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katrinthecat · 2 months ago
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OctoSquid duo🐙 🦑
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mintychisps · 7 months ago
Can you draw Inkmare?
Guys I couldn't find the request box-
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Don't worry guys, they're in love
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thestarsmakemedream-art · 5 months ago
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ART MASTERPOST: Vacation Interrupted by Avonlady
Poor boys can't get a simple vacation. You go to a nice warm place with sea and the promise of HOLIDAY and than boom... a sea creature starts to massacre people. If you want to see what happens with the octosquid and how the Winchesters can't rest like normal human beings, you should read Vacation Interrupted by @avonlady42 on AO3.
My original idea was this composition with the three different planes and some kraken-like monster grabing Dean's leg. I went with the concept one because I really liked the setting and two I have a visceral fear of octopuses. Mainly thanks to my slight trypophobia. So in a way this was a therapy session to draw, especially because I watched Secrets of the Octopus while painting it.
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mosspodge · 6 months ago
I wanted some Splatoon drip but have neither the money nor time to wait around for a shirt, so I’ve recreated the Octosquid Tandem Tee!
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I’ve had this project lying around since around launch so i figured I may as well finish it!!! I’ll be posting the files i used to make these soon- I just traced the designs from the in game textures, but I figured these’ll probably help someone else out too!
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I just took the shapes I drew and cut them out in Heat Transfer Vinyl (htv) using my Silhouette. I cut the shirts in half, slapped on the HTV, then ironed them down as per instructions. Then all ya gotta do is sew the two halves together and bam! Shirt!!
The front text is missing rn but I’m currently working on that! Took me a while to find a hi res enough image of it
Special thanks to @splatoongamefiles for the texture rips, they’re the only reason I was able to do this in time for grand fest!!!
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raykat · 5 months ago
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miscellaneous doodle page #2
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daisyachain · 1 year ago
There’s something so beautiful about how cringissimo Ikalgo is compared to Killua the coolest. Exactly what he needed as a friend.
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mechanomorphic · 2 years ago
i realised if i add one more splat oc connected to tartar i could have a whole villain kid found family
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avonlady42 · 5 months ago
Stay away from the ocean
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Vacation Interrupted
Story by @avonlady42, Art by @thestarsmakemedream-art
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 9258
Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depiction of Violence, Dean/Castiel Established Relationship, Alternate Canon Ending, Dean Winchester has a nickname for everything, Castiel's true form, Dean Winchester wants to retire, Sam hears too much, Dean Winchester POV, blood and guts, Castiel has all his angel powers
Dean can’t remember the last time he took a vacation. Fighting monsters is basically all he’s ever known. They’ve defeated Chuck and Dean finally grew a pair and confessed his feelings and Cas reciprocated. The two of them, along with Sam and Eileen, decide to dip their toes in the sand and take a vacation since the world is relatively monster free. Or at least they thought it was until a Kraken decided to ruin their vacation and start killing people, taking Dean for its next victim if Castiel doesn't rescue him in time. So much for a relaxing vacation.
Sneak Peek:
 “So, when you say giant squid…” Sam clarifies.
“I mean it exactly like that. It was a giant squid, octopus thing. An octosquid you might say.”
He ignores the scowl his brother gives him as they continue to make their way down the stairs.
They finally reach the ground floor and when they step into the lobby, it’s nothing but chaos. There are mangled bodies lying on the floor with blood pooling around them and Dean does his best to avoid stepping in it. He just had his boots cleaned. A blonde woman is running in from the outside screaming and holding her arm, which is hanging from her shoulder with only a muscle or tendon or something Dean doesn’t know the word for. There is blood squirting out, getting all over the floor and anyone who walks by her. As they walk by, Castiel places his hand against her forehead, healing her, and she stops screaming once she realizes her arm is in one piece again. 
Once they step outside and get closer to the ocean, the octosquid is still writhing around in the water, making an awful noise. There aren’t many people left on the beach, most of them having fled by now.The water and the sand at the shore are painted red with the blood of the creature’s victims.
The octosquid towers over them and has a man wrapped in one of his tentacles and there is nothing any of them can do but watch as the man has the life squeezed out of him, his eyes popping out of his head, blood and guts pooling out around his abdomen, the monster using another tentacle to rip the man’s torso off and blood squirts out as the creature tosses the man, now in two pieces, onto the beach in front of the hunters and angel. Dean has to hold in the bile that is rising in his throat. You would think he would be used to this by now. He covers his nose because the smell of blood and guts is putrid.
“That’s gross. I have guts on my boot now.”
“Come on, Dean, we’ve seen worse,” Sam remarks. 
“Doesn’t make it okay,” Dean comments back.
Not really knowing how to proceed, since they’ve never seen anything like this before, Sam, Eileen, Dean, and Castiel march forward and Dean pulls the angel blade back ready to strike, which in hindsight was dumb considering the end of one of this thing’s tentacles is the size of Dean’s entire body. Dean is caught off guard when the octosquid trips him with one of his tentacles. 
“Son of a bitch,” is all he can manage to say as the creature wraps a tentacle around his upper thighs, hoisting Dean up in the air and dragging him back out to the sea.
Coming to @deancashorrorfest this October! Stay away from the Ocean!!
#DeanCasHorrorfest #Avonlady #thestarsmakemedream #fanfic #ficpromo #fanart
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silver-velvet-860 · 11 months ago
Fresh Fit Friday - April 12, 2024
This week’s outfit:
-Black FishFry Bandanna
-Octosquid Tandem Tee
-Sunny Climbing Shoes
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undercurrent-ink · 2 years ago
Old traditions (2)
Tonight is going to be a firework lit time for Wendy and the rest. I have to tend other matters during it all. Oh it's going to be grand as well. We've been waiting for a long time to proceed further. I'd have to thank those gullible agents for spouting off freely; I'll just have to use the truth poison later on them.
My companions will be entertained. We'll get our power once again. I'll never give up till I rot away! It's my job to aid my family underground. Honor, loyalty to our dethroned king will forever be held high!
Kimono walked over to two fuzzy creatures under moonlit skies. One was like the night herself with the other being lackluster.
"Ebony," The Octoling's gaze landed on the lackluster one, "Tabby. I hope your research is going to be useful."
"Of course it is! Besides, your pod is tanked and ready."
"Oh~" She rushed over to a large tank, her hands touching the glass. Five large bodies looked back with love and loyalty.
"Make me proud. You got this." Kimono leered at a lever.
Electricity danced along the surface of water.
"Release them." Kimono obliged.
Five bodies shot into the new body of water, going depths deep; waiting. A familiar silhouette grazed along. Seeing nothing out of the norm, The Great Zapfish entered for a good cool off. Swimming along with a free sense of comfort swirling around they couldn't see or prepare for what waits.
A brush of a dosal fin sent the Zapfish fleeing taking to the skies only for sharp teeth belonging to a green, purple war painted, sea wolf, penetrate through thick scales, dragging them down while wailing a cry of pain to their people. Harpoons anchored to muscle with a red hue in the night.
Caught off guard.
5 to 1.
All or none.
Attack after attack.
Zap after zap.
Whaling of mercy after whaling of mercy.
The Great Zapfish floated up to the surface. Spent.
A net dragged them to land.
Body ridden with bites and harpoons.
Fins mercilessly torn to fine, blue dyed, ribbons.
"Big catch!" Yowled out Ebony.
Joy was splattered by a snap of a fan with yellow surrounded blue eyes roared in command.
Kimono looked at The Great Zapfish, "Take it away. Cover everything up. Make it like magic."
Tabby and Ebony bowed, "Yes ma'am!"
The morning sun shined on the glorious shrine castle waking up all own are morning hunters. Teams of turf warriors and their Flagdolls converse, except for one team and their Flagdoll. Training was a must. Perfect balance of mind, body, ink must be maintained and focused.
"Alright everyone, go eat."
"Will you wait up!"
"You better hurry or it'll be all gone!"
"Hold it right there Ms. Hue!" Kimono walked over to the Octosquid, who was trying to sleek by like an eel, "You and I have some arrangements. Come."
All she could do was let out a sigh. She followed along side with Kimono.
"Back straight. Tail arched." Wendy listened and followed the younger Octoling's orders.
"I see you've grown use to appearing mighty. Now, to pamper and rehearse. Our time approaches."
@new-squidbese-fattoon and @laylayeh
And anyone else!
[>:3 hehehehe. Don't you want to see the Great Zapfish go ape shit? Also I know it's been a while so I decided to finish this one up.]
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camprell-art · 2 years ago
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splatsvilles-fashionista · 3 months ago
There were seven submissions this time around, and the first three are:
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"Deco-R8'd" by @fullmoonfireball! (Deco) Yamagiri Beanie / Octo Jumper Away / Shivery Squidkid III
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"Adaptive Asymmetry" by @n1knowsimhere! (Foil) Backward Cap / Octosquid Tandem Tee / Yellow FishFry Sandals
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"The Backline Boy" by @anxiousbread! (Custom) Aux Boxes / Rockin' Leather Jacket / Blue Moto Boots
Come back tomorrow for the rest of the outfits from this challenge!
Splatoon 3 Fashion Challenge - Week 73:
Not much in the way of preamble this time, let's get straight to the theme:
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BRAND-ishing Arms!
Special Rule: We talk about a lot about the fashion brands on this here blog, but I think it's time to give the weapon brands some love, too! Pick a weapon brand and build an outfit around it!
The weapon brands you can choose between are the following:
Ammo Knights
Put together an outfit of any kind that you feel matches this week’s theme. Be sure to give it a name, as well!
Send it to me via ask or submission, please don’t add it to a reblog, that makes it very easy to miss! Also, please make it clear that it is a submission for the challenge and not just a regular submission.
Only one outfit per person! You can submit multiple photos of that single outfit, though.
Please include the gear you picked in the submission. It makes my life just a touch easier!  
The deadline for outfit submissions is 10 PM UTC on Wednesday!
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thestarsmakemedream-art · 2 months ago
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(if you don't know what to read ;) )
WILD BLUE IRIS by @sunkenfox
If you are interested in the wild west, train robbers, a quest of revenge and a beautiful love story, you should definitely read Wild Blue Iris from @sunkenfox !!!
Masterpost, Fic on AO3, Art
LOVE IS A COWBOY by @deancaskiss
Cowboys in love and the boys finally get everything what they deserve. If you want to immerse in an extremely cute and domestic story about Dean and Cas, you should definitely read Love is a Cowboy by @deancaskiss.
Masterpost, Fic on AO3, Art
How can you deal with losing the love of your life? And what happens if you still see him everywhere? If you would like to see what happens with Dean after the confession and how he goes to an unforgettable road trip, you should definitely read This is a Dream (Where I Can Scream How I Love You) by @rise-like-a-sparrow / TheKaeleesi on AO3.
Masterpost, Fic on AO3, Art
YOU'RE HOME TO ME by @queenbryt
There'll be happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you. Love, heartbreak and a crying baby. If you would like to witness a beautiful love story you should definitely read You're Home To Me by @queenbryt.
Masterpost, Fic on AO3, Art
Beautiful, intriguing and poetic paragraphs with a hint of melancholy, while a strange town starts to capture our heroes. If this atmosphere lures you in too you should definitely read Gentle Wings for a Nervous Dog by @cowboylikesawyer / cowboylikecas on AO3.
Masterpost, Fic on Ao3, Art
THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD by @friendofcarlotta
Losing your love for more than a decade and then finding again. All this from the 1950s to 1970? While The Long and Winding Road by The Beatles is going in the background? Boarding school, first love and meeting with your best friend (and love of your life) again? What else do you need? Go read The Long and Winding Road by @friendofcarlotta on AO3.
Masterpost, Fic on AO3, Art
Dreams come true, even the wildest one. If you want to see how our boys are handling this and lose yourself in incredible places, you should definitely read When the Rain Washes You Clean You'll Know by an_ardent_rain ( @alulangel ).
My partner in crime for the art was the wonderful @anyreiart. Anyrei's art is here.
Masterpost, Fic on AO3, Art ( Anyrei's, mine)
REBIRTH BY @thisisapaige
In the Woods somewhere there is a creature. A creature that lures people deep in the forest. Sam Winchester, Dean's ill, little brother follows the temptation and it changes his and his brother's life forever. If you want to see what happens with the brothers later and also reading about one of the most interesting entity in the forest, than you should definitely check out Rebirth from @thisisapaige on AO3.
Fic on AO3, Art
Strange, dark and endless halls with eerie statues, an Angel and an Entity, whose peace is disturbed by a mysterious Hunter. Let your fantasies unwind and immerse yourself in this gloomy story, The Forgotten Halls by allthismusic on AO3.
Fic on AO3, Art
Poor boys can't get a simple vacation. You go to a nice warm place with sea and the promise of HOLIDAY and than boom... a sea creature starts to massacre people. If you want to see what happens with the octosquid and how the Winchesters can't rest like normal human beings, you should read Vacation Interrupted by @avonlady42 on AO3.
Fic on AO3, Art
LETTERS FROM ETERNITY by @blackhorsedances
What would happen if you read a book about soulmates across time and space after it literally zapped you and acts weird in your proximity? Could be a connection between all these stories and does it have anything to do with you? And what happens if you are Dean Winchester who in the meantime doesn't even want a soulmate? To find all these out and to read a beautiful story about soulmates life after life, you should definitely check out Letters from Eternity by @blackhorsedances on AO3.
Fic on AO3, Art
(without fics)
"Doesn’t it bother you at all that you’re married?" / "What I want to know is, does it bother you?" Dean and Cas making a getaway with a suitcase full of money.
"Cas, sitting at his desk, framed through Dean’s bow legs"
+1 (it wasn't in a bang, I just really love this fic)
a life in your shape by averysoftno
Dean Winchester has spent his whole life cleaning up his father's messes. Now that his little brother, Sam, is settled in California and Bobby's got a handle on the garage, they convinced Dean to finally do something for himself. After a chance encounter at the Air Force recruitment fair Sam dragged him to, Dean got hooked on air traffic control, and he gets stationed at Kansas City Tower for his final leg of training. There, he has to impress his on-job instructor Castiel Novak, the ex-Air Force captain who piqued his interest in ATC in the first place. (And only in ATC. He swears. Those blue eyes and dark hair and stupid hat have nothing to do with it.) If all that wasn't hard enough, just one week into his OJT, Dean gets a call telling him his father is dying and has to move back home to live out his final days-which could be more like years. Dean has to decide whether to continue to let his life be defined by his father's mistakes and his misguided obligation to everyone else, or if he's brave enough-and strong enough-to find a life in his own shape.
Fic on AO3, Art
2024 RECAP (at least what's already public):
bangs: 8; fics: 12; illustrations: 23. :D
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mosspodge · 5 months ago
Fir anyone curious about the octosquid shirt- I’m currently trying to vectorize it! I noticed that for whatever reason my software made all the diagonal lines slightly stairstep-y for some reason? So hopefully this’ll fix it! It’ll also be easier to resize
If anyone knows any good ipad software for vector drawing let me know! This would take me like 5 minutes in illustrator but i no longer own it
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buttermander · 2 years ago
Splat-lash Au Lore : Kamabo and it's role
Within the crossover au Kamabo and Genron are combined to create a version of Kamabo that while looking same as usual on the surface hides an underbelly of terrifying experiments on those unfortunate enough to end up in the deep sea metro in Commander Tartar's pursuit to create a perfect lifeform to replace the evolved sea creatures. In the au Spanx and Redmond find themselves wandering into the various laboratory departments in between the tests to escape in order to shut down the more dark aspects of Kamabo Co for good. The sanitized have more roles in this au besides obstacles in tests such as the scrapped scientist/nurse octolings from the artbook returning as the ones conducting the experiments as well as the stronger sanitized subjects being used as security in case of any rogue test subjects. Like Genron does in whiplash, the kamabo in this au utilizes a device called the Genetic Recombinator in order to mix together the genes of test subjects that have been deemed no longer usable, resulting in a menagerie of mish-mashed subjects being hidden in some of the more obscure labs hiding within the metro, and if they can't escape Spanx(8) and Redmond(3) will suffer the same fate. Exploring kamabo is now more dangerous than ever and our duo will have to bust out all the tricks they have in order to make it another day without ending up as an Octosquid through the Genetic Recombinator. I'm not going to reveal everything hidden in those halls, those will come later on ( hopefully after the au gets some small attention).
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nervetower · 2 years ago
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long time no draw.. have some skid (squid kid) ocs i love this game rightnow.
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