Én úgy szeretek nevetni. Az egyetlen dolog, ami nyilván nagyon túlozva, de rávesz, hogy lépkedjek tovább ezen az életnek nevezett pöcegödrön. Elnézem a dátumot, kétszer utazom. Haha, egy idióta vagyok. Nem sikerül semmi se, van ez így, még mondjuk felbukhatnék a sarkamban. Meleg a beton legalább. A faszim attól ocdt kap, ha át kell sétálnia egy vidéki piros lámpán az éjszaka közepén, miközben, ha lelépek a kijelölt zebrára, akkor átszalad, hogy ő ugyan nem fogja feltartani a kocsikat (ez előtt mondta, hogy egy úriember nem siet). Rosszul vagyok tőle, minden pillanatban szakítani akartam, de valahogy most már végleg elvesztem. Nem volt elég erős a gépem, ahhoz kiszedjek egy videót, vettem egy “anya laptopot”. Azért dolgozok egész nyáron, és táncolok az őrület határán, hogy egyáltalán legyenek eszközeim, ahhoz, hogy dolgozzak. Az, amiből függetlenedni akartam, elpárolgott. Vettem egy teleobit is. Az esemény fotóimmal 4 napja traktálom a felelős nőt, hát ő elfoglalt. Az én képeim mennek ki mindenhova, és megkérdeztem, hogy végül tetszettek-e. Hát, egy két használható volt közöttük. Nem vagyok egy professzionális picsa, magam is szorongok konstans, hogy a idióta művészkedés helyett inkább az alkalmazott oldalt kellett volna csinálnom, de egyértelműen jobb vagyok, mint az ő béna szemszögből lekapott, mobilis képei. Hogy rohadjon meg, mosolygok, bazsalygok. Videót vágok, hangosan értekezek a kolleginával, hallja a főnökasszony, hogy haladok. Imposztor szindrómában leledzem. Semmire nem elég a pénzem, nem tudnék megélni. Ma beküldtem a pótfelvételire a portfólióm. Nem érdekel, hogy túlléptem a kritériumot, nem azért güriztem egy évig egyfolytában, hogy az animációm állóképek legyenek, kihagyjam a két autonóm fotósorozatom, meg kreációim. Elszálltak a képek, amiket napokkal ezelőtt készítettem a ruháimról, megelőzve kézi mosással, meg kemény vasalással. Ma este kellett munka után rögtönöznöm, most tört meg bennem végleg valami. Elkezdtem felesezni. Mire meglettem mindennel, vagy 4 bennem volt. Azok a napok, amik kívülről másnak menőnek, meg csodásnak tűnnek, nekem nem pihenések, pont a leg”fancybb” programokon nem tudok nevetni, jól érezni magam, nem vagyok képes így regenerálódni a munkából. Hiányzik a társaság, akit kedvelek. Hiába érzem jól magam 1-1 napokra egyedül, vagy a barátaimmal, nem tudja ellensúlyozni ezt az óriási aranykalitkát, meg a munkát. Utálom az életem, utálom, hogy nem utálhatom, mert privilegizált helyzetben vagyok, utálom, hogy nem merek lépni. Nyomorogni nem kellemes, ellenben így én leszek a boldogtalan szűz mária a strand fesztivál Vip-ban. Oda se szeretnék menni, csak pihenni akarok.
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amothersmagik · 2 years
Well, I plan on turning this into a full on blog. I will write articles every so often for a series called Gossiping Shadows. They will be on a variety of topics. I will also use this place as an aid to help advocate for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness. And for people with "silent" disabilities. I myself have PCOS, ADHD, Panic Disorder (severe anxiety), Agoraphobia with severe panic episodes, Depression, and ocdt. Here is my perpetual trigger warning. I will not cater to anyone on this blog nor will I water down what I am talking about. My posts might and will include sensitive topics on everything from infant loss, unaliving oneself or others, witchcraft, abuse, grief and loss, trauma.... on and on. Some posts may include audio or video. After discussing with several advisors and a therapist, I might take to video taping some of my mental health attacks so as to shed light on what it's like for those with some of my problems. I will also share all my witchy things, my pansexual things, and my polyamory things. :)
I am inconsistent at best due to my health issues. But I am also and avid researchers and sharer of knowledge! I love open honest discourse and will always do my best to never judge! My inbox is open for anyone and everyone who wants to talk, as questions, etc.
If I dont have the answer you need, I will do my best to help you find it :)
Welcome to my crazy, circus-y, soap opera imitating life. Hold on for the ride ;)
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cadetshop · 4 years
What are the different Australian army ranks?
To join the Australian army ranks as an officer you need to receive a commission from the Minister of Defence and the Australian Governor General.
 The official Commissioned Officer Ranks are
 Officer Cadet (OCDT)
These cadets study in The Australian Defence Force Academy. Once they enter the Royal Australian Military College, Duntroon they become Staff Cadets.
 2nd Lieutenant (2LT)
Second Lieutenants are new officers and those in special appointments including university regiments and other training institutions as well as those or under probation during training.
 Lieutenant (LT)
Lieutenants command a platoon of about 30 soldiers for 3 years and compose the subaltern ranks with Captains
 Captain (CAPT)
A captain is usually 2nd in command of up to 120 soldiers. They are involved in decision-making and planning within tactical level units. Usually for ground operations, equipment maintenance, manpower and logistical support
 Major (MAJ)
Majors are field rank officers with 8 to 10 years of service; they command a sub-unit of up to 120 soldiers and officers with responsibility for welfare, training and administration including the management of equipment.
 Lieutenant Colonel (LTCOL)
A lieutenant Colonel usually command up to 650 soldiers in subunits and are responsible for their units military capability and effectiveness as well as discipline and welfare. They can hold staff appointments at Brigade level and higher.
 Colonel (COL)
Colonels usually command schools and training centers and oversee projects and development or as staff officers such as Chief of Staff.
 Brigadier (BRIG)
Brigadier is a one star rank they have Brigade level commands and act as Directors General within Army Headquarters. Their main responsibilities are for Personnel, Operations, Career Management and other branches within the headquarters.
 Major General (MAJGEN)
Major Generals are usually referred to as two star rank, they command formations of division size or larger and have roles as senior executives with appointments inside the Department of Defence.
 Lieutenant General (LTGEN)
 Lieutenant General is usually referred to as a three star rank. A lieutenant General is the second-highest active rank that can be found in the Australian Army.
This Rank of Lieutenant General at the present time is held by the Chief of the Australian Army, currently it is Lieutenant General Rick Burr.
On 2nd July 2018 Lieutenant Rick Burr first assumed command of the Australian Army from Lieutenant General Angus Campbell
This rank can also be held when an Army Officer takes the role of the Chief of Joint Operations, the Defence Force Vice Chief, or the role of Chief of Capability Development.
 General (GEN)
The General takes the role of the highest active ranking officer in the Australian army ranks with a four star rating. At present there is no Australian General as this role is only held in the event that an active Army Officer is appointed as the Chief of the Australian Defence Force. At present the head or Chief of the combined Australian Defence force being the most senior and highest ranking military officer is General Angus Campbell who assumed the role on 6th July 2018
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stripeout · 5 years
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..San Lorenzo.. #Bernini #baroque (at Uffizi Museum - Flornce, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B59trm-ocDT/?igshid=uejihm9v538q
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tumb11 · 2 years
U.S Si Epitaxial Wafer Market trends 2022: Upcoming Opportunities with SunEdison Semiconductor, Sillicon Valley Microelectronics, EpiGaN, JENOPTIK
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gift-hokuriku · 2 years
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【商品ご案内】梅雨にそなえる soil シリーズ こんにちは、今日は金沢らしい雨が降りそうで降らないくもり空ですね。 くもり空もついつい晴れにカウントしてしまうギフトです。(北陸育ちあるあるでは???) そろそろ天気予報に雨マークが目立ってくること、梅雨がやってきますね。 そんなシーズンにつきものな、湿気や雨に濡れたあとの持ち物対策におすすめな乾燥剤をご紹介します。 実はギフトにある乾燥剤は、「珪藻土」をベースにしたものです。 珪藻土は吸湿性と耐熱性を備えた自然素材で、昔から住宅の壁などにも使われてきました。そんな珪藻土を扱う左官のプロが作ったアイテムがsoil の品々です。 キッチンでは塩やお茶っ葉などを湿気から守り、 玄関では雨に濡れた靴を乾かし、 ごみ箱のいやなにおいを消臭したり、 戸棚のなかでしっかり湿気を吸収&目が合うと思わずにっこりなものも! ひとつひとつ手作業で作られる乾燥剤はどれもしっかりと、家のなかの色んな場所で活躍してくれます。 白、みどり、ピンク、どれも珪藻土のもつ自然の色で、 取れる産地によって珪藻土を作るプランクトンなどの配合がかわるため、自然と色も変わります。 石川県で取れる珪藻土はピンク色をしています。 自然素材から作られ、繰り返し使うことのできるsoilの乾燥剤 暮らしを快適にするだけでなく、地球にもやさしいサスティナブルなアイテムです。 La terre de diatomées, qui est le matériau du déshydratant, a une couleur différente selon le lieu d'origine. La terre de diatomées de la préfecture d'Ishikawa est rose. ※2枚目以降の画像はsoilさんよりいただいたものです。 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− [g]ift ギフト/ 金沢広坂店 石川県金沢市広坂1-2-18-1F 電話: 076-222-2126 営業時間: 10:00〜18:00 定休日:月曜日 オンラインストア http://gifthokuriku.theshop.jp/ #gift_hokuriku #金沢  #kanazawa #金沢観光 #ギフト金沢 #ギフト #広坂  #soil #珪藻土 #乾燥剤 #サスティナブル #sdgs #francais (ギフト 金沢広坂店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeqJPF-OcDt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jingyuan56 · 3 years
Module 11-Chapters 26-28
The first chapter was the one that I knew nothing about. So, you can imagine to my surprise what I thought of the word “razabilly”. At first, I was just very confused but eventually I began to connect that who mixing of genres to other things I’ve seen the Latinx community do. For Razabilly it was a mix of country music with R&B and adding an almost, Latinx spice to it, turning it from Rockabilly to Razabilly. This got me thinking of different aspects of our society that we see a blend of cultures. I got to thinking of Spanglish, then of Tex-Mex food, and then start to thing about music and how there are artists that do the same thing and mix cultures. But it’s very important to note that the reason razabilly came to be was because of almost racists and xenophobic roots that rockabilly had and how this was a way for Latinx folks to enjoy the music they love but by also taking power and not letting it be used against them. 
There is not secret that the Latinx community has always had to fight back against racist and unfair resistance coming from American society. There is a clear demonization of immigration coming from Latin American countries because of hurtful rhetoric that is pushed in American politics. Because of that, the Latinx people already in the United States see major push back and must fight a seeming less never ending fight for equality and justice. So when I read about OCDT’s visual that changed a racist freeway sign into a sign of hope, prosperity and courage, I thought, this is what the fight is all about. There is an ongoing fight that we see day in and day out as members of the Latinx community and it is our responsibility to keep the fight going until we have equality, justice and opportunity. 
I really think this also ties in well with the last chapter about Latina Self-styling and Fashion lines because it shows empowerment. The chapter discussed how Latinas are incorporating self sufficient ways of styling and dressing themselves, and that goes to show the power that they have as people. It’s a way for them to regain what is often taken away from them because of their intersecting identities. The power that is stripped from them is regained through their own unique ways of dressing and styling themselves. I just want to add, I think Chola and gangsterette fashion is phenomenal. 
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Module 11
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In Chapter 26, rockabilly music is described as "a white person's fixation everywhere else except Los Angeles," and is said to be a blend of "white country music and black R&B." Robert Williams is known as the "ambassador of rockabilly." He's been a performer for over 25 years and has produced 12 albums. Another prominent figure is Vicky Tafoya. She captivates audiences with her ability to emote and transmit lyrical content. She is also known to play with gender-norms and "...crafts a hyper feminine pachuca-inspired look, with exaggeratedly ornate hair and make-up, often paired with a fitted eye catching blouse and drape zoot suit slacks."
In Chapter 27, Bodies in Motion, the discussion starts with John Hood's migrant caution sign created for the California Transit Department. This sign depicts a silhouetted family running while holding hands against a bright yellow background with the large word "CAUTION" written above it. This sign is described as a "multi-layered reading" because it could be read as "be afraid for the migrants crossing,' or "be afraid of the migrants crossing." in contrast to Hood's sign, southern California's Orange County's Dream Team (OCDT) created a different sign where instead of a hetero-normative family running, it is three students in graduation caps and gowns. This sign, while it may technically have a similar message as Hood's differs drastically in how it is read. it no longer has a racist undertone in my opinion. One of my favorite sections in this chapter was "The Big Girls Code," where Leigh-Anna Hidalgo Newton runs an internet blog about body positivity and real life genuine situations.
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kaszalot263 · 3 years
Завтра на остатке будет около 12 кг по 178 р.кг.в розницу!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CVfPvU-oCdt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Torchbearer Award Recipients
The Torchbearer Award in Memory of Barb Guthrie was established to honor a current, certified dialysis or biomedical technician. Barb Guthrie worked on the Kidney Foundation of Ohio’s Renal Symposium Committee for over 20 years. Barb was a dedicated dialysis technician who had an unwavering commitment to renal care that included tireless efforts at her workplace and as a volunteer in the community. She dedicated her career of more than 20 years to quality patient care. In honor of Barb’s memory and her service to this Renal Symposium, the Kidney Foundation of Ohio established an annual Torchbearer Award.  
2024 Recipient: Christina Bring
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Christina Bring is an OCDT and Administrative Assistant (AA) for DaVita Dialysis in Lorain County. She started as a reuse technician at St. Westshore Hospital in 2000 after transitioning from a STNA. Christina quickly realized dialysis was her passionm and how she could help others. She became an OCDT in 2003 and started working for DaVita in 2008. Christina is always willing to take on new tasks and challenges, and is the person who will always say YES when asked. While working as a technician she cross trained to become an administrative assistant, as she loved seeing the business side of dialysis. Christina is now an OCDT/AA preceptor and travels around the region to assist other facilities.
While working with DaVita, Christina has completed leadership courses including Spark training and DSS Leadership to further her career and knowledge. She was awarded DaVita’s 2023 Shining Star which was a great honor. Her outgoing personality is always welcomed and noticed by patients and teammates alike.  It is said with great affection that you always know when Christina Bring is in the building.
2023 Recipient: Terry A. Snead II
Terry began his career working at Fresenius Kidney Care as a PCT and over the past few years, has become a Biomedical Technician II. Terry continually strives to increase his knowledge and expertise.
Terry is being recognized for his dedication to patient safety, by ensuring that team members are continuously monitoring, tracking and correcting any issues that may arise in the water room. Terry is always willing to teach or train new team members to help improve patient safety. Terry provides innovative, insightful suggestions for improvement during team meetings. Terry is kind, helpful and friendly to staff members and patients alike. According to a colleague, Terry shared his experience with dialysis patients and inspired her to see the patients as family members. Terry always treats patients the way he would treat a family member.
2022 Recipient: Jay Miller, CHBT, CDWS
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Jay is a Biomedical Technician working at Fresenius Kidney Care who continually strives to increase his knowledge and expertise. He is being recognized for this patient-centered care; putting the patient’s specific health needs and desired health outcomes first. Jay partners with the patients in the clinic by meeting or talking with them and listening to their concerns or issues. He responds quickly to problems and clinic matters. He is attentive and organized, allowing clinic staff to focus on patient care with his support. According to a supervisor, Jay goes above and beyond in his work and is always  “the first to volunteer when a job or repair will take extra hands”. 
Jay’s credentials include Certified Hemodialysis Biomedical Technician (CHBT), Certified Dialysis Water Specialist (CDWS), 2008T Level 1 Certification, 2008T Level 2 Certification, 2008T Troubleshooting Certification, and AQUA B Plus Application.
2021 Recipient: Lenora Price
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Lenora Price has worked as a dialysis technician for over 31 years. Her experience and knowledge have led her to be a leader in her unit, helping to schedule patients and staff, as well as training new technicians. Lenora is well respected by all of the patients at her facility. She treats every one of them with kindness and compassion, and the patients routinely say they feel safe and comfortable in her care. Lenora’s goal is to make dialysis a place that patients enjoy coming to. She believes that helping and educating patients on how to live with kidney disease is one of her key responsibilities. Treating patients as she would want her own family to be treated is what she strives for on a daily basis, and she is an excellent role model for the other staff members in this regard. Her excellence and professionalism in the care of ESRD patients has earned her the 2021 Torchbearer Award.
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