shredded-feathers · 2 years
Being psychological therian, spiritual otherkin, and other-hearted is great because there’s just something so poetic and beautiful about being able to say I’ve got the mind of a cat, the soul of a fallen angel, and my heart is with the octolings
But then at the same time all these identities are stuck in this human body and it just kinda sucks
But then there’s the gender dysphoria so it’s like my body isn’t happy as itself either
No part of me is really against the other in the end. I’m just doing my best and in a way that’s kind of sad but cool
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shredded-feathers · 1 year
When I first started exploring my non-human identity, I placed more importance on certain identities than others
There was a sense of urgency in my fallen angel identity, because I felt such a great and immediate need to fix myself before the end of this life, so I prioritized it. My cat identity came second, because the shifts are so strong. Third was my octolingkith identity, because I honestly didn’t know what to do with it or what exactly it meant to me
As I’ve learned from others in the community and grown into my identities, I’ve seen them more and more as equal parts of myself, and each important in their own right. Though I’m not an octoling, I still research to learn more of who I feel I should have been and do what I can to alleviate the feeling of wrongness my physical humanity imposes on me. I’ve been connecting with my cathood more and not trying to force myself to do angel-related work while shifted, and I no longer dread or am annoyed by my cat brain
As for the angel stuff, I’m trying to cut loose and live a little more. It was kind of disrupting my normal life for a little bit. I’m still way more critical of myself than I was before (which I don’t really see as a bad thing), trying to pinpoint everything that could be preventing me from reaching Lady Selene. Really, I think I tried to take on more than I could handle all at once—with that thought, I get the sense that this is why Guardian Gloria has made attempts to halt my progress—so I’ve tried to slow things down, especially when it comes to depressing or stressful revelations
With these changes, I’ve felt more… complete. Like I’m closer to myself than I’ve ever been before. I think it’s impossible to really be myself, inside and out, but I can find contentment with just being a bit closer
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shredded-feathers · 1 year
I’m trying to make more progress angel-wise but I’ve been so heavily cat-shifted that I started to question if I even was an angel and now I’m very concerned over the fact that I have bones
What I did manage to get done was more research on hellenic polytheism so I now have a direction and am starting some practice regarding that
I prayed to Lady Selene the other day so hopefully She knows I’m aware of and trying to return to Her. I’m going to be devoted to Her, but plan to incorporate Lady Hecate and Lord Apollo into my practice as well, and maybe more
Feeling less and less uncertain as I unlearn the things I was taught in my upbringing. I’m going to try for a more traditional practice but I still won’t be able to do much until I’m out of this house
Anyway I don’t like my finger bones hitting the screen and I need to find a way to scratch my eyebrow without touching my head bone so that’s all for now
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shredded-feathers · 1 year
════ Tundra ════
asexual akoiabroromantic
│ ┊ Echo
││• creature type : domestic cat therian
││• shift types : phantom, mental, sensory
││• gender experienced : neutrois
││• attraction experienced : esticue
││• pronouns : sey/seyr
│╰─────────── · · · ·
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│ ┊ Cyrus
││• creature type : angelkin
││• shift types : integrated, phantom
││• genders experienced : proxvir, androgyne
││• attraction experienced : aevial, celiangeitia
││• pronouns : lo/halo, he/him, it/its
│╰─────────── · · · ·
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│ ╭────
│ ┊ Chomp
││• creature type : octolingkith
││• shift type : phantom
││• genders experienced : boyflux, sanitix
││• attraction experienced : achillean athenian
││• pronouns : he/him, they/them
│╰─────────── · · · ·
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════ Other ════
││• no DNI; will block
││• has eaten cat food
││• owns several collars (not sexually)
││• not a system or role-play
││• no discourse
││• not cringe (probably cringe)
│╰─────────── · · · ·
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