#odyssey book 6
POV: You're doing laundry and someone's naked dad randomly emerges from the woods and starts talking to you. He's surprisingly polite.
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measureformeasure · 8 hours
is there anything more terrifying than awaiting the notoriously intense required classics course next semester with a prof who is clearly still grad school brained and has no handle on what a reasonable weekly reading schedule or assignment load is
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nikoisme · 11 months
absolutely DEVASTATED. we are supposed to do the iliad methinks on thursday and friday but i got sick as fuck so i will most likely miss those days. what even is this world.
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inkliinng · 2 months
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Had to go on an exhausting road trip this weekend and this book was the highlight of the entire experience. 😅 I’m so glad I decided to bring it with me at the last moment.
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moe-broey · 3 months
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I have. So much power. Esp w the ability to use any portrait I want for any class. Which maybe was always the case? But the funniest example here is Bruno. The Medic. That armor in his portrait? Just for show. He's only allowed to wear extremely tearable fabric. As the gods intended. It's part of his curse, you see,
Also Moe voice "Yo who the fuck invited your undead dad to the function??????"
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finelythreadedsky · 1 year
very close to going full conspiracy theory mode over ovid putting leto and niobe in such close proximity to procne and philomela
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Black Mirror S06E03 (Beyond the Sea)
Book title
The Siren Song of Tranquility
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (1965) by Robert A. Heinlein
Galactic Odyssey (1967) by Keith Laumer
The Dolphin and the Deep (1968) by Thomas Burnett Swann
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anothermonikan · 9 months
Finished reading A Space Odyssey :thumbsup: I understand everything now <<< Lying (I understand what the fuck A Space Odyssey is about a little more now and feel more sufficiently prepared to watch 2010: The Year We Make Contact)
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jojossillywalk · 2 years
can you imagine seeing a jean pierre polnareff lying on the ground and just strolling over to handle him without hand protection. in the context of being avdol, yeah, because avdol seems like someone who would own more than 5 lizards unironically. for example. iggy,
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top 9 books!
Tagged by the iconic @oatflatwhite to post a list of my top 9 books!! Not easy!! I ruled out poetry, non-fiction, anthologies, compendia, & reference to make it easier, so this is basically my 9 fave novels lol. TO THE LIST:
"Invisible Cities" ~ Italo Calvino
"The Eyre Affair" ~ Jasper Fforde
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" ~ Douglas Adams
"The Odyssey" ~ Homer
"Cain's Jawbone" ~ Torquemada
"Ella Minnow Pea" ~ Mark Dunn
"Look Who's Morphing" ~ Tom Cho
"The Puzzle Ring" ~ Kate Forsyth
"The Martian Chronicles" ~ Ray Bradbury
HONOURABLE MENTION: The Menelaiad (38pg short story) from the book "Lost in the Funhouse" by John Bath! I know I said no compendia but this story made me BSOD during my very first reading & I have not recovered yet 😊 thank u for yr understanding
Tagging @clareguilty (or is it @clare-guilty?), @swampgirl666, @coldforest, & @gothic-goon 💌
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feijoacrumble · 7 days
I'm sooooooo interested in the number 6. Like 6/8 time signatures, 12/4 time signatures, dactylic hexameter. The crazy thing is that I don't even consciously register it!!! I think "oh this sounds sooooooo good 💖 I need to listen to it 120 times" and then I start counting out beats or doing scansion and GUESS WHAT! it's my friend the number 6 again!!!
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gorgugplushie · 22 days
poesiden needs to leave his ass aloneee
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kuwupikaa · 3 months
I need to stop buying books faster than I read them man. At least 70-80% of the books I have is unread😭
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beauzos · 5 months
The Wager was fucking amazing. you have to read it. anyways, it's my number one book now from this year. which now means that my top 5 books this year is EXCLUSIVELY NON-FICTION!!!
non-fiction NUMERO UNOOO ☝
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mildew-dread-mold · 11 months
if i read 9 more books in the next 2 months i will have read 69 books this year. drop y’all’s suggestions
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thebestofoneshots · 2 months
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 8.2 K Warnings: angst Prompt: After fighting some of those deamons, will the rest of Vixen's issues be resolved? Is there a way to be happy even without the boys? This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.Proofread by Lovely @aremuslupinsimp
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You leaned down and took one of the Mirror shreds in your hands. Depending on where you moved it, you could see reflections from all the things you’d seen inside: Sirius crying, Remus desperate, your father crying for your mother, and you crying for Nina. You being dropped from your father’s arms and several other moments. You sighed, placed the shred in your bag, and walked towards the clock. If you had one of the parts, then not even the most expert reparo, and neither would all the king’s men, put Riapsed together again. 
When you crossed over to the other vault, you took the three keys on the face of the clock and placed them in your bag alongside all the money you’d already taken. You gave one long look to the vault, at the books lying on the floor and at the harp singing its sorrowful song in the back. You didn’t understand why your father had created the riddle for you. You didn’t understand why he kept making things harder, but in the end, it didn’t matter. 
Not as long as you didn’t follow the same steps he would, not as long as you made the choices he would scorn. 
You walked outside of the vault, the goblin, Tharnock, was waiting patiently there for you. Your little odyssey through memory lane had eaten up about 2 hours, and you had to get out before people knew you were there, or before Thernock realised how weird the entire thing had been for him. 
“Are you finished, Miss?” 
You nodded, “Yes, thank you.” 
Tharnock walked you back to the minecart and you were both back in the main hall in a matter of minutes. The goblin gave you the key as you walked past the golden gates, he went back to his desk and you walked the hell away from the bank. Once outside, you used the hairpin to blend within the crowd and walked towards a less transited street. 
You still hadn’t eaten at all over the weekend. But the strong emotions revolting inside you didn’t make you want to go and buy something either. You checked the clock and decided it was about time to raise your wand. The knight bus appeared a couple of minutes later.
“Where to, Lassie?” the same pudgy guy that had picked Beth and Tom asked. 
“Hogsmeade,” you replied. 
“Hot chocolate?” 
You contemplated the idea for a second. You had tried to drink the hot chocolate before and you didn’t like the idea of getting it all over yourself again, although it was quite tasty. “No thank you,” you said in the end.
“That’ll be 11 Sickles then.” You paid with a galleon. “No change, Lass?” 
“Sorry, no.”
He grumbled something about people never carrying change and then handed you 6 sickles. One of them was sticky and you tried not to make a disgusted face as you wiped it on your jeans and walked into one of the few available seats. The trip wasn’t too long, but by the time you were in Hogsmeade, you wanted to puke. 
“Thanks for using the Knight Bus, come back soon!” The guy said as you and a few other students you didn’t recognise got down from the train. It was cold outside, and you walked straight towards Honeydukes. 
The train had arrived at Hogwarts about an hour before and plenty of students roamed around Hogsmeade, making some last-minute purchases and stocking up on candies and such. They all looked happy and carefree. You had been like that before, you sorrowfully wondered if you’d ever get to smile that big. 
There was a couple kissing in the Alley behind the Three Broomsticks, and you flinched when you noticed the way the guy was holding her. It was a thing Sirius used to do all the time. You looked at them for more than would have seen appropriate, took a deep breath and continued walking. 
“Hey, Starkeeper!” You heard someone calling from behind. Funny he called you that, you hadn’t been particularly good at keeping your star.
He ran up to you and stopped right in front of you with a frown. He looked all over your face. “Sorry, I thought you were…” You took off the hairpin, and Minho looked at you in shock. “I knew it was you!” he whispered-shouted as he leaned closer, placing an arm over your shoulder and covering as much of you as he could with his chest. “Why are you hiding, is it because of Christmas?”  
“Nice to see you, Min” you said with a small smile. You were genuinely happy about not being alone. “Tom– Tom told you about Christmas?” 
“No?” he asked, confused. “My parents did. They had been invited to the party, Arkalis is Dad’s coworker, but we were travelling back to Korea to visit our family for Christmas. Mum feels terrible about not going, they were told everything that happened, she wished she could have helped you.” 
“Oh,” you said as you took a deep breath. You knew Minho’s parents worked in politics, his father was an ambassador from the Korean Ministry of Magic (KMM), but you’d also heard that in Asia there wasn’t as much prejudice against muggles as there was in England. In fact, much like the Americans, they didn’t have a derogatory term for them, but rather they called the 비마법사 or 비마법 for short, which basically translates to non-wizard or non-wiz. And there was no such term as Muggle-born either, a wizard was a wizard, that simple. 
Obviously, Minho had been in shock when he found out such a term existed and that’s why he was such good friends with the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, he just didn’t understand the whole bIood purity bias some of the Slytherins insisted on, not even if he was also a pure bIood. Unfortunately, even if the KMM considered all wizards wizards, they did not see different sexual preferences as openly as the Eastern part of the world did. In fact, they deemed homosexuality as a “European deviation” even if it had existed in Asia for the same amount of time. Of course, Minho was horrified at the idea of being outed. 
“Yeah,” he continued. “They think what you did was insanely brave. They were talking about you at breakfast. They recognised you as the Gryffindor seeker and I had to tell them you were actually the keeper instead. They came to our match a couple of months ago, the one where you threw yourself off the broom to beat Reggie to the snitch? You know, right?” You nodded, it’s not like you could forget about that. “Anyway, they said they thought you were really determined then, but that they didn’t know just how brave you were until they heard about the party.” 
You swallowed, you had been told that by adults more than once in the past few days. Brave, determined, and you might have been all those things, but you were also alone now. Your bravery had charged a hefty price in return. Minho noticed you were upset, and he leaned a little closer, cocking his head as he looked at you. “Have you eaten? I’m going to meet Tom at The Three Broomsticks.” 
You opened your mouth to respond, and then closed it again, shaking your head in response. You were pretty sure mentioning to Minho –Mr. Healthy– of all people that you hadn’t eaten since Friday would have you listening to a very long talk about the importance of food and how it fuels your body and whatnot. 
“So it’s my treat then,” Minho said as he pushed you along with him. “For saving the world!” You were about to argue. “Don’t even think about it, young lady,” he retorted. 
Minho had gotten a lot bossier since he started dating Tom. You sighed and didn’t argue further, which had him throw a weary glance at you. You almost always sassed him back in some way or another. By the time the two of you arrived at the restaurant, Tom was already sitting on one of the tables with two butterbeers ordered.
“Slysprite!” he said once he spotted you, and leaned in to pull you into a hug. He also gave an awkward hug to Minho, as if both wanted to stay together for longer but knew it wouldn’t be appropriate to do it in public. Tom waited for you to sit down and handed you his jug of butterbeer. He looked at you patiently as you took a big gulp. You were about to ask Minho if he could buy you something heavier when Tom spoke again, “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong.” 
Tom gave you a look. “Sirius and Remus were whispering to each other the entire train ride, James was clearly angry about it and you were nowhere to be seen. In fact, I’d dare say you left since the party on Friday. Effie said something about you feeling sick, but I didn’t buy shit. What happened?” 
“Tom,” Minho said in a warning tone. 
“Nope,” the blue-eyed boy said with a hand finger up as if to tell Minho not to meddle. “What happened?” he insisted.
You sighed and raised the butterbeer with your hand. “Do you have some real alcohol?” 
“Minho, babe?” he said with a small pout, Minho threw him a look, but Tom called most people babe anyway. Even if Minho knew his was special. “Would you be a darling and bring this kind lady some whiskey?” 
“She hasn’t eaten, Tom.” 
“But she surely had breakfast, right?” You didn’t respond, only raised one of your eyebrows at him. “See, go get her some.” 
Minho stood up and walked towards the bar, he was the only one old enough to buy Fire Whiskey, and he got two glasses since he knew Tom would want some, and he’d drink a bit from his glass. He also ordered fries and a dish to share.
“You look like shit,” Tom said.
“Well, thank you,” you responded and took a sip from the butterbeer, they had never felt bitter to you before, and yet this time it was almost hard to swallow the foamyness of it.
“I mean, why the hell did you leave the Potters’? Do you know how dangerous that is?” 
“I’ve almost diеd plenty of times in the last couple of days,” not to mention the last couple of hours, you thought. “I had to leave.” 
Minho arrived with the drinks and handed you the glass, you thanked him and dragged it to your mouth, drinking the double whiskey he’d ordered in one swing. Minho, who had barely let go of it, took hold of it again and pulled it from your mouth, as he placed the food on the centre of the table. He was sitting beside you now, using his body to cover your face from most of the restaurant “Ey, Ey!” He said. “What’s wrong?” He looked at you with genuine concern, both boys did, which only made you feel even worse. 
You looked at them for a second and then turned to Minho with the hopes of changing the subject. “Tell me about your Christmas, Min. Did you see all your cousins?” 
The boy sighed and turned to Tom for help. Minho would have probably responded and would have distracted you from everything that was going on, but Tom was more of the “no-nonsense” kind of guy. He looked at Minho sternly and shook his head slowly. Minho frowned at him in return, as if it pained him not to comply. 
“Slysprite!” Tom chided. “You just downed a glass of Firewhisky like it was water, your face tells me you’ve slept like shit and Sirius and Remus are just as bad as you. James looks exasperated and I’m sorry to be the one to knock some sense into you, but you look like you bought a liquor store and drank it.” 
“I’m not drunk.”  That was true, the entire Gringotts adventure had been enough to sober you up. 
“It’s not what I mean,” Tom responded pointedly. “You know it’s not what I mean.” 
“I’ve had quite a fucking day, Tom.” 
“Well then, go on and tell us about it. What the fuck is wrong with the boys?” 
You sighed, if you didn’t say it then it wasn’t real. And yet you would say it now. “I broke up with Sirius.” 
“What did he do?” Minho asked.
“Why does everyone assume it was he that did something?” 
“Because it’s Sirius Black,” Tom responded. “If not then, why? You look miserable about it, so it’s not because you didn’t want to be with him.”
“Of course, it isn’t,” you said as you hid your head in between your arms and let out a sad groan. 
“You can’t tell anyone.” 
“Well, we’re both great at keeping secrets,” Minho said, and you turned to him with an incredulous look. 
“That was an accident!”
“I’ll put a tongue twister spell on him after, you cool with that, babe?” 
“For sure.” 
You sighed, “It’s not because of what he did, it’s because of what he wouldn’t have done.” 
“Which is?” 
“Date Remus.” 
Both boys eyed each other confused before turning to you again, your head was buried in between your arms, and you didn’t say a word. 
“What?” Tom asked with a frown.
“I accidentally bumped into Remus jerking off to Sirius’ name…” 
“Well, we’ve all jerked off to Sirius’ name,” Tom said as if it was a non-issue. Minho was about to protest, but after thinking about it for a second longer, he remembered he too had done it.
You threw him an exasperated look, “Maybe, but you don’t look at Sirius the way Remus does.” 
Tom closed his mouth. Minho just frowned as he looked at you. What about the way he looks at you? he wondered. 
“And then I felt like shit because Remus is my best friend and he likes Sirius and I was in the middle of that and–” 
“But Sirius likes you,” Tom interrupted. “I’ve never seen him like anyone in the way he likes you.” 
“Which is why he would have suffered in silence,” you added. “He likes Remus too,” you sighed. “After I found out, I paid closer attention. I was so bIoody blinded by his beautiful eyes, long lashes and prince-like looks. I was not looking at the way he always veered closer to Remus. Heck, I took a fucking picture of the two of them cuddling each other because I thought it was cute once I slept with them.” 
“You… slept with Remus and Sirius at the same time?” Miho asked, confused.
“What? No! We were cuddling not shagging,” you said as if it made it more normal. “Anyway, I totally get it. I mean, Remus is tall and handsome and has those beautiful eyes of his that are always a different colour. He’s clever and brilliant and good at all the classes he takes, but also gentle and kind, not to mention he’s fucking ripped… I cannot blame Sirius for falling for him. And of course, I could never blame Rem for liking Sirius, I’m on the same fucking boat.” 
Tom was looking at your problem, and all he could see was the solution and a very interesting one at that. But he wasn’t just outright going to say it, he had to allow you to discover it yourself. “And do tell, Slysprite, what else is there to like about Remus Lupin?” He asked sceptically. Minho looked at him with a frown and Tom gave him a reassuring nod.
“What else?” you asked in disbelief. “What isn’t to like about Remus? You know he is perceptive as fuck? He knew I was feeling down and helped me feel better, he’d met me a fucking week ago. He’s always three steps ahead of you, I swear I can never beat him on magic chess, he’s a brilliant duelist, and incredible at DADA. He knows the best book recommendations and he speaks so softly when he reads to you. When–” you hesitated. “When Nina and Mum diеd he was there to comfort me. He didn’t ask questions, he just hugged me and listened, he’d such an incredible listener. He can be moody sometimes but that just adds to how charming he is and I– I mean… he’s the best friend I could have ever asked for, I could not imagine how incredible he would be as a partner. Sirius will be lucky to have him. Anyone would.” 
“Aha,” Tom said as he nodded and looked at you. 
Tom shrugged, “Nothing,” he said. “It just sounds to me that… you like him as well.” 
You looked at Tom, your back straightened for a second as you pulled back, and you let out a hollow breath, then you gulped. If it hadn’t been for the dire situation you were in, Tom would have taken a picture of how hilariously dumbfounded you looked. 
You groaned and buried your head in between your arms again. “Thanks, Tom! Way to make me more fucking miserable!” you mumbled.
Another thing you had been too blind to see. Fucking Ricchie had been saying that for ages, Reflection Nina had also mentioned something similar. The fox surrounded by the moon and stars? The lady at the three broomsticks? Symbolism was everywhere. Heck, you kept stealing his fucking sweaters because you loved the way they smelled.
“More miserable?” Tom scoffed a laugh. “Darling this is the best thing that could have happened to you!” 
“How?!” You asked, turning back at him, tone angry and bitter. 
“Well, simple: Sirius likes you and Remus, You like Remus and Sirius, Remus likes Sirius and you. It’s a throuple.”
“Remus doesn’t like me!” 
“Oh, he does,” Minho said casually. 
“What?” You asked as you turned to him, he seemed so sure about it. 
“I’ve seen those loving eyes of Remus before, he’s smitten.” 
“But that’s–” Impossible! 
Is it? Really? 
Remus had always been there for you. You remembered his worried expression when he found you on the snow, the hesitance by which he touched you, the way he looked at you back at the Halloween party, the way he would complain about you taking his sweaters but would always wear them after he got them back, when they still smelled of you. 
The way he blushed when you teased him about Alice, how he always seemed slightly disconnected when talking about her, or sex, for that matter, with you. If he thought of you as a friend, and only as a friend, would he be uncomfortable over it? Had James ever been? 
“Oh,” you said as realisation hit you. “Oh,” you said again when you realised how fucking miserable you had made them both. Of course, Remus would never go for Sirius, not if he loved you as well, it was the fucking reason you had –stupidly– broken up with Sirius in the first place. “I’ve been an idiot!” 
“There it is,” Tom said with a satisfied nod and got head slapped by Minho who was a lot more comprehensive over your struggling feelings.
“Tom, you’re brilliant,” you said as you stood up from the chair and planted a kiss on his cheek. “I owe you big time, we all do!” you said thinking of your boys. Yes, your boys. Didn’t that sound delightful?” 
“What are you going to do?” Minho asked.
“Find them,” you said matter of factly. “Find them and talk to them.” 
“That’s the spirit,” Tom cheered and took out some parchment from his bag as the door shut behind you. 
“What are you doing?” Minho asked him as he leaned over the paper. 
“Writing Beth,” he said. “I think I won the bet.” 
“What bet?” 
“The one about those three having a very intense threesome,” Tom said casually and got another head slap from Minho. 
“Oi,” he complained and pushed him playfully. Not that it did anything to Minho, Tom had always been smaller. 
“Don’t bet on peoples’ feelings!” Minho chided. 
“What about yours?” 
“What about mine?” 
“Can I bet on the feelings you have for me?” Tom asked almost in a whisper as he leaned closer to his boyfriend. He had a small smirk when he leaned back, it growing wider when he noticed the tip of Minho’s ears reddening. 
“You’re such an idiot,” Minho said as he covered his face with his palms, maybe then it would be less evident how blushed he’d become.
Tom just smiled and patted him on the back, “That makes you a bigger idiot since you fell for me.” 
You ran through Hogsmeade and used a disillusionment charm to walk through the back door and into the cellar. From there you climbed down the hatch and almost bumped into James as you turned to walk. 
“Vixen?” he asked. He couldn’t see you at all. “Did you get an invisibility cloak or something?” 
“What?” you asked, confused. “Finite incantatem,” you said and looked at him with a frown. 
“It was a disillusionment charm? I couldn’t see you at all.” 
“Maybe you should get your eyes checked,” you said as you leaned closer to Prongs and took his glasses from his face. 
It was like you were surging with energy now, excitement and a bit of nervousness buzzing through your very atoms as you thought of being able to kiss Sirius again, of never having to stop. As you thought of how soft Remus’s lips would be on yours, how happy it would make him to know that he could have what he wanted without hurting anyone at all. 
“Are you okay?” James asked, concerned. You looked nothing like what you’d sounded through the earrings. 
“Totally!” you replied. “Do you know where Sirius and Remus are?” 
“Well, I’m not sure… I think Slughorn wanted to talk with Remus about some potion he’s been working on with a student and he went there. Sirius…? I have no idea.” 
“Do you have the map?” you asked. James shook his head and you handed back his glasses. “These seem all right to me,” you said with a shrug. 
“Moony must have it,” he added, still confused.
“Oh, that’s excellent, I need to go to the dungeons then,” you said and turned around to speed off, but James caught up to you and pulled you to turn to him. 
He was looking at you with concern. “Are you okay?” he asked solemnly, both hands on your shoulders as he stared at you attentively. 
You were almost dragged back to reality by his question. Bad things still happened around you, dark and sad, and life-threatening things. You were still upset about what happened, but you weren’t hopeless anymore. There was light at the end of the tunnel and the fact that you wouldn’t be alone as you faced all of it was as comforting as it was thrilling. Your boys, you’d get to see your boys. 
“Yeah,” you said with a small smile as you nodded. “I’m going to fix things.” 
“The thing with Remus and Sirius?” 
“Exactly that,” you added with a smile, James’ concern slowly turned into a small grin. 
“You’re telling me you found a way to have them stop being all moody?” 
“If the plan works,” you said with a shrug.
“You seem confident.” 
“It’s a good plan,” you retorted. James nodded and you turned around again. 
“Hey, Vix!” He said again. 
“Yeah?” you asked as you turned around. James smiled from how excited you seemed, and then turned to his bag, throwing the cloak at you. 
“Take this, might be useful.” 
“And you?” 
“I’ll disillusion myself to get out and walk back to the castle,” then he cocked his head to the side and bit his lip. “I heard Evans is going to be at Hogsmeade before dinner.” 
You smiled, “Good luck!” 
“You too.” 
You took off again, the cloak in your hands and your small, expansion charm bag bumping against your hip as you rushed through the passage. It hadn’t been many times that you’d taken the HoneyDukes way to the castle, but it was narrower and somehow less moist than the one on the Shack. 
You arrived at the one-eyed witch statue, took the cloak and wrapped it around yourself before speeding all the way to the dungeons. You stopped just outside the potions classroom. You could hear Slughorn’s voice from the door. 
“So, would you be interested in taking the potion for a test?” 
“You said Belby worked on this?” Remus asked. 
“Yeah, I believe he collaborated with someone too, but that person didn’t want to take any of the credit. They made some kind of deal, I believe.” 
“Okay,” Remus said as he took the potion in his hands and nodded. “I’ll tell you how it went next month.” 
“Very well, I’d like to get all your thoughts on a paper so I can hand those to Dacmocles. You may change your handwriting or use a Quick-Quotes quill, I believe Professor McGonagall has one and will gladly lend it to you.” Remus seemed hesitant after that. “Of course, both you and your partner will get extra points for your work. Not that you need much of those.” 
“Right, yes,” Remus said, trying not to grimace when the thought of you, still alone, Godric knows where, came crawling into his mind. “I’ll write the paper.” 
“Brilliant!” the professor retorted and went back to check the papers on his table, which prompted Remus to exit the room with a simple nod. You smiled as you saw him pass by you, determined to get somewhere as he pulled a very familiar parchment from his sweater, and walked towards one of the secret passages you used all the time.
You walked right behind him and watched as he swore over the map and used Lumos to see the words that slowly appeared on the parchment.
“Who are you looking for?” You asked, leaning just behind him and looking at the map just from the side of his shoulder. 
Remus almost jumped out of his skin, turning completely when he heard your voice, his shoulder accidentally hitting your chin since you didn’t have enough time to pull back. He didn’t notice though, too shocked about you literally appearing out of nowhere.
“Where the hell have you been?” He asked as he placed both of his hands over your shoulders and inspected your face thoroughly, trying to check if you’d been hurt.
Yeah, it could have been hell, you thought. 
“We should talk.” 
“I was so worried, we all were, you shouldn’t have left like that!” Remus responded, completely ignoring your words and pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. Remus was scared you would push him away, he was terrified it was the last hug he gave you so he squeezed. 
“I thought I had to,” you said honestly. “You like Sirius.” 
Remus pulled back, “Starshine, I don’t know how you got that idea into your head but–”  
“It wasn’t a question.” 
“Would you let me speak?! I’m telling you, that’s ridiculous, not because I like boys does it mean–” 
“Remus,” you said a little more sternly. “You don’t have to lie to me.” 
“Why aren’t you bIoody listening?” He repeated, exasperated, you saw the flash of gold in his eyes. Even then, you thought it was charming. “It’s ridiculous that you think I would–” 
“I don’t blame you, I like him too.” 
“For Godric’s sake! I said I don’t–” 
“I saw you that night, with the coat,” you rushed out before he had time to protest again.  
Remus’ frown deepened. The night with the coat? He wondered, and then the images came to him, and he paled. “Whatever you thought you heard–” 
“You jerking off to my boyfriend’s name, you mean?” You asked with a knowing smile. Remus was utterly dumbfounded, you weren’t half as pissed as he expected you to be. Heck, you seemed diverted. 
“Is this funny to you?” Remus asked, face cold and tears welling up in his eyes. 
You instantly felt terrible for the way in which you’d said it. “NO! No, of course not,” you said and took a deep breath. “I was–” you bit your lip. “When I found out I was shocked– and pissed, because I hadn’t seen it before, because it was obvious that Sirius and I being together was hurting you and–” 
“It is not hurting me!” Remus defended. “You and Sirius are meant for each other and–” 
“So are you and him,” you said more calmly. “Perhaps more than me and him…” 
“That’s bullshit, he loves you, you know that.” 
You smiled again, that knowing sort of smile Remus couldn’t quite place, “He loves you too, you know?” 
Remus clenched his jaw as a frustrated exhale escaped through his nose. How ever could he respond to that? He hated this, he hated having caused you so much pain, because he was stupid and horny due to the moon and because he quite literally couldn’t keep it in his pants and because he was an idiot and–
“Remus,” you called his attention, driving him away from his destructive thoughts. “Do you like me too?” He turned to you even more shocked at your question. His face was one of anguish and despair as if he didn’t know what to say, or how to respond to such a question. “Be honest,” you added, calmly.
Remus shook his head with tears in his eyes. 
“Would you take veritaserum and deny it again?” 
“Are my words not enough?” 
“You didn’t even speak. And they weren’t enough for you when I told you I wasn’t afraid, nor were they when I told you I thought you were beautiful.” 
Remus swallowed, “Even if I did–” You were biting your lips to stop yourself from smiling. “Even if I did, it wouldn’t matter, would it? You need to go to Sirius and–” 
“Remus, I like you too,” you blurted out. “I don’t how I was so stupid not to realise it before. I mean the potion at the Slug Party, the way I cuddle with you, the way I’m always happy when you’re around. The way you make me laugh, the way you smell.” You had to take in some air from how fast you were speaking. “I was blind, completely blinded by Sirius to see–” 
“Do you not like Sirius anymore?” Remus asked, almost reproachingly. 
You laughed, “Of course, I like him still! He might be the love of my life, but we’re all a bunch of idiots, that’s what we are!”  
“Little Witch, I don’t think I’m following,” he responded confused. 
You took his head in both of his hands. “You beautiful, self-sacrificing idiot,” you said then. Remus wanted to retort with you being much worse than he was, but he wanted to see what the hell you meant by that more. You licked your lips, enticed to kiss his own, but you knew you had to talk to Sirius about it first. “Don’t you see? We’re all pinning for each other, mutually.” 
He didn’t speak, so you took that as a sign to continue, “You like me and Sirius, I like you and Sirius and Sirius liked the both of us.” 
“You’re saying–” he stammered, “you’re saying you want us all to be together?” 
“Well, wouldn’t that be the only natural solution? We were already together all the time–” 
“I don’t know about natural,” he muttered, you smiled. 
“The only difference would be that you could act on your desires and Sirius could act on his. Wouldn’t that make you happy?” 
“Would it make you happy?” 
“It would make me ecstatic!” you replied with a smile. “And I’m sure Sirius even more so, he’s been pining for you while being with me, he must have felt terribly guilty about it, but he never had to be. Besides, it’s not like it’s the first time three people have fallen in love with each other.” 
“It’s a love triangle,” Remus huffed a laugh as he rolled his eyes. 
“But none of us has to be alone in the end,” you added with a smile, as you bit your lip, and then pressed a kiss to his cheek, right next to the spot your thumb had been resting on. Remus’ smile only widened and he leaned in to kiss you, but you turned your head before your lips clashed with each other.
You didn’t miss the hurt look on his handsome features and you pulled him into a hug. “I’m sorry,” you said, voice muffled by his shirt. “You don’t know how much I wanted you to do that, but we need to speak to Sirius first. No more lies, we all need to be honest with each other this time around.” 
“Sirius is gonna flip out when we tell him,” he muttered into your head. “He’s been sulking over being an idiot for falling in love with me since you left.”
“Then we’re both idiots,” you said with a small smile, still hugging Remus tightly. “Did you guys figure each other out?” 
Remus pulled back with a sceptical look. “Did you really think if you left, we were just going to start dating?” 
“You didn’t?” 
“Of course not!” he replied. “We were both upset, you left with no wand and alone! Nobody knew where you’d gone to, let alone if you were safe wherever you’d been and you were breaking apart because of Christmas. Sirius was drowning in guilt and to be honest, I wasn’t much better. We would have never been happy if we thought you were upset.” 
You bit your lip, looking down and thinking how much quicker things would have gotten solved if instead of running away, you had faced the issue head-on. If instead of leaving, you had brought Remus to the kitchen and forced him to talk things through with the two of you. 
Of course, you didn’t know he liked you too then, but perhaps you wouldn’t have had to go through Gringotts alone if you had. You wouldn’t have gone through those lonely, almost desolate days in which you drowned yourself in alcohol. 
“I guess it makes sense,” you said with a sad smile. “I couldn’t have continued on with Sirius if I thought it was hurting you either. Of that I was certain.” 
“As if you being with Sirius hadn’t already broken half of the school’s hearts,” Remus huffed.
You looked up at him with a smile, “Perhaps, but none of those hearts belong to my best friend.” 
You saw the faintest blush creep up on Remus’s cheeks, you were again tempted to pull him into a kiss, and you willed yourself to stop. Not until we talk to Sirius about it. 
“We should go to him,” you said with resolution. “Where is he?” you asked as you leaned down and picked the map up from the floor. 
“I was looking for you,” Remus admitted, as he leaned closer to you, helping you open the map as you held it. “I wanted to find you as soon as you got to the castle so both Sirius and I could ambush you. I was going to try and convince you I didn’t like him.” 
“More lies?” 
“You told Sirius you didn’t like him anymore,” he sassed back. He didn’t have to say it, you knew how hypocritical it was.
You huffed, “Maybe being in love really does make you more stupid,” you mumbled as your eyes scanned through the map. You saw Peter in the broom closet again, which made you assume he was “greeting” Annie Doxon. James was not at the castle, so he was probably still with Lily back at Hogsmeade. Some of the teachers were in their classrooms, the prefects were helping some of the first years out, or so you assumed since most of them were walking at rather random places inside the castle. The kind of which only the newer kids ended up in. 
“There,” Remus said. “Gryffindor tower, he must be in our room.” 
“Looks like we’ve set direction, captain,” you said with a smile. 
Remus smiled, but he faltered just seconds later. “Wait! How are you?” 
“Very excited about talking to Sirius.” 
“I don’t mean that,” Remus reproached. “I mean about Christmas.” 
You swallowed, and you took a deep breath. “I’m better,” you said honestly. “Well, at least I think I am. Kind of? Something happened in Diagon, I’ll tell both of you all about it after we’ve sorted this out, does that sound fair? One problem at a time…” 
“Will you actually talk about it?”  
You nodded, “I think I avoided the subject so much that it came crashing onto me like a full-speed train, but perhaps I needed that.” 
Remus gave you a weary look, clearly preoccupied with what you’d said, but he was certain he wouldn’t get anything else from you if you didn’t have that “Sirius talk” first. He nodded, still biting his lip as he placed a hand behind your shoulders and pushed you right in front of him, towards Gryffindor Tower. 
It was almost as if going through that first time you met him, when he took you to the passages so you didn’t get busted for being out late. You smiled as you walked, and at some point pulled out Nina’s wand to get some more light out. 
“Lumos,” you whispered. The light was blinding enough to illuminate the entire place before you managed to dim it. 
“What the– you bought a new wand?” Remus asked. 
You turned to him and showed him Nina’s. “Olivander refused to sell one to me, he said this one was meant to be mine.” 
“It’s…” he hesitated, he wasn’t sure he wanted to say her name. Every time they mentioned it you would instantly shut them out and become distant, and last time he suggested you use her wand, you were pretty clear when you told him why you didn’t want to. You didn’t want to remember everything that had happened every time you made a spell.
“Nina’s,” you finished for him. “Yeah, a lot of stuff happened in Diagon.” 
He placed a reassuring hand behind your neck, he was warm, and you hadn’t quite realised how much you craved his touch until you felt the pads of his fingers brush against your skin. You leaned closer to his hand almost instantly, relaxing into his touch. 
He smiled when he noticed and started playing with the hair at the nape of your neck. Remus had always known you liked being coddled, but at the same time he tried to maintain a decent distance since you were dating Sirius, but the fact that he could give you the type of solace he yearned to give, was somehow comforting to him in itself. Like that time when he found you on the snow, but without feeling terrible for betraying his best friend.
He was soft as he made his touch a little more purposeful, finding the tense muscles and pressing onto them with his warm hand, it was delightful, to say the least. “Is that okay?” he asked hesitantly. 
“It’s perfect,” you said honestly. “I knew you were good at petting, I mean you were brilliant with Vixen but –yeah there– I had no clue you’d be this good with humans.” 
Remus laughed at your praise to hide his blush, not that you were looking at him, your gaze was still focused ahead of you and you were carefully counting the turns, not to get lost. It was something you did often when you were inside the passages, and Remus thought the way you muttered 2 left, 1 right, straight, etc. was adorable. 
“I’ve got my hidden talents. Really good with my hands,” he replied with a bit of a smirk. “I’ll show them to you one day.” 
“Godric, Remus!” you said as you turned to him with a shocked scoff. “Who would have thought shy old Moony could be such a flirt?” 
“Only when it matters,” he said with a smile and then squeezed both his fingers onto a knot in your neck and you almost moaned. “I wasn’t lying.” 
“Show off!” you said as you rolled your eyes and swatted him playfully on the chest. This is nice, you thought. You missed being able to interact with them so casually. It was like you’d been walking on needles for too long, and suddenly you were taken to a soft meadow.
By the time you were close to the exit on the passage, you unfolded James’ cloak again, and placed it around yourself, that way you could follow Remus all the way to his room without being spotted. 
“Stand close,” he said.
You refrained from teasing him over it, deciding you’d tease him mercilessly once Sirius was in on the discovery. Remus walked inside the common room, greeted some of your classmates with a simple wave, and continued walking towards his room. The path you already knew so well, you could follow in almost complete darkness. Remus was about to open the door before he turned, looking over his shoulder before muttering, “Should I go in first or–” 
You disillusioned yourself and passed the cloak over his head once you made sure there was nobody else in the hall. “I’ll go in first. I should probably apologise to him,” you responded. Remus nodded. “Give me five minutes and then come inside.” 
You walked in, Sirius was sitting on Remus’ bed, head down and staring at his hands as he picked on his nails and bobbed his leg up and down. He didn’t look up when he heard the door, he seemed to be lost in thought. You saw a clear tear fall over his hand, and he was quick to wipe it out with his thumb.
“Puppy?” you asked as you deactivated the charm. 
He sprung from the bed in a second, his eyes were red-rimmed and he looked as bad, if not worse, than when you left him crying in James’ kitchen. “Starshine?” he asked, as he spotted you, as if he didn’t believe his eyes. And just like Remus had done, he went straight to wrap his arms around you and push you to him. “I thought I’d have to go look for you as soon as you got here. Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine,” you said as you hugged him back, tightening your arms around him. “I’m so sorry,” you said then, thinking of how sad he was and how much you’d hurt him. Thinking of the moment when he’d begged you to be selfish for him and instead of complying, you’d lied and told him you didn’t love him. “I lied, I do love you! Don’t ever doubt that.” 
He pulled back, looking at you as confused as Remus had been earlier, more so when he was the tears pricking your eyes, “Starshine, what are you talking about? I’m the one that fucked up, I’m the one that–” 
“You asked me to be selfish for you, you told me to stop being the hero and I ignored your pleas, I only succeeded in making all of us miserable and–” 
“But it was I the one who fell in love with his best friend while dating you, It was I the one that… I should be on my knees beginning for forgiveness.” 
“No!” you said then. “There’s nothing to forgive! I was the idiot for leaving, not you!” 
“What?” Sirius asked, even more confused, and terrified that the inch of hope you’d created wasn’t real… What if he was dreaming of you again?
“I talked to Remus,” you said then. 
“Wait, you did? Are you convinced he's not into me, then?” 
“Godric, no! He definitely likes you.” 
“So then… why are you– you don’t seem angry about it.” 
“Yeah,” you choked a laugh, cheeks wet with some tears still, but stretching into a smile. “You see there’s one thing I hadn’t realised, one thing that was the key to solving this puzzle we’ve been dancing around for months, and I wish I hadn’t been as oblivious to it, we would have spared the three of us a heartache.” 
Sirius looked at you as you rambled, not sure he understood what you were going on about. It was like you discussing muggle books with Remus that he hadn’t read, he understood the words, but other than that it was like you were speaking a different language. 
“And I’ve always said I’ve been so good at reading people, I was embarrassingly stupid in interpreting my own feelings, to our feelings, that I allowed myself to wallow in my own self pity, and in my own little hole of darkness, too obscure to see the bigger picture and–” 
“Étoile, you’re rambling.” 
You shot your mouth and looked at him with an owlish gaze, you took a deep breath, thinking of how to break it up to him. “Sirius, when you think of me kissing anyone but you, what do you feel?” 
“Anyone but me?”  
“Imagine me kissing Peter.”
Sirius couldn’t quite hold back the sombering of his gaze. You had analysed everything that had happened since you met them, and you had a pretty good idea of what you were about to do, if things went awry though, you weren’t sure you’d be able to withstand the heartache that would ensue. 
“Why do you–” 
“What if it was James? Alex? Tom?” you pressed. Sirius gave you a sorrowful look now. Were you trying to tell him how upset you’d felt over the fact that he liked Remus? It was certainly working.
“Starshine, I–” 
“What if it was Marlene?” His expression was still dull, although rather curious, “Beth? Sybil? Evan?” 
He cringed at the last one, “I think I get what you–” 
“What about me kissing Remus?” His expression changed, you didn’t need to prickle into his mind to know what he was thinking. Although you had been tempted to try legilimency, deep down you knew it would be unfair. “I’ve done it before, remember? At Marlene’s party near the beginning of the year?” 
Sirius remembered it. Of course, he did, there was no way in hell he didn’t, you had been sitting on his lap while you made out with his best friend. That day he thought that might have been the hottest thing to ever happen in his life, but he assumed it was about seeing you kiss, and imagining himself in Remus’ place, rather than seeing the both of you kissing each other. He gulped. 
“Sirius, how would you feel if I kissed him?” 
He didn’t know how to respond. He couldn’t tell the truth, could he? Wouldn’t that upset you further? Make you feel like the entire relationship had been a lie?
“I mean–” he stuttered, “It would–”
“Sirius,” you said softly as you pressed your hand to his cheek. “I want you to be honest, above everything else. Does that sound fair?” He didn’t respond, he only gave you a pleading look. “We’ve lied to each other and ourselves enough.” 
That was like an arrow straight to the heart. Cupid, you traitorous beast, how could you do this to us? he thought as he tried to find his words again. His tongue felt stale inside his mouth, his lips were shut tight like a statue’s, it was as if he couldn’t speak, even if he wanted to.
“Would it upset you?” 
“No,” he mumbled, so low it was almost inaudible. “It wouldn’t.” 
You nodded, and then leaned your head to the side, searching for his downcast eyes before you said, “It wouldn’t upset me either… I mean, it wouldn’t upset me to see you kissing Remus.” 
“What do you mean–” 
“Remember that night I took a picture of the two of you cuddling each other? I always found it adorable.” 
“I was figuring out I liked him back then…” Sirius mumbled, and you smiled.
“Well, I was never jealous. I could never be jealous of Moony,” you explained. “The fact that he liked you and you liked him was not the reason I left.” 
“Then why–”
“Cause I thought I was causing the both of you pain by being in the middle, the obstacle that prevented the two of you from–” 
“You could NEVER be an obstacle!” he rushed out. 
“I know,” you reassured with a smile. “Do you want to know what the last piece of the puzzle was?” Sirius nodded, and you smiled. “Turns out Moony dear, did not only have a crush on you.” Sirius frowned at that, about to ask what you meant but you beat him to it. “He likes me too. He liked the both of us, from the very start.” 
“Moony what?!?” He asked, shocked. 
“And really, we should have seen it sooner, I mean Remus is good at keeping his secrets, but Moony with Padfoot and Vixen? He’s absolute trash at it, it was as obvious as a Sytherin trying to pass as a Gryffindor. We should have known!” 
“So you’re saying that…” 
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A/N: Well, what just happened?
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