#oc: zahra auberel
for-a-muse-of-fire · 4 years
The Wench and The Witcher | Ficlet Series (Complete)
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Geralt of Rivia x Black OC - inspired by the works of Hozier
NSFT/18+ only -  these fics are not meant for anyone under the age of 18.
imagine being loved by me
be as you’ve always been
chivalry fell on its sword
how easy you are to need
happily i’m unfazed here, too
and that kind of love
youthfully felt
i’ll crawl home
in the woods somewhere
and flew like a moth to you
oh what a sin
what did you bury?
PROMPT: “you can’t dictate what’s best for someone else”
like (your) love
be still my foolish heart
and it’s easy done, our little remedy
i will never grow so old again
to derail the mind of me
and the damaged love she made
by the still of your hand
make it enough
i’d be home with you
watch the world go by
some tender charm
tame your demons
this is hungry work
before the otherness came: part I, part II
oh, but you’re good to me
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for-a-muse-of-fire · 4 years
oh, but you’re good to me
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the wench and the witcher
"oh, but you’re good to me”
Fandom: The Witcher (2019)
Paring: Geralt of Rivia x Black!OFC - Zahra Auberel. Platonic!Jaskier x Zahra.
Summary:  Midaëte brings the height of summer, and a reconciliation. 
Warnings: Rated Mature due to brief mention of sex. Please don’t interact if you are under the age of 18.
A/N: Well, what started as a simple reader insert character grew into a fully-formed OC through the course of this series. And now we have reached the end! Well, mostly. I have some random outtakes and drabbles that I’m sure will crop up, but my (eventual) multi-chapter will feature Geralt and Zahra as they navigate some... interesting magical developments. 
But, for now, I call this the end of The Wench and The Witcher. Thank you guys so much for your kind words, reblogs, likes - this is honestly the most I’ve written in years and knowing that y’all have enjoyed it warms the cockles of my heart. Title and lyrics under the cut from Hozier’s “Would That I” which I think might be my favorite Hozier song full-stop, hands down. 
@coconutxraikage - @onyour-right - @ly–canthrope - @kianya-loves - @c-s-stars - @gczanetti1 - @alwaysnatz - @agniavateira - @owillofthewisps​ - @hina-chans-stuff - @yespolkadotkitty​ - @wastingmypotential​ - @inber​
With each love I cut loose, I was never the same Watching still-living roots be consumed by the flame I was fixed on your hand of gold Layin' waste to my lovin' long ago
“Contracts from the butcher and the miller,” Lucja rattles off. “And Jaskier returned your message – says he’s very much looking forward to performing for the solstice festival.”
 She gives a hum as she thumbs through the stack of papers on the desk. “I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you, as well,” she teases.
 Lucja’s pretty round face goes pink, making her employer grin. The older woman pauses when she finds an unfamiliar piece of folded parchment among the stack of invoices. Slim brown fingers unfold the sharply folded letter and suddenly her heart is in her throat. “Lucja… where did this come from?”
 “Oh… it, ah, came with Jaskier’s reply. Do you want me to get rid of it?”
 Though half-tempted to let Lucja burn the letter, she bites her lip and shakes her head. “No,” she murmurs. “Thank you, Lu’ – that will be all.”
 Her young barmaid flashes a sympathetic smile and closes the door behind her. The neatly looped scrawl of the letter makes something around her heart ache. She’d always been surprised by how tidy the Witcher’s handwriting was:
 I don’t
 This isn’t what
 I’m not – fucking shit fuck 
 The first time I saw you, it was like walking into the light of the sun after half a lifetime in the cold. And it was so fucking cold that night.
 You were like summer.
 It’s cold again now, without you. I don’t know what I’m doing
 Two weeks later:
I wanted want wanted to bring you to see Kaer Mohren. I know you said you like the ocean more than the mountains, but I think this place could change your mind. You would get on with Eskel like a house on fire. He’s more of a southerner, like you.
 I told him about the time you tried to teach me to cook and he nearly pissed himself laughing.
 Lambert’s a shit. Vesemir already likes you.
 You’d like it here. The kitchen is nearly as big as the whole front room of the tavern. Library’s bigger.
 Garden’s a fucking nightmare, though.
 We could go to the ocean, too. Anywhere you want.
 The missives don’t come with any real regularity. A few at a time, a week-long gap, but they never stop. She thinks about writing back, at first, but deciphering where the Witcher is would likely be impossible and… gods, she’s still so damned angry. The White Wolf receives no reply.
Regardless, the letters keep coming.
 The thing is, I don’t know what else there is besides The Path - this life of slaying monsters and getting paid in coin. I was told that was all I needed and I believed it for a very long time. There was nothing to challenge that, not until I met you.
 You were are so fucking beautiful. And warm, and bright, and vulgar, and kind, and a pain in my ass and I should have told you how much you meant to me, but I couldn’t parse it out until just now, and I am an idiot. And a coward. I thought that telling myself you were an amusement would be enough, that I would be content with warming your bed, but I can’t do that anymore. I can’t keep lying about how much I need you.
 I need you, Zee. It feels like I’m missing my fucking sword arm.
 The words on the page blur together. She brushes them with her fingertips, almost smiling even as the tears catch in her lashes:
 I miss the way you laugh at Jaskier’s dirty songs.
 I miss the way you used my legs to keep your feet warm at night.
 I miss that fucking rabbit stew.
 I miss the way you’d look at me when I walked in the door.
 I miss the sounds you make when I’m inside of you. The way you taste.
 I miss your eyes. And your smile.
 Your voice. Your terrible fucking singing.
 You are my home. You’re my harbor and my safe haven.
 I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.
Midaëte approaches. With it, a week’s worth of festivities, and food and drink, leading up to the day of the solstice. It means early mornings in the kitchen and late nights in the tavern. The evenings are balmy, windows and doors thrown open to allow the scent of summer air and night-blooming flowers to drift through.
 For a time, she is so busy that she forgets to be heartsore. Geralt’s letters – page after yellowing page – sit tied with a gold ribbon in her desk drawer. Confessions and apologies, promises and rambling stories that she keeps picking up to read again and again. It’s a veritable book, more than he’d ever seen fit to say in person and she’s not sure whether to be infuriated or hopeful, but there’s barely time. Thank the gods.
  Business booms, between trades-folk coming in for the market day, then musicians, then families. She drinks a little, dances when there is time; she lets Lucja weave tiny yellow purple flowers into her hair for Midaëte Eve and dresses in white and yellow to enjoy the evening. Or try to, at least. The main room is full almost to bursting, patrons laughing, carousing, and eventually spilling out into the courtyard to dance in the falling dusk.
 Zahra watches from the doorway. A few try to tempt her into the circle for a reel and they receive a grateful smile with her refusal. Jaskier, however, will not be deterred.
 “You, dear lady,” he croons. “Look too lovely to be hiding in the shadows.”
 “One dance. Just one – you might even have fun by mistake.”
 She rolls her eyes, but the bard just grins and lifts her hand for a kiss. He leads her, hand-in-hand out to the courtyard; Jaskier gives a nod to his fellow players and they begin with a sharp beat that eases into a lovely, familiar melody.
 “You know this one, ducky?” Jaskier queries with a smile. She nods and he takes the lead.
 It’s a simple step, to start with. A sweet back and forth to match the sweet, flowing verse of the song. The touch of Jaskier’s hand on her low back offers guidance, keeps her moving in gentle circles around him until the real movement begins. Swinging, agile steps carry Zahra and her partner around in wide loops. The mingle with other dancers, threading hands to spin back together and then apart.
 Jaskier grips her waist across the front, and she follows suit. The dizzying spin turns the world into a wash of summer colors for a moment and she can’t help but laugh. It feels good to be light again.
 The bard turns her under his arm and into the hands of the next man. There’s a moment of hesitation, a moment where she considers bowing out and going back to her corner, but the tabor still thrums in her blood and it’s such a beautiful night.
 Still smiling, she curtsies, and is lead back through the steps again. Her partner leads easily, light of foot and loose of tongue – from her ale, more like than not – but he’s kind, and sweet, and so funny that she’s nearly in tears when she’s suddenly spun away to her next partner. She catches the fabric of her skirts to add a flourish to the spin; the soft yellow cotton dances with her.
 When spins to a stop, she sees black, at first. Matte black buttons, black tunic shirt – worn, but cleaner than it usually is. The silver wolf’s head medallion sparks in the torchlight.
 Zahra looks up into the face of Geralt of Rivia and the music goes dull behind the roar of blood in her ears. It feels a bit like standing on a ledge cliff and looking down to gauge the fall. She feels dizzy, and terrified, and wonderfully breathless. Heart in her mouth, she spies Jaskier out of the corner of her eye.
 The bard grins. Bastard.
 The Witcher’s voice rumbles through her like soft summer thunder. Strong fingers grip hers, and he lifts her knuckles to his lips. His honey-gold eyes are more earnest and honest than she’s ever seen them – he asks the question without moving his lips. Zahra nods.
 Geralt leads her in the dance and everything falls away.
  She hears the music, feels it sing through her, but her focus remains on the white-haired mutant at her side. His hand spans her back, warm through her dress and stays; the lightest pressure of his fingertips, or palm, guides her to turn, or step, or pivot in time with him. It shouldn’t be surprising to her, how well he moves – she’s seen him fight, and his grace with a sword, and how would dancing be any different?  He doesn’t look away from her once and the heat of his gaze flushes over her. The Witcher very nearly smiles.
 Geralt turns her under his arm, guides her through the last few measures of the song. He steps away, takes his warmth with him, and bows. Zahra curtsies in return.
 The crowd, the rest of the world, rushes back over them. The townsfolk whistle, and stomp, for a moment determined to swarm in and start up another country dance, and Geralt grips her hand tight for a moment. She sees him hesitate before he asks, simply, “Can we talk?”
 Most of the party has spilled into the streets, leaving the tavern itself practically empty. Lucja still keeps to her spot behind the bar, green eyes going wide when she spies Zahra and her guest in tow. The girl’s pretty face splits into a knowing smile that makes Zahra’s face go hot.
 It’s mostly dark in her study. The small hearth fire has gone to smoldering embers, and it gives her the opportunity to light a few candles and collect her utterly scattered thoughts. She flicks out the last taper and finally looks up at Geralt. He stands just inside the closed door, just as he used to. It’s familiar – it feels like it’s been years, or decades, or maybe just a few hours. His honey-colored gaze still holds a heat that sings over her skin. She drops her eyes to the desk.
 The last letter sits there, creased and folded from how many times she’s read it. Zahra picks at the parchment. Keeping her focus on Geralt’s neat lettering seems easier than looking at the Witcher himself. “Did Jaskier put you up to this?” she teases half-heartedly.
 Geralt exhales on a chuckle. “Something like. Threatened to garrote me with a lute string.”
 She smiles, in spite of herself. When she lifts her head and meets his eyes, it takes a moment to catch her breath. For a few heartbeats, she simply stares. Gods, he is still so beautiful. She swallows hard and feels her throat go dry.
 “Did you mean what you wrote?” she asks.
 “You know I did, Zee.”
Gold eyes go guarded again. He doesn’t go totally cold, but she can see the way he builds up his walls to prepare for the worst. He steps forward. Second-guesses – stops.
 “What I do – what I am – I can’t change it,” he rumbles. “I’m still a Witcher, Zahra. A mutant. I can’t… I can’t give you normal, sweetheart – ”
 “Gods, Geralt - fuck normal.”
 “Fuck normal.”
 She says it with such passionate certainty that it startles a laugh out of him. The soft yellow of her skirt floats like woven sunlight around her legs. Like the sun, it almost hurts to look at her, but fuck all, that’s all he wants to do. He watches her face, watches her chew her lip; feels his slow pulse try to speed up when she steps closer. His fingers itch to curl around her waist.
 “I never asked for normal, Geralt,” she whispers. The way her voice cracks pulls tight around his heart. “I don’t want normal. I want you. That’s it. Can… can you give me that, or no?”
 The Witcher’s footfalls carry him to her. He studies her face; re-acquaints himself with the curve of her cheek and the dimple that presses there. She all but melts into his touch when his thumb brushes her cheek. He pulls her into the circle of his arms. She’s still soft, and warm; he closes his eyes, feels his muscles go lax with relief when she holds fast, locking her arms around his back. Geralt presses his face against the smooth curve of her shoulder.
 It feels like stepping into the light of the sun after ages in cold and rain. “I love you, Zahra,” he breathes.
 Her soft, tearful laugh settles warm into his heart. “I love you, Geralt.”
 He gives a pleased murmur, lets the tip of his nose trail lazy circles over her shoulder. When he inhales, the warm, soft smell of her skin eases back into his lungs. From shoulder to neck, the Witcher draws in slow breaths and ghosts his lips over the exposed skin he finds until Zahra shivers. “What are you doing, Witcher?” she whispers, breathless.
 “Hmm… taking your scent back,” he mumbles. “I missed this smell.”
 His lips ease along the shell of her ear. She still gasps when he nips at the crux of her jaw. “I missed you, love,” he growls.
 Geralt takes his time. He savors the smell and the taste of her skin, humming lowly when Zahra’s hands grip at his back. The sweetness of her begins to bloom with heat, with the richness of desire – want – and when he sets his teeth gently against her pulse point, she moans delicately.  Insistent fingers tangle in his hair; she whispers his name and pulls him to her lips. She kisses him like a woman starved and it feels like his heart might thunder its way free of his chest. He lifts her onto the edge of the desk and comes to stand between her parted thighs, gathering the soft yellow cotton of her skirts up. Her fingers yank at the buttons on his trousers.
  It’s a quick, desperate of coupling. Mingled breath and bitten off sighs – greedy kisses with fingers gripped in the front of his shirt. She flutters hotly around his cock with a whimper and a curse. He groans against her mouth when he comes. Zahra drinks down the noise with a grin on her lips.
 Geralt stays put for more than a year. It’s good.
 The Path still calls, and he still follows, but she finds she’s able to let go of the fear. It’s no longer a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’ in terms of Geralt’s return. And if he knows it’s going to be a long journey, or if the mood simply strikes him, he writes -
 I miss you.
 I love you.
 Sometimes no more than a line, sometimes full paragraphs – even pages –  but he always tells her when he plans to return. When he’ll be home.
 It’s nearly spring next time he rides back in, market day in full swing as he passes through the township gate with Roach at his side. Vendors call their wares, families and merchants wander the stalls as he peers out from the shadow of his cloak. He finds the trail of Zahra’s scent past the cloying smell of cut flowers and rounds to corner to find her chatting with the butcher’s daughter.
 The younger woman catches his gaze. Geralt watches the girl grin and give his woman – his woman – a nudge, nodding in his direction. Zahra is already smiling when she turns, and the Witcher has the pleasure of watching her face flash from surprise to joy in the space of a heartbeat. She moves to him, a walk that becomes a jog, and then a final sprint that launches her into his arms. He curls his free arm tight around her waist. Immediately, he has his face pressed to her hair. Zahra’s laughter rings softly in his ears when she draws back, just enough to look up into his face.
 At her throat, the polished wolf’s tooth is bright against her brown skin. “Welcome home, my love,” she murmurs.
 The greeting settles warm over him like the sunlight. Geralt pulls her close again, kissing her in full view of half the town. She shivers sweetly in his arms and pulls her fingers through his hair. He hears a wolf-whistle, and a smattering of applause that makes Zahra giggle against his mouth.
 “People are staring,” she teases softly.
 He smirks. “Let them,” he tells her before kissing her once more. She tastes of clover honey.
 She smells of sunshine.
 She feels like home.
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for-a-muse-of-fire · 5 years
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My works are not to be reposted on any other platform without my express written permission. NSFW/18+ only, please do not interact if you are a minor.
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Geralt of Rivia
The Wench and the Witcher (Complete Ficlet Series)
Care and Keeping of Witchers (coming soon!)
NSFW Alphabet
Geralt x Thief!Reader blurb
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Yeralt x Reader
HC: All Aboard the Bi!Disaster Train
HC: (Late) Valentine’s Day Smush
Request drabble: Delilah - Florence + The Machine
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The Witcher and The Scion
W.I.P. - coming later this year (I hope!)
Moodboard blurb - and another one
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for-a-muse-of-fire · 4 years
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"Ready?" the Witcher murmurs.
She glances back. The tavern is dark, shrouded in shadow and smaller, somehow. Her home for so many years, now quiet and still, and no longer on her care, at least for now. She feels a pang of sorrow settle in her chest, tears blurring her vision for a moment.
Geralt's is calm. His gold eyes shine through like a beacon and she focuses on him, gripping the offered hand. He pulls her into the saddle in front of him. The weight of his arm over her waist is a comfort. She feels the press of his lips on her hair through the wool of her shawl.
"You trust me?" he rumbles.
"With my life," she replies.
He grunts a short chuckle. "Let's go."
the witcher and the scion
Geralt of Rivia x Zahra Auberel
Coming eventually!
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for-a-muse-of-fire · 4 years
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"You have no idea how stand-offish I can be with people I don’t love. I have brought it to a fine art. But you have broken down my defenses. And I don’t really resent it." - Vita Sackville-West
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