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wiihtigo · 1 year ago
do u have any tips for getting into ocs and developing them tho 🤔😭
Hmm I’ve had ocs in the past and I’ve wondered why I picked and chose favorites among the cast I made and I thjnk for the ones I didn’t gaf about it was because I was forcing myself to make characters filling space because I thought it would make my story look more complete but it just ended up I neglected those ocs because I found nothing about them fun or compelling to spend time on.
With casey I’ve definitely gone full self indulgence which was probably helped by the fact her concept was literally based on a joke self insert character so the fuel for me spending time with her was my intense fixation on booster gold and how much I wanted to destroy hurt kill bite kill punch to death kick kill him 😀
Make things fun for yourself! Don’t shy away from making things that you know you’re already crazy for … I’m not shy about saying casey as a concept is a culmination of a LOT of favorite characters I’ve had in the past like peridot (su), the invader zim and tak storyline, Daffy Duck .. to name a few!
And I spent a long time perfecting her design so that it was fun to draw for me …. I made her a secretary/office lady type character cuz um. I THINK THEYRE HOT? LOL … and I really like that fashion style I draw her in. So she’s almost like a mannequin for me to draw clothes I really like aesthetically. so I really have a lot of fun drawing her ^_^ you can tell by how much I do it LOL
So my number 1 advice in conceptualizing ocs is to make things fun for yourself. Are your favorite charaxters always mad scientists.. you can make one. Do you think rubber aprons are hot. You can give them one. Have you been struggling with your gender identity. You can make your oc a girl with he him probouns. Do you wish columbo was a lesbian.. you can make it happen.
As for development, as soon as I got the basic deets for casey and her role in the story I had for her to paper I found one of those tumbrl oc ask games and just filled out every single question for her. A lot of stuff was made up on the spot but just felt right and most often stuck that way but there’s no shame in making little changes as your oc grows on you and you get better aquatinted with eachother. For example I had the idea initially casey would have rich/well off and well meaning parents who were extremely normal and loved her a lot and it would be kind of a meet the robinsons “THEY ALL HATED ME” dynamic. But I quickly changed it as I thought more about casey because what I have with her and spider feels more.. fitting.
It also helps a ton if you have a friend willing to lend an ear :) and I don’t mean just 50+ messages discord chats (because those are extremely enlightening too) but I mean just posting and posting and posting about your little guy and getting those precious 4 likes on your lore document. I always take this sort of approach with original stuff LOL IF I POST ABOUT CASEY LIKE A LUNATIC FOREVER EVENTUALLY ILL TRICK EVERYONE INTO THINKING THEYRE CASEY FANS…!!!
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Sorry for the rambly answer! I hope I was able to say at least 1 crumb of helpfulness
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unpeeled-human · 2 months ago
oh i woke up at like 4 am and drew these in a stupor
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i seem to be unable to not draw women in shorts+tank top. im either bad at this or so fucking good at this
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grendel-menz · 11 months ago
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new little OC universe... something something unethical space scientists and alien life
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vigilskeep · 1 day ago
we’re introduced to emmrich’s perspective on necromancy—i.e. the hope that it isn’t just a spirit, dead souls do in some way partially return—as one perspective, as a possibility or theory. emmrich himself introduces the topic as “the eternal question” to which there’s no solid answer. so it still permits other characters, and the audience if they so choose, to believe the more standard dragon age lore that necromancy and walking corpses are merely spirits, no souls involved. it’s therefore not lore-breaking. emmrich’s perspective is also one we’ve seen people consider before, for example in dai when discussing with cassandra and leliana whether the divine justinia spirit in the fade was in some way “really her”. so far so good! my problem, however, is that i do believe the more standard dragon age lore on the subject and have never seen anything to change that opinion. because emmrich’s story and abilities are presented basically as if his perspective were true, so i have to deal with the implications all by myself. what’s in that skull? NOT johanna hezenkoss! who’s answering those interrogations and corpse whispers? NOT the people who used to be in those bodies! who’s in there if emmrich becomes a lich? well i go back and forth on this one because the nature of the procedure is murky but there’s a very real possibility in my mind that it’s not emmrich!
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ryahtargaryen · 3 months ago
the faces they make before they
intentionally piss off their wives
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(they still got lucky)
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lucksea · 4 months ago
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changed luckys hair to make a little more sense
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hydrias · 2 months ago
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believe it or not i draw my ocs sometimes
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smalltimidbean · 2 months ago
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Various Small Beans in Various Places
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beebfreeb · 7 months ago
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So you see I am really regular
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qhostlydraws · 2 months ago
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My characters but it’s with dialogue from that one Arcane scene because it fits them so well (at times like this I miss TikTok)
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scoutguest · 15 days ago
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oc redesigns! Ghost is a shut-in NEET who gained friends completely against his will. first his favorite plush came to life, then an alien spaceship crashed in his backyard...
Pulse sees itself as a real computer, despite its lack of knowledge about the world. Radar claims to be the princess of the moon, and has chosen Ghost as her future husband, despite his lack of interest. and Ghost just wants to be left alone, but enjoys his time with Pulse and Rader, despite himself.
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miscartz · 9 days ago
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Hello!! Haven’t posted OC stuff here in a long long while…
I recently created a new OC!! He’s Prudentis, the guardian of Wisdom and Truth in my little OCverse,, some QnA i did for him on instagram,,,
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ryahtargaryen · 7 months ago
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— soft spoken
aemond is a very soft spoken man. not one person can say they have ever heard the prince yell. he may sometimes he raises his voice to be heard in a crowd. other times he may quarrel with his brother and get a bit heated as they insult each other, but aemond has never yelled. especially not at his wife.
— shy
aemond can be quite shy. he does not often go out of his way to speak to people he does not know. he is his wife’s shadow. apart from ryah, he usually only interacts with aegon, calla, and/or helaena.
— depth perception
aemond has poor depth perception due to only having one eye. he often walks slow as to not bump into or trip over anything. he either holds his wife’s arm or the railing when descending down stariwells. when he approaches others or they approach him, his first instinct is to hold an arm out to gauge how close they come. he does the same with objects. he extends his hands out in front of him as to not make a fool of himself by bumping into something or falling over. most times, things are closer than they actually appear to him.
— blindsided
when aemond is angry or displeased he will turn his head away from whoever or whatever his frustrating him so that the only side of his face that is visible is the side with his eyepatch. he refuses to make eye contact when he is angry and it is the easiest way to ensure he cannot see the root of his frustration. the action is known as “being blindsided” and it was named by aegon, who is more often than not the only person aemond willfully blindsides.
— hands, hands, hands
because half his face is scarred it’s sometimes hard for him to fully express his emotions via expressions, so aemond expresses himself with his hands. he gestures to express his enthusiasm. he slams them down onto surfaces when he is angry. he claps when he laughs. he snaps to get attention. he uses his hands to convey many emotions— just be careful not to stand on his left when he’s in a heated debate. he won’t be able to see who stands beside him and he has accidentally hit many a person more than once.
— swearing
if asked, aemond will say he tries his best not to swear because he thinks it’s impolite. in reality, he swears like a sailor. the curses he uses most in a day are: cunt, prick, and fucking (usually followed by imbecile). ryah finds it amusing but alicent gets a new gray hair every time she hears him curse. he’s worse than aegon.
— love language
touch. aemond is more often than not quiet around anyone who is not his wife. he is reserved in his affections— which is why touch is such a sure and meaningful way to know aemond cares and loves. he hugs his brother when he hasn’t seen him in months even though he would never utter the words ‘i love you’ to his face. he kisses his sister-in-law’s cheek to greet her and squeezes her hands earnestly when she speaks to him— for calla has a habit of insisting she hold people’s hands when she talks to them. he is the reason his children do not like to be put down. he is content to hold his babies until his arms feel like they will fall off his body. his wife…well, his wife never starves for affection.
— misandrist
his favorite hobby is telling men to shut the fuck up when his wife is speaking. because she is a woman heir, she is subjected to prejudice that boils his blood. in court and amongst the high-born of the other houses, the only time he may join in on a conversation or butt-in to one is to defend his wife. he knows better than anyone how strong, capable, and smart women are and how damaging it is when their worth is defined by how many babes they can produce. he is outspoken about women picking up swords, enjoying non-feminine passions and hobbies, and taking charge.
— sick
when aemond is sick, he lays in bed like he is made of glass and will not be seen again until he is better. despite most believing he would have a hard time laying still and accepting care, a simple fever can have him bound to bed with his wife pressing a cloth against his forehead. whether or not he truly feels so feeble when sick or uses it as is a free pass to spend time with his wife, aemond generally disdains being poorly.
— crow
not only is aemond’s favorite animal a crow, he has the memory of one. he remembers every face he’s ever seen and never forgets a name. he remembers every detail of a person to the freckles on their face to the wrongs they’ve done to someone he holds dear. aemond does not forget and he does not easily forgive.
— fern
aemond and ryah have a dog named fern that he is absolutely obsessed with. fern follows him everywhere but the small council. he was their first baby. he may very well be the true heir to the iron throne, but aemond will not confirm or deny anything. not only does he train fern to behave well enough to not cause trouble in the keep but he commissions a saddle be made so that his children can ride fern through the halls like a dragon. fern absolutely loves it.
— sexuality
straight. to his bisexual wife’s dismay, aemond is a straight man. the queer targaryen gene skipped someone for the first time in history and it was him. although, when drunk he can be persuaded to admit he’s had queer thoughts but he does not think he’d ever act on them 1. because he’s happily married and 2. they would not be his wife.
— his worst habit
one habit that aemond has that everyone around him complains about at least once is that he hums to himself. in the middle of the night while ryah is trying to sleep? aemond is humming in bed beside her. when someone is speaking in the small council? he’s humming just loud enough that it makes people stare until he stops. he hums to himself so often than sometimes those around him don’t realize he does it until he changes the tune and they notice it again, restarting the cycle of: “aemond, please stop.”
— pet peeves
1) repeating himself. he hates when he has to repeat himself. even though he knows he mumbles, he still can’t help but be annoyed when asked to say what he said again.
2) sneezing without covering their mouth. he will walk away from someone who either didn’t cover their mouth when they sneezed or sneezed into their hands. instant conversation ender.
3) sniffling. he’s the kind of dad to hand his kid a tissue and say “blow your nose right now” so he doesn’t have to listen to the sniffling. unless someone is crying — in which case he lets it go — he will insist they blow their nose.
4) being interrupted when he speaks. he is already quiet enough and takes a while to warm up that when people cut him off, he won’t open his mouth again to speak ever.
5) jacaerys being in the same room as him. (iykyk)
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hotd ocverse aemond >>>
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lucksea · 10 months ago
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Hero & Partner Week Day 1 - First Meeting/Shiny [Team Starstruck]
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hydrias · 1 year ago
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bad influence
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