#october 2022 astrology
mercury direct • october 2, 2022
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overview: mercury turns direct in the sign of virgo at 24 degrees (pisces degree) on october 2, 2022 at 4:07 AM CST. this is a time for us to begin taking action towards the things we spent time revising and redoing while mercury was retrograde. it's time to apply those insights and downloads that mercury informed us with over the last month. trust your intuition and go where your faith is leading you moving forward. there is still time to get organized and get all your ducks in a row before things really start to pick up the pace. don't try to rely on logic during this time - a lot of things won't make sense that way but you can make sense of things based on what feels right. it's time to show up for yourself. hold yourself accountable and make sure the connections you've evaluated this mercury retrograde hold you accountable as well! you know what you have to do - the hardest part is staying consistent + disciplined.
aspects: mercury square moon - don't let doubt hold you back from following through with what feels like it's in alignment with you right now. make sure you're prioritizing your mental health moving forward; mercury trine pluto - you're going through a level up that is pushing you towards success (especially in your career). let those old habits die hard; mercury trine uranus - we are adopting new ways of thinking and doing so establish healthy habits. things will start to click; mercury square mars - we may be feeling impatient, snappy, and impulsive. our thoughts may start racing. slow your roll and work on integrating what you learned during mercury retrograde. oh, by the way, no you don't know it all.
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alchemylight · 2 years
✨October 2022✨Mars Retro in Gemini Begins! Mars-ruled Full Moon & Eclipse - The Heat Is On!✨
✨October 2022✨Mars Retro in Gemini Begins! Mars-ruled Full Moon & Eclipse - The Heat Is On!✨
Watch it live on:30th September 2022 (Friday)2130 Singapore Time 1430 London Time 0930 New York Time 0630 Vancouver TimePlayback is chaptered for easier navigation. ★ Donations to my channel @ Paypal Address: [email protected]★ E-business card: https://linktr.ee/alchemylightTHANK YOU!! ♥️ To book a consultation with me, you may contact via the following ways:E-mail:…
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shelovesplants · 2 years
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Moon and Jupiter🌕
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
The Week Ahead: October 31 - November 6, 2022
Lunar Phases
Tuesday, November 1, 06:37 UT - First Quarter Moon, 8°49’ Aquarius
The key phrases for the First Quarter lunar phase are to “take action” and to “build new structures.” We may be very inclined for group activity, maybe with our families, or at the very least in a partnership. It won’t be easy to pull any of that off, if we can’t share equally the responsibilities and tasks - try not to insist 100% on your own way, because if you really want partners and not minions, then that’s the way it has to be.
Friday, November 4, 18:21 UT - Gibbous Moon, 27°18’ Pisces
The key phrases for the Gibbous lunar phase are to “tweak and adjust” our plans, and to “pour more energy into” what we’re doing. The Moon is sandwiched between Neptune and Jupiter, in Pisces - wow! Some of us are going to be wafting around in the ether, all right. We’re letting our intuition lead us, and finding amazing reserves of spiritual energy - if we did the First Quarter right and shared. If we didn’t, we’re just wallowing around in escapism.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, October 31, 15:14 UT (Capricorn) - 15:43 UT (Aquarius)
(29 whole minutes.)
Wednesday, November 2, 11:08 UT (Aquarius) - 18:46 UT (Pisces)
Friday, November 4, 22:05 UT (Pisces) - 22:07 UT (Aries)
Sunday, November 6, 22:30 UT (Aries) - Monday, November 7, 05:15 UT (Taurus)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Pallas Athene/Cancer
Retrograde: Mars/Gemini, Jupiter/Pisces, Chiron/Aries, Uranus/Taurus, Neptune/Pisces, Eris/Aries
Post-retrograde shadow: Juno/Pisces, Vesta/Aquarius, Saturn/Aquarius
Et Cetera
There are two Opportunity Periods this week:
Monday, October 31, 09:23 UT - 15:14 UT. “This is a good time for productivity and staying focused, but we’re between two eclipses, so it’s best to concentrate on practical affairs.”
Friday, November 4, 16:34 UT - 23:07 UT. “Now is a good time to invest in what you want to see grow.”
We’re in the “Shadow of the Eclipse” for a couple more weeks, until November 11.
There really aren’t any serious, major Events this week - but I hesitate to describe it as calm, not even in a “calm before the storm” sense. More like, I don’t know, bracing ourselves? That lunar eclipse next week, on the US midterm election day, is looming.
And speaking of the US: if you live t/here, stupid fucking Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 6, at 2:00 am local time. And for heaven’s sake, if you’re old enough, VOTE BLUE!
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saturniandevil · 2 years
October 2022 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast’s October Forecast. This episode is hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and returning guest host Diana Rose Harper. Our hosts are in the US but the dates on the calendar are based off UTC.
September recap With Mars in Gemini, Mercury’s ruler Venus in fall (while Mercury was in Libra), and the Sun in Virgo for most of the month, this month has been full of the most stereotypical Mercury retrograde events. For example, GTA VI was leaked online, further delaying the game’s official release; automobiles and theft are both Mars-Mercury significations. Chris also connects this to the death of England’s Queen Elizabeth II, whose Saturn-ruled Capricorn rising posits questions around the place of monarchical authority in the modern world; and additionally this happened just before Mercury stationed in Libra, her 10th house, further indicating a focus on public image and reputation. In light of Uranus-Saturn we can also see this as another foundation that people take for granted falling.
Another Saturn-Uranus event is the power grid failing in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Fiona hit its already weak power grid. This foundation was stress-tested and failed 5 years ago when Maria hit, and no money was put into strengthening it, so this known weakness has shown us murderous negligence once again. This also relates to the flooding in Pakistan where millions have been displaced as the mountain glaciers melted to essentially form a new inland sea.
Also keep in mind that with Mars retrograde upcoming, we’re going to see a return of events that we have already witnessed when Mars revisits these degrees. The upcoming Jupiter-Neptune copresence (a repeat of earlier this year) can be connected to the rise of AI-generated images being used in place of images usually made by hand. Last time Neptune and Jupiter were together in Pisces, we saw a rise of tons of new dyes, only for many of them to turn out to be toxic, and Diana wonders if something similar will play out in visual art. Can we tell what’s “real” or “fake?” How will we define authorship?
October 2nd - Mercury stations Direct Having just regressed into Virgo, Mercury stations in his domicile/exaltation, but is almost exactly opposite illusive Neptune and square tense Mars (and trine Pluto). We want to move forward with clarity about things that are vague and undecided. As Mercury rules Mars, we want to make order out of conflicts as well, but Neptune clouds things. Think divination from clouds or fire, where the traditional guides are extremely specific and ordered, or dream interpretation, where we have to figure out the new rules amid lots of information. Diana describes it like birds chattering while you are trying to do another form of divination--how do we sift the important information from the noise? We can also think of white noise, where enough noise can bring stillness.
Generally, Virgo significations can include pens & writing, spreadsheets & numbers, putting things in order, and going back to the facts to find patterns rather than fitting events into a preexisting narrative. Virgo seeks perfection, which can result in trying to create it but can also involve finding the purpose and function of what’s already there. With Mercury-Mars contacts we can think of doing subtractive sculpture with a chainsaw, where Aquarius Saturn trining Mars says “cool your jets, but here’s a chainsaw.” However, Neptune’s opposition to Mercury makes the lines blurry--measure twice, cut once.
October 8th - Pluto stations Direct In Capricorn, this gives us an elongated trine to Mercury--which goes exact on the 6th when both planets are slowing as they change motion. This is the third of three trines between them, with previous ones at August 2nd and September 22nd. Mercury-Pluto contacts involve the uncovering of secrets and a desire to dig deeper for the truth. With Neptune hanging around, watch out for projection clouding our judgement.
October 9th - Full Moon in Aries
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This is gonna be the last Aries Full Moon for awhile that’s not an eclipse, as the nodes are moving to the Aries-Libra axis. Venus within conjunction (Sun)/opposition (Moon) distance brings in some harmony, with sextiles from Mars and Saturn looking to help (as does a copresence with Jupiter). This lunation and the days around it are a good time to put things in as much order and harmony as we can in preparation for eclipse seasons. Diana compares it to tuning instruments or having backup strings and bows in case of difficulties at the concert. For those of us whose spirits have been brought down in recent years, the Moon in the middle decan of Aries with Jupiter around brings us upright energy--strength to act justly and inspire others through our actions.
October 10th - Mercury reenters Libra When the Moon is in an air sign, this gives us 6 out of 7 visible planets in air signs. With too much air, the wind can scatter the leaves without ever landing any of them in the bucket. This gusty environment can pull us in 50 different directions while flattening our priorities. This year Libra season is bookended by cazimis (began with exact Sun-Mercury conjunction, ends with Sun-Venus), which figuratively can be a calm in the storm where we have sudden clarity. Generally Libra cares about spatial relationships and balance, like taking the bookshelf Virgo organized and making sure it’s placed in the right relationship to the desk and door. Where Gemini wants symmetry, Libra wants to balance asymmetry--a scale doesn’t need to have the same things on either side as long as the weights add up. As a cardinal sign, Libra is always actively harmonizing--you have to tune an instrument before every performance.
October 22nd - Electional Chart
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This election is around 6AM (😰) local time, when the Ascendant is at about 08Libra. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury are all in Libra in the first house (whole signs). Libra is both in domicile and of the sect in favor as this is before dawn. The Moon is in Cancer in the 10th house, applying to a square with Venus, and Jupiter in Aries in the 7th house serves as an angular benefic. The malefics are not in focal points in the chart. This is great for of course Libra/Venusian activities such as art, balance, redecorating. What does it mean to articulate ephemeral beauty? Literary and artistic works are especially indicated, considering Mercury-Venus-Jupiter. On the subject of elections, Chris and Leisa’s report for next year is available now, and next year includes some great elections.
October 20th - Venus and Sun square Pluto (not pictured) We can see the things we’ve tacitly agreed not to get into come up anyway--what you resist persists. Venus-Pluto connotes power dynamics (whether real or projected) or unsolvable impasses. Austin cautions that some things are hidden for a reason, and we can’t necessarily overpower all the dark difficulties we find. With Virgo this can also bring up the impulse to sanitize can result in sterility, or celebrities who start from humble beginnings but can no longer relate to the average person after huge success, making their work less believable for audiences.
October 22nd - Sun-Venus conjunction in Libra The Sun and Venus have both squared Pluto before this cazimi. This is the first Venus cazimi in Libra since 1879, and the first superior cazimi in Libra since 1867, so we can expect feelings of a brand new era with even more air energy.
October 23rd - Saturn stations direct, Sun and Venus enter Scorpio This is the last time Saturn stations in Aquarius before he enters Pisces next year, so for anyone with a natal Saturn or generally experiencing this transit, this is the final storm.
Venus is combust (so close to the Sun she’s invisible) for almost all of October, but in exaltation or domicile (in this case, Libra) a combust planet will still retain its ability to do things. Not only does she lose her protection leaving Libra, in Scorpio she’s especially weak, and then the solar eclipse smashes into her. One may think as a benefic that she can lessen the eclipse a little, but in December 2019 eclipse on Jupiter ended up smashing the benefic (explosion of the virus in Wuhan).
October 25th - Solar eclipse in Scorpio This eclipse is in the sidereal 14th lunar mansion (the Moon’s path in the sky divided into 28 pieces, analogous to the zodiac and the Sun)/tropical 17th, asking us, “what do you do with the resources you have acquired? What are the consequences of actually getting what you asked for? ” Getting what you want isn’t the same as understanding the consequences of getting what you want. What happens after the dog finally catches the car he’s chasing?
The first decan of Scorpio can be described as hunger, and combined with this being a South node eclipse, this event indicates hunger and the question of whether this hunger can be sated.
This eclipse also reactivates the Saturn-Uranus square, which is reaching 1 degree of separation in October--its last hurrah before Saturn enters Pisces. This outer planet tension has indicated economic troubles and disurptions in basic industries or commodities (from the US rail worker strike to increased famine in Syria), which the eclipse only accelerates. Unfortunately the hunger signification (and a hunger for energy) will likely manifest literally in many countries this fall/winter, considering the disruption in wheat, fertilizer, oil and gas supply lines this year. On a local level Diana suggest this is an important time to support your local food bank and other organizations that help people’s basic needs. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, and combined with the Saturn square and eclipse, on a personal level our hosts have found many fixed sign clients are making much-needed changes.
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October 28th - Retrograde Jupiter enters Pisces This means Jupiter and Neptune will be in loose conjunction. Jupiter-Neptune has had some economic effects, such as with crashes in cryptocurrency. Bubbles tend to pop. We don’t have time for new ones to form so much as going back to things from earlier this year. The dreams that survive this aren’t just fantasies. Diana also predicts the potential for genuine feasting or escaping into a small fantasy for a minute, especially in November during the almost 50 hours of the Moon not aspecting anything (void of course) immediately after Thanksgiving. Venus’s abilities to help will be curtailed around this time, but we can turn to our domicile Jupiter for some (different) help.
October 29th - Mercury enters Scorpio Mercury will follow the Sun and Venus’s path, meaning he’ll also square Pluto before entering this sign.
October 30th - Mars stations Retrograde Chris compares this to the feeling of eating an extremely spicy pepper, where you have to just sit with the discomfort until it goes away. Diana points out capsaicin requires milk to neutralize--the Moon may be a remedy to these troubles. However, Mars doesn’t sneak up on you, and with a trine from Saturn we can look for coolheaded time-management to best apply our unstable energies. During this retrograde Mars will become increasingly brighter at night and visible for longer periods of time, until the middle of the retrograde in December when it will rise as the Sun sets like a Full Moon.
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imagineastrology · 2 years
scorpio eclipse happens
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its-not-a-cure · 2 years
October 22, 2022 : Transits
Libra Saturday
Moon Oppose Neptune. You will be more easily attentive about indulging your own interests and quandaries, rather than focusing on what actually needs to get done. If you have any deadlines or duties today, you’ll want to place purposeful focus on making sure that is what you spend your time on instead.
Extra Info: If what you need to get done today is business or financial in nature, really truly fight hard not to stray from the related tasks during this time. Successful completion in this area today will serve you well in the near future.
Moon Square Mars. You might start to feel restless about how slowly the changes you want are taking place in your life, and here is where you could make rash or careless decisions. Don’t put things on the line because of impatience. You will end up causing pain for yourself or others.
Extra Info: Your negative side isn’t going to benefit you, not even in the little quirky ways you think it is. However your positive side IS. This isn’t being told to you to make you feel bad - right now you think your good traits are worth less than they are, because they aren’t solving everything you want them to. Give it time. What you are working on IS worth it, don’t dive backward now!
Moon Trine Pluto. Your contact with others with be more extraordinary than usual today. Relatives, especially women, may add an intense spark to your life. Something herein will light a fire under your determination for what you have been yearning for. Your emotional desires and needs will be easily felt by you, and there is a higher than usual change you will put efforts into getting these right now.
Extra Info: If you maintain faith in yourself and keep an optimistic attitude, this period could end up going very well for you actually. However, if you feel horrible about yourself and others during this, you will not find what you are seeking to gain through this.
Sun Conjunct Venus. Good for unwinding and letting the people we care for in. Brings tenderness, tranquility, balance and beauty. Focuses on relationships, creation, and money. This is an enjoyable transit that makes us feel loving towards each other, and is a great omen for bonding with those in our lives.
Extra Info: No need to fear - any relationship changes made during this transit are likely to be positive in nature, not a “trick of the light” for the day.
Mercury Trine Saturn. Good for planning and deliberating your next steps, but it isn’t time to start on these measures just yet. Able to think critically, and pay attention while getting things done neatly. A great time to prepare for your options against something you know to be coming your way.
Extra Info: New opportunities are coming your way, and it is in your best interest to prepare for what you are sensing. 
Moon Oppose Jupiter. Destructs limitations while causing chaos within our inhibitions. Can cause any delusions we are subject to to flare up, and we will feel overly comfortable helping those in our lives who intend to harm us.
Extra Info: Keep it light, keep positive expectations and don’t seek to cause any chaos and you will probably come out the other side of this transit luckier.
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ladyy--lazarus · 2 years
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
The Astrology of Jordan Peterson
The Astrology of Jordan Peterson
King of the incels, custodian of the patriarchy, Jordan Peterson is known by many names. Often touted as deeply inspired by some, yet derided as a pseudo-intellectual by others, it may be hard to get a grip on what it is, exactly, Peterson actually represents. Hated by the political left and loved by the right– Let’s attempt to get a grip on this man of polarity. Jordan Peterson.Gage Skidmore,…
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full moon in aries • october 9, 2022
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the full moon in aries reaches its culmination point of chaos, initiation, and high energy on october 9, 2022 at 3:55 PM CST. we are starting new projects while experiencing harsh endings simultaneously. it's time to release whatever doesn't serve who we are and what isn't in alignment with your true vision. we are experiencing realizations about what we are no longer tolerating. a lot of things are not going to fly after the full moon provides us all of her magic. this full moon is taking place at 16 degrees (a cancer degree) putting us in a position of protecting, defending, and nurturing our goals, projects, and most importantly ourselves. the full moon will be opposing venus in libra - we are putting our emotional needs first. make sure you have people around you that actually check on you and prioritize your connection. the moon will be sextile saturn retrograde in aquarius - we are receiving lots of wisdom pertaining to personal libration. honor your emotions through this process. the moon will also be in conjunction with chiron in aries - this is the time to unapologetically be ourselves as a way to heal our inner child whom was shut down in our childhood. we are deeply healing any wounds surrounding our identity. mars, the ruler of aries, is currently in the sign of gemini, bringing in an intense mental environment within our minds + how we communicate with each other. we are also acting upon our curiosity and exploring who we are and coming to major clarity if we surrender to the truth.
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how to alchemize with the full moon in aries:
when people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM!
let go of people that do not put in effort to maintain the connection
show the world parts of yourself that you've been ashamed to express
journal prompt: what will it take for you to live in your truth?
remain open-minded to the infinite possibilities + detours
take a spiritual bath
pay attention to the details
connect with people + ideas that represent your most authentic self
spend some time with your ancestors + guides in nature
light a candle with intentions for clarity + becoming acquainted with your highest self
don't fight the truth
be patient with yourself + those who you interact with
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alyjojo · 2 years
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What Costume Reflects Your Soul 🧙🏻‍♀️2022 - Capricorn
Cards: 8 Pentacles, 2 Cups, 6 Swords
Regarding: 6 Wands
Treble Clef 🎼 on 8 Pentacles
Dolphins 🐬 on 6 Wands
Red Moon 🌙 on 6 Swords
You’re not looking to stir the pot this year by going too big or doing anything too controversial. Dolphins show fun & playfulness just for the heck of it, and 6 Swords & Red Moon both show no drama no drama, please. You could be around people that are generally triggered by things, or are incompatible in beliefs, your humor, or something like that. The treble clef & 8 Pentacles are an obvious nod towards any sort of musicians you’re into, and dressing up as a duo with a partner is an obvious win. 6 Wands could also point towards sports or anything where “winning” is involved. Cute, fun, harmless, but still looks great 👍
Ideas: Sonny & Cher, Elvis, Elton John, Ariana Grande, or any musical person whatsoever - especially as a duo, a sports player 🏀 or Olympian, a flapper girl, Popeye & Olive Oil, a Rockette, Betty Boop
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symbolicliving · 2 years
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
The Week Ahead: October 17-23, 2022
Lunar Phases
Monday, October 17, 2022, 17:15 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 24°19’ Cancer
The key phrases for the Last Quarter lunar phase are to “turn away” from what we’ve been doing, and to “tear down old structures” that don’t work for us any more. We’ll have to be careful with this one. There’s a sense of “throwing out the baby with the bathwater,” for one thing - i.e. being overzealous about cleaning up. We could be forced to let go of things - or we could be clinging tightly to outmoded things due to sentimentality or nostalgia. We also may not follow through with our intentions.
Friday, October 21, 2022, 18:07 UT - Balsamic Moon, 13°19’ Virgo
The key phrases for the Balsamic lunar phase are to “let go of the past” and “envision the future.” We’re a little susceptible to manipulation by others, or to manupulating others. It’s almost a bittersweet feeling.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, October 17, 20:56 UT (Cancer) - Tuesday, October 18, 04:45 (Leo)
Thursday, October 20, 10:35 UT (Leo) - 16:25 UT (Virgo)
Saturday, October 22, 18:17 UT (Virgo) - Sunday, October 23, 01:24 UT (Libra)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Mars/Gemini, Pallas Athene/Cancer
Retrograde: Juno/Pisces (until Sunday the 23rd), Jupiter/Aries, Saturn/Aquarius (until Sunday the 23rd), Chiron/Aries, Uranus/Taurus, Neptune/Pisces, Eris/Aries
Post-retrograde shadow: Vesta/Aquarius, Juno/Pisces (starting Sunday the 23rd), Saturn/Aquarius (starting Sunday the 23rd)
Transiting Saturn stations direct on Sunday, October 23, 04:07 UT, at 18°35’ Aquarius - kicking up the intensity a notch, part one. If we’ve done the inner work, we’re now capable of being our authentic selves in the wider world.
Transiting Juno stations direct on Sunday, October 23, 13:05 UT, at 7°41’ - kicking up the intensity a notch, part four (speaking chronologically). I’m in hopes we are less focused on “what kind of a partner will I get” and more with “what kind of a partner can I be.” (Not holding my breath on this!)
Sunday, October 23, 07:52 UT - transiting Venus enters Scorpio
Kicking up the intensity a notch, part 2. We’re tired of superficiality and of being “pleasant” - we want deeper meaning in Venus’ areas.
Sunday, October 23, 10:36 UT - transiting Sun enters Scorpio
Kicking up the intensity a notch, part three. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you’re really pouring all your available energy into your projects. Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are reviewing what we’ve done this year.
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: Thursday, October 20, from 06:23 UT to 10:35 UT. “Fine opportunity to close deals during the Last Quarter Moon.”
A reminder that we’re in the “Shadow of the Eclipse” until November 11. Take your vitamins and rest.
Sunday the 23rd looks really intense: within the space of just over 9 hours, we get a Saturn station, two ingresses (Venus and the Sun) into Scorpio, and a Juno station. Try to take it easy if/whenever possible as we adjust to the latest new normal.
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splashpancake · 2 years
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Aries Full Moon 2022
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xaviergalatis · 2 years
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elminx · 2 years
energy update: Saturn stations direct and Mars prepares to station retrograde 10/19/22
Don't fight the ebbs and flows right now, Tumbles.
A lot of energy is shifting. Mercury just exited their post retrograde shadow, Pluto stationed direct, Saturn is about to station direct, and Saturn and Uranus are pulling away from their final fixed square. A lot of knots just got released and the energy has been held in place for quite some time. Fight it at your own risk, anyway.
I'm sure that I've quoted this before but the words to a card simply title "Flow" from an old oracle deck that somebody gifted me in the late '90s says something to the effect of: when you step into the river of life, the choice is yours You can sink, you can swim, or you can float along.
For the first time in close to a year and a half (more? before that we were deep in lockdown), the river of life really feels like it is flowing again. As Saturn turns direct this weekend, our planet of Consequences will quickly pull away from that pesky square and by early next year, will have moved on and into Pisces.
Breathe in and let it out slowly.
That thing. That moment. That mud. At least THAT is over now.
The river of life may be flowing again but it is going nowhere fast. Our culprit there is Mars who is now deep in his retrograde shadow (he will begin his backward motion on 10/30). That's why there's no use fighting this current - you can't get there from here anyway so you might as well enjoy the ride.
The magic in astrology is in its map of when to hold on and when to let go and just let it be. Mars in Gemini is already directionless so (at least metaphorically speaking) instead of moving backward, I surmise that for many it may just appear to be moving in badly formed and mismatched circles. A roundabout with no off-ramp.
There are lessons here but not ones that can be found by forcing things. That may be hard after we've wanted to do so much and been held back for so long. Be aware that you are more likely to succeed during this transit when you stumble into good fortune than when you are out treasure hunting.
Luckily, when we get passed these eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, it may be a bit like we are stuck in the shallow end of the pool (sorry Gemini, you know I heart you...) That means that even if you don't listen to me, there's not much chance of drowning. Just a lot of chances to flail around and look like an idiot when instead, you could be having a profound (if a bit eccentric) experience.
Do you like my work? You can throw a coin to your local astrologer over on Kofi where you can tip me, buy some art, or commission an astrology report.
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