#of course she has fucking red hair and parenthesis!!
kemuraiz · 1 year
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💥❤️💥 ❤️💥 ❤️💥❤️
akari komiyaku stimboard
proship safe ༉‧₊˚.
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ilici · 2 years
Summary: Y/N gets noticed by the football team the week of homecoming by how she dresses.
Warnings: Choking, hair pulling, degrading, unsafe sex, thigh riding, some surprises.
Word Count: 8439
inspired by amaranthbb & slapnap’s anons.
shift in point of views, when the point of view is changed, the color of the text will change in the first word. I will have a parenthesis of the color that is chosen for those who are colorblind and may not be able to view the color.
Color Code:
Green - Dream
Blue - George
Orange - Sapnap
Purple - Karl
Yellow - Punz
Pink - Reader
Red - Third Person
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(Pink) I looked down at my phone, sighing deeply when the group-chat continuously kept spamming. I wasn’t able to even keep up with what they were saying, when there was only four of us in it, counting myself. Finally, they stopped texting and I scrolled up rereading everything.
"Homecoming is this week?"
I asked myself, pinching the bridge of my nose. I had completely forgot about it. I had seen all the flyers and posters scattered around the college all last week.
Shaking my head, I bite my lip in thought. This was the week everyone got to dress up in honor of the school and mainly to support the football team.
"This basically is just everyone showing their support to the football team in a span of five days."
Groaning, I sit down on the couch looking up at the ceiling. They posted the dressing schedule for the week. I think to myself, pulling up the College website. Looking for the schedule, I find it and scoff.
Monday - Favorite Fictional Character
Tuesday - College Colors
Wednesday - Sports Day
Thursday - Favorite Celebrity
Friday - Pajama Day
"Friday is probably my favorite." I muttered, tossing my phone down and groaning.
Looking around, I walked over to my closet and scanned through the clothes I had hung up, finding none of them appealing. Looking through the clothes, attempting to find some that looked somewhat like a fictional characters outfit.
"Oh I forgot I had this."
Frowning I grabbed the hanger that held a green dress, and looked it up and down feeling the soft fabric.
"I may have my green wig somewhere around here."
I place the dress down on the bed, thinking about where the wig could be.
"I wore this two years ago on Halloween, I know it's somewhere in here hell."
(Green) "Are people seriously dressing up for this shit?"
Karl looked over at me like I had three heads, "Obviously it's their one chance to get away with wearing whatever they want." He said, and I rolled my eyes.
"You're saying that because you're dressed as fucking Gandalf."
Sapnap spoke up from the other side of the locker room, and I just chuckled rubbing the back of my neck. Leaning back against the cool lockers, letting them cool down my sweaty back.
"My outfit has nothing to do with this conversation."
He grumbled, looking away embarrassed. Punz snorted and sat down beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
Grimacing, I slightly push him away as he was also sweaty.
"Get off me you fuck."
I groan out, scrunching my face up in disgust. "Chill dude, you've been pissy all practice." Punz glared, removing his arm from my shoulders.
"Yeah, because I had to see all these girls dressed up as characters that wore horrendous clothes."
"There was someone who caught my eye though." Sapnap said, as he walked over towards us finally.
"Another one of your side chicks?" George asked, and Sapnap flipped him off.
"No, someone. I don't know her name but she was dressed up as Fubuki from One Punch Man."
He reasoned, and I rolled my eyes.
"Of course you noticed her, she was dressed as one of your favorite anime characters."
George said, laughing and Sapnap punched him in the arm.
"Shut up, and fuck off." Sapnap said in an awful British accent.
George just shrugged and rummaged through his locker, while Karl put his fake beard back on.
"We still have four more days of this torture."
Scoffing, I flipped Punz off for reminding me.
"I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna try and figure her name out."
Looking up, I gave Sapnap a blank stare, "You do you."
(Purple) Looking at my phone, I scroll through the groupchat.
"Fuck, watch where you're going damn."
I hear a feminine voice say, and I look up seeing a girl dressed in black and green on the floor glaring up at a guy who seemed oblivious.
"Hey, are you okay?"
I asked, reaching out my hand which she lightly slapped away and lifted herself up dusting herself off.
"I'm fine no thanks to fuckface over there."
She said, using her thumb to point to the guy who was now half way through the hallway.
"Nice outfit."
I complimented, and she looked down and smiled a bit.
"Thanks, it was the only stuff I had that matched the school colors."
She said, and I grinned looking her up and down.
"Well, I like the two different knee-high socks. It looks cool."
She looked down past her black skirt, and readjusted her left sock around her mid thigh.
"Although I'd got to say your shirt is my favorite." I giggled out, looking at her baby Yoda sweatshirt.
"It isn't really mine, it's my roommates. She doesn't know I took it."
Chuckling I shake my head and stick my hand out, "Karl. Nice to meet you."
Grabbing my hand, she shook it, "I know who you are, you're on the football team. I'm Y/N."
(Yellow) "This movie sucks." I whisper to George, who only nods in response.
"Punz quiet in my class." The professor lectured, and I bite my tongue.
Scanning the classroom my eyes stopped on someone who was wearing my number.
Elbowing George, I pointed to her and he glared before his eyes followed my finger.
"Who is that and why is she wearing your number?" He whispered.
Shrugging, I looked at her. Only the back of her was visible.
As if she felt our eyes on her, she turned around and looked directly at me and George.
Hitching my breath, George just waved to which she gave him a confused look and turned back around.
"Punz and George please exit my classroom if you aren't going to pay attention."
(Blue) Groaning stepping out of my dorm, I cursed under my breath as I opened my umbrella.
"Now is the time I wished I had a car." I complained, walking towards campus.
"Hey isn't that George?"
Hearing my name, I looked around for the person who said it. Stopping I saw the girl from yesterday with two other girls. They seemed to be whispering between each other, but she looked uninterested as she continued walking towards campus.
"Hey George."
Blinking out of thought, I realized the two others were now in front of me.
"Uh hey." I said, looking between them and the girl.
"We were wondering--"
"Hold that thought I gotta go."
I rushed out, stepping around them and jogging to catch up with her.
"You're the guy who was staring at me yesterday."
I heard her say. I realized she turned around when she heard quick footsteps coming her way.
Blinking not knowing what to say, I open my mouth yet nothing came out.
"If you don't have anything to say as a rebuttal, I'd like to continue walking so I can get to class." She said, and I cleared my throat.
"Right. Uhm. Sorry about yesterday my friend and I saw that you were wearing his jersey number."
She nodded, and started walking glancing over her shoulder at me.
Taking that as a sign to follow her, I started walking alongside her.
"It was the only jersey I own, I didn't know it was an actual number for someone on the team as it was 69."
Laughing I shook my head, "Punz fought hard for that number. It took seven calls to coach, a couple boxes of chocolate, and getting on his knees begging."
She looked at me incredulously, "Are you joking?"
Chuckling I nodded.
"He only got on his knees and begged."
She laughed and shook her head, "Tell him I aspire to be as brave and dedicated as him."
"I will."
Smiling and looking down at the wet grass, pavement was soon in my line of vision.
I hadn't realized we made it to campus this quickly.
"Well it was nice talking to you George, I'm Y/N."
Before I could question how she knew my name she walked into the building. I just smiled, realizing she was dressed as Zendaya from the Met Gala.
(Orange) As we all walked to practice I saw someone who seemed familiar.
"Yo! That's her."
I said pointing to her, and Dream grabbed my hand pushing it down.
"Don't point it's fucking rude."
He scolded me, and I scoffed.
"Oh, Y/N is the girl that was dressed as Fubuki?"
Karl asked, I looked over at him dumbfounded.
"You know her?"
I asked loudly, and Karl shook his head.
"No, we met a couple days ago though."
"Yeah, I ran into her yesterday, and she also caught Punz staring at her in class."
"She's wearing the wiggles pajama's."
Dream pointed out, and I finally looked at her outfit.
"It looks really comfortable."
He added, and we all just watched her get in her car and leave.
(Red) The day of the football game everyone was either nervous or excited. For the students, it was a mix of both. For the players, they were excited.
They were hardly ever nervous, as they always won almost every game.
"Do you think Y/N will be here?"
Sapnap asked, and Punz groaned.
"Dude you haven't shut up about her since you saw her on Monday."
Sapnap shot him a glare and threw his deodorant bottle at him. Dodging it, he flipped Sapnap off while George looked between the two.
"You both are idiots."
Dream said, as he closed his locker looking at Karl who was laying down on one of the benches on his phone.
"Well aren't you at least a little curious if she is going to be here?"
Sapnap asked, and they all groaned.
"If we say yes will you shut the hell up?"
Karl said, and Sapnap frowned while George nudged his shoulder.
"Yes. But it's doubtful I heard Y/N's friends talking about how they were gonna dress and it sounded like Y/N wasn't going to come."
George said, and Dream felt a bit upset about that.
Out of all of them, Dream seemed the most disinterested in her.
After the game, they cheered as they beat them. It was a close game, too close for their liking but they still won. As the bleachers started clearing out, the boys ran back into the locker room.
Y/N on the other hand did show up, but she wasn't dressed like she wanted to be there. Her friends dragged her out there, literally.
She was dragged out of bed, and forced into clothes.
"Hey Y/N."
Hearing her name, she looked over and sighed when she saw her uncle calling for her and waving her over.
"Could you take this to the boys."
He said, handing her a clipboard of what looked like things the boys needed to work on.
"Be careful they may be showering so knock or yell to make sure they aren't naked."
Rolling her eyes, she flipped him off.
She regrets ever going to the same college her uncle worked at.
"We'll see you after you get done."
Her friends said, and she just rolled her eyes flipping them off. When she reached the door that led to the locker room, she heard the muffled voices of the boys. Growing curious she pressed her ear to the door, yet to no avail she heard nothing.
'I am already regretting this.' She thought to herself.
Knocking on the door, she heard the muffled voices falter for a second, before she heard footsteps approaching the door. Flinching when the door was jerked open, she cringed when an awful creaking noise was heard.
"Oh hey Y/N."
Remembering the voice, she looked up to match the voice with the face.
"Oh hey, uh.. Punz? Right?" She asked, hesitantly.
Chuckling, the boy nodded.
"That's me." He reassured.
After a deafening silence, and an awkward exchange of eye contact she cleared her throat and brought her hand up.
"Coach wanted me to give this to you."
She finally spoke up, breaking the silence.
Hearing the showers in the background, she figured the rest had left Punz to get the door while they showered.
"Oh thanks."
Blinking back into reality, she nodded finally taking notice that he was shirtless and only a towel was clinging to his hips.
"May I ask why coach sent you of all people?" He asked, eyebrows pinched in confusion.
She scratched the back of her neck, and looked every where but at him.
"It's a long story." She muttered, flustered.
Punz took notice of this quickly, and smirked. Leaning against the doorway, he crossed his arms.
"I've got time."
'Of course you do.' She thought to herself holding back an eye roll.
"Well, to summarize it to save both our time and so you can shower because you reek. Coach is my uncle. I came to this college because he worked here, and I wanted to have a familiar face in a brand new place."
She explained, while Punz cringed at the fact that he got told he smelled awful.
Running his hands through his tousled hair, he nodded.
"Good to know I can't fuck you. Coach would have my head. You're automatically going on the no list." He said, nonchalantly.
Widening her eyes at how open he was, she shook her head.
"Wouldn't want to sleep with you anyways, now shower you fucking smell."
Turning around, she began to walk away as Punz smirked watching her figure.
Looking over her shoulder, she smirked, "Congratulations on the win by the way, tell Dream I said he's hot for scoring the winning point."
Shaking his head, he turned around and shut the door pushing his tongue against the wall of his cheek.
"She's going to fucking pay."
(Yellow) Scoffing as I walked into the shower area, everyone turned to look at me.
"Who was at the door?"
Karl asked, and I just groaned.
Stepping under the water, her words played on repeat in my head.
"Why was she here? What the hell did she want?"
Dream said, bewildered due to the fact she came to the locker room.
"Well, her uncle sent her."
"Who the fuck is her uncle?" Sapnap asked, now intrigued.
Was all I said, and they all snapped their heads to me.
"Dude. Do you know how bad it would've been if one of us slept with her?"
Karl said, and I rolled my eyes.
"Even more of a reason to fuck her."
I simply said, and Dream scoffed from beside me.
"Why are you scoffing? I basically told her to her face I wouldn't fuck her. Then she turned around and told me to tell you that she thought you were hot for winning the game."
I told him, and he chuckled.
"She's playing a dangerous game."
Dream muttered, and I could only agree.
"If you ask me, I think her being coach's niece is more of a reason to fuck her. It's basically risky. If coach ever found out, he'd make us run till we've thrown up. Then make us run again until we pass out. It's cliche. Almost too perfect."
George spoke up, and Sapnap just agreed by a head nod.
I sighed, after washing up and quickly dried myself off.
"You two go ahead and take that shot. I'm not running till my death."
I bluntly said, and Dream just hit my shoulder.
"Fucking the coach's niece. Doesn't it just sound fun?"
He said, and I groaned.
"Sounds like trouble to me."
"Oh come on, you're always up for a challenge."
Sapnap said, patting my shoulder and I sighed.
"Fuck it."
"But let's make this a bet. Whoever fucks her first wins."
I looked over at Karl, shocked that he was the one who even came up with the idea.
"Alright. You're on."
(Orange) "Why did I even agree to that stupid bet."
I muttered under my breath, walking to my morning class.
'Of course, Mrs. Cassidy would have her class at 7 am.' I thought to myself, already tired as I was up all night playing Minecraft with the others.
"Fucking hell Sap, watch where you're going."
That voice instantly took all the grogginess out of me.
Realizing what I had done, I accidentally bumped her shoulder causing her to drop whatever she was carrying.
Squatting down to help her pick it up, my eyes widened when I saw that it was her laundry basket.
Some of her clothes were still in there, while others were sprawled across the grass. Getting damp from the morning dew.
"Great. Fucking great. Now I have to rewash some of them."
She complained picking some up.
I simply stared, guilt overcoming my body.
Reaching for pieces of her clothing, I grabbed two shirts, a pair of shorts, four pairs of mated socks, and a pair of her underwear.
She didn't seem too embarrassed at the fact that I was holding her undergarments.
"Thank you." She grunted out.
"You're welcome."
I quickly stammered out.
"I really don't want to put those in with the clean ones, can you carry them to my dorm?"
Seeing her mouth move, I heard nothing.
I hummed and finally snapped back into reality.
"I said, do you mind carrying those back to the dorm? Since you're the one who caused it in the first place."
Almost jumping to agree, I remembered class.
"I would, but I have to get to Mrs. Cassidy's."
I told her, and she gave me a look.
"You do remember Mrs. Cassidy won't be having class today, and won't have a sub for another two days. Right? She notified everyone through her email that she was delivering her baby."
She said, looking at me as if I were dumb.
"Well, I don't even look at my emails."
I retaliated.
She only rolled her eyes and turned on her heel walking towards her dorm.
Following in behind her, I took notice of what she was wearing.
'She looks very comfortable.'
"You look comfy."
I said, attempting to spark up a conversation as the walk would be about a 10-minute walk due to how slow she was with the basket.
"It's my pajamas, I don't have class today until 4 pm."
She explained, and I hummed.
"Also I thought the laundry mat was closed until 8 am?"
I questioned.
She glanced over her shoulder.
"Perks of your uncle having a spare key for it. I get to do it as long as I also do his laundry in return."
Shifting the articles of clothing in my arms, I nodded.
"So tell me a bit about yourself."
Startled at the sudden question, I try to think quickly.
"I'm twenty years old, a junior in college, I am from Texas, I met Dream when we were teenagers. We promised to go to the same college when we were younger. We met George a couple years later, and he decided to come to this college as an experiment for America. Punz and I met during my senior year of High school, and Karl and I met freshman year of college. We've all been inseparable since."
Even though she was in front of me, I could tell she was smiling.
"That's sweet."
She hummed out, and I grinned.
Walking into the yard of the dorms, I finally learned that Y/N's dorm was only two minutes from mine.
"Which one are you?"
She quickly answered, attempting to fish her key out of her back pocket.
Sighing, I came up behind her, "May I? I don't want to intrude or make you uncomfortable. But I'd rather you not spill more clothes."
She looked at me for a brief second, before nodding.
Moving all the clothes carefully into my right arm, I slowly grab her waist and move her a bit closer.
I could see chill bumps appear on her neck when my breath fanned it.
"Grab the damn key already."
Her voice almost sounded as if it were desperate.
Slipping my hand into her back pocket, I grabbed the key.
She stumbled a bit, and I hooked my fingers onto the pocket pulling her back with much more force than I intended.
Feeling her slam against my chest, I grunt in slight pain and she groaned in discomfort.
I whisper, and I could've sworn I heard her whine.
"Unlock the fucking door."
She breathed out, looking up at me over her shoulder.
I instantly melted, her eyes said something that I had been dying to see.
"All it took was some physical touch? Are you that touch deprived? How cute."
I tease, and she shifted whining.
"Door. Now."
Chuckling, I walk in front of her, purposefully dragging my finger across her waist and stomach before unlocking her door.
Stepping inside, she followed behind in a rush.
Basically tossing the basket on the floor near what I assumed was her room door, she turned around grabbing my hand.
Dropping the clothes on the floor, I followed her like I was a lost puppy.
Opening the door that I saw prior, she pushed me onto the bed.
"Have you had breakfast?"
She asked, and my eyes dropped down to between her legs.
"Good, you are now."
Groaning at the thought, I was never one to openly be a bottom but the way she took control instantly had me excited.
"Lay down."
Listening, my mouth watering I hear her shuffling and some clothes being tossed onto the floor.
Raising up on my elbows, I gawk at her.
"Stop staring and lay down."
Taking a couple of seconds to continue looking at her body, I nod and lay back down.
Feeling the bed dip under her, I finally see her crawl on top of me.
"Don't hold back either."
"Didn't plan on it."
Grinning, I playfully reach up and pinch her thigh.
She yelped and slapped my hand away, moving up and positioning herself above me.
Lowering herself onto my face, I hook my arms around her thighs to hold her down as I instantly shoot my tongue out for a taste.
"Fuck Sapnap."
She moaned.
Hearing snapping, I open my eyes and Y/N was there, looking rather annoyed.
"Are you going to get the key out or not?"
(Red) For the next few days, Y/N would purposely avoid the football team, as she heard rumors going around that she fucked them. Obviously, this wasn't true, but did they know that? No. Only her friends and she knew the truth.
She was a virgin, after all, wanting to save herself for someone special.
The boys didn't deny it, though they didn't really hear this rumor. People took this as an answer. That actually happened. Plus, the boys weren't people who would fuck and tell.
"Y/N, Punz is heading your way." Her friend warned.
Y/N glanced to her side and rolled her eyes instantly seeing that it wasn't just Punz. Karl was right behind him, following in behind.
"What do you two want?" She asked, begrudgingly.
Punz feigned hurt, while Karl just frowned at her tone.
"Well, the boys and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out one day after practice."
He said while Karl nodded in agreement. Y/N dismissed her friend, who hesitantly left.
Raising an eyebrow, she finally turned around to look at the two. Both had looks of hope on their face. She looked directly at Karl, who had surprisingly crossed his fingers.
Sighing, she shook her head and adjusted her bag on her shoulder.
"Fine, but hanging out. That's it."
She said, her voice strict.
Punz was about to argue, but Karl hit him in a warning and nodded his head.
"Just hanging out, that's all."
He reassured, and Y/N rolled her eyes before walking off.
"You fucking prick--"
Karl turned and quickly ran towards the exit, and football field while Punz was hot on his tail.
Bad who was there to give them their waters, looked as Punz tackled Karl to the ground.
Widening his eyes in shock, he ran over to the two trying to pry Punz off of the other.
Sapnap looked at them, with a lopsided grin amused.
George pinched the bridge of his nose, as Bad yelped when he was ripped down on the ground by Punz.
George said, already fed up.
Dream looked at them and walked over.
"Unless you want to run until you vomit I'd suggest you stop acting like fucking five-year-olds."
Bad looked over at him, mouth wide open.
"That means you to waterboy. Shut your mouth, you'll catch flies."
Instantly, the three stopped and stood up. Karl had grass stains on his pants, while Punz just looked out of breath. Bad adjusted his clothes and dusted himself off.
Sapnap finally spoke up, and Karl's eyes lit up.
"She agreed."
Karl said, and all the boys felt a heavyweight lift off their shoulders. Now they just had to execute the plan.
(Pink) Looking around, she debated on whether or not she should tell her friends about her date with the boys. 'Well, it's not a date.' She thought to herself, before deciding against it in case it fueled the fire of the rumors.
Deciding to just wear the outfit she wore to school, she walked out of her dorm and towards the football field. She saw some people lingering around, some just hanging out, yet there was no sign of the boys.
Sighing, she headed towards the locker room and knocked.
All the muffled voices came to a halt.
As she looked at the door, bored out of her mind George's face came into view.
"Hey, we're getting dressed. We'll be out in a moment."
As soon as George came, he left.
She mumbled and turned on her heel sitting on the bench waiting for them to exit.
(Green) Holding back the groan, I watched as Punz stumbled around in an attempt to get dressed quickly.
"Dude, hurry the hell up she's waiting."
Sapnap rushed, while I decided to head on out. George and Karl followed in behind me.
Opening the door, I see her sitting on the bench her attention on her phone.
"I figured one of you had died, and you all mourned."
She joked, and I gave her a confused look.
"You guys took forever, and there's only three out of five of you here."
She said, motioning to the three of us.
"Punz decided it would be funny to hide Sapnap's clothes, which resulted in Punz getting Sapnap's clothes and Sapnap throwing Punz's clothes in the dirty hamper."
Karl explained, and she just gave him a bored look.
Hearing the door open, Punz and Sapnap rushed out.
"Finally." She whispered.
"What do you mean finally? This bitch caused it."
Sapnap instantly blamed Punz.
Looking at the two, I gave them a blank stare.
"I wouldn't be talking. You took forever to get a fucking key."
She snapped at him, and I looked between the two confused as to what they meant.
"Shut up. I did not."
"Did too."
"Did not."
"Did too."
"Shut the fuck up."
George said, slapping both of his hands onto their mouths.
He shrieked, pulling his hand away from Y/N's mouth.
"She licked me!"
He said wiping his hand on her shirt.
"Don't put your hand over my mouth it's as simple as that."
"Well, there is no telling where your tongue has been."
"Definitely not on your dick."
Stepping between the two, George tried to reach behind me to get to her as she gave him the middle finger.
"Alright alright, stop arguing with everyone. Let's go."
Punz said, scooping Y/N up and throwing her over his shoulder.
Yelping she basically just let it happen.
"Why are you just letting him carry you?"
Karl asked, and I glanced over at him.
"Better than walking."
She strained out, as she was basically upside down.
Karl laughed and shrugged.
(Red) "You two live like fucking animals."
Y/N said, looking around the dorm in disgust.
"It's his fault."
Karl pointed, and Punz put his hands up in defense.
"Well, George leaves his shit laying around as well."
Punz said, and George looked at him gobsmacked.
"Sapnap is the one who leaves his food everywhere."
George said shoving Sapnap, who glared in return.
"Don't even think about trying to put the blame on me. I clean up all of your guy's shit."
Dream stated, and Y/N just watched them bicker.
"Actually, Bad does that when he visits."
"I do it too."
He defended.
Clearing her throat, she crossed her arms.
"Can we do something? I'm tired of hearing you guys argue."
"Well, we can watch that one new movie on Netflix."
Punz suggested a devious smirk on his face.
"I swear to God if you're talking abo--"
Punz smacked his hand over George's mouth.
"Shut up." He whispered.
Rolling his eyes, they all migrated over to the sectional couch that was sat in front of their tv.
'That tv is way too big for them.'
She thought, looking at the giant tv that was mounted onto the wall.
"How did you guys even manage to mount it, and have everyone in one dorm. I thought it was two max?"
She questioned, and Karl cleared his throat.
"My dad paid."
That was all he said.
"Daddy's money."
She muttered under her breath, shaking her head.
(Blue) "You're fucking joking. You chose the new 365 days movie?"
"Yes, I did."
"Yes, he did."
Two voices spoke up at the same time.
Punz and Y/N.
Rolling my eyes, I sit the snack bowl down on the table and got comfortable in my seat.
Hearing my phone vibrate, along with everyone else's Y/N looked around curiously.
Seeing that Sapnap had texted the group chat, my eyes widened at the message.
"Sorry coach texted the chat about practice."
Dream easily lied.
Fuckboy 2.1 (Orange)I had a wet daydream about Y/N
Simp (Purple)You what?
Fuckboy 2.0 (Yellow)I'm not shocked at all.
Dom Daddy. (Green)You decided to tell us now when she is here? And during this movie? What the hell Sap.
Actually Dumb (Blue)Was this when you took forever to get the "key"
Fuckboy 2.1 (Orange)1. Had a wet daydream about Y/N right in front of her, 2. Fuck off Punz, 3. Yes, I did, 4. Yes shut the fuck up.
"Are you guys going to just be texting the entire time?"
Y/N asked, sounding bored out of her mind.
"Someone's being bratty."
Dream said, and Y/N somewhat froze at the tone.
"Shut up."
"Make me."
"Fuck off."
"Only if I'm fucking you."
"Guys shut the hell up."
Sapnap looked between them all, and it was very obvious there was tension in the room. Whether it was awkward, angry, or even sexual. The sexual stood out the most, due to the movie that was on, the minor conversation that they had, and Dream's comment.
I slowly let my eyes scan Y/N, she seemed somewhat interested in the movie. But it was very obvious she was frustrated, as she kept rubbing her thighs together to cause friction.
Moving closer to her, I smirk taking notice that they were now all intrigued in the movie as another sex scene came on.
I whispered.
Y/N's face instantly reddened, and it looked like she was internally thankful for the darkroom from the blackout curtains and every single light off.
"Yeah, now fuck off."
She said, and I rolled my eyes.
"I can help you."
This caught her attention.
"Help me?"
She whispered, clearly clueless.
"Yes, help."
"In front of everyone? They'd hear."
She muttered, looking around at everyone.
"Even more fun."
"What are you two whispering about?"
Karl asked, smirking at Y/N's flustered state.
"Y/N here is frustrated and needs help."
"Is that so Y/N? Do you need help?"
Y/N could only let out an inaudible whimper as a reply.
"Words. Use your words."
Karl said, gripping her thigh, and she nearly moaned at the touch.
'Was she really this touch deprived? Damn.'
"Yes." She replied sharply.
"Good girl."
I praised, "Hey guys, Y/N isn't feeling too well so me and Karl are gonna take her to the bedroom and make sure she is well rested."
Karl got up, picking Y/N up who hazily held onto him from the touch.
"Oh, alright."
Dream spoke up, his voice full of suspension.
Walking behind the two, I watched Y/N slightly grind herself onto Karl who only scolded her which led to her pouting.
Pushing open the door for them, Karl basically threw her on the bed, causing her to yelp.
As Karl and I watched her as if she were our food and we were her prey, she squirmed under our gaze.
I said huskily, and she slowly but surely started stripping off her clothes.
We watched with eager eyes, taking in her bare body.
God, she was perfect.
(Green) "You do realize they took her up there to fuck her, right?"
I said, and the two looked over at me shocked.
As if we talked through telepathy we all bolted up and ran up the stairs.
Barging into the room, I instantly groaned at the sight. Y/N laid there, Karl's dick in her mouth as George ate her like she was his last meal.
Y/N looked over at us with hazy eyes, that were slightly glossy due to her tears from gagging on Karl's dick.
Her whines and whimpers were muffled from Karl's dick, and she looked so needy.
Walking over I instantly fondled her boobs which caused her to arch her back up into my touch.
Leaning down, I took her left nipple into my mouth sucking on it.
One of her hands broke free from George's hair, now tangling in mine.
Punz and Sapnap seemed to have knocked themselves out of whatever trance they were in and got on the bed.
Looking up slightly, Punz had her other nipple in his mouth as Sapnap was going to town on her clit as George fingered her.
Her moans and cries were still muffled from Karl's dick, he wasn't even moving, nor was she.
He's cockwarming her.
(Red) Y/N was feeling herself cum for the third time, her moans drowned out as Karl's dick nestled in her throat. Groaning out, Karl tipped his head back as he felt the vibrations of her moans going through his dick.
Soon, he slightly twitched, as he let out a guttural moan releasing his cum in her throat and mouth.
Y/N choked a bit, swallowing all that she could the rest sliding down her chin.
Karl pulled out of her mouth with a pop, as he cooed down at her. Her makeup was ruined, her eyes bloodshot, and her hair now a mess.
Everyone pulled away from her, allowing her to catch her breath.
"So pretty."
Punz whispered, tracing his fingers down her body, loving the way her body erupted into goosebumps at his touch.
"You look so pretty like this."
George spoke up, her juices coating his lips from his prior events of eating her out.
She looked up at them through her eyelashes, batting them tiredly.
"You didn't think we were done did you?"
Dream asked, sharing a smirk with Sapnap, who traced all the hickeys adorning her skin.
It was noticeable who was who's.
Dream's were huge with teeth marks, George's was sloppy looking as if he were eager to leave marks on her, Sapnap's were much more hidden on the inside of her thighs as he was more gentle with her, Punz's were in the more evident areas: collarbone, jawline, and her hips, and Karl's were all over her neck.
Now it was known between the jocks that they all had their own kinks, which they were soon going to make sure she was comfortable with.
"Y/N look at me."
Karl said, and she slowly looked up at him, innocence in her eyes.
"Are you a virgin pretty girl?"
He asked ready to get rid of the elephant in the room.
Everyone looked at her expectantly.
Squirming under their gaze, she felt her stomach erupt in butterflies.
Slowly nodding her head, she looked away shyly.
Everyone's breath caught in their throats, all of them sharing a look: jealousy.
All because they knew one of them was going to be the one to take her virginity away.
"Who do you want to take it?"
Sapnap asked, sharing glances with everyone.
Y/N looked around, raising up into a sitting position. She nervously picked at her nails, shrugging.
Dream chuckled dryly at this, gripped her throat, and grabbed her hair to make her look up at him.
"You need to choose cupcake. Or else we're gonna fight over it."
He warned her, and she looked up at him with blown-out pupils.
That was all she said, and Sapnap almost yelled out in celebration.
"Before that happens, we'd like to do much more to you."
Punz licked his lips as he spoke, and Y/N felt herself getting wet at the thought.
Before she could do anything, Dream slammed her down by her throat smirking down at her.
"We want to know boundaries, we all have variations of kinks. Let us know when to stop. Choose a safe word."
He explained, his hand moving from her throat to rest on her cheek.
She slowly nodded, letting his words sink in.
"Uhm... Apple..?"
She said as if she were unsure.
"Okay, and choose another word so we can check up on you to make sure you're okay. This word will let us know you're still able to continue."
Y/N looked up in thought and grinned.
"Five. Since there are five of you."
She said with a small shrug, and Karl grinned.
"That's cute."
He hummed, letting his hand rest on her thigh.
"Now that that's out of the way, my turn."
Karl giggled, feeling excited as everyone backed away to watch.
"I'll be right back."
Before Y/N could question it, the boys all looked at each other knowing exactly what Karl was getting.
It surprised them, as Karl never did this with anyone. Only fantasied, he had told them he'd only do it when he found 'the one'.
Walking back in, Y/N wasn't able to see the object he was holding.
"Karl, are you sure?"
George asked, and he widened his eyes at the look on Karl's face. Pure bliss.
"Alright, are you able to look at blood?"
Karl asked her innocently, and Y/N nodded slowly.
Karl crawled on top of her, smirking showing her the object finally.
Gasping Y/N felt her stomach churn in excitement and arousal.
A knife.
He asked, using the knife to trail down her body making sure not to cut her in the process.
Groaning, Karl kissed her hips before bringing the knife to them.
Moving her on her side, he gripped the knife, and carefully marked her skin with a simple, yet sloppy 'KJ'.
Y/N flinched, gripping the closet thing to her, which was Punz's thigh.
Digging her nails into the skin, she hissed at the burning sensation.
Blood trickled down her thigh, and Karl simply used the knife to lap it up.
The others watched, as Karl cleaned her wound, making sure the bleeding stopped.
There was now a visible, "KJ" on her hip and it made Karl giddy.
"Believe it or not cupcake, but Karl is actually a virgin too."
This caught her attention, and she looked back at Karl, who looked like he was about to combust.
"Your turn is up, move."
Punz said, and Karl glared.
"Please Y/N."
Karl pleaded, his voice sounding so desperate and whiny.
Y/N rolled over and grabbed his face slamming her lips onto his.
He could still somewhat taste himself as she slipped her tongue inside his mouth.
Now she knew why he was always so desperate to be around her.
Karl only whimpered against her lips, before she slowly pulled away.
"Please take it, they make fun of me every chance they get. Please I'm sick of it. I need you."
His voice was so whiny, that it went up a couple octaves.
Y/N felt some kind of power over him, she could barely touch him and he'd melt instantly.
"Gotta wait your turn, pretty boy, I'll take your virginity after Sapnap takes mine. Deal?"
She said, purring slightly.
Karl's eyes rolled back at the mere thought and nodded being slightly impatient.
Sapnap took this as a hint and instantly was by her.
"Are you sure about this? Because once I start there is no going back."
He warned, and Y/N slowly nodded her head.
"I'm sure."
That was enough for Sapnap to grab her hips, purposefully digging his nails into the carving in her skin and flipping her over onto her stomach.
Y/N yelped at the pain in her hips, knowing she'd had a bruise from his grip.
"I'm going to be gentle at first."
He reassured her, pressing on her back so it would arch.
Karl watched, mesmerized at the scene unfolding in front of him.
The others only scoffed at how nice Sapnap was playing. They knew he was a dick in bed.
Grabbing his dick, he slapped against her clit every now and then hoping she was prepped enough so it wouldn't hurt as much.
Slowly, he pressed the tip inside and Y/N shuddered, letting a whimper fall out.
Easing into her, he finally bottomed out and Y/N had tears streaming down her face from the mixture of the: burning, the pain from her hymen tearing, his nails digging into the fresh wound, and the pleasure.
After a while, Sapnap rocked his hips and Y/N moaned out, and something inside Sapnap snapped.
All the gentleness was thrown out of the window as he started slamming into her ruthlessly.
Y/N was now a screaming mess, which was cut short as George put two of his fingers inside of her mouth to quiet her down so the neighbors wouldn't hear.
Pulling her hips up a bit, she lurched forward as he hit a certain spot. Sapnap smirked and continued to relentlessly hit that spot over and over again.
"You on the pill?"
He groaned out, sweat falling down his forehead.
Not able to form words, she nodded quickly as her cum milked his cock.
Sapnap groaned loudly as he spilled his seed inside of her, thrusting into her helping them both ride out their highs.
Finally, he pulled out and Y/N fell to the bed breathing heavily.
Sapnap chuckled and softly spanked her ass before gripping it and spreading her cheeks spitting.
Y/N whined at the feeling and looked up at George who now pushed his fingers down her throat to hear her gag.
Smirking in satisfaction after hearing her gag, he pulled his fingers out smearing her saliva onto her own face.
Karl grabbed ahold of her torso and lifted her up onto his lap, and she rested her head against his shoulder already looking fucked out.
"My turn."
He whispered in her ear, as he easily slipped inside of her.
Karl was much bigger than Sapnap, and he reached deeper inside of her in this position.
Karl and Y/N both whimpered at the feeling, and Karl's cheeks flushed red at the sensation.
Punz said, taking a quick photo of the scene.
Rocking her hips, Y/N started to ride Karl who whimpered and whined underneath her.
Y/N was obviously a moaning mess at this point, and she leaned her head back in ecstasy.
Taking this as an invitation Karl started attacking her neck again, as he whined into her ear.
"M' close.."
He whined out to her, and she nodded in agreement fastening her pace.
"Cum with me pretty boy."
That and the fact that he was mixing his cum with Sapnap's was enough to make him explode inside of her. Y/N shivered at the feeling, quickly milking his dick shortly after.
Putting her hands on his shoulder, she raised up off of him as his and Sapnap's cum leaked down her thighs making a mess.
"Such a messy girl."
She heard before she was grabbed by the throat and slammed back down onto the bed beside Karl.
She instantly knew who it was by the voice and gesture.
She mewled, looking up at him with swollen lips.
He groaned at the sight and smirked.
"Look at how much of a cum slut you are."
He tutted, bringing his hand down and raking some of the mixed cum onto his fingers.
He demanded, and Y/N obeyed opening her mouth as he put his fingers in her mouth.
Y/N began to clean off his fingers, enjoying the taste of their cum.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you won't be able to fuck the other two. They'll just have to use you as a cum dump."
He growled out, biting her ear harshly.
Y/N's eyes rolled back before Dream rammed into her causing her to let out a choked scream.
He was basically ripping her in half.
Nor did he care to give her time to adjust, he was ramming into her so fast.
"Damn Dream, built up frustration?"
George joked, and Dream ignored him throwing one of her legs over his shoulder and pounding into her, his grip on her throat tightening.
Y/N started clenching down on him, which caused him to falter slightly.
"Keep doing that and this won't last as long as I hoped for."
He warned, and slapped her clit harshly.
Instantly she saw stars, her mouth falling agape as a silent scream came out, pleasure taking over her body.
"Fuck dude, look at her."
Sapnap said, and everyone watched as her face scrunched up.
She yelled out hoarsely, as she squirted on Dream.
"Holy shit dude!"
Punz gawked at the sight, and it looked like Dream was nowhere close to being finished.
How he had this much stamina beats them, he was always the first to stop running during practice.
"Poor baby squirted all over me. You're so messy."
He said, slapping her face as he moved his hand down slapping her tit as well.
Y/N was quickly becoming overstimulated and tried to push him away.
Dream gave Karl one look and in an instant, Karl had her hands pried down onto the bed.
"You're going to take it. You asked for it."
He grunted out, feeling himself coming closer to his edge.
Clenching around him again, Dream cursed under his breath as he felt himself cum inside of her.
Riding out his high he made Y/N cum once more, and they both winced at the overstimulation.
Pulling out of her Dream saw his cum leaking out of her, and he glared as he pushed it right back into her with his fingers.
"Who's next?"
Sapnap asked, looking between Punz and George.
"I'd rather fuck her ass than anything."
Punz admitted, and George put his hands up.
"I'm already drained from making myself cum twice at that."
Dream rolled his eyes, and tapped her thigh.
"Are you okay with Punz doing anal with you?"
He asked tentatively, and Y/N slowly nodded not trusting her voice.
"This one will hurt more than losing your actual virginity."
Dream told her, caressing her cheek.
She only whimpered as Punz carefully brought her to the edge of the bed, flipping her back over.
"Go easy on her."
Karl murmured, and Punz rolled his eyes as if that were obvious.
"I'd rather not cause her too much pain."
After hearing this, Dream handed Punz the bottle of lube that was kept in George's room.
Opening the bottle he squirted some onto her, and she whined at the coolness of it.
Rubbing it in, Punz reached forward demanding her to spit.
Lubing up his dick, he slowly entered her giving her a resting spot every now and then.
After minutes of pure pain, he finally bottomed out.
Y/N was gripping onto Sapnap's thighs roughly, which he didn't mind.
Dream sat beside her, rubbing her cheek helping distract her from the pain.
Nodding, Dream smiled slightly.
"Okay, you can move."
He encouraged Punz, and Dream grabbed her hand leading it down her body to her clit to help rub herself.
Moaning out, Punz snapped his hips into hers, and Y/N's eyes closed tightly digging her nails into the other's thighs possibly drawing blood.
"Fuck it's so tight."
Punz muttered, pounding into her at a slow pace.
Karl was leaving kisses down her back, helping her through it while George watched with envy.
It didn't take long for Y/N to cum from Dream's fingers on her clit as her hand had gone back to Sapnap's thigh.
Clenching around nothing, Punz felt the movement and groaned as he filled her ass with his cum.
Pulling out, Y/N fell against the bed and everyone watched her.
"Fuck it. One more."
George said, slipping into her, spreading her legs slightly.
Y/N was already sensitive and not able to move, so she laid flat, allowing George to fuck her.
Looking up at Dream with pleading eyes, he sighed giving in as he tapped her mouth. She opened it eagerly as Dream slid his dick into it.
Allowing her to cockwarm him, George kept his rhythm even and gentle.
Y/N moved her tongue around the shaft of his dick, hallowing her cheeks as she maintained eye contact with Punz.
"Fuck don't look at me like that."
Hearing a guttural groan, George came inside of her and pulled out before he ushered Karl over to look at the mess they all created.
Dream leaned his head back as he came down her throat, and pulled out watching her swallow it all.
"That's so hot."
Sapnap mumbled, and they all got up looking at the mess of a girl.
Everyone took pictures of her, especially of her ass and pussy that were leaking with their cum.
"You look exhausted."
Karl pointed out, and Y/N attempted to laugh.
"I am."
She said, barely above a whisper.
"That sucks because we aren't through with you."
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hello and welcome!! sooo can u do something w/ ben about him and reader being coworkers and he has such a crush on her and she's clueless so someone else tells her and he's all nervous around reader and all that cute funny stuff? thanks !!
hi there! thank u so much!! i’ve been in the fandom for a couple months now but only made this blog like two weeks ago? anyways. this ended up being longer than expected bc i have no self control i guess? but i hope you like it!! have 1.4k of ben full on pining.
(oh and like i said before, english isn’t my mother tongue. so this is a weird mix of american and british english djfgkjs. and a lot of parenthesis and italics because that’s how i roll).
Like most things in Ben’s life as of recent, it was Joe’s fault.
See, he was perfectly fine, actually minding his own business and feeling a lot more comfortable on his own skin after finally getting over a quite messy break up. He was putting himself out there (exclusively for a good time), having fun with his friends, and his auditions were going pretty well too (sometimes people even called him first, things were that smooth, mind you).
So, naturally, Joe fucked it all up. And not even on purpose. The first time he mentioned her they were just catching up on his flat, one of the few times he could be bothered to go to London instead of expecting everyone to show up in New York. And that was it, really. Just one mention of this new friend he made the last time he visited: that was, in a way, all it took. Her name was [Y/N] and she had only moved there recently, working occasionally as a dialect coach and accent expert of sorts, and was somehow shy yet one of the funniest people I have ever met, Benny, I swear to god. You would like her a lot, I think.
And wasn’t that the whole problem? He just, fuck, he just liked her so much it was ridiculous (and quite embarrassing, as the annoying little voice on his head that sounded suspiciously a lot like Gwilym’s would like to add). After that first mention, Joe would just casually bring her up sometimes and not even three weeks later, fate (if you want to call it that) started playing its part as well. If he hadn’t given that much thought to the lovely woman that apparently made his friend cry of laughter once (Joe had this way of taking everything out proportion and besides, he’s just having fun now, right?), Ben was in no way prepared for the absolute angel he met on the first day of production for his most recent movie.
It was kind of humiliating, to say the least. Ben was not used to losing his breath when he met a beautiful woman but, it seemingly turns out, there’s a first time for everything. And it was definitely not the last. It was almost seven am and the weather wasn’t helping a lot in terms of motivation, but her nose was red from the cold, her body shaking a bit under many layers of clothing, a big yellow scarf almost swallowing her up, and Ben was falling under and fast even before she talked and moved him completely: her name was [Y/N] and, because the movie was a historical fiction book adaptation, it was her job to help him practice a swedish accent until it hopefully sounded native (or very close to it, at least). And things just got worse from there, really. Ben’s pretty sure he’s been dying a very slow and painful death for the last two months and, even worse (!), he couldn’t be more obvious about it even if he tried.
He even feels like a creep sometimes. They practice every day and yes, his voice quality seems to be getting a lot better (something about using a lower tone helping the accent roll easier on his tongue), but it’s like his skin can’t stop itching no matter how much he tries. He was, in all seriousness, pretty much shaking the first time they were alone, her small hands helping him correct his posture so he could reach a better pitch; and if he’s being honest with himself, every time after that. It’s like’s he’s restless al the time; the smell of her hair and perfume staying on his memory long after their last hug (and yet not quite enough), her laugh making his heart jump quick whenever they talk, the possibility of seeing her again actually motivating him to get up at five am (!) and the mere thought of kissing her until her knees were trembling was enough to lead to certain uh, interesting thoughts when’s alone in bed at night (or at the tube, the market, the fucking bookshop that one time he prefers not to think about).
The thing is he’s so obvious about it that everyone has noticed. And he doesn’t mean just his co-workers (which is already bad enough!) but also his friends have quickly caught up on his incapability of shutting up (whining, according to Rami) about her and, as expected, they’ve been completely insufferable ever since. Hell, even his mum called him the other day asking when she’s meeting the girl that has him so interested. Fuck Joe, honestly. Why does he even talk to her on the phone, anyways? It’s like he just needs to tell everyone (and well, uhh).
As if he wasn’t already easy to pick on; by all means, he could just put a big sign on his head announcing his feelings into the entire world and it wouldn’t make much of a difference. But, funnily enough, [Y/N] seems to have no idea, even though he’s been torn between (unknowingly) dropping hints constantly and wanting the ground to swallow him whole for a while now. It’s just, she’s probably used to having a ton of people interested? Or maybe she’s been trying to tell you she’s just not that into you and you’re a clueless bastard that she has to deal with because it’s her job? The possibilities are endless, you see.
—Hey, can I– are you busy right now? do you have a minute? –she asked, closing her umbrella and stepping into the trailer, the rain just starting to pour down outside.
—Su-sure, of course. Is everything alright? I thought you were going downtown with- –he said, cleaning his now very sweaty palms on the fabric of his pants but stopped abruptly after taking in her blotchy cheeks and shaky hands, holding them with his own before moving one to gently caress her jaw– Hey, did something happen? You’ve been crying, I can tell –his voice caught on his throat upon seeing her eyes fill up with tears again, now holding her face with both hands and trying to get her to look at him– Did someone do something to you? Please, you know you can tell me anyt–
—I talked to Joe –[Y/N] replied, remembering the phone call that had taken place not even half an hour ago, her heart still so hopeful it ached from it– He– Ben, be honest with me, okay? Okay, so, he said, well I guess he implied that– that you may have a crush on me, I think? But like, he could be wrong? Maybe he was joking.
Oh. Oh shit, this can’t be good at all. It was bound to happen eventually. But everything was so perfect (could be more, though, always more) when they were together, running over his lines and practicing impressions until their stomachs hurt from the laughter, drinking tea when it was still impossibly early in the morning and then talking about anything and everything in the afternoon and late into the night, that he forgot this moment was even a possibility.
—He– he did that? –she nodded slowly, not even daring to lift her head, so scared of what she could find in his eyes (is he upset? What if he’s angry, disgusted, even?) and, even more, of what it could mean for them– I– fuck, I could kill him I swear he– listen, I don’t. I don’t want you to feel obligated, alright? This is– I can handle it, really. But I can’t stop, [Y/N], I swear I’ve tried but hell you’re just so– you. And I like you, okay? I like you so much it’s not even funny and if you give me a little more time maybe I can get over it and we’ll still be– umphh– –it felt like he was melting from the inside and bursting at the seams; her lips were soft and chapped from the cold, the absolute best thing he’s ever felt, his hands going from her face to her waist, not knowing where to settle, where to even begin. Months of waiting and craving seemed like nothing (and yet, meant everything) now, knowing that this was at the end of the line.
—You’re an idiot, you know?
She giggled and he fell in love all over again.
Maybe he would thank Joe, after all.
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deanssweetheart23 · 6 years
Something Borrowed - Chapter IX
Title: Something Borrowed: September 2015 (Chapter IX)
Chapter Overview: The day of the wedding arrives. Dean has to make a decision.
Author: deanssweetheart23
Characters: Dean Winchester x reader, Frank Weber, Sam Winchester (only mentioned)
Word count: 1389
Warnings: Some language, angst and Stuck Up Asshole Frank™ ( @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba came up with that name and I must admit I kinda love it).
Author’s Notes: This was beta’d by @trexrambling. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her. Thank you, my sunflower <3
Thank you, guys, for all of your love. When this series is over, I’ll make a detailed post for all of you. <3
Catch up here. Enjoy <3
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Saturday, 26 September, 2015
New York City, New York
Dean knows he shouldn’t be here.
He knows it deep into his soul, knows no good can possibly come out of this, that he’s practically pouring salt over jagged scars, but he still feels like this is something he needs to do, the least he can do for her before he lets her go one last time.
He needs to make sure that no one will ever hurt her the way he did.
He needs to make sure that when his brother told him she sounded troubled over the phone the night they talked about the wedding that he was only lying to make him feel better.
He needs to make sure she’s better off without him.
Taking a deep breath, Dean locks his car, adjusts his tie and slips into the church quietly.
The venue is already crowded, filled with all the people the couple has invited, and, as Dean looks for that small room in the back of the building, he thinks he sees Charlie and his brother with Eileen looking for their seats. Somehow, he feels grateful that they can be there for Y/N in ways he no longer can.
Navigating his way through the church, he takes in the decoration; beautiful, though a bit pompous for his taste, with the couple’s vows hand-calligraphed onto the aisle runner, antique bird cages for the guests’ cards and vintage lanterns surrounded by roses and peonies in every corner.
Dean’s almost impressed until he remembers how much Y/N hates peonies.
His heart sinks a little in his chest.
He finds the room he’s been looking for shortly after that, waits a few seconds before grasping the handle and rapping his hands down on the wood.
“Come on in,” comes the gruff response.
And, so, Dean opens the door and steps inside to find the blue-eyed man he’s been looking for standing right in front of him, dressed in an impeccable black suit and the most expensive pair of lace-ups he’s ever seen, a bow-tie half wrapped around the collar of his shirt.
“Frank,” he nods.
He’s surprised to see him.
Dean can tell that much from the way his eyes widen and his jaw clenches at the sight of him, from the way the stone-cold demeanor cracks for just a second and lets Dean see through him, see a man who’s almost afraid of him.
“Dean,” Frank manages after a while, lips stretched into a venomous smile. “Now this is a surprise, man. Y/N said you wouldn’t be coming,” he adds, and there’s something so arrogant, so possessive in the way he calls her name, that Dean feels sick.
“She doesn’t know I’m here.”
“Ah,” he laughs a little under his breath, but the sound’s made of plastic, “I take it you’re not staying then.”
The muscles in Dean’s jaw twitch. “No, not really.”
Frank clasps his hands together, contemplating his next words, then pours himself a glass of whiskey. “Too bad. She’d be really happy to see you.” He sips some of his drink. “She’s missed you, you know.”
The words are meant to slice through his skin and they do so, tremendously well, leaving a trail of bleeding bruises behind them.
He hates this, hates how Frank knows more things about her now, how he knows her better than he does, almost as much as he hates the fact that what they had, all those years of friendship, will slowly become a parenthesis in the narrative of her life and his name will fade into darkness, as someone she used to know, but means nothing to her anymore.
It takes him a moment to speak. “I’m not here for some Dr. Phil hour, Frank.”
“Fair enough. You did come a long way though, so I’m guessing there must some reason you’re here.”
A pause.
Brow knitted into a frown.
“Do you love her?”
“Are you seriously asking me that?”
“Do you love her?”
“What do you think?” Frank asks, eyes a bit softer now. “She’s perfect, man.”
Y/N’s not perfect, of course.
She can be stubborn enough to drive Dean up the damn wall, witty and sarcastic in all the wrong moments, impulsive, reckless. But she’s the kindest, most loving person he knows, the kind of girl that lights up a room just by being in it, the kind of girl you hold on to.  
Still, Dean chooses not to say that to Frank, chooses to keep that small part of her for himself.
“Is she happy?”
“You came all this way to know if I can make my fiancée happy?” Frank laughs, a dead sort of laugh, takes a few steps towards him. “Yeah, she’s happy, Dean. Happier than you’d ever be able to make her.” He runs a hand over his mouth. “You know… You hate me so much for stealing Y/N away from you, but really… You handed her over to me.” A small, brash shrug as he pats Dean on the shoulder. “Should have done something about it while you still had the chance.”
Hot white range bursts through Dean at that and, before Frank even knows what’s happening, he’s wrapping his fingers around his wrist, pushes him against the wall.
“Y/N’s not some kind of prize, you dick-bag.”
“God,” Frank sneers, eyes flooded with pity, “you’re so in love with her, it’s pathetic.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Dean bites out, leaning down to get in his face. “You know what’s the weirdest thing about being pathetically in love with someone, Frank?” he asks, fingers gripping the front of Frank’s suit jacket. “You’d do anything to protect them. So, you better treat Y/N the way she deserves, or, so help me God-”
“Are you threatening me, Winchester?”
“Damn right I am. You hurt her-” he stabs a finger at him– “and I’ll rip you to fucking shreds.” He juts his chin. “Are we clear?”
Darkness coats Frank’s features and, for a second, Dean believes he’s about to punch him, yet he only nods, numb, but hard.
Dean pulls away. “Better get going then.” He rolls up his sleeves, smirks with a satisfaction he doesn’t feel. “It was nice talking to you, man.”
And then he’s gone, walking down the corridors quickly until he reaches the hall where the wedding’s supposed to take place and finds a shady seat in the back row. And he knows, again, that doing this to himself, staying there while she marries someone else, is probably the worst idea he’s ever had, but he needs to see her, needs to convince himself that it’s finally over.
She walks down the aisle almost twenty minutes later, the brightest thing he’s ever seen, a dream dressed in white. She wears her hair down in waves, holds a bouquet of red roses that seem striking against the lace ballgown, and Dean allows himself to imagine that it’s him she’s walking towards, that all that happiness, all the joy scattered around him isn’t poison to his heart.
He opens his eyes, sees the way she’s looking at Frank.
She’s smiling, that smile of hers that could cut him in two, but there’s something else there, something he can’t quite put his finger on.
He tells himself he’s imagining it, because she never answered that voicemail, never tried to contact him.
He tells himself he’s imagining it, because if he’s not, he’ll probably go insane.
His eyes drift to Frank.
The blue-eyed man that had been so spiteful, so full of hatred only a few minutes ago, seems soft now, almost sweet, as he looks at her like she’s everything he’s been waiting for, and Dean knows.
He loves her.
They both do.
He waits until the vows begin, each word of eternal devotion that comes out of her mouth a punch in his gut. Then, he gets out of his chair, smooths his shirt and drives back to Ithaca, back to Charlie’s apartment. He climbs up to the rooftop where they first met, the first time he’s been there in over a year.
The flowers he’d planted with Charlie are withered now, the petals broken, and he rips them all off, one by one, until there’s nothing left but tender soil, nothing left but dirt.
He never, once, looks back as he walks away.
A/N: Next chapter coming on 9/15 :) Remember, I love you <3
Forever Tags: @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @trexrambling @percywinchester27 @atwistoffate @there-must-be-a-lock @torn-and-frayed @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @atc74 @dancingalone21 @kathaswings @dreamingdean @jayankles @winchesters-flannels @winchestersnco @caeruli @princess-shurii @tiny-friggin-human @polina-93 @mandilion76 @juanitadiann @pickupthatamulet @yourvoiceislikearose @becominglionhearted @ravengirl94 @ravenangel33 @holahellohialoha @starry-chaos @masksandtruths @lipstickandwhiskey @hannahindie @sunlightdances @wordstothewisereaders @ruprecht0420 @sgarrett49 @escabell @becs-bunker @imagining-supernatural @iwriteaboutdean @mogaruke @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @spngeronimo @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @wellthatsrandomkek @persephone-divine @akshi8278 @keepcalmandcarryondean @superflurry @superapplepie @sinistersaltqueen @carryonmyswansong @carryonmywaywardcaptain @emoryhemsworth @bebravekeeponfighting @sebastianshoe @jessilliam-caronday @kleinkariertebetrachter @stellaa33 @samisimportant-blog @shutupiminlooove @no-shit-sherl0ck @caitthejourno @annoyingpeople-postingthings @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @mrswhozeewhatsis @may-darling @novaddictx @rlawson418 @itssmallerontheoutside-13
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