#of course emily has to love honor and respect her wife's wife sera
a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
I’m sorry I read your post about Chaggie and Emily and arranged marriage and there is SO MUCH angst potential but also on the flip side of it this has been running through my head ever since you mentioned it:
Emily: Okay so before we get down to business about Heaven and Hell, Vaggie needs to be in the room.
Lilith: Wait what why
Emily: Because she’s my wife’s wife and she deserves to be here, obviously.
ascended Chaggie shipper Emily!!! Now she's part of her fav ship too!
All of Charlie and Emily's official wedding photos are just Emily dragging Vaggie into frame while chaggie shares various confused but happy looks about it XD
Sera: "Hell has made an offer to help keep the peace-"
Emily: "Oh thank FUCK!"
Sera: "-language- an offer addressed towards you, which you do NOT have to accept-"
Emily: "It's coming from Charlie and Vaggie right? They're wonderful! And they've worked so hard already, I'm sure their offer is very fair and really well thought out! Of course I accept!"
Sera: ".... it's an offer of marriage to the princess of hell."
Emily: "And to Vaggie?"
Sera: ".."
Sera: "What?"
Emily: "Well if I'm marrying Charlie I'd be marrying Vaggie too, right?"
Sera: "No. Just the young Morningstar."
Emily: "Oh...."
Emily: "I mean realistically speaking, I'll have to be SOME kind of in-law with my wife's wife-"
Sera: "Emily."
Emily: "-even if it's a long distance marriage most of the time presumably we'd have to set up rooms for my wife and her wife up here in heaven, or have them live with me, and the same with me maybe staying with them down in hell sometimes, to make negotiating easier, and they'd RUN the hotel together which is the whole HEART of the heaven hell conflict and connection thing, so it doesn't makes sense for me, trying to solve that issue, to legally have more of a share in Charlie's life without also sharing mine with Vaggie seeing as they've been living the same life together for years already in a very cute way that I can't WAIT to see more of first hand and-"
Sera: "Emily. Focus."
Emily: "Right!"
Emily: "I'll counter offer with a proposal of marriage to Vaggie."
Sera: "No you will NOT. She's already an angel! It makes no sense! It would serves no diplomatic purpose!"
Emily: "She's the royal consort to the princess of hell of course it would serve a purpose diplomacy wise and make sense."
Sera: "Are you drawing fanart of them on your paperwork again, Emily."
Emily: (slides fanart out of view) "It's, um, a just diagram-"
Sera: "Of them kissing."
Emily: "I'm planning our wedding together. I promise I'll keep the peace between heaven and hell by kissing them both equally."
Sera: (pries off halo and rubs her forehead) (Groans)
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