#octavo goes bald
unsanctitude · 4 years
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its my redesign of octavo as the NECRODANCER ..
im gonna be really honest i straightup hate what the ND looks like in game so i just did a big makeover thats both self indulgent AND makes him look less like octavian !! (:  ( but mostly self indulgent LOL )
initially it was only gonna be a redesign but as time went on, i wanted to change more things about him ..
he still controls Hyrule as the self-proclaimed leader but he more or less treats everyone like he’s their very strict father.. which isnt far how i HC’ed normal Octavo.. him as the necrodancer is basically just all his obnoxious traits amplified IE narcissism, pretentiousness, and being overall stupid, but he doesnt really act like a Pure Evil Overlord per se (disregarding the fact he’s manipulating an entire kingdom ..thats about the only evil thing he does along with defying the laws of nature thru necromancy)
he thinks he’s doing everyone a favor by unifying them through an endless dance and essentially granting them immortality through undeath but he Really really isnt .the golden lute has corrupted him far beyond the point of reasoning but he’ll still offer you a cup of tea while he prattles on about how great he is
he still goes by Octavo or the NecroDancer or really any fancy title befitting of a ruler, but for me to differentiate him between the canon characters, id like to call him Dirge (:
i have more ideas for him but since this is already long ill try and stick more info on another post ..! 
(one important note is that Yeah his hair does fly around like that constantly and he should probably tie it  up )
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