#oddly the show was made more interesting with Aiden in it. He was a fun character and didn't put up with Jake's shit
elvishdemigod · 2 months
DCAS is honestly starting to bore me.
Season 3 in general is meh. And you can tell the quality story-wise lowered when they started releasing episodes weekly instead of every 2 weeks.
And there will be spoilers ahead.
First off, getting it out of the way, but the TikTok dance challenge I didn't have much of an issue with. UNTIL I realized if Fiore had won the return chance, she'd be doing the WAP dance. SHE'S 9 YEARS OLD SHE'S BARELY JUST STARTED PUBERTY, SHE'S EXTREMLY YOUNG!!! There's a line between "Child who cusses a lot" and "Child doing a challenge with the Wet Ass Pussy dance."
Then Tom and Jake. They should've just finally fully parted ways and realize they're not compatible. Like I've said, they have more chemistry as exes than as lovers. Tom already proved his word is worth shit, and his promise before leaving didn't feel concrete enough. He could just ghost Jake again. He doesn't know, we don't know.
The drama with Krystal, Derek, and Trevor. I get there have been Trevek shippers since the beginning. But sometimes what makes a ship fun is the "What could've been" and not the "what is." Derek and Krystal seem happy together, and both take joy in the harsh challenges, they feel like they could actually be something.
Meanwhile Trevor literally acts like a pouty toddler. The plot of "Fired employee wanting to get the show shut down" could've worked, if it weren't for the guy acting like his playground crush just rejected his marriage goldfish cracker. It's not even that, Derek actually tries to communicate with Trevor, but Trevor just blows him off! Again, like a toddler, but when they plug their ears and go "LALALA I'M NOT LISTENING" Trevor's the one who didn't say shit until it was too late, that's his fault. And because of it, he's trying to get the show the guy he likes cancelled as if it wouldn't piss Derek off? Can we get a Yandere Trevor AU fanfic, because that feels fitting right about now.
The plot of Emily getting Trevor to work with her to get the show shut down would work if it didn't get 2 minutes of screen time each episode, if it were handled more like the Jensen situation in the first season, and if Trevor wasn't such a baby. Emily though is smart to be using the guy with the brain and emotional power of a child, I'll give her that.
And then there's the current final 4.
Connor and Riya are both rich. They don't really need the money. Not to mention that Riya is getting extremely annoying.
Unless Jake is in a similar situation as me, being an adult who never learned how to drive and can't really get a job, he doesn't really need the money. He's chillin with Miriam, who was a winner of the first season. Maybe he needs the money to help take care of Mirium? But storywise, it doesn't really make sense to let the character living with a previous winner win this time.
Ally is such an unlikeable character now. Though she is the one gonna need the money the most because she's gonna need to flee the country and get a new identity-
Before them, Grett was the most worthy of winning.
The beef with Ally and Jake is like watching two siblings who genuinely hate each other but don't do much outside of slap fights and insults. (Ally leaving Jake for dead by bear because of that?) It's pointless, boring, and this time around most of it is Ally's doing. It was annoying when Jake did it, yet it's supposed to be great when Ally does it?
I'm predicting either Jake is going to win, or Connor but he's going to split the money with someone or a few other contestants. In which in the Connor case, Jake's still gonna get money.
I love the show, but it's really starting to bore me this season.
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typingtess · 4 years
A few thoughts on “If the Fates Allow”
Until a few seasons ago, I liked the holiday episodes.    In the show’s first few seasons, the holiday episodes were usually a highlight.  “Free Ride” is sneak good/near great episode but season four was full of good things.  “Humbug” made Kensi and Deeks official.  “Cancel Christmas” introduced Jennifer Kim.  These were not only fun holiday episodes, they were important to the show’s canon/history.  The last two holiday episodes, “Joyride” and “Answers” were the same – the bar opened as Hidoko and Grangers were mourned as Hetty was missed, the monumental conversations in “Answers - but prior to that, the show had a run of very so-so episodes.  “Tidings We Bring” had a female Navy Commander – a person of some stature in the world - kidnapped to make her boyfriend uncomfortable.  “All is Bright” had a convicted drug lord as father of the year in a show where convicted drug lords are usually the bad guy.
This episode was not a great episode – I think it would have worked a lot better without the social distancing - but it had its moments and had important canon moments.  While I haven’t been a fan of all the Callen backstory moves, this one was really solid.  Credit both actors playing Raymond for making him into someone you hoped Callen had in his life as a kid and hope he has in a life going forward.  
Sam and Kam are going to be interesting going forward.  Obviously, Kam is looking for her place in the world and is looking for it on her own terms.  Good for her.  I’d be interested to know if Aiden met Katherine earlier in their relationship.  If I was Kam, that would not sit well with me.  
If we are losing the liaison position – and Deeks’s pension – I hope we’re keeping the bar.  I figured Hetty would get him in.  With the two younger agents, the program no longer needs to explain to Deeks (and therefore the audience) what happens on a Naval carrier or in the field since he now has 10-years of that experience.  Explain that stuff to Roundtree and Fatima.  I’m sure Nell called Hetty to tell her Deeks was in the office just as I’m sure Nell knew he was back in the fold.
Fatima’s holiday complaints reminded me of an old boss I had.  He was a lovely man, a perfect gentleman with a good heart and ideas from when he started working – just after WWII.  He always gave the staffers who were married or had kids Christmas Eve off and the single staffers got New Year’s Eve off.  The former needed family time, the latter needed time to get ready for their fun night on the town.  No religion involved in this and since we were getting days off, no complaints either (lots of trading days, however – the boss always took those weeks off to be with his family).  
Eric looked like he missed the office.  Saving the world financially is wonderful but saving the world the way Nell and Fatima did for Raymond and Paula probably speaks to him more.  Don’t know if he’s coming back but I would like an Eric return.
OK, more than a few thoughts, this was oddly long.  All and all, an entertaining hour with Deeks now being able to yell “Federal Agents” to start the shooting and mean it.
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ygreczed · 5 years
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Part 1/?
《Well, Cherry Bliss ? That’s… a girly choice.》
Kira’s comment made the little group laugh a bit, and Fudou let out an irritated “tch”. The label of the bottle was cherry red, with light pink petals and the brand name was written in a golden curvy lettering. Sure girly but options are pretty limited when you’re a teen trying to buy alcohol.
《Shut up, you all ! Don’t whine when you didn’t even lift the finger to get them.》
Kira shrugged and handed the beer bottles to Haizaki sitting just next to him -without meeting his eyes-, then to Kiyama, Fubuki, and Kazemaru, who were sitting on the God Stricker’s bed. Fudou, who was sitting cross-legged on Haizaki’s bed with a quiet Kidou to his right. The tv was playing in the background some stupid night show that nobody was watching.
《Somebody’s got a bottle-opener ?》Fudou asked as he was handing a bottle to Kidou and taking one for himself.
No one answered, and the brunet looked up to Kira, confused.
《Don’t tell me you forgot the bottle-opener…》 《I thought it was Haizaki’s job !》the curly-haired boy retorted, annoyed. 《Heh, I was getting the drinks with Fudou, it was your job, stupid !》 《Come on, guys, we can open the beers in another way.》Kiyama said with a quiet smile. 《How ?》Kazemaru asked. 《I know the spoon method but we don’t have any spoon here.》
Fudou sighed loudly, irritated : the hardest part was to get the beers, and now they were struggling to open them… This was getting ridiculous. He heard a chuckle to his right and turned his head to look at Kidou.
《What’s so funny ?》he asked, even though the answer was pretty obvious given the situation.
Kidou looked his way with a little smile -well, Fudou guessed he was looking at him, he couldn’t see through the tinted glasses. The other boys were trying to open their bottles with a key and weren’t even paying attention to them.
《Give me your belt.》Kidou said with a mischievous smile. 《What the f-…》
Fudou’s voice faded in his throat when he realised he could see Kidou’s eyes with this particular angle : there was a twinkle in them, something Fudou didn’t expect to see, something that shouldn’t show in a good child’s stare. He gulped quietly and stood on his knees to undo his belt.
《What the fuck are you doing ?》Haizaki shouted, perplexed, looking up from his desperate attempt to open the bottle. 《Stripping, are you freaking blind ?》Fudou replied with a sarcastic voice ; he was doing his best not to blush, knowing Kidou was staring him straight -not that Kidou was making him blush, it was all because of their eye contact, something has changed, like all of a sudden, boom. He wasn’t even thinking as his hands were undoing the buckle, in a mechanical movement. 《I can open the bottle but I need a belt.》The number 5 explained with his deep, calm voice.
Kiyama tilted his head inquisitively, pointing Kidou with his forefinger.
《But you have a belt, Kidou.》
Fudou stopped in his move, realising Kiyama was right. Wait. Kidou gave him a quick smirk and the realisation hit him. He got screwed by Kidou Yuuto.
《I would rather keep mine where it is.》Kidou replied with a satisfied grin, looking at Kiyama with a light nod.《Moreover, Fudou nicely volunteered.》 《Looks like he got you, heh, Fudou ?》Kira pointed out, his lilac eyes squinting in a mocking glare. Fudou growled as he finished taking his belt out of the jeans’ buckles : still, he didn’t expect the guy to be this mischievous…
《Here.》 The brunet handed his belt to Kidou, holding his jeans with the other hand to keep them from falling as he sat down. 《Thanks.》
Kidou re-fastened the belt, tucked the tongue behind the buckle and then placed it under the lip of the bottle cap. With a quick flick of the wrist, he popped it right off, before the audience’s amazed eyes.
《Here.》Kidou said, almost whispering, as he handed the first bottle to Fudou. For a second, the brunet could see the number five’s eyes dazzling behind the tinted glass of his goggles. And again, something happened within him. There was a light in Kidou’s eyes, a light that shouldn’t be here, a light that couldn’t match with his wise, calm and straight personality. Something… sparkling, something… intense. 《Hm.》The brunet said, taking the bottle.
Kidou opened the rest of the bottles, and the number three waited a bit, just to be sure everyone was back to chatting and minding their business and leaned over the goggled boy.
《You sure aren’t the good kid people say you are,》he observed, thoughtful. Kidou only turned his head to look at him, and again, their eyes met in a silent electric shock. 《What make you think that ?》The depth of Kidou’s voice when he was whispering was abyssal; Fudou took a quick sip of his beer, his mouth going dry without explanation. 《You know exactly what I mean. Where did you learn this belt thingy ?》 《I saw this in a movie.》
Fudou let out a chuckle, Kidou smiled a bit, his lower lip resting a bit too long on the bottle-neck, in a lazy, glowy caress. They stared at each other for a contemplative moment, remaining silent and then kept chatting and drinking. The others were commenting on the tv show with loud voices and laugh burstings, especially Haizaki, who was starting to get drunk after one single beer, as it was his first time tasting some alcohol. Kiyama was pretty much the same as usual, but Kazemaru was way more excited than his normal self and was vehemently criticising the show. Haizaki was laughing for all and nothing, even with the host’s worst puns, which seemed to amuse Kira a lot. The God Stricker was surprisingly getting along with the first-year when alcohol was involved…
Fudou’s beer was almost empty by the time he realised Kidou was still holding his belt, toying thoughtfully with the long leather strap, as a fierce cow-boy would do.
《Heh… What’s your problem with my belt ?》He asked mockingly. 《I can tell you where I bought it if you like it this much.》 《Well, it does look better on you.》 Kidou replied without meeting his gaze, contemplating the leather belt, playing passively with it. His white fingers seemed so delicate Fudou wanted to bite them. He gulped when he realised what he was thinking and said : 《Thought you wanted me to take it off because you like to see my jeans falling off my hips…》
The light in Kidou’s gaze behind the goggles appeared again, Fudou’s heart pounded in a little victory jump. A sudden curiosity assaulted him ; what was he like without his glasses ?
《Why did you invite me in the first place ?》Kidou asked, tilting his head and frowning with an interested smile.《Haizaki said- he said it wasn’t my type to come and have some fun… why didn’t you believe him ?》 《I wanted to analyse you, I guess. I want to see what kind of person you are, off the pitch… It does tell, er… lots on how your mind works ya know.》 《My mind doesn’t work the same when I’m drunk, your plan failed.》 《Maybe knowing your drunk self can tell me who you are.》
Kidou was drinking when Fudou replied : his eyes flickered a bit before a smile covered his lips, still kissing the bottle. Gosh, the goggled boy was oddly hot with a bottle in his hand, like a decadent angel, a fallen prince. There was something naive and wise in his stance, but everything on his lips and fingers was seductive and fatal.
《You’re full of self-confidence, Fudou.》Kidou let out in a whispered laugh.《But I’m… definitely not showing you anything tonight.》 《I’ll tell you somethin’.》Fudou’s heart was beating so fast he was scared people would hear it, and his stomach was filled with sparkling fireflies. He wanted Kidou, he wanted to understand him, to analyse, to know him as if it was his own brain. He wanted him so bad.《My drunk self is pretty unpredictable. You’ll end up let your guard down.》 《Be unpredictable, then.》
Fudou didn’t even think twice before leaning toward the other strategist and found himself as surprised as Kidou was when he realised he was softly biting his cheek. The other second-years were still chatting and watching tv, and Haizaki had fallen asleep on Kira’s laps : nobody cared for them when Fudou’s hand moved on its own to wrap his fingers around Kidou’s wrist, slowly moving on his palm, as a wild yet timid ask for more. Fudou nibbled the other boy’s cheek, and slowly licked the edge of his jaw ; he suddenly felt Kidou’s hand on his neck, like a feather touch, and couldn’t help but gulp and lean to feel every damn finger against his skin.
《How unpredictable am I ?》he whispered in Kidou’s ear before drawing back in a feline motion.
He met Kidou’s eyes behind the goggles and licked his smiling lips when he saw the glow he was waiting for.
《Not bad.》
God, he was getting addicted to this.
Sooo, I've written this kdfd fic when I was watching Orion earlier this school year. I should catch up everything during the sumler break... The fic is finished, I just need to draw the comic parts !
So this part is a bit old, the next one is closer to my current style ! Hope you enjoyed !❤🌟
( @inazumafocus, @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9, @maryseph, pssst, look ! hope i’m not bothering !)
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