#octogoblin x reader
bri-notthecheese · 2 years
Tagged by @gottaread2!!! Thank you for the tag, I’m excited!!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
1. Weighted - “Edward, come to bed.”
2. An Official First - Shit. Shit!   (drabble I gifted for Valentine’s Day that’s from unposted Dark Souls 2 OC stuff ^_^ )
3. like a comet pulled from orbit - Freya curses their luck as Kratos steers Svanna and Speki into a nearby cave and out of the snowstorm.
4. Her Good Little Secret - Even the sunlight will do favors for Dr. Halsey.
5. Wake Up Call - Are you kidding me? (Another Dark Souls 2 OC piece)
6. After the Storm - “Look! Look! Look!”
7. Dream No More - This is it.   (another unpublished thing, though I’ve been debating about publishing my Bloodborne stuff lately :P)
8. Displaced - How can a city be so familiar, and yet so alien at the same time?
9. Doc Os - Edward Nygma paces because it’s the only thing he can do.
10. There’s a First Time for Everything - Many considered Ed a late bloomer. Ed found that he never really cared.
This was cool to go back and look at everything!! And also see how my typical first lines form. I think that was the right order lol. I’m gonna tag @midnightanddiamonds , hmmm a lot of Gotham peeps have already been tagged...., and anyone else who’d like to do it!! (it’s getting late lol I gotta go to bed) <3
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sitdownlapdog · 2 years
Bloody Mary (Octogoblin) fanfiction -1-
Au Where Otto and Norman still do what they do best… They have the ‘problems’ still but they haven’t met. Honestly just to get James to shut up and stop texting me about this song, and I have my own ideas as well, you dumb little slimy son of a-. Kinda love at first sight? Well not first sight really, more like love for two people who’ve never fully met before… But they know each other exists. Fluffy and hella descriptive. Nothing could be more described like the love I have for this ship. Pre-Smut… maybe I’ll write the smut in a different part…
Love is just a history that they may prove
Otto looked at the handsome man infront of him with so much love it would make anyone turn and say are they in love? But that was not the case… 
And when you're gone
Otto loved Norman so damned much, a simple look at the Green Goblin’s holder and he was on edge. 
I'll tell them my religion's you
How he wanted to tell him how much he loved the man, how he loved every flaw, every perfect thing about him. 
When Punktious comes to kill the king upon his throne
How he wanted to kiss that smiling face, “I’m kinda a doctor myself.” Wow, so handsome. 
I'm ready for their stones
This dance was gonna be when he was gonna tell Norman Osborn how much he loved him. Yes, today this stupid dance was gonna be either his downfall or his uprising. 
I'll dance dance dance,
Otto looked at Norman who was talking to some woman, but that didn’t matter, no it didn’t matter.
With my hands hands hands,
Why did he want to kiss this man? What made Otto so intranced with Norman damned Osborn? Where was the painful love coming from, was it true? Yes… 
Above my head head head,
But he loved Norman, he would kill for him, this damned dance was making him so hot, he wanted to take off his shirt. 
Like Jesus said
Norman looked at Otto and saw the tugging, Harry, Flo, Moe, and Larry where just having fun twirling about. 
I'm gonna dance, dance, dance
Norman walked over to Otto, “Otto Octavius…” Otto flushed “Yes sir that’s me” He looked at Norman and swallowed, the man was so handsome.
With my hands, hands, hands above my head
“Y-your Norman Osborn” Otto flushes “It’s an honor to finally see you in person”
Hands together, forgive him before he's dead, because...
“You as well,” Norman inspects the metal arms “Beautiful” he grunts under his breath.
I won't cry for you
The metal arms inspect Norman and then go back to twirling about and keeping people 50 ft away from Otto.
I won't crucify the things you do
“You know, I’ve had my eyes on you since I first heard about this transition”
I won't cry for you
That sounded amazing to Otto, Norman Osborn, watching over him… 
See (see), when you're gone, I'll still be Bloody Mary
“You have been?” 
His heart was going a hundred beats a second. “You-” 
We are not just art for Michelangelo to carve
“Sir that’s a- a honor…”
He can't rewrite the aggro of my furied heart
“It is?” Norman Osborn looked at the burning face under him. “Is it?” He leans in with an evil smirk.
I'll wait on mountain tops in Paris, cold
What was going on now? Why was he so close? Maybe Otto was in the way of the drinks? 
J'veux pas mourir toute seule
He couldn’t move, “Am I in the way?” he asked softly.
I'll dance, dance, dance
“Hmm, oh no, your not in my way,” The man said “Taking a closer look at you,”
With my hands, hands, hands
Otto knew he would lose it, if he kept hearing things like this from the man infront of him. 
Above my head, head, head
“Your quite handsome…” Otto flushed a slightly darker color, the blood rushing into his face hotter then ever. “Thank you.” 
Like Jesus said
Otto’s hands were sweaty, he wiped them on his pants. Norman raised an eyebrow at the shirt “This is the first time I’ve onlooked you with a shirt” Otto couldn’t believe it, he swallowed. “Well I assumed no one would be really wanting to see my chest.”
I'm gonna dance, dance, dance
“You assumed wrong…” Norman with a surprising amount of strength ripped it off. “That’s better” Otto was left a blushing mess.
With my hands, hands, hands above my head
Noone seemed to notice Otto and Norman, as if they were all in a trance… He realized, they were. No one moved from the spot they were in unless they were dancing. 
Hands together, forgive him before he's dead, because…
“You see it now, no one can really care for you unless I break them out of the trance” Otto became flushed “Surely I’m not that handsome that you’d want to mind-blank everyone…” Norman grabbed Otto’s chin, “Do you say that to yourself often?” 
I won't cry for you
Otto gulped, “Yes sir,” Norman raised an eyebrow but then shook his head “Your quite the spectacle,” Norman said softly. Otto became extremely red, it wasn’t fair that the man had could say words like that and Otto would just crumble. 
I won't crucify the things you do
He swallowed, it was time, “Mr. Osborn?” Norman looked at Otto “Norman,” He said swiftly. 
I won't cry for you
“Norman,” Otto repeated “I-” Norman chuckled “I know” He leaned in “Your pining is clear as water.” Norman placed his lips on Otto’s and the man gasped.
See (see), when you're gone, I'll still be Bloody Mary
Otto gasped in pure surprise. HE KNEW? FOR HOW LONG? NORMAN OSBORN WAS KISSING HIM! The metal arms had stopped twirling about to ‘watch’ what was going on, more like take in Otto’s loud thoughts and comment on them. 
Otto grabbed Norman’s hair and brought him closer. Norman pulled away with a smile, “Your are quite the spectacle dear, I’d love to do that again.” Norman said. 
Gaga, Gaga
“Then do it again,” Otto barked, eyes widened with surprise and confusion. Norman did it again kissing Otto’s tender lips. 
Gaga, Gaga (_)
Otto brought out a loud gasp of surprise, “N-Norman, sir” Norman raised his eyebrow again “Hmm?” He stood straight. “How long have you known?”
Dum dum, da-di-da
“A long time, the first month after you started working here,” Norman said with a smirk, “You were as adorable then as you are now.” 
Dum dum, da-di-da-dadda-da-di-da
Otto flushed an even darker red. “Really sir?” Norman grumbles “Norman…” He repeats leaning into Otto’s face once more,Otto moves closer and they kiss. 
I won't cry for you
Otto smiles at Norman mid-kiss. “Holy-” Norman covers his mouth. “Darling,” he kisses Otto again. 
I won't crucify the things you do, do, do
It wasn’t fair for Otto, then again it was almost never fair for him.
I won't cry for you
Norman brought him close and started kissing Otto’s neck. 
See (see), when you're gone, I'll still be Bloody Mary
Otto whines and holds onto Norman’s head while the man licks and nips and bites at his neck.
Otto held tight to Norman as the man with the Green Goblin’s super strength picked him up. 
Líberate, mi amor
Norman growls in Otto’s ear, “Your so pretty” Otto whines in response, he just wants Norman to give him what he wants. He’ll beg if he has to, but what he wants will happen, he just knows it.
@james-the-delivery-gay, @dr-ottooctavius, @whoeverelse
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illiana-mystery · 7 months
Nine people you'd like to know better
Thanks for the tag, @lexlightning2002!
Three ships: Octogoblin (it's the only ship I currently support)
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First ship: I used to be into crack pairings...and that's all I'll say in regards to that...
The last song: Seeing is Believing by Adriana Evans
Currently reading: Mostly Doc Ock x Reader and Norman Osborn x Reader fics lately
Last film: White Sands (1992), it's a cheesy 90s thriller/action movie but I love it
Currently craving: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Tagging: @goran-dafoe, @lastdanceonmonday, @stormin-norman, @littlegreenfag, @simpforoldermen02, @dreamlikedesires, @itsquinnagain, @crowtoed, & @havenomercy
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dearlawdimasimp · 3 years
Hey hey heyyyy!! Here was the fluff fic i mentioned in this post that was supposed to be short but guesss what? its 3.4k words/8 pages long! 😃 istfg jaghshs anyways..enjoy!!
Doc Green..Ock??
Warnings: few cusses, grammar, use of "dude" once but mostly gender neutral, no use of y/n..i think
Pairings: Sinister Five x gn!reader(platonic); Octogoblin x gn!reader(implied romantic but can also be close platonic)
Summary: A small spark of creativity could make a flame of..interesting events..
Special thanks to @aviary-co for the GIF 🥰
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You were tinkering away at the built-in lab in your house, having a close relationship with Tony Stark has really many pros than cons and this being one of them. 
The house that you are currently living in alongside the former 'sinister five' is included in that list. It's a very nice, simple modern two-story house that was able to accommodate 5-6 people. It is fenced and has both front and backyard, patches of grasses and bushes placed neatly and accordingly. (the design and layout of the house and lot is up to your imagination)
Now, back to you tinkering. You were happily making some little adjustments to Peter's suit. The boy trusted you enough to allow you to add a few modifications. Though you wouldn't call yourself some kind of mechanic, or any of that but you were knowledgeable enough that you could probably make an animatronic come to life. (the modification is up to you since i could not come up with anything at the moment 😁)
While adding a few touch ups on the suit, your eyes glanced at the goggles sitting at the table on your right. It was Norman's green goblin goggles that you decided to keep. The man was insistent on throwing it away, and you couldn't blame him for doing so, but you don't want to waste such a fine accessory! Let's just say you're something of a collector yourself. You also changed a little bit of its design, giving it steampunk vibes, just so the former villain could rest easy. And it worked!
You gently put down Peter's spiderman suit and pushed yourself away from the table you were working on, letting your swivel chair roll against the floor and bring you to the table where the eye accessory sat. Taking it from the table, you bring it close to your face. The memory of making a model and 3d printing the added design on the goggles made you smile. Norman's reaction seeing it made you smile wider, he said it didn't even dawn at him that it was the goggles he used to use, his face contorting from amusement to what you can think was wonder..although you weren't sure at that part since you were rambling off about resting your case on keeping the accessory. 
You chuckle as the memory keeps playing in your head, leaning back to your chair and bringing the goggles with you as you prop your feet up on the table where the goggles were previously placed. Otto's face was also of amusement as his eyes kept switching back and forth from you and the goggles, at least that's what you remembered seeing while being a rambling mess in front of the two scientists. 
Speaking of..
You wonder where they are, you stopped replaying the memory as you try to remember what happened before you decide to hyperfixate on the kid's suit. 
It took you a minute, maybe more, to realize that they were all in the living room. Doing whatever men do when they're not busy. You could probably guess Norman is probably in the kitchen preparing dinner with Otto helping him, Max probably playing video games, while Flint and Curtis..maybe playing chess? You've seen them play chess against each other from time to time so the idea is not impossible. 
Or you know, you could've just got up from your chair and see what they were doing but no. You're still on the chair..because an idea was sparking in your brain. It was a very random, yet mischievous and maybe inching towards the "stupid" side, idea that it made you take your feet off the table and sit up. 
What if you take off the recently added designs on the goggles, it was detachable, and wear it WITH Otto's coat..? 
The thought makes you all giddy and grin mischievously, wondering what the two's reactions will be. And without further ado you carefully detached the gold-painted designs, flee your lab and go to Otto's room. 
You did not waste any second as you quite literally sprinted to the stairs and up to Otto's room while putting on the goggles on your head. You heard them call out to you and you replied with a quick, "Everything's fine, it's just...IDEA!!!!" This situation, you being all giddy and excited and stuff and running around, may or may have not happened quite a few times before that they have decided to leave you to your own devices when it occurs.
You reached Otto's door and swiftly opened it, you took a second to scan the room if it was empty or were you disrupting something, finding nothing you also decided to glance at the stairs to see if any of your..targets.. followed you. Relieved on seeing none you entered the room and quietly shut the door. 
Otto's room was as simple and neat as the man himself. Everything was well-organised and not a speck of anything out of place in the room. You have admired the way he had made himself at home countless times before as this wasn't the first you entered his quarters and it just makes you..maybe a little warm inside. Seeing the physical resemblance of his comfort, which took awhile but you couldn't blame the man, brings a little joy to you. 
Oh right. The idea. Nearly throwing yourself to the closet as you sprinted across the room, you hastily opened it. You did a small double-take at your actions though, checking if you did not accidentally rip the closet door from its hinges. Seeing as you did not, you carefully dug through the clothes the doctor had bought for himself a month ago, trying to find the coat he wore when he first arrived in this universe as quickly as you could. 
Where the hell- OH.
You quickly snatched the piece of clothing and swiftly put the coat on. The smell that just screams Otto Octavios, along with the warmth the coat is giving, drowns your senses. It's just so comfortable and-and–
Right. Right. RIGHT. Focus! You then hold the lenses of the goggles that were sitting on top of your head and you bring it down to your eyes. Adjusting it a little making sure it was sitting comfortably on your face while trying to find a mirror. Once you catch your reflection you can't help but laugh. Otto's coat was so fucking big on your frame that it almost made you look like a small child wearing an adult's clothing. The shoulder part was hanging off your shoulder, the sleeves are big and long that your hands are nowhere to be seen, and the coat has pooled on your feet, giving a little bit of cloak vibes to you. 
You rolled up the sleeves a little just so you could at least see your hand, patting the coat and off you go. 
You opened the door and peeked to the hallway, seeing the coast was clear you closed the door behind you and walked to the stairs. You took a small breath in and out and prepped yourself, quickly making an impromptu introduction in your head as you made your way down.
You halted before your feet could be seen and peeked from the small railings of the handle of the stairs, the lively living room clear from your spot. They were all talking amongst themselves and you guessed right about where each of them would be, your targets busy, the other two also busy..wait where's Max?
"The hell are yo-" 
Your brain ran billion miles per hour as you connected the dots and was able to quietly shush Max, possibly flailing your arms with the long sleeves of the coat looking like you had amputated your arms in the air while silently shushing the man. The electricity wielding human was able to shut himself up on time that he didn't gain any attention from the people on the other side of the room.
"Just gooo and act like you didn't see me!"
You yelled in a whispering manner while shooing him away. He looked like he was about to ask something but you quickly shut him down with a look. He obeyed but with a disbelieving laugh and shaking his head, walking back to the couch he was sitting on previously. Flint and Curtis asked him why he was laughing but he kept silent and shrugged. Although Max was eyeing you as he continued playing. 
That was fucking clooose.
With a last huff of determination and a small smirk of mischief, you finally made yourself known. 
You let out the evilest cackle you could make and stomped your unmatched socked feet on the stairs, "Can the Sinister Five come out and plaaay?" you spoke loudly and may have made your voice sound like you have gone insane, maybe singing Beetlejuice's part in the musical is paying off a little at this moment. Your expression,  of course, you did not forget. A wicked grin and scrunched brows were plastered on your face, resembling a manic person's expression as you turned towards your audience. 
Max was trying not to laugh, Flint was confused, Curtis was amused at the performace while your targets, Otto and Norman, had little smiles on their faces but still confused about the situation.
Oh come on! I'm supposed to be fucking scary.
You whined in your head, their reaction annoying you a little. Although you did look a little ridiculous with the large coat and goggles and all. You didn't hide your annoyance though, you used it to continue and fuel your performance, "Oh, is this amusing you?" You sneered with a smooth tilt of your head, dropping the grin and replacing it with a deep frown. 
"We don't..talk like that, dear.." Otto's small pause was clearly an indication that he was trying not to laugh at the performance you were freely giving. "We could-" Norman's thought was cut off as the lights flickered. 
Max's joyous expression dropped into something serious at the flicker, the former sandman and lizard glancing at him accusingly made him yell, "what?! Just because I can control electricity y'all can look at me like that."
While all of them bickered you laughed, evil-ly, cutting their conversation. "You're all reeeaally underestimating me..aren't you?" You tilted your head to the other side while you prolonged the word, your wicked grin back to your face.
The lights continue to flicker, their expression now is much more serious than before, thinking that this is an actual foe and not the friend they have all known and began to love, moreso for the two scientists in the adjacent kitchen about the latter. 
Max was confused though, he just talked to you not long ago before you started this whole thing. Actually, everyone is confused. They all had just spoken to you, even if briefly, and they are met with this….?
The expressions they're wearing satisfied you that you stopped messing with lights and started to laugh, genuinely and hysterically, not the evil one. You were bent over while clutching your stomach, laughing loudly, "Your faces!! HA!" You wheeze as you take off the goggles to wipe the tears from the corners of your eyes. 
The previous tension that slowly filled the room dissipates into small chuckles as the group collectively relaxes. "This kid..I swear.." You heard Curtis mumble loud enough for the other people in the room to hear, making you double your laughter to the point that you were laying down on the cold floor. 
"I- hehAHA- I- " wheeze "- I got you though!!" You snicker as you try to tone down your laughing but instead you laugh harder. 
"That you did, you little minx. That you did.." Norman says with a little sigh. You could hear his feigned disappointment and a little bit of sarcasm through your laughing, "Though Otto's previous remark stands true. We don't talk like that, honey.." 
You have finally calmed yourself down and are now only a giggling mess on the ground. "Yeah, yeah, suuure.." Chortling in between sentences as you sit up, crossing your legs as you look up to them from your spot. Max has his hand on his face while chuckling to himself, rubs his face before resuming his game, Flint and Curtis have also gone back to playing their chess, and Norman and Otto had delighted smirks etched on their face as one has leaned on the counter with both hands and the latter has his arms crossed on his chest while looking at you, his mechanical appendages floating behind him and chittering amongst themselves. Maybe they held a little bit of pride in their eyes but it was mostly joy and amusement. 
You smirk as you twirl the goggles on your hands, having to roll up the sleeves of the giant man's coat beforehand, "So..I had a little thought.." you started but before you could continue you hear Flint humorously grumble, "here we go again.." earning small chuckles from the men in the room and a small laugh from you. "It's not like what you saw before noo! no, no.. it's just a thought really…just a thought." You reassure them with an eased grin and small flick of your other hand, "What would've been my villain name with this get up? I was thinking…Doc..Green..Ock…?? Wait- wait no that-" 
All of the scientists look at you in bewilderment, "Doc Green Ock- what???" the perplexed Dr. Connors looks at your direction, now distracted from his game. 
The dark skinned villain on the other chair not far from him was laughing hysterically, unable to pause his game making him lose, "Aww, damn it!!" 
Flint rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, leaning back to his chair, "It's not like you did not name yourself just "Lizard" before, Connors.." "This is a completely different case!!" 
"- jUst - wait. Wait let me come up with something better-" You try to control the humiliating situation that you're in, standing up and walking closer to the group as you try to think of a much better name, but before you could you accidentally slipped on the ridiculously large coat you were wearing. "Oh fu-" You swear you saw your life flash before your eyes. You braced yourself for the impact,
"Woah-" "Hey!" "Dude!" You heard multiple of them cry out to you-
But someone..or something wrapped itself around your figure and caught you before you landed harshly on the ground.
"Careful!" But Otto's voice boomed louder than the rest of them, worryingly, as his top right actuator that had curled itself around your frame gently lifted you and put you back on your feet. Small relieved sighs fill the room. You shyly glanced at them, Norman had left his previous place and is now on the door of the kitchen and Otto now had his human arms on his sides. You pat the mechanical limb, like a small thank you to the both of them, "Sorry, sorry, but as I was saying- how about Doc Goblin!!" You proudly stated as the actuator slowly unraveled from your body, its claws softly snapping at you as if giving you a gentle scolding, you sheepishly grinned at the AI and at the people in the room as you wore the goggles again, "Ehhh?"
"Hmm..not bad…" Flint comments while swiftly changing some of the pieces on the chessboard, grabbing the chance to cheat while his foe was distracted. Said foe is looking at you incredulously while glancing at the former villains that are currently being ridiculed by their significant other, whose faces are nothing but pure adoration but also baffledness. 
Max saw what Flint did and was about to snitch when the former sandman gave him a 'don't you dare look'. In which the electric charged fella retaliated with something of a 'not my fault you kept on losing, idiot' look before rolling his eyes and going back to playing. 
Of course you saw that too but you decided to say nothing, "See! Flint agrees!! Doc Goblin.." you say in wonder.
"It certainly has a nice ring to it." When Otto gave his comment, the blonde scientist gave a 'meh' look and turned to Flint, who was acting as cool and collected as he could with his pointer finger rubbing his chin in thought while his eyes were trained on the board. It only took Curtis a second before giving a low and dangerous, "You changed it didn't you?" "What are you talking about?" was Flint's "confused" reply.
Otto rolled his eyes at the two bickering, slowly arguing, men then looked at you, who's prideful grin did not falter. He glances at the blue-eyed scientist, who is now approaching you, soft expression ever present on his face, "I thought you redesigned it..?" Norman asks curiously as he reaches out to touch the rim of the goggles, you saw a little flash of grief in his eyes but it was gone not long after.
"It was detachable. I wanted to preserve its old design- it has a good rim!" You tell him as you gently pried his hand from your face and hold it, giving it a gentle squeeze since you did not miss the brief flash of sadness.
He hums and kisses the back of your hand, changing the course of the conversation. "Looks good on you, love. Don't even get me started on the coat!" He comments with a chuckle, and carefully twirled you around. The comment also made the owner of the coat chortle.
You giggle as you let him spin you, the coat fluttering a little as you did.
"But I'm afraid I'll have to take it before you successfully hurt yourself." The large scientist says as he approaches the both of you. 
You look at him as you stop twirling, a small pout on your face, "Oh c'mon! I literally just wore it!" "And you nearly hurt yourself not a moment after." His tone and expression not leaving any space for arguments, but you matched his look with a stubborn huff. "Darling…." he warns, the claws of the actuators matching his energy as it chittered and clicked in warning. 
Norman on the other hand was not saying anything of the matter, his silence piques your curiosity and you glance at him, you also need his support at the moment. You were expecting to see him having the same expression Otto was wearing but instead..you saw a small mischievous smirk tugging the corner of his lips. 
You both stared at each other for a moment, although your eyes were blocked by the dark lenses of the goggles a silent agreement was made. 
"Don't make me say it again, dear.." 
When Otto started to move closer to you, you immediately jumped on Norman's arms and he was quick to catch you before sprinting away from the other scientist. 
This clearly surprised Otto as it took him a moment to catch up to you two. 
You and Norman were giggling like teenagers as you ran ahead from your "persuer", carrying you to the backyard. The whirring of a Norman's glider distracted you from laughing at Otto, who was catching up quickly to the both of you with the help of his actuators. You were not able to register the next events but you heard Norman grunt in force as he leapt on his glider, not breaking a single sweat and flew away from the ground. 
A small yelp escaped your lips as you held onto the older man tightly, seeing as you were floating a few feet away from the ground, Norman doing the same thing. You trust him with your life though so you did not worry too much about it. A laugh slips from your lips as the glider turns to face Otto, seeing his "not amused" face making you laugh more with Norman joining you.
"You two are going to be the death of me.." he lightly commented with a squint. 
You playfully stuck out your tongue, "You love us though!" "I clearly do.." was his last reply before using his actuators to reach both of you. Norman, clearly not letting this game end quickly, flew much higher and farther from him, away from the reach of the mechanical limbs.
"Norman!!" Otto frustratedly yelled while you just laughed, enjoying the free ride. "Giving up already, honey?" Taunted Norman. "Who ever said I was?" former Doc Ock quickly replied and continued to chase you both. 
"Gosh I love you both.." You uttered, this made them halt from their shenanigans for a moment, "Love you too, dear." "And I you, love."
And the chaos resumes.
Thank you everyone for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed it!! leave comments and suggestions in the comment section or my ask box! its always open for anything, requests and stuffs etc! Have a good day/night!!!💞💞
@desnaa @ambermation
(i tagged the peeps who commented at the linked post above! ^-^)
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POV youre a well adjusted member of society, enjoying A Single Character and A Singel ship (with the same character) a normal amount
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nofoundboy · 3 years
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(in ao3 I just work with my ships)
I write only for male/nonbinary/gender non conforming readers. Transfem readers are welcome too if they want representation.
All the hcs and imagines and stuff are female and as a trans dude myself, I want to write for the ones who struggle to find things with male/gn pronouns.
If you're female I can't stop you to interact here but please, don't be disrespectful. This profile is a safe space for all the LGBTIQ+
Requests are: OPEN
Current Requests: 5
Kiss Prompt thing
Who I write for:
Jason Vorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Michael Myers
RZ Michael Myers
Bubba Sawyer
Chop Top Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Billy Lenz
Poly Ghostface (Billy and Stu)
Mickey Altieri
Daniel Robitaille (Candyman)
Jesse Chromeans (Chromeskull)
Leslie Vernon
Billy Chapman
Kurt Kunkle
Josef (Creep)
Pennywise (2017 version)
Norman Bates
Tiffany Valentine
Carrie White
Martin (1977)
Ash Williams (I know he's not an slasher stfu)
Star Wars
Obi-wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Lando Carlisian
Qui-Gon Jinn
Jynn Erso
Peter Parker (any version)
Stephen Strange/Dr Strange
Otto Octavius
Arthur Harrow
Bucky Barnes
Pietro Maximoff (any version)
Joker/Arthur Fleck
Joker (Heath Ledger)
Jerome Valeska
Edward Nygma/Nashton (any version)
Oswald Cobblepot (any version)
Jonathan Crane
Abner Krill (Polka Dot Man)
Harley Quinn
Barry Allen (Ezra Miller's, I didn't watch the show)
Ratcatcher 2
Bruce Wayne/Batman (any version)
Clark Kent/Superman (any version except Smallville one)
Other characters I write for
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Eddie Munson
Dewey Riley
Jimmy Mcgill/Saul Goodman
Hutch Mansell
Dewey Finn
Tommy Bomowski (Coach Boomer)
Jareth The Goblin King
Abe Sapiens
Jason Dean
Robert Van Helsing
Dennis Rafkin
Ships I write for
Josef x Aaron
Josef x Sara
What I write
What I don't write
Full fics (only one-shots and headcanons)
Any bathroom kink.
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dearlawdimasimp · 3 years
heyloo fellas!! I've decided to make a masterlist of the fics I've written so far! I am still pretty new and am learning on writting stories and they are mostly self indulgent so ehhh might not be your cup of tea but! if you are interested, you can check 'em out!! I will gladly accept comments, suggestions and requests are also open!! All of them are x readers too😊 i will edit and update this post whenever i post a new fic
♠ - oneshot
♣ - prompts
🥰 - comfort fic
🤪 - crack fic
💞 - fluff
Our darling - 🥰♠
Warnings: i think..none? but uhm..this does talk about depressing stuff- OH and there might be grammar errors, english isn't my first language lmao😭 AND this was not edited, beta'd whatever so im literally just posting this blindly kahdhs 💀
Summary: It was one of those days, where the bed was much more comfortable than anything else and you just feel numb and the two scientists, Norman and Otto, helps you feel better.
Doc Green..Ock?? - 🤪♠
Warnings: few cusses, grammar, use of "dude" once but mostly gender neutral, no use of y/n..i think
Summary: A small spark of creativity could make a flame of..interesting events..
Alfred Molina
MCU Actor!Reader - 🤪♣
imagine: short!silk!actor!reader x Alfred Molina(platonic or romantic..idk)
Maxim Horvath
MCU Sorcerer/Magician!Reader - 🤪♣
random thought: MCU!sorcerer/magician!Reader x Maxim Horvath 👀
Otto Octavius
Dear boy - 💞♠
Warnings: language(cussing), grammar, no use of y/n, implied that reader's pronouns change and that only at this point of time where the story takes place they use he/him pronouns while being in a workplace and in a relationship with Dr. Octavius(idk if this is a warning but if you guys think it isn't i'll gladly edit this out), possibly ooc Otto, not beta'd or whatevs and a self-indulgent mess (let me know if there are anything else i missed!!)
Summary: A small look into the life of a queer reader who is in a relationship with the Dr. Otto Octavius.
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