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Eylemde red cherry çantalı kızlar topluluğu olarak oradaydık
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.Va imyy polnazhen tsitoy, i prostrorrem zelim ojhe de tsyck. Ushela otdynkhu i spokyin ya ichk yiela poyer achayut sredstyiv odtu tela chy vonyi. usloviyahn emlli khomfo ya mira onghut prinnadelhyosti
mourners prayer for the lost
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Odtu mezuniyetine gittim metrekare basina 10 vatan haini dusuyodu
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ODTÜ Yüksek Maaş ile Personel Alım İlanı Yayımladı
ODTÜ Yüksek Maaş ile Personel Alım İlanı Yayımladı ODTÜ 4 Personel Alım İlanı, ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ 4 (dört) personel alacağını açıkladı. ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ 4 (dört) SÖZLEŞMELİ PERSONEL ALACAĞINI DUYURDU. Üniversitemizde 657 sayılı Devlet Memurları Kanununun 4/B maddesine göre, Sözleşmeli Personel Çalıştırılmasına İlişkin Esasların ek 2 nci maddesinin (b) fıkrası uyarınca, yazılı ve/veya sözlü sınav yapılma... Devamı ve Detaylar için https://www.kamuweb.com/kamu-ilanlari/odtu-yuksek-maas-ile-personel-alim-ilani-yayimladi.html?feed_id=50027 memur alımı kamu personel alımı
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ODTÜ Yüksek Maaş ile Personel Alım İlanı Yayımladı
ODTÜ Yüksek Maaş ile Personel Alım İlanı Yayımladı ODTÜ 4 Personel Alım İlanı, ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ 4 (dört) personel alacağını açıkladı. ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ 4 (dört) SÖZLEŞMELİ PERSONEL ALACAĞINI DUYURDU. Üniversitemizde 657 sayılı Devlet Memurları Kanununun 4/B maddesine göre, Sözleşmeli Personel Çalıştırılmasına İlişkin Esasların ek 2 nci maddesinin (b) fıkrası uyarınca, yazılı ve/veya sözlü sınav yapılma... Devamı ve Detaylar için https://www.kamuweb.com/kamu-ilanlari/odtu-yuksek-maas-ile-personel-alim-ilani-yayimladi.html?feed_id=50026 memur alımı kamu personel alımı
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Siz bakmayın odtu diye tutturduguma esas hikayem harp okuludur
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O surekli foto arttigin (bugunde) tuvalet neresi ya
odtu central
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benim postlarimç gorup okuyan saygi deger tumblr takipcilerim sizce ank-esk gezisi bi gece kalmali 3.5k kazik mi deger mi
anadolu uni
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Czym jest naltrexone
Terapia narkotykowa może być skutecznym narzędziem w leczeniu uzależnienia od kokainy. Celem jest zminimalizowanie skutków ubocznych oraz udzielanie wsparcia i porad. Detoks narkotykowy (ODTU) oferuje całościową, profesjonalną pomoc, która pozwala pacjentom przezwyciężyć objawy abstynencji podczas procesu odstawiania. W ZEUS Rehab oferujemy usługi detoksykacji, które trwają zwykle od 3 do 7 dni, w zależności od indywidualnej sytuacji pacjenta. Wsparcie i porady udzielamy również online w celu utrzymania długoterminowych efektów.
Terapia od kokainy może pomóc osobie uzależnionej od kokainy w zrozumieniu i przeformatowaniu jej uzależnienia. Ogólnym celem tego leczenia jest pomoc w leczeniu uzależnienia od kokainy, aby zminimalizować skutki uboczne i wspomagać proces wyzdrowienia. Terapeuci i psychoterapeuci są często wykorzystywani, aby nie tylko wspierać te procesy, ale także wyjaśniać uzależnienie i udzielać porad.
Detoks narkotykowy w ZEUS Rehab trwa zwykle 7-14 dni, w zależności od objawów danego pacjenta. Wsparcie ze strony zespołu ZEUS Rehab może trwać jednak dłużej, aby zapewnić pacjentom po Odtrucie narkotykowe długotrwałe efekty. Jeśli leczenie odbywa się w domu lub w innych miejscach oddalonych od naszej placówki, wsparcie ZEUS Rehab można również zaoferować online.
Detoks narkotykowy to proces wyzdrowienia po zażyciu narkotyków. Jest on ważnym krokiem w leczeniu uzależnień od substancji psychoaktywnych. detoks narkotykowy ile trwa zazwyczaj od trzech do siedmiu dni, ale długość tego okresu może zależeć od twojej sytuacji i rodzaju uzależnienia. W Zeus Rehab oferujemy całościowe, profesjonalne leczenie uzależnionych od narkotyków. Przechodzą u nas oni detoks, by zmierzyć się z trudnymi objawami abstynencji, jakie mogą pojawić się w trakcie procesu odstawiania.
Czym jest naltrexone syndetycznym lekiem opioidowym (lub antagonistą opioidów) stosowanym w psychoterapii, medycynie sądowej, terapii uzależnień i leczeniu schorzeń somatycznych. Głównym zastosowaniem naltreksonu jest leczenie uzależnienia od alkoholu, narkotyków i dopaminy. Może również być stosowany jako element terapii w leczeniu zaburzeń depresyjnych, lękowych i narkomanii. Terapia Implantem Naltrexone, dostępna w Zeus Rehab, stanowi nowoczesne rozwiązanie służące zmniejszeniu ryzyka powrotu do uzależnień.
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✓ORSAY orijinal ✓İhracat fazlası etek ✓etiketi üstünde ✓Almanya'ya ihraç ✓güncel ürün #orsay #etek #gençetek #bursayadairherşey #artvi̇n #izmir🇹🇷 #ni̇ğde #kütahyasenibekliyor #odtu (Kartal, İstanbul) https://www.instagram.com/p/COBPdcqDKV-/?igshid=18cmeqxnu14c6
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Nowadays, I am reading Dispossessed of Ursula K. Le Guin which was one of the presents from one of my Profs from Turkey whom brought it here when he visited Japan and gave it to me with a note “because you love books I researched a bit and you alumni advised these”. And as a METU graduate I should thank him more and more because he asked METU graduates before choosing me a present since this books smells exactly METU.
I havent finished the book, yet I feel a must inside to mention about it here - I mean this actually is a recommendation for you if you are thinking of what to read.
Since I am reading the book in Turkish, I am not sure if I am right about the terminology in English (such as continuity vs sequental continuity) since it s been almost 4 or 5 years that I hadnt read some detailed pure “scientific” stuff related with physics after I came to Japan.
However, anyone who have a basic scientific knowledge would understand what I try to mean here.
One of the main subjects and struggles of the book is sequential continiuty and continuity principles. However this cannot be called as a “popular scince” book because it also has a plot. Thus this is one of the books that I find it very joyful to read because it is neither pure science nor pure literature. So I highly advise you to read this book if you both interested in science and literature.
I sometimes think that it should have been really tiring for the translator to translate this book in Turkish - which is all valid for any language. Because in the beginning of the book in some chapters, there comes this explanation about the difference between the languages of two different worlds which is based on the “serious” differences between the understanding of life of two similar however also highly different cultures. (This is why I also would like to read this book in its own language) (I also feel somehow this book might have affected Murakami while writing 1Q84 altho these two books have nothing in common except the 2 different moons and refering to parallel universes? )
So whatever, what forced me to write this recommendation about this book this early is, finding out that the two different moons or worlds (which depends on from which point you look at) are actually the proof of the two theories as conitiniuty and sequential continiuty should be handles or taken account together instead of seperately.
This book is amazing. I dont want to comment more than this in order not to give a spoiler however if you like physics, calculus, and sometimes biology and chemistry with struggles of ethics, you seriously should read this.
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Biz biliyorduk zaten
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1966 ODTÜ
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dolunau odtuyu nasil kazandin ilk senende bi de ya ek olarak ozel ders vs. neler yapmis nasil hazirlanmistin? biraz bahsetsen
ya acik konuscam ben yeteri kadar calismadim zaten bogazici ya da odtu felsefe istiyordum istedigim siralama belliydi
derslerime duzenli katildim yani bilgi eksigim hic yoktu esek gibi test kitabi bitiren tiplerden hic olmadim zaten 12. sinif benim yeme bozuklugumda en hizli kilo verdigim surecti yemek yememek icin uyuyordum kalkinca da 40 soruluk turkce denemeleri ya da 40 soruluk matematik denemeleri cozuyordum yani tamamen sonuc odakli calistim test kitaplariyla vakit kaybetmedim bu benim icin super oldu
iste son aylarda ben direkt butun dersleri kapsayan deneme cozuyordum sure tutup bi de iste eksiklerimi tamamlamam icin derslerin tek basina olan denemelerini cozuyordum ama cozdugum denemede yanlis yaptigim ama yapamadigim hicbir soruyu es gecmiyordum ustune dusuyordum hocalarim ya da abimden destek aliyodum. ozel ders hic almadim abim zaten matematik dehasi o bana cok guzel destek oldu bu surecte
sinavda da ben turkceyi muthis ve kisa bi sekilde halledip matematige gectim
sosyal derslerini dinlemiyodum ondan da fena yapmadim yine de fen hic cozmedim tyt de yani olay su ki hedefine gore ne kadar calisman gerektigini bilmen lazim
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