#oc: yuzuki umi
voidselfshipp · 7 months
Avatars and Rocky starts
Cw: Mentions of almost drowning, forced marriages, violence.
Summary:jon meets Jerico's avatars, whom he didnt even know they existed.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog,
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Its not always that Jon gets a break, but after his whole trip across America, hes jetlagged to shit. Which leads him to his current situation.
Hes getting ready to go out, he ties up his coat and fixes up his hair a little. --Im ready to go!--He calls out towards Jers room.
Jerico comes out looking as stunning as ever, she smiles and gestures towards the door-- Shall we?
Jon,though a little flustered, nodds and walks down the corridor to the bookshop with his girlfriend in toe. As they step out, they see the overcast Sky above,grey and rainy.
--It never lets up,does it?--He mutters a little annoyed, stepping into the passenger Seat of the car. An old vintage Mustang in a dark Teal color.
--nope--jer answered,settling down on the drivers Seat-- I Like it though
--Well youre associated with storms, no surprise there--He replied, putting on the seatbelt-- so,run me by the plan again?
--Im going to visit a few people, then we can go Grab lunch-- she answered-- do you need any more details?
Jon thinks for a moment, she knows his need to be in controll of everything, its what makes him feel safe.
--My avatars--She replied gently.
--YOUR WHAT? YOU HAVE- how do you have avatars?!--He exclaimed as she turned on the car.
--Ill tell you everything,settle down Jon--jer said Gently, stroking his knee soothingly before pulling out into the street and Driving down it.
Noticing his freak out, he clears his throat and takes a deep breath-- sorry its just- ive seen what avatars can become- it doesnt...it doesnt work how it works for others?
He sees her shake her head, understanding of his concern-- I have few avatars,and well- I try to make sure not to hurt them, theyre not human but...theyre not Michael level of not human
--So..theyre not insane?
--Theyre not, quite sane actually-- she replied, eyes not looking away from the street, a little empty.
--So...what are your avatars like? Like- they dont go insane or anything,How do they work? -- he asked,aware of how differently Antiquarian operated from the other beings.
--Theyre like...normal people. They get things for me you know? One of them gets me antiques,others get me books or transporation. But I take good care of them, I Keep them well--jerico explained, stopping ar the stop light and stretching a little.
--Im not used to that...--Jonathan confessed--How you take care of them, you actually care. Theyre not tools,theyre not playthings,theyre people you care about
She smiles and turns to him,leaning in to kiss him Gently and briefly. He barely has time to kiss back before she pulls away-- just like I care about you-- she pauses for a moment-- well,youre special,you get privileges
The archivist looks away,skin darkening a little-- oh uhm...I uh..--He looks away scratching his bicep.
Jer giggles and pats his thigh, to then Keep driving-- but yeah, I treat my avatars almost like...my children yknow? I Keep well,I Keep them healthy and safe, if they need my help I help. That sort of stuff
A thought comes into his mind but he doesnt say it, he doesnt know if its appropiate to say-- you surprise me more with each day-- he says instead,hand going to rest on her thigh.
She smiles and turns a corner--Cmon,youl distract me and we'll crash
--Ah thats not a me issue,love -- he answers smugly with a grin.
--Damn you archivist, you and your charming allure-- she replied slowing down to take the hand on her thigh and kiss his knuckles.
--Guilty as charged,im afraid-- He pulls away all flustered, and he sees her reach for the radio to turn it on.
The car drive is somewhat calm with sparse conversation and jerico vibing to the music on the radio. Jon,being the lovesick puppy he is,watches With loving abandon at how his girlfriend moves and sings along. Shes bright as the sun in those moments.
After a while,they reach their destination. The car gets Parked, and both step out. Jon looks upon one of the buildings, a small rustic café, nothing big or particularly eye catching, just cozy. Above it an old sign read "Seafoam Cafe"
--Who are we here for?-- Jon asked, opening the door at letting her go through first.
--Azariel, she procures hard to get books for me--jer explained, stepping in and walking alongside him to a booth.
--Like leitner's books?--He asked a little concerned.
--Nono,dear god NO--She exhaled with exhasperation at the mere thought of it. She sits at a booth and gestures him to sit by her side. --Those are off limits,im talking like... books with limited copies or those who are heavily censored by one entity or another
--Oh gotcha--He answered,taking off his coat-- and what book are we here for?
Jer smirked-- Oh youll see-- along comes a waitress to take their order, after both order some light breakfast, she adds-- oh by the way,can you call up the owner? Tell her Lady Racounteur is calling her
The waitress nodds and leaves,Jon smirks--Lady?
--Azariel insists on calling me that, ive tried to make it stop but.. shes stubborn--She shrugged it off,before taking off her jacket and feeling Jon help her out--Oh,thanks
Feeling a little mushy,he kisses her lips briefly and sheepishly says--its...its nothing
--Youre so sweet
--I mean it!
--Well hello Lady Raconteur--A third voice says beside them, both turn to see a black girl with a slight hispanic accent, her hair is a bright white and tied off into space Buns,she wears a small lacey bolero and a black dress with tights and short boots.
--Azariel!--chirped jerico with a big smile-- good morning
The girl sits infront of them all happy and bubbly-- good morning, im guessing youre here to pick up that gift?
She nodds while Jon ignores the conversation,his eyes settle on the choker around Azariel's neck. Its that same symbol as the one hes got in his own necklace. A one eyed octopus in a stormy sea. The gold its made of looks pretty New, a little polished.
--Thats her insignia right? --He blurts out in a moment of recognition--Antiquarian's I mean i- I have the same one--He lifts up his own necklace to show It off.
Azariel grins with a child like happiness--Oh yes it is! Who might you be?--She turns to jerico-- is he another avatar?
--Oh nono,he is my boyfriend--Jer explained with a beaming pride in her voice. Jonathan goes a few shades Darker and he looks away.
--Oh pleased to meet you then!--The youngest avatar chirped-- lovely choice!
--Thank you--Antiquarian replied all sweetly,Jon sulks as he feels pretty flustered. The two ladies catch up, Like theyve been old Friends forever.
When their food arrives,Jon manages to calm down and ask-- s-so,how did you became an avatar?
Azariel's smile faltered a little and cleared her throat-- ah well, y'see, before my Lady over here came into my life,I was in deep debt to some people. Anything to fund this little place of my dreams
She stirrs her tea lazily in deep thought. Her eyes lost in the swirling liquid in the cup--Lady Raconteur here was a regular for the coffee part of the shop, one time she came late at night, and I was...cornered by these people...she uh... took care of them and my debt
--I was going to let her to free of charge but...--Jer trails off,taking a sip from her hot chocolate.
--I knew that what I saw,That Giant wave of well...you know--She follows up,though Jon doesnr know what she means-- was real,That she wasnt human,but she was such a sweet patron that I...invited her inside,asked her what she was and well...I accepted being an avatar, I mean she saved my life
Jer shrugs it off-- I did It out of good Will...but she wouldnt hear it, in the end she insisted so much that even after I explaimed everything she just...accepted
The archivist finds it endaring-- oh so youre telling me you defeated an eldritch being with the mere Power of human insistence?
She rolled her eyes at her boyfriends antics--Okay Simms, get it out of your system cmon
--Nonono,im gonna savor this-- He says,leaning in with a smirk-- Ive seen you take hordes of things down and what does you in is just...one human
Jerico sighs and takes a sip from her tea,Azariel giggles with mirthful joy and adds--You two are so entretaining to watch
--Im afraid we wont be here for an all day performance, still gotta visit the others-- Antiquarian replied,trying to put a stop to her boyfriends lighthearted mockery.
--Though im sure youll convince her to stay if you insist enough--he adds as a final comment, ignoring the glare from his girlfriend while he finishes his drink.
--But yes, she saved me,im here- it mustve been five years now--Azariel said to defuse the tension-- thats why this thing--she points at the disk with the insignia-- is not that old looking
Jon nodded in understandment-- mines...quite old actually
The avatar looks at the necklace,squinting a little. Theres barely any shine to the pendant, if gold could be corroded,it wouldve been nonexistent by now--jer never told me how old this pendant is -- he turns to his lover and asks-- how old is it?
He sees her start to count on her fingers in that dead language she uses sometimes, it sounds like the lulling crashing waves and a deep deep reverberating growling harmonies of the deep.
--Is she counting...?--He asks as his eyes widen.
--In centuries? Yes-- Azariel andswered non-chalantly.
--She just keeps going...
--III think it was originally made in the neolithic era--Jer finally answers-- first of their kind
Jon just stops, looks at jerico with wide eyes as his mind struggles to understand just how old the thing around his neck is--Are you mental?! This should be in a museum!
Antiquarian just shrugs-- You deserve it, anyway, im done. Azariel?
Azariel nodds and gestures them to follow her, they go to the storage room of the place, small and a little cramped, filled with boxes that contain books and supplies for the coffee shop.
She pushes a seeminglh normal wall and gestures them In-- welcome to my humble Office
It was rather small YES,possibly underground,but its cozy and quite comfortable. Cream walls, one half circle Window to let the sunlight in and a few shelves and boxes with a few hanging plants that looked a little too alive.
The avatar goes to Grab one specific book, not too big or too small. Its like an old leatherbound Journal that looks like it has seen better days-- so my Lady here has been looking for this thing, its really old.
Jer smiles and signals Jon to Grab It, she has a big big grin on her face filled with warm and excitement-- what is it?-- he asked, a little confused.
--Read it-- his girlfriend says.
So he does, the first few pages are unassuming until he spots the notes that have to do with the fourteen fears. More and more knowledge he starts to notice, then he stops and looks at Jeri-- oh my...god. -- he breathes out-- I...this is so helpful
--I had to make up for my lackluster insight on it all. Technically I just...helped. yknow? The information is yours to decode
Jon chuckles and hugs his girlfriend tight,--Im sure elias Will be happy to see it-- he said with obvious sarcasm.
--He'll be screaming with joy im sure-- she followed up squeezing him.
--Thank you love-- he murmurs,kissing her briefly.
--Dont mention it-- jer answers nuzzling the side of his face-- And thank you, Azariel
The avatar smiles wide--Anything for you,my Lady
Antiquarian looks at the time on her phone-- we Better get going, im hoping to get to Rudy's by the end of the morning
--Yes,of course. Do send my regards to him and Yuzuki--Azariel said,guiding them back out-- and Tell our lovely fisherman to be nice
--He needs the reminder?--Jon asked and the avatar scoffed,not answering the question.
Soon theyre back on the road towards their Next stop, the antique store. The drive is mostly silent with the radio playing barely audibly--
--what did Azariel meant with telling the fisherman to be nice?
--Ah, well Rudy's a bit of a....special case. Hes got a sense of humor thats very acid and comes across as really mean-- she answered-- hes a good Man, jusr rough around the edges
He blinks a few times-- I was hoping the other two were as nice as Azariel was...
She scoffs lightheartedly-- theyre not...That sweet but theyre good of heart,you know?
--I trust your judgement--He answered,looking out the Window.
Once at the antique shop, it was mid morning. Still that same rainy street, overcast Sky with that awful grey, and a wind thats starting to pick up as if to usher a storm. Jons about to ask if jer is the reason for the increased wind but he keeps it to himself.
Above the store,a pretty sizeable one, is a sign that reads "mother of pearl Antique shop" with the same thing written in japanese. The sign has that 1920s art deco and it looks old but well kept.
The store has that english look to it and its all in those brown,beige,cream colorations. As they enter through the white Doors, a small bell rings above, theres a few people here and there, Theres soft jazz music playing.
--wonder where she is now--Jeri mutters,Jon looks at her weird-- usually she has other employers cover the work here,but she did tell me she'd be here today
--Well, we can go look--He says,taking her hand a little shy.
--Yeah, cmon-- they walk around the place in comfortable silence for a little bit. They look at the Many oddities stored around, the halls they walk by arent crammed but theres certainly a lot going on.
--Soo..how did yuzuki find her way into being your avatar?--He asked, walking closer to her.
--Its kind of a dark story-- She explains,looking at some of the old portraits thar looked a little too haunted. She swears the eyes follow her as she moves
--eh, ive heard worse
Jer nodds and says--Well,Yuzuki was being taken from japan,her home,to the UK. She didnt want to go and her father forced her. To Marry her off rich or something. Every day and night she prayed to anything that would listen to sink that boat into the depths of the Atlantic.
--Well, I answered. I sunk that ship so far into the Ocean. Yuzuki washed up on the shore and thanked the sea- me for it.  She started leaving me offerings and one morning I appeared by her side, she thanked me with a tight hug and well...she Wanted to serve me.
--Im guessing you explained her what an avatar was?-- he asked,stopping look at the old books.
--No,at firsr she just got me relics,antiques I needed. She had a way of talking herself in and out of situations. The years passed and Yuzuki told me she wanted to spend her life with me, i had been so good too her so far...--She explained,looking at him briefly to see his handsome face-- I had given her a home, a place to work...
--Basically a New life--He answered, pulling a book out of the Shelf.
--Yeah, and Well, I relented. I told her of the dangers but she said her New life had to have me in it. So I agreed. I named her The Collector, for obvious reasons
--You...named them?--He asked,putting the book in his bag.
--Youre literally titled "The Archivist",let me have fun,simms
--okay, okay. Sorry,please continue
--Azariel is The Scholar,Yuzuki is The Collector--she makes a pause to see a small miniature boat in a bottle and take it-- and Rudolph is The Scourge Of The Deep
--We were going pretty normal until we reached Rudolph-- he half joked, standing infront of a nice ornate fullbody mirror-- oh hey, Thats a nice mirror
--Yes it is--Jer agreed-- we should take it home...
--Im afraid thats not a good idea,my Lady-- Another voice comes from behind them. Jonathan turns to see a tall,elegant woman wearing a chestnut brown coat with fur across two large panels on the neck and at the end of the jackets wrist.
The best way he could describe her was as if she was stuck in the 1920s, that same make up, that wavy short hair and dark Teal flapper dress.
--its very much haunted--The avatar continued,taking a drag from a ciggarette using a long black Holder.
--Yuzuki,there you are-- jerico said warmly with a big smile-- how are you?--She walks up to her to give her one kiss on each cheek and then bowing at eachother
--Im quite alright, slow day-- yuzuki answered,eyes setting on jon--Who might he be?
--I am her boyfriend-- Jon answwes-- Jonathan simms,Head archivist of the magnus Institute
The japanese woman looks at him for a moment-- the eye has claimed you,this is most odd my Lady. Havent see two entities dating ever since...Michael
Jerico visibly flinches and shakes It off-- do you mind uh. Showing me what you got for me?
--Yes,apologies-- the avatar answered,waving one of her workers over-- show Lady Racounteur item 1414. Please
The worker nodded and took jerico away, Jon is about to follow when hes stopped by the owner of the place.
--aht archivist. Its not safe for you to see it, its unstable and Jerico is going to fix that right now. I do not want you going mad -- Yuzuki said, watching the Man step back a little annoyed.
--Fine, ill wait.
Theres a brief silence, broken by Yuzuki-- you fit well for the role The Eye has given you, I do hope theres no ulterior motive to your interest in my Lady
He growls under his breath-- Im not out to get her,I could never do it. Trust me,if I could change patrons I would.--She smirks a little at that last part--what?
--Ah nothing-- she answered,giggling to herself.
--What is it?--he asks again
--You wont take it well
--Try me
She sighs and takes another drag-- Well,you dont have the characteristics of someone whose an avatar for The Antiquarian.  Youre too paranoid, read too much into it, to enjoy stories, the calm of the Ocean,you cant be paranoid over if the pages Will cut you or if the sea Will swallow you. Theres a certain whimsy to it that cant be enjoyed if youre running yourself into the ground with paranoia
Jon blinks at her slowly, he cant even be mad because shes right-- I am her boyfriend, that ought to count for something... right?
Yuzuki shrugged with a conciliatory smile-- perhaps,truth is I do not know much about how all this works. Maybe you'd do a great avatar for her and im wrong.
Feeling a little vindicated, he puts his had in his pockets and smiles. --Perhaps-- He answered with pride in his voice.-- I think i'd make a great avatar for her-- he added,not Like he'd say it to jericos face
In all his little pride induced bliss he doesnt hear the avatar's Scoff that has the same energy as an adult playing along to a childs nonsensical tirade.
Jerico comes back a few minutes afterwards with a box that heavily carved along with runes and passages in what seems to be a dead language. A magical Nuke is in there.
--What do you have there?--Jon asked,pointing at the box,both worried and curious.
She shrugged--Contingency plans
--Care to explain?
He sighs and nodds--Fair
Jerico laughed and with a wave of her hand, the box gets consumed by a roaring wave. Then it subsides and the box is gone.
--Ah Yuzuki, one more question--Antiquarian adds, pulling the avatar to the side,away from Jon--Jon here is looking for some sort of..gorila skin? Magic in nature,has to do with the unkowing,can you check?
--Yes,of course my lady--She answered-- y'know--she added with a conspiratory look in her eyes-- Jon said he'd make a great avatar for you if he could
Jer's heart warms up, she coos and puts a hand on her chest--man, thats so cute.
--Y'know, if uh...our watcher ever falls, maybe he could make an avatar...I personaly dont Belive it. Hes uh- theres something missing. No offense
The Antiquarian snorts-- None taken,hes good at what he does, the sea isnt really his calling
Yuzuki only chuckled,keeping her thoughts to herself before both walk back to the archivist. Jon insists on paying for the book and the little ship in a bottle jer got,but the avatar insists that its a gift.
--Im guessing youre going to see Rudolph yes?--She added as her patron and the Man stood there on the sidewalk.--
--Tell him to watch his mouth
Jer can only snort-- I can certainly tell him,not that it would make him change behavior-- the antique shop owner nodded in understanding-- Goodbye, Yuzuki
--Goodbye,my Lady
As they drive away from the store, Jon looks out the Window with a few things on his mind. Thoughts that he knows he shouldnt share, because theres always some grey to everything.
--Yknow,its been two times that two of your avatars said that this Rudolph should watch his mouth--He states,trying to push away his thoughts-- what are they so worried about?
He sees her hesitate as she makes a turn to the left,the wheel turning to its respective side-- Rudolph has a certain way to react to people, especially those close to me
--jealousy?--he asked.
She shook her head-- protective
--Well...that I can respect--Jer purses her lips ,as if she knows something he doesnt-- can I ask how he became an avatar?
The streets and buildings were a blur as she drives down the streets,still somewhat rainy and grey. Theres a sudden shift on the air as they go a bridge overlooking one of the branches of the River thames, Jon sees shorter builders and cobblestone paths thick with sand between the cracks they form.
At this point he doesnt even ask.
--Well,he was a fisherman back in the 1800s. He was working extra time to pay for his two daughters' medicine, he went to fish on a really bad day once--She explains-- a big storm reached the place he was fishing at, it rocked his humble fishing vessel and he almost drowns...
--Jesus christ--He breathed out.
--I was around the area, it didnt take me long to find his struggling form. I scooped Him in my arms and dragged him to the shore, I pulled what water I could from his lungs...he was fine afterwards-- she followed up.
Jonathan looked at the little village they were Driving down, nobody seemed to even look at the Mustang-- and then? -- he asked.
--He knew that whatever I was, wasnt human. He explained his situation, why he was doing what he was doing, all while laying there on the sand-- jerico answered, recalling the memory almost fondly-- he invited me to his house for dinner,to thank me.
--If he had a wife I hope she didnt take it the wrong way. Her Man Bringing home a beautiful woman? Recipe for disaster--He half joke,unaware of the little flirty undertone to his voice.
She chuckles a little flustered--No, he explained the situation to her right away, and I think the wife could sense it too. That im not human I mean. But regardless, I loved the food, I loved his daughters that were having a heavy flu, and I decided to help them out
He smiles--good to know you never changed
--what can I say,im that good--jeri half joked-- I helped him get a New boat, get the medicine for his girls. Hell, I helped them get the kids to a good school, a good college and a good marriage.
--How much of that was...--He was reluctant to say the Word-- Magic?
--most of the money was magical, the marriage part was more of my well- aptitude to detect bad people--She answered.
--Your little escapades with Elias would beg to differ -- Jonathan said with a shit eating grin,still looking out the Window while the glass fogs with his breath.
--I said im good at detecting them, whatever I decide to do with that is something different-- She answered, holding back a few giggles.
--but im guessing Rudolph was very eager to return the favor-- He added.
--Yeah, even his wife was on board--She confirmed, scratching the back of her neck-- I of course was on the fence, they didnt want to adore me as a goddess, I had mentioned the thing about the avatars and they got the idea in their head. --Jerico finally parks outside one of the larger,mostly empty docks-- I told them that I had never had any avatars, That I wasnt sure what toll it would take on them
--But im guessing that they didnt care
--Rudolph,always the sweetheart, offered himself as an avatar-- she leans on the back rest, arms folded over her chest.
Jon unbuckles the seatbelt and shamelessly sits on her lap, resting on her chest. He didnt want to go out into the cold yet.
His action is such a routinely thing for her that it doesnt even phase her-- I wasnt sure at first but,as you can guess, he didnt want to hear any of it. I accepted, I could use the company anyway since onyx wasnt around at the time
With her arms around his waist, she nuzzles his face and Snickers a little as he returns the gesture-- He was the first avatar I ever took like,ever in my life. I wasnt sure how it all worked,what rules I needed to follow--She explained-- and at the time I didnt have any issue with the eye, so I asked it...
--Well shite--Jon scoffs--You? Asking for help to the eye?
She rolls her eyes and says-- again, I didnt hate it yet. Anyway,it told me that I made the rules, that my avatars could feed me if I wanted to,it wasnt too sure on if their sanity would be affected-- shrugging,she adds--not that it would not admit that it didnt know something. We guessed that it wouldnt happen,since im more of a force of nature,something they can sort of understand, so...
--Hmm,thats good--He answered-- then?
--Well, with my first ever avatar, I wasnt too sure on what to do with my life other than Keep Rudolph and his family company--She replied-- eventually his kids grew old,so did his wife...peaceful deaths all of them thankfully. Of course,its not something easy but if you ask him,rudolph wouldnt change a thing. So I guess he did his peace with it
There was something oddly powerful in that, making his peace with grief and loss,and not regretting such a big choice.
Jerico pressed a soft kiss to jon's jaw, adding-- we should get going
--Cmon,five minutes--He answered,cuddling closer.
--Fine,five minutes
《Come into the water
Do you wanna be my baby?
Are you waiting to touch me?
You look so good, but I keep my hands
'Til you come into the water》
The radio plays Gently,on low volume as to not distract their conversation. He sighs in comfort as he shuffles into a comfortable position, taking off his glasses and letting them hang against his chest.
Jer Strokes his forearm with her thumb,eyes closed and head resting ontop of his.
《Maybe I'm the same as all those men
Writing songs of all they're dreaming
But would you tell me if you want me?
'Cause I can't move until you show me》
The archivist hand goes to her face, tracing her jaw with his fingers. He tries to see his face but not with his eyes,but with his hand, brushing over her cheekbone and bridge of her nose, down to her Lower lip.
He can feel her giggle,all afluster,the sound gets stuck in her throat. She laughs to play off her feelings but he already knows,and no Powers needed, he simply knew his girlfriend
She leans into his touch, his hands feel the stay hairs to the side of her face and he pulls them back over the Shell of her ear, soft butterfly touches. Then he opens his eyes a little just to guide her head a bit to the side with the tip of his fingers that press against the curve of her jaw.
Jonathan kisses her, briefly,short. Still loving and warm,doing whatever his heart tells him to. Finally, a proper break.
《I didn't know I had a dream
I didn't know until I saw you
So would you tell me if you want me?
'Cause I can't move until you show me》
When he pulls away,she instantly kisses him again,holding Him close.
By the end of the kiss her forehead presses against his as he lets out a shaky breath,feeling safe for once in the years that hes been hunted by paranormal things.
It almost makes him crumble,he channels that shaking feeling into melting against her,he doesnt say anything but he doesnt need to.
She squeezes him a little,like a plushy. Jerico kisses the bridge of his nose and smiles.
Five minutes go by,and they get out of the car. The world outside is still that damp,rainy cold,still grey skies and  a misty dock that makes it feel almost like a hazy dream.
Jon is still drunk with the very sweet moment he just lived,so hes quiet as he walks alongside jerico, holding her hand.
Theres a few lanterns hanging on posts,light defused with the mist,making them look ethereal as the boats tied to the dock move back and forth with the waves.
Its oddly cozy,seagulls squak and a few bells ring. The air smells of salt, fresh and utterly freezing,but nice.His exhales get mixed with the mist, vapor getting lost in the blanket of condensation.
They reach the end of the pier where a Man is tying off a boat. This Man is huge, about 6'2, very well built.
Black hair tied up in a half bun, curls tight with humidity, he wears a simple white button up with his sleeves rolled up and the first few buttons undone,worn looking jeans and heavy rainboots.
His hickory Brown skin doesnt even seem to form goosebumps, utterly unpjased by the cold.
--Rudolph--Jerico calls out.
The Giant hunk of a Man turns and from a scarily serious face, he softens his empression-- ah,my Lady,good morning
She smiled, happy to see him--Good morning
His eyes fall to Jon and he just utters a mildly dissappointed and somewhat annoyedxhis shoulders drop and his eyes go half lidded,clearly holding back a scowl--...oh
--oh?--Jon parroted,a little confused and feeling a little insulted-- what does that mean?
--Jon,drop it-- She warns,voice stern and clearly not up to dealing with whatever shitshow was going to go down.
--Nono,what does he mean by "oh"?-- he insisted,turning to Rudolph.
--Youre supposed to be the Smart one,if she tells you to stop,then stop-- the other Man answered,brow quirked upwards and folding his arms over his chest. Almost defiantly.
--And im asking you a question,what do you mean by "oh"?!-- Jon asked again,jerico notices the whisps of green coming from his eyes that seem to glow brighter with the mist.
She flinches and purses her lips,mistakes where made.
Rudolph could shrug off the Effect of the compelling If he wanted. But he doesnt-- im just dissapointed
--Dissapointed?!--Jonathan echoed,voice cracking as he feels very offended.
--Out all of the people she could get, she chose you as her consort. You look like a wet cat, no offense
The archivist through gritted teeth turns to jerico-- say something! Hes being disrespectfull
She looks at him and says--I told you to drop it, youre a whole ass Man, figure it out. -- with her best resting bitch face.
Rudolph just smirks and turns to the woman--Anyway my Lady,the thing you asked for is in my captains cabin
--Thank you--She replied,-- ill go get it, you please do make sure nothing happens to Jon-- she kisses her boyfriends cheek and lets go of his hand,walking onto the ship.
--i can take care of myself!--Jon protested
--Do you want me to remind you all the times you got kidnapped?--She asked whilist still walking to the cabin.
He kept quiet and soon shes gone, rudolph sits on the short wooden pillar he tied one of the ropes around. Out of seemingly nowhere, he pulls out a fish gutting knife,twirling it around his finger a few times before checking the sharpness of the blade.
Jonathan heard the other Man curse in that ancient language jerico spoke, and from his pocket he pulls out what looks like a literal stone,but the surface is slick and looks quite sharp. And so he starts to sharpen the Knife silently.
--How do you know that language?--The archivist asked,unsure on what to do with his hands since he cant hold jericos.
--Im her avatar,of course I know it--He answered,not bothered to look up and meet his gaze. -- Jesus, you work with the Institute, you should know that
--Well excuse me if i do not like the idea to read all about my literal partner. Thats creepy-- he replied, folding his arms.
--Thats just basic knowledge,bruv-- he replied,voice thick with his english accent,not posh,a mix of all the accents in the uk--hell youre an avatar
--Im quite New to this whole avatar thing!--The archivist protested-- and im not being handed a manual for this
Rudolph looks up from his Knife to him,with what seems to be pity,but as soon as he makes eye contact he loos back to his hands-- I dont s'ppose other avatars help you out much
--The only one that does always gives me the smallest of hints. Not all of us are blessed with such a good patron,youre lucky
Finally he can say it out loud, he wished he could have a patron that didnt leech off of him,that it didnt feel like he owed it its life. That hes not under its control.
Jericos avatars got a loving,sweet patron that asks for nothing in return. They had true loyalty and camraderie, not whatever the hell he had.
Rudolphs keeps quiet for a moment,understanding his Point-- yer blessed too, in some ways- you dont know your patron,you do not care for It. If something happens to it, all the better for you. We dont get that luxury
--Yeah but you dont have to feed It or you die. Its different. -- Jon answered with scorn.
--touche. But you dont suffer with it when it feels sad,or alone, and you do not agonize knowing that there are things you simply cannot help it with even if shes suffering.
Jonathan rolled his eyes--youre talking about a friendshipp rather than a pact you made, you got to chose It ,*i* didnt. So excuse me if I dont feel lucky
Rudolph puts away the stone and grips the Knife and the archivist feels like hes about to get gutted--fair enough
--Also what is your damn problem with me?
The avatar looks the Man up and down-- its not personal
His companion scoffed-- bollocks
--Think what you want, im trying to weed you out--He answered,gaze unbothered as he twirls the Knife.
--I dont mean jerico any harm
--All of them say it, sorry if I dont Belive it-- he replied,clearly not sorry-- after everything with Michael id rather not have her be with men that end up in a tragedy
--Im not gonna
--You dont know that-
--And you dont know either!--Jon protested, pulling his arms away from their crossed position,voice roaring with anger-- what makes you think ill die or forget jerico? Good lord,have you seen her?! I dont think The Eye or anything in this world could make me forget her. Think whatever the hell you want but im not leaving her behind
--Hmmph-- Rudolph answered,sounding somewhat impressed-- very well archivist,you made your point. I take back what I said
--Good! I expect an apology
The Man shrugged-- im sorry
--Apology accepted and- wait a minute-- the Archivist looks at the man-- you were trying to weed me out.
--Finally you catched on, I started with a personal insult to see if if you'd take the bait. You did--the avatar answered, all smug-- I figured personal insults would make anyone mad,as soon as I got jerico involved, thats when you bared your teeth
--Why you little sh-
--i wanted to see if you'd stand by your Word, you clearly didnt show any signs of fearing me even if I was bigger,stronger And I was armed with something you knew I know how to use.
--You couldnt just...asked?!
--Actions speak louder than words-- he replied.-- congratulations,archivist, you passed. Not Many people do.-- both hear approaching steps from the ship.
Jerico steps out of the vessel with a leather bag, all happy--well,I think we should start heading back to london if we want to make it to lunch
Both men share one look and play along-- youre right,love-- answers Jonathan,fixing his glasses that got a little crooked in his little outburst.-- lets go
She turns to Rudolph who stands up and smiles-- Rudy,pleasure to see you again
--Same here,my Lady. Please do come by my home soon, ill make dinner. Bring Yu and Az-- he makes a pause, directing a look of mutual respect to Jonathan-- and this one too
Jer snorts and pulls the big Man in for a brief hug. -- Will do. Thanks ,again
--Its nothing my Lady,its the least I could do. Hope he likes it.
Thats when Jon notices the same pendant hanging around Rudy's neck. That one eyed octopus made out of gold that looks really,really old and exposed to the elements.
--I hope so. Anyway,lets go Jon
Jonathan nodds at his fellow avatar and offers his arm for jerico to take. She does and as they walk away rudolph adds--He'd make a fine avatar of yours,by the way,hes certainly got the ferocity for it.
She only smiles at it but the archivist turns to see the other Man step into his ship and getting lost in the mist. And he couldnt hear a hint of mockery in rudolphs voice.
With wide eyes he walks back to the car and off they go to london.
Both find a nice little restaurant to get lunch.Sitting there and eating, Jon Asks...
--So...what did Rudolph get you? More contingency plans?
Jeri chuckled,pulling out the small bag-- nope. A gift for you actually-- she shows Him that same amulet hes got but even older,with one aquamarine gem in the eye of the octopus. -- first pendant with my symbol that was ever made, it got stolen and tossed around and once it sunk in the Ocean, couldnt find it until now...I thought it would be a nice gift
His eyes widen as he takes the impossibly old pendant and changes the one he previously had on-- i- dont know what to say other than...thank you,I love you-- he scrambles to take her hand and kiss her knuckles.
--I love you too,im glad you like it. -- she answered with a smile.
After lunch,they return home. Jon changes into a green cardigan and his pijamas, as hes about to go down to the library to find a good book to read he hears jerico from the kitchen.
--So? What did you think of my avatars?
He stands there on the corridor that runs across all the rooms in the small appartment. His hands trace the carvings on his New amulet and just goes-- Theyre....alright-- he clears his throat-- thank Rudolph for getting this,tell Him the Institutes doors are always Open for him if he needs something...
And before she can answer he goes downstairs with quick nervous steps. But jerico smiles and has to wipe a small tear on her face.
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