#oc-tober's gonna go into november lmao.
iamthecomet · 1 year
Hoot once again!
I‘m really glad to hear this. Our little ritual means a lot to me <3
I am so sorry for her, but very glad that she figured it out now. Growing up undiagnosed can be (and is most of the time) very traumatic
While I’m a bit younger, I still spent my entire childhood and half of my youth (I’m gonna pretend it has been only half of it so far cause whatever the fuck I had/have is most definitely not a joyful youth). So while I can‘t fully relate, I still kind of get it and can at least imagine how it must me for her
It‘s pretty hard to get an autism diagnosis, because it cannot be done by a regular psychiatrist (unlike ADHD for example, which is why I at least have that diagnosis already). In my area there is only one place where you can get a diagnosis and the waiting list is LONG (not the worst I‘ve seen so far but at least half a year, which is terrible if you need to get help as quickly as possible but you need a diagnosis to get any kind of help). But I’m working on it
Thank youuuu
I planned chapter 2 out yesterday
It ended up to be “only” 5 pages, but it has 39 panels (chapter 1 has 24 panels)
So I think I’ll still get more of the story across even though it seems to be one page shorter
I will most likely start working on it in November
Your day sounds pretty nice!
Today, I was really stressed and worried about something and I did it okay-ish, but I can‘t change shit anymore now anyways so I’ll have to stop worrying and just wait and see
I also had a doctors appointment to get blood drawn and tested (cause due to the meds I take I’m apparently at a higher risk of malnutrition/lack of some stuff) and it was literally the most pleasant doctors appointment I’ve ever had.
I was a too early (as always) and had to wait outside a bit because they were still on lunch break but I was let inside a few minutes earlier anyways and so I was alone in the waiting area. And the nurse was incredibly kind and nice (she had me lay down for it because she didn’t want to risk that I could pass out and then she let me take my time to get back up again). It was overall incredibly nice and I was done not even 15 minutes after my appointment (so none of that annoying waiting time that usually comes with doctors appointments)
I also wanted to mention this in the past days already but I somehow didn‘t haha:
So I saw Someone do OC-tober and I absolutely LOVED the idea! (I’m one of these people that just never really draws their OCs lmao)
So I put together a prompt list for myself and I’m really excited about it ^^
(I‘m also planning on participating in Ghosttober with my writing which is why I’m probably going to be a little stressed all throughout October which is why I’ll most likely start working on chapter 2 in November)
I once again truly hope that you had a pleasant day! ♥️
~ @owlishanon
I like our little ritual too! ♥ When my friend got her diagnosis she couldn't get it from a regular psychiatrist either. She also got her ADHD diagnosis a couple years earlier because that was much easier. Autism she had to take a handful of tests over a period of time to actually get the diagnosis. But she was 98% sure what it would be before she got it. So I guess it's a pain in the ass no matter where you try to get it. Hoping that you are able to get through that process soon and get the help that you need. I'm glad your doctor's appointment went well and was easy. That's such a rare thing. And that you had a nurse who was really accommodating and understood what you needed. I was wondering why you said you would work on chapter two in November, until I got to the end of your ask. There are A LOT of things going on in October. And it will be kind of nice to take a pause on working so hard on that and doing some other stuff. I'm really excited for kinktober/ghostober whatever we're calling it. I'm trying to get the first week written and ready this week so that it's less likely that I fall behind. We'll see how that goes. Day one is written and ready to go--so that's something at least. And OC-tober sounds SO cool. I'm excited to see what you end up doing with that. I'm sure that will be a lot of fun too!
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zapgraptrash · 7 years
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OC-tober Day 26: Magenta
she was another sonic character who was kind of based on someone in real life but she’s now her own person!!!!
i need to think of a name for this species since i now have 3 of them
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biteghost · 7 years
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Draw-A-Day November - Week 1
Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4
Since October was too busy for me to do any drawing challenges (inktober, monstober, oc-tober, ect), I decided to do one in November instead! The theme I’m sticking to is female, non-binary, or genderfluid OCs of mine, cuz I’m a bad mom and don’t give them as much attention as I should <3
Leadfoot (she/her) | Agnes (she/her) | M (they/them) | Delci (she/her) | The Knave (she/her) | Betty (she/her) | The Queen (she/her)
Twitter | Patreon
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ditown-art · 3 years
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i forgot the password for this blog so i didn’t use it for months and now i have to catch up on everything AAAAA. i won’t post everything i drew since i last posted regularly here, so here’s just a quick overview of everything i did in 2020
january- i can’t remember if there was much good artwork, but this is a(n admittedly unfinished) photostudy! look at me drawing something that’s NOT an oc portrait. 
february- clearly i learned nothing bc it’s straight back to oc art
march- started working on a picrew, never finished it, probably never will—but it was fun while it lasted
april- probably the peak of art here. a photostudy that i’m still v v proud of
may- finished my first-ever webcomic for my senior project! i’m too afraid of cringing to look back at it and read it again, but i remember being proud of it at the time, which is what matters
june- another comic! this was a short one-page character/story exploration that i never expanded on lmao
july- drew an oc’s bedroom. after taking a perspective class later in the year, i can look back and see all the flaws lmao...but it was good practice at the time. and not an oc portrait, thank god
august- another comic! this was Yet Another one page character exploration. rather than plan out the panels from the beginning, i started by drawing out specific imagery, then fit them together in ways that matched the vibe™. it was an interesting way of making a comic and i like the outcome even still, though i think that method of comic making works best for one shots like this. imagine trying to do that for a whole series...i’d die
september- back at it again with the oc art, but i used reference this time and drew a full body, so that’s a win!
october- more like OC-tober. i tried to draw an oc every day and only got like 5 days in </3
november- in the fall i took two online art classes, one of which was a perspective class. this was for an assignment; lots of work, but very rewarding! if i could redraw this again, i’d try to make the house look more crumbled, maybe have more fun; i was really hung up on getting the perspective right, but in the future i’d like to try and have more fun with line and shapes to really emphasize a certain look.
december- closing off the year with an oc portrait. around this time + for the next few months i got tired and burnt out on art, so i’d do oc paintings with the symmetry tool on, more to relax and practice painting/color than to focus on things like learning anatomy or interesting poses or composition. it’s what it is.
im posting this in june 2021, and since then i’ve honestly just been doing oc portraits mostly. L. maybe in the future i will have energy to work on art more?? i feel a little burnt out, trying to do my monotonous soul-crushing grocery store job + freelancing as a content writer which is also monotonous and soul-crushing in a way + trying to work on writing projects of my own with absolutely no success. aaaahhh. life is so much. maybe i’ll never be a Good artist, or a professional artist, or maybe i’ll never finish any creative project and maybe i’ll never make it as a creator. maybe i’ll just work retail or become a housewife or be a poorly-paid content marketing writer for big corporations forever, and creativity will be my little escape, my fun hobby. and that’s all it will be, and that’s ok. or maybe i’ll move on to other things, change careers, stop thinking so much about my ocs because they’re a stand-in for friends more than anything, and when i'm living a busy life and getting out in the world i’ll have no need to live vicariously through these ocs and maybe then i’ll stop writing and drawing. and that’ll be ok too, right? i like writing and drawing now. even if i’m not good, if my work doesn’t mean anything or say anything, it’s something i enjoy for me. if that’s all it ever is—frivolous, self-centered, something that one day i might lay down forever and never come back to—then i’ll be glad for the time i spent drawing and writing and thinking of stories and so on, but it won’t be my whole life. and that’s ok; i’ll be ok. sorry to end this art overview with an existential crisis. i’m gonna go eat lunch. i hate spelling ok like ok and not like okay, but im too lazy to type those two extra letters. ok lunch time fr bye. also who wants to talk about my hero acedmia?? can we PLEASE talk about my hero academia. ok bye fr.
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