#occasionally some good memes or unrelated to my followed art
sungrave · 3 months
Tumblr i need you to stop. Like whatever this is it needs to cease. I love the for you section because i can get recommended fellow users in the same interest not because i want to see whatever nightmare this is. It started a few weeks ago and no matter how many i say "not interested" to and block, they come back doubled like some hydra bot. Please i am begging
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watanabes-cum-dump · 3 years
PGR Modern social media au HCs!
- Probably just has instagram or twitter for the heck of it, no serious social media presence
- Some of her posts do make great memes tho
- Appears in everyone else’s videos and that’s why she has a lot of followers
- More than anyone she appears in Watanabe’s videos bc she has nothing else to do
- Occasionally Roland’s too because he knows Luna or something idk
- Aesthetic stuff instagram/twitter/tumblr posts probably
- Her life looks like a Ghibli film
- Lots of hidden spots in her videos
- Blogs sometimes
- Oh something fashion related for sure
- Mostly just general fashion advice, hauls, and thrift flips
- Appears in Kamui’s streams a lot
- Occasionally in Watanabe’s videos
- Fandom inspired outfits (Ghibli, video games, you name it he has a lot of clothes)
- Also the occasional blog
- All around pretty crafty
- Very similar content to Best Dressed on YouTube (can’t link on mobile sorry)
- Cooking channel :D
- Probably has the kids as guests a lot
- It’s a running joke among his subscribers that Liv, Lee, and Lucia are his adopted children
- It’s not official obvs and his subs know that he wants actual kids one day
- Has some simps probably
- Hey, he’s a buff guy with a voice smooth as honey teaching you how to cook. I’d simp too
- Blogs occasionally
- His summer blogs get lots of views for… obvious reasons (*cough cough* his muscles *cough, cough*)
- Lots of videos about his cats
- Actually, most of his videos feature his cats in some way, either they ruin his cooking or they just act cute
- Twitch streamer!!!!!
- Video games obviously
- Lee appears in his streams and videos a lot since they’re dating
- Camu also appears occasionally (they’re twins in my modern au ok leave me alone)
- Sometimes does some dumb shit unrelated to video games
- Some of these include: trying to cook with Watanabe, dyeing Camu’s hair or his own, trying to cook by himself (it always ends in him calling Watanabe) opening fan mail, and the occasional shoddy cosplay
- Has some simps and stans me thinks
- They’re kinda problematic sometimes, hey, every fanbase has it’s bad apples
- Models occasionally but overall not too serious about social media
- Lots of simps because he’s in a lot of Kamui’s videos and streams
- Probably makes cynical comedy videos on TikTok tho and gets a decent following from them
- Bro he’s an actor what do you think???
- Simps left and right
- Lots of sponsors
- Promotes projects he’s in
- But he tries to put out content that isn’t just related to his acting
- So mainly blogs and sometimes video games
- People would probably think he’s dating Luna
- Idk how to feel about Roland x Luna tbh
- They could be dating in this au but I highly doubt Lucia approves lmao
- The most popular next to Selena
- Modeling maybe? She strikes me as that type of person
- Has tried to get Lucia into it but she just doesn’t care
- Mostly just posts some of her modelling stuff on instagram
- Appears in lots of Roland’s videos though
- Everyone jokes that he’s a simp for her lmao
- I feel like she’d be a singer of some sort in a modern au so most of her content is for her music videos
- Covers and blogs sometimes
- General music tips too probably
- Tries to keep her private life a secret but everyone knows she’s good friends with Ayla
- She would be supper popular on art YouTube since she’s so charismatic and cute
- I would probably watch her a lot
- Art tips, tutorials, streams, yeah
- Art challenges too most likely
- Really nice art with a very specific mood that everyone recognizes
- Idk how to explain it but lots of popular social media artists (Sam Does arts, Ross Drawsm Loish) all have really distinct styles
- Gets lots of attention bc she’s friend with Selena
I think this is everyone who would have a notable social media presence, I included Camu and Lucia because they make cameo’s in everyone else’s content
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thessalian · 5 years
Thess vs Welcomes
Also ... I seem to have new followers now. I don’t know why I have new followers now, but apparently I do. So, introductions for anyone who needs them:
Hi! I go by Thess (she/her). Panromantic ace, screamingly liberal, pretty outspoken about it. Voracious reader, prolific writer when I have the energy (seldom, but I’m working on it), RPer, gamer, perfumier, and generally speaking made of book-nerd. (Not so much maths-nerd. I am bad at maths.)
There will be spelling issues on this blog because I was born in Canada and I currently live in the UK. I only spent four years in the US and getting used to the US spellings was hell, and I was glad to go back when I moved here. While I agree that Zs are underutilised in the English language, I just cannot spell things like ‘realise’ (or, in fact, ‘underutilised’) the US way. Sorry. Can’t do it. It looks wrong to me. So does “colour” without the U. However, I will not judge you for yours.
(This also means there will be some really weird turns of phrase because three different countries over at least three generations, whatever memes I incorporate and some shit I just made up makes for some simile and metaphor that occasionally takes some unravelling.)
On this blog, you will find:
Complaining about my job (medical secretary currently with the NHS; I have good reason to complain)
Ranting about the current global bullshit, particularly the stuff happening in the UK (bollocks to Brexit; I am so hosed if this keeps up)
Queer positivity
Cute animals (if you’re ever having a bad day, check my Emergency Cute Supply tag)
D&D stuff in general and Critical Role stuff in particular (including my identifying with Matt Mercer as my “I love these people but WHY” Patronus and my unrelenting ace crush on Taliesin Jaffe)
Awesome art and cosplay, with the occasional bits of fic
Video game bits and pieces (I rant about the state of the industry a lot)
Fandom bits (Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Discworld, anything by Seanan McGuire, Leverage, The Umbrella Academy, some Star Wars, obviously Critical Role and whatever else I’m kind of into at the time)
Any funny, touching or beautiful shit I happen to come across and think needs sharing.
Side-blogs that I actually use are as follows:
@thesswrites - essays and occasional bits of fiction
@scentofawarden - where I sell my fandom and RP-themed perfumes
@cupcakecoterie - write-ups, YouTube vid and character roll for my D&D group
@dicebox - Stories and set-up for any and all of the bits and pieces I run for folks, both in my D&D group every other Sunday and my Saturday Shorts group every Saturday we can manage
Welcome! Pull up a beanbag, grab a drink (we make great coffee here), make yourself at home!
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reaching-for-roses · 5 years
Upcoming Changes
I wanna talk about some upcoming changes I am going to be making to my blog(s). Partly to inform you guys, and partly to hold myself accountable for actually doing them so that I can stay more organized.
The Shrine Project:
This is something I started awhile back but have only mentioned like once. I've made some side blogs in order to create eshrines for each of the theoi that I've had contact with and wish to honor, but am unable to physically have shrines for due to lack of space.
So far I have one for Artemis, Hestia, Ares, Dionysus, Hades, and Persephone. The plan is to eventually have one for each deity, but I won't be creating those until said deity makes their presence known in my life or I feel the need to show my devotion in this way.
Here they are if you wanna give em a follow:
@ladyhestiashearth @dionysiandreams @floralcrowned @ares-is-my-shield @reciever-of-the-dead @lady-of-the-hunt
I didn't plan on making ones for my main two; Aphrodite and Hermes, because I post about them so often on my main blog and because I have physical shrines for them, but this could change. I've had a sneaking feeling that Hermes has been nudging me to make him one. Lol.
This may seem like a lot to keep up with, but this allows me to spend time on posting things for Ares, for example, when I am thinking about him or want to honor him in a space made specifically with him in mind.
It also provides me with some better organization and a space to go back to when I need to access some information on the theos, especially for those times when I am teaching an interested party about them.
I will mostly be using these to reblog lovely things like information on said deity, common misconceptions about them, devotional art, devotional writings, and devotional acts. I will also add personal posts about how they have affected my life, and my own devotional poetry and prayers.
Each blog will only focus on that specific deity with the occasional honorable mention of another theos, but only in the context of how they relate to the shrine's deity. This is why I didn't combine Hades with Persephone and Persephone with Demeter. But I may mention them on @floralcrowned occasionally. I'll make a separate post explaining how I am going to be setting up the tags so that hopefully they will be easy to navigate.
Restructuring of Thoughts on the Theoi:
Since I will be reorganizing my thoughts into separate compartments for each theos, this will change my main blog a bit. To reflect this, I may change the aesthetics as well although I haven't decided on that yet.
I'm going to keep the main blog for general Hellenic Polytheism related concepts. Instead of posting about specific theos, I will post and reblog more about theoi I don't have shrines for yet (or who I'm not making one for), more obscure theoi/heroes/daemons/etc. I'll still post my own poetry and prayers and have them all linked in the Devotional Poetry and Prayers tab. I want to focus more on the fundamentals of Hellenic Polytheism, how it affects my life, and my continued journey with it. Which means less posts about personal unrelated stuff.
I do attribute the recent discoveries about myself (including being Bi and possibly having ADHD) to the theoi helping me get my shit together, and believe me, I am so thankful. I like to dedicate my self-care and pride to Aphrodite, but I feel that I need to separate things mostly for organization's sake. For the most part I want my HP blog to stay on point with HP stuff so unless it directly relates to the theoi or HP I won't be posting about it on main. Which is why....
I'll be making a new Personal Blog:
This blog will be the place where I dump literally everything else from my life. LGBT+ stuff, politics, mental health (ADHD, Anxiety and DSPD related), self care, memes and funnies, my own writings that have nothing to do with HP, KITTIES, feel good stories that make me happy, pretty aesthetics, hyperfixations, stimming gifs, my own ranting and raving, and much much more. As soon as I get that started I will let you guys know the username in case you want to give me a follow!
As always, thanks for reading. I appreciate all of you for following and I love you all!
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mirceakitsune · 6 years
Blocking people on art sites for social / political opinions expressed on Twitter
Time to speak my mind on another thing which is apparently, in fact, a thing. The cycle of learning new things every day never appears to end on this amazing world.
So it seems a new meme has emerged within this fandom: Blocking people from watching you on art sites (especially Furaffinity) if you don't like the social and political opinions they express on social media (namely Twitter). It's one of those things you don't even have a reason to imagine until you actually see it happen, and the sad part is it can even include people you would least expect it from: Every once in a while when I try to fave art, FA randomly informs me that people I've been watching for years have blocked me... without me ever speaking a word to them, nor they ever contacting me.
In none of those cases do I even have any idea what the reason is to begin with: I'm left asking myself "what the heck is this person's problem, how did I offend them"? I suspect it has to do with Twitter as it seems to have started happening after I've become more active there... which includes commenting on political stuff daily, whereas recently I've been involved in trying to break up witch hunts against several figures in the fandom. This sort of behavior is disgraceful in my opinion, and I condone it for a variety of reasons:
First it's transmitting the idea that you see yourself as superior for whatever difference of opinion you have, and that this difference is what everything revolves around to you. Basically you're saying "this person thinks something I don't agree with, how dare they exist anywhere near me at all... I'm gonna go all around the internet and block them from engaging in any of the unrelated things I do, just to show how important I am because I have this different opinion". It's true that I occasionally bring up personal grievances and political stuff here... however this is still an art site, why do we need to be at each other's throats here over life opinions exactly? Is it impossible to share ideas on various projects, comment on each other's art, or do anything else... all without having to bring up and dwell on a point someone expressed over on Twitter? It's not like I ever follow people around and rub my beliefs in their faces, I only make posts or journals about them and if you don't like those you can simply not read them... what is the deal then?
It's making it clear that you're unable to tolerate opposite ideas under any form, by reacting radically to anything that doesn't fall in alignment with your view of the world. With some things I may be able to understand that, such as people who think being transgender is a mental illness which is hard not to get angry over... to go all out against someone however, they must have actually done something horrible! Other than defending people who I believe to be wrongfully judged and having strong views against what's happening in the world today, I have never harmed anyone nor supported any harm but quite oppositely want freedom for everyone to live their lives in peace, which is the exact opposite of bigotry. Yes I have my fair anger at the world and say some dark things in the process, but I think most people can see past that.
This counts both as cowardice and complete lack of respect toward the other person. I for one was thought that if you have a problem with someone you know, you go through the minimal effort of explaining to them what your problem is, and why not asking them to clarify what they actually think and why they think it? To turn against someone overnight (the longer you knew them for the worse) the moment you discover they like something you dislike is pretty much saying "whatever, I never valued you at all anyway". Grow some balls and at least talk to them... other people have to face actual difficult situations for actually good reasons! People who do this might wanna let all their friends know just know how little they generally care about them in comparison to their precious opinions over random bullshit.
Overall my view of the furry fandom has changed a lot after this experience. The whole thing about furries being accepting people is just another lie... as is every good thing presented to you in this world: This fandom is as (in)tolerant as all of mainstream society, which sums up to "you are very welcome and we all love you... till we're offended by something then you can burn in hell". It's just the surprise that's a little bitter, as I convinced myself I've seen everything by now and couldn't possibly be disappointed by anything new. The rest I'm more than used to: My entire life I've been surrounded by people who judged me for who I am, I've lived fighting against their hatred for over 20 years now... at this point I'm dead inside from it, every day I feel like a soldier on the battlefield surrounded by troops and mines and guns... I know every friend may be fake, just another enemy in disguise ready to strike the moment they discover you're not one of them. The funny thing is I still haven't given up, and never will for as long as I exist... keep that part well in mind, all of you who hate others for refusing to conform to the strict views and way of life you try to brainwash them into!
In ending, let this be a word of warning to everyone else: If you agree or disagree with the wrong person or idea on social media, expect to find yourself randomly blocked by friends on art sites. Blocking is no longer a system to defend yourself from people harassing you, but a tool in imposing social conformity. It's sad what both the online and offline world have become, but this is what it is today.
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