#of course you have multiple titles. and Fraktur.
thefearofcod · 5 months
stop making custom composite volumes. stop slappin a bunch of stuff together between the same boards. stop making sammelbands and stop putting them on my desk
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owainyr2 · 6 years
Official write up to be placed in my museum
Russian Constructivism 
Bauhaus began on social motives. It was a revolutionary school of art, architecture and design established by Walter Gropius at Wiemar in Germany in 1919, until it was closed in 1925 by the Conservative Germany government. After this, the Bauhaus fled and moved to different locations for a few years, but once Hitler fully came into power, the school was fully shut down in 1933
Wassily Kandinsky
form theory with an emphasis on color theory. He encouraged his students to understand abstraction in his course ‘The Basics of Artistic Design,’ but it was in his color class where Kandinsky most thoroughly developed his own theories. These resulted in his written work “Point and Line to Plane,” and the idea was a new approach to teaching color using psychology and perception.
The theory was based on the analysis of individual elements such as the point, line and plane that so titled his writings. Kandinsky, like Albers, believed that true design only arose through the perceptual collaboration of composition and color, of which red, blue, and yellow were considered of highest importance.
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Josef Albers
He believed the important formal qualities of the day were: harmony or balance, free or measured rhythms, geometric or arithmetic proportion, symmetry or asymmetry and central or peripheral synthesis. Albers is perhaps most well-known for his work completed after the time of the Bauhaus, although thoroughly indebted to the school’s way of thinking. His series Homage to the Square was a collection of paintings, of the exact same proportions, with various changes in color through hue, saturation, and value/tone.
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László Moholy-Nagy
He believed that art should be all-encompassing, and any means of artistry or crafts – be it sculpture, painting, architecture or poster design, should be influenced by all of the disciplines.
His fascination with the modern age allowed him to focus on some of the more modern means of expression and creation, especially poster design and typography.
Moholy-Nagy’s similar interest in the concepts of space and time led him to focus on photography. This brought about the theory of typophoto, or the synthesis of typography and photography, which has become a central tenet of all advertising today.
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Paul Klee
By the time Klee came to work at the Bauhaus, he had already gained acclaim as a founding member of the German Expressionist movement, known as Die Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider). His courses on color theory concentrated on the movement of color and did much to change the ideas behind color in the 20th century.
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Herbert Bayer
Herbert Bayer was the school’s first master of typography. His participation in the movement led to his invention of a Bauhaus style font, called Universal.
It was an incomplete work that was finished in 1969 to create the font entitled “Bauhaus”. The simplicity of the font supported the ideals of the Bauhaus. It’s lack of serifs, so different from the common German Fraktur typeface, was perfectly in line with ‘form over function.’
But the school also focused on the utopian principle of excellent design that was accessible to all. This font’s defection from the difficult-to-read Fraktur font (which historically privileged the elite), made it more practical for the use of the whole of society. The font’s original title, Universal, was meant to underline this point.
Bauhaus put a strong stance on “form follows function”, and that you should use embrace modern technologies in order to succeed in a modernizing environment. This led to the students there to be met with a well rounded set of classes which taught them varying skills to the trade of a stonemason to the work of a graphic designer, and fine artists. they believed that by having a strong base in a multitude of disciplines, then they could create more unique and perfect designs.
Creativity and manufacturing were drifting apart, and the Bauhaus aimed to unite them once again, rejuvenating design for everyday life.Although the Bauhaus abandoned much of the ethos of the old academic tradition of fine art education, it maintained a stress on intellectual and theoretical pursuits, and linked these to an emphasis on practical skills, crafts and techniques that was more reminiscent of the medieval guild system. Fine art and craft were brought together with the goal of problem solving for a modern industrial society. In so doing, the Bauhaus effectively leveled the old hierarchy of the arts, placing crafts on par with fine arts such as sculpture and painting, and paving the way for many of the ideas that have inspired artists in the late-20th Century.
Design Characteristics.
1. Form follows function
It means that in design, a form should always be applied because of its function instead of its aesthetic appeal. Utility came first and excessive ornamentations were avoided.  
2. True materials
This meant they didn’t modify or hide materials for the sake of aesthetics. There was no need to hide the construction of an object or building, such as steel or a beam, because it was just an integral part of the design.
3. Minimalist style
Influenced by movements such as Modernism and De Stijl, Bauhaus artists favoured linear and geometrical forms, while floral or curvilinear shapes were avoided. Only line, shape and colours mattered. Anything else was unnecessary and could therefore be reduced.  
4. Gesamtkunstwerk
Gesamtkunstwerk combines multiple art forms such as fine and decorative arts unified through architecture in the case of Bauhaus. A building was not just an empty carcass for the Bauhaus school, it was just one part of the design, and everything inside added to the overall concept.  
5. Uniting art and technology
In 1923, there was a new emphasis on technology. Bauhaus workshops were used as laboratories in which prototypes of products, suitable for mass production and typical for their time, were carefully developed and improved. The artists embraced the new possibilities of modern technologies.  
Darling Clementine
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Pierre Muller
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Product design
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