#oc Mahiya
sassheliosazuras · 5 years
The adorable brood of  Sass/Lana/Theron
Thought it was time to introduce all of Sassy’s, Lana’s, and Theron’s many children in chronological order. This time with updated looks and information.
Firstborn son; Zho’Beniko’Shan.  🌱
A hybrid child of primarily cathar/chiss heritage with partial zeltron descent. Sassy wasn't quite sure what Zho would come out looking as.Not that it would have mattered that much anyway. Zho was born in the spring of the year 3630 BBY/ 23 ATC on Odessan.
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Titles and Nicknames; Prince Zho, Princling, Kitten son, purr-machine, and  destroyer of Jackets. Last moniker by Theron after kitten-son tests his new fangs on Dad!Therons jacket.
Biological Father; Sass’Helios’Azuras at time of birth, til both Sass and his son took on the names Beniko & Shan after Sass’s marriage to Lana and Theron.
Biological Mother; Santixes, my Cathar smuggler. 
Adoptive mother & father; Lana Beniko and Theron Shan. 
Traits; Official family cuddlier, happy go lucky child, and tree-climber extraordinaire :D  Moderately force-sensitive, empath, affinity for force healing and force camouflage. Loves hugs and ear scratches. Uses his force healing abilities constantly on his less graceful siblings broken bones and cuts. 
Second Child and Firstborn Daughter; Kelsa’Beniko’Shan. 🌻
A shy green-eyed babe, little Kelsa may look the most like her mother out of all her siblings. Yet she possesses the quiet even temperament of her adoptive grandmother Selena. Born in the fall of the year 3629 BBY/ 24 ATC on Odessan.
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Titles and Nicknames;  Princess Kelsa, Ke-Ke, quiet one, baby girl (by parents), jewel-eyes, and little fuzz. Sass gave her the last nickname, when she was born she was covered in small fine hairs, hence fuzz or fuzzy.  
Biological Father; Theron Shan (to his great surprise!)
Biological Mother; Lana Beniko.
Adoptive Father; Sass’Beniko’Shan
Traits; A quiet child with a sweet temperament, her grandmother Selena dotes on her the most. Kelsa is strong in the force, inheriting many of her grandmother’s Satele Shan’s abilities. She grows up with a love of the martial arts, along with the outdoors and dancing. 
Kelsa likes to stick close to Sass, and spends the most time with him as a small child. She does eventually come out of her shell and becoming a bit more outgoing.
Third Child and Second Daughter; Tasiele’Beniko’Shan  💕
A spunky, strong-willed child little Tasiele delights in attention and being in the limelight. Born in early winter of the year 3626 BBY/ 27 ATC on Zeltros. She came a few weeks early while the entire family was on vacation at a resort island. 
Ever since then island was renamed “Isle of the Princess’😉 Extremely powerful in the force, even more so then her parents are.   
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Titles and Nicknames; Princess Tasiele, Lady Tasiele, fashionista, pearl, Lord Tasiele, and Tasie.
Biological Father; Sass’Helios’Azuras 
Biological Mother; Lana Beniko
Adoptive Father; Theron Shan
Traits; A strong-willed and charming child, Tasiele grew up with a cunning eye and a sense for fashion. Also gifted with a lovely singing voice, she dreams of being a celebrated singer and fashion icon at the galaxy famous Dromund Kaas opera house. 
With some slight hesitation on her parent’s part, they do eventually make her a odessan ambassador to Dromund Kaas. While asking a friend of the family, a Darth to take her under his wing.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fourth Child and Third Daughter; Mahiya’Beniko’Shan 🍓
Sass’s zeltron heritage has finally shown in his last daughter. Though Sass still swears it was the bottle of pink champagne he and Lana had consumed all those months age that give them their little strawberry. 
Born in early summer of the year 3624 BBY/ 29 ATC on Odessan. Mahiya is moderately force-sensitive, while inheriting the ability to see forced-visions same as her father. She holds no interest in her abilities otherwise.
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Titles and Nicknames; Princess Mahiya, bubblegum princess, strawberry shortcake, pinkie, freckles, bucket.
Biological Father; Sass’Helios’Azuras
Biological Mother; Lana Beniko
Adoptive Father; Theron Shan
Traits; A Happy-go-lucky child, Mahiya is a joy to be around, with a smile for anyone. With a great love for baking and dancing, she isn’t that concerned with the future preferring to live in the here and now.
Last-born child, and second son; Sorin’Beniko’Shan 💙
Born a sickly baby, Sorin’s first few months of life were difficult. Once taken in by Theron and his family, little Sorin rapidly began to improved and grow into a healthy chubby babe. 
 Born in late summer of the year 3620 BBY/ 33 ATC on Rishi. Extremely strong in the force, but also unstable and volatile when using the force. It takes decades for Sorin to fully learn to control his force abilities.
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Titles and Nicknames; Prince Sorin, blueberry, cheeky, pirate prince, baby boy, Rin.
Biological Father; Sass’Helios’Azuras
Biological Mother; N/A
Adoptive mother & father; Lana Beniko & Theron Shan
Traits;  A adventures and curious person, Sorin could be called the dreamer of the family. Desperate to make his own mark on the galaxy and escape his heroic royal father’s shadow, Sorin’s teenage years were filled with arguments and his constant running away from home. 
The night after Sass passed away Sorin stole the family ship, and went out into the wider galaxy (that Theron and Lana had left unlocked the night he left, fully stocked, with a droid companion, and a tracking device hidden away) 😉  
From there on he choose to start his own smuggling business and fell into piracy as a bonus, eventually becoming a famous pirate in a few systems. With full immunity when he docked on Odessan of course. He makes sure never to raid any odessan ships. And is more then willing to help his sibling’s smuggle in stuff under their parent’s nose.
Artwork of all children was done by the talented @moonlitalien 
Thanks moon!
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dazzling-nishi · 5 years
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New oc! Uchi Mahiya!
She’s about 18 years old and got assinated by Zanita
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prvistas2020 · 4 years
New teams
The following are the new teams that have been formed:
New Cap No. 8
Mahiya Poddar - 9957337828
Pal Sanghvi - 6363998518
Mimansh Gandhi - 8548874469
New CAP No. 16
Rishika Chaudhary - 9412628930
Nikitha S G - 7829632121
Please note that you will have to follow these new CAP numbers from tonight's task itself. If you are unable to contact any of your new partners, please contact any of the event heads or OC members.
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