madman watched with satisfaction as Alt shuddered. “That way… I will not only be the most powerful in this world… but all the worlds. And no one will be able to stop me.”
“Y-You’re insane…!” Alt gritted out through his teeth. Magnificent shrugged.
“Mm, perhaps i am!” He bore a sharp toothed grin then flared out his cape as he started to circle Henrik again.
“However, in my quest towards entering the multiverse… something went array. And instead of opening a way into a new world, I created a way to pull open the past.” He then laughed and squished Henrik’s cheeks, “And then, this puppet was brought to me! Scared… confused… helpless.”
He turns terrifying pitch black eyes on Alt and grinned crookedly. “I helped him find his way.”
Alt’s eyes were almost clear of Magnificent's influence as he struggled to get out of his magic. “Y-You didn’t help him with shit! You took advantage of him!! Y-You turned him into a mindless plaything, just because you could!”
The madman chuckled, leaning into Alt’s face now. “Mm… you’re right. I did~! And it was so much fun!” He leaned over to pet back Henrik's hair, running claws from his temples to the side of the gentleman’s face. “He was just the perfect canvas… so many triggers to play with… so much delicious conditioning to make him just right~! I had never given so much care to one of my pets before.”
He looked back to Alt and then smiled while his eyes glowed neon. “Until you.”
Alt flinched back and then growled at Magnificent, “Y-You wish, psycho! I won’t become like him!”
Magnificent shook his head before snapping his fingers, letting Alt drop to the floor. Before, Alt could even blink, Mag was there in front of him in a buzz of static, grabbing his hair and yanking his head back.
“Oh Alt… you don’t seem to understand. You… are my masterpiece.” Alt tried to snarl at the magician and thrashed in his grip. But Mag just lashed out and grabbed his chin again, holding him still.
“Henrik isn’t blessed like you or me, Anti…” Magnificent whispers. Alt shivered at him saying his real name. “You have magic in your soul… you’re like me. And I will make you just like me… I will make you strong like me. I will make you crave power… to crush anyone who opposes you under your boot.
After all, isn’t that what i offered you when we first met? In exchange for little Glitches , hm?”
Alt’s eyes sparked blue green, pixels breaking off him as he bristled with anger. “ Yeah yeah- you offered me money. That you made me steal. And you offered me ‘power’ and help with my glitching. But, you didn’t give me shit! You just control me!”
Magnificent feigned a hurt look, clutching at his chest. “Alt- don’t you see? That’s how I help you see your true potential. Overwise, you would hold yourself back~”
Alt snorts and looks away. But, Mag forces his head to look back his way, magic swirling in his eyes. Alt yelps and closes his eyes tight- not wanting to fall under his spell. Magnificent clicks his tongue quietly. “I see… you’re afraid.”
This gets Alt to react, opening back up his eyes to glare at the magician as he snarls, “I’m not scared!” But, this gets Mag what he wants as he drags Alt towards him and locks eyes with him, freezing the glitch in place.
“Why do you fear power now, Alt?”
“T-That’s not-”
‘Hm? Isn't refusing my gifts a sign of you being afraid? Of all I can offer you? Of finally being strong? Does that scare you, Anti?”
“N-No-! Well… i…”
Magnificent sighs, “I can mold you into something so beautiful, kitty.” He reaches up his claws to dig into the glitch’s skull. Alt’s eyes flare purple as images flash in both their heads.
“You spent so much of your life afraid. Of wanting to show you were strong. Better than your brother. Better than the failure you believed you were. You wanted to show those thugs that kidnapped you- those boys that bullied you and called you a freak. You wanted strength- and that comes from power.” He hummed and traced the lines of corruption he left on the glitch’s face. He dug nails back into where they were before as his eyes filled with purple light.
“Why don’t I give you a proper taste, Anti? Of the power that could be yours…” Magnificent’s hands lit up with purple fire as he pushed his magic into Alt. Alt stiffened and screamed, trying to pull away. Until his eyes flashed and started to fill with purple too. The veins from earlier started to glow bright and then all his veins across his body lit up with the magic. Alt choked, feeling hot- feeling an overwhelming pressure wash over him. But- it felt… amazing. His mouth fell open, jaw slack, limbs loose, as the magic raced through him. He felt every fear he had, every doubt tossed from his mind. He felt his own powers stronger than ever before. Purple and black glitches and pixels started shaking the air around the two of them as the power settled in. After a while, a dazed smile crossed Alt’s face and he laughed. But, that’s when Magnificent let go, watching the boy crumple to the ground. Alt blinked, his eyes going back to normal, but now a haze of purple sparked in his irises. Any damage done from the magic before had faded, leaving his face clear. Alt lifted up his hands to look at them, seeing the faint flicker of purple mix with the green magic in his veins. Green lightning started to zip around him in the air. Alt could feel it now- magic that was dormant in his veins brought forth. He held out his hand to snap, and green lightning shot across the warehouse. Alt let out a laugh of disbelief, his form starting to break up now with purple and green glitches. He looked down to see this, slowly starting to grin. He started to glitch with new speed around the warehouse, yelling and whooping as he bounced back and forth. You could hardly even see him, save for the odd smears of blue, green, or purple.
He finally stopped back a ways from Magnificent, staring at him with wide eyes. He could escape now- he could run. But...
“...why…?” Alt breathed. “Why… me…?”
Magnificent chuckled and strode over to the glitch. And, although Alt stiffened, he didn’t move away, letting the magician come to him. Magnificent bent down in front of Alt and smiled. “I see myself in you, Anti. We both have been cheated by this world, forced to hide because of our gifts.” He placed a gentle hand on Alt’s cheek. All while building up an aura of influence around them, buzzing with static, entering into Alt through Mag’s hand. His eyes started to swirl with blue and green. But, Alt didn’t look away this time.
“You have power now, Alt. I can give you everything you need to make sure the world never slights you again. You could live like a king. Never hungry. Never hiding. But… you need to trust me… you need to let it all go. Your hangups- your reservations. That moral sense of right and wrong. You can rewrite the world, Alt. You can make it what you want it to be.” He straightened up and let Alt go, watching with a pleased expression as the glitch seemed to lean forward, following his hand. His eyes were wide, swirls of color reflecting the dark magician’s influence. But, he didn’t look away or attempt to fight it now. Magnificent had him where he wanted him yet again.
“Now… apprentice. Tell me that’s what you want.”
Alt is silent, caught in the magic. But, slowly the words are sinking in. He could fight it sure- but… why would he want to? He was tired… he was tired of slinking around in the shadows. He was sick of being hungry and scared. Tired of his own power being so… small. Insignificant. Useless. If he let go… he would never have to do that again. He could be truly free.
A twisted grin started to spread on the glitch’s face as his eyes became rimmed with purple, the irises filled with toxic green light. “Yes, Magnificent. I want that. I… I want power… I want to be strong!”
Magnificent grinned. “Then you understand now why I tested you this way? When I feel like you are ready… then you can further taste the powers i possess. But, you are not ready yet, pet. You need much more conditioning… training.”
Alt’s expression hardens, and he kneels on the floor in front of Magnificent like a knight before his king. “What must I do, Magnificent? To show you my worth.”
The dark magician hummed with a playful smile, before it fell. “You betrayed me, Anti. You fell and let those heroes twist your thoughts. They turned me into the enemy.”
Alt bowed his head in shame, “... i-i’m sorry Master…”
“If you want to prove to me your loyalty, kitten,” Magnificent purrs. “Then, you know your targets. You and Henrik will get those fools who dared to lead you astray, and teach them a lesson about stealing my puppets from me.”
The glitch buzzed with colorful pixels, his smile turning manic. “Of course, Magnificent.”
Magnificent’s eyes glowed with pleasure and pride at the look on his apprentice’s face.
“Oh, but don’t kill them, my pets.” He instructed, beckoning over his panthers that looped around his feet. Alt glitched to be by Henrik as Mag turned to look at them one more time, his eyes turning to black pits. “Just make them wish you would.”
Alt grinned and Henrik nodded, before Alt glitched both of them away.
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#11 - A Tangled Web
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Setting: oh, boy...... where do i even start with this one? welcome to your worst nightmare, or as Sly puts it a well-fortified gothic nightmare. if you thought Jailbreak was the embodiment of fear, A Tangled Web is ten times that. i mean, it doesn’t really develop any of the previous Prague characteristics because they’re the same, but the towering buildings really hone the spookiness. developments in the story also add to the fear factor. the Contessa has been ousted from Interpol and is now facing newly-promoted Neyla’s wrath. i’m thinking about what Hitchcock said on suspense and how having a bomb go off is scary, but having the people anticipate the blast is even scarier. that’s the case here. war is about to erupt and the gang is caught right in the middle of it all. although the fighter planes are casually attacking the castle and tanks are roaming the area throughout the episode, the operation establishes that full-out war is the climax for this episode. despite all this, the gang is united again and is ready to take down the Contessa. i absolutely love how there are two areas in this hub: Neyla’s side and Contessa’s side. Neyla’s side is a charming European town, reminiscent of Jailbreak’s hub. Contessa’s side is an intricate maze, full of arches, bridges, stained glass windows, crypts, dungeons and a cottdamn cemetery. similar to The Predator Awakes, i often get lost when playing this episode. the hub’s two areas also highlight the war aspect because it shows how there’s two indefinite sides to the subject, even though both characters (Neyla and the Contessa) are villains. essentially, the gang is a tiny league of their own swept up between a boiling feud. the safehouse is placed upon stairs to show how the gang doesn’t belong on Neyla’s side. as soon as you walk down those stairs, you face the danger of ruthless tanks (one of the game’s most annoying “guards”). the gang is definitely not welcome here. the hub’s architecture comes into play a lot throughout the episode: you have to climb the highest high to get to the Re-Education Tower and crawl under sewer tunnels to get to some of the crypts. some crypts are water-based, some are medieval trap-based, some are full-on coffin-based. and the missions really emphasise this as most of them have the gang traverse through a variety of rooms. fab.
Characters: before i touch upon the Contessa, i just wanna say, Carmelita’s back, after an episode of being completely MIA. yeap, right off the bat we find out she’s being held captive by the Contessa, who wants to turn her brain into mush. things are looking dire. for Sly, this brings back memories of Clockwerk’s lair. we haven’t seen Carmelita this defeated since she was Clockwerk’s hostage. this just further proves what a force the Contessa is. i love Carmelita’s lines in this episode (e.g. Let me out of here and I'll readjust your face!). Sly calls her his violent little princess and honestly that encapsulates everything. A Tangled Web overturns everything we thought we knew about Carmelita. after missing out on an entire episode, she’s being held captive for the majority of this one, and when she’s finally freed, she’s out of control. so we see two new sides of Carmelita: first restraint and then extra-powerful. the latter is due to her taking control of the tank at the end of the episode. she blasts the Contessa’s blimp down and even gets her hands on one of the Clockwerk eyes for a bit. Carmelita’s frenzy eventually winds down when (we’re informed via cutscene) that the gang helps her make a quick escape. so, basically, she’s back. let’s talk about the Contessa. as i’ve said above, the Contessa is an absolute force. i’m so happy to see a female villain surpass the other villains and their brute force. mind over matter, baby. absolute savage Jean Bison can’t follow up the Contessa’s act because he’s just plain muscle. in A Tangled Web, the Contessa is in her prime. i don’t know if she thrives under pressure or something, but she’s reached a divine level, elevating her persona and delivering PRICELESS dialogue such as I'm above all that, above good and evil. this episode is what makes her my favorite villain. SP gave her the “psychology trait” and took that to its full extent by having her psychoanalyze every character, almost drive Carmelita mad, and then try to hypnotise Sly. similarly to Rajan, the hub’s architecture resembles its baddie by having all those arches and tunnels resemble the Contessa’s spider legs. in the end, we get to fight her, head-to-head. it’s a great bossfight, albeit simple. but i want to focus on the dialogue during the bossfight. we have a character that knows Sly. again, only Clockwerk was that familiar with the Coopers. the rest of the villains up until this point (up until Dr M, that is) have been goons and crooks. but the Contessa, having researched Sly and his psychological profile, actually knows him. i know i speak for all of y’all when i say that You're an ignorant child playing dress-up in his father's legacy is A Tangled Web’s absolute climax. because it hits so hard. oof. it all just culminates and gives this marvel of a character an awesome conclusion. so now, we naturally have to talk about Sly. it’s been a hot minute since the raccoon’s had some character development. after being double-crossed, trapped and then had some reconnecting with his friends, he’s back. and he feels kinda different. i mean, he’s still the fun-loving, sarcastic Cooper we all love, but i think he’s started considering the gravity of the situation. Sly 1 saw Sly gradually realize what he was going up against, level after level. in Sly 2, he had to be cocky enough to get betrayed and thrown into jail before coming to the realization that the stakes are high. the episode starts with Sly saying Time for a little payback in full seriousness, and ends with him saying I tried to put it all out of my mind. This Klaww business was spiraling out of control and I knew that my gang was at the center of it. yeap. this set of episodes has definitely changed Sly. and i think having the Contessa mention his dad really pushes him even further. when he says sHE’s GOT THE EYE!?!!!? you really feel it (?). and finally, Neyla. ah, we finally get to see her true colors (at least that’s what we think). the cutscenes’ animation really does a great job in outlining what a war mongrel she really is. stomping around with her Timberland boots and barking out orders, having a hoard of tanks and fighter planes follow her. she’s absent for the majority of the episode but finally makes a grand entrance at the end. and the deception is brilliant. SP presented her as an angry war leader, had her hide in her HQ for most of the episode and only showed her making offensive moves towards the Contessa. so we were all shocked when she sneaked into the Re-Education Tower at the end. it was so un-war-mongrel-like, further proving that Neyla can easily shed her skins and how versatile she is. she’s like the yin to Sly’s yang..... until she gets stuck in a web.... *sigh*
Themes: when i say war, you say theme: war theme ! hear me out, this episode is very character-driven, but the themes are heavy too. having the episode take place right in the middle of a war is a new direction for the series. in the past, every episode had a different location and different aesthetic, but it was usually the gang stealing stuff in the night. here, we’re in an active warzone. the fighting heightens tensions and adds pressure to an already tough situation. the theme also embodies the characters and the hub. if Neyla is the embodiment of war (tanks, planes, etc.) and the Contessa is personified by her gothic estate, it further highlights how the former has the latter quite literally surrounded. tanks have driven the Contessa into her estate, surrounded by water, and the planes keep attacking the buildings inside. all this might and fury places the two villains onto pedestals. the theme is present everywhere: the Prague sky is especially red in order to exhibit the wrath of war, some of the missions take on a destructive nature (Mojo Trap Action, Tank Showdown). we all know war never ends well, and that’s exactly what happens: the gang is forced to flee at the end, barely managing to obtain both Clockwerk eyes. lastly, the fear theme is still present from last episode, but ties in with the war theme. the architecture, the guards and the missions still emit fear, but fear of war overshadows everything else. so, essentially, the war preserves the fear aspect and even sharpens it. and then, there’s the theme of defiance which fits in perfectly with the war theme. we’ve reached the end of this set of great episodes and the characters are fed up. as i’ve mentioned above, after Carmelita breaks free, she wreaks havoc. she’s been warning the Contessa about breaking free and there was doubt, but she succeeds and that shows defiance against her captor. Sly defies Neyla, after she double-crossed him. this is the first encounter between the two after what went down in India and the chase is great. both are defiant in their own way and that’s why their remarks bounce back. and finally, Sly’s defiance towards the Contessa. i mean, she’s been pulling the strings and been suppressing the gang for two episodes straight so it’s only natural for Sly to beat the shit out of her. and again, the dialogue here is absolute gold. there’s even defiance towards Bentley, when Sly doesn’t stick to the plan and goes rogue (lmao). i guess the last theme, or rather motif, here ties into the theme of defiance, because it’s mischief and tricks. i mean, it’s a form of defiance, so there you have it. even though the situation is extreme and the stakes are high, the gang seems to be having as much fun as ever. in Stealing Voices, there’s that great gag with Bentley imitating Neyla. Tank Showdown sees Murray try to fit into that tiny-ass tank in a cartoony manner and then squash all the guards in his way. Ghost Capture has Sly break a coffin in order to unleash pesky ghosts and then try to capture them by taking pictures of them. and i’m sorry, but every time General Clawfoot blurts out gibberish i crack up. there’s contrast between the war’s grimness and the way the gang handles the missions, and it’s great. i guess it’s comedic relief during harsh times.
What I Like: the character development, the themes and the quotes! i mean, analyzing this episode is my favorite thing about it. it’s a reminder that Sly 2 has the best and most well-constructed narrative in the series. favorite detail would have to be the guillotine. it’s so fun cutting the rope and watching it drop. so yea.
What I Don’t Like: i’ll be honest with you - this episode’s missions weren’t the best. they felt like small tasks to build up an excellent, narrative-driven operation. i mean, abducting General Clawfoot was a brief one and Stealing Voices felt too similar to Ghost Capture and Mojo Trap Action. and, sorry SP, but having me drive the tank as Murray twice felt like punishment...
Quote: deciding what gets included here is literally the most difficult thing i’ve ever had to do. how can i pick between utterly ICONIC lines such as Weren't you listening? She was an Evil Wolf Priestess and You're an ignorant child playing dress-up in his father's legacy. the latter never fails to send shivers down my spine. i honestly can’t do it. the whole damn episode is a fucking quote.
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deviationdivine · 6 years
Blue Blush (Connor!Prompt Request)
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TLDR: Connor’s having one of those days at the DPD that just culminates in him winding up naked...
Word Count: 2,837
TW: Fluffy Boy Connor, Language, Suggestive Themes
A/N:Follower/Reader Appreciation Drabble | Prompt: “Nothing to see here.” “Um, you’re fucking naked!” - @sammyreh request! Here we go! My main man Connor’s back with more fluff to cure my chronic angst. Thanks for participating baby! 
How lovely you look today. Any day will be beneficial to his visual component analyzing each detail for memory storage. Already he has seen you first entering DPD but that does not stop him wanting to be around you approximately twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, four weeks in a month and-
Calculations drop out of range the closer you come. Realizing that he fell into distraction reminds him of what Hank calls it. The lieutenant says he is ‘whipped’ but Connor is unsure if you would partake in the sexual gratification of S&M. Whips appear to be quite popular in the area.
A flood of information filters in his scanners. Oh. That is not what the lieutenant meant.
Wiping out a flood of sexual content he automatically steps forward with a cup of coffee brewed specifically to your preferences. “Good morning, Love.”
“Good morning, Detective.”
Your greeting is airy with a wisp of mischief. Catching him off guard is rare. After all he will hear a pin drop with that supersonic hearing. It isn’t so much surprise but confusion settling into his cute face. Then he plays off your formal address all too cleverly.
“We are much more than colleagues now, Y/N.” The android admonishes teasingly, offering the hot beverage to you. “In fact, I do believe we are dating.”
Is that so? You laugh at the little joke. Breezing past his lips husky and endearing; your body leans into his chest acting as a harmonious magnet. Tangling fingers around silky tie pulls him down just enough but directing him isn’t necessary.
Connor places a sweet kiss that quickly transforms in a sultry tango to your lips. Wanting to curve fingers with the shape of your face, cradling, claiming you as his, he does remind himself of current priority. This is work. He does not wish to cause an uncomfortable climate. Most have no opinion about this new relationship the two of you have begun.
Hank obviously rolled eyes when Connor first admitted. Actually, it was not in disgust. The lieutenant thought it was “about time they worked it the fuck out” in his usual unpleasant terms.
There is a nudge of doubt still weighing through his system. Even as you come to hold a place for him in your rapturous human heart; Connor imagines if he did not become deviant.
Never will he doubt you or these feelings. He doubts how good he truly is for someone like you. Someone who is a lively spark in this world, making him feel further human. If he may hold, protect you forever that will be enough. Even if you decide to move away from this connection for your sake as a human dating an android; Connor drops his gaze. Being free with thoughts and decisions empties his mind for only his internal voice to ruminate. At times being alone is not best for a deviant.
“Connor? Are you OK?”
Stroking his cheek draws him up in a snap. Indicator flickers in a call sign interrupting this pleasant sensation reserved only for him. He reserves for you as well. As long as you want to be with him perhaps that is enough. To hold a moment tenderly expecting an end or his days of struggle eclipse logic too severely. 
He is more adaptable than this. Having something precious to lose makes the android surge with an entire new string of emotions.
Maybe he should ask Hank. On second thought, let’s not ask Hank.  
Connor smiles now. Appeasing worry is part of his programming. He is meant to integrate in an amiable way. He still follows patterns of protocol but more so out of choice. An unmistakable need to make you happy fills him with purpose.
“I just received an emergency call,” Connor breathes against your hand. Tiny peck of the android’s bottom lip grazes palm where you continue to offer a soothing caress. Tasting the natural chemicals held within your body spiking for every touch and affectionate fondle of skin. 
“It seems I will be out in the field earlier today. And – Hank is late.”
Anderson is late? Shocking! You smirk. “Well, that’s on him,” you chide. “But still… I’d like you having backup. Do you want me to-?”
“No, Y/N.” Connor is quick to shut down the suggestion. He knows of the astonishing capability you possess. There is more at stake.
Arguing won’t change his mind. He’s pretty good at making his own decisions. It makes you happy to see him not tied down to code or orders. He’s also pretty good at this coffee thing. Sipping it now creates a warm spread.
“Mmm,” purring approval gets him going. 
Lusty clouds dot caramel cocoa, those same eclipses you notice each time kissing turns into heavy petting. Connor lets go of his pristine, intelligent personage while loving you. He takes breath away. Can only dream of how it will be when you two have sex. “Exact amount of cream. Connor, if you weren’t a detective you’d make a delectably hot barista.”
“Hey, hey, hey! Take your lovey dovey shit outside!”
Wrenching back from Connor’s warm, loving space is a good opportunity to roll eyes in disgust. You blatantly ignore the obnoxious entrance of Reed. “Be careful,” a little whisper floods your feelings. They always were like this for Connor but knowing he’s yours? It adds extra uneasiness.
He does not seem to be worried at all. That smile can light up the earth. He warms you like the sun.
“Androids are capable of avoiding unnecessary injury to biocomponents, Love. My model makes me quite effective.” Connor pulls at the threads holding your blissful laughter at bay. Poking gently, hoping to spill splendorous sound tinkling like china glass. Whenever you laugh the metal melts a bit more around his artificial heart.
You bless him with a diminutive giggle. All is right within his world then. It means everything he desires now. Deviancy opens gates, unleashing his true self. He-he wants to hold this forever along with your perfect form in his arms until the end of time.
“Gonna keep eye fucking or do your job tin can?!”
Connor’s smile snaps into a line. Drawing fingers against your waist as a silent disengagement and promise to remain safe, the prototype detective walks out of break room on a clear path to Gavin Reed.
The human detective yawns not worried. He snorts at the droid. “The fuck you looking at?”
“Opening your mouth to Detective Y/L/N will need proper adjustment,” Connor explains smoothly. “Would you like me to assist you, Detective Reed?”
Any jokes Gavin had on loop don’t make it past this plastic asshole’s balls. Getting in his face he must have a big pair of gonads! “Don’t think I haven’t forgotten your stunt in the evidence room motherfucker!”
“I’m sorry,” the prototype snipes sarcastically. “I suppose this concludes our bromance then.”
“You motherless piece of shit!”
Unfazed by the varying degrees of dirt that escapes Reed’s mouth, Connor takes a page out of Hank’s book as the lieutenant would say: “Do go fuck yourself, Detective Reed. I believe that will solve all of your problems.”
Gavin is too stunned to even harp back. That’s a first! Goddamn android saunters off like he’s some hot shot too. Anderson taught him this shit! He knows it! Well…he’ll get this prick back. Today.
“Uh, Connor?” Chris Miller’s eyebrows rise at the android. Coming in slopped up in mud and – that better be mud! “What happened to you?”
“I had a minor accident.” Explaining crisply, Connor’s perturbed affectation is due to his constant gathering of humanity. More simply put: he is pissed off. Holding up his arms did not lessen the entirety of this ruination. His jacket is completely soiled. 
“Just minor?” the officer snorts, returning to computer. “Wait til Hank sees this.” 
Ignoring Officer Miller’s amusement puts Connor on a path for locker room. A swift move that Gavin takes notice of. Removing feet off desk, Reed gets up casually before taking off in the same direction. Whistling on the way downstairs echoes in stairwell but Gavin shuts up by the time that prick could be in earshot. 
Jacket, jeans completely caked in mud, dirty liquid already seeps through white shirt. Jumping a fence into several pedestrians did not end well despite calculations. The thief in question decided to use collateral damage to slow his pursuit. Connor fell face first in a giant puddle of soggy dirt from last night’s rain shower. 
The android strips dirty clothing. Resting shoes atop bench they are remarkably unscathed. Obtaining a locker for himself is both beneficial and rewarding. He never imagined much need for it being an android. Hank was right this time. 
Connor smirks. Stepping out of aisle to enter shower stall he needs to rinse splatters of dirt from synthetic skin. 
Reed takes a peek now seeing the coast clear. “Let’s see you get out of here naked plastic prick.” Gavin proceeds to gather up the droids clothes intent on humiliating the bastard. This will stick it to him on a lesser note but he’ll sit back and laugh his ass off all the same. 
“What the hell did he fall in?!” Gavin holds the muddy pile away from himself. If he gets anything on this jacket he’ll kill somebody. 
      Wet tousled hair smoothes in a comb beneath Connor’s fingers returning to locker. He freezes, running a searchable scan. Where are his clothes? 
Jolting around at your frantic voice floods indicator scarlet. Priming himself to jump into action and protect he steels his fluid stance. You are alone. There is no sign of any distress besides your rising heart rate. Oh.
The android peers down assessing his current absence of clothing. “Nothing to see here.”
Nothing to see? How about broad shoulders ripe for finger digging, clavicles made for flush kisses and a muscle toned body stark naked in the DPD locker room? Connor is absolutely wow. No, really. This is…what??? 
“Um, you’re fucking naked!” 
Raising eyebrows at your language does remind him of Hank. The android remains standing without sense to hide anything about his state of undress. Simply he gazes at you fondly and free of inhibitions. Obviously this is far too intimate. Even in a relationship your embarrassment is palpable. “Are you all right, Y/N?”
A breath escapes in poor answer. Frankly there is nothing to say without making a fool of yourself. It shouldn’t be this nerve wracking. After all you two have been together but not this far yet. 
Connor cocks his head with a tiny smile. Obviously it does not bother him. However, he does not wish for you to feel uncomfortable. “I apologize. Would you like me-?” 
“Connor.” Pressing a palm to his chest stills the entire world. Bare and chiseled just as his sharp cheekbones, sculpted jaw he is a beautiful statue. He’s an ancient work born out of Greece. Tall perfection making you weak in the knees fully clothed. Without you need to start fanning yourself before passing out. 
Keeping eyes up is difficult. You swallow. 
Your touch melts him into you, eyelids drifting in a flutter. His eyelashes are like snow kissing against yours when he leans in to overtake lips. Right now he quietly stands absorbing closeness. Somehow you think this vulnerability eases him and how can you complain?
Cyberlife be praised. They were good for something at least. You giggle. Reaching up to cup his face pulls his head to meet your level. 
Connor’s lips mimic yours touching softly at first. Arms thread to the warm curves of your body. Pulling you flush produces a shared groan into your mouths. His LED is ablaze, frame shuddering pleasurably into your figure. 
Ohhh. You can feel him pressing fully into your groin. 
“Connor.” Bracing hands against the android’s bare chest establishes more. This type of intimacy is new. Wanting it is a personal truth but down in the locker room of the DPD? 
“I realize we have not had this opportunity. Removing our clothes for one another.”
“No,” you agree quiet. “We-we haven’t.” 
“Does it bother you?” Worry replaces lust in your android lover. “If so I will-”
“Connor, nothing in the world involving you would ever make me uncomfortable. Besides, I love what I see.” 
The android grins crookedly. Sweeping you close to show you everything he will offer. His back collides with lockers allowing you power over him. It is a silent turn on for the android known for dominating in combat. 
Tender kisses raining over your lips as stardust. Connor is a star. He’s your star. Glowing forever in your heart and this is the only thing. 
“My Heart,” he whispers into the sweet crook of neck. His tongue traces skin tasting what he loves most in this world. 
A dangerous shiver causes a soft moan to slip. Tracing fingertips down his perfect torso creates a light shade of blue. Shimmering in a blush to synthetic skin, you gasp, smiling up at him. 
“What the fuck!” Reed nearly throws up finding you pressed up against that plastic shithead. Like he needs to see a human and android fucking! 
Wrenching back from your boyfriend leaves a serious problem. It’s pretty obvious since there’s nothing in the locker. You sneer already suspecting! “Get the hell out, Gavin! Better yet. Get Connor’s clothes you asshole!” 
The detective snorts. Crossing arms over his chest, he takes one good look at this fucking shit and doesn’t bother hiding disgust. Fucking androids. Now they’re over here stealing humans for themselves. What a joke. 
“Didn’t take the plastic prick’s shit.” Reed denies but pulls off a cocky smile. Let’s see you prove it. “What? You gotta problem with your robo boy’s package? Ain’t got one?” 
Connor sidesteps from behind you without care. He throws a hot glare onto the human.
“Ah, fuck!” Gavin turns his head. “You son of a bitch! I didn’t need to see your dick!” 
“Certainly were interested enough to bring it up though.” You sneer at the idiot. Can somebody fire this scumbag? “Does that answer your question? Oh, that’s right. You’re embarrassed. Because my boyfriend is obviously way bigger than your teeny pencil dick.” 
Honestly, you know this boy is nice. You saw with your own eyes. Accidentally but knowing what’s in store for later is nice. Better than nice. 
“What the fuck did you…?”
Connor moves in front of you purposely aware of Detective Reed’s disgust. That is why the android smiles.
Gavin throws in the towel. “Jesus Christ! Go ahead and fuck him down here if you want. I’m out!”
Saying there isn’t satisfaction in Reed squirming like the scummy worm he is would be lying. You did enjoy watching him lose it. The filthy comment out of his mouth is so expected at this point nothing phases. Not even Connor still naked as the day he was created. This vantage gives you a direct view of his toned ass. Talk about sculpted perfection.
“Connor.” Calling for him to turn around, averting eyes to save your life, you reach to snag onto his forearm. Bringing the nude android towards lockers the idea is simple. “Um, wait here. And I’ll find where that jackass took your clothes.”
“Y/N, wait.”
Catching onto your waist stills everything. His voice is uneven. Checking his LED it’s not crimson but amber. What is he thinking?
“Then you do not mind seeing all of me.” Hesitation poisons his statement. Part of him does not want the truth. If you do not believe he is worth you- “As this. As my true self?”
A gentle smile answers in place of words. What can be said that is good enough? He is everything in your world. Can that be enough? Of course it is. Love is whatever you want it to be. This is what you want it to be.
“I know your true self. This.” You rub fingers across his chest. Beneath synthetic skin it’s easy to know what he is but that is what you love. All of him no matter what others see.
You indulge firm hands resting on hips. Thankfully deviancy means being bolder. He’s still a cinnamon roll though. Cinnamon roll that can kill you but still fits. “I only see you, Connor. Skin, no skin why should that mean anything? When I love you?”
The android is flooded with readings. Listening, analyzing each hastened beat of heart radiating out of you. Those beats are erratically for – him.
Connor’s smile transcends beyond that cheap grimace that used to twist his mouth. This is bright. Vibrant in humanity, dimples and pride knowing he can have what he wants.
“My Heart,” he pledges an oath. “I love you too.”
That pet name is going to make you drop. Who knew androids could be this romantic? You clear your throat, pointing down but keeping eyes on his. “Want to put that away now?”
“Oh. Obviously.”
Tag List: @elydith  @your-taxidermy  @tropfenlady  @connorswink  @tommy-10-k
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tomioneer · 6 years
the yyh marathon continues 10 with episodes 31-33
no, I’m not making train noises
he’s amazing.
i love chu’s stupid hair, I really do. it’s so fun to like, watch move around 
10/10 would date someone with that style ponytail. not the mohawk though, that’s too tall.
better and bigger and BUFFER than I remember damn son
speaking of sons.
soft yusuke
pure, blessed, angel baby yusuke
you’ve realized by now, of course, that I prefer his hair down, but did you ALSO KNOW that i prefer this child is garishly bright coats
no wonder I love napping!yusuke so much and remember these early matches so fondly despite what horrible shit the other kids go through
reminder that they are ALL children
except for rinku. honestly, in retrospect, presumably full-demon rinku is probably older than any of them? 
except for kurama. because. youko.
hiei is somewhere between actually fourteen in human years and like. 300 in demon years, probably.
I feel like kurama, an apparently four tailed fox (I maintain this is a lie, as kitsune can willfully appear to have less tails than they actually possess) is like. four or five hundred human years old at least
koto is a standard kitsune, by the way--transforms into a pretty girl, has one tail in her human form, and is a red fox.
I digress.
chu. chu is an adult. chu is not fourteen, so I can enjoy his shirtlessness without any qualms
koto,  oh my god: “well, they’ve burned their skin, shortened their breath, and somehow lost their shirts. altogether I’d call it a successful fight!”
they’re laughing, and it’s honestly adorable. 
they’re not hysterical, koto, they’re bonding. 
yusuke used to fight because he had nothing better to do and nothing worth staying out of trouble for, to his perception. maybe he thought it better to get killed in a fight than end up like his mom??? I can’t say
and he certainly never understood keiko’s vested interest in him
he fell in love with that kind of fighting, the carefree brawls where he always came out on top, and used them as a way to prove himself
but now he understands fighting at another level entirely, where his life really is in danger, and the stakes are higher than he’d previously imagined they could be. this isn’t about territory or revenge, he’s been saving lives
and he loves it, and so does this random stranger he’s ended up fighting
of course chu comes back as an ally later
he’s one of the first people yusuke’s ever understood on such a resonant level
thanks for the dramatic preview, kurama, but I really wouldn’t call them perfectly matched
in a fight bewtween two people of equal skill, the bigger one usually wins
or so says anita blake in laughing corpse, a book I havne’t read in ten years lol
so I have a thing for supernatural detectives, sue me
I ran out of ice cream ten episdes and 2 days ago. in retrospect, It hought I was going through these episodes faster than that
knife-edge death match
why is he australian
have I asked that yet, because I’m asking
koenma doens’t like the sound of that but I rmember how this goes and I LOVE IT
shizuru makes a dick measuring joke
watching chu remove his shoes is my new sexuality
btw if you don’t know what ‘toe off your shoes is’ in fanfiction, please watch this sequence because chu does it and yusuke does not
yusuke, I will say again, is a CHILD
yusuke loves the rules of this fight and if it weren’t amanga where he’s not aloud to use the same sort of fight more than once for fear of boring readers, I guarnatee ytou yusuke would do this more often
I can’t believe yusuke and chu are both just standing there in that position waiting with their feet on the sharpened edges of knife blades while the cimmitte decides whether or not a death match is allowed in a death match
yusuke is so small
ominous dark clouds that I missed bc I was typing lol
boys just punch okay
oooh and they even light the fight fo us, interesting
koenma somehow doesn’t recognize someone he knows and has known for years, according to the genkai tournament arc.
yusuke has to reach a lot farther to hit chu
karasu showed up like the little bitch he is
are those tiny eyeglasses on his mask, because if so that is BEYOND STUPID
karasu has a crush on yusuke, I know because his eyes shone and he’s gay
no, I don’t ship it
I could almost ship yusuke and chu though lol
I DO half-ship chu and koto
what the hell, I count them both
ship count: 6/400
kuwabara: I could watch them fight for hours... 
keiko, immediately: I can’t watch them fight anymore!
knowing how this match ends really makes it funny that  the dub, when those plant zombies showed up, had yusuke ask Kurama if he should headbutt them  
shizuru makes an totally unacceptable, but still funny, joke about yusuke having died once already (because they don’t know he pretty much died a second time against rando, and a third time against suzaku)
keiko runs off and shizuru chases her
is this why shizuru meets sakyo? he left his viewing room earlier so I bet it is
I remember shipping them as a kid, let’s see how that goes this time
this is pretty cool actually
she dresses like a first calss gay, honestly
I wishi I could pull that sort of look off
SAKYO hey who guessed he’d show up here , not me
he is beautiful
I actually forgot that this whole time, my favorite fight was going on
I can’t beleive keiko actually got into the fighter’s area and made it onto the field that girl is fucking unstoppable
Keiko, crying: Kuwabara, you have to make them stop fighting!
Kuwabara, clueless: no way, why would I wanna do that?
I read a theory online that kuwabara used to be friends with keiko and yusuke when they were all little, and it has totally changed the way I see it whenever these two interact.
kuwabra genuinely tries to explain this fighter’s mindset to a noncombatant. he is a good, patient boy
yusuke is loving this fight
so is chu
rinku’s internal observations are completely different in the subtitles, saying that chu still has something hidden up his sleeve and it waitinf or the right time to use it, where in english he says that hie wishes the reast of team urameshi had given such a good fight, so rinku could have ‘given his yo-yo a workout’ which is a terrible euphemism for... using his yo yo weapons.
I’m surprised we haven’t gotten more shots of their feet against knives, bleeding
as I went  to type that, we get the first shot of exactly that, as yusuke goes in for his own headbutt to counter chu’s
which was aparently the ‘secret weapon’ rinku meant in the subs
yusuke has beautiful eyes
chu’s head BROKE THE FLOOR
yusuke called chu mate, I dig it
yusuke and kuwabara are cute and gay
oh, they are extra gay when they do sidehugs
I can’t believe that of this whole team only two people are left
yusuke is my hero
he just yelled loudly enough to shup up the entire arena of spectators
“if you idiots got something to say, say it! but say it to my face, or else say it to my fist.” 
that’s a badly written but highly epic and kickass line
I have NO IDEA what chu just said because the audio broke and he has am AUSTRALIAN ACCENT
son of a--
the narrator just fucking punned
yusuke flipped off the toguro kyoudai, and the screen does the dramatic stylized freeze, and the narrator goes, “yusuke may be flippant now”
but also it’s a good joke I hate it
where did keiko go during the dramatic pan over the team anyway, she was down there with them.
I rewound and she is Not There.
WHYYYY did they even make Chu say anything??? he doesn’t in the japanese version, there are no subs for him
I really miss the old ED. I love the images for this one, the keiko focus. but. it doesn’t have the same energy. it’s not a jam
now that I thinka bout it, the photograph at the end of that ED could only have been taken in universe on the return trip from the tournament, so I should never have worried that hiei or kurama or kuwabara actually died.
I’m so glad for this arc if only because it’s means all these casual clothes for our cast, and I love that
look how high wasted yusuke’s jeans are, I love it, Ireally do. BOYS , wear high waisted jeans.
during purely internal monolgue, dub yusuke gives a fraction of the information sub yusuke gives by just saying “damn it” instead of “I can’t focus my reiki, why??”
kuwabara’s outside, coincidentally passing by where yusuke is, because hs’ not psychic and ISN’T LOOKING FOR HIM cuz he’s not gay
look, I realize I’m calling yusuke and kuwabara gay a lot. I don’t mean literally gay. 
they are obviously bisexual, or pan, or demi.
I just mean they fall under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella, which is in my region frequently shortened to “gay”
Kuwabara immediaetly ruins my theory by straight up admitting to looking for yusuke and wondering why he wasn’t left a note
kuwabara (paraphrased): I wanna have a team meeting
yusuke, a smarty who already knows he ain’t straight: have a meeting with yourself, then. you’ll learn a lot.
kuwabara, who clearly needs more time: what does that mean?
justas I was about to say tha tI couldn’t beleive they just--left genkai in the room alone, we see that genkai is actually stalking her student now that she’s bored of intimadting kuwabara
we just--that’s the ichigaki team
those poor men
those three poor, wonderul men
I remember nothing about those two demon members of the team but now I’m getting flashes of--delaying hiei and kurama?
thank you kurama, you nerd, for bothering to do research on the next team
yusuke, who now trains on his own time even after running out of reiki: why am I so damn tired?
is this. a filler villain? or did togashi really come up with a character who manifests rubgy balls and calls himself rugby
WHY is the dub so far off the sub right now? there’s no lip flap to match!!
this is awful
buys a fucking gymnast
well he lasted for three minutes before getting killed by his own teammate
oh man yusuke thought is was genkai and is now confused as fuck by this young voice amazing
but why the fuck does she sound young, when she hasn’t exerted herself at all that day
she just, fucking tells them about hiei fucking up his arm
baby YOU KNEW you were making that trade, you KNEW
botan looks a lot like sailor moon right now
keiko confimrs that she is aware yusuke has the hots for her, but also that she can see how happy he is here in the tournament
shizuru’s ass is AMAZING
it’s shocking to think neither hiei nor kurama could tell toguro was alive when they were just a room away from him
why are yususke’s eyes glowing
that whole team is huge, how did rugby even make it on that team lol
‘don’t you have a team?’ “of course I do, but they’re extremely lazy” amazing.
I mean, we know they brothers are famous, but it makes so much more sense WHY they are famous--having previously WON the dark tournament
I wouldn’t be opposed to a movie or something about that tournament, honestly. I want to se more of toguro when he was human. 
I wonder how genkai feels weatching him do this
toguro is sort of like an early saitama, if you strip away personality. their drive at this point is similar from what I know of OPM. 
okay so the dub has creepy-possessive implcations thanks to toguro saying (about yusuke) “that boy is reserved for me”. the SUB on the other hand--toguro just says, ‘it’s a bad day to be a large guy, huh?’ which is fucking. amazing. bold. iconic.
yusuke is sitting next to the previous LOVE of toguro’s LIFE, and he doesn’t even notice her. just yusuke. I guess amask really can hide everything?
I’m stunned they aren’t having more trouble  about sittin ght eaudience that was calling for their blood yesterday.
of course yusuke and his friends have to deal with an extra match lol. 
okay but what’s up with this reigun thing. I don’t remember it at all. 
I guess we just really need to see genkai fight.
i do love and admire her a lot.
on the other hand, I do NOT want to see the vs. dr. ichigaki fight. I remember it pretty well I think? and it was just so--upsetting. 
did we uh. ever get a NAME for the younger toguro brother???
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