butch-dyke-loving · 9 years
big spoon/little spoon: They switch places!favorite non-sexual activity: cuddle and watch movies! who uses all the hot water: SAM, she likes taking long hot  showersmost trivial thing they fight over: They fight over who is the smartest lol,,who does most of the cleaning: Lorelei probs,, sam lets her butlers clean for her.what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Sammy-chanwho calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: n/awho steals the blankets: Sa bc she is cold all the time!who leaves their stuff around: Sam bc she has butlers to pick up her stuffwho remembers to buy the milk:  Sam has a bad memory lol, so lorelei would bc she does that kind of stuff anywaywho remembers anniversaries: Lorelei! Sam would mostly likely forget and then have to go out and buy something speedy quick,Who cooks normally? Lorelei bc sam can’t cook for shit lol, How often do they fight? Once in a while,What do they do when they’re away from each other? go about their daily lives lol, they probably text each other Nicknames for each other? Sam calls Lorelei darling and Lorelei calls her starstickerWho is more likely to pay for dinner? Sam bc she’s filthy richWho steals the covers at night? Sam bc she’s cold all the timeWhat would they get each other for gifts? Lorelei would give sam something homemade or something small but meaningful! Sam would spoil her with gifts like diamond necklaces and cute clothes Who kissed who first? Sam kissed LoreleiWho made the first move? Sam didWho remembers things? Lorelei! Sam hires people to remember stuff for herWho started the relationship? sammyWho cusses more? Sam i guess??What would they do if the other was hurt? Lorelei would freak out and try and help out as much as possible. Sam would try to be calm and collected but she would be with her as much as possible tbh,,
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